Пример #1
    def transfer(self):
        daemon = Daemon()

        print("Creating transfer to self")

        dst = {'address': '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 'amount': 1000000000000}
        payment_id = '1234500000012345abcde00000abcdeff1234500000012345abcde00000abcde'

        start_balances = [0] * len(self.wallet)
        running_balances = [0] * len(self.wallet)
        for i in range(len(self.wallet)):
          res = self.wallet[i].get_balance()
          start_balances[i] = res.balance
          running_balances[i] = res.balance
          assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
          if i == 0:
            assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59 # we've been mining to it
            assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 0

        print ('Checking short payment IDs cannot be used when not in an integrated address')
        ok = False
        try: self.wallet[0].transfer([dst], ring_size = 11, payment_id = '1234567812345678', get_tx_key = False)
        except: ok = True
        assert ok

        print ('Checking long payment IDs are rejected')
        ok = False
        try: self.wallet[0].transfer([dst], ring_size = 11, payment_id = payment_id, get_tx_key = False, get_tx_hex = True)
        except: ok = True
        assert ok

        print ('Checking empty destination is rejected')
        ok = False
        try: self.wallet[0].transfer([], ring_size = 11, get_tx_key = False)
        except: ok = True
        assert ok

        res = self.wallet[0].transfer([dst], ring_size = 11, get_tx_key = False, get_tx_hex = True)
        assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2
        txid = res.tx_hash
        assert len(res.tx_key) == 0
        assert res.amount > 0
        amount = res.amount
        assert res.fee > 0
        fee = res.fee
        assert len(res.tx_blob) > 0
        tx_weight = res.weight
        assert len(res.tx_metadata) == 0
        assert len(res.multisig_txset) == 0
        assert len(res.unsigned_txset) == 0
        unsigned_txset = res.unsigned_txset

        res = daemon.get_fee_estimate(10)
        assert res.fee > 0
        assert res.quantization_mask > 0
        expected_fee = (res.fee * 1 * tx_weight + res.quantization_mask - 1) // res.quantization_mask * res.quantization_mask
        assert abs(1 - fee / expected_fee) < 0.01


        res = daemon.get_info()
        height = res.height

        res = self.wallet[0].get_transfers()
        assert len(res['in']) == height - 1 # coinbases
        assert not 'out' in res or len(res.out) == 0 # not mined yet
        assert len(res.pending) == 1
        assert not 'pool' in res or len(res.pool) == 0
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        for e in res['in']:
          assert e.type == 'block'
        e = res.pending[0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ['', '0000000000000000']
        assert e.type == 'pending'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert not 'confirmations' in e or e.confirmations == 0

        running_balances[0] -= fee

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1)
        res = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        running_balances[0] += res.block_header.reward

        res = self.wallet[0].get_transfers()
        assert len(res['in']) == height # coinbases
        assert len(res.out) == 1 # not mined yet
        assert not 'pending' in res or len(res.pending) == 0
        assert not 'pool' in res or len(res.pool) == 0
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        for e in res['in']:
          assert e.type == 'block'
        e = res.out[0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ['', '0000000000000000']
        assert e.type == 'out'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert e.confirmations == 1

        res = self.wallet[0].get_height()
        wallet_height = res.height
        res = self.wallet[0].get_transfer_by_txid(txid)
        assert len(res.transfers) == 1
        assert res.transfers[0] == res.transfer
        t = res.transfer
        assert t.txid == txid
        assert t.payment_id in ['', '0000000000000000']
        assert t.height == wallet_height - 1
        assert t.timestamp > 0
        assert t.amount == 0 # to self, so it's just "pay a fee" really
        assert t.fee == fee
        assert t.note == ''
        assert len(t.destinations) == 1
        assert t.destinations[0] == {'address': '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 'amount': 1000000000000}
        assert t.type == 'out'
        assert t.unlock_time == 0
        assert t.address == '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm'
        assert t.double_spend_seen == False
        assert t.confirmations == 1

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        print("Creating transfer to another, manual relay")

        dst = {'address': '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW', 'amount': 1000000000000}
        res = self.wallet[0].transfer([dst], ring_size = 11, get_tx_key = True, do_not_relay = True, get_tx_hex = True)
        assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2
        txid = res.tx_hash
        assert len(res.tx_key) == 32*2
        assert res.amount == 1000000000000
        amount = res.amount
        assert res.fee > 0
        fee = res.fee
        assert len(res.tx_blob) > 0
        assert len(res.tx_metadata) == 0
        assert len(res.multisig_txset) == 0
        assert len(res.unsigned_txset) == 0
        tx_blob = res.tx_blob

        res = daemon.send_raw_transaction(tx_blob)
        assert res.not_relayed == False
        assert res.low_mixin == False
        assert res.double_spend == False
        assert res.invalid_input == False
        assert res.invalid_output == False
        assert res.too_big == False
        assert res.overspend == False
        assert res.fee_too_low == False


