Пример #1
def produce_new_vectors(v1, v3, PperpSquared, y):
    """A function to boost two vectors, perform the kinematics and return the tResults after boosting back."""
    ##Requires v3 to be the recoiling vector, consistent with all kinematics in this project.
    assert (fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v1)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v3))
    assert (v1.__nonzero__() and v3.__nonzero__())
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared, y])
    __energyIn = v1[0] + v3[
        0]  ##This is in the 'lab frame' as these are never actually boosted in the code.
    __S123, __Pperp = Sijk([v1.copy(), v3.copy()]), math.sqrt(PperpSquared)
    __boostRotate = lorentz.boostAndRotate(
        v1.copy(), v3.copy(),
        1)  ##Given v3 as vector to recoil so need index 1 here.
    __nBRV1, __nBRV2, __nBRV3 = calculate_split_ps(__S123, __Pperp, y)
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                         __nBRV1[3] + __nBRV2[3] + __nBRV3[3])
    __nV1, __nV2, __nV3 = __boostRotate / __nBRV1, __boostRotate / __nBRV2, __boostRotate / __nBRV3
    ##Must also check energy out in the 'lab' frame too as not a Lorentz invariant quantity.
    __energyOut = __nV1[0] + __nV2[0] + __nV3[0]
    __energyDifference = __energyIn - __energyOut
    __nV2 = fix_energy_difference(__energyDifference, __nV2)
    ##Check conservation rules:
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__energyIn, __energyOut)
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
        __S123, Sijk([__nV1.copy(), __nV2.copy(),
    ##No check for any momentums here as no longer have to sum to zero in this frame.
    return __nV1, __nV2, __nV3
Пример #2
def Pperp_squared(p1, p2, p3):  ##Using p1' + p3' -> p1 + p2 + p3
    """A function to calculate the lorentz invariant transverse momentum squared given the correct P1,2,3 vectors."""
    assert (fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(p1)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(p2)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(p3))
    assert (p1.__nonzero__() and p2.__nonzero__() and p3.__nonzero__())
    __S12, __S23, __S123 = Sijk([p1, p2]), Sijk([p2, p3]), Sijk([p1, p2, p3])
    __pPerpSquared = __S12 * __S23 / __S123
    return __pPerpSquared
Пример #3
def rapidity(p1, p2, p3):  ##Using p1' + p3' -> p1 + p2 + p3
    """A function to calculate the rapidity given the correct P1,2,3 vectors."""
    assert (fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(p1)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(p2)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(p3))
    assert (p1.__nonzero__() and p2.__nonzero__() and p3.__nonzero__())
    __S12, __S23 = Sijk([p1, p2]), Sijk([p2, p3])
    __y = 0.5 * math.log(__S23 / __S12)
    return __y
Пример #4
	def __init__(self, initialisingVector):
		"""A function to initialise the lorentzRotation class."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(initialisingVector)
		assert initialisingVector.__nonzero__()
		self.__initialisingVector = initialisingVector.copy()
		self.__r = self.__initialisingVector.calculate_cartesian_magnitude()
Пример #5
	def __init__(self,lookUpCodeOrName,fourMomentum = fourVectors.fourVector(),mothers = [0,0],children = [0,0],colours = [0,0], statusCode = 1):
		"""A function to initiate a particle."""
		##Allow initiation via name or code but then works from the code.
		##StatusCode: -1 initial, 0 = intermediate, 1 = final state. 1 chosen by default as this is currently a final state shower.
		assert ((type(lookUpCodeOrName) == int) or (type(lookUpCodeOrName) == str))
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(fourMomentum)
		assert ((type(mothers) == list) and (type(mothers[0]) == int) and (type(mothers[1]) == int))
		assert ((type(children) == list) and (type(children[0]) == int) and (type(children[1]) == int))
		assert ((type(colours) == list) and (type(colours[0]) == int) and (type(colours[1]) == int))
		assert (type(statusCode) == int)
		assert assertions.valid_particle_status_code(statusCode)
		if (type(lookUpCodeOrName) == int):
			assert particleData.knownParticles.has_key(lookUpCodeOrName)
			self.__lookUpCode = lookUpCodeOrName
		elif (type(lookUpCodeOrName) == str):
			assert particleData.knownParticles.has_name(lookUpCodeOrName)
			self.__lookUpCode = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name(lookUpCodeOrName)
		self.__fourMomentum = fourMomentum
		self.__mothers = mothers
		self.__children = children
		self.__colours = colours
		self.__statusCode = statusCode
		self.__historyList = [False,False,False,False] ##Mothers then children (if set)
		self.__colourSetList = [False, False]
		for __i, __a in enumerate(self.__mothers+self.__children): ##Do both at once.
			if __a != 0:
				self.__historyList[__i] = True
		for __i, __a in enumerate(self.__colours):
			if __a != 0:
				self.__colourSetList[__i]= True
		self.__uniqueID = 0
		self.__producedAt = -1 ##Default value for not set, as 0 is actually used.
