def test_add_config(self): config_obj = ConfigObj(dict()) config_obj.add("namespace1.namespace2", { "setting1": "value1", "setting2": "value2" }) assert config_obj.get_or_else("namespace1.namespace2.setting1", "") == "value1"
def test_key_as_int(self): channel_config = ConfigObj() channel_config.add( "promo_pre_periods", { # list of promo length / pre-period length pairs in days 7: 28, 14: 28, 21: 56 }) assert channel_config.as_dict()["promo_pre_periods"][7] == 28
def test_add_config(self): config_obj = ConfigObj({"a": 1, "b": {"c": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}}) config_obj.add("b.c2", 2) config_obj.add("e1.e2.e3", 123) print(config_obj.configs) assert config_obj.b.c2 == 2 and config_obj.b.c == [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "should add config to config obj." assert config_obj.e1.e2.e3 == 123, "should be able to chain add." assert config_obj.get_or_else( "e1.e2.e3", None) == 123, "should be able to get config value." assert config_obj.get_or_else( "e1.e22", "default") == "default", "default value if key does not exist."
class DateTimeManager: def __init__(self, _snapshot_date, _dt_col: str, _dt_format: str, _date_format: str, _config: ConfigObj, _partition_col=None, _partition_dt_format=None): """ :param _dt_col: datetime column if relevant, otherwise just use date column :param _dt_format: common datetime format in python str format this is generally the column in the date_dim that is ued throughout the codebase any code using a different format will need to use the clean_time function :param _date_format: common date format in python str format :param _partition_dt_format: python format string for the datetime format used for partition col This only works if the partition col is date type :param _config: config object passed in :param _partition_col: partition column if dataset[s] are partitioned on date/datetime :param _partition_period: Supported is Daily, Monthly, Yearly, this will select the first day of the period based on the _partition_dt_format to ensure the entire period is included in the partition filters """ self.date_time_col = _dt_col self.date_time_format = _dt_format self.date_format = _date_format self.partition_col = _partition_col self.partition_dt_format = _partition_dt_format self.partition_range = {} self.config = _config self.dt_tracker = ConfigObj() if self.config.contains("time_helpers.snapshot_date"): self.snapshot_date = self.config.get_or_else( "time_helpers.snapshot_date", "") elif _snapshot_date is None and not self.config.contains( "time_helpers.snapshot_date"): self.snapshot_date = else: self.snapshot_date = _snapshot_date self.snapshot_date_dt = datetime.strptime(self.snapshot_date, self.date_format).date() self.end = self.snapshot_date_dt.strftime(self.date_format) self.all_dates = set([]) if not self.config.contains("time_helpers.snapshot_type"): mo_max_day = calendar.monthrange(self.snapshot_date_dt.year, self.snapshot_date_dt.month)[1] snapshot_type = "MONTH" if mo_max_day == else "DAILY" self.config.add("time_helpers.snapshot_type", snapshot_type) self.config.add("time_helpers.snapshot_date", self.snapshot_date) self.config.add("time_helpers.partition_col", self.partition_col) self.config.add("time_helpers.date_col", self.date_time_col) self.config.add("time_helpers.date_col_format", self.date_format) self.config.add("time_helpers.partition_col_format", self.partition_dt_format) def get_config(self): return self.config def _track_date(self, period, dt): if not self.dt_tracker.contains("{}.all_dates".format(period)): self.dt_tracker.add("{}.all_dates".format(period), [dt]) else: dl = self.dt_tracker.get_or_else("{}.all_dates".format(period), "") self.dt_tracker.add("{}.all_dates".format(period), dl + [dt]) def _append_ranges(self): for period, dates in self.dt_tracker.configs.items(): mm = self._get_min_max_dt_from_list(dates['all_dates'], self.date_format) self.dt_tracker.add("{}.min".format(period), mm[0].strftime(self.date_format)) self.dt_tracker.add("{}.max".format(period), mm[1].strftime(self.date_format)) def _append_trend_ranges(self, trend_period_ranges): for rng in trend_period_ranges: # [["1m","12m"]] num_range = list(range(int(rng[0][:-1]), int(rng[1][:-1]) + 1)) period_type = rng[0][-1:] trend_period = [ "{}{}".format(num, period_type) for num in num_range ] self.append_periods( trend_period, "time_helpers.trend_filters.{}".format(period_type)) def append_periods(self, periods, cfg_prefix="time_helpers.date_filters"): date_format = self.date_format config = self.config self.all_dates.add(self.end) def _month(_length): start = (self.snapshot_date_dt - relativedelta(months=int(_length))).strftime(date_format) self.all_dates.add(start) self._track_date("m", start) period_config = {"start": start, "end": self.end} config.add("{}.ranges.{}m".format(cfg_prefix, _length), period_config) return True def _week(_length): start = (self.snapshot_date_dt - relativedelta(weeks=int(_length))).strftime(date_format) self.all_dates.add(start) self._track_date("w", start) period_config = {"start": start, "end": self.end} config.add("{}.ranges.