Пример #1
def run_report(config, blockers, server, header, test, save):

    # fetch all relevant jobs
    jobs = get_jenkins_jobs(server, config['job_search_fields'])

    # log and exit if no jobs found - no reason to send empty report
    num_jobs_fetched = len(jobs)
    if num_jobs_fetched == 0:
        print("No jobs found with given search field. Exiting...")
        return None

    # Get set from the list of all bugs in all jobs
    all_bugs_set = get_bugs_set(blockers) if blockers else {}

    # Create dictionary the set of all bugs with bug id as key and name and link as value
    all_bugs_dict = get_bugs_dict(all_bugs_set, config)

    # Get set from the list of all jira-tickets in all jobs
    all_tickets_set = get_jira_set(blockers) if blockers else {}

    # Create dictionary from the set of all jira tickets with ticket id as key and name and link as value
    all_jira_dict = get_jira_dict(all_tickets_set, config)

    # iterate through all relevant jobs and build report rows
    num_success = 0
    num_unstable = 0
    num_failure = 0
    num_missing = 0
    num_aborted = 0
    num_error = 0
    rows = []
    all_bugs = []
    all_tickets = []
    for job in jobs:

        # get name and osp version from job object
        job_name = job['name']
        osp_version = get_osp_version(job_name)

        # skip if no OSP version could be found
        if osp_version is None:
                'No OSP version could be found in job {}. Skipping...'.format(

        # get job info from jenkins API
        jenkins_api_info = get_jenkins_job_info(server, job_name)

        # if jeeves was unable to collect any good jenkins api info, skip job
        if jenkins_api_info:

            # take action based on last completed build result
            if jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] in [
                    "SUCCESS", "NO_KNOWN_BUILDS", "ABORTED"
                if jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "SUCCESS":
                    num_success += 1
                elif jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "NO_KNOWN_BUILDS":
                    num_missing += 1
                    num_aborted += 1

                bugs = [{'bug_name': 'N/A', 'bug_url': None}]
                tickets = [{'ticket_name': 'N/A', 'ticket_url': None}]
                other = [{'other_name': 'N/A', 'other_url': None}]

            elif jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] in ["UNSTABLE", "FAILURE"]:
                if jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "UNSTABLE":
                    num_unstable += 1
                    num_failure += 1

                # get all related bugs to job
                    bug_ids = blockers[job_name]['bz']
                    bugs = list(map(all_bugs_dict.get, bug_ids))
                    bugs = [{
                        'bug_name': "Could not find relevant bug",
                        'bug_url': None

                # get all related tickets to job
                    ticket_ids = blockers[job_name]['jira']
                    tickets = list(map(all_jira_dict.get, ticket_ids))
                    tickets = [{
                        'ticket_name': "Could not find relevant ticket",
                        'ticket_url': None

                # get any "other" artifact for job
                    other = get_other_blockers(blockers, job_name)
                    other = [{'other_name': 'N/A', 'other_url': None}]

                    "job {} had lcb_result {}: reporting as error job".format(
                        job_name, jenkins_api_info['lcb_result']))
                jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] = "ERROR"
                num_error += 1
                bugs = [{'bug_name': 'N/A', 'bug_url': None}]
                tickets = [{'ticket_name': 'N/A', 'ticket_url': None}]
                other = [{'other_name': 'N/A', 'other_url': None}]

            # build row
            row = {
                'osp_version': osp_version,
                'job_name': job_name,
                'job_url': jenkins_api_info['job_url'],
                'lcb_num': jenkins_api_info['lcb_num'],
                'lcb_url': jenkins_api_info['lcb_url'],
                'compose': jenkins_api_info['compose'],
                'lcb_result': jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'],
                'bugs': bugs,
                'tickets': tickets,
                'other': other

            # append row to rows

    # sort rows by descending OSP version
    rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda row: row['osp_version'], reverse=True)

