def initialize_variables(self, round_info):
        self.remaining = utils.list_remaining_playable_cards(round_info)
        self.point_of_uselessness = {}
        for suit in utils.Suit:
            self.point_of_uselessness[suit] = None
            for rank in utils.Rank:
                if round_info.board_state[suit] < rank.value:
                    if self.point_of_uselessness[suit] is None and self.remaining[suit][rank] == 0:
                        self.point_of_uselessness[suit] = rank

        original_player_number = round_info.player_turn
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)

        oldest_age = -1
        for card in round_info.player_hand:
            card_age = round_info.current_turn - card.drawn_on_turn
            if card_age > oldest_age:
                oldest_age = card_age
                self.oldest_card[original_player_number] = card.hand_position

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            oldest_age = -1
            for card in player_hand:
                card_age = round_info.current_turn - card.drawn_on_turn
                if card_age > oldest_age:
                    oldest_age = card_age
                    self.oldest_card[player_number] = card.hand_position

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)
Пример #2
    def hint_first_free_card(self, round_info, player_number):
        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info,

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            if player_number is round_info.player_turn:
                player_hand = round_info.true_hand_info()
                player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(
                    round_info, player_number)

            for card in player_hand:
                if card.revealed_rank is None:
                    return ChoiceDetails(
                        Choice.HINT, HintDetails(player_number,
                elif card.revealed_suit is None:
                    return ChoiceDetails(
                        Choice.HINT, HintDetails(player_number,
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info,
        player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info,
        for card in player_hand:
            return ChoiceDetails(Choice.HINT,
                                 HintDetails(player_number, card.real_rank))
    def check_for_discard_tip(self, round_info, player_number, hint_pass_score=2.5, distance_to_player_multiplier=0.99):
        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)

        potential_discardable_ranks = {}
        potential_discardable_suits = {}
        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            potential_discardable_ranks[player_number] = {}
            potential_discardable_suits[player_number] = {}
            for rank in utils.Rank:
                potential_discardable_ranks[player_number][rank] = []
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                potential_discardable_suits[player_number][suit] = []

            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] >= card.real_rank.value:
                    if card.revealed_suit is None:
                    if card.revealed_rank is None:
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        max_player_number = 0
        max_potential = 0
        max_hint = 0

        def check_card_potential(card, player):
            player_distance = player - original_player_number - 1
            if player_distance < 0:
                player_distance += round_info.number_of_players
            card_potential = pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance)
            return card_potential

        for player in potential_discardable_ranks:
            for rank in potential_discardable_ranks[player]:
                potential = 0
                for card in potential_discardable_ranks[player][rank]:
                    potential += check_card_potential(card, player)
                if potential > max_potential:
                    max_player_number = player
                    max_potential = potential
                    max_hint = rank

            for suit in potential_discardable_suits[player]:
                potential = 0
                for card in potential_discardable_suits[player][suit]:
                    potential += check_card_potential(card, player)
                if potential > max_potential:
                    max_player_number = player
                    max_potential = potential
                    max_hint = suit

        if max_potential >= hint_pass_score:
            return ChoiceDetails(
                HintDetails(max_player_number, max_hint)

        return False
    def check_for_hint(self, round_info, player_number):
        if round_info.hints <= 1:
            return False

        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info,
        hinted_plays = {}

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            hinted_plays[player_number] = {}
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                hinted_plays[player_number][suit] = {}
                for rank in utils.Rank:
                    hinted_plays[player_number][suit][rank] = 0

            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(
                round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value and \
                        (card.revealed_rank is not None or card.revealed_suit is not None):
                        card.real_rank] += 1

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info,

        best_hint_player = None
        best_hint_rank = 6
        best_hint_type = None

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(
                round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                already_hinted = False
                for player in hinted_plays:
                    if player is not player_number and hinted_plays[player][
                            card.real_suit][card.real_rank] is not 0:
                        already_hinted = True
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value < best_hint_rank and \
                        not already_hinted:
                    if card.revealed_rank is None:
                        best_hint_player = player_number
                        best_hint_rank = card.real_rank.value
                        best_hint_type = card.real_rank
                    elif card.revealed_suit is None:
                        best_hint_player = player_number
                        best_hint_rank = card.real_rank.value
                        best_hint_type = card.real_suit

