Пример #1
    def begin_site(self):
        Finds all the folders that need flattening and changes the
        relative deploy path of all resources in those folders.
        items = []
            items = self.site.config.flattener.items
        except AttributeError:

        for item in items:
            node = None
            target = ''
                node = self.site.content.node_from_relative_path(item.source)
                target = Folder(item.target)
            except AttributeError:
            if node:
                for resource in node.walk_resources():
                    target_path = target.child(resource.name)
                    self.logger.debug('Flattening resource path [%s] to [%s]' %
                                      (resource, target_path))
                    resource.relative_deploy_path = target_path
                for child in node.walk():
                    child.relative_deploy_path = target.path
Пример #2
    def begin_site(self):
        Finds all the folders that need flattening and changes the
        relative deploy path of all resources in those folders.
        items = []
            items = self.site.config.flattener.items
        except AttributeError:

        for item in items:
            node = None
            target = ''
                node = self.site.content.node_from_relative_path(item.source)
                target = Folder(item.target)
            except AttributeError:
            if node:
                for resource in node.walk_resources():
                    target_path = target.child(resource.name)
                        'Flattening resource path [%s] to [%s]' %
                            (resource, target_path))
                    resource.relative_deploy_path = target_path
                for child in node.walk():
                    child.relative_deploy_path = target.path
Пример #3
def __upload(proj, repo, branch, data, maker, force=True):
    root, source, dist = (None, None, None)
        root = Folder(data.root or '~')
        source = root.child_folder('src')
        source = source.child_folder(proj)
        dist = root.child_folder('dist')
        tree = Tree(source, repo=repo, branch=branch)
        key = None
        if not force:
            key = check_revision_already_published(proj, data.bucket, tree)

        if not key:
            b = Bucket(data.bucket)
            key_folder = Folder(proj).child_folder(branch)
            zippath = dist.child_file(proj + '.zip')
            sha = tree.get_revision(short=False)
            key_folder = key_folder.child_folder(sha)
            target = dist.child_folder(proj)
            maker(source, target)
            b.add_file(zippath, target_folder=key_folder.path)
            key = b.bucket.get_key(key_folder.child(zippath.name))
        if source:
        if dist:

    return key.generate_url(30000)
Пример #4
def check_revision_already_published(proj, bucket_name, tree):
    b = Bucket(bucket_name)
    if not b.connect():
        return None

    sha = tree.get_revision_remote()
    key_folder = Folder(proj).child_folder(tree.branch_name)
    key_folder = key_folder.child_folder(sha)
    key_path = key_folder.child(proj + '.zip')
    return b.bucket.get_key(key_path)
Пример #5
class Dependents(IterableUserDict):
    Represents the dependency graph for hyde.
    def __init__(self, sitepath, depends_file_name='.hyde_deps'):
        self.sitepath = Folder(sitepath)
        self.deps_file = File(self.sitepath.child(depends_file_name))
        self.data = {}
        if self.deps_file.exists:
            self.data = yaml.load(self.deps_file.read_all())
        import atexit

    def save(self):
        Saves the dependency graph (just a dict for now).
        if self.deps_file.parent.exists:
Пример #6
    def has_resource_changed(self, resource):
        Checks if the given resource has changed since the
        last generation.
        logger.debug("Checking for changes in %s" % resource)

        target = File(
        if not target.exists or target.older_than(resource.source_file):
            logger.debug("Found changes in %s" % resource)
            return True
        if resource.source_file.is_binary:
            logger.debug("No Changes found in %s" % resource)
            return False
        if self.site.config.needs_refresh() or \
           not target.has_changed_since(self.site.config.last_modified):
            logger.debug("Site configuration changed")
            return True

        deps = self.get_dependencies(resource)
        if not deps or None in deps:
            logger.debug("No changes found in %s" % resource)
            return False
        content = self.site.content.source_folder
        layout = Folder(self.site.sitepath).child_folder('layout')
        logger.debug("Checking for changes in dependents:%s" % deps)
        for dep in deps:
            if not dep:
                return True
            source = File(content.child(dep))
            if not source.exists:
                source = File(layout.child(dep))
            if not source.exists:
                return True
            if target.older_than(source):
                return True
        logger.debug("No changes found in %s" % resource)
        return False
Пример #7
class Dependents(IterableUserDict):
    Represents the dependency graph for hyde.