Пример #6
	def update_dipoles_g_prod_RHS_recoil(self,pC,cC,nV1,nV2,nV3):
		"""A function to update the relevant dipoles when a gluon is produced with the RHS recoiling."""
		assert ((counters.check_is_counter(pC)) and (counters.check_is_counter(cC)))
		for nV in [nV1,nV2,nV3]:
			assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(nV)
		assert (self.__maxPperpSquared > self.__cutOff)
		__p1 = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][0].copy()
		__p2 = particles.particle('gluon',nV2,[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],1)
		__p3 = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][1].copy()
		__p2.set_unique_ID(pC.next()) ##Set unique particle ID when produced.
		__p2.set_produced_at(self.__maxPperpSquared) ##As now set to that of this produced particle.
		if __p1.get_child(1) != 0: ##i.e don't overwrite
		if __p3.get_child(0) != 0: ##i.e don't overwrite
		__p1, __p2, __p3 = self.set_new_colours_g_prod(cC,__p1,__p2,__p3)
		__nDPLHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPRHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPLHS[0], __nDPLHS[1] = __p1.copy(), __p2.copy()
		__nDPRHS[0], __nDPRHS[1] = __p2.copy(), __p3.copy()
Пример #7
def check_timelike(pV):
    """A function to check whether a momentum vector is time-like (i.e P.P = M^2 > 0)."""
    assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
    assert pV.__nonzero__()
    __MinkowskiSP = pV * pV
    __MinkowskiSP = precision.round_python_errors(__MinkowskiSP)
    return (__MinkowskiSP > 0.0)
Пример #8
def check_timelike(pV):
	"""A function to check whether a momentum vector is time-like (i.e P.P = M^2 > 0)."""
	assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
	assert pV.__nonzero__()
	__MinkowskiSP = pV * pV
	__MinkowskiSP = precision.round_python_errors(__MinkowskiSP)
	return (__MinkowskiSP > 0.0)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, initialisingVector):
     """A function to initialise the lorentzRotation class."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(initialisingVector)
     assert initialisingVector.__nonzero__()
     self.__initialisingVector = initialisingVector.copy()
     self.__r = self.__initialisingVector.calculate_cartesian_magnitude()
Пример #10
	def __init__(self,pV1,pV2,numToRecoil):
		"""A function to initialise the joint boost and rotation."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV1)
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV2)
		assert (pV1.__nonzero__() and pV2.__nonzero__())
		assert assertions.valid_dipole_index(numToRecoil) ##Use as the same convention as dipoles of 0,1.
		self.__vector1, self.__vector2 = pV1.copy(), pV2.copy()
		self.__momentumOfCMF = self.__vector1 + self.__vector2
		self.__theBoost = lorentzBoost(self.__momentumOfCMF)
		##numToRecoil used to decide which to rotate onto the -ve z-axis (i.e recoiling).
		if (numToRecoil == 0): ##Opposite of numToRecoil used, as to be on +ve z-axis
			self.__boostedVector = self.__theBoost*self.__vector2
			self.__theRotation = lorentzRotation(self.__boostedVector)
			self.__boostedVector = self.__theBoost*self.__vector1
			self.__theRotation = lorentzRotation(self.__boostedVector)
Пример #11
	def update_dipoles_g_split_RHS_recoil(self,pC,cC,nV1,nV2,nV3):
		"""A function to update the relevant dipoles when a gluon is split with the RHS recoiling."""
		assert ((counters.check_is_counter(pC)) and (counters.check_is_counter(cC)))
		for nV in [nV1,nV2,nV3]:
			assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(nV)
		assert (self.__maxPperpSquared > self.__cutOff)
		__p1B = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][0].copy()
		__p1BMs, __p1BCs = [__p1B.get_mother(0),__p1B.get_mother(1)], [__p1B.get_child(0),__p1B.get_child(1)]
		__qCode = quarkPairs.get_quark_code(self.__maxPperpSquared,self.__activeQCodes) ##As maxPperpSquared now set to S123 of splitting.
