def on_server_entry_focus_out(self, widget, event): if self.ignore_events: return (model, iter_) = self.selection.get_selected() if not iter_: return server = widget.get_text() if not server: return if '@' in server: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid server'), _('Character not allowed'), transient_for=self.window) widget.set_text(server.replace('@', '')) room = self.room_entry.get_text().strip() if not room: return room_jid = room + '@' + server.strip() try: room_jid = helpers.parse_jid(room_jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat as e: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid server'), _('Character not allowed'), transient_for=self.window) self.server_entry.set_text(model[iter_][2].split('@')[1]) return True model[iter_][2] = room_jid
def get_send_file_props(self, account, contact, file_path, file_name, file_desc=''): """ Create new file_props object and set initial file transfer properties in it """ if os.path.isfile(file_path): stat = os.stat(file_path) else: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid File'), _('File: ') + file_path) return None if stat[6] == 0: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid File'), _('It is not possible to send empty files')) return None file_props = FilesProp.getNewFileProp( account, sid=helpers.get_random_string_16()) mod_date = os.path.getmtime(file_path) file_props.file_name = file_path = file_name = self.__convert_date(mod_date) file_props.type_ = 's' file_props.desc = file_desc file_props.elapsed_time = 0 file_props.size = stat[6] file_props.sender = account file_props.receiver = contact file_props.tt_account = account return file_props
def _on_theme_name_edit(self, renderer, path, new_name): iter_ = self._theme_store.get_iter(path) old_name = self._theme_store[iter_][Column.THEME] if new_name == 'default': ErrorDialog( _('Invalid Name'), _('Name <b>default</b> is not allowed'), transient_for=self) return if ' ' in new_name: ErrorDialog( _('Invalid Name'), _('Spaces are not allowed'), transient_for=self) return if new_name == '': return result = app.css_config.rename_theme(old_name, new_name) if result is False: return self._theme_store.set_value(iter_, Column.THEME, new_name)
def send_single_message(self): if app.connections[self.account].connected <= 1: # if offline or connecting ErrorDialog(_('Connection not available'), _('Please make sure you are connected with "%s".') % self.account) return True if isinstance(, list): sender_list = [] for i in if i[0].resource: sender_list.append(i[0].jid + '/' + i[0].resource) else: sender_list.append(i[0].jid) else: sender_list = [j.strip() for j in self.to_entry.get_text().split( ',')] subject = self.subject_entry.get_text() begin, end = self.message_tv_buffer.get_bounds() message = self.message_tv_buffer.get_text(begin, end, True) if self.form_widget: form_node = self.form_widget.data_form else: form_node = None recipient_list = [] for to_whom_jid in sender_list: if to_whom_jid in self.completion_dict: to_whom_jid = self.completion_dict[to_whom_jid].jid try: to_whom_jid = helpers.parse_jid(to_whom_jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid JID'), _('It is not possible to send a message to %s, this JID is not ' 'valid.') % to_whom_jid) return True if '/announce/' in to_whom_jid: app.connections[self.account].send_motd(to_whom_jid, subject, message) continue recipient_list.append(to_whom_jid), account=self.account, jid=recipient_list, message=message, type_='normal', subject=subject, form_node=form_node)) self.subject_entry.set_text('') # we sent ok, clear the subject self.message_tv_buffer.set_text('') # we sent ok, clear the textview
def remove(): if self.account in app.connections and \ app.connections[self.account].connected and \ not self.remove_and_unregister_radiobutton.get_active(): # change status to offline only if we will not remove this JID from # server app.connections[self.account].change_status('offline', 'offline') if self.remove_and_unregister_radiobutton.get_active(): if not self.account in app.connections: ErrorDialog( _('Account is disabled'), _('To unregister from a server, account must be ' 'enabled.'), transient_for=self.window) return if not app.connections[self.account].password: def on_ok(passphrase, checked): if passphrase == -1: # We don't remove account cause we canceled pw window return app.connections[self.account].password = passphrase app.connections[self.account].unregister_account( self._on_remove_success) dialogs.PassphraseDialog( _('Password Required'), _('Enter your password for account %s') % self.account, _('Save password'), ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.window) return app.connections[self.account].unregister_account( self._on_remove_success) else: self._on_remove_success(True)
