Пример #1
 def installATIDriver(self, packageList):
         removePackages = ''
         installPackages = ''
         # Check if drivers are available in the repositories
         for package in packageList:
             # Build install packages string
             installPackages += ' ' + package[0]
             if package[1] == 1:
                 # Check if package is installed
                 # If it is, it's nominated for removal
                 self.log.write('Is package installed: ' + package[0], 'ati.installATIDriver', 'debug')
                 drvChkCmd = 'apt search ' + package[0] + ' | grep ^i | wc -l'
                 drvChk = self.ec.run(drvChkCmd, False)
                 if functions.strToInt(drvChk[0]) > 0:
                     # Build remove packages string
                     removePackages += ' ' + package[0]
         # Remove these packages before installation
         if removePackages != '':
             self.log.write('Remove drivers before reinstallation: ' + removePackages, 'ati.installATIDriver', 'debug')
             nvDrvRemCmd = 'apt-get -y --force-yes remove' + removePackages
         # Purge Nouveau (TODO: is this really necessary?)
         self.log.write('Purge Nouveau drivers: xserver-xorg-video-nouvea', 'ati.installATIDriver', 'debug')
         self.ec.run('apt-get -y --force-yes remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau')
         # Install the packages
         self.log.write('Install drivers: ' + installPackages, 'ati.installATIDriver', 'debug')
         nvDrvInstCmd = 'apt-get -y --force-yes install' + installPackages
     except Exception, detail:
         self.log.write(detail, 'ati.installATIDriver', 'exception')
Пример #2
 def getATI(self):
     # Check for ATI cards
     hwList = []
     cmdGraph = 'lspci | grep VGA'
     hwGraph = self.ec.run(cmdGraph, False)
     #hwGraph = ['00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6310]']
     for line in hwGraph:
         hw = line[line.find(': ') + 2:]
         self.log.write('ATI card found: ' + hw, 'ati.getATI', 'info')
         atiChk = re.search('\\b' + hwCodes[1] + '\\b', hw.lower())
         if atiChk:
             # Get the ATI chip set serie
             atiSerie = re.search('\s\d{4,}', hw)
             if atiSerie:
                 self.log.write('ATI chip serie found: ' + atiSerie.group(0), 'ati.getATI', 'info')
                 intSerie = functions.strToInt(atiSerie.group(0))
                 # Only add series from atiStartSerie
                 if intSerie >= atiStartSerie:
                     drv = self.getDriver()
                     status = functions.getPackageStatus(drv)
                     self.log.write('ATI ' + drv + ' status: ' + status, 'ati.getATI', 'debug')
                     hwList.append([hw, hwCodes[1], status])
                     self.log.write('ATI chip serie not supported: ' + str(intSerie), 'ati.getATI', 'warning')
                     hwList.append([hw, hwCodes[1], packageStatus[2]])
                 self.log.write('No supported ATI chip serie found: ' + hw, 'ati.getATI', 'warning')
             self.log.write('No ATI card found', 'ati.getATI', 'warning')
     return hwList
Пример #3
 def installNvidiaDriver(self, packageList):
         removePackages = ''
         installPackages = ''
         # Check if drivers are available in the repositories
         for package in packageList:
             # Build install packages string
             installPackages += ' ' + package[0]
             if package[1] == 1:
                 # Check if package is installed
                 # If it is, it's nominated for removal
                 self.log.write('Is package installed: ' + package[0], 'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'debug')
                 drvChkCmd = 'apt search ' + package[0] + ' | grep ^i | wc -l'
                 drvChk = self.ec.run(drvChkCmd, False)
                 if functions.strToInt(drvChk[0]) > 0:
                     # Build remove packages string
                     removePackages += ' ' + package[0]
         # Remove these packages before installation
         if removePackages != '':
             self.log.write('Remove drivers before reinstallation: ' + removePackages, 'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'debug')
             nvDrvRemCmd = 'apt-get -y --force-yes remove' + removePackages
         # Preseed answers for some packages
         # Install the packages
         self.log.write('Install drivers: ' + installPackages, 'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'debug')
         nvDrvInstCmd = 'apt-get -y --force-yes install' + installPackages
     except Exception, detail:
         self.log.write(detail, 'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'exception')
Пример #4
    def getATI(self):
        # Check for ATI cards
        hwList = []
        cmdGraph = "lspci | grep VGA"
        hwGraph = self.ec.run(cmdGraph, False)
        # hwGraph = ['00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6310]']
        for line in hwGraph:
            hw = line[line.find(": ") + 2 :]
            self.log.write("ATI card found: " + hw, "ati.getATI", "info")
            atiChk = re.search("\\b" + hwCodes[1] + "\\b", hw.lower())
            if atiChk:
                # Get the ATI chip set serie
                atiSerie = re.search("\s\d{4,}", hw)
                if atiSerie:
                    self.log.write("ATI chip serie found: " + atiSerie.group(0), "ati.getATI", "info")
                    intSerie = functions.strToInt(atiSerie.group(0))
                    # Only add series from atiStartSerie
                    if intSerie >= atiStartSerie:
                        drv = self.getDriver()
                        status = functions.getPackageStatus(drv)
                        self.log.write("ATI " + drv + " status: " + status, "ati.getATI", "debug")
                        hwList.append([hw, hwCodes[1], status])
                        self.log.write("ATI chip serie not supported: " + str(intSerie), "ati.getATI", "warning")
                        hwList.append([hw, hwCodes[1], packageStatus[2]])
                    self.log.write("No supported ATI chip serie found: " + hw, "ati.getATI", "warning")
                self.log.write("No ATI card found", "ati.getATI", "warning")

