Пример #1
    def _init_reg_banks(self):
        self._regs, self._regidx = [], list(range(self.nreg))
        self._idxcurr = 0

        # Create a proxylist of matrix-banks for each storage register
        for i in self._regidx:
                proxylist([self.backend.matrix_bank(em, i)
                           for em in self.system.ele_banks])
Пример #2
    def _load_int_inters(self, rallocs, mesh, elemap, **kwargs):
        key = 'con_p{0}'.format(rallocs.prank)

        lhs, rhs = mesh[key].astype('U4,i4,i1,i1').tolist()
        int_inters = self.intinterscls(self.backend, lhs, rhs, elemap,
                                       self.cfg, **kwargs)

        # Although we only have a single internal interfaces instance
        # we wrap it in a proxylist for consistency
        return proxylist([int_inters])
Пример #3
    def _get_kernels(self, name, nargs, **kwargs):
        # Transpose from [nregs][neletypes] to [neletypes][nregs]
        transregs = zip(*self._regs)

        # Generate an kernel for each element type
        kerns = proxylist([])
        for tr in transregs:
            kerns.append(self.backend.kernel(name, *tr[:nargs], **kwargs))

        return kerns
Пример #4
    def _get_axnpby_kerns_dgfs(self, indices, **kwargs):
        # Transpose from [nregs][neletypes] to [neletypes][nregs]
        transregs = zip(*self._regs)
        # Generate an kernel for each element type
        kerns = proxylist([])
        for tr in transregs:
            args = list([tr[indx] for indx in indices])
                *args, **kwargs))

        return kerns
Пример #5
    def _get_copy_from_reg_kerns(self, inp, out, **kwargs):
        # Transpose from [nregs][neletypes] to [neletypes][nregs]
        transregs = zip(*self._regs)
        fsoln = self.system.eles_scal_upts_inb_full

        # Generate an kernel for each element type
        kerns = proxylist([])
        for tr, ftr in zip(transregs, fsoln):
            args = list([tr[inp], ftr[out]])             

        return kerns
Пример #6
    def _load_mpi_inters(self, rallocs, mesh, elemap, **kwargs):
        lhsprank = rallocs.prank

        mpi_inters = proxylist([])
        for rhsprank in rallocs.prankconn[lhsprank]:
            rhsmrank = rallocs.pmrankmap[rhsprank]
            interarr = mesh['con_p%dp%d' % (lhsprank, rhsprank)]
            interarr = interarr.astype('U4,i4,i1,i1').tolist()

            mpiiface = self.mpiinterscls(self.backend, interarr, rhsmrank,
                                         rallocs, elemap, self.cfg, **kwargs)

        return mpi_inters
Пример #7
    def _load_eles(self, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, nreg, nonce, **kwargs):
        basismap = {b.name: b for b in subclasses(BaseShape, just_leaf=True)}

        # Look for and load each element type from the mesh
        elemap = OrderedDict()
        for f in mesh:
            m = re.match('spt_(.+?)_p%d$' % rallocs.prank, f)
            if m:
                # Element type
                t = m.group(1)

                elemap[t] = self.elementscls(basismap[t], mesh[f], self.cfg,

        # Construct a proxylist to simplify collective operations
        eles = proxylist(elemap.values())

        # Set the initial conditions either from a frfss file or from
        # explicit expressions in the config file
        if initsoln and (not ('vm' in kwargs)):
            # Load the config and stats files from the solution
            solncfg = Inifile(initsoln['config'])
            solnsts = Inifile(initsoln['stats'])

            # Get the names of the conserved variables (fields)
            solnfields = solnsts.get('data', 'fields', '')
            currfields = ','.join(eles[0].convarmap[eles[0].ndims])

            # Ensure they match up
            if solnfields and solnfields != currfields:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid solution for system')

            # Process the solution
            for k, ele in elemap.items():
                soln = initsoln['soln_%s_p%d' % (k, rallocs.prank)]
                ele.set_ics_from_soln(soln, solncfg)

        # Allocate these elements on the backend
        eles.set_backend(self.backend, nreg, nonce)

        return eles, elemap
Пример #8
    def get_nregs_moms(self, nreg_moms):
        if self.nreg_moms != None and self.nreg_moms != nreg_moms:
            raise RuntimeError("Some issue")

        if self.nreg_moms == nreg_moms: return list(range(nreg_moms))

