Пример #1
    def refresh_model(self):
        """ Refresh the compiled model object.

        This method will (re)compile the model for the given model text
        and update the 'compiled_model' attribute. If a compiled view is
        available and has a member named 'model', the model will be
        applied to the view.

        text = self.model_text
        filename = self.model_filename
        _fake_linecache(text, filename)
            if not text:
                self.compiled_model = None
                self._model_module = None
                code = compile(text, filename, 'exec')
                module = ModuleType(filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
                module.__file__ = filename
                namespace = module.__dict__
                exec_(code, namespace)
                model = namespace.get(self.model_item, lambda: None)()
                self.compiled_model = model
                self._model_module = module
        except Exception:
            self.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
            self.traceback = ''
Пример #2
def exec_entry(string, seq_locals, missing_locals):

    aux_strings = string.split("{")
    if len(aux_strings) > 1:
        elements = [el for aux in aux_strings for el in aux.split("}")]

        missing = [el for el in elements[1::2] if el not in seq_locals]
        if missing:
            return None

        replacement_token = ["_a{}".format(i) for i in xrange(len(elements[1::2]))]
        replacement_values = {"_a{}".format(i): seq_locals[key] for i, key in enumerate(elements[1::2])}

        str_to_eval = "".join(key + "{}" for key in elements[::2])
        str_to_eval = str_to_eval[:-2]

        expr = str_to_eval.format(*replacement_token)
        replacement_values = {}
        expr = string

    exec_(expr, locs=replacement_values)
    return locals()
Пример #3
    def install(self, package, first=False):
        from future.utils import exec_

        script = self.find_package_script(self.indexes, package)
        if script:
            script, code = script
            if first:
                self.message("Can't find the installation script of package %s" % (Fore.GREEN+Style.BRIGHT+package), 'error')
                raise Error("Can't find the installation script of package %s" % package)

        self.message("Installing package %s" % (Fore.GREEN+package), 'install')
            d = self.make_env(script, code)
            c_code = compile(code, script, 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
            exec_(c_code, d)
            self.message("Installing package %s completed." % package, 'info')
            flag = True
        except Exception as e:
            flag = False
            if self.verbose:
                type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
                txt =  ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb))
                print (txt)
            if first:
                self.message("Installing package %s failed." % package, 'error')
Пример #4
    def _importtestmodule(self):
        # We have to remove the __future__ statements *before* parsing
        # with compile, otherwise the flags are ignored.
        content = re.sub(_RE_FUTURE_IMPORTS, b'\n', self.content)

        new_mod = types.ModuleType(self.mod_name)
        new_mod.__file__ = text_to_native_str(self.fspath)

        if hasattr(self, '_transform_ast'):
            # ast.parse doesn't let us hand-select the __future__
            # statements, but built-in compile, with the PyCF_ONLY_AST
            # flag does.
            tree = compile(
                content, text_to_native_str(self.fspath), 'exec',
                self.flags | ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST, True)
            tree = self._transform_ast(tree)
            # Now that we've transformed the tree, recompile it
            code = compile(
                tree, text_to_native_str(self.fspath), 'exec')
            # If we don't need to transform the AST, we can skip
            # parsing/compiling in two steps
            code = compile(
                content, text_to_native_str(self.fspath), 'exec',
                self.flags, True)

        pwd = os.getcwd()
            exec_(code, new_mod.__dict__)
        return new_mod
Пример #5
 def refresh_view(self, change):
     """ Refresh the compiled view object.
     This method will (re)compile the view for the given view text
     and update the 'compiled_view' attribute. If a compiled model
     is available and the view has a member named 'model', the model
     will be applied to the view.
     viewer = self.workbench.get_plugin('declaracad.viewer')
     doc = self.active_document
         ast = parse(doc.source, filename=doc.name)
         code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, doc.name)
         module = ModuleType('__main__')
         module.__file__ = doc.name
         namespace = module.__dict__
         with enaml.imports():
             exec_(code, namespace)
         assembly = namespace.get('Assembly', lambda: None)()
         viewer.parts = [assembly] if assembly else []
     except Exception as e:
         errors = doc.errors[:]
         tb = traceback.format_exc().strip().split("\n")
         m = re.search(r'File "(.+)", line (\d+),', tb[-3])
         if m:
             errors.append("{}:{}: {}".format(m.group(1), m.group(2),
         doc.errors = errors
         viewer.parts = []
Пример #6
def exec_entry(string, seq_locals, missing_locals):

    aux_strings = string.split('{')
    if len(aux_strings) > 1:
        elements = [el for aux in aux_strings for el in aux.split('}')]

        missing = [el for el in elements[1::2] if el not in seq_locals]
        if missing:
            return None

        replacement_values = list({
            '_a{}'.format(i): seq_locals[key]
            for i, key in enumerate(elements[1::2])

        str_to_eval = ''.join(key + '{}' for key in elements[::2])
        str_to_eval = str_to_eval[:-2]

        expr = str_to_eval.format(*replacement_values)
        expr = string
    return locals()
Пример #7
def compile_source(source, item, filename='<test>', namespace=None):
    """ Compile Enaml source code and return the target item.

    source : str
        The Enaml source code string to compile.

    item : str
        The name of the item in the resulting namespace to return.

    filename : str, optional
        The filename to use when compiling the code. The default
        is '<test>'.

    namespace : dict
        Namespace in which to execute the code

    result : object
        The named object from the resulting namespace.

