import functions as f import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import time as t t0 = t.clock() kplr_id = '008191672' kplr_file = 'kplr008191672-2013011073258_llc.fits' jdadj, obsobject, lightdata = f.openfile(kplr_id, kplr_file) time, flux, flux_err = f.fix_data(lightdata) flux, variance = f.rescale(flux, flux_err) time -= np.median(time) depth = 0.00650010001 width = 0.177046694669 period_interval = np.arange(2.00, 8.0, 0.01) offset_intervals = np.arange(0.00, 7.2, 0.01) #Change to numpy arrays to optimize. # z = [[f.sum_chi_squared(flux,,o,depth,width,time),variance) for o in offset_intervals] # for p in period_interval] z = [] for p in period_interval: line = [] for o in offset_intervals: if o < p: line.append(f.sum_chi_squared(flux,,o,depth,width,time), variance))
import functions as f import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import time as t t0 = t.clock() kplr_id = '008191672' kplr_file = 'kplr008191672-2013011073258_llc.fits' jdadj, obsobject, lightdata = f.openfile(kplr_id, kplr_file) time, flux, flux_err = f.fix_data(lightdata) flux, variance = f.rescale(flux, flux_err) time -= np.median(time) depth = 0.00650010001 width = 0.177046694669 period_interval = np.arange(2.00, 8.0, 0.01) offset_intervals = np.arange(0.00, 7.2, 0.01) #Change to numpy arrays to optimize. # z = [[f.sum_chi_squared(flux,,o,depth,width,time),variance) for o in offset_intervals] # for p in period_interval] z = [] for p in period_interval: line = [] for o in offset_intervals: if o < p: line.append(
def main(kplr_id): star = width = 1.0 lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False) med_flux_list = [] filter_size = 80 time_list, flux_list, var_list, ferr_list = [], [], [], [] start_time = timer.time() for lc in lcs: with as f: # The lightcurve data are in the first FITS HDU. hdu_data = f[1].data time, flux, ferr = functions.fix_data(hdu_data) time_list.append(time) flux_list.append(flux) median = functions.median_filter(flux, filter_size) ferr_list.append(ferr / median) var_list.append((ferr / median)**2) med_flux_list.append(flux / median) time = np.concatenate(time_list) flux = np.concatenate(flux_list) med_flux = np.concatenate(med_flux_list) inv_var = 1 / (np.concatenate(var_list)) ferr = np.concatenate(ferr_list) print "Loading data", timer.time() - start_time #Run the search #time_grid makes the time array coarse. This will allow the number of searches to #be much less than doing the calculations at all times. time_grid = np.arange(min(time), max(time), width / 8) print time.shape, time_grid.shape start_time = timer.time() # main_array = np.asarray([functions.get_depth_and_ln_like(med_flux, o, width, time, inv_var) for o in time_grid]) main_array = np.array([ functions.get_depth_and_ln_like(med_flux, o, width, time, inv_var) for o in time_grid ]) transit_boolean_array = np.array( [functions.get_transit_boolean(o, width, time) for o in time_grid]) print "Search time", timer.time() - start_time depth_array = main_array[:, 0] depth_variance_array = main_array[:, 1] ln_like_array = main_array[:, 2] #Use the peak_finder function to obtain the boolean arrays used to #get the required "transit window" values. start_time = timer.time() complete_boolean_list, grid_boolean_list, peaks, peak_index = functions.peak_finder( ln_like_array, time, time_grid, width, 5) print "Peak finding time", timer.time() - start_time print peaks print peak_index pp = PdfPages('../plots/{0}_width_{1}.pdf'.format(kplr_id, width)) fig1 = plt.figure() sub1 = fig1.add_subplot(211) sub1.plot(time, med_flux, '.k', markersize=2) sub1.set_xlabel("Days") sub1.set_ylabel("Median-filtered Flux") sub1.grid() sub2 = fig1.add_subplot(212) sub2.plot(time_grid, ln_like_array, '.b', markersize=2) sub2.set_xlabel("Days") sub2.set_ylabel("ln_Likelihood") sub2.grid() pp.savefig() fig2 = plt.figure() sub3 = fig2.add_subplot(211) sub3.plot(time_grid, depth_array, '.b', markersize=2) sub3.set_xlabel("Days") sub3.set_ylabel("Depth") sub3.grid() sub4 = fig2.add_subplot(212) sub4.plot(time, flux, '.b', markersize=2) sub4.set_xlabel("Days") sub4.set_ylabel("Raw Flux") sub4.grid() pp.savefig() #Plot the peaks and their likelihoods. functions.plot_peaks(complete_boolean_list, grid_boolean_list, time, med_flux, ferr, time_grid, ln_like_array, depth_array, transit_boolean_array, peak_index, pp) pp.savefig() pp.close() plt.close('all')
