def getMetric(target, output, metric="CCC"): if metric == "CCC": result = CCC(target, output) if metric == "MSE": result = MSE(target, output) if metric == "RMSE": result = RMSE(target, output) if metric == "Accuracy": result = Accuracy(target, output) if metric == "UAR": from sklearn.metrics import recall_score result = recall_score(target, output, average='macro') if metric == "AUC": from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score result = roc_auc_score(target, output) if "AUC-" in metric: from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score result = roc_auc_score(target, smooth(output, win=int(metric.split('-')[1]))) if "SmoothAcc-" in metric: result = Accuracy(target, smooth(output, win=int(metric.split('-')[1]))) return result
if mouse_flg==1: X=rpt[tipIndex][0] mouseX=(X-600)*width/400 Y=rpt[tipIndex][1] mouseY=(Y-150)*height/290 """Currently we have the setting such that if there is a single LED that is out of range then the mouse wont move. The problem with this is that the range of the mouse gets limited, and some places (such as corners) are difficult/impossible to click. If we eliminate the if statement then this problem won't exist, but then it may start to recognize the knuckle LED as the tip and vice versa. So this is a give or take until we have a better filtering method.""" if inrange: buff[0].put(mouseX) buff[1].put(mouseY) smoothX=np.mean(fun.smooth(buff[0].data, window_len=len(buff[0].data))) smoothY=np.mean(fun.smooth(buff[1].data, window_len=len(buff[1].data))) m.move(buff[0].data[-1],buff[1].data[-1]) # m.move(smoothX,smoothY) ################################################################################################################ for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type==KEYDOWN: if event.key==pygame.K_r: #start recording rec_flg=1 calibration=False elif event.key==pygame.K_c: #start calibration calibration=1 elif event.key==pygame.K_s: #pauses the recording
def run(self): global FLG, coords FLG = 1 m = PyMouse() k = PyKeyboard() #Intialization of Pygame pygameRate=100 os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_iWINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (0,0) pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) # setup mixer to avoid sound lag pygame.init() vals.switchSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('switch.wav') vals.clickSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('click.wav') clock=pygame.time.Clock() myfont=pygame.font.SysFont("monospace",15) calibFont=pygame.font.SysFont("monospace",20) depthFont=pygame.font.SysFont("monospace",10) defaultFont=pygame.font.SysFont("monospace",15) pygame.mixer.init() infoObject = pygame.display.Info() vals.width = infoObject.current_w vals.height = infoObject.current_h # print width, height screen=pygame.display.set_mode((int(vals.width*0.5), vals.height)) global kill #Main loop while kill==False: screen.fill((0,0,0)) rpt=[[int(i2) for i2 in i]for i in coords[0]] rpt2=[[int(i2) for i2 in i]for i in coords[1]] if vals.switchRPT: tmp = rpt rpt = rpt2 rpt2 = tmp if not vals.rec_flg and (vals.calibration or vals.calibLoadFlag): #do calibration or load from file #Receiving data from the threads newList=findingPoints.findDegrees(rpt) #returns in from [(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex, tipIndexAngle, kIndex,kIndexAngle=findingPoints.indexData(newList) tipThumb,tipThumbAngle,kThumb,kThumbAngle=findingPoints.thumbData(newList) averageX,averageY=findingPoints.centerFind(rpt) #the center point #Find out the location of the 2nd Wiimote LEDs newList2=findingPoints.findDegrees(rpt2) #returns in from [(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex2, tipIndexAngle2, kIndex2,kIndexAngle2=findingPoints.indexData(newList2) tipThumb2,tipThumbAngle2,kThumb2,kThumbAngle2=findingPoints.thumbData(newList2) #GUI section #doDraw.drawAllMiniCalibration(miniScreen, rpt, tipIndex, tipThumb,kThumb,kIndex,averageX,averageY,myfont,calibFont,depthFont) doDraw.drawAllCalibration(screen, rpt, tipIndex, tipThumb,kThumb,kIndex,rpt2, tipIndex2, tipThumb2,kThumb2,kIndex2, averageX,averageY,myfont,calibFont,depthFont) if vals.inputCalibration: #Receiving data from the threads newList=findingPoints.findDegrees(rpt) #returns in from [(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex, tipIndexAngle, kIndex,kIndexAngle=findingPoints.indexData(newList) tipThumb,tipThumbAngle,kThumb,kThumbAngle=findingPoints.thumbData(newList) averageX,averageY=findingPoints.centerFind(rpt) #the center point #Find out the location of the 2nd Wiimote LEDs newList2=findingPoints.findDegrees(rpt2) #returns in from [(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex2, tipIndexAngle2, kIndex2,kIndexAngle2=findingPoints.indexData(newList2) tipThumb2,tipThumbAngle2,kThumb2,kThumbAngle2=findingPoints.thumbData(newList2) #GUI section doDraw.drawInputCalibration(screen, rpt, tipIndex, tipThumb,kThumb,kIndex,rpt2, tipIndex2, tipThumb2,kThumb2,kIndex2, averageX,averageY,myfont,calibFont,depthFont) #first "click" get where the rpt index x,y, store it. Second click completes the line, turn into square distClick=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[kIndex][0]],\ [rpt[kIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) #first click if (distClick[0]<vals.clickValue and vals.inputCounter==0): vals.inputX1=rpt[tipIndex][0] vals.inputY1=rpt[tipIndex][1] vals.inputCounter+=1 vals.inputClickStopper=1 print "awef" print vals.inputX1,vals.inputY1 if (distClick[0]>=vals.clickValue and vals.inputClickStopper): vals.inputClickStopper=0 #second click if (distClick[0]<vals.clickValue and vals.inputCounter==1 and not vals.inputClickStopper): vals.inputX2=rpt[tipIndex][0] vals.inputY2=rpt[tipIndex][1] print "hey" print vals.inputX2,vals.inputY2 vals.inputCounter+=1 vals.inputSet=1 if vals.inputSet: #sets the inrange constants if vals.inputX1<=vals.inputX2: vals.leftBound=vals.inputX1 vals.rightBound=vals.inputX2 else: vals.leftBound=vals.inputX2 vals.rightBound=vals.inputX1 if vals.inputY1<=vals.inputY2: vals.upperBound=vals.inputY1 vals.lowerBound=vals.inputY2 else: vals.upperBound=vals.inputY2 vals.lowerBound=vals.inputY1 vals.windowX = vals.rightBound - vals.leftBound vals.windowY = vals.lowerBound - vals.upperBound if vals.rec_flg==1: #Recording #Finding out the location of the LEDs, tipThumb, kThumb.... newList=findingPoints.findDegrees(rpt) #returns in from [(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex, tipIndexAngle, kIndex,kIndexAngle=findingPoints.indexData(newList) tipThumb,tipThumbAngle,kThumb,kThumbAngle=findingPoints.thumbData(newList) averageX,averageY=findingPoints.centerFind(rpt) #the center point #Find out the location of the 2nd Wiimote LEDs newList2=findingPoints.findDegrees(rpt2) #returns in from [(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex2, tipIndexAngle2, kIndex2,kIndexAngle2=findingPoints.indexData(newList2) tipThumb2,tipThumbAngle2,kThumb2,kThumbAngle2=findingPoints.thumbData(newList2) averageX2,averageY2=findingPoints.centerFind(rpt2) #the center point #Check whether LED is in range newRpt=copy.deepcopy(rpt) vals.rptList.append(newRpt) vals.inrange, vals.LED1,vals.LED2,vals.LED3,vals.LED4=checkingInRange.rangeChecker(vals.rptList, vals.LED1, vals.LED2,vals.LED3,vals.LED4) if (vals.inputX1<=rpt[tipIndex][0]<=vals.inputX2 and vals.inputY1<=rpt[tipIndex][1]<=vals.inputY2) or \ (vals.inputX1<=rpt2[tipIndex][0]<=vals.inputX2 and vals.inputY1<=rpt2[tipIndex][1]<=vals.inputY2): vals.inrange=1 #Depth doDepth.findingDepth(rpt, rpt2, tipThumb,tipThumb2, kThumb,kThumb2, tipIndex,tipIndex2,kIndex,kIndex2) #GUI doDraw.drawAllRecording(screen, rpt, rpt2, tipThumb,tipThumb2, kThumb,kThumb2, tipIndex,tipIndex2,kIndex,kIndex2,averageX,averageY,averageX2,averageY2,myfont,calibFont,depthFont) #doDraw.drawAllMiniRecording(miniScreen, rpt, rpt2, tipThumb,tipThumb2, kThumb,kThumb2, tipIndex,tipIndex2,kIndex,kIndex2,averageX,averageY,myfont,calibFont,depthFont) # Only log the depth data in record mode when testing or debugging # if vals.relativeFlag: # if vals.depthBuff[2].size() > 10: # smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data[-10:], window_len = 10)) # else: # smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) # smoothTipIndex = vals.depthBuff[2].back() # # log the depth and index tip raw coordinate # vals.planeDepthData.append('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(vals.depthBuff[0].back(), vals.depthBuff[1].back(), \ # smoothTipIndex, vals.depthBuff[3].back(), rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1])) #Mouse Events #doMouse.mouseActivities(pygame,rpt, tipIndex,tipThumb,kIndex,kThumb,m,k) doMouse.clientMouseActivities(pygame,rpt,m,k) #Gestures # print doDepth.checkAllAboveBox() # if doDepth.checkAllAboveBox(): # doGestures.gestures(averageX,averageY,k,m) if vals.mouse_flg==1: tipParam = 7 knuParam = 3 if vals.knuckleFlag: fingerX = (rpt[tipIndex][0] * tipParam + rpt[kIndex][0] * knuParam) / (tipParam + knuParam) fingerY = (rpt[tipIndex][1] * tipParam + rpt[kIndex][1] * knuParam) / (tipParam + knuParam) else: fingerX, fingerY = rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1] # Relative: if vals.relativeFlag: smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) keyboardTest = myIsOnKeyboard(fingerX, fingerY, smoothTipIndex) keyboardTest = isOnKeyboard(fingerX, fingerY, smoothTipIndex) if vals.onKeyboardFlag and not keyboardTest: # Hands up vals.fingerBuff[0].erase() vals.fingerBuff[1].erase() # else: # # Hands down # pass vals.onKeyboardFlag = keyboardTest if vals.onKeyboardFlag: vals.fingerBuff[0].put(fingerX) vals.fingerBuff[1].put(fingerY) # Move the mouse if vals.fingerBuff[0].size() >= 2: mouseX, mouseY = finger2MouseRelative(vals.fingerBuff[0].data, \ vals.fingerBuff[1].data, vals.traceX, vals.traceY) vals.buff[0].put(mouseX) vals.buff[1].put(mouseY) smoothX = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[0].data, window_len = vals.buff[0].size())) smoothY = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[1].data, window_len = vals.buff[1].size())) # print fingerX, fingerY, mouseX, mouseY vals.traceX, vals.traceY = smoothX, smoothY if not vals.testTypeFlag or (vals.testTypeFlag and vals.testPointFlag): m.move(vals.traceX, vals.traceY) # Absolute: elif not vals.relativeFlag: if not vals.zoom_flg: vals.fX=rpt[tipIndex][0] vals.fY=rpt[tipIndex][1] if ((vals.inputX2-vals.inputX1)==0) or ((vals.inputY2-vals.inputY1)==0): # Use default option mouseX, mouseY = finger2Mouse(fingerX, fingerY, False) # mouseX=(rpt[tipIndex][0]-600)*vals.width/vals.windowX # mouseY=(rpt[tipIndex][1]-150)*vals.height/vals.windowY else: # Use the user prefered window size mouseX, mouseY = finger2Mouse(fingerX, fingerY, True) if not vals.zoom_flg: vals.fingerX=fingerX vals.fingerY=fingerY vals.mouseX=mouseX vals.mouseY=mouseY """Currently we have the setting such that if there is a single LED that is out of range then the mouse wont move. The problem with this is that the range of the mouse gets limited, and some places (such as corners) are difficult/impossible to click. If we eliminate the if statement then this problem won't exist, but then it may start to recognize the knuckle LED as the tip and vice versa. So this is a give or take until we have a better filtering method.""" if (vals.inrange and doDepth.checkIndexInBox()) or vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_DRAG: vals.buff[0].put(mouseX) vals.buff[1].put(mouseY) smoothX = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[0].data, window_len = vals.buff[0].size())) smoothY = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[1].data, window_len = vals.buff[1].size())) if vals.featureFlag: vals.constBuff[0].put(mouseX) vals.constBuff[1].put(mouseY) sX = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.constBuff[0].data, window_len = vals.constBuff[0].size())) sY = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.constBuff[1].data, window_len = vals.constBuff[1].size())) # The speed of the cursor speed = np.sqrt( (sX - vals.traceX)**2 + (sY - vals.traceY)**2 ) if speed < 0.0001: speed = 0.0001 vals.speedBuff.put(speed) vals.smoothSpeed = np.mean(fun.smooth(, window_len = vals.speedBuff.size())) # Several method to get buffer size from speed: # paramA, paramB = 8.5, 20 # 1) size = A + B / speed # newSize = max(int(paramA + paramB / vals.smoothSpeed), vals.minBuffSize) # 2) size = A + B / sqrt(speed) # newSize = max(int(paramA + paramB / np.sqrt(vals.smoothSpeed)), vals.minBuffSize) # newSize = min(newSize, vals.maxBuffSize) # P1(minSpeed, maxBuff), P2(maxSpeed, minBuff) maxSpeed = 25 minSpeed = 0.1 maxBuff = 35 minBuff = 10 # 3) size = A + B * speed paramB = float(minBuff - maxBuff) / (maxSpeed - minSpeed) paramA = maxBuff - paramB * minSpeed newSize = paramA + paramB * vals.smoothSpeed newSize = max(min(int(newSize), maxBuff), minBuff) vals.buff[0].setBuffSize(newSize) vals.buff[1].setBuffSize(newSize) if not vals.testTypeFlag or (vals.testTypeFlag and vals.testPointFlag): # Record the last trace point vals.traceX, vals.traceY = smoothX, smoothY # if vals.featureFlag:# and vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_READY: # # param = 20.0 / speed2 # # vals.traceX = int((vals.traceX * param + smoothX) / (1 + param)) # # vals.traceY = int((vals.traceY * param + smoothY) / (1 + param)) # vals.traceX = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[0].data[-vals.smoothSize:], window_len = vals.smoothSize)) # vals.traceY = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[1].data[-vals.smoothSize:], window_len = vals.smoothSize)) # # vals.traceX = (vals.traceX * 4 + smoothX) / 5 # # vals.traceY = (vals.traceY * 4 + smoothY) / 5 m.move(vals.traceX, vals.traceY) # m.move(vals.buff[0].data[-1],vals.buff[1].data[-1]) # m.move(smoothX, smoothY) # m.move(mouseX, mouseY) if vals.wiimoteNum >= vals.wiimoteMaxNum \ and not (vals.calibLoadFlag or vals.calibration or vals.rec_flg): doDraw.drawDefault(screen, defaultFont) eventsObject=pygame.event.get() doEvents.eventHandling(eventsObject) msElapsed=clock.tick(pygameRate) pygame.display.update() if kill==True or vals.quit_FLG: pygame.quit() sys.exit() break for event in eventsObject: if (event.type == QUIT) or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): kill=True pygame.quit() sys.exit() break
def drawAllCalibration(screen, rpt, tipIndex, tipThumb,kThumb,kIndex,rpt2,tipIndex2, tipThumb2,kThumb2,kIndex2,averageX,averageY,myfont,calibFont,depthFont): mouseModeDistance=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[tipIndex][0]],\ [rpt[tipIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) clickingDistance=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[kIndex][0]],\ [rpt[kIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) screen.fill( #Drawing the Circles, vals.yellow, (rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3),10),, (rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3),10),, (rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),10),, (rpt[kThumb][0]/3,rpt[kThumb][1]/3),10), vals.white, (averageX/3,averageY/3),10) #Drawing the instructions pygame.draw.rect(screen, vals.gray, (0,5,600,60)) if vals.calibState == vals.START_CALIB: Calib1=calibFont.render("Press H to calibrate the switching gesture",1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) elif vals.calibState == vals.MOUSE_MODE_CALIB: Calib1=calibFont.render("Tap tip of thumb and tip of index",1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to complete",1, screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.white,(rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),(rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3),5 ) vals.mouseModeCalibList.append(mouseModeDistance[0]) doDepth.findingDepth(rpt, rpt2, tipThumb,tipThumb2, kThumb,kThumb2, tipIndex,tipIndex2,kIndex,kIndex2) vals.boxBoundCalibList.append(doDepth.meanDepth()) # Use 3d-box instead just using z-axis information if vals.depthBuff[2].size() == 10: # smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data[-10:], window_len = 10)) # else: smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) # smoothTipIndex = vals.depthBuff[2].back() # log the depth and index tip raw coordinate vals.switchBoxData.append('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(vals.depthBuff[0].back(), vals.depthBuff[1].back(), \ smoothTipIndex, vals.depthBuff[3].back(), rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1])) elif vals.calibState == vals.READY_CLICK_CALIB: Calib1=calibFont.render("Put your hand on the keyboard",1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to calibrate the clicking gesture",1, screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) elif vals.calibState == vals.CLICK_CALIB: Calib1=calibFont.render("Tap tip of thumb and knuckle of index for {} times".format(\ str(vals.clickNum)), 1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to complete",1, screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.white,(rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),(rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3),5 ) vals.clickingCalibList[0].append(time.time() - vals.clickCalibSTime) vals.clickingCalibList[1].append(clickingDistance[0]) elif vals.calibState == vals.READY_DEPTH_CALIB: Calib1=calibFont.render("Put your hand on the keyboard",1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to calibrate keyboard plane",1, screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) elif vals.calibState == vals.DEPTH_CALIB: Calib1=calibFont.render("Draw 5 circles on the keyboard",1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to complete",1, screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) # Show the depth of the four LED : 440, 460, 480, 500 ledDepthKey = ['tipThumb: ', 'knuThumb: ', 'tipIndex: ', 'knuIndex: '] for i in range(len(ledDepthKey)): ledDepth = calibFont.render(ledDepthKey[i] + str(vals.depthBuff[i].back()), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(ledDepth, (0, 80 + i * 20)) doDepth.findingDepth(rpt, rpt2, tipThumb,tipThumb2, kThumb,kThumb2, tipIndex,tipIndex2,kIndex,kIndex2) if vals.depthBuff[2].size() == 10: # smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data[-10:], window_len = 10)) # else: smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) # smoothTipIndex = vals.depthBuff[2].back() # log the depth and index tip raw coordinate vals.planeDepthData.append('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(vals.depthBuff[0].back(), vals.depthBuff[1].back(), \ smoothTipIndex, vals.depthBuff[3].back(), rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1])) elif vals.calibState == vals.END_CALIB: calibrationDone=1 Calib1=calibFont.render("Calibration Completed",1, screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press r to start recording",1, screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35))
