Пример #1
def eager_affine_normal(matrix, loc, scale, value_x, value_y):
    assert len(matrix.output.shape) == 2
    assert value_x.output == reals(matrix.output.shape[0])
    assert value_y.output == reals(matrix.output.shape[1])
    loc += value_x @ matrix
    int_inputs, (loc, scale) = align_tensors(loc, scale, expand=True)

    i_name = gensym("i")
    y_name = gensym("y")
    y_i_name = gensym("y_i")
    int_inputs[i_name] = bint(value_y.output.shape[0])
    loc = Tensor(loc, int_inputs)
    scale = Tensor(scale, int_inputs)
    y_dist = Independent(Normal(loc, scale, y_i_name), y_name, i_name, y_i_name)
    return y_dist(**{y_name: value_y})
Пример #2
def alpha_convert(expr):
    alpha_subs = {
        name: interpreter.gensym(name + "__BOUND")
        for name in expr.bound if "__BOUND" not in name
    if not alpha_subs:
        return expr

    new_values = []
    for v in expr._ast_values:
        v = substitute(v, alpha_subs)
        if isinstance(v, str) and v not in expr.fresh:
            v = alpha_subs.get(v, v)
        elif isinstance(v, frozenset):
            swapped = v & frozenset(alpha_subs.keys())
            v |= frozenset(alpha_subs[k] for k in swapped)
            v -= swapped
        elif isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[0], tuple) and len(v[0]) == 2 and \
                isinstance(v[0][0], str) and isinstance(v[0][1], Funsor):
            v = tuple(
                (alpha_subs[k] if k in alpha_subs else k, vv) for k, vv in v)
        elif isinstance(
                v, OrderedDict):  # XXX is this case ever actually triggered?
            v = OrderedDict([(alpha_subs[k] if k in alpha_subs else k, vv)
                             for k, vv in v.items()])

    return reflect(type(expr), *new_values)
Пример #3
def test_distribute_reduce(lhs_vars, rhs_vars):

    lhs_vars, rhs_vars = frozenset(lhs_vars), frozenset(rhs_vars)
    lhs = random_tensor(OrderedDict([('i', bint(3)), ('j', bint(2))]), reals())
    rhs = random_tensor(OrderedDict([('i', bint(3)), ('j', bint(2))]), reals())

    with interpretation(reflect):
        actual_lhs = lhs.reduce(ops.add, lhs_vars) if lhs_vars else lhs
        actual_rhs = rhs.reduce(ops.add, rhs_vars) if rhs_vars else rhs

    actual = actual_lhs * actual_rhs

    lhs_subs = {v: gensym(v) for v in lhs_vars}
    rhs_subs = {v: gensym(v) for v in rhs_vars}
    expected = (lhs(**lhs_subs) * rhs(**rhs_subs)).reduce(
        ops.add, frozenset(lhs_subs.values()) | frozenset(rhs_subs.values()))

    assert_close(actual, expected)
Пример #4
def extract_affine(fn):
    Extracts an affine representation of a funsor, satisfying::

        x = ...
        const, coeffs = extract_affine(x)
        y = sum(Einsum(eqn, (coeff, Variable(var, coeff.output)))
                for var, (coeff, eqn) in coeffs.items())
        assert_close(y, x)
        assert frozenset(coeffs) == affine_inputs(x)

    The ``coeffs`` will have one key per input wrt which ``fn`` is known to be
    affine (via :func:`affine_inputs` ), and ``const`` and ``coeffs.values``
    will all be constant wrt these inputs.

    The affine approximation is computed by ev evaluating ``fn`` at
    zero and each basis vector. To improve performance, users may want to run
    under the :func:`~funsor.memoize.memoize` interpretation.

    :param Funsor fn: A funsor that is affine wrt the (add,mul) semiring in
        some subset of its inputs.
    :return: A pair ``(const, coeffs)`` where const is a funsor with no real
        inputs and ``coeffs`` is an OrderedDict mapping input name to a
        ``(coefficient, eqn)`` pair in einsum form.
    :rtype: tuple
    # NB: this depends on the global default backend.
    prototype = get_default_prototype()
    # Determine constant part by evaluating fn at zero.
    inputs = affine_inputs(fn)
    inputs = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in fn.inputs.items() if k in inputs)
    zeros = {
        k: Tensor(ops.new_zeros(prototype, v.shape))
        for k, v in inputs.items()
    const = fn(**zeros)

    # Determine linear coefficients by evaluating fn on basis vectors.
    name = gensym('probe')
    coeffs = OrderedDict()
    for k, v in inputs.items():
        dim = v.num_elements
        var = Variable(name, bint(dim))
        subs = zeros.copy()
        subs[k] = Tensor(
            ops.new_eye(prototype, (dim, )).reshape((dim, ) + v.shape))[var]
        coeff = Lambda(var, fn(**subs) - const).reshape(v.shape + const.shape)
        inputs1 = ''.join(map(opt_einsum.get_symbol, range(len(coeff.shape))))
        inputs2 = inputs1[:len(v.shape)]
        output = inputs1[len(v.shape):]
        eqn = f'{inputs1},{inputs2}->{output}'
        coeffs[k] = coeff, eqn
    return const, coeffs
Пример #5
def _alpha_mangle(expr):
    Rename bound variables in expr to avoid conflict with any free variables.

