class IdentityDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ A dummy descriptor, allowing to treat all cases uniformly. This descriptor returns the local neighborhood, reformatted as a vector. """ name = nstr(b'identity') def __init__(self): pass def compute(self, image): """ Returns all the pixels in the region as a vector. :param image: numpy.array Image data. :return: numpy.ndarray 1D """ return image.reshape(image.size) @staticmethod def dist(self, ft1, ft2, method='euclidean'): dm = { 'euclidean': lambda x_, y_: norm(x_ - y_), 'cosine': lambda x_, y_: dot(x_, y_) / (norm(x_) * norm(y_)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm: raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm['method'](ft1, ft2)
def _trace_list_to_rec_array(traces): """ return a recarray from the trace list. These are seperated into two arrays due to a weird issue with numpy.sort returning and error set. """ # get the id, starttime, endtime into a recarray # rec array column names must be native strings due to numpy issue 2407 dtype1 = [(nstr('id'), np.object), (nstr('starttime'), float), (nstr('endtime'), float)] dtype2 = [(nstr('data'), np.object), (nstr('stats'), np.object)] data1 = [(, tr.stats.starttime.timestamp, tr.stats.endtime.timestamp) for tr in traces] data2 = [(, tr.stats) for tr in traces] ar1 = np.array(data1, dtype=dtype1) # array of id, starttime, endtime ar2 = np.array(data2, dtype=dtype2) # array of data, stats objects # sort_index = np.argsort(ar1, order=['id', 'starttime']) return ar1[sort_index], ar2[sort_index]
class LocalDescriptor: """ Base class for all local descriptors: given a patch of the image, compute some feature vector. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta name = nstr(b'LocalDescriptor') @abstractmethod def compute(self, image): pass @staticmethod def dist(self, ft1, ft2, method=''): return 0.0
def intg_image(image): """ Computes tha integral image following the convention that the first row and column should be 0s. :param image: numpy.array A 2D array (single channel image). :return: A 2D array, with shape (image.shape[0]+1, image.shape[1]+1). """ if image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('The image must be single channel.') image = np.pad(integral_image(image), ((1,0),(1,0)), mode=nstr(b'constant'), constant_values=0) return image # end intg_image
class StatsDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ A very simple local descriptor based on the first moments statistics. """ name = nstr(b'stats') def __init__(self, stats=None): self._statsfn = { 'mean': lambda x_: x_.mean(), 'std': lambda x_: x_.std(), 'kurtosis': lambda x_: kurtosis(x_, axis=None, fisher=True), 'skewness': lambda x_: skew(x_, axis=None, bias=True) } if stats is None: self.stats = ['mean', 'std'] else: self.stats = [s.lower() for s in stats] for s in self.stats: if s not in self._statsfn: raise ValueError('Unknown summary statistic') def compute(self, image): return np.array([self._statsfn[s](image) for s in self.stats]) @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='euclidean'): """ Computes the distance between two Stats feature vectors. :param ft1: a vector of features :type ft1: numpy.array (1xn) :param ft2: a vector of features :type ft2: numpy.array (1xn) :param method: the method for computing the distance :type method: string :return: a distance :rtype: float """ return norm(ft1 - ft2)
def intg_image(image): """ Computes tha integral image following the convention that the first row and column should be 0s. :param image: numpy.array A 2D array (single channel image). :return: A 2D array, with shape (image.shape[0]+1, image.shape[1]+1). """ if image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('The image must be single channel.') image = np.pad(integral_image(image), ((1, 0), (1, 0)), mode=nstr(b'constant'), constant_values=0) return image # end intg_image
class HaarLikeDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Provides local descriptors in terms of respones to a series of Haar-like features [1]_. The coding is inspired by HaarLikeFeature class from SimpleCV ( .. [1] """ name = nstr(b'haar') def __init__(self, _haars, _norm=True): """ Initialize an HaarLikeDescriptors object. :param _haars: list a list of feature descriptors. A feature descriptor is a list of points (row, column) in a normalized coordinate system ((0,0) -> (1,1)) describing the "positive" (black) patches from a Haar-like feature. All the patches not specified in this list are considered "negative" (white). The value corresponding to such a feature is the (weighted) sum of pixel intensities covered by "positive" patches from which the (weighted) sum of pixel intensities covered by "negative" patches is subtracted. See some examples at: - - Examples of Haar-like features coding: - a Haar-like feature in which the left side is "positive" (*) and the right side "negative" (.): +-------+-------+ |*******|.......| |*******|.......| |*******|.......| |*******|.......| |*******|.......| |*******|.......| +-------+-------+ The corresponding coding is: [[(0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0)]]. - a Haar-like feature with diagonal "positive" (*) patches: +-------+-------+ |*******|.......| |*******|.......| |*******|.......| +-------+-------+ |.......|*******| |.......|*******| |.......|*******| +-------+-------+ The corresponding coding is: [[(0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.5)], [(0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0)]]. :param _norm: boolean Should the features be normalized? (scale-independent?) Default: True """ self.haars = _haars self.nfeats = len(_haars) self.norm = _norm # Check that all coordinates are between 0 and 1: if any([_p < 0.0 or _p > 1.0 for _p in flatten(_haars)]): raise ValueError("Improper Haar feature specification.") return def compute(self, image): """ Computes the Haar-like descriptors on an INTEGRAL image. :param image: numpy.ndarray This must be the integral image, as computed by skimage.transform.integral_image(), for example. This format does not contain the first row and column of 0s. :param _norm: boolean If True, the features are normalized by half the number of pixels in the image. :return: numpy.ndarray a vector of feature values (one per Haar-like feature) """ if image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Only grey-level images are supported") h, w = image.shape h -= 1 w -= 1 nrm_fact = h * w if self.norm else 1.0 f = np.zeros(self.nfeats, dtype=np.float) i = 0 S0 = image[h, w] + image[0, 0] - image[h, 0] - image[ 0, w] # integral over the image for hr in self.haars: # for each Haar-like feature S = 0L # will contain the sum of positive patches in the feature for p in hr: # for each patch in the current feature a, b = p # coords of the corners of the patch row_a =[0][0] * h)) col_a =[0][1] * w)) row_b =[1][0] * h)) col_b =[1][1] * w)) S += image[row_b, col_b] + image[row_a, col_a] - image[ row_b, col_a] - image[row_a, col_b] # The final value of the Haar-like feature is the sum of positive patches minus # the sum of negative patches. Since everything that is not specified as positive # patch is considered negative, the sum of the negative patches is the total sum # in the image (corner bottom-right in the integral image) minus the sum of positive # ones. Hence, the value of the Haar-like feature is 2*S - S0 f[i] = (2.0 * S - S0) / nrm_fact i += 1 return f @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='euclidean'): """ Computes the distance between two Haar-like feature vectors. :param ft1: a vector of features :type ft1: numpy.array (1xn) :param ft2: a vector of features :type ft2: numpy.array (1xn) :param method: the method for computing the distance :type method: string :return: a distance :rtype: float """ dm = { 'euclidean': lambda x_, y_: norm(x_ - y_), 'cosine': lambda x_, y_: dot(x_, y_) / (norm(x_) * norm(y_)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm[method](ft1, ft2) @staticmethod def haars1(): """ Generates a list of Haar-like feature specifications. :return: :rtype: """ h = [ [[(0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.5)], [(0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0)]], # diagonal blocks [[(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.5)]], # vertical edge [[(0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0)]], # horizontal edge [[(0.0, 0.33), (1.0, 0.67)]], # vertical central band [[(0.33, 0.0), (0.67, 1.0)]], # horizontal central band [[(0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.75)]] ] return h
