Пример #1
def check_available(cursor, verbose):
	the_world = world.World(cursor)
	unit_dict				= the_world.units()
	unit_q.mass_get_unit_equipment(cursor, the_world._units)
	equipment_dict			= the_world.equipment()
	city_dict				= the_world.cities()
	terrain_tuples			= mapper_q.get_all_terrain(cursor)
	map_continent_tiles		= path_f.get_map_continent_tiles(cursor)
	# First we need to get the continents and terrains of each team
	team_dict = {}
	if verbose:
		it = cli_f.progressbar(city_dict.items(), "military_check.check_available: ", 40, with_eta = True)
		it = city_dict.items()
	for city_id, the_city in it:
		if the_city.dead > 0: continue
		if the_city.team not in team_dict: team_dict[the_city.team] = Team_lands(the_city.team)
		city_loc = (the_city.x - (the_city.x % 10), the_city.y - (the_city.y % 10))
		city_terrain, city_continent = 0, 0
		if city_loc in terrain_tuples: city_terrain = terrain_tuples[city_loc]
		if city_loc in map_continent_tiles: city_continent = map_continent_tiles[city_loc]
		team_dict[the_city.team].add_city(city_continent, city_terrain)
	# Next we'd get the techs too if possible
	# Now we go through each unit and find out if it's availiable
	not_available			= []
	for unit_id, the_unit in unit_dict.items():
		if the_unit.team < 2: continue# Skip units that are for all teams
		# If a team doesn't exist in the dictionary then it's because they've no cities
		if the_unit.team not in team_dict:
			# not_available.append(unit_id)
		checked_unit = False
		the_team = team_dict[the_unit.team]
		for e in the_unit.equipment:
			if checked_unit: continue
			the_equipment = equipment_dict[e]
			if the_equipment.continent > 0:
				if the_equipment.terrain > 0:
					# Need both
					if not the_team.check_matrix(the_equipment.continent, the_equipment.terrain):
						checked_unit = True
					# Just continent
					if the_equipment.continent not in the_team.continents:
						checked_unit = True
				if the_equipment.terrain > 0:
					# Just terrain
					if the_equipment.terrain not in the_team.terrain:
						checked_unit = True
			# Now we can check tech level too
			# self.add_field("terrain",				"int")# 0 = Any terrain
			# self.add_field("tech",					"int")# 0 = No tech needed
			# self.add_field("tech_level",			"int")# 0 = No tech needed
	query = """UPDATE units SET available = True;"""
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	if not_available != []:
		query = """UPDATE units
			SET available = False
				WHERE id IN (%s);""" % "".join([str(u) for u in not_available])
		try: cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
Пример #2
	def draw_city(self, cursor, city_id):
		city_is_special = False
		# Handles
		the_city = self.city_dict[city_id]
		the_team = self.team_dict[the_city.team]
		# Test for 1 icon
		image_size = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)
		# Check it's within the picture size of the map
		if (the_city.x - image_size/2) < self.left:		return
		if (the_city.x + image_size/2) > self.right:	return
		if (the_city.y - image_size/2) < self.top:		return
		if (the_city.y + image_size/2) > self.bottom:	return
		output = {}
		# System type stuff
		output['pixel_x'] = (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		output['pixel_y'] = (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		# Owner
		output['team.id'] = the_team.id
		output['team.name'] = the_team.name
		# Key stats
		output['id'] = the_city.id
		output['name'] = the_city.name
		output['x'] = the_city.x
		output['y'] = the_city.y
		output['port'] = the_city.port
		output['nomadic'] = the_city.nomadic
		output['founded'] = the_city.founded
		# Walls
		output['harbour_walls'] = False
		if 18 in the_city.buildings_amount and the_city.buildings_amount[18] > 0:# Harbour walls id = 18
			output['harbour_walls'] = True
		output['wall_count'] = 0
		if the_city.walls != []:
			if len(the_city.walls) > 1:
				if output['harbour_walls']:
					output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls) - 1
					output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls)
			elif not output['harbour_walls']:
				output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls)
		# Supplies and Terrain
		output['supplies'] = the_city.supplies
		output['terrain'] = map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)].title()
		city_loc = (the_city.x - (the_city.x % 10), the_city.y - (the_city.y % 10))
		output['continent'] = path_f.get_map_continent_tiles(cursor).get(city_loc, -1)
		# Overlap
		output['supplies'] = the_city.overlap
		# Population
		if the_city.team not in self.personalise:
			output['size'] = common.napprox(the_city.size)
			output['slaves'] = common.napprox(the_city.slaves)
			output['size'] = the_city.size
			output['population'] = the_city.population
			output['slaves'] = the_city.slaves
		# Artefact
		artefact_count = 0
		if city_id in self.cities_with_artefact:
			for a, the_artefact in self.artefact_dict.items():
				if the_artefact.city == city_id:
					artefact_count += 1
		output['artefacts'] = artefact_count
		# Wonder
		output['wonder'] = "None"
		if city_id in self.cities_with_wonder:
			for w, the_wonder in self.wonder_dict.items():
				if the_wonder.city == city_id:
					if the_wonder.completed:
						output['wonder'] = "Complete"
						output['wonder'] = "Incomplete"
		# Description
		output['description'] = the_city.description
		# # Info only for the team map
		# if the_city.team in self.personalise:
		# 	walls		= []
		# 	buildings	= []
		# 	in_progress = []
		# 	for b, a in the_city.buildings_amount.items():
		# 		if self.building_dict[b].wall == True: walls.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 		if self.building_dict[b].wall != True: buildings.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 	for b, p in the_city.buildings.items():
		# 		if p > 0:
		# 			in_progress.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 	if len(buildings) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>Buildings</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(buildings))
		# 	if len(walls) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>Walls</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(walls))
		# 	if len(in_progress) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>In progress</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(in_progress))
		# Now return it
		return output