    FIXME this does not avoid conflict with other bound variables.
    alpha_subs = {name: interpreter.gensym(name + "__BOUND")
                  for name in expr.bound if "__BOUND" not in name}
    if not alpha_subs:
        return expr

    ast_values = expr._alpha_convert(alpha_subs)
    return reflect(type(expr), *ast_values)
Пример #6
def eager_normal(loc, scale, value):
    assert loc.output == Real
    assert scale.output == Real
    assert value.output == Real
    if not is_affine(loc) or not is_affine(value):
        return None  # lazy

    info_vec = ops.new_zeros(scale.data, scale.data.shape + (1, ))
    precision = ops.pow(scale.data, -2).reshape(scale.data.shape + (1, 1))
    log_prob = -0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi) - ops.log(scale).sum()
    inputs = scale.inputs.copy()
    var = gensym('value')
    inputs[var] = Real
    gaussian = log_prob + Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
    return gaussian(**{var: value - loc})
Пример #7
def eager_mvn(loc, scale_tril, value):
    assert len(loc.shape) == 1
    assert len(scale_tril.shape) == 2
    assert value.output == loc.output
    if not is_affine(loc) or not is_affine(value):
        return None  # lazy

    info_vec = scale_tril.data.new_zeros(scale_tril.data.shape[:-1])
    precision = ops.cholesky_inverse(scale_tril.data)
    scale_diag = Tensor(scale_tril.data.diagonal(dim1=-1, dim2=-2), scale_tril.inputs)
    log_prob = -0.5 * scale_diag.shape[0] * math.log(2 * math.pi) - scale_diag.log().sum()
    inputs = scale_tril.inputs.copy()
    var = gensym('value')
    inputs[var] = reals(scale_diag.shape[0])
    gaussian = log_prob + Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
    return gaussian(**{var: value - loc})
Пример #8
def extract_affine(fn):
    Extracts an affine representation of a funsor, which is exact for affine
    funsors and approximate otherwise. For affine funsors this satisfies::

        x = ...
        const, coeffs = extract_affine(x)
        y = sum(Einsum(eqn, (coeff, Variable(var, coeff.output)))
                for var, (coeff, eqn) in coeffs.items())
        assert_close(y, x)

    The affine approximation is computed by ev evaluating ``fn`` at
    zero and each basis vector. To improve performance, users may want to run
    under the :func:`~funsor.memoize.memoize` interpretation.

    :param Funsor fn: A funsor assumed to be affine wrt the (add,mul) semiring.
       The affine assumption is not checked.
    :return: A pair ``(const, coeffs)`` where const is a funsor with no real
        inputs and ``coeffs`` is an OrderedDict mapping input name to a
        ``(coefficient, eqn)`` pair in einsum form.
    :rtype: tuple
    # Determine constant part by evaluating fn at zero.
    real_inputs = OrderedDict(
        (k, v) for k, v in fn.inputs.items() if v.dtype == 'real')
    zeros = {k: Tensor(torch.zeros(v.shape)) for k, v in real_inputs.items()}
    const = fn(**zeros)

    # Determine linear coefficients by evaluating fn on basis vectors.
    name = gensym('probe')
    coeffs = OrderedDict()
    for k, v in real_inputs.items():
        dim = v.num_elements
        var = Variable(name, bint(dim))
        subs = zeros.copy()
        subs[k] = Tensor(torch.eye(dim).reshape((dim, ) + v.shape))[var]
        coeff = Lambda(var, fn(**subs) - const).reshape(v.shape + const.shape)
        inputs1 = ''.join(map(opt_einsum.get_symbol, range(len(coeff.shape))))
        inputs2 = inputs1[:len(v.shape)]
        output = inputs1[len(v.shape):]
        eqn = f'{inputs1},{inputs2}->{output}'
        coeffs[k] = coeff, eqn
    return const, coeffs
Пример #9
def eager_affine_normal(matrix, loc, scale, value_x, value_y):
    assert len(matrix.output.shape) == 2
    assert value_x.output == reals(matrix.output.shape[0])
    assert value_y.output == reals(matrix.output.shape[1])
    tensors = (matrix, loc, scale, value_y)
    int_inputs, tensors = align_tensors(*tensors)
    matrix, loc, scale, value_y = tensors

    assert value_y.size(-1) == loc.size(-1)
    prec_sqrt = matrix / scale.unsqueeze(-2)
    precision = prec_sqrt.matmul(prec_sqrt.transpose(-1, -2))
    delta = (value_y - loc) / scale
    info_vec = prec_sqrt.matmul(delta.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
    log_normalizer = (-0.5 * loc.size(-1) * math.log(2 * math.pi)
                      - 0.5 * delta.pow(2).sum(-1) - scale.log().sum(-1))
    precision = precision.expand(info_vec.shape + (-1,))
    log_normalizer = log_normalizer.expand(info_vec.shape[:-1])
    inputs = int_inputs.copy()
    x_name = gensym("x")
    inputs[x_name] = value_x.output
    x_dist = Tensor(log_normalizer, int_inputs) + Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
    return x_dist(**{x_name: value_x})