Пример #1
    def _prepare_credentials(self, **config):
        from azure.identity.aio import DefaultAzureCredential

        # Disable spam from failed cred types for DefaultAzureCredential

        login_info = {}
        login_info["connection_string"] = config.get(
            _az_config().get("storage", "connection_string", None),
        login_info["account_name"] = config.get(
            _az_config().get("storage", "account", None))
        login_info["account_key"] = config.get(
            _az_config().get("storage", "key", None))
        login_info["sas_token"] = config.get(
            _az_config().get("storage", "sas_token", None))
        login_info["tenant_id"] = config.get("tenant_id")
        login_info["client_id"] = config.get("client_id")
        login_info["client_secret"] = config.get("client_secret")

        if not (login_info["account_name"] or login_info["connection_string"]):
            raise AzureAuthError(
                "Authentication to Azure Blob Storage requires either "
                "account_name or connection_string.\nLearn more about "
                "configuration settings at " +

        any_secondary = any(value for key, value in login_info.items()
                            if key != "account_name")
        if (login_info["account_name"] and not any_secondary
                and not config.get("allow_anonymous_login", False)):
            with fsspec_loop():
                login_info["credential"] = DefaultAzureCredential(

        for login_method, required_keys in [  # noqa
            ("connection string", ["connection_string"]),
                "AD service principal",
                ["tenant_id", "client_id", "client_secret"],
            ("account key", ["account_name", "account_key"]),
            ("SAS token", ["account_name", "sas_token"]),
                f"default credentials ({_DEFAULT_CREDS_STEPS})",
                ["account_name", "credential"],
            ("anonymous login", ["account_name"]),
            if all(login_info.get(key) is not None for key in required_keys):
            login_method = None

        self.login_method = login_method
        return login_info
Пример #2
Файл: http.py Проект: jhhuh/dvc
    def _prepare_credentials(self, **config):
        import aiohttp
        from fsspec.asyn import fsspec_loop

        from dvc.config import ConfigError

        credentials = {}
        client_kwargs = credentials.setdefault("client_kwargs", {})

        if config.get("auth"):
            user = config.get("user")
            password = config.get("password")
            custom_auth_header = config.get("custom_auth_header")

            if password is None and config.get("ask_password"):
                password = ask_password(config.get("url"), user or "custom")

            auth_method = config["auth"]
            if auth_method == "basic":
                if user is None or password is None:
                    raise ConfigError(
                        "HTTP 'basic' authentication require both "
                        "'user' and 'password'")

                client_kwargs["auth"] = aiohttp.BasicAuth(user, password)
            elif auth_method == "custom":
                if custom_auth_header is None or password is None:
                    raise ConfigError(
                        "HTTP 'custom' authentication require both "
                        "'custom_auth_header' and 'password'")
                credentials["headers"] = {custom_auth_header: password}
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f"Auth method {auth_method!r} is not supported.")

        # Force cleanup of closed SSL transports.
        # https://github.com/iterative/dvc/issues/7414
        connector_kwargs = {"enable_cleanup_closed": True}

        if "ssl_verify" in config:

        with fsspec_loop():
            client_kwargs["connector"] = aiohttp.TCPConnector(
        # The connector should not be owned by aiohttp.ClientSession since
        # it is closed by fsspec (HTTPFileSystem.close_session)
        client_kwargs["connector_owner"] = False

        # Allow reading proxy configurations from the environment.
        client_kwargs["trust_env"] = True

        credentials["get_client"] = self.get_client
        self.upload_method = config.get("method", "POST")
        return credentials
Пример #3
    def _prepare_credentials(self, **config):
        import aiohttp
        from fsspec.asyn import fsspec_loop

        from dvc.config import ConfigError

        credentials = {}
        client_kwargs = credentials.setdefault("client_kwargs", {})

        if config.get("auth"):
            user = config.get("user")
            password = config.get("password")
            custom_auth_header = config.get("custom_auth_header")

            if password is None and config.get("ask_password"):
                password = ask_password(config.get("url"), user or "custom")

            auth_method = config["auth"]
            if auth_method == "basic":
                if user is None or password is None:
                    raise ConfigError(
                        "HTTP 'basic' authentication require both "
                        "'user' and 'password'"

                client_kwargs["auth"] = aiohttp.BasicAuth(user, password)
            elif auth_method == "custom":
                if custom_auth_header is None or password is None:
                    raise ConfigError(
                        "HTTP 'custom' authentication require both "
                        "'custom_auth_header' and 'password'"
                credentials["headers"] = {custom_auth_header: password}
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f"Auth method {auth_method!r} is not supported."

        if "ssl_verify" in config:
            with fsspec_loop():
                client_kwargs["connector"] = aiohttp.TCPConnector(

        # Allow reading proxy configurations from the environment.
        client_kwargs["trust_env"] = True

        credentials["get_client"] = self.get_client
        self.upload_method = config.get("method", "POST")
        return credentials