		__p1C0B, __p1C1B = __p1B.get_colour(0), __p1B.get_colour(1)
		__p1 = particles.particle(-__qCode,__p1B.get_four_momentum(),__p1BMs,__p1BCs,[0,0],__p1B.get_status_code())
		__p2 = particles.particle(__qCode,nV2,[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],1)
		__p3 = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][1].copy()
		__p1.set_unique_ID(pC.next()) ##Set unique particle IDs when produced.
		__p1.set_produced_at(self.__maxPperpSquared) ##As now set to that of this produced particle.
		if __p3.get_child(0) != 0: ##i.e don't overwrite.
		__p1, __p2, __p3 = self.set_new_colours_g_split(cC,__p1,__p2,__p3, __p1C0B, __p1C1B,"RHS")
		__nDPLHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPRHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPLHS[0], __nDPLHS[1] = __p1.copy(), __p2.copy()
		__nDPRHS[0], __nDPRHS[1] = __p2.copy(), __p3.copy()
		self.__sideOfSplit = "RHS"
Пример #12
def p_vector_to_v(pV):
	"""A function to return the velocity four-vector from a momentum four-vector."""
	assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
	assert pV.__nonzero__()
	assert check_timelike(pV)
	__mass = calculate_m_from_p_vector(pV)
	__velocityResult = pV.copy()
	__velocityResult /= __mass
	return __velocityResult
Пример #13
def p_vector_to_v(pV):
    """A function to return the velocity four-vector from a momentum four-vector."""
    assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
    assert pV.__nonzero__()
    assert check_timelike(pV)
    __mass = calculate_m_from_p_vector(pV)
    __velocityResult = pV.copy()
    __velocityResult /= __mass
    return __velocityResult
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, pV1, pV2, numToRecoil):
     """A function to initialise the joint boost and rotation."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV1)
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV2)
     assert (pV1.__nonzero__() and pV2.__nonzero__())
     assert assertions.valid_dipole_index(
         numToRecoil)  ##Use as the same convention as dipoles of 0,1.
     self.__vector1, self.__vector2 = pV1.copy(), pV2.copy()
     self.__momentumOfCMF = self.__vector1 + self.__vector2
     self.__theBoost = lorentzBoost(self.__momentumOfCMF)
     ##numToRecoil used to decide which to rotate onto the -ve z-axis (i.e recoiling).
     if (numToRecoil == 0
         ):  ##Opposite of numToRecoil used, as to be on +ve z-axis
         self.__boostedVector = self.__theBoost * self.__vector2
         self.__theRotation = lorentzRotation(self.__boostedVector)
         self.__boostedVector = self.__theBoost * self.__vector1
         self.__theRotation = lorentzRotation(self.__boostedVector)
Пример #15
	def __init__(self,momentumOfCMF):
		"""A function to initiate a Lorentz boost to and from a centre of mass frame (E,p)."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(momentumOfCMF)
		assert momentumOfCMF.__nonzero__()
		assert (check_timelike(momentumOfCMF) or check_lightlike(momentumOfCMF))
		self.__momentumOfCMF = momentumOfCMF.copy()
		self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF = momentumOfCMF.copy()
		for __i1 in range(3):
			self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF[__i1+1] *= (-1.0)
		self.__massOfCMF = calculate_m_from_p_vector(momentumOfCMF)
Пример #16
	def update_dipoles_g_split(self,pC,cC,nV1,nV2,nV3):
		"""A function to update the relevant dipoles when a gluon is split."""
		assert ((counters.check_is_counter(pC)) and (counters.check_is_counter(cC)))
		for nV in [nV1,nV2,nV3]:
			assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(nV)
		assert (self.__maxPperpSquared > self.__cutOff)
		if (self.__dipoleRecoilIndex == 0): ##LHS recoiling.
		else: ##RHS recoiling.
Пример #17
	def update_dipoles_p_prod(self,pC,nV1,nV2,nV3):
		"""A function to update the relevant dipoles when a photon is emitted."""
		assert counters.check_is_counter(pC)
		for nV in [nV1,nV2,nV3]:
			assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(nV)
		assert (self.__maxPperpSquared > self.__cutOff)
		if (self.__dipoleRecoilIndex == 0): ##LHS recoiling.
		else: ##RHS recoiling.
