def del_face(): # memunculkan window baru dan listbox (hapus wajah) del_window = tk.Toplevel(mainWindow) listbox = tk.Listbox(del_window) # merefresh listbox box_refresh(listbox) # function untuk command ketika tombol delete ditekan def del_name(): # jika terdapat nama yang dipilih dalam listbox if listbox.curselection() != (): # mengampil nama yang dipilih nama = listbox.get(listbox.curselection()) # menampilkan messagebox question yes or no msg_box = messagebox.askyesno('Delete Face', 'Are you sure want to delete ' + nama + ' face?', icon='warning') # jika menekan tombol yes if msg_box: # menghapus data wajah berdasarkan nama sqlModule.delete_people_encoding(nama) # merefresh listbox box_refresh(listbox) # menambahkan button delete wajah del_btn = tk.Button(del_window, text='Delete', command=del_name) del_btn.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM) listbox.pack()
def SSTF(head, req): requests = list(req) current = head seekOperations = 0 final = [] final.append(head) tk.Label(text="Execution order: ", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() while requests: closestReq = abs(current - requests[0]) closestIndex = 0 for x in range(1, len(requests)): if abs(current - requests[x]) < closestReq: closestReq = abs(current - requests[x]) closestIndex = x seekOperations += abs(current - requests[closestIndex]) current = requests[closestIndex] tk.Label(text=(str(current)), fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() final.append(current) requests.remove(current) y = [] for i in range(len(final), 0, -1): y.append(i) fig=simulate(final, y) fig.update_layout(title_text="Disk sequence chart using SSTF algorithm") plot(fig) tk.Label(text="Total seek operations: " + str(seekOperations), width=40, font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() tk.Button(root, text="Reset", bg="#EAC2B0", fg="black", command=reset, font=(' Helvetica', 11)).pack() return seekOperations
def add_face(): # memunculkan window baru dan listbox (tambah wajah) addwindow = tk.Toplevel(mainWindow) listbox = tk.Listbox(addwindow) # refreshing listbox box_refresh(listbox) # function untuk command saat button add photo ditekan def add_photos(): # menampilkan filedialog untuk mengambil file pada filesystem mainWindow.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir='~', title='Select a Picture', filetypes=(('jpeg files', '*.jpg'), ('jpeg files', '*.jpeg'), ('all files', '*.*'))) # jika terdapat file yang dipilih if mainWindow.filename != (): # menampilkan simple dialog untuk memasukkan nama name = simpledialog.askstring('Input', 'What\'s your name?', parent=mainWindow) # jika form nama tidak kosong if name is not None: # load image file to variable image = face_recognition.load_image_file(mainWindow.filename) # encode image face_encode = face_recognition.face_encodings(image) # jika gambar valid (terdapat wajah) if face_encode != []: # menambahkan nama dan gambar ke database sqlModule.insert_people_encoding(name, face_encode) # merefresh listbox box_refresh(listbox) # jika tidak ada wajah yang terdeteksi else: print('face not detected') # jika form nama kosong else: print('name must be filled') # jika tidak ada file yang dipilih else: print('no file selected') # menambahkan button tambah photo add_btn = tk.Button(addwindow, text='Add photo', command=add_photos) add_btn.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM) listbox.pack()
def FCFS(head, requests): current = head seekOperations = 0 final = [] final.append(head) tk.Label(text="Execution order: ", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() for x in range(len(requests)): seekOperations += abs(current - requests[x]) current = requests[x] tk.Label(text=(str(current)), fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() final.append(current) y = [] for i in range(len(final), 0, -1): y.append(i) fig=simulate(final, y) fig.update_layout(title_text="Disk sequence chart using FCFS algorithm") plot(fig) tk.Label(text="Total seek operations : " + str(seekOperations), width=40, font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() tk.Button(root, text="Reset", bg="#EAC2B0", fg="black", command=reset, font=(' Helvetica', 11)).pack()
def SCAN(head, req, given_direction): requests = list(req) current = head direction = given_direction seekOperations = 0 final = [] final.append(head) print(final) tk.Label(text="Execution order: ", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() while requests: if current in requests: print(requests) tk.Label(text=(str(current)), fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() final.append(current) requests.remove(current) if not requests: break if direction == "left" and current > 0: current -= 1 if direction == "right" and current < 200: current += 1 seekOperations += 1 if current == 0: tk.Label(text='0', fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() final.append(0) direction = "right" if current == 199: tk.Label(text='199', fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() final.append(199) direction = "left" tk.Label(text="Total seek operations : " + str(seekOperations), width=40, font=(' Helvetica', 9)).pack() y = [] for i in range(len(final), 0, -1): y.append(i) fig=simulate(final, y) fig.update_layout(title_text="Disk sequence chart using SCAN algorithm") plot(fig) tk.Button(root, text="Reset", bg="#EAC2B0", fg="black", command=reset, font=(' Helvetica', 11)).pack()
