Пример #1
def load_keras_sequential(relative_path: str, file_name_without_extension: str) -> Sequential:
    Loads a Keras Sequential neural network from file system
        relative_path : relative path in project
        file_name_without_extension : file name without extension, will be used for json with models and h5 with weights.
        Sequential, or None if nothing found or error

    model_filename_with_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path, file_name_without_extension + '.json')
    weights_filename_with_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path, file_name_without_extension + '.h5')

    if os.path.exists(model_filename_with_path) and os.path.exists(weights_filename_with_path):
            json_file = open(model_filename_with_path, 'r')
            loaded_model_json = json_file.read()
            model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
            logger.debug(f"load_keras_sequential: Loaded Sequential from {model_filename_with_path} "
                        f"and {weights_filename_with_path}!")
            return model
            logger.error(f"load_keras_sequential: Loading of Sequential {model_filename_with_path} failed!")
            return None
        logger.error(f"load_keras_sequential: model File {model_filename_with_path} "
                     f"or weights file {weights_filename_with_path} not found!")
        return None
Пример #2
    def make_order(self, company: Company, orderTyp: OrderType, percentage,
                   portfolio: Portfolio,
                   stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> Order:
         creates an Order
            company: the company for the order
            orderTyp: the OrderTyp (as Vote instance)
            percentage: an integer indicating how much percent should be bought or sold
         Returns an order for one company of instance Order
        if orderTyp == OrderType.BUY:
            stock_price = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(company)
            port = portfolio.cash * percentage
            amount_to_buy = int(port // stock_price)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got best action to buy {company}: and bought {amount_to_buy}"
            return Order(OrderType.BUY, company,
                         amount_to_buy) if amount_to_buy > 0 else None

        elif orderTyp == OrderType.SELL:
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
            amount_to_sell *= percentage
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got best action to sell {company}: and sold {amount_to_sell}"
            return Order(OrderType.SELL, company,
                         amount_to_sell) if amount_to_sell > 0 else None

            assert False
Пример #3
def save_keras_sequential(model: Sequential, relative_path: str, file_name_without_extension: str) -> bool:
    Saves a Keras Sequential in File System
        model : Sequential to save
        relative_path : relative path in project
        file_name_without_extension : file name without extension, will be used for json with models and h5 with weights.
        True if successful, False otherwise, never None
    if model.model is None:
        logger.error(f"save_keras_sequential: Cannot write an empty model as file")
        return False

        model_as_json = model.to_json()

        model_filename_with_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path, file_name_without_extension + '.json')
        weights_filename_with_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, relative_path, file_name_without_extension + '.h5')

        json_file = open(model_filename_with_path, "w")

        logger.debug(f"save_keras_sequential: Saved Sequential from {model_filename_with_path} "
                    f"and {weights_filename_with_path}!")
        return True
        logger.error(f"save_keras_sequential: Writing of Sequential as file failed")
        return False
    def run(self,
            data: StockMarketData,
            traders: List[ITrader],
            offset: int = 0) -> Dict[ITrader, Dict[Date, Portfolio]]:
        Runs the stock exchange over the given stock market data for the given traders.
        :param data: The complete stock market data
        :param traders: A list of all traders
        :param offset: The number of trading days which a will be skipped before (!) trading starts
        :return: The main data structure, which stores one portfolio per trade day, for each traders
        assert data is not None
        assert traders is not None

        # initialize the main data structure: Dictionary over traders, that stores each traders's portfolio per day
        # data structure type is Dict[ITrader, Dict[Date, Portfolio]]
        trade_dates = data.get_trade_days()
        assert trade_dates  # must not be empty
        assert 0 <= offset < len(trade_dates)  # offset must be feasible
        self.__complete_stock_market_data = data
        self.__trader_portfolios = {
            trader: {
                trade_dates[offset]: Portfolio(self.__cash)
            for trader in traders

        # iterate over all trade days minus 1, because we don't trade on the last day
        for tick in range(offset, len(trade_dates) - 1):
                f"Stock Exchange: Current tick '{tick}' means today is '{trade_dates[tick]}'"
            if tick % 365 == 1:
            # build stock market data until today
            current_stock_market_data = data.deepcopy_first_n_items(tick + 1)

