def LFT_MHFT_sensitivity_calculator(Freq=Freq, DC=DC, CR =CR, CT=CT, Pfac= Pfac, T_bath=T_bath, T_baf=T_baf, T_fil=T_fil, T_FPhood=T_FPhood, T_apt_LFT=T_apt_LFT, T_apt_MFT=T_apt_MFT, T_apt_HFT=T_apt_HFT, T_hwp_LFT=T_hwp_LFT, T_hwp_HFT=T_hwp_HFT, det_eff_LFT=det_eff_LFT,  det_eff_HFT=det_eff_HFT):

    t=3.*365.*24.*60.*60.*DC*CR*CT;# 3 years ovservation time including cosmic ray loss (CR), contingency (CT) and observation duty cycle (DC)

    ####################### LFT noise calculation ############################
    p_opt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    nep_opt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    dpdt_arr = np.zeros(num)

#    print "Freq [GHz] , Popt [pW] , NEPph [aW/rtHz] , NEPg [aW/rtHz] , NEPread [aW/rtHz] , NEPint [aW/rtHz] , NEPext [aW/rtHz] , NEPdet [aW/rtHz] , NETdet [microK/rtHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] "

    for i in range(0,m1):
        for j in range(0,n1):
            freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqLFT[i][j],bandLFT[i][j])
            hwp_eff = hwp_eff_LFT[i][j]
            spill_fp = Spill_fp[i][j] #Spillover at FP hood
            spill_as = Spill_as[i][j] #Spillover at aperture stop
            spill_ts = Spill_ts[i][j] #Spillover at telescope shield
            spill_hm = Spill_hm[i][j] #Spillover at HWP mount
            apt_eff = Apt_eff[i][j]
            for k in range(0,num):
                freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num-1)
                pm_emiss, pm_eff, pm_loss = f.Mirror(freq*1.e9, rho, epsilon, rms)
                sm_emiss, sm_eff, sm_loss = f.Mirror(freq*1.e9, rho, epsilon, rms)
                fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq*1.e9, ref_fil)
                ref_len = 0.05
                len_emiss, len_eff = f.Trm(t_len, n_len, tan_len, freq*1.e9, ref_len)

                p_cmb = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*pm_eff*sm_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]

                p_hwp = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_LFT)*hwp_emiss_LFT[i][j]*apt_eff*pm_eff*sm_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hwp_ref = f.BB(freq*1.e9,Tr_hwp)*ref_hwp_LFT[i][j]*apt_eff*pm_eff*sm_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hwp = p_hwp + p_hwp_ref

                p_pm = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_mir)*pm_emiss*sm_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_pm_ref = f.BB(freq*1.e9,Tr_mir)*pm_loss*sm_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_pm = p_pm + p_pm_ref

                p_sm = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_mir)*sm_emiss*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_sm_ref = f.BB(freq*1.e9,Tr_mir)*sm_loss*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_sm = p_sm + p_sm_ref

                p_fp =  f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_FPhood)*spill_fp*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_as = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_LFT)*spill_as*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_ts =  f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_baf)*spill_ts*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hm =  f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_LFT)*spill_hm*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil)*fil_emiss*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil_ref = f.BB(freq*1.e9,Tr_fil)*ref_fil*det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil = p_fil + p_fil_ref
                p_det = f.BB(freq*1.e9,Tr_det)*(1-det_eff_LFT[i][j])
                p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp +  p_pm + p_sm + p_fp + p_as + p_ts + p_hm + p_fil + p_det 

                eff = hwp_eff*apt_eff*pm_eff*sm_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_LFT[i][j]*pol_hwp_LFT[i][j]*df_LFT[i][j]
                p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt
                nep_opt = 2.*p_opt*f.h*freq*1.e9 + 2.*p_opt**2.
                nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt
                dpdt = f.dPdT(freq*1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
                dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num*1.e12 # in unit of pW

            Psat = Pfac*Popt    
            NEPopt =np.sqrt(np.sum(nep_opt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num)*1.e18 # in unit of aW
            NEPth = np.sqrt(4.*k_b*Psat*1.e-12*T_bath*(3.+1.)**2./(2.*3.+3.)*(1.71**(2.*3.+3.)-1.)/((1.71**(3.+1.)-1.)**2.))*1.e18
            NEPread = np.sqrt(Popt/0.5)*3.5
            NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
            NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32)*np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
            NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
            DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num
            NETdet = NEPdet*1.e-18/np.sqrt(2.)/DPDT*1.e6 # in unit of microK
            NETarrLFT[i][j] = NETdet/np.sqrt(2.*npixLFT[i][j]*0.8)  

#            print round(freqLFT[i][j],2)," , ",round(Popt,8)," , ",round(NEPopt,8)," , ",round(NEPth,8)," , ",round(NEPread,8)," , ",round(NEPint,8)," , ",round(NEPext,8)," , ",round(NEPdet,8)," , ",round(NETdet,8)," , ",round(NETarrLFT[i][j],8)

####################### MFT noise calculation ############################


    for j in range(0,n3):

        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freq_MFT[j],band_MFT[j])

        for k in range(0,num):
            freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num)
            hwp_eff = 1.- hwp_emiss_MFT[j] - ref_hwp_MFT[j]
            apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpix_MFT[j]*1.e-3, bf_MFT[j], Fnum_MFT[j], freq*1.e9)
            #apt_eff = apt_eff_MFT[j]

            L1_eff = 1. - emiss_L1_MFT[j] - ref_L1_MFT[j]
            L2_eff = 1. - emiss_L2_MFT[j] - ref_L2_MFT[j]

            fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil_MFT, n_fil_MFT, tan_fil_MFT, freq*1.e9, ref_fil_MFT)

            p_cmb = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j] # 

            # HWP => BB20KxE_HWP + [%BB5K + BB 5KxE_L1+BB5KxE_HWPxR_L1]xR_HWP
            p_hwp = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_MFT)*hwp_emiss_MFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_hwp_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_MFT)*emiss_L1_MFT[j]+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_MFT)*hwp_emiss_MFT[j]*apt_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_MFT)*apt_spill_MFT[j])*ref_L1_MFT[j])*ref_hwp_MFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_hwp = p_hwp + p_hwp_ref

            #p_apt = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_MFT)*apt_emiss*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_apt = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_MFT)*apt_spill_MFT[j]*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]

