Пример #1
    def add_to_duplicate():
        """Helper method to add a message group to a DUPLICATE conversation"""
        nonlocal msgs, cur_thread, key, next_time, duplicate_index
        duplicate_num = 1  # the number of duplicate message groups (have the same people, aka name)
        # but in reality belong to different conversations

        added = False  # used so that we don't accidentally add something twice

        # while there exists another duplicate conversation in our list keep checking if the current
        # message group belongs to it. If we exit the while loop a new conversation is created with
        # "DUPLICATE #X appended to distinguish it, with X being the xth new duplicate conversation
        while (key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)) in msgs and not added:
            new_name = key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)

            # The time of the last message in the conversation for new_name
            prev_time = CustomDate(msgs[new_name][-1][2])

            if prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0:
                # if our current conversation was during or after the last message in the new_name convo

                print("#{0} of {1} (at maximum) duplicate conversations. Some might be done for you behind the scenes."
                      .format(duplicate_index, num_duplicates))
                print(conversation_color + key)
                print(one_line() + "\n")

                print(previous_color + '# previous conversation end - length = {0:,}'.format(len(msgs[new_name]))
                      + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(msgs[new_name], end=True, padding=10)

                print(current_color + "\n# next conversation start - length = {0:,} (maximum possible length is 10,000)"
                      .format(len(cur_thread)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(cur_thread, start=True, padding=10)

                print('\n' + one_line())
                # Prints the last 5 messages of the previous message group and the first 5 message of
                # the current message group, both in RED with a BLACK background

                print(are_same_color + "\nAre these two chunks from the same conversation? You might have "
                                       "to look this up on facebook.com. [Y/n]" + Style.RESET_ALL)

                are_same = user_says_yes()
                # User input for whether the two message groups are in the same conversation

                if not are_same:
                    duplicate_num += 1  # if they aren't the same, increment duplicate_num and try again
                    # check to make sure the current message group hasn't already been added, otherwise add it
                    added = True
                # this conversation existed but was after our current one, so increment the number and try again
                duplicate_num += 1

        if not added:
            # if the current message group hasn't been added, add with a new duplicate #
            msgs[key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)] = cur_thread
        duplicate_index += 1
Пример #2
    def add_to_duplicate():
        """Helper method to add a message group to a DUPLICATE conversation"""
        nonlocal msgs, cur_thread, key, next_time, duplicate_index
        duplicate_num = 1  # the number of duplicate message groups (have the same people, aka name)
        # but in reality belong to different conversations

        added = False  # used so that we don't accidentally add something twice

        # while there exists another duplicate conversation in our list keep checking if the current
        # message group belongs to it. If we exit the while loop a new conversation is created with
        # "DUPLICATE #X appended to distinguish it, with X being the xth new duplicate conversation
        while (key +
               ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)) in msgs and not added:
            new_name = key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)

            # The time of the last message in the conversation for new_name
            prev_time = CustomDate(msgs[new_name][-1][2])

            if prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0:
                # if our current conversation was during or after the last message in the new_name convo

                    "#{0} of {1} (at maximum) duplicate conversations. Some might be done for you behind the scenes."
                    .format(duplicate_index, num_duplicates))
                print(conversation_color + key)
                print(one_line() + "\n")

                print(previous_color +
                      '# previous conversation end - length = {0:,}'.format(
                          len(msgs[new_name])) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(msgs[new_name], end=True, padding=10)

                    current_color +
                    "\n# next conversation start - length = {0:,} (maximum possible length is 10,000)"
                    .format(len(cur_thread)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(cur_thread, start=True, padding=10)

                print('\n' + one_line())
                # Prints the last 5 messages of the previous message group and the first 5 message of
                # the current message group, both in RED with a BLACK background

                    are_same_color +
                    "\nAre these two chunks from the same conversation? You might have "
                    "to look this up on facebook.com/messages [Y/n]" +

                are_same = user_says_yes()
                # User input for whether the two message groups are in the same conversation

                if not are_same:
                    duplicate_num += 1  # if they aren't the same, increment duplicate_num and try again
                    # check to make sure the current message group hasn't already been added, otherwise add it
                    added = True
                # this conversation existed but was after our current one, so increment the number and try again
                duplicate_num += 1