    ast = parse(source, filename)
    code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, filename)
    namespace = namespace or {}
    exec_(code, namespace)
    return namespace[item]
Пример #8
    def load_module(self, fullname):
        """ Loads and returns the Python module for the given enaml path.
        If a module already exisist in sys.path, the existing module is
        reused, otherwise a new one is created.

        code, path = self.get_code()
        if fullname in sys.modules:
            pre_exists = True
            mod = sys.modules[fullname]
            pre_exists = False
            mod = sys.modules[fullname] = types.ModuleType(fullname)
        mod.__loader__ = self
        mod.__file__ = path
        # Even though the import hook is already installed, this is a
        # safety net to avoid potentially hard to find bugs if code has
        # manually installed and removed a hook. The contract here is
        # that the import hooks are always installed when executing the
        # module code of an Enaml file.
            with imports():
                exec_(code, mod.__dict__)
        except Exception:
            if not pre_exists:
                del sys.modules[fullname]

        return mod
Пример #9
    def load_module(self, fullname):
        """ Loads and returns the Python module for the given enaml path.
        If a module already exisist in sys.path, the existing module is
        reused, otherwise a new one is created.

        code, path = self.get_code()
        if fullname in sys.modules:
            pre_exists = True
            mod = sys.modules[fullname]
            pre_exists = False
            mod = sys.modules[fullname] = types.ModuleType(fullname)
        mod.__loader__ = self
        mod.__file__ = path
        # Even though the import hook is already installed, this is a
        # safety net to avoid potentially hard to find bugs if code has
        # manually installed and removed a hook. The contract here is
        # that the import hooks are always installed when executing the
        # module code of an Enaml file.
            with imports():
                exec_(code, mod.__dict__)
        except Exception:
            if not pre_exists:
                del sys.modules[fullname]

        return mod
Пример #10
    def _importtestmodule(self):
        # We have to remove the __future__ statements *before* parsing
        # with compile, otherwise the flags are ignored.
        content = re.sub(_RE_FUTURE_IMPORTS, b'\n', self.content)

        new_mod = types.ModuleType(self.mod_name)
        new_mod.__file__ = text_to_native_str(self.fspath)

        if hasattr(self, '_transform_ast'):
            # ast.parse doesn't let us hand-select the __future__
            # statements, but built-in compile, with the PyCF_ONLY_AST
            # flag does.
            tree = compile(content, text_to_native_str(self.fspath), 'exec',
                           self.flags | ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST, True)
            tree = self._transform_ast(tree)
            # Now that we've transformed the tree, recompile it
            code = compile(tree, text_to_native_str(self.fspath), 'exec')
            # If we don't need to transform the AST, we can skip
            # parsing/compiling in two steps
            code = compile(content, text_to_native_str(self.fspath), 'exec',
                           self.flags, True)

        pwd = os.getcwd()
            exec_(code, new_mod.__dict__)
        return new_mod
Пример #11
def run():
    """Initialise Talisker then exec python script."""
    logger = logging.getLogger('talisker.run')

    name = sys.argv[0]
    if '__main__.py' in name:
        # friendlier message
        name = '{} -m talisker'.format(sys.executable)

    extra = {}
        if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            raise RunException('usage: {} <script>  ...'.format(name))

        script = sys.argv[1]
        extra['script'] = script
        with open(script, 'rb') as f:
            code = compile(f.read(), script, 'exec')

        # pretend we just invoked python script.py by mimicing usual python
        # behavior
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(script))
        sys.argv = sys.argv[1:]
        globs = {}
        globs['__file__'] = script
        globs['__name__'] = '__main__'
        globs['__package__'] = None

        exec_(code, globs, None)

    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Unhandled exception', extra=extra)
Пример #12
    def execfile(filename, myglobals=None, mylocals=None):
        A version of execfile() that handles unicode filenames.
        From IPython.

        WARNING: This doesn't seem to work. We may need to use inspect to
        get the globals and locals dicts from the calling context.
        mylocals = mylocals if (mylocals is not None) else myglobals
        exec_(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'),
              myglobals, mylocals)
Пример #13
    def test_unicode_identifier():
        source = dedent("""\
        from enaml.widgets.api import Window

        enamldef MyWindow(Window): win:
            attr 𠁒 = 'test'
            # Check we do not mistake this for an invalid identifier
            attr a = 1.e6
        myWindow = compile_source(source, 'MyWindow')()
        exec_("𠁒 = 'test'")
        assert locals()['𠁒'] == getattr(myWindow, """𠁒""")
Пример #14
def main():
    usage = 'usage: %prog [options] enaml_file [script arguments]'
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__)
    parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
                      help='The component to view')

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) == 0:
        print('No .enaml file specified')
        enaml_file = args[0]
        script_argv = args[1:]

    with open(enaml_file, 'rU') as f:
        enaml_code = f.read()

    # Parse and compile the Enaml source into a code object
    ast = parse(enaml_code, filename=enaml_file)
    code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, enaml_file)

    # Create a proper module in which to execute the compiled code so
    # that exceptions get reported with better meaning
    module = types.ModuleType('__main__')
    module.__file__ = os.path.abspath(enaml_file)
    sys.modules['__main__'] = module
    ns = module.__dict__

    # Put the directory of the Enaml file first in the path so relative
    # imports can work.
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(enaml_file)))
    # Bung in the command line arguments.
    sys.argv = [enaml_file] + script_argv
    with imports():
        exec_(code, ns)

    requested = options.component
    if requested in ns:
        from enaml.qt.qt_application import QtApplication
        app = QtApplication()
        window = ns[requested]()
    elif 'main' in ns:
        msg = "Could not find component '%s'" % options.component
Пример #15
    def _build_checker(self, check, set=False):
        """Assemble a checker function from the provided assertions.

