Пример #1
def woodbury(X, Ainv, m, up = True):
   Does a rank-k adjustment of Ainv using the woodbury matrix identity
   (A + XX^H)^(-1) = A^(-1) - (A^(-1)X ( I + X^(H)A^(-1)X )^(-1)X^(H)A^(-1))
   If up == True: A rank update is performed, 
   otherwise we do a rank degrade
   NB! Not finished
   factor = 1
   if up != True:
      factor = -1
   XH = mynp.conjugatetranspose(X)
   XHAinv = mynp.dot(XH, Ainv)
   AinvX = mynp.dot(Ainv, XH)
   XHAinvX = mynp.dot(XHAinv, X)
   IXHAinvX = mynp.eye(m) + (factor * XHAinvX)
   # TODO: inv_IXHAinvX = we need to invert IXHAinvX!!!
   AinvX_IXHAinvX_XHAinv = mynp.dot(mynp.dot(AinvX, IXHAinvX), XHAinv)
   newAinv = Ainv + (-factor * AinvX_IXHAinvX_XHAinv)
   return newAinv
Пример #2
def woodbury(X, Ainv, m, up=True):
   Does a rank-k adjustment of Ainv using the woodbury matrix identity
   (A + XX^H)^(-1) = A^(-1) - (A^(-1)X ( I + X^(H)A^(-1)X )^(-1)X^(H)A^(-1))
   If up == True: A rank update is performed, 
   otherwise we do a rank degrade
   NB! Not finished
    factor = 1
    if up != True:
        factor = -1

    XH = mynp.conjugatetranspose(X)
    XHAinv = mynp.dot(XH, Ainv)
    AinvX = mynp.dot(Ainv, XH)
    XHAinvX = mynp.dot(XHAinv, X)

    IXHAinvX = mynp.eye(m) + (factor * XHAinvX)
    # TODO: inv_IXHAinvX = we need to invert IXHAinvX!!!

    AinvX_IXHAinvX_XHAinv = mynp.dot(mynp.dot(AinvX, IXHAinvX), XHAinv)

    newAinv = Ainv + (-factor * AinvX_IXHAinvX_XHAinv)

    return newAinv
Пример #3
def shermanMorrison(x, Ainv, m, up = True):
   Does a rank-1 adjustment of Ainv using the Sherman-Morrison formula
   (A + xx^H)^(-1) = A^(-1) - (A^(-1)xx^(H)A^(-1)) / (1 + x^(H)A^(-1)x)
   if (1 + x^(H)A^(-1)x) != 0.
   Ainv is a matrix of size m*m
   x is a column vector of length m    
   If up == True: A rank update is performed, 
   otherwise we do a rank degrade.
   factor = 1
   if up != True: 
      factor = -1
   xH = x.conjugate()
   Ainvx = mynp.dot(Ainv, x)
   xHAinv = mynp.dot(xH, Ainv)
   xHAinvx = mynp.dot(xH, mynp.dot(Ainv, x)) # memory layout impose this product rather than reusing xHAinv (the result here is a scalar)
   numerator = mynp.outer(Ainvx, xHAinv)
   denominator = 1 + factor * xHAinvx
   if abs(denominator) == 0:
      raise Exception('Denominator is 0 in Sherman Morrison formula')
   return Ainv - ( (factor/denominator) * numerator )
Пример #4
def shermanMorrison(x, Ainv, m, up=True):
   Does a rank-1 adjustment of Ainv using the Sherman-Morrison formula
   (A + xx^H)^(-1) = A^(-1) - (A^(-1)xx^(H)A^(-1)) / (1 + x^(H)A^(-1)x)
   if (1 + x^(H)A^(-1)x) != 0.
   Ainv is a matrix of size m*m
   x is a column vector of length m    
   If up == True: A rank update is performed, 
   otherwise we do a rank degrade.
    factor = 1
    if up != True:
        factor = -1

    xH = x.conjugate()
    Ainvx = mynp.dot(Ainv, x)
    xHAinv = mynp.dot(xH, Ainv)
    xHAinvx = mynp.dot(
        xH, mynp.dot(Ainv, x)
    )  # memory layout impose this product rather than reusing xHAinv (the result here is a scalar)