        if not added:
            # if the current message group hasn't been added, add with a new duplicate #
            msgs[key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)] = cur_thread
        duplicate_index += 1
Пример #3
def get_all_msgs_dict(msg_html_path, unordered_threads, footer, times):
    """Returns the dictionary used by MessageReader"""
    conversation_color = Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX
    previous_color = Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + Back.BLACK
    current_color = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + Back.BLACK
    are_same_color = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + Back.BLACK

    def add_to_duplicate():
        """Helper method to add a message group to a DUPLICATE conversation"""
        nonlocal msgs, cur_thread, key, next_time, duplicate_index
        duplicate_num = 1  # the number of duplicate message groups (have the same people, aka name)
        # but in reality belong to different conversations

        added = False  # used so that we don't accidentally add something twice

        # while there exists another duplicate conversation in our list keep checking if the current
        # message group belongs to it. If we exit the while loop a new conversation is created with
        # "DUPLICATE #X appended to distinguish it, with X being the xth new duplicate conversation
        while (key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)) in msgs and not added:
            new_name = key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)

            # The time of the last message in the conversation for new_name
            prev_time = CustomDate(msgs[new_name][-1][2])

            if prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0:
                # if our current conversation was during or after the last message in the new_name convo

                print("#{0} of {1} (at maximum) duplicate conversations. Some might be done for you behind the scenes."
                      .format(duplicate_index, num_duplicates))
                print(conversation_color + key)
                print(one_line() + "\n")

                print(previous_color + '# previous conversation end - length = {0:,}'.format(len(msgs[new_name]))
                      + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(msgs[new_name], end=True, padding=10)

                print(current_color + "\n# next conversation start - length = {0:,} (maximum possible length is 10,000)"
                      .format(len(cur_thread)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(cur_thread, start=True, padding=10)

                print('\n' + one_line())
                # Prints the last 5 messages of the previous message group and the first 5 message of
                # the current message group, both in RED with a BLACK background

                print(are_same_color + "\nAre these two chunks from the same conversation? You might have "
                                       "to look this up on facebook.com. [Y/n]" + Style.RESET_ALL)

                are_same = user_says_yes()
                # User input for whether the two message groups are in the same conversation

                if not are_same:
                    duplicate_num += 1  # if they aren't the same, increment duplicate_num and try again
                    # check to make sure the current message group hasn't already been added, otherwise add it
                    added = True
                # this conversation existed but was after our current one, so increment the number and try again
                duplicate_num += 1

        if not added:
            # if the current message group hasn't been added, add with a new duplicate #
            msgs[key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)] = cur_thread
        duplicate_index += 1

    def print_thread(thread, start=False, end=False, padding=5):
        """Prettily prints the thread passed from start to start + padding or end - padding to end"""
        if start:
            assert not end, "Either start or end can be True, not both"
            assert end, "Exactly one value from start and end must be true"
        assert isinstance(padding, int), "padding must be an integer"
        assert padding > 0, "padding must be greater than 0"

        if start:
            start = 0
            end = min(start + padding, len(thread))
            date_color = Fore.GREEN + Back.BLACK
            end = len(thread)
            start = max(0, end - padding)
            date_color = Fore.CYAN + Back.BLACK

        max_name_length = max(len(name) for name, _, _ in thread[start:end]) + 1
        for person, msg, date in thread[start:end]:

            print("{0:{align}{width}}: {1} | {2}"
                  .format(person, msg, date_color + date, align='<', width=max_name_length))

    # Getting values if default arguments were left as default
    if unordered_threads is None or footer is None:
        all_thread_containers = get_all_thread_containers(msg_html_path)
        unordered_threads, footer = get_all_threads_unordered(all_thread_containers)

    msgs = dict()  # result we return
    duplicate_bucket = dict()  # temporarily holds duplicate conversations
    num_duplicates = 0
    for thread in unordered_threads:
        convo_name = clean_convo_name(thread.contents[0])
        cur_thread = get_messages_readable(thread)
        if convo_name not in msgs:
            # A conversation with the name of current message group does not exist, so it is added with no issues :D
            msgs[convo_name] = cur_thread

        else:  # Another conversation with this name been seen before, add to duplicate bucket if appropriate
            num_duplicates += 1
            if convo_name in duplicate_bucket:
                duplicate_bucket[convo_name] = [cur_thread]

    # The following is used in setup to time how long it takes various processes
    # This timing counts the time that user input starts, as there can be a lag before
    times.append(time.time())  # Background setup done
    print('\n' + one_line() + '\n')
    input("Press enter when you're ready to continue to user input: \n")
    # this time is user input prompt time
    times.append(time.time())  # User selection is starting