        check : unicode
            ; separated string containing boolean test to assert. '{' and '}'
            delimit field which should be replaced by instrument state. 'value'
            should be considered a reserved keyword available when checking
            a set operation.

        checker : function
            Function to use

        func_def = 'def check(self, instance):\n' if not set\
            else 'def check(self, instance, value):\n'
        assertions = check.split(';')
        for assertion in assertions:
            # First find replacement fields.
            aux = assertion.split('{')
            if len(aux) < 2:
                # Silently ignore checks unrelated to instrument state.
            line = 'assert '
            els = [el.strip() for s in aux for el in s.split('}')]
            for i in range(0, len(els), 2):
                e = els[i]
                if i+1 < len(els):
                    line += e + ' getattr(instance, "{}") '.format(els[i+1])
                    line += e
            values = ', '.join(('getattr(instance,  "{}")'.format(el)
                                for el in els[1::2]))

            val_fmt = ', '.join(('{}'.format(el)+'={}' for el in els[1::2]))
            a_mess = 'assertion {} failed, '.format(' '.join(els).strip())
            a_mess += 'values are : {}".format(self.name, {})'.format(val_fmt,

            if set:
                a_mess = '"Setting {} ' + a_mess
                a_mess = '"Getting {} ' + a_mess

            func_def += '    ' + line + ', ' + a_mess + '\n'

        loc = {}
        exec_(func_def, locs=loc)
        return loc['check']
Пример #16
def main():
    usage = 'usage: %prog [options] enaml_file [script arguments]'
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__)
    parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
        '-c', '--component', default='Main', help='The component to view'

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) == 0:
        print('No .enaml file specified')
        enaml_file = args[0]
        script_argv = args[1:]

    with open(enaml_file, 'rU') as f:
        enaml_code = f.read()

    # Parse and compile the Enaml source into a code object
    ast = parse(enaml_code, filename=enaml_file)
    code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, enaml_file)

    # Create a proper module in which to execute the compiled code so
    # that exceptions get reported with better meaning
    module = types.ModuleType('__main__')
    module.__file__ = os.path.abspath(enaml_file)
    sys.modules['__main__'] = module
    ns = module.__dict__

    # Put the directory of the Enaml file first in the path so relative
    # imports can work.
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(enaml_file)))
    # Bung in the command line arguments.
    sys.argv = [enaml_file] + script_argv
    with imports():
        exec_(code, ns)

    requested = options.component
    if requested in ns:
        from enaml.qt.qt_application import QtApplication
        app = QtApplication()
        window = ns[requested]()
    elif 'main' in ns:
        msg = "Could not find component '%s'" % options.component
Пример #17
    def _build_checker(self, check, set=False):
        """Assemble a checker function from the provided assertions.

        check : unicode
            ; separated string containing boolean test to assert. '{' and '}'
            delimit field which should be replaced by instrument state. 'value'
            should be considered a reserved keyword available when checking
            a set operation.

        checker : function
            Function to use

        func_def = 'def check(self, instance):\n' if not set\
            else 'def check(self, instance, value):\n'
        assertions = check.split(';')
        for assertion in assertions:
            # First find replacement fields.
            aux = assertion.split('{')
            if len(aux) < 2:
                # Silently ignore checks unrelated to instrument state.
            line = 'assert '
            els = [el.strip() for s in aux for el in s.split('}')]
            for i in range(0, len(els), 2):
                e = els[i]
                if i + 1 < len(els):
                    line += e + ' getattr(instance, "{}") '.format(els[i + 1])
                    line += e
            values = ', '.join(
                ('getattr(instance,  "{}")'.format(el) for el in els[1::2]))

            val_fmt = ', '.join(('{}'.format(el) + '={}' for el in els[1::2]))
            a_mess = 'assertion {} failed, '.format(' '.join(els).strip())
            a_mess += 'values are : {}".format(self.name, {})'.format(
                val_fmt, values)

            if set:
                a_mess = '"Setting {} ' + a_mess
                a_mess = '"Getting {} ' + a_mess

            func_def += '    ' + line + ', ' + a_mess + '\n'

        loc = {}
        exec_(func_def, locs=loc)
        return loc['check']
Пример #18
    def exec_code(self, filename, code, env):
        from future.utils import exec_

            env['__name__'] = filename
            env['__loader__'] = ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: code)

            c_code = compile(code, filename, 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
            exec_(c_code, env)
            return env
        except Exception as e:
            if self.global_options.verbose or self.options.error:
                type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
                txt =  ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb))
                print (txt)
Пример #19
 def _test_pyfile(self, pyfile, want=True, comparator=None):
     with open(pyfile, 'rb') as fp:
         pycode = compile(fp.read(), pyfile, 'exec')
     result = exec_(pycode, globals(), locals())
     # the exec:ed code is expected to set return_value
     got = locals()['return_value']
     if not comparator:
         comparator = self.assertEqual
     comparator(want, got)
Пример #20
    def refresh_view(self):
        """ Refresh the compiled view object.

