Пример #1
def test_spaces():
    '''Tests that BinaryOpBase matches with spaces in a pattern but
    removes the spaces in the output when there is a match. There
    seems to be no reason to do this so it should probably be removed,
    see issue #282.

    pattern = " a "
    lhs = Int_Literal_Constant
    rhs = Int_Literal_Constant

    string = "1 a1"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert result is None

    string = "1 a 1"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert str(result[0]) == "1"
    assert result[1] == "a"
    assert str(result[2]) == "1"

    pattern = fparser_patterns.rel_op.named()
    string = "1 . eq . 1"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert str(result[0]) == "1"
    assert result[1] == ".EQ."
    assert str(result[2]) == "1"
Пример #2
def test_binaryopbase_isadd():
    '''Test the optional is_add argument to the BinaryOpBase match
    method. This argument makes the associated pattern ignore the '+'
    in a Real_Literal_Constant on the RHS of an expression. This
    allows the expression to match the actual '+' operator for an
    'add_op' pattern, e.g. 'a+3.0e+10' will match on the earlier '+'
    rather than returning no-match. This option is a special case and
    should probably be removed, see issue #281.

    string = "a+3.0e+10"
    pattern = fparser_patterns.add_op.named()
    lhs = Name
    rhs = Real_Literal_Constant

    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as info:
        _ = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert "Real_Literal_Constant: '10'" in str(info.value)

    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string, is_add=True)
    assert len(result) == 3
    assert isinstance(result[0], Name)
    assert result[0].string == "a"
    assert isinstance(result[1], str)
    assert result[1] == "+"
    assert isinstance(result[2], Real_Literal_Constant)
    assert result[2].string == "3.0e+10"
Пример #3
def test_binaryopbase_empty_nomatch(string):
    '''Test the BinaryOpBase match method returns None if the lhs or the
    rhs of the string is empty.

    pattern = "%"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(None, pattern, None, string)
    assert result is None
Пример #4
def test_binaryopbase_pattern_nomatch(pattern, right):
    '''Test the BinaryOpBase match method returns None if the pattern is
    of type 'str' or 'Pattern' and is not found in the string. Check
    with the optional 'right' argument set to True and False.

    string = "ab"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(None, pattern, None, string, right=right)
    assert result is None
Пример #5
def test_binaryopbase_right_nomatch(right, string, expected):
    '''Test the BinaryOpBase match method checks whether classes match
    using the rhs string first and the lhs string second if the
    'right' optional argument is true and vice versa if the 'right'
    optional argument is false.

    lhs = Name
    rhs = Name
    pattern = "%"
    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as info:
        _ = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string, right=right)
    assert "Name: '{0}'".format(expected) in str(info.value)
Пример #6
def test_binaryopbase_exclude_nomatch():
    '''Test the BinaryOpBase match method returns None if the matching
    pattern is excluded.

    pattern = "%"
    string = "a%b"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(None,
    assert result is None
Пример #7
def test_upper(pattern, expected):
    '''Test that the case of the matched pattern is unchanged if the match
    is a string but it is made upper case if it is a Pattern. The
    upper-casing does not seem to serve any purpose so should probably
    be removed, see issue #282.

    string = "1a1"
    lhs = Int_Literal_Constant
    rhs = Int_Literal_Constant

    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert result[1] == expected
Пример #8
def test_repmap():
    '''Test that repmap is used correctly to remove appropriate patterns
    that might falsely match and that the values are returned
    appropriately if there is a match.

    string = "(a,a)a(a,a)"
    lhs = Complex_Literal_Constant
    rhs = Complex_Literal_Constant
    pattern = "a"
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert str(result[0]) == "(a, a)"
    assert result[1] == "a"
    assert str(result[2]) == "(a, a)"
Пример #9
def test_binaryopbase_match(pattern, string):
    '''Test the BinaryOpBase match method returns the expected results if
    there is a match for a pattern of type str and Pattern. Also check
    that spaces do not affect matching and that they are removed in
    the results.

    lhs = Name
    rhs = Name
    result = BinaryOpBase.match(lhs, pattern, rhs, string)
    assert len(result) == 3
    assert isinstance(result[0], Name)
    assert result[0].string == "a"
    assert isinstance(result[1], str)
    assert result[1] == "%"
    assert isinstance(result[2], Name)
    assert result[2].string == "b"