def drawAllRecording(screen, rpt, rpt2, tipThumb,tipThumb2, kThumb,kThumb2, tipIndex,tipIndex2,kIndex,kIndex2,averageX,averageY,averageX2,averageY2,myfont, calibFont,depthFont): # screen.fill( if not vals.testTypeFlag: # Normal Recording Mode mouseLabel=myfont.render("Mouse:"+" "+str(vals.mouseModeValue) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(mouseLabel,(0,80)) clickLabel=myfont.render("Click:"+" "+str(vals.clickValue) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(clickLabel,(0,95)) Calib1=calibFont.render("tipThumb:"+str(int(vals.depthBuff[0].mean())),1,vals.white) screen.blit(Calib1,(0,115)) Calib2=calibFont.render("kThumb:"+str(int(vals.depthBuff[1].mean())),1,vals.white) screen.blit(Calib2,(0,135)) Calib3=calibFont.render("tipIndex:"+str(int(vals.depthBuff[2].mean())),1,vals.white) screen.blit(Calib3,(0,155)) Calib4=calibFont.render("kIndex:"+str(int(vals.depthBuff[3].mean())),1,vals.white) screen.blit(Calib4,(0,175)) #tipDistance=calibFont.render("Switch-Distance:"+str(int(vals.tipDistance)),1,vals.white) #screen.blit(tipDistance,(0,205)) #clickDistance=calibFont.render("Click-Distance:"+str(int(vals.clickDistance)),1,vals.white) #screen.blit(clickDistance,(0,235)) x,y = rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1] z = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) distance = getPlaneDistance(vals.planeParam, x, y, z) keyboardTop = vals.planeParam[-1] tipDistance=calibFont.render("Distance:"+str((distance)),1,vals.white) screen.blit(tipDistance,(0,205)) clickDistance=calibFont.render("Keyboard Top:"+str((keyboardTop)),1,vals.white) screen.blit(clickDistance,(0,235)) distance3D=calibFont.render("3D-Distance:"+str(int(vals.dist3D)),1,vals.white) screen.blit(distance3D,(0,255)) box3D=calibFont.render(str(int(vals.boxLimit)),1,vals.white) screen.blit(box3D,(0,285)) #Circles to check on mode switching # if doDepth.checkAllInBox(): # Used to log data if vals.inSwitchBox:,, (10,325),10) else:,, (10,325),10) inBox=calibFont.render("in 3dBox",1,vals.white) screen.blit(inBox,(20,325)) vals.inrange, vals.LED1,vals.LED2,vals.LED3,vals.LED4=checkingInRange.rangeChecker(vals.rptList, vals.LED1, vals.LED2,vals.LED3,vals.LED4) if (vals.inrange==1):,, (10,345),10) else:,, (10,345),10) inBox=calibFont.render("inrange",1,vals.white) screen.blit(inBox,(20,345)) if (not vals.mouseSwitched_flg): # Used to log data,, (10,365),10) else:,, (10,365),10) inBox=calibFont.render("open tips",1,vals.white) screen.blit(inBox,(20,365)) # Show window size which is used to control the sensitivity windowSize = calibFont.render('window size X:{} Y:{}'.format(str(vals.windowX), str(vals.windowY)), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(windowSize, (0, 400)) # Show the buffer size which is modified by the speed in the new feature(shift+f to turn on/off) if vals.featureFlag: buffSize = calibFont.render('current buffer size: {}'.format(str(vals.buff[0].size())), 1, vals.white) else: buffSize = calibFont.render('default buffer size: {}'.format(str(vals.defaultBuffSize)), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(buffSize, (0, 420)) # Show the depth of the four LED : 440, 460, 480, 500 ledDepthKey = ['tipThumb: ', 'knuThumb: ', 'tipIndex: ', 'knuIndex: '] for i in range(len(ledDepthKey)): ledDepth = calibFont.render(ledDepthKey[i] + str(vals.depthBuff[i].back()), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(ledDepth, (0, 440 + i * 20)) if vals.relativeFlag: controlMode = calibFont.render('Relative Mode', 1, vals.white) screen.blit(controlMode, (0, 520)) onKeyboard = calibFont.render('Keyboard Test: ' + str(vals.onKeyboardFlag), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(onKeyboard, (0, 540)) else: controlMode = calibFont.render('Absolute Mode', 1, vals.white) screen.blit(controlMode, (0, 520)) rawXY = calibFont.render('Raw X:{}, Y:{}'.format(rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1]), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(rawXY, (0, 560)) traceXY = calibFont.render('Mouse X:{}, Y:{}'.format(int(vals.traceX), int(vals.traceY)), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(traceXY, (0, 580)) smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) distance = getPlaneDistance(vals.planeParam, rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1], smoothTipIndex) tipIndexDepth = calibFont.render('Tip Index Depth: {}'.format(distance), 1, vals.white) screen.blit(tipIndexDepth, (0, 600)) #main circles,, (rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3),10),, (rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3),10),, (rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),10), vals.white, (rpt[kThumb][0]/3,rpt[kThumb][1]/3),10), vals.gray, (averageX/3,averageY/3),13), vals.gray, (averageX2/3,averageY2/3),13),, (rpt2[tipIndex2][0]/3,rpt2[tipIndex2][1]/3),10),, (rpt2[kIndex2][0]/3,rpt2[kIndex2][1]/3),10),, (rpt2[tipThumb2][0]/3,rpt2[tipThumb2][1]/3),10), vals.white, (rpt2[kThumb2][0]/3,rpt2[kThumb2][1]/3),10) #GUI for depth # pygame.draw.rect(screen, vals.gray, (500,0,1500,1500)) depthGUILeft = int(vals.width * 0.35) depthGUITop = int(vals.height * 0.05) depthGUIWidth = int(vals.width * 0.45) - depthGUILeft depthGUIHeight = int(vals.height * 0.95) - depthGUITop pygame.draw.rect(screen, vals.gray, (depthGUILeft, depthGUITop, depthGUIWidth, depthGUIHeight)) # 0left--1startPos--2green--3white--4red--5blue--6endPos--7label--8right objXPos = np.linspace(depthGUILeft, depthGUILeft + depthGUIWidth, 9) objXPos = [int(x) for x in objXPos] #Creating the lines for i in xrange(11): offsetY = 75 startPos = (objXPos[1], offsetY + i*30) # was 550 endPos = (objXPos[6], offsetY + i*30) # was 650 pygame.draw.line(screen,, startPos, endPos) depthLabel = depthFont.render( str(5*i), 1, screen.blit(depthLabel, (objXPos[7], offsetY + i*30)) #Depth circles. Was 560, 580, 600, 620,, (objXPos[2], int(75 + vals.depthBuff[0].mean()*6)), 10) #tipThumb, vals.white, (objXPos[3], int(75 + vals.depthBuff[1].mean()*6)), 10) #kThumb,, (objXPos[4], int(75 + vals.depthBuff[2].mean()*6)), 10) #tipindex,, (objXPos[5], int(75 + vals.depthBuff[3].mean()*6)), 10)#kIndex #The gesture bounds pygame.draw.line(screen,, (vals.gestureLeftThreshHold/3,0),(vals.gestureLeftThreshHold/3,800)) pygame.draw.line(screen,, (0,vals.gestureDownThreshHold/3),(10000,vals.gestureDownThreshHold/3)) pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.yellow, (0,vals.gestureUpThreshHold/3),(10000,vals.gestureUpThreshHold/3)) #Mouses mode drawing if vals.mouse_flg: MouseKeyboard=myfont.render( "Mouse mode",1,(255,255,255)) else: MouseKeyboard=myfont.render( "Keyboard mode",1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(MouseKeyboard,(0,50)) #input rectangle pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.white, (vals.inputX1/3,vals.inputY1/3), (vals.inputX2/3,vals.inputY1/3)) pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.white, (vals.inputX2/3,vals.inputY1/3), (vals.inputX2/3,vals.inputY2/3)) pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.white, (vals.inputX2/3,vals.inputY2/3), (vals.inputX1/3,vals.inputY2/3)) pygame.draw.line(screen,vals.white, (vals.inputX1/3,vals.inputY2/3), (vals.inputX1/3,vals.inputY1/3)) else: # Testing Recording Mode: Show article text. # I canceled the text input area. testFont = 'textFiles/MonospaceTypewriter.ttf' # Text GUI on the left: show the text if vals.textContent == '': # Read from file try: tcf = open(vals.textContentFile, 'r') vals.textContent = tcf.close() print vals.textContent except: print 'Error: Invalid type content file.' textGUILeft = int(vals.width * 0.05) textGUITop = int(vals.height * 0.05) textGUIWidth = int(vals.width * 0.45) - textGUILeft textGUIHeight = int(vals.height * 0.95) - textGUITop pygame.draw.rect(screen, vals.white, (textGUILeft, textGUITop, textGUIWidth, textGUIHeight)) if vals.textGUI == None: textFontSize = 20 textBorder = 10 vals.textGUI = Reader(unicode(vals.textContent.expandtabs(4), 'utf8'), (textGUILeft + textBorder, textGUITop + textBorder), \ textGUIWidth - 2 * textBorder, textFontSize, height = textGUIHeight - 2 * textBorder, \ font = testFont, fgcolor = (0, 0, 0), hlcolor = (255,10,150,100), split = True) '''
def mouseActivities(pygame, rpt, tipIndex,tipThumb,kIndex,kThumb,m,k): #3D Distance from the tipIndex to tipThumb dist3D=euclidean(rpt[tipIndex],rpt[tipThumb]) vals.dist3D=dist3D #Distance for switching modes dista=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[tipIndex][0]],\ [rpt[tipIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) vals.tipDistance=dista[0] #Distance for clicking - thumb tip to index knuckle distClick=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[kIndex][0]],\ [rpt[kIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) vals.clickDistance=distClick[0] #Modifying vals.mouseModeValue with respect to distance between knuckles # currentKnuckleValue=fun.distanceVec(\ # [rpt[kIndex][0]],\ # [rpt[kIndex][1]],\ # [rpt[kThumb][0]],\ # [rpt[kThumb][1]])[0] # knuckleRatio=float(currentKnuckleValue/vals.knuckleValue) # if knuckleRatio>1: # newMouseModeValue=int(knuckleRatio*vals.mouseModeValue) # newClickValue=int(knuckleRatio*vals.clickValue) # else: newMouseModeValue=vals.mouseModeValue newClickValue=vals.clickValue smoothTipIndex = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.depthBuff[2].data, window_len = vals.depthBuff[2].size())) checkSwitchBox(rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1], smoothTipIndex) # inBox = doDepth.checkAllInBox() # Used to log data if vals.inSwitchBox: #Switching Modes #When distance tips goes below mouseModevalue, start measuring time. if 10<=dista[0]<=newMouseModeValue and vals.inrange==1 and vals.mouseModeSwitchTime==0: vals.mouseModeSwitchTime=time.time() hold5ms = (vals.timeHold<=(time.time()-vals.mouseModeSwitchTime)*1000) tipInRange= (10<=dista[0]<=newMouseModeValue) mouseCondition= hold5ms and tipInRange# and vals.inrange==1 #if distance is below for a certain time and all other conditions are met, then switch if mouseCondition and vals.mouse_flg==0 and not vals.mouseSwitched_flg: print('Mouse mode activated') vals.traceX, vals.traceY = m.position() vals.mouse_flg=1 vals.mouseModeSwitchTime=0 vals.mouseSwitched_flg=1 try: except: pass # file = 'switch.mp3' # try: # # except: # vals.a.load(file) # if mouseCondition and vals.mouse_flg==1 and not vals.mouseSwitched_flg: print('Mouse mode deactivated') vals.mouse_flg=0 vals.contDist=0 vals.mouseSwitched_flg=1 try: except: pass # file = 'switch.mp3' # try: # # except: # vals.a.load(file) # #after switching, the fingers need to part in order to reset constants. if (vals.mouseSwitched_flg and dista[0]>newMouseModeValue): vals.mouseSwitched_flg=0 vals.mouseModeSwitchTime=0 ''' #Adjusting MaxBuff with respect to thumbtip and index knuckle # It doesn't work. Currently this method uses a larger buffer when clicking, # in order to avoid mistakes when getting the clickX and clickY. # But this method will only work when we put the cursor still on the target. # If we move and press 'click', it will be worse, because of its larger buffer contains # more wrong information. # Method 1: Sin # if vals.mouse_flg and vals.debugFlag: # currBuff = vals.minBuff # if distClick[0] < 0.8 * newClickValue: # currBuff = vals.maxBuff # elif distClick[0] > 1.2 * newClickValue: # currBuff = vals.minBuff # else: # currBuff = (vals.maxBuff + vals.minBuff)/2 - (vals.maxBuff - vals.minBuff)/2 * \ # np.sin((distClick[0] - newClickValue) * 2 * np.pi / 0.8 / newClickValue) # vals.buff[0].setCurrBuff(currBuff) # vals.buff[1].setCurrBuff(currBuff) # a=40*newClickValue # vals.maxBuff=a/distClick[0] # if vals.maxBuff<20: # vals.maxBuff=20 # elif vals.maxBuff>40: # vals.maxBuff=40 ''' # Clicking and Dragging if vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_NORMAL: # print 'NORMAL' #print distClick[0], vals.inrange, vals.mouse_flg if distClick[0] <= newClickValue and vals.inrange and vals.mouse_flg: # Get possible point of click or drag vals.clickX, vals.clickY = vals.traceX, vals.traceY # vals.clickX = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[0].data, window_len=len(vals.buff[0].data))) # vals.clickY = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[1].data, window_len=len(vals.buff[1].data))) vals.dragX, vals.dragY = vals.clickX, vals.clickY vals.stime = time.time() vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_READY #vals.mouseActBuff = [[], []] print 'READY' print 'distClick[0]: ' + str(distClick[0]) elif vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_READY: # print 'READY' currTime = (time.time() - vals.stime) * float(1000) # Note: We don't need to add time threshold here to do READY -> CLICK. # Because the point is discrete, it may jump from the READY rectangle to NORMAL without # triggering CLICK or DRAG signal. That is, its distClick < clickValue and time < timeThre for # the last point, but distClick > clickValue and time > timeThre for the current point. # In this case, we assume that is a CLICK. Noted by Zhen Li, Aug 5th, 2014. if distClick[0] > newClickValue and vals.mouse_flg and vals.inrange:# and currTime <= vals.mouseActTimeThre: # Click vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_CLICK # if not vals.testTypeFlag: #, vals.clickY) # Detect double click: clickTime = (time.time() - vals.lastClickTime) * float(1000) if clickTime > vals.doubleClickTimeThre or not vals.dragFlag: # Click if not vals.testTypeFlag:, vals.clickY) vals.lastClickX, vals.lastClickY = vals.clickX, vals.clickY print('Click') try: except: pass # file = 'click.mp3' # try: # # except: # vals.b.load(file) # else: # Double Click if not vals.testTypeFlag:, vals.lastClickY) print('Double Click') try: except: pass # file = 'click.mp3' # try: # # except: # vals.b.load(file) # vals.lastClickTime = time.time() # print('Click') print 'distClick[0]: ' + str(distClick[0]) elif distClick[0] <= newClickValue and vals.mouse_flg and vals.inrange and currTime > vals.mouseActTimeThre: # Drag if enabled if not vals.testTypeFlag: if vals.dragFlag:, vals.dragY) else:, vals.clickY) try: except: pass vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_DRAG print('Drag') print 'distClick[0]: ' + str(distClick[0]) elif vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_CLICK: # print 'CLICK' # vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_NORMAL vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_WAIT elif vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_WAIT: if distClick[0] > 1.5 * newClickValue and vals.mouse_flg and vals.inrange: vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_NORMAL elif vals.mouseState == vals.MOUSE_DRAG: # print 'DRAG' if distClick[0] > newClickValue and vals.mouse_flg: # Release if enabled if vals.dragFlag and not vals.testTypeFlag: m.release(vals.buff[0].mean(),vals.buff[1].mean()) vals.mouseState = vals.MOUSE_NORMAL print("Release") print 'distClick[0]: ' + str(distClick[0]) if vals.testTypeFlag or vals.testPointFlag: ''' TODO: convert them to actual coordinate on the display.''' tIX, tIY = finger2Mouse(rpt[tipIndex][0], rpt[tipIndex][1]) kIX, kIY = finger2Mouse(rpt[kIndex][0], rpt[kIndex][1]) tTX, tTY = finger2Mouse(rpt[tipThumb][0], rpt[tipThumb][1]) kTX, kTY = finger2Mouse(rpt[kThumb][0], rpt[kThumb][1]) smoothX, smoothY = vals.traceX, vals.traceY # smoothX = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[0].data, window_len=len(vals.buff[0].data))) # smoothY = np.mean(fun.smooth(vals.buff[1].data, window_len=len(vals.buff[1].data))) # time, dista0, distClick0, inrange, inBox # tIX, tIY, kIX, kIY, tTX, tTY, kTX, kTY, smoothX, smoothY # mouse_flg, mouseState, clickX, clickY, speed, buffSize vals.testTypeData.append('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(\ str(time.time() - vals.testStartTime), str(dista[0]), str(distClick[0]), str(int(vals.inrange)), str(int(vals.inSwitchBox)), \ str(tIX), str(tIY), str(kIX), str(kIY), str(tTX), str(tTY), str(kTX), str(kTY), str(smoothX), str(smoothY), \ str(vals.mouse_flg), str(vals.mouseState), str(vals.clickX), str(vals.clickY), str(vals.smoothSpeed), str(vals.buff[0].size()) ))
def getDistAndTime(X, Y, paramD, paramT): "Get mean and std of distance and time(ms) with calib data: meanDist, stdDist, meanTime, stdTime" "Then get answer = mean + std * param" # plot(X, Y, 'g.') windowLen = 16 smoothY = smooth(Y, windowLen) smoothY = smoothY[(windowLen / 2 - 1) : -(windowLen / 2)] # plot(X, smoothY, 'c-') # Note: The author suggests: '(sample / period) / f' where '4 >= f >= 1.25' f = 6 lookahead = len(X) / vals.clickNum / f _max, _min = peakdetect(smoothY, X, lookahead)#, 0.30) # print _max # print _min xm = [p[0] for p in _max] ym = [p[1] for p in _max] xn = [p[0] for p in _min] yn = [p[1] for p in _min] # plot(xm, ym, 'rx', markersize = 10) # plot(xn, yn, 'kx', markersize = 10) yTh = getYTh(ym, yn) # print 'yTh: ' + str(yTh) newXMax = [] newYMax = [] newXMin = [] newYMin = [] i, j = 0, 0 lastPoint = 0 ADD_MAX, \ ADD_MIN = range(2) if xm[i] < xn[j]: #max,min,... newXMax.append(xm[i]) newYMax.append(ym[i]) i = i + 1 lastPoint = ADD_MAX else: #min, max,... : add a max point newXMax.append(X[0]) newYMax.append(smoothY[0]) lastPoint = ADD_MAX while i < len(_max) and j < len(_min): if lastPoint == ADD_MAX: if xm[i] > xn[j]: # print 'max, [min], max: ' + str(ym[i-1] - yn[j]) if (ym[i-1] - yn[j]) > yTh: #...max, [min], max... : Normal # print 'add min:{}, x={}'.format(str(j), xn[j]) newXMin.append(xn[j]) newYMin.append(yn[j]) j = j + 1 lastPoint = ADD_MIN #Special judge for wrong [max] before it try: if i >= 1 and newXMax[-1] == X[0] and newXMax[-1] < xm[i-1]: #print newXMax[-1], xm[i-1], i newXMax[-1] = xm[i-1] newYMax[-1] = ym[i-1] except: pass else: #Discard the [min] j = j + 1 else: #...max, [max], min...: Discard it i = i + 1 elif lastPoint == ADD_MIN: if xm[i] < xn[j]: # print 'min, [max], min: ' + str(ym[i] - yn[j -1]) if (ym[i] - yn[j -1]) > yTh: #...min, [max], min...: Normal # print 'add max:{}, x={}'.format(str(i), xm[i]) newXMax.append(xm[i]) newYMax.append(ym[i]) i = i + 1 lastPoint = ADD_MAX else: #Discard the [max] i = i + 1 else: #...min, [min], max: Discard it # newXMax.append((xn[j] + xn[j-1]) / 2) # newYMax.append(ym[0]) # newXMin.append(xn[j]) # newYMin.append(yn[j]) j = j + 1 # lastPoint = ADD_MIN else: if i < len(_max) and lastPoint == ADD_MIN: #...min, [max]. newXMax.append(xm[i]) newYMax.append(ym[i]) i = i + 1 lastPoint = ADD_MAX elif j < len(_min) and lastPoint == ADD_MAX and (ym[i-1] - yn[j]) > yTh: #...max, [min] : Make a max after it newXMin.append(xn[j]) newYMin.append(yn[j]) newXMax.append(X[-1]) newYMax.append(smoothY[-1]) j = j + 1 lastPoint = ADD_MAX # plot(newXMax, newYMax, 'r*', markersize = 10) # plot(newXMin, newYMin, 'k*', markersize = 10) # print fi meanDist = np.mean(newYMin) stdDist = np.std(newYMin) targetDist = meanDist + stdDist * paramD print 'Dist: mean:{}, std:{}'.format(str(meanDist), str(stdDist)) clickTimes = getClickTimes(X, smoothY, newXMin, targetDist) meanTime = np.mean(clickTimes) stdTime = np.std(clickTimes) targetTime = meanTime + stdTime * paramT print 'Time: mean:{}, std:{}'.format(str(meanTime), str(stdTime)) return targetDist, targetTime * 1000
