def gaussfit(self): for idx, columnx in enumerate(df): if boxDict[columnx + str(1)].isChecked(): pa = df[columnx].tolist() for idy, columny in enumerate(df): variablefit = str(idx) + str(idy) + "gauss_fit" if boxDict[columny + str(2)].isChecked(): try: fitDict[variablefit][0].remove() except: pass pb = df[columny].tolist() pstart = [1., 0., 1.] coeff, var_matrix = cf(functions.gauss, pa, pb, p0=pstart) fitDict[variablefit] = plt.plot( np.linspace(pa[0], pa[-1], 1000), functions.gauss(np.linspace(pa[0], pa[-1], 1000), coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2]), "-", color="red") self.textBrowser.append("Line fit: " + "a = " + str(coeff[0]) + ", mu = " + str(coeff[1]) + ", sigma = " + str(coeff[2]) + " for " + str(columnx) + " x " + str(columny)) self.reloadpictrue()
def test_gauss_x_mu_zero(): """ If $\mu=0$, $x=0$, and $\sigma=1$ the value of the Gaussian should be $1/\sqrt{2\pi}$. Check that it is. """ tolerance = 1e-8 x = 0 mu = 0 sigma = 1 assert np.abs(gauss(x, mu, sigma) - 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) <= tolerance
def sym_gauss_int_sqr(xb, n=10): """ This function calculates the area underneath the gaussian function (imported through for constant c= sqrt(0.5) using the trapezoidal rule. Returns the area squared. paramters: xb -- the upper bound for the interval to be integrated over. Assumed the number being passed through is positive. the negative of this variable will be the lower bound of the interval n -- constant, represents the number of grid cells in direction x to be used in the numberical integration. optional argument, default is 10. """ y = np.linspace(-xb, xb, n) trapezoids = 0 for i in y: h1 = f.gauss(i, c=np.sqrt(0.5)) h2 = f.gauss(i + 1, c=np.sqrt(0.5)) trapezoids += (((xb) / (n - 1)) * ((h1 + h2))) return (trapezoids**2)
def test_gauss_x_zero_mu_is_2_sigma(): """ If $x=0$ and $\mu = \sqrt{2} \sigma$ then the Gaussian should have value $\frac{1}{e\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}$. Make sure it does. """ tolerance = 1e-8 x = 0 # Pick a value of sigma sigma = 2.5 mu = np.sqrt(2) * sigma expected_result = 1 / (np.e * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma**2)) assert np.abs(gauss(x, mu, sigma) - expected_result) <= tolerance
def test_gauss_value_at_mu(): """ The value of the Gaussian at ``x=mu`` should be $1/sqrt(2 * pi * sigma**2)$; check that that is the case for a couple non-zero values of sigma to within a tolerance. """ # Nothing particularly special about this value of tolerance tolerance = 1e-8 # choose x and mu; they need to be the same for this test x = 4 mu = 4 sig1 = 2.3 norm1 = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sig1**2) assert np.abs(gauss(x, mu, sig1) - norm1) <= tolerance
ax4.set_xscale("log") fig4 = plt.figure(4, figsize=(10, 7)) ax5 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax6 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) fig5 = plt.figure(5, figsize=(10, 7)) ax7 = fig5.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax8 = fig5.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax7.set_title("volitility test") #plots ax.plot(t, y, color="r") ax.plot(t, f.line(np.array(t), *linepara)) ax2.plot(t2, y2) values, bounds, patches = ax3.hist(brownianhist, 100) gausspara = f.fitgauss(f.bincenters(bounds), values) ax3.plot(f.bincenters(bounds), f.gauss(f.bincenters(bounds), *gausspara)) ax4.plot(f1, s1, "o", markerfacecolor="None") ax4.plot(f1[:2000], f.logline(f1, *linepara2)[:2000]) ax5.plot(t3, noise) ax6.plot(f3, s3, "o", markerfacecolor="None") ax6.set_yscale("log") ax6.set_xscale("log") ax7.plot(t2, y2, color="black") ax7.plot(t5, avg, color="blue") ax7.plot(t6, avg2, color="green") ax8.plot(t4, vol, color="red")