        This method will (re)compile the view for the given view text
        and update the 'compiled_view' attribute. If a compiled model
        is available and the view has a member named 'model', the model
        will be applied to the view.

        text = self.view_text
        filename = self.view_filename
        _fake_linecache(text, filename)
            if not text:
                self.compiled_view = None
                self._view_module = None
                ast = parse(text, filename=filename)
                code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, filename)
                module = ModuleType('__main__')
                module.__file__ = filename
                namespace = module.__dict__
                with enaml.imports():
                    exec_(code, namespace)
                view = namespace.get(self.view_item, lambda: None)()
                if isinstance(view, Object) and 'model' in view.members():
                    view.model = self.compiled_model
                # trap any initialization errors and roll back the view
                old = self.compiled_view
                    self.compiled_view = view
                except Exception:
                    self.compiled_view = old
                    if isinstance(old, Widget):
                self._view_module = module
                if old is not None and not old.is_destroyed:
        except Exception:
            self.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
            self.traceback = ''
Пример #21
def create_cache_func(func, **kwargs):
    kwargs = expand_memoize_args(kwargs)
    cache_obj = func.cache = MemoizeResults.caches[func] = create_cache_obj(**kwargs)
    stats_obj = func.stats = MemoizeResults.stats[func]  = collections.Counter()

    definition = construct_cache_func_definition(**kwargs)
    namespace = {
        'functools'   : functools,
        'release'     : release,
        'func'        : func,
        'stats'       : stats_obj,
        'cache'       : cache_obj,
        'zip'         : zip,
        'iteritems'   : iteritems,
        'lock'        : threading.RLock(),
        'gen_cache'   : lambda: create_cache_obj(**kwargs),

    exec_(definition, namespace)
    return namespace['memo_func']
Пример #22
def test_examples(enaml_qtbot, enaml_sleep, path, handler):
    """ Test the enaml examples.

    dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0])
    enaml_file = os.path.join(dir_path, 'examples', os.path.normpath(path))

    with open(enaml_file, 'rU') as f:
        enaml_code = f.read()

    # Parse and compile the Enaml source into a code object
    ast = parse(enaml_code, filename=enaml_file)
    code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, enaml_file)

    # Create a proper module in which to execute the compiled code so
    # that exceptions get reported with better meaning
        module = types.ModuleType('enaml_test')
        module.__file__ = os.path.abspath(enaml_file)
        sys.modules['enaml_test'] = module
        ns = module.__dict__

        # Put the directory of the Enaml file first in the path so relative
        # imports can work.
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(enaml_file)))
        with imports():
            exec_(code, ns)

        window = ns['Main']()
        wait_for_window_displayed(enaml_qtbot, window)
        enaml_qtbot.wait(enaml_sleep * 1000)

        if handler is not None:
            handler(enaml_qtbot, window)

        # Make sure we clean up the sys modification before leaving
        del sys.modules['enaml_test']
Пример #23
 def execfile(filename, myglobals=None, mylocals=None):
     Read and execute a Python script from a file in the given namespaces.
     The globals and locals are dictionaries, defaulting to the current
     globals and locals. If only globals is given, locals defaults to it.
     if myglobals is None:
         # There seems to be no alternative to frame hacking here.
         caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1]
         myglobals = caller_frame[0].f_globals
         mylocals = caller_frame[0].f_locals
     elif mylocals is None:
         # Only if myglobals is given do we set mylocals to it.
         mylocals = myglobals
     if not isinstance(myglobals, Mapping):
         raise TypeError('globals must be a mapping')
     if not isinstance(mylocals, Mapping):
         raise TypeError('locals must be a mapping')
     with open(filename, "rbU") as fin:
          source = fin.read()
     code = compile(source, filename, "exec")
     exec_(code, myglobals, mylocals)
Пример #24
def create_cache_obj(**kwargs):
    kwargs = expand_memoize_args(kwargs)

    definition = construct_cache_obj_definition(

    namespace = {
        'expire_func' : kwargs['until'],
        'max_size'    : kwargs['max_size'],
        'max_bytes'   : kwargs['max_bytes'],
        'collections' : collections,
        'sys'         : sys,
        'time'        : time,

    exec_(definition, namespace)
    return namespace['Cache']()
Пример #25
 def _test_pyfile(self, pyfile, workingdir=None, want=True, comparator=None):
     if not workingdir:
         workingdir = os.getcwd()
     oldwd = os.getcwd()
     # we must read this in binary mode since the source code
     # contains encoding declarations
     pytext = util.readfile(pyfile, mode="rb")
     pycode = compile(pytext, pyfile, 'exec')
         reload(ferenda)  # so that ferenda.__file__ might return a abspath
         result = exec_(pycode, globals(), locals())
     # the exec:ed code is expected to set return_value
     got = locals()['return_value']
     if not comparator:
         comparator = self.assertEqual
     comparator(want, got)
Пример #26
 def _test_pyfile(self,
     if not workingdir:
         workingdir = os.getcwd()
     oldwd = os.getcwd()
     # we must read this in binary mode since the source code
     # contains encoding declarations
     pytext = util.readfile(pyfile, mode="rb")
     pycode = compile(pytext, pyfile, 'exec')
         reload(ferenda)  # so that ferenda.__file__ might return a abspath
         result = exec_(pycode, globals(), locals())
     # the exec:ed code is expected to set return_value
     got = locals()['return_value']
     if not comparator:
         comparator = self.assertEqual
     comparator(want, got)
Пример #27
def _GenerateFromEval(config, base, value_type):
    """@brief Evaluate a string as the provided type
    from future.utils import exec_
    # These will be the variables to use for evaluating the eval statement.
    # Start with the current locals and globals, and add extra items to them.
    ldict = locals().copy()
    gdict = globals().copy()
    # We allow the following modules to be used in the eval string:
    exec_('import math', gdict)
    exec_('import numpy', gdict)
    exec_('import numpy as np', gdict)
    exec_('import os', gdict)