            #L1 => BB5Kx(E_L1+L1_Spill)+[BB5KxL1_Spill+BB5KxE_L2+(CMBxTr+BB5KxE_L1xTr+BB20KxE_HWPxTr+BB5KxE_CASxTr)xR_L2]xR_L1
            p_L1 = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_MFT)*(emiss_L1_MFT[j]+L1_spill_MFT[j])*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_L1_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_abs_MFT)*L1_spill_MFT[j]+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L2_MFT)*emiss_L2_MFT[j]+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_MFT)*hwp_emiss_MFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_MFT)*apt_spill_MFT[j]*L1_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_MFT)*emiss_L1_MFT[j])*ref_L2_MFT[j])*ref_L1_MFT[j]*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_L1 = p_L1 + p_L1_ref
            #L2 => BB5Kx(E_L2+L2_Spill) + [BB2KxL2_Spill+BB2KxE_Fil + (CMBxTr + BB5KxE_L1xTr + BB5KxE_L2xTr + BB20KxE_HWPxTr + BB5KxE_CASxTr)xR_Fil]xR_L2
            p_L2 = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L2_MFT)*(emiss_L2_MFT[j]+L2_spill_MFT[j])*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_L2_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hood_MFT)*L2_spill_MFT[j]+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil_MFT)*fil_emiss+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_MFT)*hwp_emiss_MFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_MFT)*apt_spill_MFT[j]*L1_eff*L2_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_MFT)*emiss_L1_MFT[j]*L2_eff)*ref_fil_MFT)*ref_L2_MFT[j]*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_L2 = p_L2 + p_L2_ref

            #Fil => BB2KxFil +[BB0.1KxE_Len + %BB2K + (CMBxTr + BB5KxE_L1xTr + BB5KxE_L2xTr + BB20KxE_HWPxTr + BB5KxE_CASxTr)xR_FLen]xR_Fil
            p_fil = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil_MFT)*fil_emiss*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_fil_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hood_MFT)*spill_2Khood_MFT[j]+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_MFT)*hwp_emiss_MFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_MFT)*apt_spill_MFT[j]*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_MFT)*emiss_L1_MFT[j]*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L2_MFT)*emiss_L2_MFT[j]*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil_MFT)*fil_emiss)*ref_len_MFT)*ref_fil_MFT*det_eff_MFT[j]
            p_fil = p_fil + p_fil_ref

            p_det = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_bath_MFT)*(1-det_eff_MFT[j])

            p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_apt + p_L1 + p_L2 + p_fil + p_det 
            p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt

            eff = hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_MFT[j]*pol_hwp_MFT[j]

            nep_opt = 2.*p_opt*f.h*freq*1.e9 + 2.*p_opt**2.
            nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt

            dpdt = f.dPdT(freq*1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
            dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            # if(freq_MFT[j] == freq):
            #     print ("p_hwp=",p_hwp,"p_apt=",p_apt,"p_L1=",p_L1,"p_L2=",p_L2,"p_fil=",p_fil,"p_det=",p_det, "p_opt=",p_opt)

        Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num*1.e12 # in unit of pW
        Psat = Pfac*Popt
        NEPopt =np.sqrt(np.sum(nep_opt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num)*1.e18 # in unit of aW
        NEPth = np.sqrt(4.*k_b*Psat*1.e-12*T_bath_MFT*(3.+1.)**2./(2.*3.+3.)*(1.71**(2.*3.+3.)-1.)/((1.71**(3.+1.)-1.)**2.))*1.e18
        NEPread = np.sqrt(Popt/0.5)*3.5
        NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
        NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32)*np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
        NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
        DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num
        NETdet = NEPdet*1.e-18/np.sqrt(2.)/DPDT*1.e6 # in unit of microK
        NETarrMFT[j] = NETdet/np.sqrt(2.*npix_MFT[j]*0.8)  

####################### HFT noise calculation ############################


    for j in range(0,n2):

        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freq_HFT[j],band_HFT[j])

        for k in range(0,num):
            freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num)
            hwp_eff = 1.- hwp_emiss_HFT[j] - ref_hwp_HFT[j]
            apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpix_HFT[j]*1.e-3, bf_HFT[j], Fnum_HFT[j], freq*1.e9)
            #apt_eff = apt_eff_HFT[j]

            L1_eff = 1. - emiss_L1_HFT[j] - ref_L1_HFT[j]
            L2_eff = 1. - emiss_L2_HFT[j] - ref_L2_HFT[j]

            fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil_HFT, n_fil_HFT, tan_fil_HFT, freq*1.e9, ref_fil_HFT)

            p_cmb = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j] # 

            # HWP => BB20KxE_HWP + [%BB5K + BB 5KxE_L1+BB5KxE_HWPxR_L1]xR_HWP
            p_hwp = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_HFT)*hwp_emiss_HFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_hwp_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_HFT)*emiss_L1_HFT[j]+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_HFT)*hwp_emiss_HFT[j]*apt_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_HFT)*apt_spill_HFT[j])*ref_L1_HFT[j])*ref_hwp_HFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_hwp = p_hwp + p_hwp_ref

            #p_apt = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_HFT)*apt_emiss*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_apt = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_HFT)*apt_spill_HFT[j]*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]

            #L1 => BB5KxE_L1+[BB5KxE_L2+%BB5K+(CMBxTr+BB5KxE_L1xTr+BB20KxE_HWPxTr+BB5KxE_CASxTr)xR_L2]xR_L1
            p_L1 = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_HFT)*(emiss_L1_HFT[j]+L1_spill_HFT[j])*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_L1_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_abs_HFT)*L1_spill_HFT[j]+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L2_HFT)*emiss_L2_HFT[j]+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_HFT)*hwp_emiss_HFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_HFT)*apt_spill_HFT[j]*L1_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_HFT)*emiss_L1_HFT[j])*ref_L2_HFT[j])*ref_L1_HFT[j]*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_L1 = p_L1 + p_L1_ref
            #L2 => BB5KxE_L2 + [BB2KxE_Fil + + %BB2K + (CMBxTr + BB5KxE_L1xTr + BB5KxE_L2xTr + BB20KxE_HWPxTr + BB5KxE_CASxTr)xR_Fil]xR_L2
            p_L2 = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L2_HFT)*(emiss_L2_HFT[j]+L2_spill_HFT[j])*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_L2_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hood_HFT)*L2_spill_HFT[j]+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil_HFT)*fil_emiss+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_HFT)*hwp_emiss_HFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_HFT)*apt_spill_HFT[j]*L1_eff*L2_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_HFT)*emiss_L1_HFT[j]*L2_eff)*ref_fil_HFT)*ref_L2_HFT[j]*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_L2 = p_L2 + p_L2_ref

            #Fil => BB2KxFil +[BB0.1KxE_Len + %BB2K + (CMBxTr + BB5KxE_L1xTr + BB5KxE_L2xTr + BB20KxE_HWPxTr + BB5KxE_CASxTr)xR_FLen]xR_Fil
            p_fil = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil_HFT)*fil_emiss*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_fil_ref = (f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hood_HFT)*spill_2Khood_HFT[j]+(f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_cmb)*hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_hwp_HFT)*hwp_emiss_HFT[j]*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_apt_HFT)*apt_spill_HFT[j]*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L1_HFT)*emiss_L1_HFT[j]*L2_eff*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_L2_HFT)*emiss_L2_HFT[j]*fil_eff+f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_fil_HFT)*fil_emiss)*ref_len_HFT)*ref_fil_HFT*det_eff_HFT[j]
            p_fil = p_fil + p_fil_ref

            p_det = f.BB(freq*1.e9,T_bath_HFT)*(1-det_eff_HFT[j])

            p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_apt + p_L1 + p_L2 + p_fil + p_det 
            p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt

            eff = hwp_eff*apt_eff*L1_eff*L2_eff*fil_eff*det_eff_HFT[j]*pol_hwp_HFT[j]

            nep_opt = 2.*p_opt*f.h*freq*1.e9 + 2.*p_opt**2.
            nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt

            dpdt = f.dPdT(freq*1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
            dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            # if(freq_HFT[j] == freq):
            #     print ("p_hwp=",p_hwp,"p_apt=",p_apt,"p_L1=",p_L1,"p_L2=",p_L2,"p_fil=",p_fil,"p_det=",p_det, "p_opt=",p_opt)

        Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num*1.e12 # in unit of pW
        Psat = Pfac*Popt
        NEPopt =np.sqrt(np.sum(nep_opt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num)*1.e18 # in unit of aW
        NEPth = np.sqrt(4.*k_b*Psat*1.e-12*T_bath_HFT*(3.+1.)**2./(2.*3.+3.)*(1.71**(2.*3.+3.)-1.)/((1.71**(3.+1.)-1.)**2.))*1.e18
        NEPread = np.sqrt(Popt/0.5)*3.5
        NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
        NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32)*np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
        NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
        DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr)*(freq_h-freq_l)*1.e9/num
        NETdet = NEPdet*1.e-18/np.sqrt(2.)/DPDT*1.e6 # in unit of microK
        NETarrHFT[j] = NETdet/np.sqrt(2.*npix_HFT[j]*0.8)  

    NETarr = np.zeros(15)        
    NETarr[0]= NETarrLFT[0][0]; #40 GHz
    NETarr[1]= NETarrLFT[1][0]; #50 GHz
    NETarr[2]= NETarrLFT[0][1]; #60 GHz
    NETarr[3]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrLFT[1][1],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrLFT[2][0],2.)));#68 GHz
    NETarr[4]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrLFT[0][2],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrLFT[3][0],2.)));#78 GHz
    NETarr[5]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrLFT[1][2],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrLFT[2][1],2.)));#89 GHz
    NETarr[6]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrLFT[3][1],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrMFT[0],2.)));#100 GHz
    NETarr[7]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrLFT[2][2],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrMFT[1],2.)));#119 GHz
    NETarr[8]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrLFT[3][2],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrMFT[2],2.)));#140 GHz

    NETarr[9]= NETarrMFT[3];#166 GHz
    NETarr[10]= np.sqrt(1./(1./pow(NETarrMFT[4],2.) + 1./pow(NETarrHFT[0],2.)));#195 GHz
    NETarr[11]= NETarrHFT[1];#235 GHz
    NETarr[12]= NETarrHFT[2];#280 GHz
    NETarr[13]= NETarrHFT[3];#335 GHz
    NETarr[14]= NETarrHFT[4];#402 GHz

    Sensitivity =  f.Sigma( NETarr, t);
    Sum_sens = 0

    print ("Freq [GHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] , Sensitivity [microK -arcmin]")

    for i in range (0,15):
        Sum_sens = Sum_sens + 1./(Sensitivity[i]**2.) 
        print (Freq[i]," , ",round(NETarr[i],2)," , ",round(Sensitivity[i],2))
    Ave_sens = np.sqrt(1./Sum_sens)   

    print ("Averaged_sensitivity = ",round(Ave_sens,2))

    print ("T_HWP= [",T_hwp_LFT,T_hwp_HFT,T_hwp_MFT,"] K,", "T_stop= [",T_apt_LFT,T_apt_MFT, T_apt_HFT,"] K, Duty cycle= ",DC," T_bath= ",T_bath)

    return Freq, Sensitivity
Пример #2
def LFT_MHFT_sensitivity_calculator(Freq=Freq,

    t = 3. * 365. * 24. * 60. * 60. * DC * CR * CT
    # 3 years ovservation time including cosmic ray loss (CR), contingency (CT) and observation duty cycle (DC)

    ####################### LFT noise calculation ############################
    p_opt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_cmb_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_apt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_hwp_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_lens_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_len_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_fil_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_ts_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_fb_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_hm_arr = np.zeros(num)
    nep_opt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    dpdt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    NETarrLFT = ([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])

    print "Freq [GHz] , Popt [pW] , NEPph [aW/rtHz] , NEPg [aW/rtHz] , NEPread [aW/rtHz] , NEPint [aW/rtHz] , NEPext [aW/rtHz] , NEPdet [aW/rtHz] , NETdet [microK/rtHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] "

    for i in range(0, m1):
        for j in range(0, n1):
            freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqLFT[i][j], bandLFT[i][j])
            hwp_eff = 1. - hwp_emiss_LFT[i][j] - ref_hwp_LFT[i][j]
            spill_ts = Spill_ts[i][j]  #Spillover at telescope shield
            spill_fb = Spill_fb[i][j]  #Spillover at forebaffle
            spill_hm = Spill_hm[i][j]  #Spillover at HWP mount
            apt_eff = Apt_eff[i][j]

            for k in range(0, num):
                freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / (num - 1)
                #freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/num
                eff_apt, spill_apt = f.Aperture(
                    dpixLFT[i][j] * 1e-3, bf_LFT, F_LFT,
                    freq * 1.e9) - apt_eff  #Spillover at cold aperture stop

                if (Spill_ts[i][j] - spill_apt >= 0.):
                    spill_ts = Spill_ts[i][j] - spill_apt
                    spill_ts = 0.

                pm_emiss, pm_eff, pm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
                sm_emiss, sm_eff, sm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
                fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq * 1.e9,
                ref_len = 0.05
                len_emiss, len_eff = f.Trm(t_len, n_len, tan_len, freq * 1.e9,

                p_cmb = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_cmb
                ) * hwp_eff * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[

                p_hwp = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_LFT) * hwp_emiss_LFT[i][
                    j] * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[
                p_hwp_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, Tr_hwp) * ref_hwp_LFT[i][
                    j] * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[
                p_hwp = p_hwp + p_hwp_ref

                p_fb = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_baf
                ) * spill_fb * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[
                p_pm = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_mir
                ) * pm_emiss * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_pm_ref = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, Tr_mir
                ) * pm_loss * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_pm = p_pm + p_pm_ref

                p_sm = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    T_mir) * sm_emiss * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_sm_ref = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    Tr_mir) * sm_loss * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_sm = p_sm + p_sm_ref

                p_apt = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_apt_LFT
                ) * spill_apt * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_ts = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    T_baf) * spill_ts * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hm = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_LFT
                ) * spill_hm * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]

                p_fil = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                             T_fil) * fil_emiss * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil_ref = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    Tr_fil) * ref_fil * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil = p_fil + p_fil_ref

                p_len = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                             T_len) * len_emiss * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_len_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                                 Tr_len) * ref_len * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_len = p_len + p_len_ref

                p_det = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_bath) * (1 - det_eff_LFT[i][j])

                p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_apt + p_fb + p_pm + p_sm + p_ts + p_hm + p_fil + p_len + p_det

                eff = hwp_eff * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_LFT[
                    i][j] * pol_hwp_LFT[i][j] * df_LFT[i][j]
                p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt
                p_cmb_arr[k] = p_cmb
                p_hwp_arr[k] = p_hwp
                p_apt_arr[k] = p_apt
                p_lens_arr[k] = p_pm + p_sm
                p_fil_arr[k] = p_fil
                p_len_arr[k] = p_len
                p_ts_arr[k] = p_ts
                p_fb_arr[k] = p_fb
                p_hm_arr[k] = p_hm

                nep_opt = 2. * p_opt * f.h * freq * 1.e9 + 2. * p_opt**2.
                nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt
                dpdt = f.dPdT(freq * 1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
                dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

