Пример #1
def nodes(request):
  Display a list of all current nodes and their status.
  return render_to_response('nodes/list.html',
    { 'nodes' : queryset_by_ip(Node.objects.all(), 'ip', 'node_type') },
    context_instance = RequestContext(request)
Пример #2
def nodes(request):
  Display a list of all current nodes and their status.
    return render_to_response(
        {'nodes': queryset_by_ip(Node.objects.all(), 'ip', 'node_type')},
Пример #3
def pools(request):
  Displays IP allocation pools.
  return render_to_response('nodes/pools.html',
    { 'pools' : queryset_by_ip(Pool.objects.filter(parent = None), 'ip_subnet') },
    context_instance = RequestContext(request)
Пример #4
def my_nodes(request):
  Display a list of current user's nodes.
  return render_to_response('nodes/my.html',
    { 'nodes' : queryset_by_ip(request.user.node_set.all(), 'ip', 'node_type') },
    context_instance = RequestContext(request)
Пример #5
def pools(request):
  Displays IP allocation pools.
    return render_to_response('nodes/pools.html', {
        queryset_by_ip(Pool.objects.filter(parent=None), 'ip_subnet')
Пример #6
def my_nodes(request):
  Display a list of current user's nodes.
    return render_to_response('nodes/my.html', {
        queryset_by_ip(request.user.node_set.all(), 'ip', 'node_type')
Пример #7
 def get_subnet_fields(self):
   A helper method that returns all subnet fields in order.
   for subnet in queryset_by_ip(self.__node.subnet_set.filter(allocated = True), 'ip_subnet'):
     field = self['subnet_%s' % subnet.pk]
     field.model = subnet
     field.prefix = 'prefix_%s' % subnet.pk
     field.manual_ip = self['manual_%s' % subnet.pk]
     yield field
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, user, node, *args, **kwargs):
   Class constructor.
   super(RenumberForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
   self.__node = node
   # Setup dynamic form fields, depending on how may subnets a node has
   primary = node.subnet_set.ip_filter(ip_subnet__contains = "%s/32" % node.ip).filter(allocated = True).exclude(cidr = 0)
   for subnet in queryset_by_ip(node.subnet_set.filter(allocated = True), 'ip_subnet'):
     pools = []
     for pool in queryset_by_ip(node.project.pools.exclude(status = PoolStatus.Full), 'ip_subnet', 'description'):
       pools.append((pool.pk, _("Renumber to %(description)s [%(network)s/%(cidr)s]") % {
         'description': pool.description,
         'network': pool.network,
         'cidr': pool.cidr,
     choices = [
       (RenumberAction.Keep, _("Keep")),
       (RenumberAction.Remove, _("Remove"))
     # Primary subnets should not be removed
     if primary and primary[0] == subnet:
       del choices[1]
     self.fields['subnet_%s' % subnet.pk] = forms.ChoiceField(
       choices = choices + pools,
       initial = RenumberAction.Keep,
       widget = forms.Select(attrs = { 'class' : 'subnet' })
     # Field for choosing new subnet prefix size
     self.fields['prefix_%s' % subnet.pk] = forms.IntegerField(required = False, initial = 27)
     # Field for manual subnet specification
     self.fields['manual_%s' % subnet.pk] = forms.CharField(required = False)
Пример #9
 def clean(self):
   Additional validation handler.
   for subnet in queryset_by_ip(self.__node.subnet_set.filter(allocated = True), 'ip_subnet'):
     manual_ip = self.cleaned_data.get('manual_%s' % subnet.pk)
     if not manual_ip:
     action = int(self.cleaned_data.get('subnet_%s' % subnet.pk))
     prefix_len = int(self.cleaned_data.get('prefix_%s' % subnet.pk) or 27)
     # Validate IP address format
     if not IPV4_ADDR_RE.match(manual_ip):
       raise forms.ValidationError(_("Enter a valid IP address or leave the subnet field empty!"))