Пример #18
def Sijk(listOfMomentumFourVectors):
    """A function to calculate the invariant quantity Sijk for Pi's in the given list."""
    assert type(listOfMomentumFourVectors) == list
    __sqrtSijk = fourVectors.fourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    for __Pi in listOfMomentumFourVectors:
        assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(__Pi)
        assert __Pi.__nonzero__()
        __sqrtSijk += __Pi
    __Sikj = __sqrtSijk * __sqrtSijk
    return __Sikj
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, momentumOfCMF):
     """A function to initiate a Lorentz boost to and from a centre of mass frame (E,p)."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(momentumOfCMF)
     assert momentumOfCMF.__nonzero__()
     assert (check_timelike(momentumOfCMF)
             or check_lightlike(momentumOfCMF))
     self.__momentumOfCMF = momentumOfCMF.copy()
     self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF = momentumOfCMF.copy()
     for __i1 in range(3):
         self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF[__i1 + 1] *= (-1.0)
     self.__massOfCMF = calculate_m_from_p_vector(momentumOfCMF)
Пример #20
	def inverse_rotate(self,vectorToInverseRotate):
		"""A function to apply the backwards rotation to the given four-vector."""
		##This is the rotation initialising four-vector from the z-axis.
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorToInverseRotate)
		assert vectorToInverseRotate.__nonzero__()
		__v2R, __c, __s, __t, __p, = vectorToInverseRotate.copy(), math.cos , math.sin, self.__theta, self.__phi
		__rotatedResult = vectorToInverseRotate.copy()
		__rotatedResult[1] = __c(__p)*__c(__t)*__v2R[1] + __s(__p)*__v2R[2] - __c(__p)*__s(__t)*__v2R[3]
		__rotatedResult[2] = -__s(__p)*__c(__t)*__v2R[1] + __c(__p)*__v2R[2] + __s(__p)*__s(__t)*__v2R[3]
		__rotatedResult[3] = __s(__t)*__v2R[1] + __c(__t)*__v2R[3]
		return __rotatedResult
Пример #21
def fix_energy_difference(difference, v2):
    """A function to fix any energy difference between the two particles in and three out caused by code errors."""
    assert (type(difference) == float)
    assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v2)
    assert v2.__nonzero__()
    ##Place all of the energy change required into the new particle's vector, v2.
    __magIn = v2.calculate_cartesian_magnitude()
    __pFactor = math.sqrt((difference / (__magIn * __magIn)) + 1.0)
    __nV2 = v2.copy()
    __nV2 *= __pFactor
    __nV2[0] = math.sqrt((v2[0] * v2[0]) + difference)
    return __nV2
Пример #22
 def inverse_rotate(self, vectorToInverseRotate):
     """A function to apply the backwards rotation to the given four-vector."""
     ##This is the rotation initialising four-vector from the z-axis.
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorToInverseRotate)
     assert vectorToInverseRotate.__nonzero__()
     __v2R, __c, __s, __t, __p, = vectorToInverseRotate.copy(
     ), math.cos, math.sin, self.__theta, self.__phi
     __rotatedResult = vectorToInverseRotate.copy()
     __rotatedResult[1] = __c(__p) * __c(__t) * __v2R[1] + __s(
         __p) * __v2R[2] - __c(__p) * __s(__t) * __v2R[3]
     __rotatedResult[2] = -__s(__p) * __c(__t) * __v2R[1] + __c(
         __p) * __v2R[2] + __s(__p) * __s(__t) * __v2R[3]
     __rotatedResult[3] = __s(__t) * __v2R[1] + __c(__t) * __v2R[3]
     return __rotatedResult
Пример #23
	def inverse_boost(self,pVIn):
		"""A function to perform the inverse lorentz boost on a given (E,p) four-vector."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVIn)
		assert pVIn.__nonzero__()
		##Make sure it's not space-like:
		assert (check_timelike(pVIn) or check_lightlike(pVIn))
		__pVOut = fourVectors.fourVector()
		__energyOut = (self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF * pVIn)/self.__massOfCMF
