Пример #1
 def _add_separator_cases(self, vt_node):
     current_val = vt_node.get_current_value()
     if vt_node.is_attr_set(dm.NodeInternals.Separator):
         sep_l = copy.copy(self.sep_list)
         except ValueError:
                 "\n*** WARNING: separator not part of the initial set. (Could happen if "
                 "separators are generated dynamically)")
         self.current_fuzz_vt_list.insert(0, vtype.String(values=sep_l))
         sz = len(current_val)
         if sz > 1:
             fuzzy_sep_val_list = []
             for sep in self.sep_list:
                 new_val = current_val[:-1] + sep + current_val[-1:]
                 0, vtype.String(values=fuzzy_sep_val_list))
Пример #2
    def consume_node(self, node):
        orig_val = node.to_bytes()
        new_values = copy.copy(self.values)

        if orig_val in new_values:

        # Note, that node attributes are not altered by this
        # operation, especially usefull in our case, because we have
        # to preserve dm.NodeInternals.Separator


        return True
Пример #3
def tag_builder(tag_name,
    Helper for modeling an XML tag.

      tag_name (str): name of the XML tag.
      params (dict): optional attributes to be added in the XML tag
      contents: can be either None (empty tag), a :class:`framework.data_model.Node`,
        a dictionary (Node description), a string or a string list (string-Node values).
      node_name (str): name of the node to be created.
      codec (str): codec to be used for generating the XML tag.
      tag_name_mutable (bool): if ``False``, the tag name will not be mutable, meaning that
        its ``Mutable`` attribute will be cleared.
      struct_mutable (bool): if ``False`` the XML structure "will not" be mutable, meaning
        that each node related to the structure will have its ``Mutable`` attribute cleared.
      determinist (bool): if ``False``, the attribute order could change from one retrieved
        data to another.

      dict: Node-description of the XML tag.

    if params is not None:
        assert isinstance(params, dict)
        cts = []
        idx = 1
        for k, v in params.items():
            assert gr.is_string_compatible(v)
            v = v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
            sep_id = uuid.uuid1()
                'name': ('attr' + str(idx), uuid.uuid1()),
                'contents': [
                        'name': ('key', uuid.uuid1()),
                        'contents': fvt.String(values=[k], codec=codec)
                        'name': ('eq', uuid.uuid1()),
                        'contents': fvt.String(values=['='], codec=codec),
                        'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator,
                        'mutable': struct_mutable
                        'name': ('sep', sep_id),
                        'contents': fvt.String(values=['"'], codec=codec),
                        'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator,
                        'mutable': struct_mutable
                        'name': ('val', uuid.uuid1()),
                        'contents': fvt.String(values=v, codec=codec)
                        'name': ('sep', sep_id)
            idx += 1

        if not determinist:
            params_desc = {'section_type': MH.FullyRandom, 'contents': cts}
            params_desc = {'section_type': MH.Ordered, 'contents': cts}
        params_desc = None

    prefix = '</' if contents is None else '<'
    tag_start_open_desc = \
        {'name': ('prefix', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': fvt.String(values=[prefix], codec=codec),
         'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator}

    tag_cts = [{
        'name': ('tag_name', uuid.uuid1()),
        'contents': fvt.String(values=[tag_name], codec=codec),
        'mutable': tag_name_mutable
    if params_desc is not None:

    tag_start_cts_desc = \
        {'name': ('content', uuid.uuid1()),
         'random': not determinist,
         'separator': {'contents': {'name': ('spc', uuid.uuid1()),
                                    'contents': fvt.String(values=[' '], max_sz=100,
                                                           absorb_regexp='\s+', codec=codec),
                                    'mutable': struct_mutable,
                                    'absorb_csts': AbsNoCsts(size=True, regexp=True)},
                       'prefix': False, 'suffix': False, 'unique': False},
         'contents': tag_cts}

    tag_start_close_desc = \
        {'name': ('suffix', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': fvt.String(values=['>'], codec=codec),
         'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator}

    tag_start_desc = \
    {'name': ('start-tag', uuid.uuid1()),
     'contents': [tag_start_open_desc, tag_start_cts_desc, tag_start_close_desc]}

    tag_end_desc = \
        {'name': ('end-tag', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': [
            {'name': ('prefix', uuid.uuid1()),
             'contents': fvt.String(values=['</'], codec=codec),
             'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator},
            {'name': ('content', uuid.uuid1()),
             'contents': fvt.String(values=[tag_name], codec=codec),
             'mutable': tag_name_mutable},
            {'name': ('suffix', uuid.uuid1()),
             'contents': fvt.String(values=['>'], codec=codec),
             'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator},

