Пример #1
def check(codeString, filename, reporter=modReporter.Default, settings_path=None, **setting_overrides):
    """Check the Python source given by codeString for unfrosted flakes."""

    if not settings_path and filename:
        settings_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
    settings_path = settings_path or os.getcwd()

    active_settings = settings.from_path(settings_path).copy()
    for key, value in itemsview(setting_overrides):
        access_key = key.replace('not_', '').lower()
        if type(active_settings.get(access_key)) in (list, tuple):
            if key.startswith('not_'):
                active_settings[access_key] = list(set(active_settings[access_key]).difference(value))
                active_settings[access_key] = list(set(active_settings[access_key]).union(value))
            active_settings[key] = value

    if _should_skip(filename, active_settings.get('skip', [])):
        if active_settings.get('directly_being_checked', None) == 1:
            return 1
        elif active_settings.get('verbose', False):
            ignore = active_settings.get('ignore_frosted_errors', [])
            if(not "W200" in ignore and not "W201" in ignore):
                reporter.flake(FileSkipped(filename, None, verbose=active_settings.get('verbose')))
        return 0

    # First, compile into an AST and handle syntax errors.
        tree = compile(codeString, filename, "exec", _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    except SyntaxError:
        value = sys.exc_info()[1]
        msg = value.args[0]

        (lineno, offset, text) = value.lineno, value.offset, value.text

        # If there's an encoding problem with the file, the text is None.
        if text is None:
            # Avoid using msg, since for the only known case, it contains a
            # bogus message that claims the encoding the file declared was
            # unknown.
            reporter.unexpected_error(filename, 'problem decoding source')
            reporter.flake(PythonSyntaxError(filename, msg, lineno, offset, text,
        return 1
    except Exception:
        reporter.unexpected_error(filename, 'problem decoding source')
        return 1
    # Okay, it's syntactically valid.  Now check it.
    w = checker.Checker(tree, filename, None, ignore_lines=_noqa_lines(codeString), **active_settings)
    w.messages.sort(key=lambda m: m.lineno)
    for warning in w.messages:
    return len(w.messages)
Пример #2
def check(codeString, filename, reporter=modReporter.Default, settings_path=None, **setting_overrides):
    """Check the Python source given by codeString for unfrosted flakes."""
    active_settings = settings.from_path(settings_path or os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))).copy()

    if _should_skip(filename, active_settings.get('skip', [])):
        sys.stderr.write("WARNING: {0} was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting\n".format(filename))
        return 0

    # First, compile into an AST and handle syntax errors.
        tree = compile(codeString, filename, "exec", _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    except SyntaxError:
        value = sys.exc_info()[1]
        msg = value.args[0]

        (lineno, offset, text) = value.lineno, value.offset, value.text

        # If there's an encoding problem with the file, the text is None.
        if text is None:
            # Avoid using msg, since for the only known case, it contains a
            # bogus message that claims the encoding the file declared was
            # unknown.
            reporter.unexpected_error(filename, 'problem decoding source')
            reporter.syntax_error(filename, msg, lineno, offset, text)
        return 1
    except Exception:
        reporter.unexpected_error(filename, 'problem decoding source')
        return 1
    # Okay, it's syntactically valid.  Now check it.
    w = checker.Checker(tree, filename, None, **active_settings)
    w.messages.sort(key=lambda m: m.lineno)
    for warning in w.messages:
    return len(w.messages)