def _handle_get_node(self, result):
     venue = None
     for see_also in, []):
         venue = get_foursquare_venue_from_url(see_also)
         if venue:
     return venue
    def lookup_foursquare_content(self, node_uri, foursquare_identifier=None):
        Looks up the foursquare details of a venue.
        :param node_uri: the uri of the node to look up.
        :param foursquare_identifier: the identifier of the foursquare data.  If this is not provided, the node will be
        fetched and the first seeAlso property from the node will be used as this parameter.
        def update_venue_details(venue):
            # No point in continuing this exercise if certain requirements are not resolved.
            if not venue:
                raise RuntimeError('Venue identifier is not defined')

            if not self._foursquare_client:
                raise RuntimeError('Foursquare client is not defined')

            # Finished checking requirements, fetch the details and update.
            logger.debug('Looking up venue: %s' % venue)
            venue_details = self._foursquare_client.venues(venue)

            # Translate the venue details into a rdf storage payload for sending to update.
            if 'venue' in venue_details:
                storage_payload = StoragePayload()
                foursquare_to_storage(venue_details['venue'], storage_payload)
                storage_payload.about = node_uri
                storage_payload.add_reference(DCTERMS.creator, self._representation_manager.representation_uri)

                return self._storage_client.update_node(storage_payload)

        # Attempt to look up the venue id from the details in the node.
        if foursquare_identifier is None:
            search_payload = StoragePayload()
            search_payload.about = node_uri
            promise = self._storage_client.get_node(search_payload).then(self._handle_get_node)
            promise = self._scheduler.promise()
            venue_identifier = get_foursquare_venue_from_url(foursquare_identifier)

        promise = promise.then(update_venue_details)

        return promise