{}w".format(cfg_prefix, _length), period_config) return True def _day(_length): start = (self.snapshot_date_dt - relativedelta(days=int(_length))).strftime(date_format) self.all_dates.add(start) self._track_date("d", start) period_config = {"start": start, "end": self.end} config.add("{}.ranges.{}d".format(cfg_prefix, _length), period_config) return True def _year(_length): start = (self.snapshot_date_dt - relativedelta(years=int(_length))).strftime(date_format) self.all_dates.add(start) self._track_date("y", start) period_config = {"start": start, "end": self.end} config.add("{}.ranges.{}y".format(cfg_prefix, _length), period_config) return True for p in periods: assert ("m" in p[-1:] or "w" in p[-1:] or "d" in p[-1:] or "y" in p[-1:]), \ "Only m,w,d,y accepted as period types for insertion" for period in periods: length = period[:-1] period_type = period[-1:] append = {"m": _month, "w": _week, "d": _day, "y": _year} append[period_type](length) # Track the periods that were appended for later use if not self.dt_tracker.contains("{}.periods".format(period_type)): self.dt_tracker.add("{}.periods".format(period_type), [int(length)]) else: pl = self.dt_tracker.get_or_else( "{}.periods".format(period_type), "") self.dt_tracker.add("{}.periods".format(period_type), pl + [int(length)]) self._append_ranges() # self._build_numerical_ranges() # If config is missing min/max partition values, insert them # Otherwise set the min/max of this to what's in the config all_dates_mm = self._get_min_max_dt_from_list(self.all_dates, date_format) if not config.contains("time_helpers.partition_lower"): self.partition_range['start'] = all_dates_mm[0].strftime( self.partition_dt_format) config.add("time_helpers.partition_lower", self.partition_range['start']) else: self.partition_range['start'] = config.get_or_else( "time_helpers.partition_lower", "partition_lower is not set") if not config.contains("time_helpers.partition_upper"): self.partition_range['end'] = all_dates_mm[1].strftime( self.partition_dt_format) config.add("time_helpers.partition_upper", self.partition_range['end']) else: self.partition_range['end'] = config.get_or_else( "time_helpers.partition_upper", "partition_upper is not set") def scoped_partition_filter(self, range_dict=None, start=None, end=None, partition_col=None, input_fmt=None, partition_col_fmt=None, snapshot_type=None): if snapshot_type is None: snapshot_type = self.config.get_or_else( "time_helpers.snapshot_type", "MONTH") assert (snapshot_type == "MONTH" or snapshot_type == "DAILY"), \ "snapshot_type must be DAILY or MONTH, got {}".format(snapshot_type) if input_fmt is None: fmt = self.date_format else: fmt = input_fmt if partition_col_fmt is None: partition_col_fmt = self.partition_dt_format if range_dict is not None and start is None and end is None: min_date_dt = datetime.strptime(range_dict['start'], fmt) max_date_dt = datetime.strptime(range_dict['end'], fmt) if start is None and range_dict is None: min_date_dt = min( [datetime.strptime(dt, fmt) for dt in list(self.all_dates)]) elif range_dict is None and start is not None: min_date_dt = datetime.strptime(start, fmt) if end is None and range_dict is None: max_date_dt = max( [datetime.strptime(dt, fmt) for dt in list(self.all_dates)]) elif range_dict is None and end is not None: max_date_dt = datetime.strptime(end, fmt) if partition_col is None: partition_col = self.config.get_or_else( "time_helpers.partition_col", "No time_helpers.partition_col specified in config and " "no partition column passed into function") if snapshot_type == "MONTH": adj_start = (min_date_dt - relativedelta(months=1 - 1)).replace(day=1) part_filter = col(partition_col).between( adj_start.strftime(partition_col_fmt), max_date_dt.strftime(partition_col_fmt)) else: part_filter = col(partition_col).between( min_date_dt.strftime(partition_col_fmt), max_date_dt.strftime(partition_col_fmt)) return part_filter def scoped_time_filter(self, range_dict=None, start=None, end=None, _fmt=None): if _fmt is None: fmt = self.date_format else: fmt = _fmt if range_dict is not None and start is None and end is None: min_date_dt = datetime.strptime(range_dict['start'], fmt) max_date_dt = datetime.strptime(range_dict['end'], fmt) if start is None and range_dict is None: min_date_dt = min( [datetime.strptime(dt, fmt) for dt in list(self.all_dates)]) elif range_dict is None and start is not None: min_date_dt = datetime.strptime(start, fmt) if end is None and range_dict is None: max_date_dt = max( [datetime.strptime(dt, fmt) for dt in list(self.all_dates)]) elif range_dict is None and end is not None: max_date_dt = datetime.strptime(end, fmt) min_date_str = min_date_dt.strftime(fmt) max_date_str = max_date_dt.strftime(fmt) dt_filter = col(self.date_time_col).between(min_date_str, max_date_str) if self.partition_col is not None: snapshot_type = self.config.get_or_else( "time_helpers.snapshot_type", "MONTH") partition_filter = self.scoped_partition_filter( min_date_dt, max_date_dt, self.partition_col, self.partition_dt_format, snapshot_type) dt_filter = dt_filter & partition_filter return dt_filter def _get_min_max_dt_from_list(self, l, fmt): mi = min([datetime.strptime(dt, fmt) for dt in l]) ma = max([datetime.strptime(dt, fmt) for dt in l]) return [mi, ma]