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        if best_hint_player is not None:
            return ChoiceDetails(Choice.HINT,
                                 HintDetails(best_hint_player, best_hint_type))
        return False
Пример #5
    def check_for_soft_pass_turn(self, round_info, player_number):
        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        needed_passes = 1
        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            if not self.check_for_obvious_discard(round_info, player_number):
                needed_passes += 1
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        if round_info.hints <= needed_passes:
            return False
            return self.hint_first_free_card(round_info, player_number)
Пример #6
    def extrapolate_board_state(self, round_info, target_player):
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, round_info.player_turn)
        predicted_board_state = deepcopy(round_info.board_state)

        while player_number is not target_player:
            play = self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, player_number)
            if play is False:
                play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, player_number)
            if play is not False:
                player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
                suit = player_hand[play[1]].real_suit
                rank = player_hand[play[1]].real_rank
      "{0} {1}".format(suit, rank))
                if suit is None or rank is None or predicted_board_state[suit] is rank.value - 1:
                    predicted_board_state[suit] += 1

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        return predicted_board_state
Пример #7
    def initialize_card_hint_history(self, round_info):
        original_player_number = round_info.player_turn
        player_number = original_player_number
        just_began = True

        self.hand_size = len(round_info.player_hand)

        while just_began or player_number is not original_player_number:
            just_began = False
            self.card_hint_type[player_number] = []
            for x in range(len(round_info.player_hand)):
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)
    def check_for_necessary_tip(self, round_info, player_number):
        if round_info.hints == 0:
            return False

        remaining = utils.list_remaining_playable_cards(round_info)
        next_player_hand = utils.next_player_hand(round_info, player_number)
        next_player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)
        discarded_position = self.check_for_guess_discard(round_info, next_player_number)[1]
        discarded = next_player_hand[discarded_position]

        if round_info.board_state[discarded.real_suit] < discarded.real_rank.value and \
                remaining[discarded.real_suit][discarded.real_rank] == 1 and \
                discarded.real_rank.value - round_info.board_state[discarded.real_suit] <= 1:
            if discarded.revealed_rank is None:
                return ChoiceDetails(
                    HintDetails(utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number), discarded.real_rank)
                return ChoiceDetails(
                    HintDetails(utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number), discarded.real_suit)
        return False
Пример #9
    def initialize_card_hint_history(self, round_info):
        original_player_number = round_info.player_turn
        player_number = original_player_number
        just_began = True

        self.hand_size = len(round_info.player_hand)

        while just_began or player_number is not original_player_number:
            just_began = False
            self.card_hint_type[player_number] = []
            for x in range(len(round_info.player_hand)):
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        self.discard_tip = self.learning_state.discard_tip_parameters
        self.good_tip = self.learning_state.good_tip_parameters
        self.risky_tip = self.learning_state.risky_tip_parameters
        self.information_tip = self.learning_state.information_tip_parameters
    def read_others_hands(self, round_info, player_number):
        original_player_number = player_number

        hints = round_info.hints
        if 2 <= hints <= 7:
            hints = 2

        actions = []

        hinted_plays = {}
        player_hand = round_info.player_hand
        first_time = True

        while player_number is not original_player_number or first_time:
            first_time = False
            hinted_plays[player_number] = {}
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                hinted_plays[player_number][suit] = {}
                for rank in utils.Rank:
                    hinted_plays[player_number][suit][rank] = 0

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        for card in player_hand:
            if card.revealed_rank is not None and card.revealed_suit is not None and \
                    round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value:
                hinted_plays[original_player_number][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] += 1

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value and \
                        (card.revealed_rank is not None or card.revealed_suit is not None):
                    hinted_plays[player_number][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] += 1

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)
        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            if player_number is not round_info.player_turn:

                player_distance = player_number - original_player_number - 1
                if player_distance < 0:
                    player_distance += round_info.number_of_players

                if player_distance > 2:
                    player_distance = 2

                targets = {}
                for rank in utils.Rank:
                    targets[rank] = []
                for suit in utils.Suit:
                    targets[suit] = []
                player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)

                for card in player_hand:
                    if card.revealed_rank is None:
                    if card.revealed_suit is None:

                def basic_check(targets, hint, rank=False):
                    current_alignment = 0
                    future_alignment = 0
                    corrected = 0
                    obviously_useless = 0
                    falsely_hinted = 0
                    chain_bonus = 0
                    card_age = 0
                    oldest_card = False
                    last_remaining = 0

                    for card in targets:
                        already_hinted = False
                        if card.revealed_suit is None and card.revealed_rank is None:
                            for players in hinted_plays:
                                if players is not player_number and \
                                        hinted_plays[players][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] != 0:
                                    already_hinted = True

                        card_with_hint = deepcopy(card)
                        if rank:
                            card_with_hint.revealed_rank = hint
                            card_with_hint.revealed_suit = hint

