def renameProcess(name, libc = None): try: if int(log(maxsize, 2)) == 63: libc = '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' if not fileExists(libc): libc = '/lib64/' if not fileExists(libc): libc = '/lib/' else: libc = '/lib/i386-linux-gnu/' if not fileExists(libc): libc = '/lib32/' if not fileExists(libc): libc = '/lib/' if libc: CDLL(libc).prctl(15, name, 0, 0, 0) return True except Exception, msg: pass
def checkInstall(config, custom_rules=None): default_rules = { config['bin']: 'Service not installed!', config['init']: 'Init file not found!', config['config']: 'Config file not found!' } if custom_rules: default_rules.update(custom_rules) for key in default_rules.keys(): if not fileExists(key): error_message(default_rules[key])
def hosts(action = 'add', host = None, filename = '/etc/hosts'): if host and fileExists(filename): new_data = '' for line in getFileArr(filename): gh = lambda e: line.split(e)[-1:][0].strip() if line and host not in(gh('\t'), gh('www.')): new_data += '%s\n' % line.strip() if action == 'add': new_data += '\t%s\n' % host new_data += '\twww.%s\n' % host if putFile(filename, new_data): return True return False
def backFile(filename): bak_file = filename + '.bak' if not fileExists(bak_file): system_by_code('cp %s{,.bak}' % filename)