import functions; #Getting the HTML form input data. form = cgi.FieldStorage() numeroGeral = form["pid"].value #Opening the xml file and locking it to prevent access from other processes. xmlData = open(functions.PATIENTS_FILE_NAME, 'r+'); fcntl.flock(xmlData, fcntl.LOCK_EX); #Parsing the XML file; #Going to the beginning of the file dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlData); #Retrieving the correct user. result = functions.getPatientInfo(dom, numeroGeral); #Closing the xml file xmlData.close() print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" # HTML is following if result == None: # Numero geral valido print '0' else: # Numero geral jah existente print '1'
fcntl.flock(xmlData, fcntl.LOCK_EX); #Opening the file used for backup and locking it. bckData = open(functions.PATIENTS_FILE_NAME + '~', 'w'); fcntl.flock(bckData, fcntl.LOCK_EX); #Generating the backup. shutil.copyfileobj(xmlData, bckData); bckData.close(); #Realeasing the backup file (unlock). #Parsing the XML file; #Going to the beginning of the file dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlData); #Retrieving the correct user. patient = functions.getPatientInfo(dom, form['pid'].value); #Checking whether the form already exists. If so, we remove it first. if len(patient.getElementsByTagName(form['form'].value)) != 0: patient.removeChild(patient.getElementsByTagName(form['form'].value)[0]); patient.appendChild(data); #Saving the new data to the XML file.; #Going to the beginning of the file. xmlData.write(dom.toxml(encoding = xmlEncoding)); xmlData.truncate(); xmlData.close(); #Releasing the file (calls also unlock). returnPage = "busca.cgi?uid=%s" % functions.fmt2GetMethod(os.environ["REMOTE_USER"]); if functions.isMobile(os.environ): returnPage = "palm.psp";