    # Lets finish up this setup boys, place all elements in the conversation bucket
    duplicate_index = 1
    for key in sorted(duplicate_bucket.keys()):
        for cur_thread in duplicate_bucket[key]:

            previous = msgs[key][-1]
            next = cur_thread[0]
            prev_time, next_time = CustomDate(previous[2]), CustomDate(next[2])
            # prev_time and next_time are used to calculate the time difference between the previous
            # message group's last message and this message group's first message. This time helps
            # determine whether both message groups belong to the same conversation

            if -3 <= prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0 and len(msgs[key]) > 10000 and len(cur_thread) == 10000:
                duplicate_index += 1
            elif prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0:


                print("#{0} of {1} (at maximum) duplicate conversations. Some might be done for you behind the scenes."
                      .format(duplicate_index, num_duplicates))
                print(conversation_color + key)
                print(one_line() + "\n")

                print(previous_color + '# previous conversation end - length = {0:,}'.format(len(msgs[key]))
                      + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(msgs[key], end=True, padding=10)

                print(current_color + "\n# next conversation start - length = {0:,} (maximum possible length is 10,000)"
                      .format(len(cur_thread)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(cur_thread, start=True, padding=10)

                print('\n' + one_line())
                # Prints the last 5 messages of the previous message group and the first 5 message of
                # the current message group, both in RED with a BLACK background

                print(are_same_color + "\nAre these two chunks from the same conversation? You might have "
                                       "to look this up on facebook.com. [Y/n]" + Style.RESET_ALL)

                are_same = user_says_yes()
                # user input to decide if the above two message groups are the same conversation

                if are_same:
                    duplicate_index += 1

                    # the two conversations are NOT the same (because of user input)
                    #  so we need to add the new one to an appropriate duplicate

                # The two conversations are not the same (since the previous is after the new one)
                # so we need t add the new one to an appropriate duplicate


    quick_preferences = PreferencesSearcher.from_msgs_dict(msgs)
    times.append(time.time())  # The end of setup

    return msgs, str(footer), quick_preferences.preferences
Пример #4
def get_all_msgs_dict(msg_html_path, unordered_threads, footer, times):
    """Returns the dictionary used by MessageReader"""
    conversation_color = Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX
    previous_color = Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + Back.BLACK
    current_color = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + Back.BLACK
    are_same_color = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + Back.BLACK

    def add_to_duplicate():
        """Helper method to add a message group to a DUPLICATE conversation"""
        nonlocal msgs, cur_thread, key, next_time, duplicate_index
        duplicate_num = 1  # the number of duplicate message groups (have the same people, aka name)
        # but in reality belong to different conversations

        added = False  # used so that we don't accidentally add something twice

        # while there exists another duplicate conversation in our list keep checking if the current
        # message group belongs to it. If we exit the while loop a new conversation is created with
        # "DUPLICATE #X appended to distinguish it, with X being the xth new duplicate conversation
        while (key +
               ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)) in msgs and not added:
            new_name = key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)

            # The time of the last message in the conversation for new_name
            prev_time = CustomDate(msgs[new_name][-1][2])

            if prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0:
                # if our current conversation was during or after the last message in the new_name convo

                    "#{0} of {1} (at maximum) duplicate conversations. Some might be done for you behind the scenes."
                    .format(duplicate_index, num_duplicates))
                print(conversation_color + key)
                print(one_line() + "\n")

                print(previous_color +
                      '# previous conversation end - length = {0:,}'.format(
                          len(msgs[new_name])) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(msgs[new_name], end=True, padding=10)

                    current_color +
                    "\n# next conversation start - length = {0:,} (maximum possible length is 10,000)"
                    .format(len(cur_thread)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(cur_thread, start=True, padding=10)

                print('\n' + one_line())
                # Prints the last 5 messages of the previous message group and the first 5 message of
                # the current message group, both in RED with a BLACK background

                    are_same_color +
                    "\nAre these two chunks from the same conversation? You might have "
                    "to look this up on facebook.com/messages [Y/n]" +

                are_same = user_says_yes()
                # User input for whether the two message groups are in the same conversation

                if not are_same:
                    duplicate_num += 1  # if they aren't the same, increment duplicate_num and try again
                    # check to make sure the current message group hasn't already been added, otherwise add it
                    added = True
                # this conversation existed but was after our current one, so increment the number and try again
                duplicate_num += 1