    def __init__(self, sitepath, depends_file_name='.hyde_deps'):
        self.sitepath = Folder(sitepath)
        self.deps_file = File(self.sitepath.child(depends_file_name))
        self.data = {}
        if self.deps_file.exists:
            self.data = yaml.load(self.deps_file.read_all())
        import atexit

    def save(self):
        Saves the dependency graph (just a dict for now).
        if self.deps_file.parent.exists:
Пример #8
    def has_resource_changed(self, resource):
        Checks if the given resource has changed since the
        last generation.
        logger.debug("Checking for changes in %s" % resource)

        target = File(self.site.config.deploy_root_path.child(
        if not target.exists or target.older_than(resource.source_file):
            logger.debug("Found changes in %s" % resource)
            return True
        if resource.source_file.is_binary:
            logger.debug("No Changes found in %s" % resource)
            return False
        if self.site.config.needs_refresh() or \
           not target.has_changed_since(self.site.config.last_modified):
            logger.debug("Site configuration changed")
            return True

        deps = self.get_dependencies(resource)
        if not deps or None in deps:
            logger.debug("No changes found in %s" % resource)
            return False
        content = self.site.content.source_folder
        layout = Folder(self.site.sitepath).child_folder('layout')
        logger.debug("Checking for changes in dependents:%s" % deps)
        for dep in deps:
            if not dep:
                return True
            source = File(content.child(dep))
            if not source.exists:
                source = File(layout.child(dep))
            if not source.exists:
                return True
            if target.older_than(source):
                return True
        logger.debug("No changes found in %s" % resource)
        return False
Пример #9
def setup_env(user_name, data):
    home = Folder('/mnt').child_folder(user_name)
    os.environ['HOME'] = home.path
    os.environ['BASH_ENV'] = home.child('.profile')
    venv = user_name.replace('gu', 'ge')
    check_call(['/usr/bin/virtualenv', '--system-site-packages', venv])

    def activate():
        f = home.child_folder(venv).child('bin/activate_this.py')
        execfile(f, dict(__file__=f))


    if 'github_oauth' in data:
        check_call(['git', 'config', '--global', 'credential.helper', 'store'])
        credential = 'https://{oauth}:[email protected]'
        cred_file = home.child_file('.git-credentials')
    return home, activate
Пример #10
class Config(Expando):
    Represents the hyde configuration file
    def __init__(self, sitepath, config_file=None, config_dict=None):
        self.default_config = dict(
            ignore=["*~", "*.bak", ".hg", ".git", ".svn"],
            meta={"nodemeta": 'meta.yaml'})
        self.config_file = config_file
        self.config_dict = config_dict
        self.load_time = datetime.min
        self.config_files = []
        self.sitepath = Folder(sitepath)
        super(Config, self).__init__(self.load())

    def last_modified(self):
        return max((conf.last_modified for conf in self.config_files))

    def needs_refresh(self):
        if not self.config_files:
            return True
        return any((conf.has_changed_since(self.load_time)
                    for conf in self.config_files))

    def load(self):
        conf = dict(**self.default_config)
        if self.config_dict:
        return conf

    def reload(self):
        if not self.config_file:

    def read_config(self, config_file):
        Reads the configuration file and updates this
        object while allowing for inherited configurations.
        conf_file = self.sitepath.child(
            config_file if config_file else 'site.yaml')
        conf = {}
        if File(conf_file).exists:
            logger.info("Reading site configuration from [%s]", conf_file)
            with codecs.open(conf_file, 'r', 'utf-8') as stream:
                conf = yaml.load(stream)
                if 'extends' in conf:
                    parent = self.read_config(conf['extends'])
                    conf = parent
        self.load_time = datetime.now()
        return conf

    def deploy_root_path(self):
        Derives the deploy root path from the site path
        return self.sitepath.child_folder(self.deploy_root)

    def content_root_path(self):
        Derives the content root path from the site path
        return self.sitepath.child_folder(self.content_root)

    def media_root_path(self):
        Derives the media root path from the content path
        return self.content_root_path.child_folder(self.media_root)

    def layout_root_path(self):
        Derives the layout root path from the site path
        return self.sitepath.child_folder(self.layout_root)
Пример #11
class SphinxPlugin(Plugin):
    """The plugin class for rendering sphinx-generated documentation."""

