Пример #1
def main(protein):
    new_object = functions.protein_place(protein)
    for i in range(50):
        functions.Visualizer2D(new_object, protein, 0, 'test%s' % (5000 + i))
        fold_dir = random.randint(1, 3)
        fold_num = random.randint(2, len(protein))
        print fold_dir, fold_num
        coor_array = folder_iter.get_coor_array(new_object)
        fold_protein = folder_dir.folder_direct(coor_array, fold_num, fold_dir)
        new_object = folder_iter.update_objects(new_object, fold_protein)
        functions.Visualizer2D(new_object, protein, 0, 'test%s' % (5050 + i))
        print 'succesfull fold'
Пример #2
def main(protein):

	protein_array = copy.deepcopy(protein)
	for i in range(4, len(protein)):
		best_score = 0
		best_protein = []
		for j in range(8):
			protein_object = functions.protein_place(protein[i])
			new_protein = simulated_annealing.anneal(protein_object, i+10*j, 1)
			print "result:"
			print i,new_protein[0], new_protein[1]
			# folder_iter.write_csv(new_protein[2], 'result_anneal%s' %(i+10*j))
			if new_protein[0]<best_score:
				best_score = new_protein[0]
				best_protein = copy.deepcopy(new_protein[1])
			functions.Visualizer2D(new_protein[1], protein[i], new_protein[0], i+10*j + 800)
		functions.Visualizer2D(best_protein, protein[i], best_score, i+10*j + 900)
Пример #3
def visual_array_result(protein_array, protein, name):
	best = 0
	best_object = []
	for item in protein_array:
		if item[0] < best:
			best = copy.deepcopy(item[0])
			best_object = copy.deepcopy(item[1])
	functions.Visualizer2D(best_object, protein, best, name)
	return [best, best_object]
Пример #4
def main():

    # length = 50
    # h_concentration = 30
    # protein_array = copy.copy(protein_generator.protein_generator(length, h_concentration, 100))
    # result_array = []
    # for protein in protein_array:
    # 	protein_object = functions.protein_place(protein)
    # 	print protein_object
    # 	configurations = 500
    # 	start_pos = folder_iter.random_sampling(protein_object, configurations, 5)
    # 	# folder_iter.write_csv(start_pos, 'random_sampling%s' %protein)
    # 	theo = test.theo_score(protein)
    # 	score_saver = [protein, configurations] + [0]*(theo[0]+1)
    # 	print score_saver
    # 	for result in start_pos:
    # 		score_saver[abs(result[0])+2] += 1
    # 	high_score = protein_generator.highscorefreq(score_saver)
    # 	result_array.append(score_saver)
    # folder_iter.write_csv(result_array, 'randomsampling_overview%s_%s' %(length, h_concentration))
    protein_array = csv_move.make_array()
    # # csv_name =
    # f = open('results/final/randomsampling_overview50_20.csv','r')
    # data = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')

    # for row in data:
    # 	if row[0] != 'protein':
    # 		protein_array.append(row[0])

    # print protein_array

    for j in range(len(protein_array)):
        protein_object = functions.protein_place(protein_array[j])
        print 'protein_object made'
        for i in range(14):
            new_protein = simulated_annealing.anneal(protein_object,
                                                     'test7%s' % (130 + i), 1)
            # print 'new_protein made'
                'SA_50_20_15/result_anneal%s' % (protein_array[j] + str(i)))
            # print 'written to csv'
            functions.Visualizer2D(new_protein[1], protein_array[j],
                                   'anneal7%s' % (protein_array[j] + str(i)))
            print 'SA succes'
Пример #5
def main(protein):

    protein_array = copy.deepcopy(protein)
    for j in range(len(protein_array)):
        protein_object = functions.protein_place(protein_array[j])
        print 'protein_object made'
        for i in range(20):
            new_protein = simulated_annealing.anneal(protein_object,
                                                     'test%s' % (130 + i), 1)
            # print 'new_protein made'
                'result_anneal%s' % (protein_array[j] + str(i)))
            # print 'written to csv'
            functions.Visualizer2D(new_protein[1], protein_array[j],
                                   'anneal%s' % (protein_array[j] + str(i)))
            print 'hillclimber succes'
Пример #6
import classes, functions, cProfile, copy, folder_iter, simulated_annealing, protein_generator, test, csv

protein = 'HHHHHHHH'
protein_object = functions.protein_place(protein)
coor_array = folder_iter.get_coor_array(protein_object)
array_new = folder_iter.folder_protein(coor_array, 2, 1)
array_new_new = folder_iter.folder_protein(array_new, 3, 1)
array_more_new = folder_iter.folder_protein(array_new_new, 5, 1)
array_final = folder_iter.folder_protein(array_more_new, 7, 1)
new_object = folder_iter.update_objects(protein_object, array_final)
functions.Visualizer2D(new_object, protein, 0, 'testvoorpaper')