def _read_24_bit_little(fi, length): """ read a 3 byte int, little endian """ chunk = return struct.unpack(nstr('<I'), chunk + b'\x00')[0]
class HOGDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Provides local descriptors in terms of histograms of oriented gradients. """ name = nstr(b'hog') def __init__(self, _norient=9, _ppc=(128, 128), _cpb=(4, 4)): """ Initialize an HOGDescriptors object. For details see the HOG descriptor in sciki-image package: skimage.feature.hog :param _norient: uint number of orientations of the gradients :param _ppc: uint pixels per cell :param _cpb: uint cells per block """ self.norient = _norient self.ppc = _ppc self.cpb = _cpb return def compute(self, image): """ Computes HOG on a given image. :param image: numpy.ndarray :return: numpy.ndarray a vector of features """ r = hog(image, pixels_per_cell=self.ppc, cells_per_block=self.cpb, visualise=False, normalise=False) return r @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='euclidean'): """ Compute the distance between two sets of HOG features. Possible distance types are: -Euclidean -cosine distance: this is not a proper distance! """ dm = { 'euclidean': lambda x_, y_: norm(x_ - y_), 'cosine': lambda x_, y_: dot(x_, y_) / (norm(x_) * norm(y_)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm[method](ft1, ft2)
class HistDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Provides local descriptors in terms of histograms of grey levels. """ name = nstr(b'hist') def __init__(self, _interval=(0, 1), _nbins=10): """ Initialize an HistDescriptors object: a simple histogram of grey-levels :param _interval: tuple the minimum and maximum values to be accounted for :param _nbins: uint number of bins in the histogram """ self.interval = _interval self.nbins = _nbins return def compute(self, image): """ Computes the histogram on a given image. :param image: numpy.ndarray :return: numpy.ndarray a vector of frequencies """ if image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Only grey-level images are supported") h, _ = np.histogram(image, normed=True, bins=self.nbins, range=self.interval) return h @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='bh'): """ Computes the distance between two sets of histogram features. Args: ft1, ft2: numpy.ndarray (vector) histograms as returned by compute() method: string the method used for computing the distance between the two sets of features: 'kl' - Kullback-Leibler divergence (symmetrized by 0.5*(KL(p,q)+KL(q,p)) 'js' - Jensen-Shannon divergence: 0.5*(KL(p,m)+KL(q,m)) where m=(p+q)/2 'bh' - Bhattacharyya distance: -log(sqrt(sum_i (p_i*q_i))) 'ma' - Matusita distance: sqrt(sum_i (sqrt(p_i)-sqrt(q_i))**2) """ # distance methods dm = { 'kl': lambda x_, y_: 0.5 * (entropy(x_, y_) + entropy(y_, x_)), 'js': lambda x_, y_: 0.5 * (entropy(x_, 0.5 * (x_ + y_)) + entropy(y_, 0.5 * (x_ + y_))), 'bh': lambda x_, y_: -np.log(np.sum(np.sqrt(x_ * y_))), 'ma': lambda x_, y_: np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sqrt(x_) - np.sqrt(y_))**2)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm[method](ft1, ft2)
class MFSDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Multi-Fractal Dimensions for texture description. Adapted from IMFRACTAL project at """ name = nstr(b'fract') def __init__(self, _nlevels_avg=1, _wsize=15, _niter=1): """ Initialize an MFDDescriptors object. Arguments: _nlevels_avg: number of levels to be averaged in density computation (uint) =1: no averaging _wsize: size of the window for computing descriptors (uint) _niter: number of iterations """ self.nlevels_avg = _nlevels_avg self.wsize = _wsize self.niter = _niter return def compute(self, im): """ Computes MFS over the given image. Arguments: im: image (grey-scale) (numpy.ndarray) Returns: a vector of descriptors (numpy.array) """ ## TODO: this needs much polishing to get it run faster! assert (im.ndim == 2) # Using [0..255] to denote the intensity profile of the image grayscale_box = [0, 255] # Preprocessing: default intensity value of image ranges from 0 to 255 if abs(im).max() < 1: im = rescale_intensity(im, out_range=(0, 255)) ####################### ### Estimating density function of the image ### by solving least squares for D in the equation ### log10(bw) = D*log10(c) + b r = 1.0 / max(im.shape) c = np.log10(r * np.arange(start=1, stop=self.nlevels_avg + 1)) bw = np.zeros((self.nlevels_avg, im.shape[0], im.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) bw[0, :, :] = im + 1 def _gauss_krn(size): """ Returns a normalized 2D gauss kernel array for convolutions """ if size <= 3: sigma = 1.5 else: sigma = size / 2.0 y, x = np.mgrid[-(size - 1.0) / 2.0:(size - 1.0) / 2.0 + 1, -(size - 1.0) / 2.0:(size - 1.0) / 2.0 + 1] s2 = 2.0 * sigma**2 g = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / s2) return g / g.sum() k = 1 if self.nlevels_avg > 1: bw[1, :, :] = convolve2d( bw[0, :, :], _gauss_krn(k + 1), mode="full")[1:, 1:] * ( (k + 1)**2) for k in np.arange(2, self.nlevels_avg): temp = convolve2d(bw[0, :, :], _gauss_krn(k + 1), mode="full") * ( (k + 1)**2) if k == 4: bw[k] = temp[k - 1 - 1:temp.shape[0] - (k / 2), k - 1 - 1:temp.shape[1] - (k / 2)] else: bw[k] = temp[k - 1:temp.shape[0] - (1), k - 1:temp.shape[1] - (1)] bw = np.log10(bw) n1 = np.sum(c**2) n2 = bw[0] * c[0] for k in np.arange(1, self.nlevels_avg): n2 += bw[k] * c[k] sum3 = np.sum(bw, axis=0) if self.nlevels_avg > 1: D = (n2 * self.nlevels_avg - c.sum() * sum3) / (n1 * self.nlevels_avg - c.sum()**2) min_D, max_D = 1.0, 4.0 D = grayscale_box[1] * (D - min_D) / (max_D - min_D) + grayscale_box[0] else: D = im D = D[self.nlevels_avg - 1:D.shape[0] - self.nlevels_avg + 1, self.nlevels_avg - 1:D.shape[1] - self.nlevels_avg + 1] IM = np.zeros(D.shape) gap = np.ceil( (grayscale_box[1] - grayscale_box[0]) / np.float32(self.wsize)) center = np.zeros(self.wsize) for k in np.arange(1, self.wsize + 1): bin_min = (k - 1) * gap bin_max = k * gap - 1 center[k - 1] = round((bin_min + bin_max) / 2.0) D = ((D <= bin_max) & (D >= bin_min)).choose(D, center[k - 1]) D = ((D >= bin_max)).choose(D, 0) D = ((D < 0)).choose(D, 0) IM = D # Constructing the filter for approximating log fitting r = max(IM.shape) c = np.zeros(self.niter) c[0] = 1 for k in range(1, self.niter): c[k] = c[k - 1] / (k + 1) c = c / sum(c) # Construct level sets Idx_IM = np.zeros(IM.shape) for k in range(0, self.wsize): IM = (IM == center[k]).choose(IM, k + 1) Idx_IM = IM IM = np.zeros(IM.shape) # Estimate MFS by box-counting num = np.zeros(self.niter) MFS = np.zeros(self.wsize) for k in range(1, self.wsize + 1): IM = np.zeros(IM.shape) IM = (Idx_IM == k).choose(Idx_IM, 255 + k) IM = (IM < 255 + k).choose(IM, 0) IM = (IM > 0).choose(IM, 1) temp = max(IM.sum(), 1) num[0] = np.log10(temp) / np.log10(r) for j in range(2, self.niter + 1): mask = np.ones((j, j)) bw = convolve2d(IM, mask, mode="full")[1:, 1:] indx = np.arange(0, IM.shape[0], j) indy = np.arange(0, IM.shape[1], j) bw = bw[np.ix_(indx, indy)] idx = (bw > 0).sum() temp = max(idx, 1) num[j - 1] = np.log10(temp) / np.log10(r / j) MFS[k - 1] = sum(c * num) return MFS @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='euclidean'): """ Compute the distance between two sets of multifractal dimension features. Possible distance types are: -Euclidean -cosine distance: this is not a proper distance! """ assert (ft1.ndim == ft2.ndim == 1) assert (ft1.size == ft2.size) dm = { 'euclidean': lambda x_, y_: norm(x_ - y_), 'cosine': lambda x_, y_: dot(x_, y_) / (norm(x_) * norm(y_)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm[method](ft1, ft2)
class GaborDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Computes Gabor descriptors from an image. These descriptors are the means and variances of the filter responses obtained by convolving an image with a bank of Gabor filters. """ name = nstr(b'gabor') def __init__(self, theta=np.array( [0.0, np.pi / 4.0, np.pi / 2.0, 3.0 * np.pi / 4.0], dtype=np.double), freq=np.array([3.0 / 4.0, 3.0 / 8.0, 3.0 / 16.0], dtype=np.double), sigma=np.array([1.0, 2 * np.sqrt(2.0)], dtype=np.double), normalized=True): """ Initialize the Gabor kernels (only real part). Args: theta: numpy.ndarray (vector) Contains the orientations of the filter; defaults to [0, pi/4, pi/2, 3*pi/4]. freq: numpy.ndarray (vector) The frequencies of the Gabor filter; defaults to [3/4, 3/8, 3/16]. sigma: numpy.ndarray (vector) The sigma parameter for the Gaussian smoothing filter; defaults to [1, 2*sqrt(2)]. normalized: bool If true, the kernels are normalized """ self.kernels_ = [ np.real(gabor_kernel(frequency=f, theta=t, sigma_x=s, sigma_y=s)) for f in freq for s in sigma for t in theta ] if normalized: for k, krn in enumerate(self.kernels_): self.kernels_[k] = krn / np.sqrt((krn**2).sum()) return def compute(self, image): """ Compute the Gabor descriptors on the given image. Args: image: numpy.ndarray (.ndim=2) Grey scale image. Returns: numpy.ndarray (vector) containing the Gabor descriptors (means followed by the variances of the filter responses) """ try: image = img_as_float(image) nk = len(self.kernels_) ft = np.zeros(2 * nk, dtype=np.double) for k, krn in enumerate(self.kernels_): flt = nd.convolve(image, krn, mode='wrap') ft[k] = flt.mean() ft[k + nk] = flt.var() except: print("Error in GaborDescriptor.compute()") return ft @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='euclidean'): """ Compute the distance between two sets of Gabor features. Possible distance types are: -euclidean -cosine distance: this is not a proper distance! """ dm = { 'euclidean': lambda x_, y_: norm(x_ - y_), 'cosine': lambda x_, y_: dot(x_, y_) / (norm(x_) * norm(y_)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm: raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm[method](ft1, ft2)
class LBPDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Local Binary Pattern for texture description. A LBP descriptor set is a histogram of LBPs computed from the image. """ name = nstr(b'lbp') def __init__(self, radius=3, npoints=None, method='uniform'): """ Initialize a LBP descriptor set. See skimage.feature.texture.local_binary_pattern for details on the meaning of parameters. Args: radius: int defaults to 3 npoints: int defaults to None. If None, npoints is set to 8*radius method: string defaults to 'uniform'. Could be 'uniform', 'ror', 'var', 'nri_uniform' """ self.radius_ = radius self.npoints_ = radius * 8 if npoints is None else npoints self.method_ = method.lower() self.nhbins_ = self.npoints_ + 2 return def compute(self, image): """ Compute the LBP features. These features are returned as histograms of LBPs. """ try: lbp = local_binary_pattern(image, self.npoints_, self.radius_, self.method_) hist, _ = np.histogram(lbp, normed=True, bins=self.nhbins_, range=(0, self.nhbins_)) except: print("Error in LBPDescriptor.compute()") return hist @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='bh'): """ Computes the distance between two sets of LBP features. The features are assumed to have been computed using the same parameters. The features are represented as histograms of LBPs. Args: ft1, ft2: numpy.ndarray (vector) histograms of LBPs as returned by compute() method: string the method used for computing the distance between the two sets of features: 'kl' - Kullback-Leibler divergence (symmetrized by 0.5*(KL(p,q)+KL(q,p)) 'js' - Jensen-Shannon divergence: 0.5*(KL(p,m)+KL(q,m)) where m=(p+q)/2 'bh' - Bhattacharyya distance: -log(sqrt(sum_i (p_i*q_i))) 'ma' - Matusita distance: sqrt(sum_i (sqrt(p_i)-sqrt(q_i))**2) """ # distance methods dm = { 'kl': lambda x_, y_: 0.5 * (entropy(x_, y_) + entropy(y_, x_)), 'js': lambda x_, y_: 0.5 * (entropy(x_, 0.5 * (x_ + y_)) + entropy(y_, 0.5 * (x_ + y_))), 'bh': lambda x_, y_: -np.log(np.sum(np.sqrt(x_ * y_))), 'ma': lambda x_, y_: np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sqrt(x_) - np.sqrt(y_))**2)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown method') return dm[method](ft1, ft2)