     # Validate pool status
     pool = Pool.objects.get(pk = action)
     if not pool.reserve_subnet(manual_ip, prefix_len, check_only = True):
       raise forms.ValidationError(_("Subnet %(subnet)s/%(prefix_len)d cannot be allocated from %(pool)s!") % { 'subnet' : manual_ip, 'prefix_len' : prefix_len, 'pool' : unicode(pool) })
   return self.cleaned_data
Пример #10
 def get_pools(self):
   A helper method that returns the IP pools.
   return queryset_by_ip(self.__node.project.pools.exclude(status = PoolStatus.Full).filter(parent = None), 'ip_subnet', 'description')
Пример #11
 def save(self):
   Performs the actual renumbering.
   # We must ensure exclusive access during node updates as otherwise this might happen
   # in the middle of a monitor update and this would cause unwanted consequences
   # Determine what subnet primary IP belonged to
   primary = self.__node.get_primary_subnet()
   renumber_primary = False
   old_router_id = self.__node.ip
   # Renumber subnets first
   for subnet in queryset_by_ip(self.__node.subnet_set.filter(allocated = True), 'ip_subnet')[:]:
     action = int(self.cleaned_data.get('subnet_%s' % subnet.pk))
     prefix_len = int(self.cleaned_data.get('prefix_%s' % subnet.pk) or 27)
     manual_ip = self.cleaned_data.get('manual_%s' % subnet.pk)
     if action == RenumberAction.Keep:
     elif action == RenumberAction.Remove:
       # This means we should renumber to some other pool
       pool = Pool.objects.get(pk = action)
       if manual_ip:
         new_subnet = pool.reserve_subnet(manual_ip, prefix_len)
         new_subnet = pool.allocate_subnet(prefix_len)
       # If the old subnet has been the source of node's primary IP remember that
       save_primary = (not renumber_primary and primary and primary[0] == subnet)
       # Remove old subnet and create a new one; it is deleted here so the old allocation
       # is returned to the pool and all status info is reset
       s = Subnet(node = self.__node, subnet = new_subnet.network, cidr = new_subnet.cidr)
       s.allocated = True
       s.allocated_at = datetime.now()
       s.status = SubnetStatus.NotAnnounced
       s.description = subnet.description
       s.gen_iface_type = subnet.gen_iface_type
       s.gen_dhcp = subnet.gen_dhcp
       if save_primary:
         primary = s
         renumber_primary = True
   # The subnet have now been renumbered, check if we need to renumber the primary IP
   router_id_changed = False
   if renumber_primary:
     net = ipcalc.Network(primary.subnet, primary.cidr)
     self.__node.ip = str(net.host_first())
     router_id_changed = True
   # Remove conflicting invalid nodes (another node with the IP we just renumbered to)
   existing_nodes = Node.objects.filter(ip = self.__node.ip, status = NodeStatus.Invalid)
   if existing_nodes.count() > 0:
     self.warning_or_continue(_("There is an existing but unregistered node with the same primary IP address you are currently renumbering to! If you continue with this operation, this invalid node will be replaced."))
   # Node has been renumbered, reset monitoring status as this node is obviously not
   # visible right after renumbering.
   if router_id_changed:
     # Update node's DNS record
     if not self.__node.is_pending():
       self.__node.status = NodeStatus.Down
       self.__node.peers = 0
       Link.objects.filter(src = self.__node).delete()
       Link.objects.filter(dst = self.__node).delete()
       self.__node.subnet_set.filter(allocated = False).delete()
       self.__node.subnet_set.all().update(status = SubnetStatus.NotAnnounced)
       # Setup a node renumbered notice (if one doesn't exist yet)
         notice = RenumberNotice.objects.get(node = self.__node)
         if notice.original_ip == self.__node.ip:
           self.__node.awaiting_renumber = False
           self.__node.awaiting_renumber = True
       except RenumberNotice.DoesNotExist:
         notice = RenumberNotice(node = self.__node)
         notice.original_ip = old_router_id
         notice.renumbered_at = datetime.now()
         self.__node.awaiting_renumber = True
   # Generate node renumbered event
   Event.create_event(self.__node, EventCode.NodeRenumbered, '', EventSource.NodeDatabase,
                      data = 'Old address: %s' % old_router_id)
Пример #12
 def get_pools(self):
   A helper method that returns all allocations pools.
   return queryset_by_ip(self.__node.project.pools.exclude(status = PoolStatus.Full), 'ip_subnet', 'description')