    def __init__(self, site):
        self.sphinx_build_dir = None
        self._sphinx_config = None
        super(SphinxPlugin, self).__init__(site)

    def plugin_name(self):
        """The name of the plugin, obivously."""
        return "sphinx"

    def settings(self):
        """Settings for this plugin.

        This property combines default settings with those specified in the
        site config to produce the final settings for this plugin.
        settings = Expando({})
        settings.sanity_check = True
        settings.conf_path = "."
        settings.block_map = {}
            user_settings = getattr(self.site.config, self.plugin_name)
        except AttributeError:
            for name in dir(user_settings):
                if not name.startswith("_"):
        return settings

    def sphinx_config(self):
        """Configuration options for sphinx.

        This is a lazily-generated property giving the options from the
        sphinx configuration file.  It's generated by actualy executing
        the config file, so don't do anything silly in there.
        if self._sphinx_config is None:
            conf_path = self.settings.conf_path
            conf_path = self.site.sitepath.child_folder(conf_path)
            #  Sphinx always execs the config file in its parent dir.
            conf_file = conf_path.child("conf.py")
            self._sphinx_config = {"__file__":conf_file}
            curdir = os.getcwd()
        return self._sphinx_config

    def begin_site(self):
        """Event hook for when site processing begins.

        This hook checks that the site is correctly configured for building
        with sphinx, and adjusts any sphinx-controlled resources so that
        hyde will process them correctly.
        settings = self.settings
        if settings.sanity_check:
        #  Find and adjust all the resource that will be handled by sphinx.
        #  We need to:
        #    * change the deploy name from .rst to .html
        #    * if a block_map is given, switch off default_block
        suffix = self.sphinx_config.get("source_suffix",".rst")
        for resource in self.site.content.walk_resources():
            if resource.source_file.path.endswith(suffix):
                new_name = resource.source_file.name_without_extension + ".html"
                target_folder = File(resource.relative_deploy_path).parent
                resource.relative_deploy_path = target_folder.child(new_name)
                if settings.block_map:
                    resource.meta.default_block = None

    def begin_text_resource(self,resource,text):
        """Event hook for processing an individual resource.

        If the input resource is a sphinx input file, this method will replace
        replace the text of the file with the sphinx-generated documentation.

        Sphinx itself is run lazily the first time this method is called.
        This means that if no sphinx-related resources need updating, then
        we entirely avoid running sphinx.
        suffix = self.sphinx_config.get("source_suffix",".rst")
        if not resource.source_file.path.endswith(suffix):
            return text
        if self.sphinx_build_dir is None:
        output = []
        settings = self.settings
        sphinx_output = self._get_sphinx_output(resource)
        #  If they're set up a block_map, use the specific blocks.
        #  Otherwise, output just the body for use by default_block.
        if not settings.block_map:
            for (nm,content) in sphinx_output.iteritems():
                    block = getattr(settings.block_map,nm)
                except AttributeError:
                    output.append("{%% block %s %%}" % (block,))
                    output.append("{% endblock %}")
        return "\n".join(output)

    def site_complete(self):
        """Event hook for when site processing ends.

        This simply cleans up any temorary build file.
        if self.sphinx_build_dir is not None:

    def _sanity_check(self):
        """Check the current site for sanity.