                        if self.check_card_usefulness(round_info, card_with_hint) is not False \
                                and self.check_card_usefulness(round_info, card) is False:
                            obviously_useless += 1

                        if rank:
                            card_with_hint.revealed_suit = card.real_suit
                            card_with_hint.revealed_rank = card.real_rank

                        if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] is card.real_rank.value - 1:
                            if self.remaining[card.real_suit][card.real_rank] == 1 \
                                    and ((rank and card.revealed_suit is None)
                                         or (not rank and card.revealed_rank is None)):
                                last_remaining += 1

                            if card.revealed_rank is not None or card.revealed_suit is not None and \
                                    round_info.current_turn - card.drawn_on_turn > 2:
                                corrected += 1

                            if already_hinted:
                                falsely_hinted += 1

                                current_alignment += 1
                                chain = 1
                                if card.real_rank.value + chain <= 5 and \
                                        self.known[card.real_suit][utils.Rank(card.real_rank.value + chain)] > 0:
                                    chain += 1
                                    chain_bonus += 1

                        elif self.check_card_usefulness(round_info, card_with_hint) is False:
                            if self.remaining[card.real_suit][card.real_rank] == 1 \
                                    and ((rank and card.revealed_suit is None)
                                         or (not rank and card.revealed_rank is None)):
                                last_remaining += 1

                            if card.revealed_rank is not None or card.revealed_suit is not None:
                                corrected += 1

                            future_alignment += 1

                        if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] is not card.real_rank.value - 1 \
                                and ((rank and card.revealed_suit is None)
                                     or (not rank and card.revealed_rank is None)):
                            falsely_hinted += 1

                        if round_info.current_turn - card.drawn_on_turn > card_age:
                            card_age = round_info.current_turn - card.drawn_on_turn

                        if card.hand_position is self.oldest_card[card.player_number]:
                            oldest_card = True

                    if card_age > 3:
                        card_age = 3

                    if current_alignment > 2:
                        current_alignment = 2

                    if future_alignment > 2:
                        future_alignment = 2

                    if obviously_useless > 2:
                        obviously_useless = 2

                    if corrected > 2:
                        corrected = 2

                    if falsely_hinted > 2:
                        falsely_hinted = 2

                    chain_bonus = math.ceil(chain_bonus / 2)
                    if chain_bonus > 2:
                        chain_bonus = 2

                    if last_remaining > 1:
                        last_remaining = 1

                    state = (rank, current_alignment, future_alignment, obviously_useless, corrected, falsely_hinted,
                             chain_bonus, last_remaining, card_age, oldest_card, player_distance)

                    weights = self.get_hint_weights(state)
                    return state, weights, player_number, hint

                for rank in utils.Rank:
                    if len(targets[rank]) > 0:
                        actions.append(basic_check(targets[rank], rank, True))

                for suit in utils.Suit:
                    if len(targets[suit]) > 0:
                        actions.append(basic_check(targets[suit], suit, False))

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        return actions
Пример #11
    def check_for_save_tip(self, round_info, player_number):
        best_player_number = -1
        best_play_priority = False
        best_hint_type = None
        best_hint_rank = 6

        remaining = utils.list_remaining_playable_cards(round_info)
        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number))

        while player_number is not original_player_number and not best_play_priority:
            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)

            play_priority = False
            prev_player = utils.prev_player_number(round_info, player_number)
            play = self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, prev_player)
            if play is False:
                play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, prev_player)

            if play is not False:
                play_priority = True

            discarded_position = self.check_for_guess_discard(round_info, player_number)[1]
            discarded_card = player_hand[discarded_position]

            if remaining[discarded_card.real_suit][discarded_card.real_rank] == 1 and \
                    max(round_info.board_state.values()) < discarded_card.real_rank.value - 1 and \
                    discarded_card.revealed_rank is None and discarded_card.revealed_suit is None:
                best_player_number = player_number
                best_play_priority = play_priority
                best_hint_type = discarded_card.real_rank