array_original = fc.convertToArray(image_original, col, row) #Vetor com as expanções laterais array_completo = fc.completaVetor(array_original, total) for i in range(0, total + 18): array_completo[i] = int(array_completo[i] * 256) #print(array_completo) # =============================================================================# # Bloco do primeiro filtro gaussiano # =============================================================================# #Aplicação do primeiro filtro de gauss #Primeira passagem for i in range(len(array_original)): array_analise = array_completo[i:i + 19] pixel = fc.gauss(array_analise, curva) array_result = array_result + [pixel] #Segunda Passagem do filtro gaussiano na primeira etapa . #Por reutilizar a função completaVetor necessita que seus parâmetros sejam em array #e não list. Assim, é necessário passar array_result pra array para que seja possível #a concatenação do preambulo e do posambulo. array_teste = np.zeros(total) for i in range(0, total): array_teste[i] = array_result[i] #Aplica o segundo filtro gaussiano na primeira parte array_completo_b = fc.completaVetor(array_teste, total) for i in range(len(array_result)):
def redoclean(): #from datasource import DataSource #wifsip = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='') #query = """SELECT tab FROM m48stars WHERE good;""" #result = wifsip.query(query) from starids import starids from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from functions import gauss, gauss_fit for starid in starids.split('\n'): doplot = False star = M48Star(starid) f, a = star.cleanspectrum() p = 1. / f i = np.where((p > 1.3) & (p < 20.0)) pi = p[i] fi = f[i] ai = a[i] j = np.argmax(ai) pnew = pi[j] anew = ai[j] pman = star['pman'] diff = abs(pnew - pman) if diff > 0.5: k = np.where((p > pman - 1.0) & (p < pman + 1.0)) pk = p[k] fk = f[k] ak = a[k] j = np.argmax(ak) pnew = pk[j] anew = ak[j] diff = abs(pnew - pman) doplot = True # find local minima h = np.argwhere(pi == pnew)[0][0] h0 = h while ai[h0 - 1] <= ai[h0] and h0 > 0: h0 -= 1 h1 = h while ai[h1 + 1] <= ai[h1] and h1 < len(ai): h1 += 1 # perform gauss fit par = gauss_fit(pi[h0:h1], ai[h0:h1] - min(ai[h0:h1]), amp=anew, mean=pnew, sigma=0.5) #print p pgauss = par[1] perr = par[2] if perr > 1.0: doplot = True # update database x = np.linspace(pi[0], pi[-1], 500) #gauss(x, a, x0, sigma): diff = abs(pnew - pman) print '%25s %4d %6.3f %5.2f %6.3f %6.3f' % (starid, star['tab'], pman, diff, pgauss, perr) star['clean_period'] = pgauss star['clean_sigma'] = perr if doplot: plt.plot(pi, ai) plt.axvline(pnew, linestyle='--') plt.plot(x, gauss(x, par[0], par[1], par[2]), 'r') plt.title('#%d' % star['tab']) plt.xlabel('period = %.3f days' % pnew)
#Bohdan Shybetskyi, 4th variant import functions as fn koef = 0.5 * 3 a = [[3.81, 0.25, 1.28, 0.75 + koef], [2.25, 1.32, 4.58 + koef, 0.49], [5.31, 6.28 + koef, 0.98, 1.04], [9.39 + koef, 2.45, 3.35, 2.28]] b = [4.21, 6.47 + koef, 2.38, 10.48 + koef] fn.print_matr(a, b) print(fn.gauss(a, b))
def priorities(self, verbose=False): """updates the priorities in the ngc2236 table""" import numpy as np from functions import scaleto def makeplot(bv, v, p, filename=None, isobv=None, isov=None): """plot the priorities""" from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.scatter(bv, v, c=p, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75) if not isobv is None: pyplot.plot(isobv, isov, 'k') pyplot.xlim(-0.2, 2.0) pyplot.ylim(16.5, 7.5) pyplot.title('NGC 2236') pyplot.xlabel('B - V') pyplot.ylabel('V mag') if filename is None: else: pyplot.savefig(filename, dpi=300) pyplot.close() def plotradec(ra, dec, p, filename=None): """plot