        This method checks that the site is propertly set up for building
        things with sphinx, e.g. it has a config file, a master document,
        the hyde sphinx extension is enabled, and so-on.
        #  Check that the sphinx config file actually exists.
            sphinx_config = self.sphinx_config
        except EnvironmentError:
            logger.error("Could not read the sphinx config file.")
            conf_path = self.settings.conf_path
            conf_path = self.site.sitepath.child_folder(conf_path)
            conf_file = conf_path.child("conf.py")
            logger.error("Please ensure %s is a valid sphinx config",conf_file)
            logger.error("or set sphinx.conf_path to the directory")
            logger.error("containing your sphinx conf.py")
        #  Check that the hyde_json extension is loaded
        extensions = sphinx_config.get("extensions",[])
        if "hyde.ext.plugins.sphinx" not in extensions:
            logger.error("The hyde_json sphinx extension is not configured.")
            logger.error("Please add 'hyde.ext.plugins.sphinx' to the list")
            logger.error("of extensions in your sphinx conf.py file.")
            logger.info("(set sphinx.sanity_check=false to disable this check)")
            raise RuntimeError("sphinx is not configured correctly")
        #  Check that the master doc exists in the source tree.
        master_doc = sphinx_config.get("master_doc","index")
        master_doc += sphinx_config.get("source_suffix",".rst")
        master_doc = os.path.join(self.site.content.path,master_doc)
        if not os.path.exists(master_doc):
            logger.error("The sphinx master document doesn't exist.")
            logger.error("Please create the file %s",master_doc)
            logger.error("or change the 'master_doc' setting in your")
            logger.error("sphinx conf.py file.")
            logger.info("(set sphinx.sanity_check=false to disable this check)")
            raise RuntimeError("sphinx is not configured correctly")
        #  Check that I am *before* the other plugins,
        #  with the possible exception of MetaPlugin
        for plugin in self.site.plugins:
            if plugin is self:
            if not isinstance(plugin,_MetaPlugin):
                logger.error("The sphinx plugin is installed after the")
                logger.error("plugin %r.",plugin.__class__.__name__)
                logger.error("It's quite likely that this will break things.")
                logger.error("Please move the sphinx plugin to the top")
                logger.error("of the plugins list.")
                logger.info("(sphinx.sanity_check=false to disable this check)")
                raise RuntimeError("sphinx is not configured correctly")

    def _run_sphinx(self):
        """Run sphinx to generate the necessary output files.

        This method creates a temporary directory for sphinx's output, then
        run sphinx against the Hyde input directory.
        logger.info("running sphinx")
        self.sphinx_build_dir = Folder(tempfile.mkdtemp())
        conf_path = self.site.sitepath.child_folder(self.settings.conf_path)
        sphinx_args = ["sphinx-build"]
            "-b", "hyde_json",
            "-c", conf_path.path,
        if sphinx.main(sphinx_args) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("sphinx build failed")

    def _get_sphinx_output(self,resource):
        """Get the sphinx output for a given resource.

        This returns a dict mapping block names to HTML text fragments.
        The most important fragment is "body" which contains the main text
        of the document.  The other fragments are for things like navigation,
        related pages and so-on.
        relpath = File(resource.relative_path)
        relpath = relpath.parent.child(relpath.name_without_extension+".fjson")
        with open(self.sphinx_build_dir.child(relpath),"rb") as f:
            return json.load(f)
Пример #12
class Config(Expando):

    Represents the hyde configuration file

    def __init__(self, sitepath, config_file=None, config_dict=None):
        self.default_config = dict(
            ignore=["*~", "*.bak", ".hg", ".git", ".svn"],
                "nodemeta": 'meta.yaml'
        self.config_file = config_file
        self.config_dict = config_dict
        self.load_time = datetime.min
        self.config_files = []
        self.sitepath = Folder(sitepath)
        super(Config, self).__init__(self.load())

    def last_modified(self):
        return max((conf.last_modified for conf in self.config_files))

    def needs_refresh(self):
        if not self.config_files:
            return True
        return any((conf.has_changed_since(self.load_time)
                    for conf in self.config_files))

    def load(self):
        conf = dict(**self.default_config)
        if self.config_dict:
        return conf

    def reload(self):
        if not self.config_file:

    def read_config(self, config_file):
        Reads the configuration file and updates this
        object while allowing for inherited configurations.
        conf_file = self.sitepath.child(
            config_file if
            config_file else 'site.yaml')
        conf = {}
        if File(conf_file).exists:
            logger.info("Reading site configuration from [%s]", conf_file)
            with codecs.open(conf_file, 'r', 'utf-8') as stream:
                conf = yaml.load(stream)
                if 'extends' in conf:
                    parent = self.read_config(conf['extends'])
                    conf = parent
        self.load_time = datetime.now()
        return conf