    #print('Start Eval')
    req = { 'str' : str }
    opt = {}
    ignore = galsim.config.standard_ignore  # in value.py
    for key in config.keys():
        if key not in (ignore + list(req)):
            opt[key] = _type_by_letter(key)
    #print('opt = ',opt)
    #print('base has ',base.keys())
    #print('config = ',config)

    if isinstance(config['str'], str):
        # The ParseValue function can get confused if the first character is an @, but the
        # whole string isn't a Current item.  e.g. @image.pixel_scale * @image.stamp_size.
        # So if config['str'] is a string, just get it.  Otherwise, try parsing the dict.
        string = config['str']
        params, safe = galsim.config.GetAllParams(config, base, opt=opt, ignore=ignore+['str'])
        params, safe = galsim.config.GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt, ignore=ignore)
        #print('params = ',params)
        string = params['str']
    #print('string = ',string)

    # Parse any "Current" items indicated with an @ sign.
    if '@' in string:
        import re
        # Find @items using regex.  They can include alphanumeric chars plus '.'.
        keys = re.findall(r'@[\w\.]*', string)
        #print('@keys = ',keys)
        # Remove duplicates
        keys = np.unique(keys).tolist()
        #print('unique @keys = ',keys)
        for key0 in keys:
            key = key0[1:] # Remove the @ sign.
            value = galsim.config.GetCurrentValue(key, base)
            # Give a probably unique name to this value
            key_name = "temp_variable_" + key.replace('.','_')
            #print('key_name = ',key_name)
            #print('value = ',value)
            # Replaces all occurrences of key0 with the key_name.
            string = string.replace(key0,key_name)
            # Finally, bring the key's variable name into scope.
            ldict[key_name] = value

    # Bring the user-defined variables into scope.
    #print('Loading keys in ',opt)
    for key in opt:
        #print('key = ',key)
        ldict[key[1:]] = params[key]

    # Also bring in any top level eval_variables that might be relevant.
    if 'eval_variables' in base:
        #print('found eval_variables = ',base['eval_variables'])
        if not isinstance(base['eval_variables'],dict):
            raise AttributeError("eval_variables must be a dict")
        opt = {}
        ignore = []
        for key in base['eval_variables']:
            # Only add variables that appear in the string.
            if key[1:] in string:
                opt[key] = _type_by_letter(key)
        #print('opt = ',opt)
        params, safe1 = galsim.config.GetAllParams(base['eval_variables'],
                                                   base, opt=opt, ignore=ignore)
        #print('params = ',params)
        safe = safe and safe1
        for key in opt:
            #print('key = ',key)
            ldict[key[1:]] = params[key]

    # Try evaluating the string as is.
        val = eval(string, gdict, ldict)
        if value_type is not None:
            val = value_type(val)
        #print(base['obj_num'],'Simple Eval(%s) = %s'%(string,val))
        return val, safe
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    # Then try bringing in the allowed variables to see if that works:
    base_variables = [ 'image_pos', 'world_pos', 'image_center', 'image_origin', 'image_bounds',
                       'image_xsize', 'image_ysize', 'stamp_xsize', 'stamp_ysize', 'pixel_scale',
                       'wcs', 'rng', 'file_num', 'image_num', 'obj_num', 'start_obj_num', ]
    for key in base_variables:
        if key in base:
            ldict[key] = base[key]
        val = eval(string, gdict, ldict)
        #print(base['obj_num'],'Eval(%s) needed extra variables: val = %s'%(string,val))
        if value_type is not None:
            val = value_type(val)
        return val, False
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError("Unable to evaluate string %r as a %s\n"%(string,value_type) + str(e))
Пример #28
def BuildGSObject(config, key, base=None, gsparams={}, logger=None):
    """Build a GSObject from the parameters in config[key].

        config:     A dict with the configuration information.
        key:        The key name in config indicating which object to build.
        base:       The base dict of the configuration. [default: config]
        gsparams:   Optionally, provide non-default GSParams items.  Any ``gsparams`` specified
                    at this level will be added to the list.  This should be a dict with
                    whatever kwargs should be used in constructing the GSParams object.
                    [default: {}]
        logger:     Optionally, provide a logger for logging debug statements.
                    [default: None]

        the tuple (gsobject, safe), where ``gsobject`` is the built object, and ``safe`` is
        a bool that says whether it is safe to use this object again next time.
    from .. import __dict__ as galsim_dict

    logger = LoggerWrapper(logger)
    if base is None:
        base = config

    logger.debug('obj %d: Start BuildGSObject %s', base.get('obj_num', 0), key)

    # If key isn't in config, then just return None.
        param = config[key]
    except KeyError:
        return None, True

    # Check what index key we want to use for this object.
    # Note: this call will also set base['index_key'] and base['rng'] to the right values
    index, index_key = GetIndex(param, base)

    # Get the type to be parsed.
    if not 'type' in param:
        raise GalSimConfigError("type attribute required in config.%s" % key)
    type_name = param['type']

    # If we are repeating, then we get to use the current object for repeat times.
    if 'repeat' in param:
        repeat = ParseValue(param, 'repeat', base, int)[0]
        repeat = 1

    # Check if we need to skip this object
    if 'skip' in param:
        skip = ParseValue(param, 'skip', base, bool)[0]
        if skip:
            logger.debug('obj %d: Skipping because field skip=True',
                         base.get('obj_num', 0))
            raise SkipThisObject()