    numerator = mynp.outer(Ainvx, xHAinv)
    denominator = 1 + factor * xHAinvx
    if abs(denominator) == 0:
        raise Exception('Denominator is 0 in Sherman Morrison formula')

    return Ainv - ((factor / denominator) * numerator)
Пример #5
 def testComplexMatrixVectorMul(self):
    errstr = 'Error in result returned by matrix vector multiplication'
    x = mynp.dot(self.complexA, self.complexb)
    self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.complexAb.tolist(), errstr + ' (square complex matrix)')
    x = mynp.dot(self.complexA[0:2], self.complexb)
    self.assertListEqual(x[0:2].tolist(), self.complexAb[0:2].tolist(), errstr + ' (non-square complex matrix)')
Пример #6
    def testComplexMatrixVectorMul(self):

        errstr = 'Error in result returned by matrix vector multiplication'

        x = mynp.dot(self.complexA, self.complexb)
        self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.complexAb.tolist(),
                             errstr + ' (square complex matrix)')

        x = mynp.dot(self.complexA[0:2], self.complexb)
        self.assertListEqual(x[0:2].tolist(), self.complexAb[0:2].tolist(),
                             errstr + ' (non-square complex matrix)')
Пример #7
   def testMatrixVectorMul(self):
      errstr = 'Error in result returned by matrix vector multiplication'
      x = mynp.dot(self.A, self.b2)
      self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.Ab2.tolist(), errstr + ' (Square matrix)')

      x = mynp.dot(self.A, self.b1)
      self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.Ab1.tolist(), errstr + ' (Square matrix)')

      x = mynp.dot(self.A[0:2], self.b2)
      self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.Ab2[0:2].tolist(), errstr + ' (non-square matrix)')
Пример #8
    def testMatrixVectorMul(self):

        errstr = 'Error in result returned by matrix vector multiplication'

        x = mynp.dot(self.A, self.b2)
        self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.Ab2.tolist(),
                             errstr + ' (Square matrix)')

        x = mynp.dot(self.A, self.b1)
        self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.Ab1.tolist(),
                             errstr + ' (Square matrix)')

        x = mynp.dot(self.A[0:2], self.b2)
        self.assertListEqual(x.tolist(), self.Ab2[0:2].tolist(),
                             errstr + ' (non-square matrix)')
Пример #9
 def testIterativBuildRinv(self):
    M = self.sonardata_n
    L = 24
    Yavg = 5
    d = 0 # diagonal loading as a function of matrix trace is not supported. Use the squared sum of channel data (i.e. the total energy)
    invR = wb.iterativeBuildRinv(self.sonardata_ar, M, L, Yavg, d)
    invRa = mynp.dot(invR, self.sonardata_a)
    self.assertMatrixAlmosteEqual(self.sonardata_Ria, invRa, 7)
    x = mynp.ones(M, dtype=complex)
    invR = wb.iterativeBuildUpRinv(invR, x, M, L)
    invR = wb.iterativeBuildDownRinv(invR, x, M, L)
    invRa = mynp.dot(invR, self.sonardata_a)
    self.assertMatrixAlmosteEqual(self.sonardata_Ria, invRa, 7) 
Пример #10
    def processData(self):

        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Start processing image...'

        if self.multiFile:
            self.s = System(self.dataTag + ' %d' % (self.image_idx.value + 1))
            self.Xd_i = self.s.data.Xd
            self.Xd_i = self.Xd[self.image_idx.value, :, :, :].copy()

        self.Xd_i = self.Xd_i[self.sliceAngleStart.value:self.sliceAngleEnd.
        self.Nx = self.Xd_i.shape[0]  # No. beams
        self.Ny = self.Xd_i.shape[1]  # No. range samples
        self.Nm = self.Xd_i.shape[2]  # No. channels

        self.angles = self.s.data.angles.squeeze()
        self.angles = self.angles[self.sliceAngleStart.value:self.sliceAngleEnd
        self.ranges = self.s.data.ranges.squeeze()
        self.ranges = self.ranges[self.sliceRangeStart.value:self.sliceRangeEnd

        # Make delay and sum image
        if self.apod.value is 1:
            self.das_w = np.hamming(self.Nm)
            self.das_w_sub = np.hamming(self.L.value)
            self.das_w = np.ones(self.Nm)
            self.das_w_sub = np.ones(self.L.value)

        self.img_das = np.dot(self.Xd_i, self.das_w) / self.Nm
        if self.K.value > 0:
            self.img_das = self.img_das[:, self.K.value:-self.K.
                                        value]  # truncate to get equal dim on das and capon image