    if contents is None:
        tag_desc = tag_start_desc
        if isinstance(contents, Node):
            cts = [tag_start_desc, (contents, 1, 1), tag_end_desc]
        elif isinstance(contents, dict):
            cts = [tag_start_desc, contents, tag_end_desc]
            assert gr.is_string_compatible(contents)
            if not isinstance(contents, list):
                contents = [contents]
            cts = [
                tag_start_desc, {
                    'name': 'elt-content',
                    'contents': fvt.String(values=contents, codec=codec)
                }, tag_end_desc

        tag_desc = \
        {'name': tag_name if node_name is None else node_name,
         'separator': {'contents': {'name': ('nl', uuid.uuid1()),
                                    'contents': fvt.String(values=['\n'], max_sz=100,
                                                           absorb_regexp='[\r\n|\n]+', codec=codec),
                                    'absorb_csts': AbsNoCsts(regexp=True)},
                       'prefix': False, 'suffix': False, 'unique': False},
         'contents': cts}

    return tag_desc
Пример #4
def json_builder(tag_name, params=None, node_name=None, codec='latin-1',
                tag_name_mutable=True, struct_mutable=True, determinist=True):
    Helper for modeling an JSON structure.

      tag_name (str): name of the JSON tag.
      params (dict): the JSON structure to be converted to a fuddly structure
      node_name (str): name of the node to be created.
      codec (str): codec to be used for generating the JSON structure.
      tag_name_mutable (bool): if ``False``, the tag name will not be mutable, meaning that
        its ``Mutable`` attribute will be cleared.
      struct_mutable (bool): if ``False`` the JSON structure "will not" be mutable, meaning
        that each node related to the structure will have its ``Mutable`` attribute cleared.
      determinist (bool): if ``False``, the attribute order could change from one retrieved
        data to another.

      dict: Node-description of the JSON structure.

    if params is not None:
        assert isinstance(params, dict)
        cts = []
        idx = 1
        for k, v in params.items():
            sep_id = uuid.uuid1() # The separator for the " in the key param.  e.g., "<key>"

            params = [
                {'name': ('sep', sep_id), 'contents' : fvt.String(values=['"'], codec=codec),
                 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator, 'mutable': struct_mutable},
                {'name': ('key', uuid.uuid1()), 'contents' : fvt.String(values=[k], codec=codec)},
                {'name': ('sep', sep_id)},
                {'name': ('col', uuid.uuid1()), 'contents' : fvt.String(values=[':'], codec=codec),
                 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator, 'mutable': struct_mutable} ]

            if isinstance(v, list):
                modeled_v = []
                val_id = uuid.uuid1()
                for subidx, value in enumerate(v):
                    assert not isinstance(value, list)
                    if isinstance(value, dict):
                        # If the type of v is a dictionary, build a sub JSON structure for it.
                        modeled_v.append(json_builder(tag_name + "_" + str(idx)+str(subidx), params=value))
                        checked_value = value if gr.is_string_compatible(value) else str(value)
                            {'name': ('val'+str(subidx), val_id),
                             'contents': [
                                 {'name': ('sep', sep_id)},
                                 {'name': ('cts', uuid.uuid1()),
                                  'contents': fvt.String(values=[checked_value], codec=codec)},
                                 {'name': ('sep', sep_id)} ]}

                attr_value = \
                    {'name': ('cts', uuid.uuid1()),
                     'contents': modeled_v,
                     'separator': {'contents': {'name': ('comma', uuid.uuid1()),
                                                'contents': fvt.String(values=[','], max_sz=100,
                                                                       absorb_regexp='\s*,\s*', codec=codec),
                                                'mutable': struct_mutable,
                                                'absorb_csts': AbsNoCsts(size=True, regexp=True)},
                                   'prefix': False, 'suffix': False, 'unique': False} }

                params.append({'name': ('attr_val'+str(idx), uuid.uuid1()),
                               'contents': [
                                   {'contents': fvt.String(values=['['], codec=codec),
                                    'mutable': struct_mutable, 'name': 'prefix'+str(idx)},
                                   {'contents': fvt.String(values=[']'], codec=codec),
                                    'mutable': struct_mutable, 'name': 'suffix'+str(idx)} ]})

            elif isinstance(v, dict):
                params.append(json_builder(tag_name + "_" + str(idx), params=v))