class GLCMDescriptor(LocalDescriptor): """ Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix: the image is decomposed into a number of non-overlapping regions, and the GLCM features are computed on each of these regions. """ name = nstr(b'glcm') def __init__(self, wsize, dist=0.0, theta=0.0, levels=256, which=None, symmetric=True, normed=True): """ Initialize GLCM. Args: wsize: uint window size: the image is decomposed into small non-overlapping regions of size <wsize x wsize> from which the GLCMs are computed. If the last region in a row or the last row in an image are smaller than the required size, then they are not used in computing the features. dist: uint pair distance theta: float pair angle levels: uint number of grey levels which: string which features to be computed from the GLCM. See the help for skimage.feature.texture.greycoprops for details symmetric: bool consider symmetric pairs? normed: bool normalize the co-occurrence matrix, before computing the features? """ self.wsize_ = wsize self.dist_ = dist self.theta_ = theta self.levels_ = levels if which is None: which = ['dissimilarity', 'correlation'] self.which_feats_ = [w.lower() for w in which] self.symmetric_ = symmetric self.normed_ = normed return def compute(self, image): """ Compute the GLCM features. """ assert (image.ndim == 2) w, h = image.shape nw = int(w / self.wsize_) nh = int(h / self.wsize_) nf = len(self.which_feats_) ft = np.zeros((nf, nw * nh)) # features will be on rows k = 0 for x in np.arange(0, nw): for y in np.arange(0, nh): x0, y0 = x * self.wsize_, y * self.wsize_ x1, y1 = x0 + self.wsize_, y0 + self.wsize_ glcm = greycomatrix(image[y0:y1, x0:x1], self.dist_, self.theta_, self.levels_, self.symmetric_, self.normed_) ft[:, k] = np.array( [greycoprops(glcm, f)[0, 0] for f in self.which_feats_]) k += 1 res = {} k = 0 for f in self.which_feats_: res[f] = ft[k, :] k += 1 return res @staticmethod def dist(ft1, ft2, method='bh'): """ Computes the distance between two sets of GLCM features. The features are assumed to have been computed using the same parameters. The distance is based on comparing the distributions of these features. Args: ft1, ft2: dict each dictionary contains for each feature a vector of values computed from the images method: string the method used for computing the distance between the histograms of features: 'kl' - Kullback-Leibler divergence (symmetrized by 0.5*(KL(p,q)+KL(q,p)) 'js' - Jensen-Shannon divergence: 0.5*(KL(p,m)+KL(q,m)) where m=(p+q)/2 'bh' - Bhattacharyya distance: -log(sqrt(sum_i (p_i*q_i))) 'ma' - Matusita distance: sqrt(sum_i (sqrt(p_i)-sqrt(q_i))**2) Returns: dict a dictionary with distances computed between pairs of features """ # distance methods dm = { 'kl': lambda x_, y_: 0.5 * (entropy(x_, y_) + entropy(y_, x_)), 'js': lambda x_, y_: 0.5 * (entropy(x_, 0.5 * (x_ + y_)) + entropy(y_, 0.5 * (x_ + y_))), 'bh': lambda x_, y_: -np.log(np.sum(np.sqrt(x_ * y_))), 'ma': lambda x_, y_: np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sqrt(x_) - np.sqrt(y_))**2)) } method = method.lower() if method not in dm.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown method') res = {} for k in ft1.keys(): if k in ft2.keys(): # build the histograms: mn = min(ft1[k].min(), ft2[k].min()) mx = max(ft1[k].max(), ft2[k].max()) h1, _ = np.histogram(ft1[k], normed=True, bins=10, range=(mn, mx)) h2, _ = np.histogram(ft2[k], normed=True, bins=10, range=(mn, mx)) res[k] = dm[method](h1, h2) return res
def _read_24_bit_big(fi, length): """ read a 3 byte int, big endian """ chunk = return struct.unpack(nstr('>I'), b'\x00' + chunk)[0]