        # Moment storage
        nalph = self.sm.nalph
        eles_scal_upts_inb_moms = proxylist(self.ele_banks)

        # loop over the sub-domains in the full mixed domain
        for t, (nupts, nvars, neles) in enumerate(self.ele_shapes):
            eles_scal_upts_inb_moms[t] = self.backend.matrix_bank([
                self.backend.matrix((nupts * neles, nalph))
                for i in range(nreg_moms)

        self.eles_scal_upts_inb_moms = eles_scal_upts_inb_moms
        self.nreg_moms = nreg_moms
        self.nalph = nalph
        return list(range(nreg_moms))
Пример #9
    def _load_bc_inters(self, rallocs, mesh, elemap, **kwargs):
        bccls = self.bbcinterscls
        bcmap = {b.type: b for b in subclasses(bccls, just_leaf=True)}

        bc_inters = proxylist([])
        for f in mesh:
            m = re.match('bcon_(.+?)_p%d$' % rallocs.prank, f)
            if m:
                # Get the region name
                rgn = m.group(1)

                # Determine the config file section
                cfgsect = 'soln-bcs-%s' % rgn

                # Get the interface
                interarr = mesh[f].astype('U4,i4,i1,i1').tolist()

                # Instantiate
                bcclass = bcmap[self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'type')]
                bciface = bcclass(self.backend, interarr, elemap, cfgsect,
                                  self.cfg, **kwargs)

        return bc_inters
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, backend, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, nreg, cfg):

        if(not backend.name=='cuda'):
            raise ValueError("CUDA backend supported!")

        # load the velocity mesh
        self.vm = self.velocitymeshcls(backend, cfg, self._nspcs)

        cv = self.vm.cv()
        vsize = self.vm.vsize()

        # need to define the expressions
        # the prefix "f_" should be same as in elementcls distvar
        # size of distvar should be equal to NvBatchSize
        for ivar in range(self.vm.NvBatchSize()):
            cfg.set('soln-ics', 'f_' + str(ivar), '0.')
        # now, we can initialize things
        super().__init__(backend, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, nreg, cfg, 
        print('Finished initializing the BaseSystem')

        # define the time-step
        minjac = 100.0
        for t, ele in self.ele_map.items():
            djac = ele.djac_at_np('upts')
            minjac = np.min([minjac, np.min(djac)])
        advmax = self.vm.L()
        unitCFLdt = np.array([np.sqrt(minjac)/advmax/self.ndims])
        gunitCFLdt = np.zeros(1)
        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()
        # Reduce and, if we are the root rank, output
        if rank != root:
            comm.Reduce(unitCFLdt, gunitCFLdt, op=get_mpi('min'), root=root)
            comm.Reduce(unitCFLdt, gunitCFLdt, op=get_mpi('min'), root=root)
            print("Time-step for unit CFL:", gunitCFLdt)
            print("The actual time-step will depend on DG order CFL")

        # load the scattering model
        smn = cfg.get('scattering-model', 'type')
        scatteringcls = subclass_where(DGFSBiScatteringModel, 
        self.sm = scatteringcls(backend, self.cfg, self.vm)

        # Allocate and bank the storage required by the time integrator
        #eles_scal_upts_full = proxylist(self.ele_banks)
        eles_scal_upts_inb_full = proxylist(self.ele_banks)
        spcs_eles_scal_upts_full = [list(self.ele_banks) 
                    for spcs in range(self._nspcs)]
        if initsoln:
            #raise ValueError("Not implemented")

            # Load the config and stats files from the solution
            solncfg = Inifile(initsoln['config'])
            solnsts = Inifile(initsoln['stats'])

            # Get the names of the conserved variables (fields)
            solnfields = solnsts.get('data', 'fields', '')
            # see dgfsdistwriterbi.py plugin
            currfields = []
            fields = ['f_'+str(i) for i in range(vsize)]
            lf = len(fields)
            for p in range(self._nspcs):
                for ivar in range(-1,-lf-1,-1): 
                    currfields[ivar] += ':'+str(p+1)
            currfields = ','.join(currfields)

            # Ensure they match up
            if solnfields and solnfields != currfields:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid solution for system')

            # Ensure the solnfields are not empty
            if not solnfields:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid solution for system')

            nreg0 = nreg//self._nspcs
            assert nreg==nreg0*self._nspcs, "Should be multiple of nspcs"