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        if best_hint_type is None:
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number))

            while player_number is not original_player_number and not best_play_priority:
                player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)

                play_priority = False
                prev_player = utils.prev_player_number(round_info, player_number)
                if prev_player is not original_player_number:
                    play = self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, prev_player)
                    if play is False:
                        play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, prev_player)

                    if play is not False:
                        play_priority = True

                for card in player_hand:
                    if remaining[card.real_suit][card.real_rank] == 1 and \
                            max(round_info.board_state.values()) < card.real_rank.value - 1 and \
                            card.revealed_rank is None and card.revealed_suit is None and \
                            best_hint_rank > card.real_rank.value:
                        best_player_number = player_number
                        best_play_priority = play_priority
                        best_hint_type = card.real_rank
                        best_hint_rank = card.real_rank.value

                player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        if best_hint_type is not None:
            return ChoiceDetails(
                HintDetails(best_player_number, best_hint_type)
        return False
Пример #12
    def check_for_discard_tip(self, round_info, player_number, hint_pass_score=1.8, false_tip_penalty=-10.0,
                              distance_to_player_multiplier=1.01, only_next_player=False):
        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)

        potential_discardable_ranks = {}
        potential_discardable_suits = {}
        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            potential_discardable_ranks[player_number] = {}
            potential_discardable_suits[player_number] = {}
            for rank in utils.Rank:
                potential_discardable_ranks[player_number][rank] = []
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                potential_discardable_suits[player_number][suit] = []

            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if card.revealed_suit is None:
                if card.revealed_rank is None:
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        max_player_number = 0
        max_potential = 0
        max_hint = 0

        def check_card_potential(card, player, hint_type, hint):
            player_distance = player - original_player_number - 1
            if player_distance < 0:
                player_distance += round_info.number_of_players

            card_potential = pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance)

            card_with_hint = deepcopy(card)
            if hint_type == 'rank':
                card_with_hint.revealed_rank = hint
                card_with_hint.revealed_suit = hint
            if self.check_card_usefulness(round_info, card_with_hint) is False:
                card_potential += false_tip_penalty

            return card_potential

        for player in potential_discardable_ranks:
            player_distance = player - original_player_number - 1
            if player_distance < 0:
                player_distance += round_info.number_of_players

            if player_distance == 0 or not only_next_player:
                for rank in potential_discardable_ranks[player]:
                    potential = 0
                    for card in potential_discardable_ranks[player][rank]:
                        potential += check_card_potential(card, player, 'rank', rank)
                    if potential > max_potential:
                        max_player_number = player
                        max_potential = potential
                        max_hint = rank

                for suit in potential_discardable_suits[player]:
                    potential = 0
                    for card in potential_discardable_suits[player][suit]:
                        potential += check_card_potential(card, player, 'suit', suit)
                    if potential > max_potential:
                        max_player_number = player
                        max_potential = potential
                        max_hint = suit

        if max_potential >= hint_pass_score:
            return ChoiceDetails(
                HintDetails(max_player_number, max_hint)

        return False
Пример #13
    def check_play_history(self, round_info):
        original_player_number = round_info.player_turn
        player_number = original_player_number
        amount_of_players = len(self.card_hint_type)
        current_board_state = deepcopy(round_info.board_state)
        current_lives = round_info.lives
        current_hints = round_info.hints
        current_discarded = round_info.discarded
        current_played = round_info.played

        for i in range(-1, -amount_of_players - 1, -1):
            if len(round_info.history) + i >= 0:
                move = round_info.history[i]

                if move[0] is Choice.PLAY:
                    if move[2].real_rank.value is current_board_state[move[2].real_suit]:
                        if current_board_state[move[2].real_suit] == 5:
                            current_hints = max(0, current_hints - 1)
                        current_board_state[move[2].real_suit] -= 1
                        current_lives = min(utils.LIVES, current_lives + 1)

                if move[0] is Choice.DISCARD:
                    current_hints = max(0, current_hints - 1)

                if move[0] is Choice.HINT:
                    current_hints = min(current_hints + 1, utils.MAX_HINTS)

        for i in range(-amount_of_players, 0):
            if len(round_info.history) + i >= 0:
                move = round_info.history[i]
                if debug and round_info.log:
          "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}".format(player_number, move[0], move[1], move[2], move[3]))

                if move[0] is Choice.PLAY or move[0] is Choice.DISCARD:
                    if debug and round_info.log:

                    if move[0] is Choice.PLAY:
                        if move[2].real_rank.value is current_board_state[move[2].real_suit] + 1:
                            current_board_state[move[2].real_suit] += 1
                            if current_board_state[move[2].real_suit] == 5:
                                current_hints = min(current_hints + 1, utils.MAX_HINTS)
                            current_lives = max(1, current_lives - 1)

                    if move[0] is Choice.DISCARD:
                        current_hints = min(utils.MAX_HINTS, current_hints + 1)

                    self.card_hint_type[player_number][move[1]] = None
                    if move[3] == 0:
                        for x in range(move[1], self.hand_size - 1):
                            self.card_hint_type[player_number][x] = self.card_hint_type[player_number][x + 1]

                if move[0] is Choice.HINT:
                    target_player = move[1]
                    hint = move[2]
                    hint_type = "Play"