            elif gr.is_string_compatible(v):
                params += [ {'name': ('sep', sep_id)},
                            {'name': ('val', uuid.uuid1()), 'contents': fvt.String(values=[v], codec=codec)},
                            {'name': ('sep', sep_id)} ]
                raise DataModelDefinitionError
            cts.append({'name': ('attr'+str(idx), uuid.uuid1()),
                        'contents': params})
            idx += 1

        if not determinist:
            params_desc = {'section_type': MH.FullyRandom, 'contents': cts}
            params_desc = {'section_type': MH.Ordered, 'contents': cts}
        raise DataModelDefinitionError

    tag_start_open_desc = \
        {'name': ('prefix', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': fvt.String(values=['{'], codec=codec),
         'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator}

    tag_start_cts_desc = \
        {'name': ('contents', uuid.uuid1()),
         'random': not determinist,
         'separator': {'contents': {'name': ('comma', uuid.uuid1()),
                                    'contents': fvt.String(values=[','], max_sz=100,
                                                           absorb_regexp='\s*,\s*', codec=codec),
                                    'mutable': struct_mutable,
                                    'absorb_csts': AbsNoCsts(size=True, regexp=True)},
                       'prefix': False, 'suffix': False, 'unique': False},
         'contents': [params_desc]}

    tag_start_close_desc = \
        {'name': ('suffix', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': fvt.String(values=['}'], codec=codec),
         'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator}

    tag_start_desc = \
    {'name': tag_name if node_name is None else node_name,
     'contents': [tag_start_open_desc, tag_start_cts_desc, tag_start_close_desc]}

    return tag_start_desc
Пример #5
def tag_builder(tag_name, params=None, refs=None, contents=None, node_name=None, codec='latin-1',
                tag_name_mutable=True, struct_mutable=True, determinist=True, condition=None,
                absorb_regexp=None, specific_fuzzy_vals=None,
                tag_type=TAG_TYPE.standard, nl_prefix=False, nl_suffix=False):
    Helper for modeling an XML tag.

      tag_name (str): name of the XML tag.
      params (dict): optional attributes to be added in the XML tag
      refs (dict): if provided it should contain for at least one parameter key (provided in ``params`` dict)
        the name to be used for the node representing the corresponding value. Useful when
        the parameter ``condition`` is in use and needs to relate to the value of specific parameters.
      contents: can be either None (empty tag), a :class:`framework.data_model.Node`,
        a dictionary (Node description), a string or a string list (string-Node values).
      node_name (str): name of the node to be created.
      codec (str): codec to be used for generating the XML tag.
      tag_name_mutable (bool): if ``False``, the tag name will not be mutable, meaning that
        its ``Mutable`` attribute will be cleared.
      struct_mutable (bool): if ``False`` the XML structure "will not" be mutable, meaning
        that each node related to the structure will have its ``Mutable`` attribute cleared.
      determinist (bool): if ``False``, the attribute order could change from one retrieved
        data to another.
      condition (tuple): optional existence condition for the tag. If not ``None`` a keyword ``exists_if``
        will be added to the root node with this parameter as a value.
      absorb_regexp (str): regex for ``contents`` absorption
      tag_type (TAG_TYPE): specify the type of notation
      specific_fuzzy_vals (dict): if provided it should contain for at least one parameter key (provided
        in ``params`` dict) a list of specific values that will be used by some generic disruptors
        like tTYPE.
      nl_prefix (bool): add a new line character before the tag
      nl_suffix (bool): add a new line character after the tag

      dict: Node-description of the XML tag.

    if params is not None:
        assert isinstance(params, dict)
        cts = []
        idx = 1
        refs = {} if refs is None else refs
        for k, v in params.items():
            if gr.is_string_compatible(v):
                val_ref = refs.get(k, ('val', uuid.uuid1()))
                v = v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
                nd_desc = {'name': val_ref, 'contents': fvt.String(values=v, codec=codec)}
                if specific_fuzzy_vals:
                    nd_desc['specific_fuzzy_vals'] = specific_fuzzy_vals.get(k)
            elif isinstance(v, dict):
                nd_desc = v
                if specific_fuzzy_vals:
                    nd_desc['specific_fuzzy_vals'] = specific_fuzzy_vals.get(k)
            elif isinstance(v, Node):
                nd_desc = (v, 1, 1)
                raise ValueError