        return hwList
Пример #5
    def installNvidiaDriver(self, packageList):
            removePackages = ''
            installPackages = ''
            # Check if drivers are available in the repositories
            for package in packageList:
                # Build install packages string
                installPackages += ' ' + package[0]
                if package[1] == 1:
                    # Check if package is installed
                    # If it is, it's nominated for removal
                    self.log.write('Is package installed: ' + package[0],
                                   'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'debug')
                    drvChkCmd = 'apt search ' + package[
                        0] + ' | grep ^i | wc -l'
                    drvChk = self.ec.run(drvChkCmd, False)
                    if functions.strToInt(drvChk[0]) > 0:
                        # Build remove packages string
                        removePackages += ' ' + package[0]

            # Remove these packages before installation
            if removePackages != '':
                    'Remove drivers before reinstallation: ' + removePackages,
                    'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'debug')
                nvDrvRemCmd = 'apt-get -y --force-yes remove' + removePackages

            # Preseed answers for some packages

            # Install the packages
            self.log.write('Install drivers: ' + installPackages,
                           'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'debug')
            nvDrvInstCmd = 'apt-get -y --force-yes install' + installPackages

        except Exception, detail:
            self.log.write(detail, 'nvidia.installNvidiaDriver', 'exception')
Пример #6
    def installATIDriver(self, packageList):
            removePackages = ""
            installPackages = ""
            # Check if drivers are available in the repositories
            for package in packageList:
                # Build install packages string
                installPackages += " " + package[0]
                if package[1] == 1:
                    # Check if package is installed
                    # If it is, it's nominated for removal
                    self.log.write("Is package installed: " + package[0], "ati.installATIDriver", "debug")
                    drvChkCmd = "apt search " + package[0] + " | grep ^i | wc -l"
                    drvChk = self.ec.run(drvChkCmd, False)
                    if functions.strToInt(drvChk[0]) > 0:
                        # Build remove packages string
                        removePackages += " " + package[0]

            # Remove these packages before installation
            if removePackages != "":
                    "Remove drivers before reinstallation: " + removePackages, "ati.installATIDriver", "debug"
                nvDrvRemCmd = "apt-get -y --force-yes remove" + removePackages

            # Purge Nouveau (TODO: is this really necessary?)
            self.log.write("Purge Nouveau drivers: xserver-xorg-video-nouvea", "ati.installATIDriver", "debug")
            self.ec.run("apt-get -y --force-yes remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau")

            # Install the packages
            self.log.write("Install drivers: " + installPackages, "ati.installATIDriver", "debug")
            nvDrvInstCmd = "apt-get -y --force-yes install" + installPackages

        except Exception, detail:
            self.log.write(detail, "ati.installATIDriver", "exception")