Пример #1
    def flatten_message(self, message):
        # TODO Check if messages are nested/contain lists

        def snake_case(name):
            return re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", "_", name).lower()

        return funcy.walk_keys(snake_case, message)
def create_rps_game(n=1, eps=0):
    assert n >= 1

    k = n - 1
    delta = 60 / (6 * n)
    # TODO
    context = {
        'xRock': create_rock(k=k, p1=True, delta=delta, eps=eps),
        'xScissors': create_scissors(k=k, p1=True, delta=delta, eps=eps),
        'xPaper': create_paper(k=k, p1=True, delta=delta, eps=eps),
        'yRock': create_rock(k=k, p1=False, delta=delta),
        'yScissors': create_scissors(k=k, p1=False, delta=delta),
        'yPaper': create_paper(k=k, p1=False, delta=delta),

    context = fn.walk_keys(stl.parse, context)

    spec = G.Specs(
        obj=stl.parse('G(Rules)', H=H).inline_context(context),

    return G.Game(specs=spec, model=MODEL)
Пример #3
 def _get_data(self):
     qs = SampleAnnotation.objects.values(*self.KEYS).prefetch_related(
     ).filter(series_annotation_id__in=self.metadata.get('ids', []))
     return [walk_keys(self.KEYS, annotation) for annotation in qs.iterator()]
Пример #4
    def unroll_keys(inputs):
        nonlocal time
        time += 1

        def unroll_key(key):
            return f"{key}##time_{time}"

        return fn.walk_keys(unroll_key, inputs)
def get_vertical_cages(rows):
    transpose_coordinates = lambda t: (t[1], t[0])
    res = get_horizontal_cages(transpose(rows))
    res = walk_keys(transpose_coordinates, res)
    transpose_coordinates_lst = compose(list,
                                        partial(map, transpose_coordinates))
    res = walk_values(transpose_coordinates_lst, res)
    return res
Пример #6
 def get_annotation():
     return JsonResponse(
         [walk_keys(self.KEYS, annotation) for annotation in
Пример #7
        def _update():
            bar = next(self.iteral_buffer)
            bar = fy.walk_keys(lambda x: x.lower(), bar)
            bar["date"] = self.__set_dtformat(bar)

            for i in bar:
                    bar[i] = float(bar[i])  # 将数值转化为float
                except ValueError:
            return bar
Пример #8
        def __update():
            new_bar = next(self._iteral_data)
            new_bar = fy.walk_keys(lambda x: x.lower(), new_bar)
            new_bar["date"] = self.__set_dtformat(new_bar)

            for i in new_bar:
                    new_bar[i] = float(new_bar[i])  # 将数值转化为float
                except ValueError:
            return new_bar
Пример #9
        def _update():
            bar = next(self.iteral_data2)
            bar = fy.walk_keys(lambda x: x.lower(), bar)
            bar['date'] = self.set_dtformat(bar)

            for i in list(bar.keys()):
                    bar[i] = float(bar[i])  # 将数值转化为float
                except ValueError:
            return bar
Пример #10
    def add(self, config, strip_app_name=False, filter_by_app_name=False,
        Add a dict of config data. Values from later dicts will take precedence
        over those added earlier, so the order data is added matters.

        Note: Double underscores can be used to indicate dict key name
        boundaries. i.e. if we have a dict like:

            'logging': {
                'level': INFO

        we could pass an environment variable LOGGING__LEVEL=DEBUG to override
        the log level.

        Note: Key names will be normalised by recursively applying the
        key_normalisation_func function. By default this will:

            1) Convert keys to lowercase
            2) Replace hyphens with underscores
            3) Strip leading underscores

        This allows key names from different sources (e.g. CLI args, env vars,
        etc.) to be able to override each other.

        :param config dict: config data
        :param strip_app_name boolean: If True, the configured app_name will
        stripped from the start of top-level input keys if present.
        :param filter_by_app_name boolean: If True, keys that don't begin with
        the app name will be discarded.
        config = walk_recursive(key_normalisation_func, OrderedDict(config))

        if filter_by_app_name:
            config = funcy.compact(funcy.select_keys(
                lambda k: k.startswith(self._app_name), config))

        if strip_app_name:
            strip_app_name_regex = re.compile("^%s" % self._app_name)
            config = funcy.walk_keys(
                lambda k: re.sub(strip_app_name_regex, '', k), config)


        return self             # enables a fluent interface
Пример #11
    def flatten(self, actions: Actions) -> Bits:
        Converts structured sequence of (sys, env) actions to a
        sequence of bits that this concrete specification recognizes.
        timed_actions = {}
        bmap = self.imap + self.emap
        for t, action in enumerate(actions):
            old2new = {k: f'{k}##time_{t}' for k in bmap.keys()}
            bmap_t = bmap.relabel(old2new)
            action_t = fn.walk_keys(old2new.get, action)

        idx2key = bidict(self.bexpr.bdd.vars).inv
        return [timed_actions[idx2key[i]] for i in range(len(idx2key))]
Пример #12
Файл: ingest.py Проект: vm/nba
    def _update_gamelog_keys(self, gamelog):
        Removes Player key and switches MainPlayerCode and OppPlayerCode
        keys if the MainPlayerCode is not player_code.