                #if(freq == freqLFT[i][j]):
                # print round(freqLFT[i][j],2)," , ",round(spill_apt,3)," , ",round(spill_ts,3)," , ",round(spill_fb,3)," , ",round(spill_hm,3)," , ",round(apt_eff,3)
                # print round(freqLFT[i][j],2)," , ",round(hwp_eff,3)," , ",round(spill_apt,3)," , ",round(spill_ts,3)," , ",round(spill_fb,3)," , ",round(spill_hm,3)," , ",round(apt_eff,3)," ,",round(pm_eff,8)," , ",round(sm_eff,8)," , ",round(fil_eff,8)," , ",round(len_eff,8)," , ",round(det_eff_LFT[i][j],3)," , ",round(pol_hwp_LFT[i][j],3)," , ",round(df_LFT[i][j],3)

            Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Pcmb = np.sum(p_cmb_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Phwp = np.sum(p_hwp_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Papt = np.sum(p_apt_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Plens = np.sum(p_lens_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Pfil = np.sum(p_fil_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Plen = np.sum(p_len_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Phm = np.sum(p_hm_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW

            Psat = 2.5 * Popt

            NEPopt = np.sqrt(
                np.sum(nep_opt_arr) *
                (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num) * 1.e18  # in unit of aW
            NEPth = np.sqrt(4. * k_b * Psat * 1.e-12 * T_bath * (3. + 1.)**2. /
                            (2. * 3. + 3.) * (1.71**(2. * 3. + 3.) - 1.) /
                            ((1.71**(3. + 1.) - 1.)**2.)) * 1.e18
            NEPread = np.sqrt(0.21 * (NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2.))
            NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
            NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32) * np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
            NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
            DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num
            NETdet = NEPdet * 1.e-18 / np.sqrt(
                2.) / DPDT * 1.e6  # in unit of microK
            NETarrLFT[i][j] = NETdet / np.sqrt(2. * npixLFT[i][j] * 0.8)

            print round(freqLFT[i][j], 2), " , ", round(Popt, 8), " , ", round(
                NEPopt, 8), " , ", round(NEPth, 8), " , ", round(
                    NEPread, 8), " , ", round(NEPint, 8), " , ", round(
                        NEPext, 8), " , ", round(NEPdet, 8), " , ", round(
                            NETdet, 8), " , ", round(NETarrLFT[i][j], 8)

    ####################### MHFT noise calculation ############################

    NETarrHFT = ([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])

    for i in range(0, m2):
        for j in range(0, n2):

            freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqHFT[i][j], bandHFT[i][j])

            for k in range(0, num):
                freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / (num - 1)
                hwp_eff = 1. - hwp_emiss_HFT[i][j] - ref_hwp_HFT[i][j]

                apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpixHFT[i][j] * 1.e-3,
                                                bf_HFT[i][j], Fnum_HFT[i][j],
                                                freq * 1.e9)

                pm_emiss = emiss_L1[i][j]
                sm_emiss = emiss_L2[i][j]
                pm_eff = 1. - pm_emiss - ref_L1[i][j]
                sm_eff = 1. - sm_emiss - ref_L2[i][j]

                fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq * 1.e9,

                if (i == 0):  # lens coupled detetor
                    len_emiss, len_eff = f.Trm(t_len, n_len, tan_len,
                                               freq * 1.e9, ref_len)
                    ref_len = ref_len

                else:  # horn coupled detector
                    len_emiss = 0.
                    len_eff = 1. - ref_horn
                    ref_len = ref_horn

                p_cmb = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_cmb
                ) * hwp_eff * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[

                p_hwp = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_HFT) * hwp_emiss_HFT[i][
                    j] * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[
                p_hwp_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, Tr_hwp) * ref_hwp_HFT[i][
                    j] * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[
                p_hwp = p_hwp + p_hwp_ref

                p_apt = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT
                ) * apt_emiss * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[

                p_pm = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_mir
                ) * pm_emiss * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_pm_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, Tr_mir) * ref_L1[i][
                    j] * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_pm = p_pm + p_pm_ref

                p_sm = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    T_mir) * sm_emiss * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_sm_ref = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, Tr_mir
                ) * ref_L2[i][j] * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_sm = p_sm + p_sm_ref

                p_fil = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                             T_fil) * fil_emiss * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_fil_ref = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    Tr_fil) * ref_fil * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_fil = p_fil + p_fil_ref

                p_len = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                             T_len) * len_emiss * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_len_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                                 Tr_len) * ref_len * det_eff_HFT[i][j]
                p_len = p_len + p_len_ref

                p_det = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_bath) * (1 - det_eff_HFT[i][j])

                p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_apt + p_pm + p_sm + p_fil + p_len + p_det

                eff = hwp_eff * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * len_eff * det_eff_HFT[
                    i][j] * pol_hwp_HFT[i][j] * df_HFT[i][j]

                p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt
                p_cmb_arr[k] = p_cmb
                p_hwp_arr[k] = p_hwp
                p_apt_arr[k] = p_apt
                p_lens_arr[k] = p_pm + p_sm
                p_fil_arr[k] = p_fil
                p_len_arr[k] = p_len

                nep_opt = 2. * p_opt * f.h * freq * 1.e9 + 2. * p_opt**2.
                nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt
                dpdt = f.dPdT(freq * 1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
                dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Pcmb = np.sum(p_cmb_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Phwp = np.sum(p_hwp_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Papt = np.sum(p_apt_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Plens = np.sum(p_lens_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Pfil = np.sum(p_fil_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
            Plen = np.sum(p_len_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW

            Psat = 2.5 * Popt

            NEPopt = np.sqrt(
                np.sum(nep_opt_arr) *
                (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num) * 1.e18  # in unit of aW
            NEPth = np.sqrt(4. * k_b * Psat * 1.e-12 * T_bath * (3. + 1.)**2. /
                            (2. * 3. + 3.) * (1.71**(2. * 3. + 3.) - 1.) /
                            ((1.71**(3. + 1.) - 1.)**2.)) * 1.e18
            NEPread = np.sqrt(0.21 * (NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2.))
            NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
            NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32) * np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
            NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
            DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num
            NETdet = NEPdet * 1.e-18 / np.sqrt(
                2.) / DPDT * 1.e6  # in unit of microK
            NETarrHFT[i][j] = NETdet / np.sqrt(2. * npixHFT[i][j] * 0.8)

            print round(freqHFT[i][j], 2), " , ", round(Popt, 8), " , ", round(
                NEPopt, 8), " , ", round(NEPth, 8), " , ", round(
                    NEPread, 8), " , ", round(NEPint, 8), " , ", round(
                        NEPext, 8), " , ", round(NEPdet, 8), " , ", round(
                            NETdet, 8), " , ", round(NETarrHFT[i][j], 8)

