Пример #1
def test_window_stream():
    sentences = [list(numpy.random.randint(10, size=sentence_length))
                 for sentence_length in [3, 5, 7]]
    stream = DataStream(IterableDataset(sentences))
    windows = Window(0, 4, 4, True, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source == target
    assert i == 5  # Total of 6 windows

    # Make sure that negative indices work
    windows = Window(-2, 4, 4, False, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source[-2:] == target[:2]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples

    # Even for overlapping negative indices should work
    windows = Window(-2, 4, 4, True, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source[:2] == target[-2:]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples

    # Test step_size param
    sentences = [[i for i in range(10)]]
    stream = DataStream(IterableDataset(sentences))
    windows = Window(1, 4, 4, True, stream, step_size=3)
    expected_sources = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5, 6]]
    expected_targets = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source == expected_sources[i]
        assert target == expected_targets[i]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples
Пример #2
def test_window_stream():
    sentences = [list(numpy.random.randint(10, size=sentence_length))
                 for sentence_length in [3, 5, 7]]
    stream = DataStream(IterableDataset(sentences))
    windows = Window(0, 4, 4, True, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source == target
    assert i == 5  # Total of 6 windows

    # Make sure that negative indices work
    windows = Window(-2, 4, 4, False, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source[-2:] == target[:2]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples

    # Even for overlapping negative indices should work
    windows = Window(-2, 4, 4, True, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source[:2] == target[-2:]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples
Пример #3
def test_window_stream():
    sentences = [
        list(numpy.random.randint(10, size=sentence_length))
        for sentence_length in [3, 5, 7]
    stream = DataStream(IterableDataset(sentences))
    windows = Window(0, 4, 4, True, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source == target
    assert i == 5  # Total of 6 windows

    # Make sure that negative indices work
    windows = Window(-2, 4, 4, False, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source[-2:] == target[:2]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples

    # Even for overlapping negative indices should work
    windows = Window(-2, 4, 4, True, stream)
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(windows.get_epoch_iterator()):
        assert source[:2] == target[-2:]
    assert i == 1  # Should get 2 examples
Пример #4
print("retrieving data...")
data = YouTubeAudio(youTubeId)
stream = data.get_example_stream()
data_stream = Window(stride, sequenceSize, sequenceSize, True, stream)

# switch to configure training or audio generation
if mode == "train":

	print("training begin...")
	print("Input Size:", batchSize)
	print("minibatches:", miniBatches) 
	print("stride:", stride)
	print("hidden units:", hiddenUnits)
	print("learning rate:", learningRate)
	print("sequence size:", sequenceSize)
	for batch_stream in data_stream.get_epoch_iterator():
		# get samples
		u, t = batch_stream
		# Start somewhere (after 1 minute)
		if idx >= idxBegin:
			u = np.array(u, dtype=np.float64)
			t = np.array(t, dtype=np.float64)
			# reshape samples into minibatches
			uBatch = np.reshape((u/0x8000), (miniBatches,batchSize)).swapaxes(0,1)
			tBatch = np.reshape((t/0x8000), (miniBatches,batchSize)).swapaxes(0,1)
			# train and find error
			error  = lstm.train(uBatch, tBatch, learningRate)