def queue_email_message_text(msg_template, alert_level, msg_text): """ # Queue message in the DB For sending, then try to send it after queuing it :param msg_template: Enum notifier.template :param alert_level: alert to be included in email subject :param msg_text: Message text :return: """ try: logger.log_debug( "queue_message(): Constructing Email message" "Template: '{}'".format(TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_READ_ERROR), module_name) if msg_template == TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_NOT_FOUND: msg_dict = construct_msg_watchlist_not_found( alert_level, functions.get_datetime()) row_id = db.insert_email_msg(msg_dict) if row_id > 0: logger.log_debug( "queue_message(): Email message has been queued for sending. " "Template: '{}'".format(TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_NOT_FOUND), module_name) elif msg_template == TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_EMPTY: msg_dict = construct_msg_watchlist_file_empty( alert_level, functions.get_datetime()) row_id = db.insert_email_msg(msg_dict) if row_id > 0: logger.log_debug( "queue_message(): Email message has been queued for sending. " "Template: '{}'".format(TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_NOT_FOUND), module_name) elif msg_template == TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_READ_ERROR: msg_dict = construct_msg_watchlist_read_error( alert_level, functions.get_datetime()) row_id = db.insert_email_msg(msg_dict) if row_id > 0: logger.log_debug( "queue_message(): Email message has been queued for sending. " "Template: '{}'".format( TEMPLATE.WATCHLIST_FILE_READ_ERROR), module_name) except Exception as e: logger.log_error( "queue_message(): Failed to queue email message in the database. More info: {}" .format(e), module_name) # Try Send the message try: send_queued_messages() except: pass
def test_get_datetime(self): from functions import get_datetime with patch('datetime.datetime') as datetime: = 'foo' self.assertDictEqual(get_datetime(), {'date': 'foo', 'time': 'foo'})
def log_file_creation(file_path, file_size, file_hash): try: # Log format: [%time%] "%file_path%" %file_size% %file_hash% log_row = "[{}] \"{}\" {} {}".format(functions.get_datetime(), file_path, file_size, file_hash) with open(FILE_CREATION_LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a+') as f: f.write(log_row) f.write("\n") except Exception as e: log_critical(e, "")
def __init__(self, dirpath: str): self._content_add = list() self.start_dt = get_datetime(datetime_format=LOG_DATETIME_FORMAT) self.path = os.path.join(dirpath, LOG_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(self.path): try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except: pass self._reset()
def log_file_rename(old_file_path, new_file_path, file_size, file_hash): try: # Log format: [%time%] "%old_file_path%" "%new_file_path%" %file_size% %file_hash% log_row = "[{}] \"{}\" \"{}\" {} {}".format(functions.get_datetime(), old_file_path, new_file_path, file_size, file_hash) with open(FILE_RENAME_LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a+') as f: f.write(log_row) f.write("\n") except Exception as e: log_critical(e, "")
def upload_file(username): """ This function takes an image as input and detects the faces in it. Also it updates the database accordingly. :param username: User Name of the user who is uploading the image :return: Displays necessary data as JSON object containing all the necessary details of the faces detected """ start = time.time() upload_folder = os.path.basename('temp_img_dir') app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = upload_folder time_now = str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) cameracode = request.form['camcode'] camera_id = cameracode[3:] info = extract_info(functions.s_cam_table, functions.s_cam_id, camera_id)[1] if info[0] == 128: return redirect(url_for('error', error_str=info[1], error_code=info[0])) if len(info) == 0: return redirect(url_for('error', error_str=errordict[113], error_code=113)) if str(info[0][functions.s_mrkdel]) == '1': return redirect(url_for('error', error_str=errordict[114], error_code=114)) bucket_id = info[0][functions.s_buc_id] oid = info[0][functions.s_org_id] bucket_code = 