    # Check if we can use the current cached object
    if 'current' in param:
        # NB. "current" tuple is (obj, safe, None, index, index_type)
        cobj, csafe, cvalue_type, cindex, cindex_type = param['current']
        if csafe or cindex // repeat == index // repeat:
            # If logging, explain why we are using the current object.
            if logger:
                if csafe:
                    logger.debug('obj %d: current is safe',
                                 base.get('obj_num', 0))
                elif repeat > 1:
                        'obj %d: repeat = %d, index = %d, use current object',
                        base.get('obj_num', 0), repeat, index)
                    logger.debug('obj %d: This object is already current',
                                 base.get('obj_num', 0))

            return cobj, csafe

    # Set up the initial default list of attributes to ignore while building the object:
    ignore = [
        'dilate', 'dilation', 'ellip', 'rotate', 'rotation', 'scale_flux',
        'magnify', 'magnification', 'shear', 'shift', 'gsparams', 'skip',
        'current', 'index_key', 'repeat'
    # There are a few more that are specific to which key we have.
    if key == 'gal':
        ignore += ['resolution', 'signal_to_noise', 'redshift', 're_from_res']
    elif key == 'psf':
        ignore += ['saved_re']
        # As long as key isn't psf, allow resolution.
        # Ideally, we'd like to check that it's something within the gal hierarchy, but
        # I don't know an easy way to do that.
        ignore += ['resolution', 're_from_res']

    # Allow signal_to_noise for PSFs only if there is not also a galaxy.
    if 'gal' not in base and key == 'psf':
        ignore += ['signal_to_noise']

    # If we are specifying the size according to a resolution, then we
    # need to get the PSF's half_light_radius.
    if 'resolution' in param:
        if 'psf' not in base:
            raise GalSimConfigError(
                "Cannot use gal.resolution if no psf is set.")
        if 'saved_re' not in base['psf']:
            raise GalSimConfigError(
                'Cannot use gal.resolution with psf.type = %s' %
        psf_re = base['psf']['saved_re']
        resolution = ParseValue(param, 'resolution', base, float)[0]
        gal_re = resolution * psf_re
        if 're_from_res' not in param:
            # The first time, check that half_light_radius isn't also specified.
            if 'half_light_radius' in param:
                raise GalSimConfigError(
                    'Cannot specify both gal.resolution and gal.half_light_radius'
            param['re_from_res'] = True
        param['half_light_radius'] = gal_re

    # Make sure the PSF gets flux=1 unless explicitly overridden by the user.
    if key == 'psf' and 'flux' not in param and 'signal_to_noise' not in param:
        param['flux'] = 1

    if 'gsparams' in param:
        gsparams = UpdateGSParams(gsparams, param['gsparams'], base)

    # See if this type is registered as a valid type.
    if type_name in valid_gsobject_types:
        build_func = valid_gsobject_types[type_name]
    elif type_name in galsim_dict:
        from future.utils import exec_
        gdict = globals().copy()
        exec_('import galsim', gdict)
        build_func = eval("galsim." + type_name, gdict)
        raise GalSimConfigValueError("Unrecognised gsobject type", type_name)

    if inspect.isclass(build_func) and issubclass(build_func, GSObject):
        gsobject, safe = _BuildSimple(build_func, param, base, ignore,
                                      gsparams, logger)
        gsobject, safe = build_func(param, base, ignore, gsparams, logger)

    # If this is a psf, try to save the half_light_radius in case gal uses resolution.
    if key == 'psf':
            param['saved_re'] = gsobject.half_light_radius
        except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError, TypeError):

    # Apply any dilation, ellip, shear, etc. modifications.
    gsobject, safe1 = TransformObject(gsobject, param, base, logger)
    safe = safe and safe1

    param['current'] = gsobject, safe, None, index, index_key

    return gsobject, safe
Пример #29
def _GenerateFromEval(config, base, value_type):
    """Evaluate a string as the provided type
    #print('Start Eval')
    #print('config = ',galsim.config.CleanConfig(config))
    if '_value' in config:
        return config['_value']
    elif '_fn' in config:
        #print('Using saved function')
        fn = config['_fn']
        # If the function is not already compiled, then this is the first time through, so do
        # a full parsing of all the possibilities.

        from future.utils import exec_
        # These will be the variables to use for evaluating the eval statement.
        # Start with the current locals and globals, and add extra items to them.
        if 'eval_gdict' not in base:
            gdict = globals().copy()
            # We allow the following modules to be used in the eval string:
            exec_('import math', gdict)
            exec_('import numpy', gdict)
            exec_('import numpy as np', gdict)
            exec_('import os', gdict)
            base['eval_gdict'] = gdict
            gdict = base['eval_gdict']

        if 'str' not in config:
            raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
                "Attribute str is required for type = %s" % (config['type']))
        string = config['str']

        # Turn any "Current" items indicated with an @ sign into regular variables.
        if '@' in string:
            # Find @items using regex.  They can include alphanumeric chars plus '.'.
            keys = re.findall(r'@[\w\.]*', string)
            #print('@keys = ',keys)
            # Remove duplicates
            keys = np.unique(keys).tolist()
            #print('unique @keys = ',keys)
            for key0 in keys:
                key = key0[1:]  # Remove the @ sign.
                value = galsim.config.GetCurrentValue(key, base)
                # Give a probably unique name to this value
                key_name = "temp_variable_" + key.replace('.', '_')
                #print('key_name = ',key_name)
                #print('value = ',value)
                # Replaces all occurrences of key0 with the key_name.
                string = string.replace(key0, key_name)
                # Finally, bring the key's variable name into scope.
                config['x' + key_name] = {'type': 'Current', 'key': key}