            # Process the solution
            for t, (k, ele) in enumerate(self.ele_map.items()):
                soln = initsoln['soln_%s_p%d' % (k, rallocs.prank)]
                #ele.set_ics_from_soln(soln, solncfg)
                # Recreate the existing solution basis
                solnb = ele.basis.__class__(None, solncfg)

                # Form the interpolation operator
                interp = solnb.ubasis.nodal_basis_at(ele.basis.upts)

                # Apply and reshape
                data = np.dot(interp, soln.reshape(solnb.nupts, -1))
                data = data.reshape(ele.nupts, self._nspcs*vsize, ele.neles)
                for p in range(self._nspcs):
                    spcs_eles_scal_upts_full[p][t] = data[:, 
                        p*vsize:(p+1)*vsize, :]
            # load the initial condition model
            icn = cfg.get('soln-ics', 'type')
            initcondcls = subclass_where(DGFSBiInitCondition, model=icn)
            ic = initcondcls(backend, cfg, self.vm, 'soln-ics')
            #initvals = ic.get_init_vals()

            nreg0 = nreg//self._nspcs
            assert nreg==nreg0*self._nspcs, "Should be multiple of nspcs"

            # loop over the sub-domains in the full mixed domain
            for p in range(self._nspcs):
                for t, ele in enumerate(self.ele_map.values()):
                    spcs_eles_scal_upts_full[p][t] = np.empty(
                        (ele.nupts, vsize, ele.neles))
                    ic.apply_init_vals(p, spcs_eles_scal_upts_full[p][t], ele)
                    # Convert from primitive to conservative form if needed

        nreg0 = nreg//self._nspcs
        assert nreg==nreg0*self._nspcs, "Should be multiple of nspcs"

        for t in range(len(eles_scal_upts_inb_full)):
            scal_upts_full = []
            for p in range(self._nspcs):    
                if p==0:
                    scal_upts_full = [
                        spcs_eles_scal_upts_full[p][t], tags={'align'}) 
                        for i in range(nreg0)]
                        spcs_eles_scal_upts_full[p][t], tags={'align'}) 
                        for i in range(nreg0)])
            eles_scal_upts_inb_full[t] = backend.matrix_bank(scal_upts_full)
            #eles_scal_upts_outb_full[t] = backend.matrix_bank(scal_upts_full)

        self.eles_scal_upts_inb_full = eles_scal_upts_inb_full
        del spcs_eles_scal_upts_full
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, kernels):
     self._kernels = proxylist(kernels)
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, backend, systemcls, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, cfg):
        self.backend = backend
        self.rallocs = rallocs
        self.isrestart = initsoln is not None
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.prevcfgs = {f: initsoln[f] for f in initsoln or []
                         if f.startswith('config-')}

        # Ensure the system is compatible with our formulation
        if self.formulation not in systemcls.elementscls.formulations:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'System {0} does not support time stepping formulation {1}'
                .format(systemcls.name, self.formulation)

        # Start time
        self.tstart = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tstart', 0.0)
        self.tend = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tend')

        # Current time; defaults to tstart unless restarting
        if self.isrestart:
            stats = Inifile(initsoln['stats'])
            self.tcurr = stats.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tcurr')
            self.tcurr = self.tstart

        # List of target times to advance to
        self.tlist = deque([self.tend])

        # Accepted and rejected step counters
        self.nacptsteps = 0
        self.nrjctsteps = 0
        self.nacptchain = 0

        # Current and minimum time steps
        self._dt = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'dt')
        self.dtmin = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'dt-min', 1e-12)

        # Determine the amount of temp storage required by this method
        self.nreg = self._stepper_nregs

        # Construct the relevant mesh partition
        self._init_system(systemcls, backend, rallocs, mesh, initsoln)

        # Storage for register banks and current index

        # Extract the UUID of the mesh (to be saved with solutions)
        self.mesh_uuid = mesh['mesh_uuid']

        # Get a queue for subclasses to use
        self._queue = backend.queue()

        # Global degree of freedom count
        self._gndofs = self._get_gndofs()

        # Solution cache
        self._curr_soln = None

        # Add kernel cache
        self._axnpby_kerns = {}

        # Record the starting wall clock time
        self._wstart = time.time()

        # Event handlers for advance_to
        self.completed_step_handlers = proxylist(self._get_plugins())

        # Delete the memory-intensive elements map from the system
        del self.system.ele_map