def capture(self): #Initialization of parameters contDist=0 inrange=0 red = (255,0,0,120) green = (0,255,0) blue = (0,0,255) darkBlue = (0,0,128) white = (255,255,255) black = (0,0,0) yellow = (255,255,0) gray= (205,200, 177) rpt=[ [0,0] for i in range(4)] X=0 Y=0 t=[] ir_x=[] ir_y=[] ir_s=[] t_i = time.time() m = PyMouse() k = PyKeyboard() running=False buff=[[],[]] maxBuff=20 buff[0]=q.miniQueue(maxBuff) buff[1]=q.miniQueue(maxBuff) gestures=[[6,2,8,2,8],[9,3,9]] gestures=[ [str(i2) for i2 in i]for i in gestures] #recording flags rec_flg =0 flg=True mouse_flg=0 click_flg=0 doubleClick_flg=0 drag_flg=0 dragX=0 dragY=0 wait_flg=0 timeHold=80 #in milliseconds #calibration mouseModeValue=80 clickValue=80 lagValue=100 calibration=False mouseModeCalib=False startMouseModeCalib=False clickingCalib=False startClickModeCalib=False mouseModeCalibList=[] clickingCalibList=[] rightClickValue=180 #Gesture gestureRightThreshHold=1000 gestureLeftThreshHold=300 gestureDownThreshHold=720 gestureUpThreshHold=400 gesture_flg_UD=0 gesture_flg_DU=0 gesture_flg_LR=0 gesture_flg_RL=0 #Check inrange LED1=[] LED2=[] LED3=[] LED4=[] rptList=[] #Intialization of GUI os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_iWINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (0,0) pygame.init() myfont=pygame.font.SysFont("monospace",15) calibFont=pygame.font.SysFont(",monospace",20) #the default cursor DEFAULT_CURSOR = mouse.get_cursor() #the hand cursor _HAND_CURSOR = ( " XX ", " X..X ", " X..X ", " X..X ", " X..XXXXX ", " X..X..X.XX ", " XX X..X..X.X.X ", "X..XX.........X ", "X...X.........X ", " X.....X.X.X..X ", " X....X.X.X..X ", " X....X.X.X.X ", " X...X.X.X.X ", " X.......X ", " X....X.X ", " XXXXX XX ") _HCURS, _HMASK = pygame.cursors.compile(_HAND_CURSOR, ".", "X") HAND_CURSOR = ((16, 16), (5, 1), _HCURS, _HMASK) infoObject = pygame.display.Info() width=infoObject.current_w height=infoObject.current_h screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width/2,height/2)) #screen=pygame.display.set_mode((1200/3,760/3)) print('press "c" to calibrate, then') print('press "r" to start recording') while flg==True: if calibration: #do calibration newList=self.findDegrees(rpt) #[(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex, tipIndexAngle, kIndex,kIndexAngle=self.indexData(newList) tipThumb,tipThumbAngle,kThumb,kThumbAngle=self.thumbData(newList) averageX,averageY=self.centerFind(rpt) #GUI section screen.fill(black) #Drawing the Circles, yellow, (rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3),10), red, (rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3),10), green, (rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),10), blue, (rpt[kThumb][0]/3,rpt[kThumb][1]/3),10), white, (averageX/3,averageY/3),10) mouseModeDistance=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[tipIndex][0]],\ [rpt[tipIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) clickingDistance=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[kIndex][0]],\ [rpt[kIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, gray, (0,5,500,60)) if not (mouseModeCalib or startClickModeCalib or startMouseModeCalib or clickingCalib): Calib1=calibFont.render("Press H to start",1,black) screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) if startMouseModeCalib and not mouseModeCalib: Calib1=calibFont.render("Tap tip of thumb and tip of index",1,black) screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to complete",1,black) screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) pygame.draw.line(screen,white,(rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),(rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3),5 ) mouseModeCalibList.append(mouseModeDistance[0]) if startClickModeCalib and not clickingCalib: Calib1=calibFont.render("Tap tip of thumb and knuckle of index",1,black) screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press H to complete",1,black) screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) pygame.draw.line(screen,white,(rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),(rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3),5 ) clickingCalibList.append(clickingDistance[0]) if mouseModeCalib and clickingCalib: calibrationDone=1 Calib1=calibFont.render("Calibration Completed",1,black) screen.blit(Calib1,(0,15)) Calib2=calibFont.render("Press r to start recording",1,black) screen.blit(Calib2,(0,35)) #Recording if rec_flg==1: newList=self.findDegrees(rpt) #[(theta1,i1),(theta2,i2)....)] tipIndex, tipIndexAngle, kIndex,kIndexAngle=self.indexData(newList) tipThumb,tipThumbAngle,kThumb,kThumbAngle=self.thumbData(newList) averageX,averageY=self.centerFind(rpt) #GUI section screen.fill(black) #Drawing the Circles, yellow, (rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3),10), red, (rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3),10), green, (rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3),10), blue, (rpt[kThumb][0]/3,rpt[kThumb][1]/3),10), white, (averageX/3,averageY/3),10) #Drawing the Information Text ITLabel=myfont.render( "IndexTip"+" "+str(tipIndexAngle),1,(25,255,255)) screen.blit(ITLabel,(rpt[tipIndex][0]/3,rpt[tipIndex][1]/3)) IKLabel=myfont.render( "IndexKnuck"+" "+str(kIndexAngle) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(IKLabel,(rpt[kIndex][0]/3,rpt[kIndex][1]/3)) TTLabel=myfont.render( "ThumbTip"+" "+str(tipThumbAngle) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(TTLabel,(rpt[tipThumb][0]/3,rpt[tipThumb][1]/3)) TKLabel=myfont.render( "ThumbKnuck"+" "+str(kThumbAngle) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(TKLabel,(rpt[kThumb][0]/3,rpt[kThumb][1]/3)) speedLabel=myfont.render("Increase:z, Decrease:x",1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(speedLabel,(0,65)) mouseLabel=myfont.render("Mouse:"+" "+str(mouseModeValue) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(mouseLabel,(0,80)) clickLabel=myfont.render("Click:"+" "+str(clickValue) ,1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(clickLabel,(0,95)) #Mouse Events #Drawing the mode if mouse_flg: MouseKeyboard=myfont.render( "Mouse mode",1,(255,255,255)) else: MouseKeyboard=myfont.render( "Keyboard mode",1,(255,255,255)) screen.blit(MouseKeyboard,(0,50)) #Distance for switching modes dista=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[tipIndex][0]],\ [rpt[tipIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) #Distance for clicking - thumb tip to index knuckle distClick=fun.distanceVec(\ [rpt[kIndex][0]],\ [rpt[kIndex][1]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][0]],\ [rpt[tipThumb][1]]) #Switching Modes if 10<=dista[0]<=mouseModeValue and inrange==1: contDist+=1 if contDist>=timeHold and mouse_flg==0 and drag_flg==0: print('Mouse mode activated') mouse_flg=1 contDist=0 mouse.set_cursor(*HAND_CURSOR) if contDist>=timeHold and mouse_flg==1 and drag_flg==0: print('Mouse mode deactivated') mouse_flg=0 