        # init sub/beam-space matrix
        if self.Nb.value > 0:
            self.B = np.ones((self.Nb.value, self.L.value))
            self.B = np.array([0])

        # Make capon image
        res_gpu = getCaponCUDA.getCaponCUDAPy(self.Xd_i, 10.0**self.d.value,
                                              self.L.value, self.K.value,
                                              self.B, False, False)
        self.img_capon = res_gpu[0]
        self.capon_weights = res_gpu[2]
        #self.img_capon = self.img_das

        if VERBOSE:
            print 'getCaponCUDA return code: ', res_gpu[3]
            print 'done.'
Пример #11
 def calcBeamPatternLinearArray(self, w, M, spacing, thetas, steering_angle=0, takePowerAndNormalize=False):
    x_el = np.linspace( -(M-1)/(2.0/spacing), (M-1)/(2.0/spacing), M )
    W_matrix = np.exp(-1j * np.outer(2*np.pi*(np.sin(thetas) - np.sin(steering_angle)), x_el))
    W = np.dot(W_matrix , w)
    if takePowerAndNormalize:
       W = W*W.conj()
       W = W / W.max()
    return W
Пример #12
 def testRTransposedTimesRIsEqualA(self):
    R = md.cholesky(self.A, self.n)
    RT = mynp.conjugatetranspose(R)
    A = mynp.dot(RT, R)
    for i in range(self.n):
       for j in range(self.n):   
          self.assertAlmostEqual(self.A[i][j].tolist(), A[i][j].tolist(), 15, 
                            "expected " + str(self.A[i][j]) + " was " + str(A[i][j]))
Пример #13
    def testRTransposedTimesRIsEqualA(self):

        R = md.cholesky(self.A, self.n)

        RT = mynp.conjugatetranspose(R)

        A = mynp.dot(RT, R)

        for i in range(self.n):
            for j in range(self.n):
                    self.A[i][j].tolist(), A[i][j].tolist(), 15,
                    "expected " + str(self.A[i][j]) + " was " + str(A[i][j]))
Пример #14
   def processData(self):
      if VERBOSE:
         print 'Start processing image...'
      if self.multiFile:
         self.s = System(self.dataTag + ' %d'%(self.image_idx.value+1))
         self.Xd_i = self.s.data.Xd
         self.Xd_i = self.Xd[self.image_idx.value, :, :, :].copy()
      self.Xd_i = self.Xd_i[self.sliceAngleStart.value:self.sliceAngleEnd.value:self.sliceAngleStep.value, 
      self.Nx = self.Xd_i.shape[0]     # No. beams
      self.Ny = self.Xd_i.shape[1]     # No. range samples
      self.Nm = self.Xd_i.shape[2]     # No. channels
      self.angles = self.s.data.angles.squeeze()
      self.angles = self.angles[self.sliceAngleStart.value:self.sliceAngleEnd.value:self.sliceAngleStep.value]
      self.ranges = self.s.data.ranges.squeeze()
      self.ranges = self.ranges[self.sliceRangeStart.value:self.sliceRangeEnd.value:self.sliceRangeStep.value]
      # Make delay and sum image
      if self.apod.value is 1:
         self.das_w = np.hamming(self.Nm)
         self.das_w_sub = np.hamming(self.L.value)
         self.das_w = np.ones(self.Nm)
         self.das_w_sub = np.ones(self.L.value)
      self.img_das = np.dot(self.Xd_i, self.das_w) / self.Nm
      if self.K.value > 0:
         self.img_das = self.img_das[:,self.K.value:-self.K.value]# truncate to get equal dim on das and capon image
      # init sub/beam-space matrix
      if self.Nb.value > 0:
         self.B = np.ones((self.Nb.value, self.L.value))
         self.B = np.array([0])

