Пример #1
def waifu(ctx, gender=None, search_for=None, is_otp=False):
    if ctx.command == "waifu" or gender == "waifu":
        list_name = "Waifu"
        end_tag = ["1girl", "solo"]
        list_name = "Husbando"
        end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy", "solo"]
    result = ()
    path = os.path.join(ctx.bot.config_path, '{} List.yaml'.format(list_name))
    char_list = yaml_to_list(path, list_name.lower())
    # This is used so they can't get aroun dbeing limited with x cmd
    # Plus to the odd series to make people actually use other cmds 😠.
    ignore = ["high-school-dxd", "love-live",
              "aoki-hagane-no-arpeggio", "kantai-collection",
              "aikatsu", "akb0048", "idolmaster",
    matched = []
    if search_for is None:
        search_for = ctx.args
    if len(search_for) >= 5 and slugify(search_for) not in ignore:
        result = filter_per_series(char_list, search_for, 4)
    if not result:
        result = random.choice(char_list)
    name = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", result[0]).strip()  # Remove () and []
    series = result[1].get('series', None)
    otp_image = result[1].get('otp image', None)
    if is_otp:
        return name, series, otp_image
    start_path = settings.get('image_location', os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'images'))
    path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(result[0]))
    end_tag.append(name.replace(" ", "_"))
    reply_text = "Your {} is {} ({})".format(list_name, name, series)
    media_args = {'tags': end_tag}
    reply_media = get_media(path=path_name, ctx=ctx, media_args=media_args)
    return reply_text, reply_media
Пример #2
def waifu(ctx, gender=None, search_for=None, is_otp=False):
    """Get a random {OPTION}"""
    if ctx.command == "waifu" or gender == "waifu":
        list_name = "Waifu"
        end_tag = ["1girl", "solo"]
        list_name = "Husbando"
        end_tag = ["-1girl", "-genderbend", "1boy", "solo"]
    result = ()
    path = os.path.join(ctx.bot.config_path, '{} List.yaml'.format(list_name))
    if "video game" in ctx.args.lower() and list_name == "Waifu":
        char_list = yaml_to_list(path, "video game")
        char_list = yaml_to_list(path, list_name.lower())
    # This is used so they can't get aroun dbeing limited with x cmd
    # Plus to the odd series to make people actually use other cmds 😠.
    ignore = ["high-school-dxd", "love-live", "love-live-sunshine"
              "aoki-hagane-no-arpeggio", "kantai-collection",
              "aikatsu", "akb0048", "idolmaster",
    matched = []
    if search_for is None:
        search_for = ctx.args
    if len(search_for) >= 5 and slugify(search_for) not in ignore:
        result = filter_per_series(char_list, search_for, 4)
    if not result:
        result = random.choice(char_list)
    name = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", result[0]).strip()  # Remove () and []
    series = result[1].get('series')
    otp_image = result[1].get('otp image')
    if is_otp:
        return name, series, otp_image
    start_path = settings.get('image_location', os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'images'))
    path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(result[0]))
    end_tag.append(result[0].replace(" ", "_"))
    reply_text = "Your {} is {} ({})".format(list_name, name, series)
    media_args = {'tags': end_tag}
    reply_media = get_media(path=path_name, ctx=ctx, media_args=media_args)
    return reply_text, reply_media
Пример #3
def fate_servant_cmd(ctx):
    # NOTE: Still not finished on the list side.
    start_path = settings.get('image_location', os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'images'))
    team = []
    for x in range(0, 3):
        picked = False
        while True:
            rand = random.randint(0, 100)
            if rand <= 50:
                picked = random.choice(["Saber", "Archer", "Lancer"])
            elif 51 <= rand <= 70:
                picked = random.choice(["Rider", "Caster", "Assassin"])
            elif 71 <= rand <= 90:
                picked = random.choice(["Berserker", "Alter Ego", "Shielder"])
            elif 91 <= rand <= 100:
                picked = random.choice(["Ruler", "Avenger", "Moon Cancer"])
            if picked in team:

    final_entries = []
    final_images = []
    had_false = False
    for member in team:
        list_name = "Waifu"
        # temp no male 
        if member in ["Saber", "Archer", "Lancer", "Rider", "Caster", "Assassin"] and random.randint(0, 100) > 195:
            list_name = "Husbando"
        path = os.path.join(ctx.bot.config_path, '{} List.yaml'.format(list_name))
        char_list = yaml_to_list(path, "fate/servant/{}".format(member.lower().replace(" ", "_")))
        char = random.choice(char_list)
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(char[0]))
        image = get_media(path=path_name, media_args={})
        if not image:
            had_false = True

    reply_media = False
    if not had_false:
        reply_media = create_otp_image(otp_results=final_images, width_size=0, height_size=1000, is_otp=False)
    reply_text = "Your Fate/Grand Order Team is:\n{} ({})\n{} ({})\n{} ({})".format(
        re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", final_entries[0][0]).strip(), team[0],
        re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", final_entries[1][0]).strip(), team[1],
        re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", final_entries[2][0]).strip(), team[2])
    return reply_text, reply_media
Пример #4
def random_list(ctx):