        :param gamelog: A dict of stats.
        :returns: Gamelog with proper keys placement.
        # @TODO This is so sad.
        gamelog.pop('Player', None)
        if self.player_one_code != gamelog['MainPlayerCode']:
            replacer = partial(multiple_replace,
                               adict={'Main': 'Opp', 'Opp': 'Main'})
            return walk_keys(replacer, gamelog)
        return gamelog
Пример #13
    def __getitem__(self, others):
        if not isinstance(others, tuple):
            return super().__getitem__(others)

        kind, relabels = others
        if kind not in {'i', 'o', 'l'}:
            raise NotImplementedError

        attr_name = {
            'i': 'input_map',
            'o': 'output_map',
            'l': 'latch_map',

        attr_value = fn.walk_keys(lambda x: relabels.get(x, x),
                                  getattr(self, attr_name))
        return attr.evolve(self, **{attr_name: attr_value})
Пример #14
def to_bdd(circ_or_expr, output=None, manager=None, renamer=None, levels=None):
    if renamer is None:
        _count = 0

        def renamer(*_):
            nonlocal _count
            _count += 1
            return f"x{_count}"

    if not isinstance(circ_or_expr, aiger.BoolExpr):
        circ = aiger.to_aig(circ_or_expr, allow_lazy=True)
        assert len(circ.latches) == 0

        if output is None:
            assert len(circ.outputs) == 1
            output = fn.first(circ.outputs)

        expr = aiger.BoolExpr(circ)
        expr = circ_or_expr

    manager = BDD() if manager is None else manager
    input_refs_to_var = {
        ref: renamer(i, ref)
        for i, ref in enumerate(expr.inputs)

    if levels is not None:
        assert set(manager.vars.keys()) <= set(levels.keys())
        levels = fn.project(levels, manager.vars.keys())
        levels = fn.walk_keys(input_refs_to_var.get, levels)


    def lift(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, bool):
            return manager.true if obj else manager.false
        return obj

    inputs = {i: manager.var(input_refs_to_var[i]) for i in expr.inputs}
    out = expr(inputs, lift=lift)
    return out, out.bdd, bidict(input_refs_to_var)
Пример #15
    def export(self):
        """ This method returns a dictionary that is type-safe to store as JSON or in a database.
        followers = self.get_followers()
        following = self.get_following()

        return {
            "profile": self.profile,
            "sp": self.sp,
            "rep": self.rep,
            "balances": walk_keys(str.upper, self.get_balances()),
            "followers": followers,
            "followers_count": len(followers),
            "following": following,
            "following_count": len(following),
            "curation_stats": self.curation_stats(),
            "withdrawal_routes": self.get_withdraw_routes(),
            "conversion_requests": self.get_conversion_requests(),
            "account_votes": self.get_account_votes(),
Пример #16
    def _normalize_options(self, query, options):
        Here we parse some search tokens diffrently to enable filtering:
            GSE\d+ and GPL\d+    filter by specific serie or platform
            tag=\w+              filters by tag
            valid                selects validated annotations
        options = DatatableOptions._normalize_options(self, query, options)
        # Try normally named field
        if not options['search']:
            options['search'] = query.get('search', '').strip()

        filters = group_by(r'^(GSE|GPL|[Tt]ag=|valid|novalid)',
        options['search'] = ' '.join(filters.pop(None, []))

        filters = walk_keys(str.lower, filters)
        filters['tag'] = lmap(r'^[Tt]ag=(.*)', filters.pop('tag=', []))
        options['filters'] = filters

        return options
Пример #17
def _introspect(func, seen):

    if inspect.isbuiltin(func) or not hasattr(func, '__module__') or not hasattr(func, '__name__'):
        return {}

    if isinstance(func, type):
        methods = inspect.getmembers(func, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
        return join(_introspect(meth, seen) for _, meth in methods if meth not in seen) or {}

    if not hasattr(func, '__defaults__') or not hasattr(func, '__code__'):
        return {}

    func_name = _full_name(func)
    consts = merge(get_defaults(func), get_assignments(func))
    consts_spec = walk_keys(lambda k: '%s.%s' % (func_name, k), consts)
    consts_spec.update({'%s.%s' % (func.__module__, name): value
                        for name, value in get_closure(func).items()})

    # Recurse
    callables = filter(callable, consts_spec.values())
    recurse_specs = (_introspect(f, seen) for f in callables if f not in seen)
    return merge(join(recurse_specs) or {}, consts_spec)
Пример #18
    def clean(self):
        data = super(AnnotateForm, self).clean()

        # Check that platform and series match
        if data.get('series') and data.get('platform') \
                and data['platform'].gpl_name not in data['series'].platforms:
            raise ValidationError({
                "Series %s doesn't contain platform %s" %
                (data['series'].gse_name, data['platform'].gpl_name)