      # Make capon image
      res_gpu = getCaponCUDA.getCaponCUDAPy(self.Xd_i, 10.0**self.d.value, self.L.value, self.K.value, self.B, False, False)
      self.img_capon = res_gpu[0]
      self.capon_weights = res_gpu[2]
      #self.img_capon = self.img_das
      if VERBOSE:
         print 'getCaponCUDA return code: ', res_gpu[3]
         print 'done.'
Пример #15
    def calcBeamPatternLinearArray(self,
        x_el = np.linspace(-(M - 1) / (2.0 / spacing),
                           (M - 1) / (2.0 / spacing), M)
        W_matrix = np.exp(
            -1j *
            np.outer(2 * np.pi *
                     (np.sin(thetas) - np.sin(steering_angle)), x_el))
        W = np.dot(W_matrix, w)
        if takePowerAndNormalize:
            W = W * W.conj()
            W = W / W.max()

        return W
Пример #16
def solveBiCG(A, b, x0, tol, itr):
   ''' Solves the complex linear system Ax = b using the complex-biconjugate-gradient method
      A   -- Coefficient matrix
      b   -- Right-side vector
      x0  -- Initial solution (default: 0-vector)
      tol -- Stop solver when error is less than tol (default: 0)
      itr -- Stop solver after itr iterations -- default
   # Check arguments
   m,n = len(A),len(A[0])
   if m != n:
      raise Exception('Coefficient matrix is not square')
   if len(b) != n:
      raise Exception('Dimension mismatch between A and b')
   x = x0 # make origin as starting point if no x is passed 
   # Calculate initial residual r = b - Ax0 and search direction p
   r0 = b - np.dot(A, x)
   r = r0
   normr0 = np.euclidnorm(r0)
   if (np.euclidnorm(r) / normr0) <= tol: # break if error is less-than tolerance. 
      # TODO: Should also test bir
      return x
   p = np.array(r)
   # init biresidual and bidirection
   bir = r.conjugate()
   bip = p.conjugate()
   numerator,denominator = 0,0
   alpha,betha = 0,0
   AH = np.conjugatetranspose(A) # Simplification: since A is Hermitian and semi-positive definite in our case, we can avoid this step...
   if itr <= 0 or itr > m:
      itr = m
   for i in range(itr):
      # Calculate common matrix-vector products
      Ap = np.dot(A, p)
      AHbip = np.dot(AH, bip)
      # Calculate step-length parameter
      numerator = np.vdot(bir, r)
      denominator = np.vdot(bip, Ap)
      alpha = numerator / denominator
      # Obtain new solution
      x = x + (alpha * p)
      # Calculate new residual and biresidual
#      r = r - (alpha * Ap)
      for i in range(m):
         r[i] = r[i] - alpha * Ap[i]   # Calculate new residual and biresidual
      if np.euclidnorm(r) / normr0 <= tol:
         # TODO: Should also test bir
         return x
      bir = bir - (alpha.conjugate() * AHbip)
      # Calculate the biconjugacy coefficient
      numerator = np.vdot(AHbip, r)
      denominator = np.vdot(bip, Ap)
      betha = -1.0 * (numerator / denominator)
      # Obtain new search and bi-search-direction
      p = r + (betha * p)
      bip = bir + (betha.conjugate() * bip)
   return x
Пример #17
 def testMatrixMulSquareATimesA(self):
    C = mynp.dot(self.A, self.A)    
    self.assertEqual(self.AA.tolist(), C.tolist())
Пример #18
def beamspace(B, x):
   ''' Transform/beamform the given data vector x with the matrix B '''
   ''' This is just a wrapper for a standard matrix-vector multiplication '''
   return mynp.dot(B, x)
Пример #19
def solveBiCG(A, b, x0, tol, itr):
    ''' Solves the complex linear system Ax = b using the complex-biconjugate-gradient method
      A   -- Coefficient matrix
      b   -- Right-side vector
      x0  -- Initial solution (default: 0-vector)
      tol -- Stop solver when error is less than tol (default: 0)
      itr -- Stop solver after itr iterations -- default

    # Check arguments
    m, n = len(A), len(A[0])
    if m != n:
        raise Exception('Coefficient matrix is not square')
    if len(b) != n:
        raise Exception('Dimension mismatch between A and b')

    x = x0  # make origin as starting point if no x is passed

    # Calculate initial residual r = b - Ax0 and search direction p
    r0 = b - np.dot(A, x)
    r = r0
    normr0 = np.euclidnorm(r0)

    if (np.euclidnorm(r) /
            normr0) <= tol:  # break if error is less-than tolerance.
        # TODO: Should also test bir
        return x
    p = np.array(r)