    # Male only lists.
    male_lists = ["shota", "onii"]
    # Both female and male can be under these.
    special_male_lists = ["idol", "sensei", "senpai", "kouhai", "yandere", "tsundere"]
    # Simple way to make sure to not load male list if one of these are used.
    possible_search = ["love", "idolmaster", "cinderella",
                       "akb0048", "wake", "aikatsu"] 
    # List of lists that don't need to show the series.
    ignore_series_lists = ["shipgirl", "touhou", "witchgirl", "tankgirl", "vocaloid"]
    list_name = "Waifu"
    end_tag = ["1girl", "solo"]
    args = ctx.message.lower()
    result = ()
    search_for = ""
    show_series = False if ctx.command in ignore_series_lists else True
    support_otp = False
    # Special per list stuff
    if ctx.command == "shipgirl":
        # Default shipgirl to kantai collection only
        search_for = "Kantai Collection"
        support_otp = True
        if "all" in args:
            search_for = ""
        elif "aoki" in args:
            search_for = "Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio"
    elif ctx.command == "idol":
        args = args.replace("!", "").replace("@", "a")
        if "love live sunshine" in args:
            search_for = "Love Live! Sunshine!!"
        elif "love live" in args:
            search_for = "Love Live!"
            support_otp = True
        elif "idolmaster" in args:
            search_for = "Idolmaster"
        elif "cinderella" in args:
            search_for = "Idolmaster Cinderella Girls"
        elif "akb0048" in args:
            search_for = "AKB0048"
        elif "wake up" in args:
            search_for = "Wake Up Girls!"
        elif "aikatsu" in args:
            search_for = "Aikatsu!"
    if (ctx.command in special_male_lists and "male" in args and not "female" in args and not search_for)\
        or ctx.command in male_lists:
            list_name = "Husbando"
            end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    elif (ctx.command in special_male_lists and not "female" in args and not search_for):
        random_gender = random.randint(0, 10)
        if random_gender > 8:
            list_name = "Husbando"
            end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    if ctx.command in male_lists:
        list_name = "Husbando"
        end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    if support_otp and "otp" in args:
        list_name = "OTP"
    if ctx.command == "onee" or ctx.command == "onii":
        ctx.command = ctx.command + "-chan"
    path = os.path.join(ctx.bot.config_path, '{} List.yaml'.format(list_name))
    char_list = yaml_to_list(path, ctx.command.lower())
    if search_for:
        result = filter_per_series(char_list, search_for, 4)
    if not result:
        result = random.choice(char_list)
    series = result[1].get('series', None)
    otp_image = result[1].get('otp image', None)
    start_path = settings.get('image_location', os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'images'))
    if list_name == "OTP":
        name_one, name_two = result[0].split("(x)")
        end_tag = ["2girls", "yuri", name_one.replace(" ", "_"), name_two.replace(" ", "_")]
        list_title = ctx.command.title() + " OTP"
        name = "{} x {}".format(re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name_one).strip(),
                                re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name_two).strip())
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(name))
        list_title = ctx.command.title()
        name = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", result[0]).strip()  # Remove () and []
        end_tag.append(result[0].replace(" ", "_"))
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(result[0]))
    if ctx.command == "granblue":
        reply_text = "{} has joined your party!".format(name)
        reply_text = "Your {} is {}{}".format(
            list_title.replace("-C", "-c"),  # w/e
            "" if not show_series else " ({})".format(series))
    media_args = {'tags': end_tag}
    reply_media = get_media(path=path_name, ctx=ctx, media_args=media_args)
    return reply_text, reply_media
Пример #5
def random_list(ctx):
    male_only_lists = ["shota", "onii"]
    # Both female and male can be under these.
    both_gender_lists = ["idol", "sensei", "senpai", "kouhai", "yandere", "tsundere"]
