Пример #1
    def __init__(self,N=100,L=10.0,d=1):
        self.N = N
        self.L = L
        self.d = d
        self.onedgrid = np.linspace(-L,L,N)
        self.x,self.y = np.meshgrid(self.onedgrid, self.onedgrid)
        self.r = np.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
        self.theta = np.arctan2(self.x,self.y)
        self.delta = self.onedgrid[1] - self.onedgrid[0]

        Delta1D = functions.tridiag(N,-1,2,-1)/self.delta**2
        eye = functions.tridiag(N,0,1,0)
        self.Delta = scipy.sparse.kron(Delta1D,eye,'csr') + scipy.sparse.kron(eye,Delta1D,'csr')
Пример #2
    def fem_mult_op(self,V,l,Mass):
        # Vsqrtop = scipy.sparse.spdiags(np.sqrt(np.abs(V)),0,V.shape[0],V.shape[0],'csr')
        # return np.sign(V[1]) * np.dot(np.dot(Vsqrtop,Mass),Vsqrtop)

        params = self.fem_params(l)
        if not params['phi']:
            if not params['weight']:
                raise Exception("Not implemented")
            # the grid has been shifted
            x = np.zeros_like(self.x)
            x[1:] = self.x[:-1]
            deltap = self.deltam
            deltam = np.zeros_like(deltap)
            deltam[1:] = deltap[:-1]
            deltam[0] = np.NaN

            h = deltam[5]
            diag = V / 2 * x
            diag[1:] += 1/12*V[:-1] * (x[1:] - 2/5*h)
            diag[:-1] += 1/12*V[1:] * (x[:-1] + 2/5*h)
            diag[0] = h*(1/20*V[0] + 1/30 * V[1])
            offdiag = 1/12*V * (x + 2/5*h)
            offdiag[:-1] += 1/12*V[1:] * (x[:-1] + 3/5*h)
            # debug

            diag = V/4*(deltam*(x-1/5*deltam) + deltap*(x+1/5*deltap))
            diag[1:] += 1/12*V[:-1] * deltam[1:]*(x[1:] - 2/5*deltam[1:])
            diag[:-1] += 1/12*V[1:] * deltap[:-1]*(x[:-1] + 2/5*deltap[:-1])
            diag[0] = deltap[0]**2*(1/20*V[0] + 1/30 * V[1])
            offdiag = 1/12*V * deltap*(x + 2/5*deltap)
            offdiag[:-1] += 1/12*V[1:] * deltap[:-1]*(x[:-1] + 3/5*deltap[:-1])

            return functions.tridiag(self.N,offdiag,diag,offdiag)
            if params['fd']:
                return functions.tridiag(self.N,0,V,0)
                diag = V/4*(self.deltap + self.deltam)
                diag[1:] += 1/12*V[:-1]*self.deltam[1:]
                diag[:-1] += 1/12*V[1:]*self.deltap[:-1]
                offdiag = 1/12*V*self.deltap
                offdiag[:-1] += 1/12*V[1:]*self.deltap[:-1]
                return functions.tridiag(self.N,offdiag,diag,offdiag)
Пример #3
def build_rho_2D(g, V, gamma, sigma, numeigs=4):
    '''Construit rho à partir des premières fonctions propres de -Delta+V'''
    bigN = g.N**g.d
    H = g.Delta + functions.tridiag(bigN,0,V.flat,0)
    w,vs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,numeigs,sigma=sigma,which='LM')
    if w[-1] < 0:
        return build_rho_2D(g,V,gamma, sigma, numeigs*2)
    elif w[0] > 0:
        raise Exception('No negative eigenvalue')
    print 'Eigs', w
    vecs = []
    for i in range(0,len(w)):
        if w[i] < 0:

    rho = np.zeros_like(V)
    for i in range(0,len(vecs)):
        rho = rho + np.abs(w[i])**(gamma-1)*vecs[i]**2
    return rho, w[w < 0], vecs
Пример #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Standalone program for comparing Jacobi's Method to the Bisection Method for
finding eigenvalues
from functions import tridiag, jacobi_solver, bisect_eigens
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
Ns = [5,10,15,20]
t = np.zeros((2,len(Ns),1))
j = 0
for i in Ns:
    tt = time.perf_counter()
    t[0,j,0] = time.perf_counter() - tt
    tt = time.perf_counter()
    t[1,j,0] = time.perf_counter() - tt
    j += 1
plt.plot(Ns, t[0,:])
plt.plot(Ns, t[1,:])
plt.xlabel('Square Matrix Length')
plt.ylabel('Time to calculate eigenvalues [s]') 
plt.title('Time to calculate eigenvalues given a matrix length N')
Пример #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Standalone program for plotting N versus Rotations
Runtime is pretty long, beware! The "soft-cap" seems to be at around N = 100,
so remove N = 150 if its taking too long
from functions import tridiag, jacobi_solver
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Ns = [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150]  #N values
data = np.zeros((len(Ns), 2))
j = 0
for i in Ns:
    data[j][0] = i  #x-axis
    data[j][1] = jacobi_solver(tridiag(-1, 2,
                                       i))[2]  #y-axis, returns iterations
    j += 1
plt.xlabel('Square Matrix Length')
plt.ylabel('Number of iterations needed')
    'Iterations needed with the Jacobi Rotation Algorithm given a length N')
plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1])
Пример #6
Standalone program for testing and validating some functions used in this
Let us test if all our methods return the correct eigenvalues
Let's assume we have the Matrix
5 2 0 0 0
2 5 2 0 0
0 2 5 2 0
0 0 2 5 0
This should return the eigenvalues:
    lambda = 7, 5, 3, 5 + 2*sqrt(3), 5 - 2*sqrt(3)
rLambdas = np.sort([7,5,3,5 + 2*np.sqrt(3), 5 - 2*np.sqrt(3)])
A = tridiag(2,5,5)
Let's now test each of our solutions
nEigs = np.sort(np.linalg.eig(A)[0])
aEigs = np.sort(eigenvalues(2,5,5))
jEigs = np.sort(jacobi_solver(A)[0])
if np.allclose(rLambdas,nEigs) == True:
    print('Numpy Validated')
if np.allclose(rLambdas,nEigs) == True:
    print('Analytical Validated')
if np.allclose(rLambdas,nEigs) == True:
     print('Jacobi Validated')
This can also be verified with any other Matrix
Пример #7
    def fem_mats(self,l):
        # returns Delta, Mass
        N = self.N
        params = self.fem_params(l)
        if not params['phi']:
            if self.d != 2:
                raise Exception('Not implemented')