s.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tkinter.W, pady=2) # entry widgets, used to take entry from user e1 = tkinter.Entry(top) e2 = tkinter.Entry(top) def click_button(): pk = e1.get().lower() sk = e2.get().lower() my_label = tkinter.Label(top, text="Output.csv created!") # my_label.pack() my_label.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=2) web_scrape(url, pk, sk) my_button = tkinter.Button(top, text="Export to CSV", command=click_button) # this will arrange entry widgets e1.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=2) e2.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=2) my_button.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=2) # entry = tkinter.Entry(top, width=50, bg="white", fg="gray", borderwidth=5) # entry.pack() # label = tkinter.Label(top, text="pk") # label.grid(row=0, column=0) # def click_button(): # pk = e1.get() # my_label = tkinter.Label(top, text="The button was clicked", width=50) # my_label.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=2)
def compare(head, req, given_direction): requests = list(req) current = head direction = given_direction seekOperations = 0 final = [] final.append(head) while requests: if current in requests: final.append(current) requests.remove(current) if not requests: break if direction == "left" and current > 0: current -= 1 if direction == "right" and current < 200: current += 1 seekOperations += 1 if current == 0: final.append(0) direction = "right" if current == 199: final.append(199) direction = "left" y = [] for i in range(len(final), 0, -1): y.append(i) fig = simulate(final, y) fig.update_layout(title_text="Disk sequence chart using SCAN algorithm") plot(fig) tk.Label(text="Total seek operations for SCAN: " + str(seekOperations), width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() requests1 = list(req) current1 = head seekOperations1 = 0 final1 = [] final1.append(head) while requests1: closestReq = abs(current1 - requests1[0]) closestIndex = 0 for x in range(1, len(requests1)): if abs(current1 - requests1[x]) < closestReq: closestReq = abs(current1 - requests1[x]) closestIndex = x seekOperations1 += abs(current1 - requests1[closestIndex]) current1 = requests1[closestIndex] final1.append(current1) requests1.remove(current1) y1 = [] for i in range(len(final1), 0, -1): y1.append(i) fig1 = simulate(final1, y1) fig1.update_layout(title_text="Disk sequence chart using SSTF algorithm") plot(fig1) tk.Label(text="Total seek operations for SSTF are : " + str(seekOperations1), width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() current2 = head requests2 = list(req) seekOperations2 = 0 final2 = [] final2.append(head) for x in range(len(requests2)): seekOperations2 += abs(current2 - requests2[x]) current2 = requests2[x] final2.append(current2) y2 = [] for i in range(len(final2), 0, -1): y2.append(i) fig2 = simulate(final2, y2) fig2.update_layout(title_text="Disk sequence chart using FCFS algorithm") plot(fig2) tk.Label(text="Total seek operations for FCFS: " + str(seekOperations2), width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() # comparing the seek operations if (seekOperations > seekOperations1): if (seekOperations1 > seekOperations2): tk.Label(text="FFCS has the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() elif (seekOperations1 == seekOperations2): tk.Label(text="FFCS and SSTF have the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() else: tk.Label(text="SSTF has the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() elif (seekOperations == seekOperations1): tk.Label(text="SCAN and SSTF have the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() else: if (seekOperations > seekOperations2): tk.Label(text="FFCS has the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() elif (seekOperations == seekOperations2): tk.Label(text="FFCS and SCAN have the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() else: tk.Label(text="SCAN has the shortest seek time", width=40, fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 10)).pack() tk.Button(root, text="Reset", bg="#EAC2B0", fg="black", command=reset, font=(' Helvetica', 11)).pack()