        # The parameters to the function are the keys in the config dict minus their initial char.
        params = [key[1:] for key in config.keys() if key not in eval_ignore]

        # Also bring in any top level eval_variables that might be relevant.
        if 'eval_variables' in base:
            #print('found eval_variables = ',galsim.config.CleanConfig(base['eval_variables']))
            if not isinstance(base['eval_variables'], dict):
                raise galsim.GalSimConfigError("eval_variables must be a dict")
            for key in base['eval_variables']:
                # Only add variables that appear in the string.
                if _isWordInString(key[1:], string) and key[1:] not in params:
                    config[key] = {
                        'type': 'Current',
                        'key': 'eval_variables.' + key

        # Also check for the allowed base variables:
        for key in eval_base_variables:
            if key in base and _isWordInString(key,
                                               string) and key not in params:
                config['x' + key] = {'type': 'Current', 'key': key}
        #print('params = ',params)
        #print('config = ',config)

        # Now compile the string into a lambda function, which will be faster for subsequent
        # passes into this builder.
            if len(params) == 0:
                value = eval(string, gdict)
                config['_value'] = value
                return value
                fn_str = 'lambda %s: %s' % (','.join(params), string)
                #print('fn_str = ',fn_str)
                fn = eval(fn_str, gdict)
                config['_fn'] = fn
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except Exception as e:
            raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
                "Unable to evaluate string %r as a %s\n%r" %
                (string, value_type, e))

    # Always need to evaluate any parameters to pass to the function
    opt = {}
    for key in config.keys():
        if key not in eval_ignore:
            opt[key] = _type_by_letter(key)
    #print('opt = ',opt)
    params, safe = galsim.config.GetAllParams(config,
    #print('params = ',params)

    # Strip off the first character of the keys
    params = {key[1:]: value for key, value in params.items()}
    #print('params => ',params)

    # Evaluate the compiled function
        val = fn(**params)
        #print('val = ',val)
        return val, safe
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as e:
        raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
            "Unable to evaluate string %r as a %s\n%r" %
            (config['str'], value_type, e))
Пример #30
def _GenerateFromEval(config, base, value_type):
    """@brief Evaluate a string as the provided type
    #print('Start Eval')
    #print('config = ',galsim.config.CleanConfig(config))
    if '_value' in config:
        return config['_value']
    elif '_fn' in config:
        #print('Using saved function')
        fn = config['_fn']
        # If the function is not already compiled, then this is the first time through, so do
        # a full parsing of all the possibilities.

        from future.utils import exec_
        # These will be the variables to use for evaluating the eval statement.
        # Start with the current locals and globals, and add extra items to them.
        if 'eval_gdict' not in base:
            gdict = globals().copy()
            # We allow the following modules to be used in the eval string:
            exec_('import math', gdict)
            exec_('import numpy', gdict)
            exec_('import numpy as np', gdict)
            exec_('import os', gdict)
            base['eval_gdict'] = gdict
            gdict = base['eval_gdict']

        if 'str' not in config:
            raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
                "Attribute str is required for type = %s"%(config['type']))
        string = config['str']

        # Turn any "Current" items indicated with an @ sign into regular variables.
        if '@' in string:
            # Find @items using regex.  They can include alphanumeric chars plus '.'.
            keys = re.findall(r'@[\w\.]*', string)
            #print('@keys = ',keys)
            # Remove duplicates
            keys = np.unique(keys).tolist()
            #print('unique @keys = ',keys)
            for key0 in keys:
                key = key0[1:] # Remove the @ sign.
                value = galsim.config.GetCurrentValue(key, base)
                # Give a probably unique name to this value
                key_name = "temp_variable_" + key.replace('.','_')
                #print('key_name = ',key_name)
                #print('value = ',value)
                # Replaces all occurrences of key0 with the key_name.
                string = string.replace(key0,key_name)
                # Finally, bring the key's variable name into scope.
                config['x' + key_name] = { 'type' : 'Current', 'key' : key }

        # The parameters to the function are the keys in the config dict minus their initial char.
        params = [ key[1:] for key in config.keys() if key not in eval_ignore ]

        # Also bring in any top level eval_variables that might be relevant.
        if 'eval_variables' in base:
            #print('found eval_variables = ',galsim.config.CleanConfig(base['eval_variables']))
            if not isinstance(base['eval_variables'],dict):
                raise galsim.GalSimConfigError("eval_variables must be a dict")
            for key in base['eval_variables']:
                # Only add variables that appear in the string.
                if _isWordInString(key[1:],string) and key[1:] not in params:
                    config[key] = { 'type' : 'Current',
                                    'key' : 'eval_variables.' + key }

        # Also check for the allowed base variables:
        for key in eval_base_variables:
            if key in base and _isWordInString(key,string) and key not in params:
                config['x' + key] = { 'type' : 'Current', 'key' : key }
        #print('params = ',params)
        #print('config = ',config)

        # Now compile the string into a lambda function, which will be faster for subsequent
        # passes into this builder.
            if len(params) == 0:
                value = eval(string, gdict)
                config['_value'] = value
                return value
                fn_str = 'lambda %s: %s'%(','.join(params), string)
                #print('fn_str = ',fn_str)
                fn = eval(fn_str, gdict)
                config['_fn'] = fn
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except Exception as e:
            raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
                "Unable to evaluate string %r as a %s\n%r"%(string, value_type, e))
    # Always need to evaluate any parameters to pass to the function
    opt = {}
    for key in config.keys():
        if key not in eval_ignore:
            opt[key] = _type_by_letter(key)
    #print('opt = ',opt)
    params, safe = galsim.config.GetAllParams(config, base, opt=opt, ignore=eval_ignore)
    #print('params = ',params)

