Пример #1
def rot_shift2D(img, angle = 0.0, sx = 0.0, sy = 0.0, mirror = 0, scale = 1.0, interpolation_method = None, mode = "background"):
		rotate/shift image using:
		1. linear    interpolation
		2. quadratic interpolation
		3. gridding
		mode specifies what will be put in corners, should they stick out:
		background - leave original values
		cyclic - use pixels from the image using wrap-around transformation

	if scale == 0.0 :  ERROR("0 scale factor encountered","rot_shift2D", 1)
	if(interpolation_method):  use_method = interpolation_method
	else:  use_method = interpolation_method_2D

	if(use_method == "linear" and mode == "cyclic"):
		T  = Transform({'type': 'SPIDER', 'psi': angle, 'tx': sx, 'ty': sy, 'scale':scale})
		img = img.rot_scale_trans(T)
		if  mirror: img.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return img
	elif(use_method == "linear" and mode == "background"):
		T  = Transform({'type': 'SPIDER', 'psi': angle, 'tx': sx, 'ty': sy, 'scale':scale})
		img = img.rot_scale_trans_background(T)
		if  mirror: img.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return img
	elif(use_method == "quadratic" and mode == "cyclic"):
		img = img.rot_scale_trans2D(angle, sx, sy, scale)
		if  mirror: img.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return img
	elif(use_method == "quadratic" and mode == "background"):
		img = img.rot_scale_trans2D_background(angle, sx, sy, scale)
		if  mirror: img.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return img
	elif(use_method == "gridding" and mode == "cyclic"): # previous rtshg
		from math import radians
		from fundamentals import prepi
		o, kb = prepi(img)
		# gridding rotation
		o = o.rot_scale_conv_new(radians(angle), sx, sy, kb, scale)
		if  mirror: o.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return o
	elif(use_method == "gridding" and mode == "background"): # previous rtshg
		from math import radians
		from fundamentals import prepi
		o, kb = prepi(img)
		# gridding rotation
		o = o.rot_scale_conv_new_background(radians(angle), sx, sy, kb, scale)
		if  mirror: o.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return o	
	elif(use_method == "ftgridding"): # previous rtshg
		from fundamentals import gridrot_shift2D
		img = gridrot_shift2D(img, angle, sx, sy, scale)
		if  mirror: img.process_inplace("xform.mirror", {"axis":'x'})
		return img
	else:	ERROR("rot_shift_2D interpolation method is incorrectly set", "rot_shift_2D", 1)
Пример #2
def prep_refim_gridding(refim, wr, numr, mode = "F"):
	from fundamentals import prepi
	nx = refim.get_xsize()
	ny = refim.get_ysize()
	cnx = nx//2+1
	cny = ny//2+1
	#precalculate rings
	temp,kb = prepi(refim)
	crefim = Util.Polar2Dmi(temp, cnx, cny, numr, mode, kb)
	Util.Normalize_ring(crefim, numr)
	Util.Frngs(crefim, numr)
	Util.Applyws(crefim, numr, wr)
	return  crefim,kb
Пример #3
def prep_refim_gridding(refim, wr, numr, mode="F"):
    from fundamentals import prepi
    nx = refim.get_xsize()
    ny = refim.get_ysize()
    cnx = nx // 2 + 1
    cny = ny // 2 + 1
    #precalculate rings
    temp, kb = prepi(refim)
    crefim = Util.Polar2Dmi(temp, cnx, cny, numr, mode, kb)
    Util.Normalize_ring(crefim, numr)
    Util.Frngs(crefim, numr)
    Util.Applyws(crefim, numr, wr)
    return crefim, kb
Пример #4
def rtshg(image, angle = 0.0, sx=0.0, sy=0.0, scale = 1.0):
			rtshg - rotate and shift a 2D image using the gridding method
			image: a 2D input image
			alpha: rotation angle
			sx: x shift (default = 0.0)
			sy: y shift (default = 0.0)
			scale: magnification change (default = 1.0)
			the output rotated and shifted image
	from math import radians
	o,kb = prepi(image)
	# gridding rotation
	return o.rot_scale_conv_new(radians(angle), sx, sy, kb, scale)
Пример #5
def resample(img, sub_rate=0.5):
		resample image based on the value of sub_rate.
		the input image can be either 2D image or 3D volume.
		sub_rate < 1.0, subsampling the image.
		sub_rate > 1.0, upsampling the image using new gridding interpolation.
		fit_to_fft will change the ouput image size to an fft_friendly size

	from fundamentals import subsample
	from utilities    import get_pixel_size, set_pixel_size

	if type(img) == str:
		from utilities    import get_image
		img = get_image(img)
	nx = img.get_xsize()
	ny = img.get_ysize()
	nz = img.get_zsize()
	if( ny == 1):  ERROR("Only 2D or 3D images allowed","resample",1)
	if sub_rate == 1.0: return  img.copy()
	elif sub_rate < 1.0:
		e = subsample(img, sub_rate)
	else:  #  sub_rate>1
		new_nx = int(nx*sub_rate+0.5)
		new_ny = int(ny*sub_rate+0.5)
		if nz==1:
			new_nz = 1
			new_nz = int(ny*sub_rate+0.5)
		if ( nx!=ny and nz==1 ):
			nn = max(new_nx, new_ny)
			e = Util.pad(img, nn, nn,  1, 0, 0, 0, "circumference")
			e, kb = prepi(e)
			e = Util.window( e.rot_scale_conv_new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, kb, sub_rate), new_nx, new_ny, 1, 0,0,0)
		elif ((nx!=ny or nx!=nz or ny!=nz) and nz>1):
			nn = max(new_nx, new_ny,new_nz)
			e = Util.pad(img, nn, nn,  nn, 0, 0, 0, "circumference")
			e, kb = prepi3D(e)
			e = Util.window( e.rot_scale_conv_new_3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, kb, sub_rate), new_nx, new_ny, new_nz, 0,0,0)
			if nz==1:
				e, kb = prepi(Util.pad(img, new_nx, new_ny, 1, 0, 0, 0, "circumference"))
				e = e.rot_scale_conv_new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, kb, sub_rate)
				e, kb = prepi3D(Util.pad(img, new_nx, new_ny, new_nz, 0, 0, 0, "circumference"))
				e = e.rot_scale_conv_new_3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, kb, sub_rate)

	# Automatically adjust pixel size for ctf parameters
	from utilities import get_pixel_size, set_pixel_size
	apix = get_pixel_size(e)
	apix /= sub_rate
	set_pixel_size(e, apix)
	cc = e.get_attr_default("xform.projection", None)
	if cc:
		cp = cc.get_params("spider")
		cp["tx"] *= sub_rate
		cp["ty"] *= sub_rate
		from utilities import set_params_proj
		set_params_proj(e, [cp["phi"], cp["theta"], cp["psi"], -cp["tx"], -cp["ty"]]) # have to invert as set inverts them again
	cc = e.get_attr_default("xform.align2d", None)
	if cc:
		cp = cc.get_params("2D")
		cp["tx"] *= sub_rate
		cp["ty"] *= sub_rate
		from utilities import set_params2D
		set_params2D(e, [cp["alpha"], cp["tx"], cp["ty"], cp["mirror"], cp["scale"]])

	return 	e