            sep_id = uuid.uuid1()
            cts.append({'name': ('attr'+str(idx), uuid.uuid1()),
                        'contents': [
                            {'name': ('key', uuid.uuid1()), 'contents': fvt.String(values=[k], codec=codec)},
                            {'name': ('eq', uuid.uuid1()), 'contents': fvt.String(values=['='], codec=codec),
                             'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator, 'mutable': struct_mutable},
                            {'name': ('sep', sep_id), 'contents': fvt.String(values=['"'], codec=codec),
                             'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator, 'mutable': struct_mutable},
                            {'name': ('sep', sep_id)},
            idx += 1

        if not determinist:
            params_desc = {'section_type': MH.FullyRandom, 'contents': cts}
            params_desc = {'section_type': MH.Ordered, 'contents': cts}
        params_desc = None

    if tag_type in [TAG_TYPE.comment, TAG_TYPE.proc_instr]:
        assert contents is None
        if tag_type is TAG_TYPE.proc_instr:
            prefix = '<?'
        elif tag_type is TAG_TYPE.comment:
            prefix = '<!--'
            raise ValueError
        prefix = '</' if contents is None else '<'

    tag_start_open_desc = \
        {'name': ('prefix', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': fvt.String(values=[prefix], codec=codec),
         'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator}

    tag_cts = [{'name': ('tag_name', uuid.uuid1()),
                'contents': fvt.String(values=[tag_name], codec=codec),
                'mutable': tag_name_mutable}]
    if params_desc is not None:

    tag_start_cts_desc = \
        {'name': ('content', uuid.uuid1()),
         'random': not determinist,
         'separator': {'contents': {'name': ('spc', uuid.uuid1()),
                                    'contents': fvt.String(values=[' '], max_sz=100,
                                                           absorb_regexp='\s+', codec=codec),
                                    'mutable': struct_mutable,
                                    'absorb_csts': AbsNoCsts(size=True, regexp=True)},
                       'prefix': False, 'suffix': False, 'unique': False},
         'contents': tag_cts}

    if tag_type in [TAG_TYPE.comment, TAG_TYPE.proc_instr]:
        if tag_type is TAG_TYPE.proc_instr:
            suffix = '?>'
        elif tag_type is TAG_TYPE.comment:
            suffix = '-->'
            raise ValueError
        suffix = '>'

    tag_start_close_desc = \
        {'name': ('suffix', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': fvt.String(values=[suffix], codec=codec),
         'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator}

    if contents is None:
        start_tag_name = tag_name
        start_tag_name = ('start-tag', uuid.uuid1())

    tag_start_desc = \
    {'name': start_tag_name,
     'contents': [tag_start_open_desc, tag_start_cts_desc, tag_start_close_desc]}

    tag_end_desc = \
        {'name': ('end-tag', uuid.uuid1()),
         'contents': [
            {'name': ('prefix', uuid.uuid1()),
             'contents': fvt.String(values=['</'], codec=codec),
             'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator},
            {'name': ('content', uuid.uuid1()),
             'contents': fvt.String(values=[tag_name], codec=codec),
             'mutable': tag_name_mutable},
            {'name': ('suffix', uuid.uuid1()),
             'contents': fvt.String(values=['>'], codec=codec),
             'mutable': struct_mutable, 'set_attrs': MH.Attr.Separator},

    if contents is None:
        tag_desc = tag_start_desc
        if isinstance(contents, Node):
            cts = [tag_start_desc,
                   (contents, 1, 1),
        elif isinstance(contents, dict):
            cts = [tag_start_desc,
        elif isinstance(contents, list) and not gr.is_string_compatible(contents[0]):
            cts = [tag_start_desc]
            for c in contents:
            assert gr.is_string_compatible(contents)
            if not isinstance(contents, list):
                contents = [contents]
            content_desc = {'name': ('elt-content', uuid.uuid1()),
                            'contents': fvt.String(values=contents, codec=codec, absorb_regexp=absorb_regexp)}
            if absorb_regexp is not None:
                content_desc['absorb_csts'] = AbsNoCsts(regexp=True)

            cts = [tag_start_desc,

        tag_desc = \
        {'name': tag_name if node_name is None else node_name,
         'separator': {'contents': {'name': ('nl', uuid.uuid1()),
                                    'contents': fvt.String(values=['\n'], max_sz=100,
                                                           absorb_regexp='\s*', codec=codec),
                                    'absorb_csts': AbsNoCsts(regexp=True)},
                       'prefix': nl_prefix, 'suffix': nl_suffix, 'unique': False},
         'contents': cts}

    if condition:
        tag_desc['exists_if'] = condition

    return tag_desc