    # initialize summary
    summary = {}

    # job result metrics
    num_jobs = len(rows)
    summary['total_success'] = "Total SUCCESS:  {}/{} = {}%".format(
        num_success, num_jobs, percent(num_success, num_jobs))
    summary['total_unstable'] = "Total UNSTABLE: {}/{} = {}%".format(
        num_unstable, num_jobs, percent(num_unstable, num_jobs))
    summary['total_failure'] = "Total FAILURE:  {}/{} = {}%".format(
        num_failure, num_jobs, percent(num_failure, num_jobs))

    # bug metrics
    all_bugs = [bug_id for bug_id in all_bugs if bug_id != 0]
    if len(all_bugs) == 0:
        summary['total_bugs'] = "Blocker Bugs: 0 total"
        unique_bugs = set(all_bugs)
        summary['total_bugs'] = "Blocker Bugs: {} total, {} unique".format(
            len(all_bugs), len(unique_bugs))

    # ticket metrics
    all_tickets = [ticket_id for ticket_id in all_tickets if ticket_id != 0]
    if len(all_tickets) == 0:
        summary['total_tickets'] = "Blocker Tickets: 0 total"
        unique_tickets = set(all_tickets)
            'total_tickets'] = "Blocker Tickets: {} total, {} unique".format(
                len(all_tickets), len(unique_tickets))

    # include missing report if needed
    if num_missing > 0:
            'total_missing'] = "Total NO_KNOWN_BUILDS:  {}/{} = {}%".format(
                num_missing, num_jobs, percent(num_missing, num_jobs))
        summary['total_missing'] = False

    # include abort report if needed
    if num_aborted > 0:
        summary['total_aborted'] = "Total ABORTED:  {}/{} = {}%".format(
            num_aborted, num_jobs, percent(num_aborted, num_jobs))
        summary['total_aborted'] = False

    # include error report if needed
    if num_error > 0:
        summary['total_error'] = "Total ERROR:  {}/{} = {}%".format(
            num_error, num_jobs, percent(num_error, num_jobs))
        summary['total_error'] = False

    # initialize jinja2 vars
    loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('./report_template.html')
    env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
    template = env.get_template('')

    # generate HTML report
    htmlcode = template.render(header=header, rows=rows, summary=summary)

    # parse list of email addresses
    if test:
        recipients = config['email_to_test'].split(',')
        recipients = config['email_to'].split(',')

    # construct email
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg['From'] = header['user_email_address']
    msg['Subject'] = config['email_subject']
    msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
    msg.attach(MIMEText(htmlcode, 'html'))

    # create SMTP session - if jeeves is unable to do so an HTML file will be generated
        with SMTP(config['smtp_host']) as smtp:

            # start TLS for security

            # use ehlo or helo if needed

            # send email to all addresses
            response = smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], recipients, msg.as_string())

            # log success if all recipients recieved report, otherwise raise exception
            if response == {}:
                    "Report successfully accepted by mail server for delivery")
                raise Exception(
                    "Mail server cannot deliver report to following recipients: {}"

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error sending email report: {}\nHTML file generated".format(e))

        if save:
Пример #2
def run_report(config, blockers, server, header, test_email, no_email, template_file):

	# fetch all relevant jobs
	jobs = get_jenkins_jobs(server, config['job_search_fields'])

	# log and exit if no jobs found - no reason to send empty report
	num_jobs_fetched = len(jobs)
	if num_jobs_fetched == 0:
		print("No jobs found with given search field. Exiting...")
		return None

	# Get set from the list of all bugs in all jobs
	all_bugs_set = get_bugs_set(blockers) if blockers else {}

	# Create dictionary the set of all bugs with bug id as key and name and link as value
	all_bugs_dict = get_bugs_dict(all_bugs_set, config)

	# Get set from the list of all jira-tickets in all jobs
	all_tickets_set = get_jira_set(blockers) if blockers else {}

	# Create dictionary from the set of all jira tickets with ticket id as key and name and link as value
	all_tickets_dict = get_jira_dict(all_tickets_set, config)

	# fetch optional config options, return None if not present
	fpn = config.get('filter_param_name', None)
	fpv = config.get('filter_param_value', None)