    # Strip off the first character of the keys
    params = { key[1:] : value for key, value in params.items() }
    #print('params => ',params)

    # Evaluate the compiled function
        val = fn(**params)
        #print('val = ',val)
        return val, safe
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as e:
        raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
            "Unable to evaluate string %r as a %s\n%r"%(config['str'],value_type, e))
Пример #31
def _GenerateFromEval(config, base, value_type):
    """@brief Evaluate a string as the provided type
    from future.utils import exec_
    # These will be the variables to use for evaluating the eval statement.
    # Start with the current locals and globals, and add extra items to them.
    ldict = locals().copy()
    gdict = globals().copy()
    # We allow the following modules to be used in the eval string:
    exec_('import math', gdict)
    exec_('import numpy', gdict)
    exec_('import numpy as np', gdict)
    exec_('import os', gdict)

    #print('Start Eval')
    req = { 'str' : str }
    opt = {}
    ignore = galsim.config.standard_ignore  # in value.py
    for key in config.keys():
        if key not in (ignore + list(req)):
            opt[key] = _type_by_letter(key)
    #print('opt = ',opt)
    #print('base has ',base.keys())
    #print('config = ',config)

    if isinstance(config['str'], str):
        # The ParseValue function can get confused if the first character is an @, but the
        # whole string isn't a Current item.  e.g. @image.pixel_scale * @image.stamp_size.
        # So if config['str'] is a string, just get it.  Otherwise, try parsing the dict.
        string = config['str']
        params, safe = galsim.config.GetAllParams(config, base, opt=opt, ignore=ignore+['str'])
        params, safe = galsim.config.GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt, ignore=ignore)
        #print('params = ',params)
        string = params['str']
    #print('string = ',string)

    # Parse any "Current" items indicated with an @ sign.
    if '@' in string:
        import re
        # Find @items using regex.  They can include alphanumeric chars plus '.'.
        keys = re.findall(r'@[\w\.]*', string)
        #print('@keys = ',keys)
        # Remove duplicates
        keys = np.unique(keys).tolist()
        #print('unique @keys = ',keys)
        for key0 in keys:
            key = key0[1:] # Remove the @ sign.
            value = galsim.config.GetCurrentValue(key, base)
            # Give a probably unique name to this value
            key_name = "temp_variable_" + key.replace('.','_')
            #print('key_name = ',key_name)
            #print('value = ',value)
            # Replaces all occurrences of key0 with the key_name.
            string = string.replace(key0,key_name)
            # Finally, bring the key's variable name into scope.
            ldict[key_name] = value

    # Bring the user-defined variables into scope.
    #print('Loading keys in ',opt)
    for key in opt:
        #print('key = ',key)
        ldict[key[1:]] = params[key]

    # Also bring in any top level eval_variables that might be relevant.
    if 'eval_variables' in base:
        #print('found eval_variables = ',base['eval_variables'])
        if not isinstance(base['eval_variables'],dict):
            raise AttributeError("eval_variables must be a dict")
        opt = {}
        ignore = []
        for key in base['eval_variables']:
            # Only add variables that appear in the string.
            if key[1:] in string:
                opt[key] = _type_by_letter(key)
        #print('opt = ',opt)
        params, safe1 = galsim.config.GetAllParams(base['eval_variables'],
                                                   base, opt=opt, ignore=ignore)
        #print('params = ',params)
        safe = safe and safe1
        for key in opt:
            #print('key = ',key)
            ldict[key[1:]] = params[key]

    # Try evaluating the string as is.
        val = eval(string, gdict, ldict)
        if value_type is not None:
            val = value_type(val)
        #print(base['obj_num'],'Simple Eval(%s) = %s'%(string,val))
        return val, safe
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    # Then try bringing in the allowed variables to see if that works:
    base_variables = [ 'image_pos', 'world_pos', 'image_center', 'image_origin', 'image_bounds',
                       'image_xsize', 'image_ysize', 'stamp_xsize', 'stamp_ysize', 'pixel_scale',
                       'wcs', 'rng', 'file_num', 'image_num', 'obj_num', 'start_obj_num', ]
    for key in base_variables:
        if key in base:
            ldict[key] = base[key]
        val = eval(string, gdict, ldict)
        #print(base['obj_num'],'Eval(%s) needed extra variables: val = %s'%(string,val))
        if value_type is not None:
            val = value_type(val)
        return val, False
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError("Unable to evaluate string %r as a %s\n"%(string,value_type) + str(e))
Пример #32
__author__ = 'chad nelson'
__project__ = 'blowdrycss'

# Get readme.rst from sphinx docs.
    with open('readme.rst', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        long_description = f.read()
except (IOError, ImportError):
    # default description
    long_description = 'Rapid styling tool used to auto-generate DRY CSS files from encoded class selectors.'

# Get current version number.
# http://python-future.org/_modules/future/utils.html#exec_
version = {}
with open('version.py') as _file:
    exec_(_file.read(), version)


    # Versions should comply with PEP440.  For a discussion on single-sourcing
    # the version across setup.py and the project code, see
    # https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/single_source_version.html

    description='The atomic CSS compiler',

    # The project's main homepage.