    def deploy_root_path(self):
        Derives the deploy root path from the site path
        return _expand_path(self.sitepath, self.deploy_root)

    def content_root_path(self):
        Derives the content root path from the site path
        return _expand_path(self.sitepath, self.content_root)

    def media_root_path(self):
        Derives the media root path from the content path
        path = Folder(self.content_root).child(self.media_root)
        return _expand_path(self.sitepath, path)

    def layout_root_path(self):
        Derives the layout root path from the site path
        return _expand_path(self.sitepath, self.layout_root)
Пример #13
class SphinxPlugin(Plugin):
    """The plugin class for rendering sphinx-generated documentation."""
    def __init__(self, site):
        self.sphinx_build_dir = None
        self._sphinx_config = None
        super(SphinxPlugin, self).__init__(site)

    def plugin_name(self):
        """The name of the plugin, obivously."""
        return "sphinx"

    def settings(self):
        """Settings for this plugin.

        This property combines default settings with those specified in the
        site config to produce the final settings for this plugin.
        settings = Expando({})
        settings.sanity_check = True
        settings.conf_path = "."
        settings.block_map = {}
            user_settings = getattr(self.site.config, self.plugin_name)
        except AttributeError:
            for name in dir(user_settings):
                if not name.startswith("_"):
                    setattr(settings, name, getattr(user_settings, name))
        return settings

    def sphinx_config(self):
        """Configuration options for sphinx.

        This is a lazily-generated property giving the options from the
        sphinx configuration file.  It's generated by actualy executing
        the config file, so don't do anything silly in there.
        if self._sphinx_config is None:
            conf_path = self.settings.conf_path
            conf_path = self.site.sitepath.child_folder(conf_path)
            #  Sphinx always execs the config file in its parent dir.
            conf_file = conf_path.child("conf.py")
            self._sphinx_config = {"__file__": conf_file}
            curdir = os.getcwd()
                exec(compile(open(conf_file).read(), conf_file, 'exec'),
        return self._sphinx_config

    def begin_site(self):
        """Event hook for when site processing begins.

        This hook checks that the site is correctly configured for building
        with sphinx, and adjusts any sphinx-controlled resources so that
        hyde will process them correctly.
        settings = self.settings
        if settings.sanity_check:
        #  Find and adjust all the resource that will be handled by sphinx.
        #  We need to:
        #    * change the deploy name from .rst to .html
        #    * if a block_map is given, switch off default_block
        suffix = self.sphinx_config.get("source_suffix", ".rst")
        for resource in self.site.content.walk_resources():
            if resource.source_file.path.endswith(suffix):
                new_name = resource.source_file.name_without_extension + \
                target_folder = File(resource.relative_deploy_path).parent
                resource.relative_deploy_path = target_folder.child(new_name)
                if settings.block_map:
                    resource.meta.default_block = None

    def begin_text_resource(self, resource, text):
        """Event hook for processing an individual resource.

        If the input resource is a sphinx input file, this method will replace
        replace the text of the file with the sphinx-generated documentation.

        Sphinx itself is run lazily the first time this method is called.
        This means that if no sphinx-related resources need updating, then
        we entirely avoid running sphinx.
        suffix = self.sphinx_config.get("source_suffix", ".rst")
        if not resource.source_file.path.endswith(suffix):
            return text
        if self.sphinx_build_dir is None:
        output = []
        settings = self.settings
        sphinx_output = self._get_sphinx_output(resource)
        #  If they're set up a block_map, use the specific blocks.
        #  Otherwise, output just the body for use by default_block.
        if not settings.block_map:
            for (nm, content) in iteritems(sphinx_output):
                    block = getattr(settings.block_map, nm)
                except AttributeError:
                    output.append("{%% block %s %%}" % (block, ))
                    output.append("{% endblock %}")
        return "\n".join(output)

    def site_complete(self):
        """Event hook for when site processing ends.

        This simply cleans up any temorary build file.
        if self.sphinx_build_dir is not None:

    def _sanity_check(self):
        """Check the current site for sanity.

