class GUI(Gtk.Window): __gtype_name__ = 'GUI' __name__ = 'GUI' #@ReservedAssignment DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = '#660707' DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH = 24 DEFAULT_WIDTH = 960 # Default Gtk.Window width DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 840 # Default Gtk.Window height uclm_demo_couch = True def __init__(self, application): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, type = Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) self.set_default_size(self.DEFAULT_WIDTH, self.DEFAULT_HEIGHT) self.set_size_request(self.DEFAULT_WIDTH, self.DEFAULT_HEIGHT) LOG.debug('Starting') from freestation.constants import APP_ICON self.set_icon_from_file(join(file_path, 'img', APP_ICON)) # self.add_events( Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.SCROLL_MASK ) """ def wakeup(widget, event): " "" (button 4 for scroll up, button 5 for scroll down). " "" print "Event number %d woke me up" % event.type self.connect('motion-notify-event', wakeup) self.connect('key-press-event', wakeup) self.connect('button-press-event', wakeup) self.connect('scroll-event', wakeup) """ #Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_name('freestation') settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default() #settings.set_property("gtk-error-bell", False) theme = settings.get_property('gtk-theme-name') LOG.debug('Theme: {0}'.format(theme)) provider = Gtk.CssProvider() provider._theme_name = theme.lower() screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() context = self.get_style_context() if hasattr(self, '_css_provider'): # check old provider, see if we can skip setting or remove old # style provider if self._css_provider._theme_name != theme.lower(): # clean up old css provider if exixts context.remove_provider_for_screen(screen, self._css_provider) ###provider.load_from_path('/home/shakaran/Escritorio/software-center/data/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css') ###context.add_provider_for_screen(screen, provider, 800) #screen = self.get_screen() #screen.get_display().sync() #screen.get_display().close() self.application = application self.__connect_signals() self.set_title(APP_NAME) self.set_border_width(self.DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH) self.set_decorated(False) self.set_app_paintable(True) self.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse(self.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND)) self.realize() # Realize the window for get xid self.__load_widgets() self.__pack_widgets() self.add( self.fullscreen() self.show_all() #self.videoarea.xid = self.videoarea.get_property('window').get_xid() #print 'XID', self.videoarea.xid #self.videoarea.player.set_window_handle(self.videoarea.xid) def __load_widgets(self): ''' Load widgets (components) ''' self.widgets = WidgetLoader().get_widgets() for (name, properties) in self.widgets: LOG.debug('Requested widget: ' + str(name)) widget_error = False mod = __import__('freestation.widgets', fromlist = [str(name)]) try: mod_class = getattr(mod, name) except AttributeError as e: #@UnusedVariable LOG.error('Error: could not load the widget ' + str(name)) widget_error = True if not widget_error:'Loaded: ' + str(mod_class)) klass = getattr(mod_class, name) LOG.debug(klass) LOG.debug('Properties: ' + str(properties)) for (key, value) in properties: if key == 'data': data = value LOG.debug('Invoking ' + str(klass)) if data: try: temporal_object = klass(data) #[TODO] Load from properties except TypeError as e: temporal_object = klass() else: temporal_object = klass() if hasattr(temporal_object, 'set_properties'): temporal_object.set_properties(properties) if hasattr(temporal_object, 'start'): temporal_object.start() temporal_attribute = temporal_object.__class__.__name__ # Create lowercase with underscore attribute class from name widget name_attribute = '' i = 0 for letter in temporal_attribute: if letter.isupper(): if i == 0: letter = letter.lower() else: letter = '_' + letter.lower() name_attribute += str(letter) i += 1 # Create attribute on class with metadinamic class created setattr(self, name_attribute + '_widget', temporal_object) """ #screen = self.get_window().get_screen() for x in dir(Gdk.get_default_root_window().get_screen()): print x screen = Gdk.get_default_root_window().get_screen() print 'N monitors', screen.get_n_monitors() print 'Primary monitor', screen.get_primary_monitor print screen.get_display().get_name() print screen.get_display().get_n_screens() print screen.get_display().close() """ def __pack_widgets(self): = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing = 0) self.main_box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.middle_box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing = 6) ##if hasattr(self, 'logo_area_widget'): ## self.main_box.pack_start(self.logo_area_widget, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) ##if hasattr(self, 'title_display_widget'): ## self.main_box.pack_start(self.title_display_widget, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) #self.hbox.pack_start(self.main_box, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) # Not work, needs pygst (GStreamer with GTK 3.0), because conflict gobject with GObject #box.pack_start(video_area, False, True, False) #if hasattr(self, 'browser_view_widget'): # self.hbox.pack_start(self.browser_view_widget , True, True, True) """if hasattr(self, 'mount_info_widget'): self.progress_box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.progress_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(), True, True, False) self.progress_box.pack_start(child = self.mount_info_widget, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) self.progress_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(), True, True, False) ##self.vbox.pack_start(child = self.progress_box, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) """, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) , True, True, True) #from freestation.widgets.FeedReader import FeedReader #@UnresolvedImport #feed_reader = FeedReader() ###self.middle_box.pack_start(feed_reader, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) #if hasattr(self, 'video_area_widget'): from freestation.widgets.VideoArea import VideoArea #fixed = Gtk.Fixed() import os video = 'freestation/ogv/orbit.ogv' #self.videoarea = VideoArea(video) #self.videoarea.create_player() ##self.videoarea.load_player() #g_upimage.set_margin_left(5) #g_upimage.set_margin_top(5) #g_upimage.set_margin_bottom(5) #g_upimage.set_margin_right(5) #label.set_margin_left(10) #g_sep = Gtk.HSeparator() #g_box.pack_start(g_sep, True, False, 0) ##self.middle_box.pack_start(self.videoarea, True, True, True), True, True, True) ###from freestation.widgets import HtmlRenderer #@UnresolvedImport ###html_renderer = HtmlRenderer.HtmlRenderer() html_renderer, True, True, True) from freestation.widgets.ButtonSection import ButtonSection def icon_load(icon_name): icon = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] + "/img/" + icon_name return icon if self.uclm_demo_couch: from freestation.widgets.UclmDemoCouch import UclmDemoCouch self.uclm_demo = UclmDemoCouch() self.set_border_width(0), True, True, True) GObject.idle_add(self.uclm_demo.on_idle) else: from freestation.widgets.UclmDemo import UclmDemo self.uclm_demo = UclmDemo() self.uclm_demo.main_page(), True, True, True) """ icon = icon_load('icon-teacher.png') first_row = Gtk.HBox() first_row.pack_start(ButtonSection('Magisterio', icon, 'pink'), True, True, True) first_row.pack_start(ButtonSection('Derecho', icon, 'blue'), True, True, True) first_row.pack_start(ButtonSection('Empresariales', icon, 'green'), True, True, True) second_row = Gtk.HBox() second_row.pack_start(ButtonSection('Medicina', icon, 'yellow'), True, True, True) second_row.pack_start(ButtonSection('Química', icon, 'orange'), True, True, True) second_row.pack_start(ButtonSection('Informática', icon, 'violet'), True, True, True) button_box = Gtk.VBox() button_box.pack_start(first_row, True, True, True) button_box.pack_start(second_row, True, True, True) """, True, True, True) ###if hasattr(self, 'menu_actions_area_widget'): ###, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) def __connect_signals(self): self.connect('key-press-event', self.__key_press_event) self.connect('delete-event', self.application.on_destroy) def __key_press_event(self, widget, event) : # event.keyval == Gdk.keyval_from_name("w") if event.string == 'q' : if hasattr(self, 'browser_view_widget'): self.browser_view_widget.on_destroy() widget.destroy() self.application.on_destroy(widget, event) elif event.string == 'f' : self.unfullscreen()
def __pack_widgets(self): = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing = 0) self.main_box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.middle_box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing = 6) ##if hasattr(self, 'logo_area_widget'): ## self.main_box.pack_start(self.logo_area_widget, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) ##if hasattr(self, 'title_display_widget'): ## self.main_box.pack_start(self.title_display_widget, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) #self.hbox.pack_start(self.main_box, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) # Not work, needs pygst (GStreamer with GTK 3.0), because conflict gobject with GObject #box.pack_start(video_area, False, True, False) #if hasattr(self, 'browser_view_widget'): # self.hbox.pack_start(self.browser_view_widget , True, True, True) """if hasattr(self, 'mount_info_widget'): self.progress_box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing = 6) self.progress_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(), True, True, False) self.progress_box.pack_start(child = self.mount_info_widget, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) self.progress_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(), True, True, False) ##self.vbox.pack_start(child = self.progress_box, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) """, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) , True, True, True) #from freestation.widgets.FeedReader import FeedReader #@UnresolvedImport #feed_reader = FeedReader() ###self.middle_box.pack_start(feed_reader, expand = False, fill = False, padding = 0) #if hasattr(self, 'video_area_widget'): from freestation.widgets.VideoArea import VideoArea #fixed = Gtk.Fixed() import os video = 'freestation/ogv/orbit.ogv' #self.videoarea = VideoArea(video) #self.videoarea.create_player() ##self.videoarea.load_player() #g_upimage.set_margin_left(5) #g_upimage.set_margin_top(5) #g_upimage.set_margin_bottom(5) #g_upimage.set_margin_right(5) #label.set_margin_left(10) #g_sep = Gtk.HSeparator() #g_box.pack_start(g_sep, True, False, 0) ##self.middle_box.pack_start(self.videoarea, True, True, True), True, True, True) ###from freestation.widgets import HtmlRenderer #@UnresolvedImport ###html_renderer = HtmlRenderer.HtmlRenderer() html_renderer, True, True, True) from freestation.widgets.ButtonSection import ButtonSection def icon_load(icon_name): icon = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] + "/img/" + icon_name return icon if self.uclm_demo_couch: from freestation.widgets.UclmDemoCouch import UclmDemoCouch self.uclm_demo = UclmDemoCouch() self.set_border_width(0), True, True, True) GObject.idle_add(self.uclm_demo.on_idle) else: from freestation.widgets.UclmDemo import UclmDemo self.uclm_demo = UclmDemo() self.uclm_demo.main_page(), True, True, True) """