    # Simple way to make sure to not load male list if one of these are used.
    possible_search = ["love", "idolmaster", "cinderella",
                       "akb0048", "wake", "aikatsu"] 
    # List of lists that don't need to show the series.
    ignore_series_lists = ["shipgirl", "touhou", "witchgirl", "tankgirl", "vocaloid", "unwrap"]
    list_name = "Waifu"
    end_tag = ["1girl", "solo"]
    args = ctx.message.lower()
    result = ()
    search_for = ""
    show_series = False if ctx.command in ignore_series_lists else True
    support_otp = False
    skip_online = False
    # Special per list stuff
    if ctx.command == "shipgirl":
        # Default shipgirl to kantai collection only
        search_for = "Kantai Collection"
        support_otp = True
        if "all" in args:
            search_for = ""
        elif "aoki" in args:
            search_for = "Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio"
    elif ctx.command == "idol":
        args = args.replace("!", "").replace("@", "a")
        if "love live sunshine" in args:
            search_for = "Love Live! Sunshine!!"
        elif "love live" in args:
            search_for = "Love Live!"
            support_otp = True
        elif "idolmaster" in args:
            search_for = "Idolmaster"
        elif "cinderella" in args:
            search_for = "Idolmaster Cinderella Girls"
        elif "akb0048" in args:
            search_for = "AKB0048"
        elif "wake up" in args:
            search_for = "Wake Up Girls!"
        elif "aikatsu" in args:
            search_for = "Aikatsu!"
    elif ctx.command == "unwrap":
        show_series = True
    if (ctx.command in both_gender_lists and "male" in args and not "female" in args and not search_for)\
        or ctx.command in male_only_lists:
            list_name = "Husbando"
            end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    elif (ctx.command in both_gender_lists and not "female" in args and not search_for):
        random_gender = random.randint(0, 10)
        if random_gender > 8:
            list_name = "Husbando"
            end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    if ctx.command in male_only_lists:
        list_name = "Husbando"
        end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    if support_otp and "otp" in args:
        list_name = "OTP"
    if ctx.command == "onee" or ctx.command == "onii":
        ctx.command = ctx.command + "-chan"
    if ctx.command == "okaa":
        ctx.command = ctx.command + "-san"
    path = os.path.join(ctx.bot.config_path, '{} List.yaml'.format(list_name))
    char_list = yaml_to_list(path, ctx.command.lower())
    if search_for:
        result = filter_per_series(char_list, search_for, 4)
    if not result:
        result = random.choice(char_list)
    series = result[1].get('series')
    otp_image = result[1].get('otp image')
    start_path = settings.get('image_location', os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'images'))
    if list_name == "OTP":
        name_one, name_two = result[0].split("(x)")
        end_tag = ["2girls", "yuri", name_one.replace(" ", "_"), name_two.replace(" ", "_")]
        list_title = ctx.command.title() + " OTP"
        name = "{} x {}".format(re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name_one).strip(),
                                re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name_two).strip())
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(name))
        list_title = ctx.command.title()
        name = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", result[0]).strip()  # Remove () and []
        end_tag.append(result[0].replace(" ", "_"))
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(result[0]))
        if ctx.command == "unwrap":
            path_name = os.path.join(path_name, "christmas")
    if ctx.command == "granblue":
        reply_text = "{} has joined your party!".format(name)
    elif ctx.command == "unwrap":
        merry_ran_end = ["Merry Christmas!", "Happy Holidays!", "Season's Greetings!", "Merii Kurisumasu!"]
        reply_text = "{} was in your present ({}). {}".format(name, series, random.choice(merry_ran_end))
        reply_text = "Your {} is {}{}".format(
            list_title.replace("-C", "-c").replace("-S", "-s"),  # w/e
            "" if not show_series else " ({})".format(series))
    media_args = {'tags': end_tag, 'skip_online': skip_online}
    reply_media = get_media(path=path_name, ctx=ctx, media_args=media_args)
    return reply_text, reply_media
Пример #6
def random_list(ctx):
    male_only_lists = ["shota", "onii"]
    # Both female and male can be under these.
    both_gender_lists = ["idol", "sensei", "senpai", "kouhai", "yandere", "tsundere", "fate/servant"]
    # Simple way to make sure to not load male list if one of these are used.
    possible_search = ["love", "idolmaster", "cinderella",
                       "akb0048", "wake", "aikatsu"] 