# randomize button e = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=name_var, font=('calibre', 10, 'normal'), width=50) e.pack() c = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Randomize", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", command=randomize).pack(pady=2) clr = tk.Button(root, text='clear', command=clear, font=(' Helvetica', 10), bg="#EAC2B0").pack() # head pos button tk.Label(root, text="Enter the intial head position:", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=('Helvetica', 11)).pack(padx=3) f = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=name_var1, font=('calibre', 10, 'normal'), width=50) f.pack()
from future.moves import tkinter from tkinter import * window = tkinter.Tk() window.title('Gui in Python') # set frame and geometry location widthxheight+xpos+ypos window.geometry('900x500+100+100') top_frame = tkinter.Frame(window).pack() bottom_frame = tkinter.Frame(window).pack(side="bottom") btn1 = tkinter.Button(top_frame, text='Button 1', bg='red', fg='white').pack() btn2 = tkinter.Button(top_frame, text='Button 2', bg='green', fg='white').pack() btn3 = tkinter.Button(bottom_frame, text='Button 3', bg='blue', fg='white').pack(side="left") btn4 = tkinter.Button(bottom_frame, text='Button 4', bg='blue', fg='orange').pack(side="left") window.mainloop()
label = tk.Label(window, text="Find out the genre of your playlist", bg='#66ff66', borderwidth=2, relief="groove", font=("Courier", 20)), rely=0.15, relwidth=0.9, relheight=0.05, anchor='n') # Entry row frame = tk.Frame(window, bg='lightgray', borderwidth=2, relief="groove"), rely=0.2, relwidth=0.9, relheight=0.04, anchor='n') username_entry = tk.Entry(frame, font=40), relheight=1) button = tk.Button(frame, text="Search User", command=callback), relheight=1, relwidth=0.2) variable = tk.StringVar(window) variable.set(OptionList[0]) opt = tk.OptionMenu(frame, variable, *OptionList) opt.config(width=90, font=('Helvetica', 12)), relwidth=0.5, relheight=1) variable.trace("w", callback) button = tk.Button(window, text=">>> Analyze Playlist <<<", command=determine, bg='lightgray'), rely=0.24, relheight=0.05, relwidth=0.9)
text= "This is a simulator that demonstrates the three common disk scheduling algorithms which are SCAN,SSTF and FCFS", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 11)).pack() tk.Label(root, text="Choose any of the options below", fg="black", bg="#ffeeec", font=(' Helvetica', 12)).pack() sub_btn = tk.Button( root, wraplength=100, text= 'To generate a chart showing the sequence in which the requests have been serviced', command=graph, height=10, width=20, bg="#EAC2B0", fg="black", font=(' Helvetica', 12)).pack(padx=10, pady=10) sub_btn = tk.Button( root, wraplength=100, text='To find the best algorithm for a given disk sequence', command=recomm, height=7, width=20, fg="black", bg="#EAC2B0", font=(' Helvetica', 12)).pack(padx=10, pady=10)
ButtonRecord.config(text="Stop Recording") thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_record, args=(1, )) thread.daemon = True # Daemonize thread thread.start() # Start the execution # record_to_file('demo.wav') else: is_recording = False ButtonRecord.config(text="Record") def button_play(): pass ButtonRecord = tk.Button(text="Record", bg="#bb0d1c", fg="black", command=button_record), y=425, width=150, height=40) ButtonPlay = tk.Button(text="Play", bg="#bb0d1c", fg="black", command=button_play), y=425, width=150, height=40) ButtonDebug = tk.Button(text="Debug", bg="yellow", fg="black", command=print_selection), y=425, width=90, height=40)
import Rendezvous import Auto_orbit top = tkinter.Tk() #define # The Rendevous Scritp label_rendezvous = tkinter.Label( top, text= 'Start a rendez-vous as follows:\n1. Launch Space Plane.\n2. Select Target.\n3. Press \'Rendez-vous\'', anchor="e", justify='left') button_rendezvous = tkinter.Button(top, text='Rendez-vous', command=lambda: Rendezvous.rendez_vous()) # The Auto_Orbit Script # Enter Target Apoapsis label_target_ap = tkinter.Label( top, text= 'Start auto_orbit as follows:\n1. Define the target Apoapsis in meters:', anchor="e", justify='left') entry_target_ap = tkinter.Entry(top) entry_target_ap.insert(0, '90000') # Enter Orbital Inclination label_orbit_inc = tkinter.Label(
'Cabbage town') cboLocation.current(0) cboLocation.grid(row=2, column=0) # Checkbox chkSelect = BooleanVar(window) chkSelect.set(True) chkObj = Checkbutton(window, text='Select if True', var=chkSelect) chkObj.grid(row=3, column=0) # Radio button rad1 = Radiobutton(window, text='Python', value=1) rad1.grid(row=4, column=0) rad2 = Radiobutton(window, text='Java', value=2) rad2.grid(row=4, column=1) rad3 = Radiobutton(window, text='C#', value=3) rad3.grid(row=4, column=2) # Button btnClick = tkinter.Button(window, text='Submit', bg='blue', fg='white', command=clicked) btnClick.grid(row=6, column=0) # Spinbox spnNumber = tkinter.Spinbox(window, from_=0, to=100, width=20) spnNumber.grid(row=5, column=0) window.mainloop()
from future.moves import tkinter from tkinter import * window = tkinter.Tk() window.title('Gui in Python') # set frame and geometry location widthxheight+xpos+ypos window.geometry('900x500+100+100') tkinter.Label(window, text="Username").grid(row=0) tkinter.Entry(window, width=30).grid(row=0, column=1) tkinter.Label(window, text="Password").grid(row=1) tkinter.Entry(window, width=30).grid(row=1, column=1) tkinter.Button(window, text='login', bg='red', fg='white').grid(columnspan=2, row=2) window.mainloop()