    NETarr = np.zeros(15)
    NETarr[0] = NETarrLFT[0][0]
    #40 GHz
    NETarr[1] = NETarrLFT[1][0]
    #50 GHz
    NETarr[2] = NETarrLFT[0][1]
    #60 GHz

    NETarr[3] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[1][1], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrLFT[2][0], 2.)))
    #68 GHz
    NETarr[4] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[0][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrLFT[3][0], 2.)))
    #78 GHz
    NETarr[5] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[1][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrLFT[2][1], 2.)))
    #89 GHz
    NETarr[6] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[3][1], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrHFT[0][0], 2.)))
    #100 GHz
    NETarr[7] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[2][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrHFT[0][1], 2.)))
    #119 GHz
    NETarr[8] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[3][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrHFT[0][2], 2.)))
    #140 GHz

    NETarr[9] = NETarrHFT[0][3]
    #166 GHz
    NETarr[10] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrHFT[0][4], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrHFT[1][0], 2.)))
    #195 GHz
    NETarr[11] = NETarrHFT[1][1]
    #235 GHz
    NETarr[12] = NETarrHFT[1][2]
    #280 GHz
    NETarr[13] = NETarrHFT[1][3]
    #335 GHz
    NETarr[14] = NETarrHFT[1][4]
    #402 GHz

    Sensitivity = f.Sigma(NETarr, t)
    Sum_sens = 0

    print "Freq [GHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] , Sensitivity [microK -arcmin]"

    for i in range(0, 15):
        Sum_sens = Sum_sens + 1. / (Sensitivity[i]**2.)
        print Freq[i], " , ", round(NETarr[i],
                                    2), " , ", round(Sensitivity[i], 2)
    Ave_sens = np.sqrt(1. / Sum_sens)

    print "Averaged_sensitivity = ", round(Ave_sens, 2)

    print "T_HWP= [", T_hwp_LFT, T_hwp_HFT, "] K,", "T_stop= [", T_apt_LFT, T_apt_HFT, "] K, Duty cycle= ", DC, " T_bath= ", T_bath

    return Freq, NETarr, Sensitivity
Пример #3
for i in range(0, m1):
    for j in range(0, n1):
        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqLFT[i][j], bandLFT[i][j])
        #hwp_emiss_LFT = 1. - eff_hwp_LFT[i][j] - ref_hwp_LFT[i][j]
        #hwp_emiss_LFT = 1.
        #hwp_eff = eff_hwp_LFT[i][j]
        #hwp_eff = 1.
        spill_5Khood = Spill_5Khood[i][j]
        spill_20K = Spill_20K[i][j]
        apt_eff = Apt_eff[i][j]

        for k in range(0, num):
            # freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num-1)
            freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / num
            eff_2K, spill_2K = f.Aperture(dpixLFT[i][j] * 1e-3, bf_LFT, F_LFT,
                                          freq * 1.e9) - apt_eff
            if (Spill_5Kenve[i][j] - spill_2K >= 0.):
                spill_5Kenve = Spill_5Kenve[i][j] - spill_2K

                spill_5Kenve = 0.

            pm_emiss, pm_eff, pm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
            sm_emiss, sm_eff, sm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
            fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq * 1.e9,
            len_emiss, len_eff = f.Trm(t_len, n_len, tan_len, freq * 1.e9,
    "Freq [GHz] , Popt [pW] , Psat [pW] ,NEPph [aW/rtHz] , NEPg [aW/rtHz] , NEPread [aW/rtHz] , NEPdet [aW/rtHz] , NETdet [microK/rtHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] , NETarrmargin [microK/rtHz]"
#print "Freq [GHz] , p_cmb , p_hwp, p_apt, p_lens, p_fil, p_len, p_opt"

for i in range(0, m1):
    for j in range(0, n1):
        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqLFT[i][j], bandLFT[i][j])
        hwp_eff = f.Hwp(hwp_emiss_LFT[i][j], ref_hwp_LFT[i][j])

        for k in range(0, num):
            #freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num-1)
            freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / num
            hwp_emiss_ref = hwp_emiss_LFT[i][j] + ref_hwp_LFT[i][j] * f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, Tr_hwp) / f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_LFT)
            apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpixLFT[i][j] * 1.e-3, bf_LFT,
                                            Fnum_LFT, freq * 1.e9)
            spill20K = hwp_holder_LFT[i][j]
            spill5K, eff5K = f.Aperture(dpixLFT[i][j] * 1.e-3, bf_LFT, 1.64,
                                        freq * 1.e9)
            spill2K = 1. - apt_eff - spill5K
            pm_emiss, pm_eff, pm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
            pm_emiss_ref = pm_emiss + pm_loss * f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, Tr_mir) / f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_mir)
            sm_emiss, sm_eff, sm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
            sm_emiss_ref = sm_emiss + sm_loss * f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, Tr_mir) / f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_mir)
            fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq * 1.e9,
            fil_emiss_ref = fil_emiss + ref_fil * f.BB(
Пример #5

for i in range(0,m2):
    for j in range(0,n2):

        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqHFT[i][j],bandHFT[i][j])
       # hwp_eff = f.Hwp(hwp_emiss_HFT[i][j], ref_hwp_HFT[i][j])
        for k in range(0,num):
            freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num-1)
           # freq = freq_l+(freq_h - freq_l)*k/(num)
            hwp_eff = 1.- hwp_emiss_HFT[i][j] - ref_hwp_HFT[i][j]
            #hwp_emiss_ref = hwp_emiss_HFT[i][j] + ref_hwp_HFT[i][j]*f.BB(freq*1.e9, Tr_hwp)/f.BB(freq*1.e9, T_hwp_HFT)
            apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpixHFT[i][j]*1.e-3, bf_HFT[i][j], Fnum_HFT[i][j], freq*1.e9)
            pm_emiss = emiss_L1[i][j]
            sm_emiss = emiss_L2[i][j]
            pm_eff = 1. - pm_emiss - ref_L1[i][j]
            sm_eff = 1. - sm_emiss - ref_L2[i][j]
            #pm_emiss_ref = pm_emiss + ref_L1[i][j]*f.BB(freq*1.e9, Tr_lens)/f.BB(freq*1.e9, T_lens)
            #sm_emiss_ref = sm_emiss + ref_L2[i][j]*f.BB(freq*1.e9, Tr_lens)/f.BB(freq*1.e9, T_lens)
            fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq*1.e9, ref_fil)
            #fil_emiss_ref = fil_emiss + ref_fil*f.BB(freq*1.e9, Tr_fil)/f.BB(freq*1.e9, T_fil)
            if (i==0): # lens coupled detetor
                len_emiss, len_eff = f.Trm(t_len, n_len, tan_len, freq*1.e9, ref_len)
                ref_len = ref_len
Пример #6
def LFT_MHFT_sensitivity_calculator(Freq=Freq,

    t = 3. * 365. * 24. * 60. * 60. * DC * CR * CT
    # 3 years ovservation time including cosmic ray loss (CR), contingency (CT) and observation duty cycle (DC)