    # List of lists that don't need to show the series.
    ignore_series_lists = ["shipgirl", "touhou", "witchgirl", "tankgirl", "vocaloid", "unwrap"]
    list_name = "Waifu"
    end_tag = ["1girl", "solo"]
    args = ctx.message.lower()
    result = ()
    search_for = ""
    show_series = False if ctx.command in ignore_series_lists else True
    support_otp = False
    skip_online = False
    # Special per list stuff
    if ctx.command == "shipgirl":
        # Default shipgirl to kantai collection only
        search_for = "Kantai Collection"
        support_otp = True
        if "all" in args:
            search_for = ""
        elif "aoki" in args:
            search_for = "Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio"
    elif ctx.command == "idol":
        args = args.replace("!", "").replace("@", "a")
        if "love live sunshine" in args:
            search_for = "Love Live! Sunshine!!"
        elif "love live" in args:
            search_for = "Love Live!"
            support_otp = True
        elif "idolmaster" in args:
            search_for = "Idolmaster"
        elif "cinderella" in args:
            search_for = "Idolmaster Cinderella Girls"
        elif "akb0048" in args:
            search_for = "AKB0048"
        elif "wake up" in args:
            search_for = "Wake Up Girls!"
        elif "aikatsu" in args:
            search_for = "Aikatsu!"
    elif ctx.command == "unwrap":
        show_series = True
    elif ctx.command == "fate/servant":
        skip_online = True
    if (ctx.command in both_gender_lists and "male" in args and not "female" in args and not search_for)\
        or ctx.command in male_only_lists:
            list_name = "Husbando"
            end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    elif (ctx.command in both_gender_lists and not "female" in args and not search_for):
        random_gender = random.randint(0, 10)
        if random_gender > 8:
            list_name = "Husbando"
            end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    if ctx.command in male_only_lists:
        list_name = "Husbando"
        end_tag = ["-1girl", "-female", "1boy"]
    if support_otp and "otp" in args:
        list_name = "OTP"
    if ctx.command == "onee" or ctx.command == "onii":
        ctx.command = ctx.command + "-chan"
    if ctx.command == "okaa":
        ctx.command = ctx.command + "-san"
    path = os.path.join(ctx.bot.config_path, '{} List.yaml'.format(list_name))
    char_list = yaml_to_list(path, ctx.command.lower())
    if search_for:
        result = filter_per_series(char_list, search_for, 4)
    if not result:
        if ctx.command == "fate/servant":
            rng = random.randint(1, 1000)
            if rng <= 700:
                card_rank = range(1, 4)
            elif 701 <= rng <= 900:
                card_rank = range(4, 5)
            elif rng >= 901:
                card_rank = range(5, 6)
            break_count = 0
            print("CARD RANK")
            while True:
                if break_count == 10:
                result = random.choice(char_list)
                if result[1].get('get_rate', 1) in card_rank:
                break_count += 1
            result = random.choice(char_list)
    series = result[1].get('series')
    otp_image = result[1].get('otp image')
    start_path = settings.get('image_location', os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'images'))
    if list_name == "OTP":
        name_one, name_two = result[0].split("(x)")
        end_tag = ["2girls", "yuri", name_one.replace(" ", "_"), name_two.replace(" ", "_")]
        list_title = ctx.command.title() + " OTP"
        name = "{} x {}".format(re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name_one).strip(),
                                re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name_two).strip())
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(name))
        list_title = ctx.command.title()
        name = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", result[0]).strip()  # Remove () and []
        end_tag.append(result[0].replace(" ", "_"))
        path_name = os.path.join(start_path, list_name, slugify(result[0]))
        if ctx.command == "unwrap":
            path_name = os.path.join(path_name, "christmas")
    if ctx.command == "granblue":
        reply_text = "{} has joined your party!".format(name)
    elif ctx.command == "unwrap":
        merry_ran_end = ["Merry Christmas!", "Happy Holidays!", "Season's Greetings!", "Merii Kurisumasu!"]
        reply_text = "{} was in your present ({}). {}".format(name, series, random.choice(merry_ran_end))
    elif ctx.command == "fate/servant":
        reply_text = "Your {} is {} {}".format(list_title, name, "")
        reply_text = "Your {} is {}{}".format(
            list_title.replace("-C", "-c").replace("-S", "-s"),  # w/e
            "" if not show_series else " ({})".format(series))
    media_args = {'tags': end_tag, 'skip_online': skip_online}
    reply_media = get_media(path=path_name, ctx=ctx, media_args=media_args)
    return reply_text, reply_media