    # init biresidual and bidirection
    bir = r.conjugate()
    bip = p.conjugate()

    numerator, denominator = 0, 0
    alpha, betha = 0, 0
    AH = np.conjugatetranspose(
    )  # Simplification: since A is Hermitian and semi-positive definite in our case, we can avoid this step...

    if itr <= 0 or itr > m:
        itr = m

    for i in range(itr):

        # Calculate common matrix-vector products
        Ap = np.dot(A, p)
        AHbip = np.dot(AH, bip)

        # Calculate step-length parameter
        numerator = np.vdot(bir, r)
        denominator = np.vdot(bip, Ap)
        alpha = numerator / denominator

        # Obtain new solution
        x = x + (alpha * p)

        # Calculate new residual and biresidual
        #      r = r - (alpha * Ap)

        for i in range(m):
            r[i] = r[i] - alpha * Ap[
                i]  # Calculate new residual and biresidual

        if np.euclidnorm(r) / normr0 <= tol:
            # TODO: Should also test bir
            return x
        bir = bir - (alpha.conjugate() * AHbip)

        # Calculate the biconjugacy coefficient
        numerator = np.vdot(AHbip, r)
        denominator = np.vdot(bip, Ap)
        betha = -1.0 * (numerator / denominator)

        # Obtain new search and bi-search-direction
        p = r + (betha * p)
        bip = bir + (betha.conjugate() * bip)

    return x
Пример #20
   def setUp(self):
      self.n = 3
      self.A = np.array([[2.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]],dtype=complex)
      self.A2 = np.array([[4.0, -2.0, 0.0], [-2.0, 4.0, -2.0], [0.0, -2.0, 4.0]],dtype=complex)
      self.R = np.array([[1.414213562373095, -0.707106781186547, 0.0],
              [0.0, 1.224744871391589, -0.816496580927726],
              [0.0, 0.0, 1.154700538379252]],dtype=complex)
      self.AA = np.array([[5, -4, 1], [-4, 6, -4], [1, -4, 5]],dtype=complex)
      self.B = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]],dtype=complex)
      self.BT = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]],dtype=complex)
      self.b1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0],dtype=complex)
      self.x1 = np.array([3.0/2, 2.0, 3.0/2],dtype=complex)