    ####################### LFT noise calculation ############################

    p_opt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_cmb_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_apt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_hwp_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_lens_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_len_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_fil_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_fp_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_as_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_ts_arr = np.zeros(num)
    p_hm_arr = np.zeros(num)
    nep_opt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    dpdt_arr = np.zeros(num)
    NETarrLFT = ([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])

    #    print ("Freq [GHz] , Popt [pW] , NEPph [aW/rtHz] , NEPg [aW/rtHz] , NEPread [aW/rtHz] , NEPint [aW/rtHz] , NEPext [aW/rtHz] , NEPdet [aW/rtHz] , NETdet [microK/rtHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] ")

    for i in range(0, m1):
        for j in range(0, n1):
            freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freqLFT[i][j], bandLFT[i][j])
            hwp_eff = hwp_eff_LFT[i][j]
            spill_fp = Spill_fp[i][j]  #Spillover at FP hood
            spill_as = Spill_as[i][j]  #Spillover at aperture stop
            spill_ts = Spill_ts[i][j]  #Spillover at telescope shield
            spill_hm = Spill_hm[i][j]  #Spillover at HWP mount
            apt_eff = Apt_eff[i][j]

            for k in range(0, num):
                freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / (num - 1)
                pm_emiss, pm_eff, pm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
                sm_emiss, sm_eff, sm_loss = f.Mirror(freq * 1.e9, rho, epsilon,
                fil_emiss, fil_eff = f.Trm(t_fil, n_fil, tan_fil, freq * 1.e9,

                p_cmb = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9, T_cmb
                ) * hwp_eff * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[

                p_hwp = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_LFT) * hwp_emiss_LFT[i][
                    j] * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hwp_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, Tr_hwp) * ref_hwp_LFT[i][
                    j] * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hwp = p_hwp + p_hwp_ref

                p_pm = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    T_mir) * pm_emiss * sm_eff * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_pm_ref = f.BB(
                    freq * 1.e9,
                    Tr_mir) * pm_loss * sm_eff * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_pm = p_pm + p_pm_ref

                p_sm = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                            T_mir) * sm_emiss * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_sm_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                                Tr_mir) * sm_loss * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_sm = p_sm + p_sm_ref

                p_fp = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                            T_FPhood) * spill_fp * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_as = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                            T_apt_LFT) * spill_as * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_ts = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                            T_baf) * spill_ts * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_hm = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                            T_hwp_LFT) * spill_hm * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[i][j]

                p_fil = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                             T_fil) * fil_emiss * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil_ref = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                                 Tr_fil) * ref_fil * det_eff_LFT[i][j]
                p_fil = p_fil + p_fil_ref

                p_det = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, Tr_det) * (1 - det_eff_LFT[i][j])

                p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_pm + p_sm + p_fp + p_as + p_ts + p_hm + p_fil + p_det
                p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt

                eff = hwp_eff * apt_eff * pm_eff * sm_eff * fil_eff * det_eff_LFT[
                    i][j] * pol_hwp_LFT[i][j]

                nep_opt = 2. * p_opt * f.h * freq * 1.e9 + 2. * p_opt**2.
                nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt

                dpdt = f.dPdT(freq * 1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
                dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr) * (
                freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW

            Psat = Pfac * Popt

            NEPopt = np.sqrt(
                np.sum(nep_opt_arr) *
                (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num) * 1.e18  # in unit of aW
            NEPth = np.sqrt(4. * k_b * Psat * 1.e-12 * T_bath * (3. + 1.)**2. /
                            (2. * 3. + 3.) * (1.71**(2. * 3. + 3.) - 1.) /
                            ((1.71**(3. + 1.) - 1.)**2.)) * 1.e18
            NEPread = np.sqrt(Popt / 0.5) * 3.5
            NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
            NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32) * np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
            NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)

            DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num
            NETdet = NEPdet * 1.e-18 / np.sqrt(
                2.) / DPDT * 1.e6  # in unit of microK
            NETarrLFT[i][j] = NETdet / np.sqrt(2. * npixLFT[i][j] * 0.8)
#            print (round(freqLFT[i][j],2)," , ",round(Popt,8)," , ",round(NEPopt,8)," , ",round(NEPth,8)," , ",round(NEPread,8)," , ",round(NEPint,8)," , ",round(NEPext,8)," , ",round(NEPdet,8)," , ",round(NETdet,8)," , ",round(NETarrLFT[i][j],8))

####################### MFT noise calculation ############################

    NETarrMFT = ([0., 0., 0., 0., 0])

    for j in range(0, n3):

        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freq_MFT[j], band_MFT[j])

        for k in range(0, num):
            freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / (num)
            hwp_eff = 1. - hwp_emiss_MFT[j] - ref_hwp_MFT[j]

            apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpix_MFT[j] * 1.e-3, bf_MFT[j],
                                            Fnum_MFT[j], freq * 1.e9)
            #apt_eff = apt_eff_MFT[j]

            L1_eff = 1. - emiss_L1_MFT[j] - ref_L1_MFT[j]
            L2_eff = 1. - emiss_L2_MFT[j] - ref_L2_MFT[j]

            fil_emiss_MFT, fil_eff_MFT = f.Trm(t_fil_MFT, n_fil_MFT,
                                               tan_fil_MFT, freq * 1.e9,

            p_cmb = f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, T_cmb
            ) * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[
                j]  #

            ########################## HWP  ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_hwp_trans = f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_MFT
            ) * HWP_spill_MFT[j] * hwp_emiss_MFT[
                j] * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_hwp_ref1 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs1_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * apt_eff
                + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_HWP_spill_MFT[j] *
                L1_eff * apt_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT) *
                Hood_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * L2_eff * L1_eff * apt_eff
            ) * ref_hwp_MFT[
                j] * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 2nd order  ###########
            p_hwp_ref2 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L1_MFT) * L1_HWP_spill_MFT[j] *
                emiss_L1_MFT[j] + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L2_MFT) *
                L2_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * emiss_L2_MFT[j] * L1_eff +
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_fil_MFT) * fil_HWP_spill_MFT[j] *
                fil_emiss_MFT * L2_eff * L1_eff +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs1_L1_HWP_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) * apt_L1_HWP_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) * CMB_L1_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * hwp_eff *
                 apt_eff) * ref_L1_MFT[j] +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_L2_HWP_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs1_L2_HWP_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) *
                 apt_L2_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) *
                 CMB_L2_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff) *
                ref_L2_MFT[j] * L1_eff +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT) * Hood_fil_HWP_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_fil_HWP_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) *
                 abs1_fil_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) * apt_fil_HWP_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) * CMB_fil_HWP_spill_MFT[j] * hwp_eff
                 * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff) * ref_fil_MFT * L2_eff * L1_eff
            ) * ref_hwp_MFT[
                j] * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_hwp = p_hwp_trans + p_hwp_ref1 + p_hwp_ref2

