Пример #1
def test_run_antechamber_charges():
    molecule_name = "acetate"
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/acetate/acetate.mol2")
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = utils.run_antechamber(
            molecule_name, input_filename, charge_method=None, net_charge=-1
Пример #2
def test_parse_ligand_filename():
    molecule_name = "sustiva"
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/sustiva/sustiva.mol2")
    name, ext = utils.parse_ligand_filename(input_filename)

    eq(name, "sustiva")
    eq(ext, ".mol2")
Пример #3
def test_drugs():
    database_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/drugs/Zdd.mol2.gz")
    ifs = openeye.oechem.oemolistream(database_filename)
    for molecule in ifs.GetOEGraphMols():
        with utils.enter_temp_directory():
            molecule_name, tripos_mol2_filename = utils.molecule_to_mol2(molecule)
            yield lambda : utils.test_molecule(molecule_name, tripos_mol2_filename)  # Cute trick to iteratively run this test over entire database.
Пример #4
def test_drugs():
    import openeye.oechem
    database_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/drugs/Zdd.mol2.gz")
    ifs = openeye.oechem.oemolistream(database_filename)
    for molecule in ifs.GetOEGraphMols():
        with utils.enter_temp_directory():
            molecule_name, tripos_mol2_filename = utils.molecule_to_mol2(molecule)
            yield utils.tag_description(lambda : utils.test_molecule(molecule_name, tripos_mol2_filename), "Testing drugs %s" % molecule_name)
Пример #5
def test_smiles_conversion():
    pdb_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/proteins/1vii.pdb")
    smiles = "Cc1ccccc1"  # Also known as toluene.

    temperature = 300 * u.kelvin
    friction = 0.3 / u.picosecond
    timestep = 0.01 * u.femtosecond

    protein_traj = md.load(pdb_filename)

    protein_top = protein_traj.top.to_openmm()
    protein_xyz = protein_traj.openmm_positions(0)

    ligand_trajectories, ffxml = utils.smiles_to_mdtraj_ffxml([smiles])
    ligand_traj = ligand_trajectories[0]

    eq(ligand_traj.n_atoms, 15)
    eq(ligand_traj.n_frames, 1)

    # Move the pre-centered ligand sufficiently far away from the protein to avoid a clash.
    min_atom_pair_distance = (
        ((ligand_traj.xyz[0] ** 2.0).sum(1) ** 0.5).max() + ((protein_traj.xyz[0] ** 2.0).sum(1) ** 0.5).max() + 0.3
    ligand_traj.xyz += np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) * min_atom_pair_distance

    ligand_xyz = ligand_traj.openmm_positions(0)
    ligand_top = ligand_traj.top.to_openmm()

    forcefield = app.ForceField("amber10.xml", ffxml, "tip3p.xml")

    model = app.modeller.Modeller(protein_top, protein_xyz)
    model.add(ligand_top, ligand_xyz)
    model.addSolvent(forcefield, padding=0.4 * u.nanometer)

    system = forcefield.createSystem(
        model.topology, nonbondedMethod=app.PME, nonbondedCutoff=1.0 * u.nanometers, constraints=app.HAngles

    integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, friction, timestep)

    simulation = app.Simulation(model.topology, system, integrator)
Пример #6
def test_drugs():
    path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    database_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/drugs/Zdd.mol2.gz")
    cmd = "gunzip -c %s > %s/Zdd.mol2" % (database_filename, path)
    cmd = """awk '/MOLECULE/{close(x);x="%s/molecule_"i++".mol2"}{print > x}' %s/Zdd.mol2""" % (path, path)
    n_molecules = 3404
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        n_molecules = 25  # If running on travis, only test the first 25 molecules due to speed.

    for k in range(n_molecules):
        molecule_name = "molecule_%d" % k
        mol2_filename = "%s/%s.mol2" % (path, molecule_name)
        cmd = """sed -i "s/<0>/LIG/" %s""" % mol2_filename
        os.system(cmd)  # Have to remove the <0> because it leads to invalid XML in the forcefield files.
        with utils.enter_temp_directory():        
             yield lambda : utils.test_molecule("LIG", mol2_filename)
Пример #7
def test_drugs():
    path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    database_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/drugs/Zdd.mol2.gz")
    cmd = "gunzip -c %s > %s/Zdd.mol2" % (database_filename, path)
    cmd = """awk '/MOLECULE/{close(x);x="%s/molecule_"i++".mol2"}{print > x}' %s/Zdd.mol2""" % (path, path)
    n_molecules = 3404
    CHARGE_METHOD = "bcc"
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        n_molecules = 25  # If running on travis, only test the first 25 molecules due to speed.
        CHARGE_METHOD = None  # Travis is actually too slow to do a single bcc calculation!

    for k in range(n_molecules):
        molecule_name = "molecule_%d" % k
        mol2_filename = "%s/%s.mol2" % (path, molecule_name)
        cmd = """sed -i "s/<0>/LIG/" %s""" % mol2_filename
        os.system(cmd)  # Have to remove the <0> because it leads to invalid XML in the forcefield files.
        with utils.enter_temp_directory():
            yield utils.tag_description(lambda : utils.test_molecule("LIG", mol2_filename, charge_method=CHARGE_METHOD), "Testing drugs %s with charge method %s" % (molecule_name, CHARGE_METHOD))
Пример #8
def test_load_freesolv_gaffmol2_vs_sybylmol2_vs_obabelpdb():
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():        
        tar_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/freesolv/freesolve_v0.3.tar.bz2")
        tar = tarfile.open(tar_filename, mode="r:bz2")
        CHARGE_METHOD = "bcc"
        if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
            CHARGE_METHOD = None  # Travis is actually too slow to do a single bcc calculation!        

        database = pickle.load(open("./v0.3/database.pickle"))
        for key in database:
            for directory in ["mol2files_gaff", "mol2files_sybyl"]:
                gaff_filename = os.path.abspath("./v0.3/%s/%s.mol2" % (directory, key))
                cmd = """sed -i "s/<0>/LIG/" %s""" % gaff_filename
                os.system(cmd)  # Have to remove the <0> because it leads to invalid XML in the forcefield files.
                t_gaff = md.load(gaff_filename)

                with utils.enter_temp_directory():        
                     yield utils.tag_description(lambda : utils.test_molecule("LIG", gaff_filename, charge_method=CHARGE_METHOD), "Testing freesolv %s %s with charge model %s" % (directory, key, CHARGE_METHOD))
Пример #9
def test_run_test_molecule():
    molecule_name = "sustiva"
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/sustiva/sustiva.mol2")
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        utils.test_molecule(molecule_name, input_filename)
Пример #10
def test_run_tleap():
    molecule_name = "sustiva"
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/sustiva/sustiva.mol2")
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = utils.run_antechamber(molecule_name, input_filename, charge_method=None)
        prmtop, inpcrd = utils.run_tleap(molecule_name, gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename)