Пример #1
 def parse_file(self, path):
     if not os.path.exists(path):
     ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
     if ext in (".flame", ".bak"):
         return ((re.search(' name="(.*?)"', string).group(1),
                 for string in load_flamestrings(path))
     elif ext == ".map":
         with open(path,'r') as mf:
             lns = mf.readlines()
         # Each string in the list contains three ints
         # but possibly other stuff, so just take the first
         # three values
         data = [map(float, s.split()[0:3]) for s in lns]
         if len(data) != 256:
             raise ParsingError('Wrong number of palette entries specified: '
                                '%s != %s' % (256, len(lst)))
         p = Palette()
         p.data[:] = data
         return ((os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0], p),)
     elif ext == ".ugr":
         return list(_load_ugr_iter(path))
     elif ext == ".xml":
         return list(_load_xml_iter(path))
Пример #2
    def testRotate(self):
        palette = Palette.from_string(self.xml)

        rotated = self.data[-128:] + self.data[:-128]

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, rotated[idx])
Пример #3
    def testReverse(self):
        palette = Palette.from_flame_element(self.hex_flame_element)

        reversed = self.data[::-1]

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, reversed[idx])
Пример #4
    def testRotate(self):
        palette = Palette.from_flame_element(self.hex_flame_element)

        rotated = self.data[-128:] + self.data[:-128]

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, rotated[idx])
Пример #5
def _load_ugr_iter(filename):
    with open(filename) as  gradient_fd:
        text = gradient_fd.read()

    index_ratio = 255.0 / 399.0

    newpal = numpy.arange(0,256)
    for match in _ugr_main_re.finditer(text):

        item_name, smooth, inner = match.groups()

        indices = numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])

        for index, color in _ugr_inner_re.findall(inner):
            # -401 being a legal index is just stupid...
            index = float(index)
            while index < 0:
                index += 400

            color = int(color)
            b = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16
            g = (color & 0xFF00) >> 8
            r = (color & 0xFF)

            indices = numpy.append(indices,[[index,r,g,b]],0)
        # pad the vectors before and after
        # starter element was already there
        indices[0,:] = indices[-1,:]
        indices[0,0] -= 400
        # add last element
        indices = numpy.append(indices,[indices[1,:]],0)
        indices[-1,0] += 400

        # normalize all indices to 0-1
        indices[:,0] *= index_ratio

        # make sure consecutive hues do not change by > 0.5
        for idx in range(numpy.size(indices,0)-1):
            if indices[idx+1,1]-indices[idx,1] > 0.5:
                indices[idx+1,1] -= 0.5
            elif indices[idx,1]-indices[idx+1,1] > 0.5:
                indices[idx+1,1] += 0.5

        # interpolate each color separately
        newr = numpy.interp(newpal,indices[:,0],indices[:,1])
        newg = numpy.interp(newpal,indices[:,0],indices[:,2])
        newb = numpy.interp(newpal,indices[:,0],indices[:,3])

        # now we have 256 elements in each r,g,b
        palette = Palette()
        palette[:] = map(None, itertools.izip(newr,newg,newb))

        yield (item_name,palette)
Пример #6
    def testFromFlameElement(self):
        sfd = StringIO(self.xml)
        tree = etree.parse(sfd)

        self.assertEquals(tree.getroot().tag, 'flame')

        palette = Palette.from_flame_element(tree.getroot())

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, self.data[idx])
Пример #7
    def testSequence(self):
        palette = Palette()
        c1 = [1, 2, 3]
        c2 = [1, 2, 4]
        c3 = [1, 2, 5]

        palette[0] = c1
        palette[1] = c2
        palette[2] = c3

        self.check_index(palette, 0, c1)
        self.check_index(palette, 1, c2)
        self.check_index(palette, 2, c3)
Пример #8
def _load_xml_iter(filename):
    with open(filename) as  gradient_fd:
        text = gradient_fd.read()

    for match in _xml_main_re.finditer(text):

        item_name, inner = match.groups()

        # get rid of whitespace
        inner = re.sub('\s+','',inner)

        # get rid of leading 00's
        print inner
        arr = []
        for i in range(0, len(inner), 8):

        # make a list of the hex pairs
        lst = re.findall('[a-f0-9]{2}', ''.join(arr), re.I)
        palette = Palette()
        palette.data = zip(*[(int(i, 16) for i in lst)]*3)

        yield (item_name, palette)
Пример #9
    def testSaturation(self):
        palette = Palette.from_flame_element(self.hex_flame_element)

        def adjust_saturation(c, v):
            h, l, s = functions.rgb2hls(c)
            return functions.hls2rgb((h, l, s + v))

        adjusted = self.data[:]

        for idx, c in enumerate(adjusted):
            adjusted[idx] = adjust_saturation(c, 0.05)

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, adjusted[idx])
Пример #10
    def testFromString(self):
        palette = Palette.from_string(self.xml)

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, self.data[idx])
Пример #11
    def testInit(self):
        palette = Palette()

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, (0, 0, 0))
Пример #12
 def testFromImage(self):
     palette = Palette()
Пример #13
 def testFromImage(self):
     palette = Palette()
     palette.from_image(map(ord, image_data), (14, 14))
Пример #14
    def testFromFlameElement(self):
        palette = Palette.from_flame_element(self.hex_flame_element)

        for idx in range(256):
            self.check_index(palette, idx, self.data[idx])