	# iterate through all relevant jobs and build report rows
	num_success = 0
	num_unstable = 0
	num_failure = 0
	num_missing = 0
	num_aborted = 0
	num_error = 0
	rows = []
	all_bugs = []
	all_tickets = []
	for job in jobs:

		# get name and osp version from job object
		job_name = job['name']
		osp_version = get_osp_version(job_name)

		# skip if no OSP version could be found
		if osp_version is None:
			print('No OSP version could be found in job {}. Skipping...'.format(job_name))

		# get job info from jenkins API - will return False if an unmanageable error occured
		jenkins_api_info = get_jenkins_job_info(server, job_name, filter_param_name=fpn, filter_param_value=fpv)

		# if jeeves was unable to collect any good jenkins api info, skip job
		if jenkins_api_info:

			# take action based on last completed build result
			if jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "SUCCESS":
				num_success += 1
				bugs = []
				tickets = []
				other = []

			elif jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] in ["UNSTABLE", "FAILURE", "ABORTED", "NO_KNOWN_BUILDS"]:
				if jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "UNSTABLE":
					num_unstable += 1
				elif jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "FAILURE":
					num_failure += 1
				elif jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] == "ABORTED":
					num_aborted += 1
					num_missing += 1

				# get all related bugs to job
					bug_ids = blockers[job_name]['bz']
					if 0 in bug_ids:
					bugs = list(map(all_bugs_dict.get, bug_ids))
				except Exception as e:
					print("Error fetching bugs for job {}: {}".format(job_name, e))
					bugs = []

				# get all related tickets to job
					ticket_ids = blockers[job_name]['jira']
					if 0 in ticket_ids:
					tickets = list(map(all_tickets_dict.get, ticket_ids))
				except Exception as e:
					print("Error fetching tickets for job {}: {}".format(job_name, e))
					tickets = []

				# get any "other" artifact for job
					other = get_other_blockers(blockers, job_name)
				except Exception as e:
					print("Error fetching other blockers for job {}: {}".format(job_name, e))
					other = []

				print("job {} had lcb_result {}: reporting as error job".format(job_name, jenkins_api_info['lcb_result']))
				jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'] = "ERROR"
				num_error += 1
				bugs = []
				tickets = []
				other = []

			# check if row contains any valid blockers for reporting
			blocker_bool = True
			if (len(bugs) == 0) and (len(tickets) == 0) and (len(other) == 0):
				blocker_bool = False

			# build row
			row = {
				'osp_version': osp_version,
				'job_name': job_name,
				'build_days_ago': jenkins_api_info['build_days_ago'],
				'job_url': jenkins_api_info['job_url'],
				'lcb_num': jenkins_api_info['lcb_num'],
				'lcb_url': jenkins_api_info['lcb_url'],
				'compose': jenkins_api_info['compose'],
				'lcb_result': jenkins_api_info['lcb_result'],
				'blocker_bool': blocker_bool,
				'bugs': bugs,
				'tickets': tickets,
				'other': other

			# append row to rows

	# sort rows by descending OSP version
	rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda row: row['osp_version'], reverse=True)

	# log and exit if no rows built - otherwise program will crash on summary generation
	num_jobs = len(rows)
	if num_jobs == 0:
		print("No rows could be built with data for any of the jobs found with given search field. Exiting...")
		return None

	# initialize summary
	summary = {}

	# job result metrics
	summary['total_success'] = "Total SUCCESS:  {}/{} = {}%".format(num_success, num_jobs, percent(num_success, num_jobs))
	summary['total_unstable'] = "Total UNSTABLE: {}/{} = {}%".format(num_unstable, num_jobs, percent(num_unstable, num_jobs))
	summary['total_failure'] = "Total FAILURE:  {}/{} = {}%".format(num_failure, num_jobs, percent(num_failure, num_jobs))

