def main(): userWantNotToQuit = True models = f.loadModels() while userWantNotToQuit: print("Currently stored models:") for i in range(len(models)): print("Nr. " + str(i + 1) + ": " + str(models[i].name) + " | Frames:\t" + str(len(models[i].features)) + " | Matches:\t" + str(models[i].matches) + " | Influenced by:\t" + str(models[i].influencedBy) + " | Threshold:\t" + str(models[i].threshold) + " | Score:\t" + str(models[i].score) + " | Loaded:\t" + str(models[i].loaded)) print() printCommands() isUserInputWrong = True while isUserInputWrong: userInput = raw_input("What do you want to do? ") if userInput == "a": userInput = raw_input("Which model do you want to activate? ") try: selectedModel = int(userInput) - 1 if selectedModel < len(models): if selectedModel >= 0: models[selectedModel].activate() f.storeSameModel(models[selectedModel]) isUserInputWrong = False else: print("There are no models with a number smaller or equal 0.") else: print("There is no model with such a high number.") except ValueError: print("That was not a number") elif userInput == "d": userInput = raw_input("Which model do you want to deactivate? ") try: selectedModel = int(userInput) - 1 if selectedModel < len(models): if selectedModel >= 0: models[selectedModel].deactivate() f.storeSameModel(models[selectedModel]) isUserInputWrong = False else: print("There are no models with a number smaller or equal 0.") else: print("There is no model with such a high number.") except ValueError: print("That was not a number") elif userInput == "del": userInput = raw_input("Which model do you want to delete? ") try: selectedModel = int(userInput) - 1 if selectedModel < len(models): if selectedModel >= 0: os.remove(conf.MODELS_DIR + "/" + models[selectedModel].name) models = f.loadModels() isUserInputWrong = False else: print("There are no models with a number smaller or equal 0.") else: print("There is no model with such a high number.") except ValueError: print("That was not a number") elif userInput == "r": userInput = raw_input("Which model do you want to rename? ") try: selectedModel = int(userInput) - 1 if selectedModel < len(models): if selectedModel >= 0: oldModelName = models[selectedModel].name newName = raw_input("Which name should this model have?") models[selectedModel].name = newName f.storeModel(models[selectedModel]) os.remove(conf.MODELS_DIR + "/" + oldModelName) isUserInputWrong = False else: print("There are no models with a number smaller or equal 0.") else: print("There is no model with such a high number.") except ValueError: print("That was not a number") elif userInput == "c": userInput = raw_input("For which model do you want to change the path to the script? ") try: selectedModel = int(userInput) - 1 if selectedModel < len(models): if selectedModel >= 0: oldScriptPath = models[selectedModel].script newPath = raw_input("Where is the script? (Current script is at " + oldScriptPath + ". ") while os.path.isfile(newPath) == False: print("It seems that there is no script at " + newPath) newPath = raw_input("Where is the script? (Current script is at " + oldScriptPath + ". ") models[selectedModel].script = newPath f.storeSameModel(models[selectedModel]) isUserInputWrong = False else: print("There are no models with a number smaller or equal 0.") else: print("There is no model with such a high number.") except ValueError: print("That was not a number") elif userInput == "h": isUserInputWrong = False printCommands() elif userInput == "q": isUserInputWrong = False userWantNotToQuit = False else: print("That was not a valid input.")
def main(): global models global modelThreshold global modelScore print("") print("This script can only process conf.CHUNK (currently: " + str(conf.CHUNK) + ") frames per loop so if the file contains a number of frames which is not divisible by conf.CHUNK the last few frames are dropped") model = [] wavenumber = 1 fileName, modelName, optimalFrames, scriptpath = interactions.getTrainParameters() beginning = time.time() # do it while there are wave files wf = [] while os.path.isfile(str(fileName) + "/" + str(wavenumber) + ".wav"): wf.append(( + "/" + str(wavenumber) + ".wav"), wavenumber)) print("File " + str(fileName) + "/" + str(wavenumber) + ".wav found.") wavenumber += 1 for i in wf: model.append(preprocess(i)) for i in wf: i[0].close() wavenumber -= 1 print("Processed " + str(wavenumber) + " files in " + str(time.time() - beginning) + " seconds, minimalize them.") if model != []: data = [] for i in range(wavenumber): data.append( (model[i], optimalFrames)) beginning = time.time() f.clearTmpFolder() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4) result =, data) minimalizedRecords = [] calculatedThresholds = [] for i in result: minimalizedRecords.append(i[0]) calculatedThresholds.append(i[1]) zeroFrame = np.zeros(conf.FEATURES_PER_FRAME, dtype=np.float64) models = [] for i in range(len(minimalizedRecords)): features = copy.deepcopy(minimalizedRecords[i]) tmpFeatures = [copy.deepcopy(zeroFrame) for number in range(optimalFrames)] tmpCounter = [0 for number in range(optimalFrames)] counter = 0. posCounter = [0 for number in range(len(minimalizedRecords))] # for every frame in this record try if we find mergable frames for h in range(optimalFrames): # we try all recordings for j in range(len(minimalizedRecords)): if[j][h], features[h]) < calculatedThresholds[i][h]: tmpFeatures[h] += minimalizedRecords[j][h] tmpCounter[h] += 1 for h in range(optimalFrames): tmpFeatures[h] = np.divide(tmpFeatures[h], tmpCounter[h]) counter += tmpCounter[h] counter /= optimalFrames models.append(modelImport.Model(tmpFeatures, calculatedThresholds[i], modelName, tmpCounter, scriptpath)) print() print("Computed the models in " + str(time.time() - beginning) + " seconds. Compute their score.") print() beginning = time.time() data = [] for i in range(len(models)): data.append((models[i], fileName, i)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4), data) models = f.loadModels(tmp=True) print("Computed the scores in " + str(time.time() - beginning) + " seconds.") print() for i in range(len(models)): print("Model Nr:\t" + str(i + 1) + " | Frames:\t" + str(len(models[i].features)) + " | Matches:\t" + str(models[i].matches) + " | Influenced by:\t" + str(models[i].influencedBy) + " | Threshold:\t" + str(models[i].threshold) + " | Score:\t" + str(models[i].score)) # get the model number and substract 1 because list indexing starts # with 0 modelNumber = interactions.getModelNumber(len(models)+1) - 1 print("You selected Model " + str(modelNumber) + " with " + str(models[modelNumber].matches) + " Matches and a Score of: " + str(models[modelNumber].score)) f.storeModel(models[modelNumber])