            # iterate over all traders
            for trader in traders:
                # get the traders's order list by giving him a copy (to prevent cheating) of today's portfolio
                todays_portfolio = self.__trader_portfolios[trader][
                current_order_list = trader.trade(
                    copy.deepcopy(todays_portfolio), current_stock_market_data)

                # execute order list and save the result as tomorrow's portfolio
                tomorrows_portfolio = copy.deepcopy(todays_portfolio)
                    current_stock_market_data, current_order_list)
                    tick + 1]] = tomorrows_portfolio

        return self.__trader_portfolios
Пример #5
 def follow_orders(orders):
     order_list = []
     company_list = stock_market_data.get_companies()
     for company, order in zip(company_list, orders):
         stock_data = stock_market_data[company]
         if order.type == OrderType.BUY:
             # buy as many stocks as possible
             stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
             amount_to_buy = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price)
             logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got order to buy {company}: {amount_to_buy} shares a {stock_price}")
             if amount_to_buy > 0:
                 order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
         elif order.type == OrderType.SELL:
             # sell as many stocks as possible
             amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
             logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got order to sell {company}: {amount_to_sell} shares available")
             if amount_to_sell > 0:
                 order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell))
     return order_list
Пример #6
    def __follow_expert_vote(self, company: Company, stock_data: StockData,
                             vote: Vote, buy_weight: float,
                             portfolio: Portfolio, order_list: List[Order]):
        assert company is not None
        assert stock_data is not None
        assert vote is not None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert order_list is not None

        if vote is Vote.BUY or vote is Vote.HOLD:
            assert buy_weight is not None and 0 < buy_weight <= 1.0
            stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
            amount_to_buy = int(buy_weight * portfolio.cash // stock_price)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to buy {company}: {amount_to_buy} shares a {stock_price}"
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
        elif vote == Vote.SELL:
            # sell as many stocks as possible
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to sell {company}: {amount_to_sell} shares available"
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount_to_sell))
            # do nothing
            assert vote == Vote.HOLD
            logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to hold {company}")
Пример #7
    def __follow_action(self, company: Company, stock_data: StockData,
                        vote: Vote, portfolio: Portfolio,
                        order_list: List[Order]):
        Protected helper method to calculate amount of stocks to be bought and sold.

        :param company: Company
        :param stock_data: StockData
        :param vote: Vote
        :param portfolio: Portfolio
        :param order_list: List[Order]
        :return: None (writes result to order_list)

        assert company is not None
        assert stock_data is not None
        assert vote is not None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert order_list is not None

        if vote == Vote.BUY:
            # buy as many stocks as possible
            stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
            amount_to_buy = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to buy {company}: {amount_to_buy} shares a {stock_price}"
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
        elif vote == Vote.SELL:
            # sell as many stocks as possible
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to sell {company}: {amount_to_sell} shares available"
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount_to_sell))
            # do nothing
            assert vote == Vote.HOLD
            logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to hold {company}")
Пример #8
    def update_with_order_list(self, stock_market_data: StockMarketData, orders: List[Order]):
        Update the portfolio by executing all given stock orders simultaneously.
        Executing simultaneously means:
            1) The order in which the stock orders are executed does not matter.
            2) Cash from selling stocks today is only available for buying stocks tomorrow.
        If a stock order couldn't be executed (e.g., not enough cash/stocks available), then that order is skipped.
        :param stock_market_data: Information about all stock prices
        :param orders: The list of all stock orders
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert orders is not None

        if len(orders) == 0:
            logger.debug("The order list is empty. No portfolio update this time")

        available_cash = self.cash
        current_date = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_trade_day()
        logger.debug(f"Updating portfolio {self}: Available cash on {current_date} is {available_cash}")

        for order in orders:
            # get the infos about the order and the existing stock
            company = order.company
            current_price = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(company)
            amount = order.amount
            trade_volume = amount * current_price
            existing_amount = self.get_stock(company)