        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59


        res = self.wallet[1].get_transfers()
        assert not 'in' in res or len(res['in']) == 0
        assert not 'out' in res or len(res.out) == 0
        assert not 'pending' in res or len(res.pending) == 0
        assert len(res.pool) == 1
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        e = res.pool[0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ["", "0000000000000000"] # long payment IDs are now ignored
        assert e.type == 'pool'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert not 'confirmations' in e or e.confirmations == 0
        assert e.amount == amount
        assert e.fee == fee

        daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1)
        res = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        running_balances[0] -= 1000000000000 + fee
        running_balances[0] += res.block_header.reward
        running_balances[1] += 1000000000000

        res = self.wallet[1].get_transfers()
        assert len(res['in']) == 1
        assert not 'out' in res or len(res.out) == 0
        assert not 'pending' in res or len(res.pending) == 0
        assert not 'pool' in res or len(res.pool) == 0
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        e = res['in'][0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ["", "0000000000000000"] # long payment IDs are now ignored
        assert e.type == 'in'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert e.confirmations == 1
        assert e.amount == amount
        assert e.fee == fee

        res = self.wallet[1].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[1]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 9

        print('Creating multi out transfer')


        dst0 = {'address': '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 'amount': 1000000000000}
        dst1 = {'address': '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW', 'amount': 1100000000000}
        dst2 = {'address': '46r4nYSevkfBUMhuykdK3gQ98XDqDTYW1hNLaXNvjpsJaSbNtdXh1sKMsdVgqkaihChAzEy29zEDPMR3NHQvGoZCLGwTerK', 'amount': 1200000000000}
        res = self.wallet[0].transfer([dst0, dst1, dst2], ring_size = 11, get_tx_key = True)
        assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2
        txid = res.tx_hash
        assert len(res.tx_key) == 32*2
        assert res.amount == 1000000000000 + 1100000000000 + 1200000000000
        amount = res.amount
        assert res.fee > 0
        fee = res.fee
        assert len(res.tx_blob) == 0
        assert len(res.tx_metadata) == 0
        assert len(res.multisig_txset) == 0
        assert len(res.unsigned_txset) == 0
        unsigned_txset = res.unsigned_txset

        running_balances[0] -= 1100000000000 + 1200000000000 + fee

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1)
        res = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        running_balances[0] += res.block_header.reward
        running_balances[1] += 1100000000000
        running_balances[2] += 1200000000000

        res = self.wallet[0].get_transfers()
        assert len(res['in']) == height + 2
        assert len(res.out) == 3
        assert not 'pending' in res or len(res.pending) == 0
        assert not 'pool' in res or len(res.pool) == 1
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        e = [o for o in res.out if o.txid == txid]
        assert len(e) == 1
        e = e[0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ["", "0000000000000000"] # long payment IDs are now ignored
        assert e.type == 'out'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert e.confirmations == 1

        assert e.amount == amount
        assert e.fee == fee

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        res = self.wallet[1].get_transfers()
        assert len(res['in']) == 2
        assert not 'out' in res or len(res.out) == 0
        assert not 'pending' in res or len(res.pending) == 0
        assert not 'pool' in res or len(res.pool) == 0
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        e = [o for o in res['in'] if o.txid == txid]
        assert len(e) == 1
        e = e[0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ["", "0000000000000000"] # long payment IDs are now ignored
        assert e.type == 'in'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert e.confirmations == 1
        assert e.amount == 1100000000000
        assert e.fee == fee

        res = self.wallet[1].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[1]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 9

        res = self.wallet[2].get_transfers()
        assert len(res['in']) == 1
        assert not 'out' in res or len(res.out) == 0
        assert not 'pending' in res or len(res.pending) == 0
        assert not 'pool' in res or len(res.pool) == 0
        assert not 'failed' in res or len(res.failed) == 0
        e = [o for o in res['in'] if o.txid == txid]
        assert len(e) == 1
        e = e[0]
        assert e.txid == txid
        assert e.payment_id in ["", "0000000000000000"] # long payment IDs are now ignored
        assert e.type == 'in'
        assert e.unlock_time == 0
        assert e.subaddr_index.major == 0
        assert e.subaddr_indices == [{'major': 0, 'minor': 0}]
        assert e.address == '46r4nYSevkfBUMhuykdK3gQ98XDqDTYW1hNLaXNvjpsJaSbNtdXh1sKMsdVgqkaihChAzEy29zEDPMR3NHQvGoZCLGwTerK'
        assert e.double_spend_seen == False
        assert e.confirmations == 1
        assert e.amount == 1200000000000
        assert e.fee == fee

