def __init__(self, positions, radii = None, colors = None, force_centering = False, affine = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Draw a set of spheres in 3D """ super(SphereCloud, self).__init__() if affine == None: # create a default affine self.affine = np.eye(4, dtype = np.float32) else: self.affine = affine self._update_glaffine() self.positions = positions n = len(positions) if colors == None: # default colors self.colors = np.array( [[1,1,1,1]], dtype = np.float32).repeat(len(self.positions),axis=0) else: self.colors = colors.astype( np.ubyte ) if radii == None: # default colors self.radii = np.array( [1.0], dtype = np.float32).repeat(len(self.positions),axis=0) else: assert(len(positions) == len(radii)) self.radii = radii # create vertices / faces for the primitive # which is a sphere in this actor mys = np.load(get_sphere()) v = mys['vertices'].astype(np.float32) f = mys['faces'].astype(np.uint32) lv = v.shape[0] lf = f.shape[0] # allocate memory vertices = np.zeros( (lv * n, 3), np.float32 ) faces = np.zeros( (lf * n, 3), np.uint32 ) vertexcolors = np.zeros( (lv * n, 4), np.float32 ) for i, n in enumerate(range(n)): # scale the unit-sphere by the radius vertices[i*lv:((i+1)*lv),:] = v * self.radii[i] + self.positions[i,:] # add the number of vertices faces[i*lf:((i+1)*lf),:] = f + (i * lv) # coloring the vertices vertexcolors[i*lv:((i+1)*lv),:] = self.colors[i,:].reshape( (1, 4) ).repeat(lv, axis=0) self.vertices = vertices self.faces = faces.astype(np.uint32) self.colors = vertexcolors.astype(np.float32) self.show_aabb = True self.make_aabb(margin = 0) # bind the vertex arrays self.vert_ptr = self.face_ptr = self.color_ptr = self.el_count = len(self.faces) * 3
def __init__(self, positions, radii=None, colors=None, force_centering=False, affine=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Draw a set of spheres in 3D """ super(SphereCloud, self).__init__() if affine == None: # create a default affine self.affine = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) else: self.affine = affine self._update_glaffine() self.positions = positions n = len(positions) if colors == None: # default colors self.colors = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=np.float32).repeat( len(self.positions), axis=0) else: self.colors = colors.astype(np.ubyte) if radii == None: # default colors self.radii = np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float32).repeat(len(self.positions), axis=0) else: assert (len(positions) == len(radii)) self.radii = radii # create vertices / faces for the primitive # which is a sphere in this actor mys = np.load(get_sphere()) v = mys['vertices'].astype(np.float32) f = mys['faces'].astype(np.uint32) lv = v.shape[0] lf = f.shape[0] # allocate memory vertices = np.zeros((lv * n, 3), np.float32) faces = np.zeros((lf * n, 3), np.uint32) vertexcolors = np.zeros((lv * n, 4), np.float32) for i, n in enumerate(range(n)): # scale the unit-sphere by the radius vertices[i * lv:((i + 1) * lv), :] = v * self.radii[i] + self.positions[i, :] # add the number of vertices faces[i * lf:((i + 1) * lf), :] = f + (i * lv) # coloring the vertices vertexcolors[i * lv:((i + 1) * lv), :] = self.colors[i, :].reshape( (1, 4)).repeat(lv, axis=0) self.vertices = vertices self.faces = faces.astype(np.uint32) self.colors = vertexcolors.astype(np.float32) self.show_aabb = True self.make_aabb(margin=0) # bind the vertex arrays self.vert_ptr = self.face_ptr = self.color_ptr = self.el_count = len(self.faces) * 3
import numpy as np from fos.comp_geom.gen_normals import auto_normals from import get_sphere from import Surface from fos import Window, WindowManager, World, DefaultCamera from fos.core.color import red,green,blue,white,black from fos.core.material import Material from fos.core.light import Light eds=np.load(get_sphere()) vertices=eds['vertices'] faces=eds['faces'] vertices=100*vertices.astype(np.float32) faces=faces.astype(np.uint32) print('vertices.shape %s' % vertices.dtype) print('faces.shape %s' % faces.dtype) colors=np.random.rand(len(vertices),4) colors=colors.astype('f4') colors[:,3]=1 normals=auto_normals(vertices,faces) print('normals.shape %d %d' % normals.shape) print('colors.shape %d %d' % colors.shape) print(vertices.dtype,faces.dtype, colors.dtype, normals.dtype) aff = np.eye(4,dtype='f4') aff[:3,3] = [0,0,0]
import numpy as np from fos.comp_geom.gen_normals import auto_normals from import get_sphere eds = np.load(get_sphere('symmetric362')) # problem with 642 vertices = eds['vertices'] faces = eds['faces'] vertices = 50 * vertices.astype('f4') faces = faces.astype(np.uint32) colors = np.ones((len(vertices), 4)).astype('f4') #colors[0]=np.array([1.,0.,0.,1.]).astype('f4') colors[:, :3] = np.random.rand(len(vertices), 3).astype('f4') len(vertices) print 'vertices.shape', vertices.shape, vertices.dtype print 'faces.shape', faces.shape, faces.dtype normals = auto_normals(vertices, faces) print vertices.min(), vertices.max(), vertices.mean() print normals.min(), normals.max(), normals.mean() print vertices.dtype, faces.dtype, colors.dtype, normals.dtype from import Surface from fos import Window, World, DefaultCamera aff = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) #aff[0,3] = 30
import numpy as np from fos.comp_geom.gen_normals import auto_normals from import get_sphere eds=np.load(get_sphere('symmetric362')) vertices=eds['vertices'] faces=eds['faces'] vertices=vertices.astype(np.float32) faces=faces.astype(np.uint32) colors=np.ones((len(vertices),4)) len(vertices) print 'vertices.shape', vertices.shape, vertices.dtype print 'faces.shape', faces.shape,faces.dtype normals=auto_normals(vertices,faces) print vertices.min(),vertices.max(),vertices.mean() print normals.min(),normals.max(), normals.mean() print vertices.dtype,faces.dtype, colors.dtype, normals.dtype from import Surface from fos import Window, World, DefaultCamera