        # Remap sample annotations gsm -> id and check that they correspond to series/platform
        if data.get('annotations') and data.get('series') and data.get(
            samples_qs = Sample.objects.filter(series=data['series'],
            gsm_to_id = dict(samples_qs.values_list('gsm_name', 'id'))
            all_samples = set(gsm_to_id)
            tagged_samples = set(data['annotations'])

            if all_samples - tagged_samples:
                    "These samples are missing from annotations: %s" %
                    ', '.join(sorted(all_samples - tagged_samples)))
            if tagged_samples - all_samples:
                    "These samples doesn't belong to series/platform: %s" %
                    ', '.join(sorted(tagged_samples - all_samples)))

            if data.get('annotations'):
                data['annotations'] = walk_keys(gsm_to_id, data['annotations'])

        return data
Пример #19
def walk_recursive(f, data):
    Recursively apply a function to all dicts in a nested dictionary

    :param f: Function to apply
    :param data: Dictionary (possibly nested) to recursively apply
    function to
    results = {}
    if isinstance(data, list):
        return [walk_recursive(f, d) for d in data]
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        results = funcy.walk_keys(f, data)

        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                results[f(k)] = walk_recursive(f, v)
            elif isinstance(v, list):
                results[f(k)] = [walk_recursive(f, d) for d in v]
        return f(data)

    return results
Пример #20
    def validate(self, data):
        gsm_to_id = dict(data['series'].samples.filter(
            platform=data['platform']).values_list('gsm_name', 'id'))

        all_samples = set(gsm_to_id)

        tagged_samples = set(data['annotations'])

        missing_annotations = all_samples - tagged_samples
        if missing_annotations:
            raise serializers.ValidationError([
                "There are samples with ids {0} which are missing their annotation"

        extra_annotations = tagged_samples - all_samples
        if extra_annotations:
            raise serializers.ValidationError([
                "There is samples with id {0} which doesn't belongs to series {1}"
                .format(extra_annotations, data['series'].id)

        data['annotations'] = walk_keys(gsm_to_id, data['annotations'])
        return data
Пример #21
def read_names():
    with open('dict.txt') as f:
        names = {l.strip(): l.strip() for l in f.readlines()}
        return {**walk_keys(ocr_normalize, names), **names}
Пример #22
def walk_keys(func, mapping):
    return fn.walk_keys(func, dict(mapping))
Пример #23
 def __matmul__(self, other):
     return self.evolve(data=fn.merge(
         self.data, fn.walk_keys(lambda t: t + self.end, other.data)),
                        end=self.end + (other.end - other.start))
Пример #24
def spec_mle(mdp, demos, specs, top=100, parallel=False, psat=None):
    Searches for the most likely specification in specs given
    demonstations, demos, from an agent operating in mdp.
    horizon = len(demos[0][0])
    specs = list(specs)

    print("encoding traces")
    tree = prefix_tree(mdp, demos)
    print("done encoding traces")

    def score(spec):
        start_time = time.time()
        times = {}

        print("concretizing spec")
        cspec = concretize(spec, mdp, horizon)
        print("done spec")
        times["build spec"] = time.time() - start_time

        if psat is None:
            sat_prob = tree.psat(cspec)
            sat_prob = psat

        start_time = time.time()
        print("fitting policy")
        ctrl = fit(cspec, sat_prob, bv=True)
        print("done fitting")
        times["fit"] = time.time() - start_time

        start_time = time.time()
        print("compute log likelihood of demos")
        lprob = tree.log_likelihood(ctrl, actions_only=True)

        times["surprise"] = time.time() - start_time

        print(f"BDD size: {cspec.bexpr.dag_size}")
        print(f"Controller Size: {ctrl.size}")
        print(f"log_prob: {lprob}")
        print("\n".join(f"{key}: {val:.2}s" for key, val in times.items()))


        return lprob

    if parallel:
        _specs = list(enumerate(specs))

        def score2(spec):
            i, spec = spec
            return i, score(spec)

        spec2score = dict(Pool().map(score2, _specs))
        spec2score = fn.walk_keys(lambda idx: specs[idx], spec2score)
        best_spec = max(specs, key=spec2score.get)

        best_spec = max(specs, key=score)
        spec2score = fn.walk_keys(lambda x: x[0], score.memory)
    return best_spec, spec2score
Пример #25
 def validate(self, data):
     data['encrypted_keys'] = walk_keys(int, data['encrypted_keys'])
     return data
Пример #26
 def __rshift__(self, delta):
     return self.evolve(
         data=fn.walk_keys(lambda t: t + delta, self.data),
         start=self.start + delta,
         end=self.end + delta,
Пример #27
 def keys_to_lower(dic):
     return walk_keys(lambda k: k.lower(), dic)
Пример #28
 def _retag(val):
     return fn.walk_keys(lambda k: mapping.get(k, k), val)
def distribute_series_and_sample_annotations(qs):
    series_annotations = distribute_by_created_on(qs)
    values = qs.values_list('created_on', 'samples')
    group = group_values(walk_keys(ceil_date, values.iterator()))
    return series_annotations, accumulate(walk_values(sum, group))