def main(kplr_id): star = width = 1.0 lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False) med_flux_list = [] filter_size = 80 time_list, flux_list, var_list, ferr_list = [], [], [], [] start_time = timer.time() for lc in lcs: with as f: # The lightcurve data are in the first FITS HDU. hdu_data = f[1].data time, flux, ferr = functions.fix_data(hdu_data) time_list.append(time) flux_list.append(flux) median = functions.median_filter(flux, filter_size) ferr_list.append(ferr/median) var_list.append((ferr / median)**2) med_flux_list.append(flux / median) time = np.concatenate(time_list) flux = np.concatenate(flux_list) med_flux = np.concatenate(med_flux_list) inv_var = 1/(np.concatenate(var_list)) ferr = np.concatenate(ferr_list) print "Loading data", timer.time() - start_time #Run the search #time_grid makes the time array coarse. This will allow the number of searches to #be much less than doing the calculations at all times. time_grid = np.arange(min(time), max(time), width/8) print time.shape, time_grid.shape start_time = timer.time() # main_array = np.asarray([functions.get_depth_and_ln_like(med_flux, o, width, time, inv_var) for o in time_grid]) main_array = np.array([functions.get_depth_and_ln_like(med_flux, o, width, time, inv_var) for o in time_grid]) transit_boolean_array = np.array([functions.get_transit_boolean(o, width, time) for o in time_grid]) print "Search time", timer.time() - start_time depth_array = main_array[:,0] depth_variance_array = main_array[:,1] ln_like_array = main_array[:,2] #Use the peak_finder function to obtain the boolean arrays used to #get the required "transit window" values. start_time = timer.time() complete_boolean_list, grid_boolean_list, peaks, peak_index = functions.peak_finder(ln_like_array, time, time_grid, width, 5) print "Peak finding time", timer.time() - start_time print peaks print peak_index pp = PdfPages('../plots/{0}_width_{1}.pdf'.format(kplr_id, width)) fig1 = plt.figure() sub1 = fig1.add_subplot(211) sub1.plot(time, med_flux, '.k', markersize = 2) sub1.set_xlabel("Days") sub1.set_ylabel("Median-filtered Flux") sub1.grid() sub2 = fig1.add_subplot(212) sub2.plot(time_grid, ln_like_array, '.b', markersize = 2) sub2.set_xlabel("Days") sub2.set_ylabel("ln_Likelihood") sub2.grid() pp.savefig() fig2 = plt.figure() sub3 = fig2.add_subplot(211) sub3.plot(time_grid, depth_array, '.b', markersize = 2) sub3.set_xlabel("Days") sub3.set_ylabel("Depth") sub3.grid() sub4 = fig2.add_subplot(212) sub4.plot(time, flux, '.b', markersize = 2) sub4.set_xlabel("Days") sub4.set_ylabel("Raw Flux") sub4.grid() pp.savefig() #Plot the peaks and their likelihoods. functions.plot_peaks(complete_boolean_list, grid_boolean_list, time, med_flux, ferr, time_grid, ln_like_array, depth_array, transit_boolean_array, peak_index, pp) pp.savefig() pp.close() plt.close('all')
import functions client = kplr.API() star = lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False) med_flux_list = [] filter_size = 80 time_list, flux_list, ferr_list = [], [], [] for lc in lcs: with as f: # The lightcurve data are in the first FITS HDU. hdu_data = f[1].data time, flux, ferr = functions.fix_data(hdu_data) time_list.append(time) flux_list.append(flux) median = functions.median_filter(flux, filter_size) ferr_list.append((ferr / median)**2) med_flux_list.append(flux / median) time = np.concatenate(time_list) flux = np.concatenate(flux_list) med_flux = np.concatenate(med_flux_list) depth = 0.003 width = 0.1 #Run the search ln_like_perfect = np.asarray([functions.pre_ln_like(med_flux, functions.push_box_model(o, depth, width, time)) for o in time])
def main(kplr_id, width): star = lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False) med_flux_list = [] filter_size = 80 time_list, flux_list, var_list, ferr_list = [], [], [], [] start_time = timer.time() for lc in lcs: with as f: # The lightcurve data are in the first FITS HDU. hdu_data = f[1].data time, flux, ferr = functions.fix_data(hdu_data) time_list.append(time) flux_list.append(flux) median = functions.median_filter(flux, filter_size) ferr_list.append(ferr/median) var_list.append((ferr / median)**2) med_flux_list.append(flux / median) time = np.concatenate(time_list) med_flux = np.concatenate(med_flux_list) inv_var = 1/(np.concatenate(var_list)) ferr = np.concatenate(ferr_list) print "Loading data", timer.time() - start_time #Run the search #time_grid makes the time array coarse. This will allow the number of searches to #be much less than doing the calculations at all times. time_grid = np.arange(min(time), max(time), width/8) print time.shape, time_grid.shape start_time = timer.time() # main_array = np.asarray([functions.get_depth_and_ln_like(med_flux, o, width, time, inv_var) for o in time_grid]) main_array = np.array([functions.get_depth_and_ln_like(med_flux, o, width, time, inv_var) for o in time_grid]) # transit_boolean_array = np.array([functions.get_transit_boolean(o, width, time) for o in time_grid]) print "Search time", timer.time() - start_time depth_array = main_array[:,0] depth_variance_array = main_array[:,1] ln_like_array = main_array[:,2] ###OPEN, WRITE, CLOSE DATA TO FILE### # file_name = '../picklefiles/{0}_width_{1}.hdf5'.format(kplr_id, width) file_name = '../automatically_created_files/{0}_width_{1}.hdf5'.format(kplr_id, width) f = h5py.File(file_name, 'w') f.create_dataset("time", data=time) f.create_dataset("med_flux", data=med_flux) f.create_dataset("inv_var", data=inv_var) f.create_dataset("ferr", data=ferr) f.create_dataset("time_grid", data=time_grid) # f.create_dataset("transit_boolean_array", data=transit_boolean_array) f.create_dataset("depth_array", data=depth_array) f.create_dataset("depth_variance_array", data=depth_variance_array) f.create_dataset("ln_like_array", data=ln_like_array) print time.shape # print transit_boolean_array.shape # assert 0 f.close()