                    current_round_info = deepcopy(round_info)
                    current_round_info.player_turn = player_number
                    current_round_info.board_state = deepcopy(current_board_state)
                    current_round_info.lives = current_lives
                    current_round_info.hints = current_hints
                    current_round_info.played = current_played
                    current_round_info.discarded = current_discarded
                    current_round_info.other_players_hands = []
                    hands = deepcopy(round_info.hands_history[i - 1])
                    for hand in hands:
                        if hand.player_number is player_number:
                            current_round_info.player_hand = hand

                    player_distance = target_player - player_number - 1
                    if player_distance < 0:
                        player_distance += round_info.number_of_players
                    if debug and round_info.log:
              "{0}, C: {1}, N: {2}".format(player_distance, current_round_info.player_hand,

                    if target_player is original_player_number:
                        player_hand = round_info.player_hand
                        player_hand = round_info.hands_history[i][target_player]

                    if player_distance == 0:
                        answer = self.check_for_obvious_play(current_round_info, target_player)
                        if answer is False:
                            answer = self.check_for_hinted_play(current_round_info, target_player)
                            if answer is not False:
                                if debug and round_info.log:
                                position = answer[1]
                                self.card_hint_type[target_player][position] = "Information"
                                if player_hand[position].revealed_rank is not None and \
                                        player_hand[position].revealed_suit is not None:
                                    hint_type = "Information"
                                answer = self.check_for_guess_discard(current_round_info, target_player)
                                if debug and round_info.log:
                                position = answer[1]
                                if isinstance(hint, utils.Rank):
                                    if player_hand[position].revealed_rank is not None and \
                                            player_hand[position].revealed_rank is hint:
                                        hint_type = "Information"
                                    if player_hand[position].revealed_suit is not None and \
                                            player_hand[position].revealed_suit is hint:
                                        hint_type = "Information"

                    if isinstance(hint, utils.Rank) and max(current_board_state.values()) < hint.value - 1:
                        hint_type = "Information"

                    for x in range(0, len(player_hand)):
                        if isinstance(hint, utils.Rank):
                            if player_hand[x].revealed_rank is not None and player_hand[x].revealed_rank is hint:
                                if self.card_hint_type[target_player][x] is None:
                                    self.card_hint_type[target_player][x] = hint_type
                                elif player_hand[x].revealed_suit is not None:
                                    self.card_hint_type[target_player][x] = None
                            if player_hand[x].revealed_suit is not None and player_hand[x].revealed_suit is hint:
                                if self.card_hint_type[target_player][x] is None:
                                    self.card_hint_type[target_player][x] = hint_type
                                elif player_hand[x].revealed_rank is not None:
                                    self.card_hint_type[target_player][x] = None

                    current_hints = max(0, current_hints - 1)
                    if debug and round_info.log:

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)
Пример #14
    def check_for_necessary_tip(self, round_info, player_number):
        if round_info.hints == 0 or round_info.hints == utils.MAX_HINTS:
            return False

        if player_number is round_info.player_turn:
            player_hand = round_info.player_hand
            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)

        remaining = utils.list_remaining_playable_cards(round_info)
        next_player_hand = utils.next_player_hand(round_info, player_number)
        next_player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        if self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, next_player_number) is not False:
            return False

        distrust = False
        play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, next_player_number)
        if play is not False:
            play_position = play[1]
            played_card = next_player_hand[play_position]

            if round_info.board_state[played_card.real_suit] is not played_card.real_rank.value - 1:
                distrust = True

                own_play = None
                if self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, player_number) is not False:
                    own_play = self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, player_number)[1]
                if own_play is None and self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, player_number) is not False:
                    own_play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, player_number)[1]

                if own_play is not None and \
                        round_info.board_state[played_card.real_suit] is played_card.real_rank.value - 2:
                    own_card = player_hand[own_play]
                    if (own_card.revealed_rank is not None and
                        own_card.revealed_rank.value is played_card.real_rank.value - 1) or \
                            (own_card.revealed_suit is not None and
                             own_card.revealed_suit is played_card.real_suit):
                        distrust = False

            if self.check_for_obvious_discard(round_info, next_player_number) is False:
                played_position = self.check_for_guess_discard(round_info, next_player_number)[1]
                played_card = next_player_hand[played_position]

                if round_info.board_state[played_card.real_suit] < played_card.real_rank.value and \
                        remaining[played_card.real_suit][played_card.real_rank] == 1 and \
                        self.check_card_usefulness(round_info, played_card) is False:
                    distrust = True