contDist=0 mouse.set_cursor(*DEFAULT_CURSOR) #Adjusting MaxBuff with respect to thumbtip and index knuckle if mouse_flg: a=40*clickValue maxBuff=a/distClick[0] if maxBuff<20: maxBuff=20 elif maxBuff>40: maxBuff=40 #Clicking if distClick[0]<clickValue and inrange and mouse_flg and not click_flg: click_flg=1 stime=time.time()[0].mean(),buff[1].mean()) dragX, dragY=buff[0].mean(),buff[1].mean() print('Click') print distClick[0] if (click_flg and (time.time()-stime)*1000>=lagValue and not drag_flg): #so its been 1/2 second, if (distClick[0]>=clickValue): #if finger is up, then delete flag. Else click_flg=0 drag_flg=0 print("reset") print distClick[0] elif ((dragX-buff[0].mean()>5) or (dragY-buff[1].mean()>5)): #Drag situation,dragY) drag_flg=1 print ("dragging") print distClick[0] if drag_flg and distClick[0]>=int(1.2*clickValue): #released the drag drag_flg=0 m.release(buff[0].mean(),buff[1].mean()) dragX,dragY=0,0 print("release drag") print distClick[0] #right click needs improvement #tried using the thumb #if mouse_flg and rightClick[0]>rightClickValue: #[0].mean(),buff[1].mean(),2) #Gestures #The gesture bounds # pygame.draw.line(screen,white, (gestureRightThreshHold/3,0),(gestureRightThreshHold/3,800)) # pygame.draw.line(screen,red, (gestureLeftThreshHold/3,0),(gestureLeftThreshHold/3,800)) # pygame.draw.line(screen,blue, (0,gestureDownThreshHold/3),(10000,gestureDownThreshHold/3)) # pygame.draw.line(screen,yellow, (0,gestureUpThreshHold/3),(10000,gestureUpThreshHold/3)) #Swipe Right to Left if self.allAboveGestureRight(rpt,gestureRightThreshHold) and not gesture_flg_RL: gestureTime=time.time() gesture_flg_RL=1 print("ready to gesture") if gesture_flg_RL and (time.time()-gestureTime)<1: if self.allAboveGestureLeft(rpt, gestureLeftThreshHold): k.press_key(k.control_key) k.press_key(k.alt_key) k.press_key(k.left_key) k.release_key(k.control_key) k.release_key(k.alt_key) k.release_key(k.left_key) gesture_flg_RL=0 #Swipe Left to Right if self.allAboveGestureLeft(rpt,gestureLeftThreshHold) and not gesture_flg_LR: gestureTime=time.time() gesture_flg_LR=1 print("ready to gesture") if gesture_flg_LR and (time.time()-gestureTime)<1: if self.allAboveGestureRight(rpt, gestureRightThreshHold): k.press_key(k.control_key) k.press_key(k.alt_key) k.press_key(k.right_key) k.release_key(k.control_key) k.release_key(k.alt_key) k.release_key(k.right_key) gesture_flg_LR=0 #Swipe Down to Up if self.allAboveGestureDown(rpt,gestureDownThreshHold) and not gesture_flg_DU: gestureTime=time.time() gesture_flg_DU=1 print("ready to gesture") if gesture_flg_DU and (time.time()-gestureTime)<1: if self.allAboveGestureUp(rpt, gestureUpThreshHold): k.press_key(k.control_key) k.press_key(k.alt_key) k.press_key(k.up_key) k.release_key(k.control_key) k.release_key(k.alt_key) k.release_key(k.up_key) gesture_flg_DU=0 #Swipe Up to Down if self.allAboveGestureUp(rpt,gestureUpThreshHold) and not gesture_flg_UD: gestureTime=time.time() gesture_flg_UD=1 print("ready to gesture") if gesture_flg_UD and (time.time()-gestureTime)<1: if self.allAboveGestureDown(rpt, gestureDownThreshHold): k.press_key(k.control_key) k.press_key(k.alt_key) k.press_key(k.down_key) k.release_key(k.control_key) k.release_key(k.alt_key) k.release_key(k.down_key) gesture_flg_UD=0 if gesture_flg_RL and (time.time()-gestureTime)>=1: gesture_flg_RL=0 if gesture_flg_LR and (time.time()-gestureTime)>=1: gesture_flg_LR=0 if gesture_flg_UD and (time.time()-gestureTime)>=1: gesture_flg_UD=0 if gesture_flg_DU and (time.time()-gestureTime)>=1: gesture_flg_DU=0 #Capturing keyboard events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type==KEYDOWN: if event.key==pygame.K_r: #start recording rec_flg=1 calibration=False elif event.key==pygame.K_c: #start calibration calibration=1 elif event.key==pygame.K_s: #pauses the recording rec_flg=False break elif event.key==pygame.K_q: #quits entirely flg=False break if rec_flg: #if recording, can change the lag time if event.key==pygame.K_z: lagValue+=100 elif event.key==pygame.K_x: lagValue-=100 #Mouse events for calibration mode if calibration: if not mouseModeCalib: if not startMouseModeCalib and event.key==pygame.K_h: startMouseModeCalib=True elif startMouseModeCalib and event.key==pygame.K_h: mouseModeCalib=True while min(mouseModeCalibList)<50: mouseModeCalibList.remove(min(mouseModeCalibList)) mouseModeValue=int(1.2*min(mouseModeCalibList)) mouseModeCalib=True if mouseModeCalib: if not startClickModeCalib and event.key==pygame.K_h: startClickModeCalib=True elif startClickModeCalib and event.key==pygame.K_h: while min(clickingCalibList)<30: clickingCalibList.remove(min(clickingCalibList)) clickValue=int(1.2*min(clickingCalibList)) clickingCalib=True if event.type==QUIT: flg=False pygame.quit() break #Capturing wii data messages = self.wii.get_mesg() for mesg in messages: # Loop through Wiimote Messages if mesg[0] == cwiid.MESG_IR: # If message is IR data #while recording data if rec_flg == 1 or calibration: # If recording cont=-1 for s in mesg[1]: # Loop through IR LED sources cont+=1 if s: # If a source exists t.append(time.time()-t_i) rpt[cont][0]=(1200-s['pos'][0]) rpt[cont][1]=s['pos'][1] #Check inrange newRpt=copy.deepcopy(rpt) rptList.append(newRpt) inrange, LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4=self.rangeChecker(rptList, LED1, LED2,LED3,LED4) #while in mouse mode if mouse_flg==1: X=rpt[tipIndex][0] mouseX=(X-600)*width/400 Y=rpt[tipIndex][1] mouseY=(Y-150)*height/290 """Currently we have the setting such that if there is a single LED that is out of range then the mouse wont move. The problem with this is that the range of the mouse gets limited, and some places (such as corners) are difficult/impossible to click. If we eliminate the if statement then this problem won't exist, but then it may start to recognize the knuckle LED as the tip and vice versa. So this is a give or take until we have a better filtering method.""" if inrange: buff[0].put(mouseX) buff[1].put(mouseY) smoothX=np.mean(fun.smooth(buff[0].data, window_len=len(buff[0].data))) smoothY=np.mean(fun.smooth(buff[1].data, window_len=len(buff[1].data))) m.move(smoothX,smoothY) #I can also control using the wiimote elif mesg[0] == cwiid.MESG_BTN: # If Message is Button data if mesg[1] & cwiid.BTN_PLUS: # Start Recording rec_flg = 1 print "Recording..." elif mesg[1] & cwiid.BTN_MINUS: # Stop Recording flg=False break pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()