        This method checks that the site is propertly set up for building
        things with sphinx, e.g. it has a config file, a master document,
        the hyde sphinx extension is enabled, and so-on.
        #  Check that the sphinx config file actually exists.
            sphinx_config = self.sphinx_config
        except EnvironmentError:
            logger.error("Could not read the sphinx config file.")
            conf_path = self.settings.conf_path
            conf_path = self.site.sitepath.child_folder(conf_path)
            conf_file = conf_path.child("conf.py")
            logger.error("Please ensure %s is a valid sphinx config",
            logger.error("or set sphinx.conf_path to the directory")
            logger.error("containing your sphinx conf.py")
        #  Check that the hyde_json extension is loaded
        extensions = sphinx_config.get("extensions", [])
        if "hyde.ext.plugins.sphinx" not in extensions:
            logger.error("The hyde_json sphinx extension is not configured.")
            logger.error("Please add 'hyde.ext.plugins.sphinx' to the list")
            logger.error("of extensions in your sphinx conf.py file.")
                "(set sphinx.sanity_check=false to disable this check)")
            raise RuntimeError("sphinx is not configured correctly")
        #  Check that the master doc exists in the source tree.
        master_doc = sphinx_config.get("master_doc", "index")
        master_doc += sphinx_config.get("source_suffix", ".rst")
        master_doc = os.path.join(self.site.content.path, master_doc)
        if not os.path.exists(master_doc):
            logger.error("The sphinx master document doesn't exist.")
            logger.error("Please create the file %s", master_doc)
            logger.error("or change the 'master_doc' setting in your")
            logger.error("sphinx conf.py file.")
                "(set sphinx.sanity_check=false to disable this check)")
            raise RuntimeError("sphinx is not configured correctly")
        #  Check that I am *before* the other plugins,
        #  with the possible exception of MetaPlugin
        for plugin in self.site.plugins:
            if plugin is self:
            if not isinstance(plugin, _MetaPlugin):
                logger.error("The sphinx plugin is installed after the")
                logger.error("plugin %r.", plugin.__class__.__name__)
                logger.error("It's quite likely that this will break things.")
                logger.error("Please move the sphinx plugin to the top")
                logger.error("of the plugins list.")
                    "(sphinx.sanity_check=false to disable this check)")
                raise RuntimeError("sphinx is not configured correctly")

    def _run_sphinx(self):
        """Run sphinx to generate the necessary output files.

        This method creates a temporary directory for sphinx's output, then
        run sphinx against the Hyde input directory.
        logger.info("running sphinx")
        self.sphinx_build_dir = Folder(tempfile.mkdtemp())
        conf_path = self.site.sitepath.child_folder(self.settings.conf_path)
        sphinx_args = ["sphinx-build"]
            "-b", "hyde_json", "-c", conf_path.path, self.site.content.path,
        if sphinx.main(sphinx_args) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("sphinx build failed")

    def _get_sphinx_output(self, resource):
        """Get the sphinx output for a given resource.

        This returns a dict mapping block names to HTML text fragments.
        The most important fragment is "body" which contains the main text
        of the document.  The other fragments are for things like navigation,
        related pages and so-on.
        relpath = File(resource.relative_path)
        relpath = relpath.parent.child(relpath.name_without_extension +
        with open(self.sphinx_build_dir.child(relpath), "rb") as f:
            return json.load(f)
Пример #14
        body {
            background-color: @black;
BODY = '''
    <h1>This is a simple html file</h1>
    <h2>That split up and combined.</h2>
STOP = '''

START_FILE = File(TEMP.child('templates/start_part.html'))
HEAD_FILE = File(TEMP.child('templates/head.html'))
BODY_FILE = File(TEMP.child('templates/body.html'))
STOP_FILE = File(TEMP.child('templates/end_part.html'))
OUT_FILE = File(TEMP.child('output.html'))


def indent(text):
    result = ''
    for line in text.split('\n'):
        result += '    ' + line + '\n'
    return result.strip('\n')