        if distrust:
            if debug and round_info.log:
            answer = self.check_for_good_tip(round_info, player_number, only_next_player=True)
            if answer is False:
                if debug and round_info.log:
                answer = self.check_for_risky_tip(round_info, player_number, only_next_player=True)

            if answer is not False:
                return answer

            if played_card.revealed_rank is None:
                return ChoiceDetails(
                    HintDetails(utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number), played_card.real_rank)
                return ChoiceDetails(
                    HintDetails(utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number), played_card.real_suit)

        return False
    def check_for_play_tip(self, round_info, player_number, hint_pass_score=2, double_hint_multiplier=2.3,
                           distance_to_playable_multiplier=0.5, distance_to_player_multiplier=0.99,
        if round_info.hints <= 1:
            return False

        original_player_number = player_number
        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)
        hinted_plays = {}

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            hinted_plays[player_number] = {}
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                hinted_plays[player_number][suit] = {}
                for rank in utils.Rank:
                    hinted_plays[player_number][suit][rank] = 0

            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value and \
                        (card.revealed_rank is not None or card.revealed_suit is not None):
                    hinted_plays[player_number][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] += 1

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)
        potential_playable_ranks = {}
        potential_playable_suits = {}

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            potential_playable_ranks[player_number] = {}
            potential_playable_suits[player_number] = {}
            for rank in utils.Rank:
                potential_playable_ranks[player_number][rank] = []
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                potential_playable_suits[player_number][suit] = []

            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                already_hinted = False
                for player in hinted_plays:
                    if player is not player_number and hinted_plays[player][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] != 0:
                        already_hinted = True
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value and not already_hinted:
                    if card.revealed_suit is None:
                    if card.revealed_rank is None:

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        max_player_number = 0
        max_potential = 0
        max_hint = 0

        def check_card_potential(card, player):
            player_distance = player - original_player_number - 1
            if player_distance < 0:
                player_distance += round_info.number_of_players
            card_potential = \
                    card.real_rank.value - round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] - 1) * \
                pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance) * \
                pow(lower_rank_multiplier, 5-card.real_rank.value)
            if (card.revealed_suit is not None or card.revealed_rank is not None) and \
                    card.real_rank.value - round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] == 1:
                card_potential *= double_hint_multiplier
            return card_potential

        for player in potential_playable_ranks:
            if debug:
            for rank in potential_playable_ranks[player]:
                potential = 0
                for card in potential_playable_ranks[player][rank]:
                    potential += check_card_potential(card, player)
                if debug:
          '{0} {1}'.format(rank, potential))
                if potential > max_potential:
                    max_player_number = player
                    max_potential = potential
                    max_hint = rank

            for suit in potential_playable_suits[player]:
                potential = 0
                for card in potential_playable_suits[player][suit]:
                    potential += check_card_potential(card, player)
                if debug:
          '{0} {1}'.format(suit, potential))
                if potential > max_potential:
                    max_player_number = player
                    max_potential = potential
                    max_hint = suit

        if max_potential >= hint_pass_score:
            return ChoiceDetails(
                HintDetails(max_player_number, max_hint)
        return False
Пример #16
    def check_for_play_tip(self, round_info, player_number, hint_pass_score=0.9, double_hint_multiplier=0.3,
                           false_tip_penalty=-2.5, distance_to_player_multiplier=1.01, lower_rank_multiplier=1.07,
                           information_tip_value=0.2, already_has_play_multiplier=0.5, chain_bonus_multiplier=1.3,
        if round_info.hints <= 1:
            return False

        original_player_number = player_number
        if player_number is round_info.player_turn:
            original_player_hand = round_info.player_hand
            original_player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)
        worth_hinting = {}
        predicted_board_state = {original_player_number: deepcopy(round_info.board_state)}

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            predicted_board_state[player_number] = deepcopy(
                predicted_board_state[utils.prev_player_number(round_info, player_number)])
            worth_hinting[player_number] = False

            play = self.check_for_obvious_play(round_info, player_number)
            if play is False:
                play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, player_number)
                if play is False:
                    worth_hinting[player_number] = True
            if play is not False:
                player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
                suit = player_hand[play[1]].real_suit
                rank = player_hand[play[1]].real_rank
                if predicted_board_state[player_number][suit] is rank.value - 1:
                    predicted_board_state[player_number][suit] += 1

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = original_player_number
        hinted_plays = {}
        first_time = True

        while player_number is not original_player_number or first_time:
            first_time = False
            hinted_plays[player_number] = {}
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                hinted_plays[player_number][suit] = {}
                for rank in utils.Rank:
                    hinted_plays[player_number][suit][rank] = 0
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)
        for card in original_player_hand:
            if card.revealed_rank is not None and card.revealed_suit is not None and \
                    round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value:
                hinted_plays[original_player_number][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] += 1