        res = self.wallet[2].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[2]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 9

        print('Sending to integrated address')
        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        i_pid = '1111111122222222'
        res = self.wallet[0].make_integrated_address(standard_address = '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW', payment_id = i_pid)
        i_address = res.integrated_address
        res = self.wallet[0].transfer([{'address': i_address, 'amount': 200000000}])
        assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2
        i_txid = res.tx_hash
        assert len(res.tx_key) == 32*2
        assert res.amount == 200000000
        i_amount = res.amount
        assert res.fee > 0
        fee = res.fee
        assert len(res.tx_blob) == 0
        assert len(res.tx_metadata) == 0
        assert len(res.multisig_txset) == 0
        assert len(res.unsigned_txset) == 0

        running_balances[0] -= 200000000 + fee

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1)
        res = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        running_balances[0] += res.block_header.reward
        running_balances[1] += 200000000

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        res = self.wallet[1].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[1]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 9

        res = self.wallet[2].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[2]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 8

        daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1)
        res = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        running_balances[0] += res.block_header.reward

        res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[0]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 59

        res = self.wallet[1].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[1]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 8

        res = self.wallet[2].get_balance()
        assert res.balance == running_balances[2]
        assert res.unlocked_balance <= res.balance
        assert res.blocks_to_unlock == 7
Пример #2
    def _test_generateblocks(self, blocks):
        assert blocks >= 2

        print("Test generating", blocks, 'blocks')

        daemon = Daemon()

        # check info/height before generating blocks
        res_info = daemon.get_info()
        height = res_info.height
        prev_block = res_info.top_block_hash
        res_height = daemon.get_height()
        assert res_height.height == height
        assert int(res_info.wide_cumulative_difficulty,
                   16) == (res_info.cumulative_difficulty_top64 <<
                           64) + res_info.cumulative_difficulty
        cumulative_difficulty = int(res_info.wide_cumulative_difficulty, 16)

        # we should not see a block at height
        ok = False
            ok = True
        assert ok

        res = daemon.get_fee_estimate()
        assert res.fee == 234562
        assert res.quantization_mask == 10000
        res = daemon.get_fee_estimate(10)
        assert res.fee <= 234562

        # generate blocks
        res_generateblocks = daemon.generateblocks(

        # check info/height after generateblocks blocks
        assert res_generateblocks.height == height + blocks - 1
        res_info = daemon.get_info()
        assert res_info.height == height + blocks
        assert res_info.top_block_hash != prev_block
        res_height = daemon.get_height()
        assert res_height.height == height + blocks

        # get the blocks, check they have the right height
        res_getblock = []
        for n in range(blocks):
            res_getblock.append(daemon.getblock(height=height + n))
            block_header = res_getblock[n].block_header
            assert abs(block_header.timestamp -
                       time.time()) < 60  # within 60 seconds
            assert block_header.height == height + n
            assert block_header.orphan_status == False
            assert block_header.depth == blocks - n - 1
            assert block_header.prev_hash == prev_block, prev_block
            assert int(block_header.wide_difficulty, 16) == (
                block_header.difficulty_top64 << 64) + block_header.difficulty
            assert int(block_header.wide_cumulative_difficulty,
                       16) == (block_header.cumulative_difficulty_top64 <<
                               64) + block_header.cumulative_difficulty
            assert block_header.reward >= 600000000000  # tail emission
            cumulative_difficulty += int(block_header.wide_difficulty, 16)
            assert cumulative_difficulty == int(
                block_header.wide_cumulative_difficulty, 16)
            assert block_header.block_size > 0
            assert block_header.block_weight >= block_header.block_size
            assert block_header.long_term_weight > 0
            prev_block = block_header.hash

        # we should not see a block after that
        ok = False
            daemon.getblock(height=height + blocks)
            ok = True
        assert ok

        # getlastblockheader and by height/hash should return the same block
        res_getlastblockheader = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        assert res_getlastblockheader.block_header == block_header
        res_getblockheaderbyhash = daemon.getblockheaderbyhash(prev_block)
        assert res_getblockheaderbyhash.block_header == block_header
        res_getblockheaderbyheight = daemon.getblockheaderbyheight(height +
                                                                   blocks - 1)
        assert res_getblockheaderbyheight.block_header == block_header

        # getting a block template after that should have the right height, etc
        res_getblocktemplate = daemon.getblocktemplate(
        assert res_getblocktemplate.height == height + blocks
        assert res_getblocktemplate.reserved_offset > 0
        assert res_getblocktemplate.prev_hash == res_info.top_block_hash
        assert res_getblocktemplate.expected_reward >= 600000000000
        assert len(res_getblocktemplate.blocktemplate_blob) > 0
        assert len(res_getblocktemplate.blockhashing_blob) > 0
        assert int(res_getblocktemplate.wide_difficulty,
                   16) == (res_getblocktemplate.difficulty_top64 <<
                           64) + res_getblocktemplate.difficulty