        if not added:
            # if the current message group hasn't been added, add with a new duplicate #
            msgs[key + ', DUPLICATE #{0}'.format(duplicate_num)] = cur_thread
        duplicate_index += 1

    def print_thread(thread, start=False, end=False, padding=5):
        """Prettily prints the thread passed from start to start + padding or end - padding to end"""
        if start:
            assert not end, "Either start or end can be True, not both"
            assert end, "Exactly one value from start and end must be true"
        assert isinstance(padding, int), "padding must be an integer"
        assert padding > 0, "padding must be greater than 0"

        if start:
            start = 0
            end = min(start + padding, len(thread))
            date_color = Fore.GREEN + Back.BLACK
            end = len(thread)
            start = max(0, end - padding)
            date_color = Fore.CYAN + Back.BLACK

        max_name_length = max(len(name)
                              for name, _, _ in thread[start:end]) + 1
        for person, msg, date in thread[start:end]:

            print("{0:{align}{width}}: {1} | {2}".format(
                date_color + date,

    # Getting values if default arguments were left as default
    if unordered_threads is None or footer is None:
        all_thread_containers = get_all_thread_containers(msg_html_path)
        unordered_threads, footer = get_all_threads_unordered(

    msgs = dict()  # result we return
    duplicate_bucket = dict()  # temporarily holds duplicate conversations
    num_duplicates = 0
    for thread in unordered_threads:
        convo_name = clean_convo_name(thread.contents[0])
        cur_thread = get_messages_readable(thread)
        if convo_name not in msgs:
            # A conversation with the name of current message group does not exist, so it is added with no issues :D
            msgs[convo_name] = cur_thread

        else:  # Another conversation with this name been seen before, add to duplicate bucket if appropriate
            num_duplicates += 1
            if convo_name in duplicate_bucket:
                duplicate_bucket[convo_name] = [cur_thread]

    # The following is used in setup to time how long it takes various processes
    # This timing counts the time that user input starts, as there can be a lag before
    times.append(time.time())  # Background setup done
    print('\n' + one_line() + '\n')
    input_text = (
        "Press enter when you're ready to continue to user input: (Consider making your terminal full screen to "
        "easier read the messages printed)\n")
    input_text = textwrap.fill(input_text,
    # this time is user input prompt time
    times.append(time.time())  # User selection is starting

    # Lets finish up this setup boys, place all elements in the conversation bucket
    duplicate_index = 1
    for key in sorted(duplicate_bucket.keys()):
        for cur_thread in duplicate_bucket[key]:

            previous = msgs[key][-1]
            next = cur_thread[0]
            prev_time, next_time = CustomDate(previous[2]), CustomDate(next[2])
            # prev_time and next_time are used to calculate the time difference between the previous
            # message group's last message and this message group's first message. This time helps
            # determine whether both message groups belong to the same conversation

            if -3 <= prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0 and len(
                    msgs[key]) > 10000 and len(cur_thread) == 10000:
                duplicate_index += 1
            elif prev_time.distance_from(next_time) <= 0:


                    "#{0} of {1} (at maximum) duplicate conversations. Some might be done for you behind the scenes."
                    .format(duplicate_index, num_duplicates))
                print(conversation_color + key)
                print(one_line() + "\n")

                print(previous_color +
                      '# previous conversation end - length = {0:,}'.format(
                          len(msgs[key])) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(msgs[key], end=True, padding=10)

                    current_color +
                    "\n# next conversation start - length = {0:,} (maximum possible length is 10,000)"
                    .format(len(cur_thread)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print_thread(cur_thread, start=True, padding=10)

                print('\n' + one_line())
                # Prints the last 5 messages of the previous message group and the first 5 message of
                # the current message group, both in RED with a BLACK background

                    are_same_color +
                    "\nAre these two chunks from the same conversation? You might have "
                    "to look this up on facebook.com. [Y/n]" + Style.RESET_ALL)

                are_same = user_says_yes()
                # user input to decide if the above two message groups are the same conversation

                if are_same:
                    duplicate_index += 1

                    # the two conversations are NOT the same (because of user input)
                    #  so we need to add the new one to an appropriate duplicate

                # The two conversations are not the same (since the previous is after the new one)
                # so we need t add the new one to an appropriate duplicate


    quick_preferences = PreferencesSearcher.from_msgs_dict(msgs)
    times.append(time.time())  # The end of setup

    return msgs, str(footer), quick_preferences.preferences