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if round_info.board_state[card.real_suit] < card.real_rank.value and \
                        (card.revealed_rank is not None or card.revealed_suit is not None):
                    hinted_plays[player_number][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] += 1
            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, original_player_number)
        potential_playable_ranks = {}
        potential_playable_suits = {}

        while player_number is not original_player_number:
            potential_playable_ranks[player_number] = {}
            potential_playable_suits[player_number] = {}
            for rank in utils.Rank:
                potential_playable_ranks[player_number][rank] = []
            for suit in utils.Suit:
                potential_playable_suits[player_number][suit] = []

            player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player_number)
            for card in player_hand:
                if card.revealed_suit is None:
                if card.revealed_rank is None:

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        max_player_number = 0
        max_potential = -5
        max_hint = 0

        known = {}
        for suit in utils.Suit:
            known[suit] = {}
            for rank in utils.Rank:
                known[suit][rank] = 0

        for card in original_player_hand:
            if card.revealed_rank is not None and card.revealed_suit is not None:
                known[card.revealed_suit][card.revealed_rank] += 1

        for hand in round_info.other_players_hands:
            if original_player_number is not hand.player_number:
                for card in hand:
                    known[card.real_suit][card.real_rank] += 1

        def check_card_potential(card, player, board_state, current_rank=None, pure_info=False):
            player_distance = player - original_player_number - 1
            if player_distance < 0:
                player_distance += round_info.number_of_players

            already_hinted = False
            if card.revealed_suit is None and card.revealed_rank is None:
                for players in hinted_plays:
                    if hinted_plays[players][card.real_suit][card.real_rank] != 0:
                        already_hinted = True

            card_potential = pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance) *\
                             pow(lower_rank_multiplier, 5 - card.real_rank.value)

            if (card.revealed_suit is not None or card.revealed_rank is not None) and \
                    card.real_rank.value - board_state[card.real_suit] <= 1 and \
                    self.card_hint_type[player][card.hand_position] == "Play":
                card_potential *= double_hint_multiplier

            if card.real_rank.value <= 4 and card.real_rank.value - board_state[card.real_suit] == 1 and \
                    known[card.real_suit][utils.Rank(card.real_rank.value + 1)] > 0:
                card_potential *= chain_bonus_multiplier

            if already_hinted:
                card_potential += false_tip_penalty

            if pure_info \
                    or (max(round_info.board_state.values()) < card.real_rank.value - 1 and current_rank is None) \
                    or (self.card_hint_type[player][card.hand_position] == "Information"):

                card_potential = information_tip_value * pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance) * \
                                 pow(lower_rank_multiplier, card.real_rank.value - 1)

                if not already_hinted and \
                        card.real_rank.value - board_state[card.real_suit] == 1 and \
                        self.card_hint_type[player][card.hand_position] == "Information":
                    card_potential = pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance) * \
                                     pow(lower_rank_multiplier, 5 - card.real_rank.value)

                if card.real_rank.value <= 4 and card.real_rank.value - board_state[card.real_suit] == 1 and \
                        known[card.real_suit][utils.Rank(card.real_rank.value + 1)] > 0:
                    card_potential *= chain_bonus_multiplier

            elif (card.revealed_suit is None and card.revealed_rank is None) and \
                    ((current_rank is None and board_state[card.real_suit] is not card.real_rank.value - 1) or
                     (current_rank is not None and card.real_rank.value is not current_rank)):
                card_potential += false_tip_penalty

            if current_rank is not None and card.real_rank.value is current_rank:
                current_rank += 1

            return card_potential, current_rank

        for player in potential_playable_ranks:
            if debug and round_info.log:

            info_rank = None
            info_suit = None
            player_distance = player - original_player_number - 1
            if player_distance < 0:
                player_distance += round_info.number_of_players

            if player_distance == 0 or not only_next_player:
                if player_distance == 0:
                    play = self.check_for_hinted_play(round_info, player)
                    target_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(round_info, player)
                    if play is not False:
                        if target_hand[play[1]].revealed_rank is None:
                            info_rank = target_hand[play[1]].real_rank
                        if target_hand[play[1]].revealed_suit is None:
                            info_suit = target_hand[play[1]].real_suit
                        play = self.check_for_guess_discard(round_info, player)
                        if target_hand[play[1]].revealed_rank is None:
                            info_rank = target_hand[play[1]].real_rank
                        if target_hand[play[1]].revealed_suit is None:
                            info_suit = target_hand[play[1]].real_suit

