def ftp_upload(self, uploadlist=None, message=True): ftp1 = self.ftp_config msg = "" OK = True ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["pass"]) if ftp is None: msg += _("No FTP connexion") return if uploadlist is None: uploadlist = ["./idefix.json"] for file1 in uploadlist: ret = ftp_send(ftp, get_config_path(file1)) if ret == True: msg += file1 + _(" sent\n") else: msg += ret OK = False ftp.close() if OK: title = "Upload OK" else: title = "ERRORS in upload" print(msg) if message: showwarning(title, msg, 1)
def update_display(self, widget): self.arw['why_stack'].set_visible_child_name('page0') ftp1 = self.controller.ftp_config ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["pass"]) data1 = ftp_get(ftp, "result") self.arw["infos_label"].set_markup(data1) ftp.close()
def idefix2_test_ftp(self, *args): valid = ftp_connect(self.config['ftp']['ftp'], self.config['ftp']['login'], self.config['ftp']['password']) if not valid: alert(_("Could not conect to FTP")) else: showwarning(_("Test FTP"), _("FTP Connection Success"), 5)
def test_ftp_login(): # Подключаемся к FTP: ftp_connect() # Проходим аутентификацию: data_ftp_login = ftp.login(conf['user']['name'], conf['user']['password']) # Проверяем успешность авторизации: if 'Login' and 'successful' in data_ftp_login: print('Login successful') elif 'Login' and 'successful' not in data_ftp_login: assert False, 'Login incorrect. Verify user or password' else: assert False, 'Something wrong' # Завершаем подключение по FTP: ftp_client_finish()
def get_infos(self, command, result="result", progress=False, decode_json=False): # get infos from Idefix. The process is : # - write a command in the 'trigger' file # - the command is processed by Idefix, and the result is written in the 'result' file # - the 'result' file is read, and data returned. # - if decode_json is set, then the data is first decoded # - if progress is set, data is sent every second # @spin : the spin object # @ progress : a label object ftp1 = self.controller.ftp_config ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["pass"]) if not ftp: return False self.ftp = ftp command_f = io.BytesIO() ftp.storlines('STOR ' + result, command_f) # delete data in result file command_f.write(bytes(command, "utf-8")) # send command ftp.storlines('STOR trigger', command_f) # wait until Idefix has finished the job time1 = time.time() for i in range(60): # set absolute maximum to 60 seconds while time.time() < time1 + i: while Gtk.events_pending( ): # necessary to have the spinner work Gtk.main_iteration() if progress: data1 = ftp_get(ftp, result) progress.set_markup(me(data1)) status = ftp_get(self.ftp, "trigger") if status == "ready": break data1 = ftp_get(ftp, result) ftp.close() if decode_json: data1 = json.loads(data1) return data1
def save_file(self, widget): text_buffer = self.arw["editor_textview"].get_buffer() (start_iter, end_iter) = text_buffer.get_bounds() full_text = text_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) command_f = io.BytesIO() command_f.write(bytes(full_text, "utf-8")) #.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')) ftp1 = self.controller.ftp_config ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["pass"]) ftp.storbinary('STOR buffer', command_f) command_f = io.BytesIO() command_f.write( bytes("linux cp /home/rock64/idefix/buffer " + self.edited_file, "utf-8")) ftp.storbinary('STOR trigger', command_f)
def open_connexion_profile(self, configname=""): print("open connexion profile") self.mymac = None self.arw['loading_window'].show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() # ftp connect ftp1 = self.ftp_config self.ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["pass"], self) self.arw['loading_window'].hide() if not self.ftp: # alert(_("Could not connect to %s (%s). \nVerify your cables or your configuration.") % (ftp1["server"], configname)) return False else: # retrieve files by ftp data0 = ftp_get(self.ftp, "idefix.json", json=True) self.active_config_text = data0 if data0: try: self.config = json.loads(data0, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) self.update() self.update_gui() except: # Try load a backup configuration if askyesno( _("Corrupted Configuration"), _('Your configuration is corrupted. Search for backup?' )): return self.find_good_backup() else: self.config = OrderedDict() self.load_defaults() self.ftp.close() else: self.load_defaults() if self.load_connection(): return True
def import_network(self, data, auto_data=None): ftp1 = self.controller.ftp_config ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["pass"]) tmp_file = get_config_path('tmp_idefix2_conf.json') with open(tmp_file, 'w', newline="\n") as f: f.write(data) ftp_send(ftp, filepath=tmp_file, dest_name="idefix2_conf.json") os.unlink(tmp_file) if auto_data: # Optionally restore idefix_auto.conf if it was provided tmp_file = get_config_path('tmp_idefix_auto.conf') with open(tmp_file, 'w') as f: f.write(auto_data) ftp_send(ftp, filepath=tmp_file, dest_name="idefix_auto.conf") os.unlink(tmp_file) command_f = io.BytesIO() command_f.write(bytes("restore_config", "utf-8")) # send command ftp.storlines('STOR trigger', command_f) ftp.close()
def check_permissions(self, widget): """Run the permissions check after the check permission dialog has been completed""" self.refresh_users() # Show the selection dialog dialog = self.arw['permission_check_dialog'] response = dialog.hide() if response != Gtk.ResponseType.OK: return model, selected_iter = self.arw['permission_check_user'].get_selection( ).get_selected() if not model or not selected_iter: showwarning(_("No User Selected"), _("Please select a user")) return user = model.get_value(selected_iter, 0) domain = self.arw['permission_check_domain'].get_text() if not domain: showwarning(_("No Domain Entered"), _("Please enter a valid domain")) return self.arw['why_stack'].set_visible_child_name('why') # Retrieve the unbound json data from idefix ftp = ftp_connect(self.controller.ftp_config["server"], self.controller.ftp_config["login"], self.controller.ftp_config["pass"]) if not ftp: return False data = ftp_get(ftp, 'unbound.json') if not data: showwarning(_("Could not get data"), _("Could not retrieve permission data from idefix")) return False ftp.close() config = json.loads(data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) self.arw['why_store'].clear() rule_info = self.is_allowed(user, domain, config) self.arw['why_info_label'].set_text( _("%s rules for %s") % (domain, user)) for name, info in rule_info['rules'].items(): rule_iter = self.arw['why_store'].append() self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_NAME, name) # The domain is a list of matches to compare against the target domain # eg: ['com', 'microsoft', '*'] will match '' # iterate through both target and rule domains looking for matches # if '*' is encountered then mark the rest of the domain as a pass # if a part of the domain doesn't match then mark the rest of the domain as fail rule_domain = iter(info.get('domain', [])) domain_parts = [] target_domain = reversed(domain.split('.')) while True: try: source = rule_domain.