            ########################## APT  ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_apt = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) * apt_spill_MFT[
                j] * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########################## L1   ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_L1_trans = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L1_MFT) * L1_spill_MFT[
                j] * emiss_L1_MFT[j] * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_L1_ref1 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_L1_spill_MFT[j] +
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT) * Hood_L1_spill_MFT[j] *
                L2_eff) * ref_L1_MFT[j] * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_L1_ref2 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L2_MFT) * L2_L1_spill_MFT[j] *
                emiss_L2_MFT[j] + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_fil_MFT) *
                fil_L1_spill_MFT[j] * fil_emiss_MFT * L2_eff +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_L2_L1_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs1_L2_L1_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) * apt_L2_L1_spill_MFT[j]
                 * L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) * CMB_L2_L1_spill_MFT[j] *
                 hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff) * ref_L2_MFT[j] +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT) * Hood_fil_L1_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_fil_L1_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) *
                 abs1_fil_L1_spill_MFT[j] * L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) * apt_fil_L1_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L1_eff * L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) *
                 CMB_fil_L1_spill_MFT[j] * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff)
                * ref_fil_MFT *
                L2_eff) * ref_L1_MFT[j] * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_L1 = p_L1_trans + p_L1_ref1 + p_L1_ref2

            ########################## L2   ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_L2_trans = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L2_MFT) * L2_spill_MFT[
                j] * emiss_L2_MFT[j] * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_L2_ref1 = (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT) * Hood_L2_spill_MFT[j]
                         ) * ref_L2_MFT[j] * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_L2_ref2 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_fil_MFT) * fil_L2_spill_MFT[j] *
                fil_emiss_MFT +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT) * Hood_fil_L2_spill_MFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) * abs2_fil_L2_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_MFT) *
                 abs1_fil_L2_spill_MFT[j] * L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_MFT) * apt_fil_L2_spill_MFT[j] *
                 L1_eff * L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) *
                 CMB_fil_L2_spill_MFT[j] * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff)
                * ref_fil_MFT) * ref_L2_MFT[j] * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_L2 = p_L2_trans + p_L2_ref1 + p_L2_ref2

            ########################## FIL  ##############
            ############# Trans ##############
            p_fil_trans = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                               T_fil_MFT) * fil_emiss * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########

            p_fil_ref1 = f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, T_hood_MFT
            ) * Hood_fil_spill_MFT[j] * ref_fil_MFT * det_eff_MFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_fil_ref2 = 0.0  # FP reflectvity assumed to be 0

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_fil = p_fil_trans + p_fil_ref1 + p_fil_ref2

            ########################## DET  ##############
            p_det = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_bath_MFT) * (1 - det_eff_MFT[j])

            ########################## P_Opt  ##############
            p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_apt + p_L1 + p_L2 + p_fil + p_det
            p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt

            eff = hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_MFT * det_eff_MFT[
                j] * pol_hwp_MFT[j]

            nep_opt = 2. * p_opt * f.h * freq * 1.e9 + 2. * p_opt**2.
            nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt

            dpdt = f.dPdT(freq * 1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
            dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            # if(freq_MFT[j] == freq):
            #     print ("p_hwp=",p_hwp,"p_apt=",p_apt,"p_L1=",p_L1,"p_L2=",p_L2,"p_fil=",p_fil,"p_det=",p_det, "p_opt=",p_opt)

        Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr) * (
            freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW
        Psat = Pfac * Popt

        NEPopt = np.sqrt(np.sum(nep_opt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 /
                         num) * 1.e18  # in unit of aW
        NEPth = np.sqrt(4. * k_b * Psat * 1.e-12 * T_bath_MFT * (3. + 1.)**2. /
                        (2. * 3. + 3.) * (1.71**(2. * 3. + 3.) - 1.) /
                        ((1.71**(3. + 1.) - 1.)**2.)) * 1.e18
        NEPread = np.sqrt(Popt / 0.5) * 3.5
        NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
        NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32) * np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
        NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
        DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num
        NETdet = NEPdet * 1.e-18 / np.sqrt(
            2.) / DPDT * 1.e6  # in unit of microK
        NETarrMFT[j] = NETdet / np.sqrt(2. * npix_MFT[j] * 0.8)

####################### HFT noise calculation ############################

    NETarrHFT = ([0., 0., 0., 0., 0])

    for j in range(0, n2):

        freq_l, freq_h = f.FreqRange(freq_HFT[j], band_HFT[j])

        for k in range(0, num):
            freq = freq_l + (freq_h - freq_l) * k / (num)
            hwp_eff = 1. - hwp_emiss_HFT[j] - ref_hwp_HFT[j]

            apt_emiss, apt_eff = f.Aperture(dpix_HFT[j] * 1.e-3, bf_HFT[j],
                                            Fnum_HFT[j], freq * 1.e9)
            #apt_eff = apt_eff_HFT[j]

            L1_eff = 1. - emiss_L1_HFT[j] - ref_L1_HFT[j]
            L2_eff = 1. - emiss_L2_HFT[j] - ref_L2_HFT[j]

            fil_emiss_HFT, fil_eff_HFT = f.Trm(t_fil_HFT, n_fil_HFT,
                                               tan_fil_HFT, freq * 1.e9,

            p_cmb = f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, T_cmb
            ) * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[
                j]  #

            ########################## HWP  ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_hwp_trans = f.BB(
                freq * 1.e9, T_hwp_HFT
            ) * HWP_spill_HFT[j] * hwp_emiss_HFT[
                j] * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_hwp_ref1 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs1_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * apt_eff
                + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_HWP_spill_HFT[j] *
                L1_eff * apt_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) *
                Hood_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * L2_eff * L1_eff * apt_eff
            ) * ref_hwp_HFT[
                j] * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_hwp_ref2 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L1_HFT) * L1_HWP_spill_HFT[j] *
                emiss_L1_HFT[j] + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L2_HFT) *
                L2_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * emiss_L2_HFT[j] * L1_eff +
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_fil_HFT) * fil_HWP_spill_HFT[j] *
                fil_emiss_HFT * L2_eff * L1_eff +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs1_L1_HWP_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) * apt_L1_HWP_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) * CMB_L1_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * hwp_eff *
                 apt_eff) * ref_L1_HFT[j] +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_L2_HWP_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs1_L2_HWP_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) *
                 apt_L2_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) *
                 CMB_L2_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff) *
                ref_L2_HFT[j] * L1_eff +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) * Hood_fil_HWP_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_fil_HWP_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) *
                 abs1_fil_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) * apt_fil_HWP_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) * CMB_fil_HWP_spill_HFT[j] * hwp_eff
                 * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff) * ref_fil_HFT * L2_eff * L1_eff
            ) * ref_hwp_HFT[
                j] * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_hwp = p_hwp_trans + p_hwp_ref1 + p_hwp_ref2