            # the grid has been shifted
            x = np.zeros_like(self.x)
            x[1:] = self.x[:-1]
            deltap = self.deltam
            deltam = np.zeros_like(deltap)
            deltam[1:] = deltap[:-1]
            deltam[0] = np.NaN

            if params['weight']:
                # integrate against r
                # Mdiag = h * 2/3 * x
                # Moffdiag = h * 1/6 * (x + h/2)
                # Mdiag[0] = h**2 / 12

                # Ddiag = 2 / h * x #OK
                # Doffdiag = -1 / h * (x + h/2) #OK
                # Ddiag[0] = 1/2 #OK

                Mdiag = deltam/3*(x-deltam/4) + deltap/3*(x+deltap/4)
                Moffdiag = 1/6*deltap*(x+deltap/2)
                Mdiag[0] = deltap[0]**2/12

                Ddiag = x*(1/deltam+1/deltap)
                Doffdiag = -1/deltap*(x+deltap/2)
                Ddiag[0] = 1/2

                Delta = functions.tridiag(N,Doffdiag,Ddiag,Doffdiag)
                Mass = functions.tridiag(N,Moffdiag,Mdiag,Moffdiag)
                if l != 0:
                    raise Exception('Not implemented')
                Delta = functions.tridiag(N,-1,2,-1) / self.delta
                Mass = functions.tridiag(N,1,4,1) * self.delta / 6
                Delta[0,0] = 1/self.delta
                Mass[0,0] = 1/3*self.delta

            if params['fd']:
                Delta = functions.tridiag(N,-1,2,-1) / self.delta**2
                # Mass = functions.tridiag(N,0,1,0)
                Mass = None
                # Delta[0,0] = 1/self.delta**2
                # Delta = functions.tridiag(N,-1,2,-1) / self.delta
                # Mass = functions.tridiag(N,1,4,1) * self.delta / 6

                # deltamat = functions.tridiag(N,0, np.sqrt(self.delta),0)
                # deltainvmat = functions.tridiag(N,0, 1/np.sqrt(self.delta),0)
                # Delta = np.dot(np.dot(deltainvmat,functions.tridiag(N,-1,2,-1)),deltainvmat)
                # Mass = np.dot(np.dot(deltamat,functions.tridiag(N,1,4,1)),deltamat) / 6

                # if neumann:
                #     Delta[0,0] = 1/self.delta
                #     Mass[0,0] = 1/3*self.delta

                Ddiag = (self.deltap+self.deltam)/self.deltap/self.deltam
                Doffdiag = -1/self.deltap
                Mdiag = 1/3*(self.deltap + self.deltam)
                Moffdiag = 1/6 * self.deltap

                Delta = functions.tridiag(N,Doffdiag,Ddiag,Doffdiag)
                Mass = functions.tridiag(N,Moffdiag,Mdiag,Moffdiag)
        return Delta,Mass
Пример #8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Standalone program for calculating runtime for three different algorithms for
finding eigenvalues
from functions import tridiag, eigenvalues, jacobi_solver
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
Ns = [5, 10, 30, 50]
t = np.zeros((3, len(Ns), 1))
j = 0
for i in Ns:
    tt = time.perf_counter()
    eigenvalues(-5, 10, i)
    t[0, j, 0] = time.perf_counter() - tt
    tt = time.perf_counter()
    np.linalg.eig(tridiag(-5, 10, i))
    t[1, j, 0] = time.perf_counter() - tt
    tt = time.perf_counter()
    jacobi_solver(tridiag(-5, 10, i))
    t[2, j, 0] = time.perf_counter() - tt
    j += 1
plt.plot(Ns, t[0, :])
plt.plot(Ns, t[1, :])
plt.plot(Ns, t[2, :])
plt.legend(['Analytical', 'Numpy', 'Jacobi'])
plt.xlabel('Square Matrix Length')
plt.ylabel('Time to calculate eigenvalues [s]')
plt.title('Time to calculate eigenvalues given a matrix length N')