__next__() except StopIteration: source = '' try: target = target_domain.__next__() except StopIteration: break if source.lower() == target.lower(): domain_parts.append("<span foreground='green'>" + source + "</span>") continue # Get the rest of the target parts = [target] while True: try: parts.append(target_domain.__next__()) except StopIteration: break rest = '.'.join(reversed(parts)) if source == '*': # We match everything from here further down green domain_parts.append("<span foreground='green'>" + rest + "</span>") else: # This and everything below does not match and is red domain_parts.append("<span foreground='red'>" + rest + "</span>") self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_DOMAIN, '.'.join(reversed(domain_parts))) notes = '' if not info.get('user', True): notes += "<span foreground='red'>☹</span> " else: notes += "<span foreground='green'>☺</span> " if 'time_condition' in info: if not info.get('time_condition'): notes += "<span foreground='red'>⏰</span> " else: notes += "<span foreground='green'>⏰</span> " self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_RULE_DISABLED, not info.get('enabled')) if not info.get('valid', True): self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_RULE_INVALID, True) notes = info.get('reason') if 'action' in info: if info['action']: self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_RULE_TYPE, Gtk.STOCK_APPLY) else: self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_RULE_TYPE, Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL) else: self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_RULE_TYPE, Gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO) self.arw['why_store'].set_value(rule_iter, WHY_COLUMN_INFO, notes)
def run(self, source='local', offline=False, type=None): """ Run the restore dialog to select which files to restore. If type is specified then import those types without asking the user. Type can either be a string or an array. Source can be local for local files, ftp for ftp files or idefix for files on idefix""" if not offline: if not hasattr(self.controller, 'ftp') or not self.controller.ftp: alert(_( "You cannot Restore a configuration without a connexion. \nIf you want to work offline, \nuse «Open Configuration on disk...» \nin the developper menu")) return zf = None if source == 'local': # Ask the user to select a file to restore dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Import Config"), self.arw['window1'], Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, (_("Import"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT), ) dialog.set_filter(self.file_filter) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: self.configpath = dialog.get_filename() if self.configpath.lower().endswith('json'): # Detect if we are importing permissions or network configuration with open(self.configpath, 'rb') as f: raw_data ='utf-8-sig') data = json.loads(raw_data) if 'users' in data or 'groups' in data: self.import_permissions(raw_data) elif 'eth0' in data or 'ftp' in data: self.import_network(raw_data) dialog.destroy() return else: try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.configpath) except zipfile.BadZipFile: alert(_("Zip file could not be read")) dialog.destroy() else: dialog.destroy() self.arw['restore_config_dialog'].hide() return elif source == 'ftp': # get the list of backups present on the ftp server # get Idefix ftp configuration if self.controller.idefix_module: ftp1 = json.loads(Information.get_infos(self, "ftp")) ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["ftp"], ftp1["login"], ftp1["password"], self.controller) else: ftp1 = self.controller.ftp_config ftp = ftp_connect(ftp1["server"][0], ftp1["login"][0], ftp1["pass"][0]) if ftp: ftp.cwd("backup") backup_list = ftp.nlst() backup_list.sort(reverse=True) self.arw["backups_list_store"].clear() for backup in backup_list: self.arw["backups_list_store"].append([backup]) response = self.arw["backup_restore"].run() else: alert(_("Could not get FTP connection")) response = Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: (model, node) = self.arw["backups_list_tree"].get_selection().get_selected() name = model.get_value(node, 0) backupfiledata = (ftp_get(ftp, name)) backup_f = io.BytesIO() backup_f.write(backupfiledata) try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(backup_f) except zipfile.BadZipFile: alert(_("Zip file could not be read")) self.arw["backup_restore"].hide() else: self.arw["backup_restore"].hide() self.arw['restore_config_dialog'].hide() return elif source == 'idefix': # get the list of backups present in Idefix x = Information.get_infos(self, "list_backups") backup_list = json.loads(x) backup_list.sort(reverse=True) self.arw["backups_list_store"].clear() for backup in backup_list: self.arw["backups_list_store"].append([backup]) response = self.arw["backup_restore"].run() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: (model, node) = self.arw["backups_list_tree"].get_selection().get_selected() name = model.get_value(node, 0) backupfiledata = (Information.get_infos(self, "get_backup " + name, result="")) backup_f = io.BytesIO() backup_f.write(backupfiledata) try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(backup_f) except zipfile.BadZipFile as e: alert(_("Zip file could not be read")) self.arw["backup_restore"].hide() else: self.arw["backup_restore"].hide() self.arw['restore_config_dialog'].hide() return else: self.arw["backup_restore"].hide() self.arw['restore_config_dialog'].hide() return if not zf: self.arw['restore_config_dialog'].hide() return self.load_from_backup(zf, offline, type)