'BUC' + str(bucket_id).zfill(9) o_code = 'ORG' + str(oid).zfill(5) file = request.files['image'] imgtxn_id = str((functions.initial_transaction(bucket_id, oid, camera_id))[1]).zfill(10) file.filename = (imgtxn_id + '_' + time_now + '.jpg').replace(' ', '_') f = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file.filename) time_capture = get_datetime(functions.dir_path + functions.temp_img_dir + file.filename) if len(time_capture) == 0: time_capture = time_now img_path = '/Organisations' + o_code + '/' + bucket_code + '/' + cameracode + '_dump/' + file.filename full_img_txn(imgtxn_id, img_path, time_capture, time_now) json1 = input_image(cameracode, time_now, imgtxn_id, bucket_id, oid, camera_id, time_capture) json_2 = json.loads(json1) end = time.time() time_taken = start - end res = json.dumps(json_2, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + str(time_taken) return render_template('result.html', value=res, username=username)
def save(self): """ Write changes to log """ self.stop_dt = get_datetime(datetime_format=LOG_DATETIME_FORMAT) with open(self.path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as log: log.write('\n') log.writelines(self._make_header()) for line in self._content_add: log.write(f'{line}\n') # Reset content list self._content_add = list()
def create_file_record(file_path): """ # Calculate sha256 for given file path then insert a record into the database # FILE_COUNTER is increased by 1 if file processed successfully :param file_path: file path :return: True if db insertion success, false if insertion failed """ if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return False try: logger.log_debug( "create_file_record(): Creating a record for '{}'".format( file_path), module_name) sha256 = functions.sha256_file(file_path) check_date = functions.get_datetime() file_size = functions.get_file_size(file_path) file_record = { "path": file_path, "hash": sha256, "file_size": file_size, "exists_on_disk": "True", "datetime_last_check": check_date } if db.insert_file_record(file_record) > 0: print("[+] Created a record for '{}'".format(file_path)) logger.log_debug( "create_file_record(): Created a DB file record for '{}'". format(file_path), module_name) return True else: print("[+] Failed to create a record for '{}'".format(file_path)) logger.log_debug( "create_file_record(): Failed to create a DB file record for '{}'" .format(file_path), module_name) return False except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print("[*] Ignoring '{}' Already has a record.".format(file_path)) logger.log_debug( "create_file_record(): The file '{}' is already exist in the database" .format(file_path), module_name) return False
def start_routine_scan(): """ # Checks if the registered file(s) hash changed since last hash check. # Detects new files added in directories being watched and has no record in the DB (is genuinely added ?). # Detects if a file(s) is deleted from disk.f # Detects if a file(s) is renamed. :return: tuple (list of files that is changed since last check, list of files that has no record in th db, list of files that is deleted from disk and has a record in the DB) """ logger.log_debug("Started a routine scan", module_name) print("[+] Started a routine scan") files_changed_list = [ ] # path's for files that has been changed, hash does not match new_files_path_list = [ ] # path's for new files added since last scan. (no record in the DB) deleted_files_path_list = [ ] # path's for files deleted from disk but has a record in the DB. renamed_files_path_list = [] # path's for files that has been renamed reset_processed_files_counter() # Get file path list watch_list_file_lines = read_file_watch_list() # Get file path list file_path_list = process_watch_list(watch_list_file_lines) # Exclude DB file db_path = db.get_db_path() if db_path in file_path_list: file_path_list.remove(db_path) # processed renamed file list.. to be ignored, avoid conflicts processed_rename_file_path_list = [] # Detects new files in dirs being watched # Detects File change # Detects File rename for file_path in file_path_list: logger.log_debug( "start_routine_scan(): Processing '{}' ".format(file_path), module_name) try: file_hash = functions.sha256_file(file_path) file_size = functions.get_file_size(file_path) # Get all database records that belongs to file file_records = db.get_file_records_by_hash(file_hash) if file_records is None or len(file_records) == 0: file_records = db.get_file_records(file_path) # Detect File rename if file_records is not None and not is_file_path_exist( file_records, file_path): is_there_files_renamed = False for file_record in file_records: try: file_path_in_db = file_record[1] if not os.path.exists( file_path_in_db ) and file_path_in_db not in processed_rename_file_path_list and file_path not in processed_rename_file_path_list: processed_rename_file_path_list.append(file_path) processed_rename_file_path_list.append( file_path_in_db) is_there_files_renamed = True else: continue logger.log_file_rename(file_path_in_db, file_path, file_size, file_hash) logger.log_debug( "Detected a file RENAME. '{}' => '{}'".format( file_path_in_db, file_path), module_name) print( "[*] Detected a file RENAME. '{}' => '{}'".format( file_path_in_db, file_path)) incident = { "old_path": file_path_in_db, "new_path": file_path, "hash": file_hash, "detection_time": functions.get_datetime() } renamed_files_path_list.append(incident) db.update_file_path(file_hash, file_path_in_db, file_path) db.update_exists_on_disk_value(file_path, "True") except Exception as e: logger.log_error( "start_routine_scan(): Unable to process file '{}' An error has occurred. {}" .format(file_path, e), module_name) if is_there_files_renamed: continue # Check if it's a new file p = db.get_file_hash(file_path) if p is None: try: logger.log_file_creation(file_path, file_size, file_hash) logger.log_info( "New file detected '{}' '{}' '{}'".format( file_path, file_hash, file_size), module_name) logger.log_debug( "start_routine_scan(): Processed '{}' ".format( file_path), module_name) file_record_dict = { "path": file_path, "hash": file_hash, "size": file_size, "detection_time": functions.get_datetime() } new_files_path_list.append(file_record_dict) create_file_record(file_path) print("[*] New file detected '{}' '{}'".format( file_path, file_hash)) continue except Exception as e: logger.log_error( "start_routine_scan(): Unable to process file '{}' An error has occurred. {}" .format(file_path, e), module_name) # Detect file change # check if the file is changed since last check if file_records is not None: for file_record in file_records: try: file_hash_in_db = file_record[2] file_size_in_db = file_record[3] if file_hash_in_db is not None and file_hash != file_hash_in_db: logger.log_file_change(file_path, file_hash_in_db, file_size_in_db, file_size, file_hash) logger.log_debug( "Detected a file CHANGE in '{}' '{}' => '{}' '{}' => '{}'" .format(file_path, file_hash_in_db, file_hash, file_size_in_db, file_size), module_name) # update the DB with the new file hash db.update_file_hash(file_path, file_hash) inc = { "path": file_path, "previous_hash": file_hash_in_db, "new_hash": file_hash, "previous_size": file_size_in_db, "new_size": file_size, "detection_time": functions.get_datetime() } files_changed_list.append(inc) print( "[*] Detected a file CHANGE in '{}' '{}' => '{}'" .format(file_path, file_hash_in_db, file_hash)) except Exception as e: logger.log_error( "start_routine_scan(): Unable to process file '{}' An error has occurred. {}" .format(file_path, e), module_name) logger.log_debug( "start_routine_scan(): Processed '{}' ".format(file_path), module_name) except Exception as e: logger.log_error( "start_routine_scan(): Unable to process file '{}' An error has occurred. {}" .format(file_path, e), module_name) continue try: deleted_list = get_file_path_list_in_db_not_exists_on_disk() for f_path in deleted_list: inc = { "path": f_path, "size": db.get_file_size(f_path), "hash": db.get_file_hash(f_path), "detection_time": functions.get_datetime() } logger.log_file_deletion(inc["path"], inc["size"], inc["hash"]) logger.log_debug("Detected a file DELETION. '{}'".format(f_path), module_name) print("[*] Detected a file DELETION. '{}'".format(f_path)) deleted_files_path_list.append(inc) except Exception as e: logger.log_error( "start_routine_scan(): An error has occurred while detecting deleted files. {}" .format(e), module_name) return files_changed_list, new_files_path_list, deleted_files_path_list, renamed_files_path_list