	# Map color codes with job count and type
	jobs_dict = {
		'#3465a4': (num_success, 'Success'),
		'#515151': (num_aborted, 'Aborted'),
		'#ef2929': (num_failure, 'Failure'),
		'#704426': (num_error, 'Error'),
		'#ffb738': (num_unstable, 'Unstable'),
		'#bbbbbb': (num_missing, 'Missing')

	# Filter only available jobs
	bg_color_list, data_list, labels_list = [], [], []
	for key, (job_count, job_label) in jobs_dict.items():
		if job_count != 0:

	# create chart config
	chart_config = {
		'type': 'doughnut',
		'data': {
			'labels': labels_list,
			'datasets': [{
				'backgroundColor': bg_color_list,
				'data': data_list
		'options': {
			'plugins': {
				'datalabels': {
					'display': 'true',
					'align': 'middle',
					'backgroundColor': '#fff',
					'borderRadius': 20,
					'font': {
						'weight': 'bold',
				'doughnutlabel': {
					'labels': [{
						'text': num_jobs,
						'font': {
							'size': 20,
					}, {
						'text': 'Total Jobs',
						'font': {
							'size': 15,
	encoded_config = quote(json.dumps(chart_config))
	summary['chart_url'] = f'https://quickchart.io/chart?c={encoded_config}'

	# bug metrics
	all_bugs = [bug_id for bug_id in all_bugs if bug_id != 0]
	if len(all_bugs) == 0:
		summary['total_bugs'] = "Blocker Bugs: 0 total"
		unique_bugs = set(all_bugs)
		summary['total_bugs'] = "Blocker Bugs: {} total, {} unique".format(len(all_bugs), len(unique_bugs))

	# ticket metrics
	all_tickets = [ticket_id for ticket_id in all_tickets if ticket_id != 0]
	if len(all_tickets) == 0:
		summary['total_tickets'] = "Blocker Tickets: 0 total"
		unique_tickets = set(all_tickets)
		summary['total_tickets'] = "Blocker Tickets: {} total, {} unique".format(len(all_tickets), len(unique_tickets))

	# include abort report if needed
	if num_aborted > 0:
		summary['total_aborted'] = "Total ABORTED:  {}/{} = {}%".format(num_aborted, num_jobs, percent(num_aborted, num_jobs))
		summary['total_aborted'] = False

	# include missing report if needed
	if num_missing > 0:
		summary['total_missing'] = "Total NO_KNOWN_BUILDS:  {}/{} = {}%".format(num_missing, num_jobs, percent(num_missing, num_jobs))
		summary['total_missing'] = False

	# include error report if needed
	if num_error > 0:
		summary['total_error'] = "Total ERROR:  {}/{} = {}%".format(num_error, num_jobs, percent(num_error, num_jobs))
		summary['total_error'] = False

	# initialize jinja2 vars
	loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('./templates')
	env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
		template = env.get_template(template_file)
	except Exception as e:
		print("Error loading template file: {}\n{}".format(template_file, e))

	# generate HTML report
	htmlcode = template.render(

	# save HTML report to file if not test run
	if not test_email:
		filename = generate_html_file(htmlcode)
		print('HTML file generated as {}'.format(filename))

	# if "no email" flag has been passed, do not execute this block
	if not no_email:

			# parse list of email addresses
			if test_email:
				recipients = config['email_to_test'].split(',')
				recipients = config['email_to'].split(',')

			# construct email
			msg = MIMEMultipart()
			msg['From'] = header['user_email_address']
			msg['Subject'] = config['email_subject']
			msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
			msg.attach(MIMEText(htmlcode, 'html'))

			# create SMTP session
			with SMTP(config['smtp_host']) as smtp:

				# start TLS for security

				# use ehlo or helo if needed

				# send email to all addresses
				response = smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], recipients, msg.as_string())

				# log success if all recipients recieved report, otherwise raise exception
				if response == {}:
					print("Report successfully accepted by mail server for delivery")
					raise Exception("Mail server cannot deliver report to following recipients: {}".format(response))

		except Exception as e:
			print('Error sending email report: {}\nSee HTML file saved in "archive" folder'.format(e))