Пример #1
def test_standup_send_6():
    owner_token, u_token = setup()
    channel1 = channels_create(owner_token, 'SERVER1', True)
    channel_id1 = channel1['channel_id']
    standup_start(owner_token, channel_id1, 10)
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        standup_send(u_token, channel_id1, "Hey Lets start the standup")
Пример #2
def test_standup_send_5():
    owner_token, u_token = setup()
    channel1 = channels_create(owner_token, 'SERVER1', True)
    channel_id1 = channel1['channel_id']
    standup_start(owner_token, channel_id1, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup_send(owner_token, channel_id1, "")
Пример #3
def test_standup_send_10():
    owner_token, u_token = setup()
    channel1 = channels_create(owner_token, 'SERVER1', True)
    channel_id1 = channel1['channel_id']
    standup_start(owner_token, channel_id1, 10)
    standup_send(owner_token, channel_id1, "Hey Lets start the standup")
Пример #4
def test_standup_send_4():
    owner_token, u_token = setup()
    channel1 = channels_create(owner_token, 'SERVER1', True)
    channel_id1 = channel1['channel_id']
    standup_start(owner_token, channel_id1, 10)
    standup_send(owner_token, channel_id1, 999 * "A")
Пример #5
def test_standup_send_9():
    owner_token, u_token = setup()
    channel1 = channels_create(owner_token, 'SERVER1', True)
    channel_id1 = channel1['channel_id']
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup_send(owner_token, channel_id1, "Hey Lets start the standup")