            if order.type is OrderType.BUY:
                logger.debug(f"Buying {amount} stocks of '{company}' at {current_price} (total {trade_volume})")
                if trade_volume <= available_cash:
                    self.stocks[company] = existing_amount + amount
                    self.cash -= trade_volume
                    available_cash -= trade_volume
                    logger.debug(f"Not enough cash ({available_cash}) for transaction with volume of {trade_volume}")
            elif order.type is OrderType.SELL:
                logger.debug(f"Selling {amount} stocks of '{company}' at {current_price} (total {trade_volume})")
                if existing_amount >= amount:
                    self.stocks[company] = existing_amount - amount
                    self.cash += trade_volume
                    logger.debug(f"Not enough stocks ({existing_amount}) for selling {amount} of them")
                assert False
            logger.debug(f"Resulting available cash after trade: {self.cash}")
Пример #9
 def get_title(self):
     current_title = self.driver.title
     logger.debug(f'get current title: {current_title}')
     return current_title
Пример #10
 def get_url(self):
     current_url = self.driver.current_url
     logger.debug(f'get current url: {current_url}')
     return current_url
Пример #11
    def choose_actions(self,
                       stock_data_a: StockData,
                       stock_data_b: StockData,
                       portfolio: Portfolio,
                       order_list: List[Order],
        assert epsilon is not None
        assert model_choice is not None

        action_a = None
        action_b = None

        if random.random() < self.epsilon:
            action_comb = random.randrange(10)
            action_comb = model_choice

        potential_buy_a = int(portfolio.cash // stock_data_a.get_last()[-1])
        potential_buy_b = int(portfolio.cash // stock_data_b.get_last()[-1])

        potential_sell_a = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
        potential_sell_b = portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)
        """10 action combinations:
        - buy  100% A, buy    0% B  # buy only A completely
        - buy  100% A, sell 100% B  # sell all B, buy all A
        - buy   50% A, buy   50% B  # buy both
        - buy    0% A, buy  100% B  # buy only B completely
        - sell 100% A, sell   0% B  # sell only A completely
        - sell 100% A, sell 100% B  # sell both completely
        - sell 100% A, buy  100% B  # sell all A, buy all B
        - sell  50% A, sell  50% B  # sell both half
        - sell   0% A, sell 100% B  # sell only B completely
        - hold                      # do nothing
        logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: chooses action comb {action_comb}")
        if action_comb == 0:
            # buy  100% A, buy    0% B  # buy only A completely
            action_a = OrderType.BUY.value
            action_b = 0
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, potential_buy_a))
        elif action_comb == 1:
            # buy  100% A, sell 100% B  # sell all B, buy all A
            action_a = OrderType.BUY.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, potential_buy_a))
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b))
        elif action_comb == 2:
            # buy   50% A, buy   50% B  # buy both
            action_a = OrderType.BUY.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, potential_buy_a // 2))
            remaining_cash = portfolio.cash - (potential_buy_a //
                                               2) * stock_data_a.get_last()[-1]
            potential_buy_b = int(remaining_cash //
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B,
        elif action_comb == 3:
            # buy    0% A, buy  100% B  # buy only B completely
            action_a = 0
            action_b = OrderType.BUY.value
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, potential_buy_b))
        elif action_comb == 4:
            # sell 100% A, sell   0% B  # sell only A completely
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = 0
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a))
        elif action_comb == 5:
            # sell 100% A, sell 100% B  # sell both completely
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a))
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b))
        elif action_comb == 6:
            # sell 100% A, buy  100% B  # sell all A, buy all B
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = OrderType.BUY.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a))
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, potential_buy_b))
        elif action_comb == 7:
            # sell  50% A, sell  50% B  # sell both half
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a // 2))
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b // 2))
        elif action_comb == 8:
            # sell   0% A, sell 100% B  # sell only B completely
            action_a = 0
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b))
        elif action_comb == 9:
            # hold                      # do nothing
            action_a = 0
            action_b = 0
        return action_a, action_b, order_list