      self.b2 = np.array([1, 2, 3],dtype=complex)
      self.x2 = np.array([5.0/2, 4, 7.0/2],dtype=complex)
      self.C = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]],dtype=complex)
      self.b1c = np.array([1, 1, 1],dtype=complex)
      self.x1c = np.array([-2, 0, 1],dtype=complex)
      self.x1cT = np.array([1, -1, -1],dtype=complex)
      self.x0_zero = np.zeros((3,), dtype=complex)
      self.Ab2 = np.array([0, 0, 4],dtype=complex)
      self.Ab1 = np.array([1, 0, 1],dtype=complex)
      self.Ab1b1T = np.array([[3, 1, 3], [1, 6, 5], [3, 5, 11]],dtype=complex)
      self.invA = np.array([[0.750, 0.50, 0.250], [0.50, 1.0, 0.50], [0.250, 0.50, 0.750]],dtype=complex)
      self.invAb1b1T = np.array([[0.465909090909091, 0.045454545454545, -0.147727272727273],
                        [0.045454545454545, 0.272727272727273, -0.136363636363636],
                        [-0.147727272727273, -0.136363636363636, 0.193181818181818]],dtype=complex)
      self.complexA = np.array([[2.0, 3.0 + 1.0j, 2.0 - 2.0j], 
                   [3.0 - 1.0j, 9.0, -2.0j], 
                   [2.0 + 2.0j, 2.0j, 14.0]], dtype=complex)
      self.complexR = np.array([[1.414213562373095, 2.121320343559642 + 0.707106781186547j, 1.414213562373095 - 1.414213562373095j], 
                   [0.0, 2.0, -1.0 + 1.0j], 
                   [0.0, 0.0, 2.828427124746190]], dtype=complex)
      self.complexb = np.array([1.0, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 - 2.0j], dtype=complex)
      self.complexy = np.array([0.707106781186547 - 0.0j,
                   -0.250 + 0.750j,
                   -0.353553390593273 - 0.883883476483184j], dtype=complex)
      self.complexx = np.array([1.593749999999999 - 0.06250j,
                   -0.343750 + 0.281250j,
                   -0.1250 - 0.31250j], dtype=complex)
      self.complexAb = np.array([2.0 - 2.0j, 8.0 + 6.0j, 14.0 - 24.0j], dtype=complex)
      self.but4 = np.array([[0.5]*4, [0.5, -0.5j, -0.5, 0.5j], [0.5, -0.5]*2, [0.5, 0.5j, -0.5, -0.5j]], dtype=complex)
      self.but3 = np.array([[0.577350269189626, 0.577350269189626, 0.577350269189626],                    
                   [0.577350269189626, -0.288675134594813 - 0.50j, -0.288675134594813 + 0.50j],               
                   [0.577350269189626, -0.288675134594813 + 0.50j, -0.288675134594813 - 0.50j]], dtype=complex)
      self.bsComplexb = np.array([1.732050807568878 - 0.577350269189626j, 1.50 + 0.288675134594813j], dtype=complex)
      self.diag = 0.2
      self.x = np.array([1.0, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 - 2.0j, 2.0 + 1.0j], dtype=complex)
      self.complexAbbH = np.array([[10.0, 11.0 + 1.0j, 10.0 - 2.0j],
                          [11.0 - 1.0j, 17.0, 8.0 - 2.0j],
                          [10.0 + 2.0j, 8.0 + 2.0j, 22.0]], dtype=complex)
      self.complexInvAbbH = np.array([[1.067010309278351, -0.407216494845361 - 0.015463917525773j, -0.190721649484536 + 0.020618556701031j],
                             [-0.407216494845361 + 0.015463917525773j, 0.247422680412371, 0.077319587628866 - 0.015463917525773j],
                             [-0.190721649484536 - 0.020618556701031j,  0.077319587628866 + 0.015463917525773j,  0.087628865979381]], dtype=complex)  
      self.complexInvA = np.array([[1.906250, -0.593750 - 0.156250j,  -0.250 + 0.18750j],
                          [-0.593750 + 0.156250j,  0.31250, 0.06250 - 0.06250j],                    
                          [-0.250 - 0.18750j,  0.06250 + 0.06250j, 0.1250]], dtype=complex)
      self.complexA4x4 = np.array([[22.0, 8.0, 11.0 - 11.0j, 22.0 - 7.0j],
                          [8.0, 22.0, 17.0 - 2.0j, 11.0 - 7.0j],
                          [11.0 + 11.0j, 17.0 + 2.0j, 45.0, 23.0 - 5.0j],
                          [22.0 + 7.0j, 11.0 + 7.0j, 23.0 + 5.0j, 37.0]], dtype=complex)
      self.U4x4 = np.array([[1.0000, 0.3636, 0.50 - 0.50j, 1.0 - 0.3182j],
                   [0.0, 1.0, 0.6810 + 0.1048j, 0.1571 - 0.2333j],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2776 - 0.3670j],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], dtype=complex)
      self.D4x4 = np.array([22.0, 19.0909, 24.9381, 5.9806])
      self.sonardata_R = np.array(np.load('./data/data_R.npy')) # created without diagonal loading
      self.sonardata_a = np.array(np.load('./data/data_a.npy'))
      self.sonardata_Ria = np.array(np.load('./data/data_Ria.npy'))
      self.sonardata_ar = np.array(np.load('./data/data_ar.npy'))
      self.sonardata_n = 32
      # random data for testing
      self.L = L = 24
      self.d = d = 100
      U = np.triu(np.random.randn(L,L) + np.random.randn(L,L)*1j) + np.eye(L)*d
      self.randA = np.dot(U.conjugate().T, U) 
      self.randb = np.random.randn(L) + np.random.randn(L)*1j 
Пример #21
def beamspace(B, x):
    ''' Transform/beamform the given data vector x with the matrix B '''
    ''' This is just a wrapper for a standard matrix-vector multiplication '''
    return mynp.dot(B, x)
Пример #22
    def testMatrixMulSquareATimesA(self):

        C = mynp.dot(self.A, self.A)
        self.assertEqual(self.AA.tolist(), C.tolist())