            ########################## APT  ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_apt = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) * apt_spill_HFT[
                j] * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########################## L1   ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_L1_trans = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L1_HFT) * L1_spill_HFT[
                j] * emiss_L1_HFT[j] * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_L1_ref1 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_L1_spill_HFT[j] +
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) * Hood_L1_spill_HFT[j] *
                L2_eff) * ref_L1_HFT[j] * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_L1_ref2 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L2_HFT) * L2_L1_spill_HFT[j] *
                emiss_L2_HFT[j] + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_fil_HFT) *
                fil_L1_spill_HFT[j] * fil_emiss_HFT * L2_eff +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_L2_L1_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs1_L2_L1_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) * apt_L2_L1_spill_HFT[j]
                 * L1_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) * CMB_L2_L1_spill_HFT[j] *
                 hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff) * ref_L2_HFT[j] +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) * Hood_fil_L1_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_fil_L1_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) *
                 abs1_fil_L1_spill_HFT[j] * L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) * apt_fil_L1_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L1_eff * L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) *
                 CMB_fil_L1_spill_HFT[j] * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff)
                * ref_fil_HFT *
                L2_eff) * ref_L1_HFT[j] * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_L1 = p_L1_trans + p_L1_ref1 + p_L1_ref2

            ########################## L2   ##############
            ############# Trans  #############
            p_L2_trans = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_L2_HFT) * L2_spill_HFT[
                j] * emiss_L2_HFT[j] * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_L2_ref1 = (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) * Hood_L2_spill_HFT[j]
                         ) * ref_L2_HFT[j] * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_L2_ref2 = (
                f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_fil_HFT) * fil_L2_spill_HFT[j] *
                fil_emiss_HFT +
                (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) * Hood_fil_L2_spill_HFT[j] +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) * abs2_fil_L2_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_abs_HFT) *
                 abs1_fil_L2_spill_HFT[j] * L1_eff * L2_eff +
                 f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_apt_HFT) * apt_fil_L2_spill_HFT[j] *
                 L1_eff * L2_eff + f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_cmb) *
                 CMB_fil_L2_spill_HFT[j] * hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff)
                * ref_fil_HFT) * ref_L2_HFT[j] * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_L2 = p_L2_trans + p_L2_ref1 + p_L2_ref2

            ########################## FIL  ##############
            ############# Trans ##############
            p_fil_trans = f.BB(freq * 1.e9,
                               T_fil_HFT) * fil_emiss * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 1st order  ###########
            p_fil_ref1 = (f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_hood_HFT) *
                          Hood_fil_spill_HFT[j]) * ref_fil_HFT * det_eff_HFT[j]

            ########### 2cd order  ###########
            p_fil_ref2 = 0.0  # FP reflectvity assumed to be 0

            ############## Tot  ##############
            p_fil = p_fil_trans + p_fil_ref1 + p_fil_ref2

            ########################## DET  ##############
            p_det = f.BB(freq * 1.e9, T_bath_HFT) * (1 - det_eff_HFT[j])

            ########################## P_Opt  ##############
            p_opt = p_cmb + p_hwp + p_apt + p_L1 + p_L2 + p_fil + p_det
            p_opt_arr[k] = p_opt

            eff = hwp_eff * apt_eff * L1_eff * L2_eff * fil_eff_HFT * det_eff_HFT[
                j] * pol_hwp_HFT[j]

            nep_opt = 2. * p_opt * f.h * freq * 1.e9 + 2. * p_opt**2.
            nep_opt_arr[k] = nep_opt

            dpdt = f.dPdT(freq * 1.e9, eff, T_cmb)
            dpdt_arr[k] = dpdt

            # if(freq_HFT[j] == freq):
            #     print ("p_hwp=",p_hwp,"p_apt=",p_apt,"p_L1=",p_L1,"p_L2=",p_L2,"p_fil=",p_fil,"p_det=",p_det, "p_opt=",p_opt)

        Popt = np.sum(p_opt_arr) * (
            freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num * 1.e12  # in unit of pW

        Psat = Pfac * Popt

        NEPopt = np.sqrt(np.sum(nep_opt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 /
                         num) * 1.e18  # in unit of aW
        NEPth = np.sqrt(4. * k_b * Psat * 1.e-12 * T_bath_HFT * (3. + 1.)**2. /
                        (2. * 3. + 3.) * (1.71**(2. * 3. + 3.) - 1.) /
                        ((1.71**(3. + 1.) - 1.)**2.)) * 1.e18
        NEPread = np.sqrt(Popt / 0.5) * 3.5
        NEPint = np.sqrt(NEPopt**2. + NEPth**2. + NEPread**2.)
        NEPext = np.sqrt(0.32) * np.sqrt(NEPint**2.)
        NEPdet = np.sqrt(NEPint**2. + NEPext**2.)
        DPDT = np.sum(dpdt_arr) * (freq_h - freq_l) * 1.e9 / num
        NETdet = NEPdet * 1.e-18 / np.sqrt(
            2.) / DPDT * 1.e6  # in unit of microK
        NETarrHFT[j] = NETdet / np.sqrt(2. * npix_HFT[j] * 0.8)

    NETarr = np.zeros(15)
    NETarr[0] = NETarrLFT[0][0]
    #40 GHz
    NETarr[1] = NETarrLFT[1][0]
    #50 GHz
    NETarr[2] = NETarrLFT[0][1]
    #60 GHz

    NETarr[3] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[1][1], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrLFT[2][0], 2.)))
    #68 GHz
    NETarr[4] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[0][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrLFT[3][0], 2.)))
    #78 GHz
    NETarr[5] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[1][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrLFT[2][1], 2.)))
    #89 GHz
    NETarr[6] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[3][1], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrMFT[0], 2.)))
    #100 GHz
    NETarr[7] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[2][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrMFT[1], 2.)))
    #119 GHz
    NETarr[8] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrLFT[3][2], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrMFT[2], 2.)))
    #140 GHz

    NETarr[9] = NETarrMFT[3]
    #166 GHz
    NETarr[10] = np.sqrt(
        1. / (1. / pow(NETarrMFT[4], 2.) + 1. / pow(NETarrHFT[0], 2.)))
    #195 GHz
    NETarr[11] = NETarrHFT[1]
    #235 GHz
    NETarr[12] = NETarrHFT[2]
    #280 GHz
    NETarr[13] = NETarrHFT[3]
    #335 GHz
    NETarr[14] = NETarrHFT[4]
    #402 GHz

    Sensitivity = f.Sigma(NETarr, t)
    Sum_sens = 0

    print("Freq [GHz] , NETarr [microK/rtHz] , Sensitivity [microK -arcmin]")

    for i in range(0, 15):
        Sum_sens = Sum_sens + 1. / (Sensitivity[i]**2.)
        print(Freq[i], " , ", round(NETarr[i], 2), " , ",
              round(Sensitivity[i], 2))
    Ave_sens = np.sqrt(1. / Sum_sens)

    print("Averaged_sensitivity = ", round(Ave_sens, 2))

    print("T_HWP= [", T_hwp_LFT, T_hwp_MFT, T_hwp_HFT, "] K,", "T_stop= [",
          T_apt_LFT, T_apt_MFT, T_apt_HFT, "] K, Duty cycle= ", DC,
          " T_bath= ", T_bath, " T_baf= ", T_baf, " T_bolo= ", T_bolo,
          " T_mir=T_Lenses= ", T_mir, " T_fil= ", T_fil, " T_FPhood= ",
          T_FPhood, " Tr_mir= ", Tr_mir, " Tr_fil= ", Tr_fil, " Tr_det= ",

    return Freq, NETarr, Sensitivity