        # diff etc should be the same
        assert res_getblocktemplate.prev_hash == res_info.top_block_hash

        res_getlastblockheader = daemon.getlastblockheader()

        # pop a block
        res_popblocks = daemon.pop_blocks(1)
        assert res_popblocks.height == height + blocks - 1

        res_info = daemon.get_info()
        assert res_info.height == height + blocks - 1

        # getlastblockheader and by height/hash should return the previous block
        block_header = res_getblock[blocks - 2].block_header
        block_header.depth = 0  # this will be different, ignore it
        res_getlastblockheader = daemon.getlastblockheader()
        assert res_getlastblockheader.block_header == block_header
        res_getblockheaderbyhash = daemon.getblockheaderbyhash(
        assert res_getblockheaderbyhash.block_header == block_header
        res_getblockheaderbyheight = daemon.getblockheaderbyheight(height +
                                                                   blocks - 2)
        assert res_getblockheaderbyheight.block_header == block_header

        # we should not see the popped block anymore
        ok = False
            daemon.getblock(height=height + blocks - 1)
            ok = True
        assert ok

        # get transactions
        res = daemon.get_info()
        assert res.height == height + blocks - 1
        nblocks = height + blocks - 1
        res = daemon.getblockheadersrange(0, nblocks - 1)
        assert len(res.headers) == nblocks
        assert res.headers[-1] == block_header
        txids = [x.miner_tx_hash for x in res.headers]
        res = daemon.get_transactions(txs_hashes=txids)
        assert len(res.txs) == nblocks
        assert not 'missed_txs' in res or len(res.missed_txs) == 0
        running_output_index = 0
        for i in range(len(txids)):
            tx = res.txs[i]
            assert tx.tx_hash == txids[i]
            assert not tx.double_spend_seen
            assert not tx.in_pool
            assert tx.block_height == i
            if i > 0:
                for idx in tx.output_indices:
                    assert idx == running_output_index
                    running_output_index += 1
                res_out = daemon.get_outs([{
                    'amount': 0,
                    'index': idx
                } for idx in tx.output_indices],
                assert len(res_out.outs) == len(tx.output_indices)
                for out in res_out.outs:
                    assert len(out.key) == 64
                    assert len(out.mask) == 64
                    assert not out.unlocked
                    assert out.height == i
                    assert out.txid == txids[i]

        for i in range(height + nblocks - 1):
            res_sum = daemon.get_coinbase_tx_sum(i, 1)
            res_header = daemon.getblockheaderbyheight(i)
            assert res_sum.emission_amount == res_header.block_header.reward

        res = daemon.get_coinbase_tx_sum(0, 1)
        assert res.emission_amount == 17592186044415
        assert res.fee_amount == 0
        sum_blocks = height + nblocks - 1
        res = daemon.get_coinbase_tx_sum(0, sum_blocks)
        extrapolated = 17592186044415 + 17592186044415 * 2 * (sum_blocks - 1)
        assert res.emission_amount < extrapolated and res.emission_amount > extrapolated - 1e12
        assert res.fee_amount == 0
        sum_blocks_emission = res.emission_amount
        res = daemon.get_coinbase_tx_sum(1, sum_blocks)
        assert res.emission_amount == sum_blocks_emission - 17592186044415
        assert res.fee_amount == 0

        res = daemon.get_output_distribution([0, 1, 17592186044415], 0, 0)
        assert len(res.distributions) == 3
        for a in range(3):
            assert res.distributions[a].amount == [0, 1, 17592186044415][a]
            assert res.distributions[a].start_height == 0
            assert res.distributions[a].base == 0
            assert len(
                res.distributions[a].distribution) == height + nblocks - 1
            assert res.distributions[a].binary == False
            for i in range(height + nblocks - 1):
                assert res.distributions[a].distribution[i] == (
                    1 if i > 0 and a == 0 else 1 if a == 2 and i == 0 else 0)

        res = daemon.get_output_histogram([], min_count=0, max_count=0)
        assert len(res.histogram) == 2
        for i in range(2):
            assert res.histogram[i].amount in [0, 17592186044415]
            assert res.histogram[i].total_instances in [
                height + nblocks - 2, 1
            assert res.histogram[i].unlocked_instances == 0
            assert res.histogram[i].recent_instances == 0

        res = daemon.get_fee_estimate()
        assert res.fee == 234560
        assert res.quantization_mask == 10000
        res = daemon.get_fee_estimate(10)
        assert res.fee <= 234560