		__alpha = (pVIn[0]+__energyOut)/(self.__massOfCMF + self.__momentumOfCMF[0])
		__pVOut[0] = __energyOut
		for __i3 in range(3):
			__pVOut[__i3+1] = pVIn[__i3+1] - __alpha * self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF[__i3+1]
		##Make sure its still not space-like after the boost:
		assert (check_timelike(__pVOut) or check_lightlike(__pVOut))
		return __pVOut
Пример #24
 def inverse_boost(self, pVIn):
     """A function to perform the inverse lorentz boost on a given (E,p) four-vector."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVIn)
     assert pVIn.__nonzero__()
     ##Make sure it's not space-like:
     assert (check_timelike(pVIn) or check_lightlike(pVIn))
     __pVOut = fourVectors.fourVector()
     __energyOut = (self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF * pVIn) / self.__massOfCMF
     __alpha = (pVIn[0] + __energyOut) / (self.__massOfCMF +
     __pVOut[0] = __energyOut
     for __i3 in range(3):
         __pVOut[__i3 + 1] = pVIn[
             __i3 + 1] - __alpha * self.__reverseMomentumOfCMF[__i3 + 1]
     ##Make sure its still not space-like after the boost:
     assert (check_timelike(__pVOut) or check_lightlike(__pVOut))
     return __pVOut
Пример #25
	def boost(self,pVIn):
		"""A function to perform the lorentz boost on a given (E,p) four-vector."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVIn)
		assert pVIn.__nonzero__()
		##Make sure it's not space-like:
		__pVIn = pVIn.copy()
		assert (check_timelike(__pVIn) or check_lightlike(__pVIn))
		##Make sure not trying to boost into its own CMF:
		if check_lightlike(__pVIn):
			assert (__pVIn != self.__momentumOfCMF)
		__pVOut = fourVectors.fourVector()
		__energyPrime = (self.__momentumOfCMF * __pVIn)/self.__massOfCMF
		__alpha = (__pVIn[0]+__energyPrime)/(self.__massOfCMF + self.__momentumOfCMF[0])
		__pVOut[0] = __energyPrime
		for __i2 in range(3):
			__pVOut[__i2+1] = __pVIn[__i2+1] - __alpha * self.__momentumOfCMF[__i2+1]
		##Make sure its still not space-like after the boost:
		assert (check_timelike(__pVOut) or check_lightlike(__pVOut))
		return __pVOut
Пример #26
 def boost(self, pVIn):
     """A function to perform the lorentz boost on a given (E,p) four-vector."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVIn)
     assert pVIn.__nonzero__()
     ##Make sure it's not space-like:
     __pVIn = pVIn.copy()
     assert (check_timelike(__pVIn) or check_lightlike(__pVIn))
     ##Make sure not trying to boost into its own CMF:
     if check_lightlike(__pVIn):
         assert (__pVIn != self.__momentumOfCMF)
     __pVOut = fourVectors.fourVector()
     __energyPrime = (self.__momentumOfCMF * __pVIn) / self.__massOfCMF
     __alpha = (__pVIn[0] + __energyPrime) / (self.__massOfCMF +
     __pVOut[0] = __energyPrime
     for __i2 in range(3):
         __pVOut[__i2 +
                 1] = __pVIn[__i2 +
                             1] - __alpha * self.__momentumOfCMF[__i2 + 1]
     ##Make sure its still not space-like after the boost:
     assert (check_timelike(__pVOut) or check_lightlike(__pVOut))
     return __pVOut
Пример #27
	def __mul__(self,vectorIn):
		"""A function to call a lorentz boost and rotation on the four-vector multiplied by."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorIn)
		assert vectorIn.__nonzero__()
		__vectorIn = vectorIn.copy()
		return self.boost_rotate(__vectorIn)
Пример #28
def calculate_m_from_p_vector(pV):
    """A function to calculate the mass of a particle from its momentum four-vector."""
    assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
    assert pV.__nonzero__()
    return math.sqrt(pV * pV)
Пример #29
def check_lightlike(pV):
    """A function to check whether a momentum vector is light-like (i.e P.P = M^2 = 0)."""
    assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
    assert pV.__nonzero__()
    __MinkowskiSP = pV * pV
    return precision.check_numbers_equal(__MinkowskiSP, 0.0)
Пример #30
	def __div__(self,vectorOut):
		"""A function to call an inverse lorentz boost and rotation on the four-vector divided by."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorOut)
		assert vectorOut.__nonzero__()
		__vectorOut = vectorOut.copy()
		return self.inverse_boost_rotate(__vectorOut)
Пример #31
	def __mul__(self,vectorToRotate):
		"""A function to call a lorentz rotation on the four-vector multiplied by."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorToRotate)
		assert vectorToRotate.__nonzero__()
		return self.rotate(vectorToRotate)
Пример #32
	def __mul__(self,pVToBoost):
		"""A function to call a lorentz boost on the four-vector multiplied by."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVToBoost)
		assert pVToBoost.__nonzero__()
		return self.boost(pVToBoost)
Пример #33
	def __div__(self,pVToInverseBoost):
		"""A function to call an inverse lorentz boost on the four-vector divided by."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVToInverseBoost)
		assert pVToInverseBoost.__nonzero__()
		return self.inverse_boost(pVToInverseBoost)
Пример #34
 def boost_rotate(self, vectorIn):
     """A function to apply the forward boost and rotation to the given four-vector."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorIn)
     assert vectorIn.__nonzero__()
     __vectorIn = vectorIn.copy()
     return self.__theRotation * (self.__theBoost * __vectorIn)
Пример #35
def check_lightlike(pV):
	"""A function to check whether a momentum vector is light-like (i.e P.P = M^2 = 0)."""
	assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
	assert pV.__nonzero__()
	__MinkowskiSP = pV * pV
	return precision.check_numbers_equal(__MinkowskiSP,0.0)
Пример #36
 def __div__(self, vectorToInverseRotate):
     """A function to call an inverse lorentz rotation on the four-vector divided by."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorToInverseRotate)
     assert vectorToInverseRotate.__nonzero__()
     return self.inverse_rotate(vectorToInverseRotate)
Пример #37
 def __mul__(self, vectorToRotate):
     """A function to call a lorentz rotation on the four-vector multiplied by."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorToRotate)
     assert vectorToRotate.__nonzero__()
     return self.rotate(vectorToRotate)
Пример #38
def calculate_m_from_p_vector(pV):
	"""A function to calculate the mass of a particle from its momentum four-vector."""
	assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
	assert pV.__nonzero__()
	return math.sqrt(pV * pV)
Пример #39
	def set_four_momentum(self,fourMomentumToSet):
		"""A function to set the four-momentum of a particle."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(fourMomentumToSet)
		assert fourMomentumToSet.__nonzero__()
		self.__fourMomentum = fourMomentumToSet.copy()
Пример #40
 def __div__(self, pVToInverseBoost):
     """A function to call an inverse lorentz boost on the four-vector divided by."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVToInverseBoost)
     assert pVToInverseBoost.__nonzero__()
     return self.inverse_boost(pVToInverseBoost)
Пример #41
	def inverse_boost_rotate(self,vectorOut):
		"""A function to apply the backwards boost and rotation to the given four-vector."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorOut)
		assert vectorOut.__nonzero__()
		__vectorOut = vectorOut.copy()
		return self.__theBoost / (self.__theRotation / __vectorOut)
Пример #42
	def boost_rotate(self,vectorIn):
		"""A function to apply the forward boost and rotation to the given four-vector."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorIn)
		assert vectorIn.__nonzero__()
		__vectorIn = vectorIn.copy()
		return self.__theRotation*(self.__theBoost*__vectorIn)
Пример #43
 def inverse_boost_rotate(self, vectorOut):
     """A function to apply the backwards boost and rotation to the given four-vector."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorOut)
     assert vectorOut.__nonzero__()
     __vectorOut = vectorOut.copy()
     return self.__theBoost / (self.__theRotation / __vectorOut)
Пример #44
	def __div__(self,vectorToInverseRotate):
		"""A function to call an inverse lorentz rotation on the four-vector divided by."""
		assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorToInverseRotate)
		assert vectorToInverseRotate.__nonzero__()
		return self.inverse_rotate(vectorToInverseRotate)
Пример #45
 def __mul__(self, vectorIn):
     """A function to call a lorentz boost and rotation on the four-vector multiplied by."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorIn)
     assert vectorIn.__nonzero__()
     __vectorIn = vectorIn.copy()
     return self.boost_rotate(__vectorIn)
Пример #46
 def __mul__(self, pVToBoost):
     """A function to call a lorentz boost on the four-vector multiplied by."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pVToBoost)
     assert pVToBoost.__nonzero__()
     return self.boost(pVToBoost)
Пример #47
 def __div__(self, vectorOut):
     """A function to call an inverse lorentz boost and rotation on the four-vector divided by."""
     assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(vectorOut)
     assert vectorOut.__nonzero__()
     __vectorOut = vectorOut.copy()
     return self.inverse_boost_rotate(__vectorOut)