HTML_INDENTED = START + indent(HEAD) + indent(BODY) + STOP
Пример #15
class Node(Processable):
    Represents any folder that is processed by hyde

    def __init__(self, source_folder, parent=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__(source_folder)
        if not source_folder:
            raise HydeException("Source folder is required"
                                " to instantiate a node.")
        self.root = self
        self.module = None
        self.site = None
        self.source_folder = Folder(str(source_folder))
        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
            self.root = self.parent.root
            self.module = self.parent.module if self.parent.module else self
            self.site = parent.site
        self.child_nodes = []
        self.resources = []

    def contains_resource(self, resource_name):
        Returns True if the given resource name exists as a file
        in this node's source folder.

        return File(self.source_folder.child(resource_name)).exists

    def get_resource(self, resource_name):
        Gets the resource if the given resource name exists as a file
        in this node's source folder.

        if self.contains_resource(resource_name):
            return self.root.resource_from_path(
        return None

    def add_child_node(self, folder):
        Creates a new child node and adds it to the list of child nodes.

        if folder.parent != self.source_folder:
            raise HydeException("The given folder [%s] is not a"
                                " direct descendant of [%s]" %
                                (folder, self.source_folder))
        node = Node(folder, self)
        return node

    def add_child_resource(self, afile):
        Creates a new resource and adds it to the list of child resources.

        if afile.parent != self.source_folder:
            raise HydeException("The given file [%s] is not"
                                " a direct descendant of [%s]" %
                                (afile, self.source_folder))
        resource = Resource(afile, self)
        return resource

    def walk(self):
        Walks the node, first yielding itself then
        yielding the child nodes depth-first.
        yield self
        for child in sorted([node for node in self.child_nodes]):
            for node in child.walk():
                yield node

    def rwalk(self):
        Walk the node upward, first yielding itself then
        yielding its parents.
        x = self
        while x:
            yield x
            x = x.parent

    def walk_resources(self):
        Walks the resources in this hierarchy.
        for node in self.walk():
            for resource in sorted([resource for resource in node.resources]):
                yield resource

    def relative_path(self):
        Gets the path relative to the root folder (Content, Media, Layout)
        return self.source_folder.get_relative_path(self.root.source_folder)
Пример #16
class Node(Processable):
    Represents any folder that is processed by hyde
    def __init__(self, source_folder, parent=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__(source_folder)
        if not source_folder:
            raise HydeException("Source folder is required"
                                " to instantiate a node.")
        self.root = self
        self.module = None
        self.site = None
        self.source_folder = Folder(str(source_folder))
        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
            self.root = self.parent.root
            self.module = self.parent.module if self.parent.module else self
            self.site = parent.site
        self.child_nodes = []
        self.resources = []

    def contains_resource(self, resource_name):
        Returns True if the given resource name exists as a file
        in this node's source folder.

        return File(self.source_folder.child(resource_name)).exists

    def get_resource(self, resource_name):
        Gets the resource if the given resource name exists as a file
        in this node's source folder.

        if self.contains_resource(resource_name):
            return self.root.resource_from_path(
        return None

    def add_child_node(self, folder):
        Creates a new child node and adds it to the list of child nodes.

        if folder.parent != self.source_folder:
            raise HydeException("The given folder [%s] is not a"
                                " direct descendant of [%s]" %
                                (folder, self.source_folder))
        node = Node(folder, self)
        return node

    def add_child_resource(self, afile):
        Creates a new resource and adds it to the list of child resources.

        if afile.parent != self.source_folder:
            raise HydeException("The given file [%s] is not"
                                " a direct descendant of [%s]" %
                                (afile, self.source_folder))
        resource = Resource(afile, self)
        return resource

    def walk(self):
        Walks the node, first yielding itself then
        yielding the child nodes depth-first.
        yield self
        for child in sorted([node for node in self.child_nodes]):
            for node in child.walk():
                yield node

    def rwalk(self):
        Walk the node upward, first yielding itself then
        yielding its parents.
        x = self
        while x:
            yield x
            x = x.parent

    def walk_resources(self):
        Walks the resources in this hierarchy.
        for node in self.walk():
            for resource in sorted([resource for resource in node.resources]):
                yield resource

    def relative_path(self):
        Gets the path relative to the root folder (Content, Media, Layout)
        return self.source_folder.get_relative_path(self.root.source_folder)