                for rank in potential_playable_ranks[player]:
                    board_state = deepcopy(predicted_board_state[utils.prev_player_number(round_info, player)])
                    potential = 0
                    for card in potential_playable_ranks[player][rank]:
                        if rank is not info_rank:
                            answer = check_card_potential(card, player, board_state)[0]
                            answer = check_card_potential(card, player, board_state, pure_info=True)[0]
                        if answer >= pow(distance_to_player_multiplier, player_distance) * \
                                     pow(lower_rank_multiplier, 5 - card.real_rank.value):
                            board_state[card.real_suit] += 1
                        potential += answer
                    if not worth_hinting[player] and rank is not info_rank:
                        potential *= already_has_play_multiplier
                    if debug and round_info.log:
              '{0} {1}'.format(rank, potential))
                    if potential > max_potential:
                        max_player_number = player
                        max_potential = potential
                        max_hint = rank

                board_state = deepcopy(predicted_board_state[utils.prev_player_number(round_info, player)])
                for suit in potential_playable_suits[player]:
                    potential = 0
                    current_rank = board_state[suit] + 1
                    for card in potential_playable_suits[player][suit]:
                        if suit is not info_suit:
                            answer = check_card_potential(card, player, board_state, current_rank)
                            answer = check_card_potential(card, player, board_state, current_rank, pure_info=True)
                        potential += answer[0]
                        current_rank = answer[1]
                    if not worth_hinting[player] and suit is not info_suit:
                        potential *= already_has_play_multiplier
                    if debug and round_info.log:
              '{0} {1}'.format(suit, potential))
                    if potential > max_potential:
                        max_player_number = player
                        max_potential = potential
                        max_hint = suit

        if max_potential >= hint_pass_score:
            return ChoiceDetails(
                HintDetails(max_player_number, max_hint)
        return False
    def analyze_game(self, round_info, score):
        scores = self.learning_state.score_history

        #prog = 16
        prog = statistics.median_low(scores) - 2

        amount = abs(score - prog)
        amount = math.ceil(amount)

        original_player_number = round_info.player_turn
        player_number = original_player_number
        first = True

        while player_number != original_player_number or first:
            first = False
            if player_number == original_player_number:
                player_hand = round_info.player_hand
                player_hand = utils.get_player_hand_by_number(
                    round_info, player_number)

            for card in player_hand:
                for state in card.hint_states:
                    self.penalize_hint(state[0], round_info, 0.05078125)

            player_number = utils.next_player_number(round_info, player_number)

        if score > prog:
            for i in range(-1, -len(self.learning_state.states_history) - 1,
                action = self.learning_state.states_history[i][1][0]
                state = self.learning_state.states_history[i][2][0]
                macro_state = self.learning_state.states_history[i][5][0]

                if round_info.log and debug:
          "{0} {1}".format(action, state))

                if action is Choice.PLAY:
                    self.reward_own_play(state, round_info, amount / 16)
                    self.reward_macro(macro_state, 0, round_info, amount)

                if action is Choice.DISCARD:
                    self.reward_own_discard(state, round_info, amount / 8)
                    self.reward_macro(macro_state, 1, round_info, amount)

                if action is Choice.HINT:
                    self.reward_hint(state, round_info, amount / 8)
                    self.reward_macro(macro_state, 2, round_info, amount)

        elif score < prog:
            for i in range(-1, -len(self.learning_state.states_history) - 1,
                action = self.learning_state.states_history[i][1][0]
                state = self.learning_state.states_history[i][2][0]
                macro_state = self.learning_state.states_history[i][5][0]

                if round_info.log and debug:
          "{0} {1}".format(action, state))

                if action is Choice.PLAY:
                    self.penalize_own_play(state, round_info, amount / 16)
                    self.penalize_macro(macro_state, 0, round_info, amount)

                if action is Choice.DISCARD:
                    self.penalize_own_discard(state, round_info, amount / 8)
                    self.penalize_macro(macro_state, 1, round_info, amount)

                if action is Choice.HINT:
                    self.penalize_hint(state, round_info, amount / 8)
                    self.penalize_macro(macro_state, 2, round_info, amount)

        scores[0] = ((len(scores) - 1) * scores[0] + score) / len(scores)
        while len(scores) > 1001:
            scores[0] = (
                (len(scores) - 1) * scores[0] - scores[1]) / (len(scores) - 2)
        self.learning_state.score_history = scores
        self.learning_state.states_history = []