def test_splitparen_error(monkeypatch): '''Test that if the first argument of the splitparen is not empty then an error is returned. ''' monkeypatch.setattr("fparser.common.splitline.splitparen", lambda x: ["XXX", "", ""]) with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo: dummy_ = Submodule_Stmt("submodule (id) name") assert "Submodule_Stmt: 'submodule (id) name'" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_simple_error7(f2008_create, monkeypatch): '''Test the parsing of a submodule statement when there is a single right hand bracket. The error generated here is unreachable if splitparen works correctly so we need to monkeypatch. ''' monkeypatch.setattr("fparser.common.splitline.splitparen", lambda x: ["", "id)", "name"]) with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo: dummy_ = Submodule_Stmt("submodule id) name") assert "Submodule_Stmt: 'submodule id) name'" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_simple_error6(f2008_create): ''' Test the parsing of a submodule statement''' with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo: dummy_ = Submodule_Stmt("submodule (id) (name)") assert "Submodule_Stmt: 'submodule (id) (name)'" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_simple(f2008_create): ''' Test the parsing of a submodule statement''' result = Submodule_Stmt("submodule (id) name") assert str(result) == "SUBMODULE (id) name"