the priorities""" from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.scatter(ra, dec, c=p, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75) pyplot.title('NGC 2236') pyplot.xlabel('R.A.') pyplot.ylabel('Dec') if filename is None: else: pyplot.savefig(filename, dpi=300) pyplot.close() print 'calculate priorities ...' self.wifsip.execute("UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority=NULL, pointing=NULL;") self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority=1.0 WHERE vmag<16.5 AND NOT tab IS NULL;""") data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, vmag, bv FROM ngc2236 WHERE not bv is null AND vmag<16.5 ORDER BY tab;""") tab = [d[0] for d in data] v = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) bv = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) p1 = scaleto(v, [1.0, 0.8]) makeplot(bv, v, p1, filename=config.plotpath + 'vmag_priorities.pdf') print len(tab), 'stars brighter V<16.5' for i in range(len(tab)): if verbose: print '%4d: %.3f --> %.3f' % (tab[i], v[i], p1[i]) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority = priority * %f WHERE tab = %d;""" % (p1[i], tab[i]), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit() lengood = self.wifsip.query( "select count(starid) from ngc2236 where good;") print lengood[0][0], 'stars with periods' self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority = priority * 0.8 WHERE NOT good;""") self.wifsip.commit() self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority = priority * 0.5 WHERE period IS NULL;""") self.wifsip.commit() iso = IsoChrone(config.datapath + 'output885516794937.dat') x = iso['V'] + y = iso['B-V'] + self.ebv data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, vmag, bv FROM ngc2236 WHERE not bv is null AND vmag<16.5 ORDER BY tab;""") tab = [d[0] for d in data] v = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) bv = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) p = np.zeros(len(tab)) print len(tab), 'stars for isochrone priority' for i in range(len(tab)): p[i] = np.min(abs(x - v[i]) + abs(y - bv[i])) #p[p > 0.4] = 0.4 p = scaleto(p, [1.0, 0.1]) makeplot(bv, v, p, filename=config.plotpath + 'iso_priorities.pdf', isobv=y, isov=x) for t in tab: i = tab.index(t) if verbose: print '%d: V=%.3f B-V=%.3f p=%.3f' % (t, v[i], bv[i], p[i]) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority = priority * %f WHERE tab = %d;""" % (p[i], t), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit() data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, ra, dec FROM ngc2236 WHERE not ra is NULL AND not dec is NULL AND priority > 0.0 ORDER BY TAB;""") tab = [d[0] for d in data] print len(tab), 'stars for distance priority' ra = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) dec = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) dist = np.sqrt((ra -[0])**2 + (dec -[1])**2) from functions import gauss p = gauss(dist, 1.0, 0.0, 7.0 / 60.) #p = scaleto(dist, [1.0, 0.0]) plotradec(ra, dec, p, filename=config.plotpath + 'coord_priorities.pdf') for t in tab: i = tab.index(t) try: if verbose: print '%d: d=%.3f p=%.3f' % (t, dist[i], p[i]) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET priority = priority * %f WHERE tab = %d;""" % (p[i], t), commit=False) except TypeError: print t self.wifsip.commit() data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT bv,vmag, priority FROM ngc2236 WHERE priority > 0.0 ORDER BY tab;""") bv = np.array([d[0] for d in data]) vmag = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) p = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) makeplot(bv, vmag, p, filename=config.plotpath + 'priorities.pdf')