def on_room_entry_changed(self, widget): if self.ignore_events: return (model, iter_) = self.selection.get_selected() if not iter_: return room = widget.get_text() if not room: return if '@' in room: room, server = room.split('@', 1) widget.set_text(room) if server: self.server_entry.set_text(server) self.server_entry.grab_focus() server = self.server_entry.get_text().strip() if not server: return room_jid = room.strip() + '@' + server try: room_jid = helpers.parse_jid(room_jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid room'), _('Character not allowed'), transient_for=self.window) return True model[iter_][2] = room_jid
def on_ok_button_clicked(self, widget): if self.update_progressbar_timeout_id: # Operation in progress return if app.connections[self.account].connected < 2: ErrorDialog( _('You are not connected to the server'), _('Without a connection, you can not publish your contact ' 'information.'), transient_for=self) return vcard_, sha = self.make_vcard() nick = '' if 'NICKNAME' in vcard_: nick = vcard_['NICKNAME'] app.connections[self.account].get_module('UserNickname').send(nick) if nick == '': app.connections[self.account].get_module('UserNickname').retract() nick = app.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'name') app.nicks[self.account] = nick app.connections[self.account].get_module('VCardTemp').send_vcard( vcard_, sha) self.message_id = self.statusbar.push(self.context_id, _('Sending profile…')) self.update_progressbar_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add( 100, self.update_progressbar)
def on_add_button_clicked(self, widget): """ When Subscribe button is clicked """ jid = self.uid_entry.get_text().strip() if not jid: ErrorDialog( _('%s Missing') % self.uid_label.get_text(), _('You must supply the %s of the new contact.' % self.uid_label.get_text())) return model = self.protocol_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_combobox.get_active_iter() type_ = model[row][2] if type_ != 'jabber': model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_active() transport = model[row][0] if self.account and not self.jid_escaped: self.adding_jid = (jid, transport, type_) app.connections[self.account].request_gateway_prompt( transport, jid) else: jid = jid.replace('@', '%') + '@' + transport self._add_jid(jid, type_) else: self._add_jid(jid, type_)
def on_calendar_month_changed(self, widget): """ Ask for days in this month, if they have logs it bolds them (marks them) """ if not self.jid: return year, month, day = widget.get_date() # integers if year < 1900: widget.select_month(0, 1900) widget.select_day(1) return widget.clear_marks() month = python_month(month) try: log_days = app.logger.get_days_with_logs(self.account, self.jid, year, month) except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError as e: ErrorDialog(_('Disk Error'), str(e)) return for date in log_days: widget.mark_day(
def send_file(self, account, contact, file_path, file_desc=''): """ Start the real transfer(upload) of the file """ if gtkgui_helpers.file_is_locked(file_path): pritext = _('Gajim can not read this file') sextext = _('Another process is using this file.') ErrorDialog(pritext, sextext) return if isinstance(contact, str): if contact.find('/') == -1: return (jid, resource) = contact.split('/', 1) contact = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account, resource=resource) file_name = os.path.split(file_path)[1] file_props = self.get_send_file_props(account, contact, file_path, file_name, file_desc) if file_props is None: return False if contact.supports(NS_JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER_5):"contact %s supports jingle file transfer" % (contact.get_full_jid())) app.connections[account].start_file_transfer( contact.get_full_jid(), file_props) self.add_transfer(account, contact, file_props) else:"contact does not support jingle file transfer") file_props.transport_sid = file_props.sid app.connections[account].send_file_request(file_props) self.add_transfer(account, contact, file_props) return True
def _on_remove_theme(self, *args): store, iter_ = self._theme_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if iter_ is None: return theme = store[iter_][Column.THEME] if theme == app.config.get('roster_theme'): ErrorDialog( _('Active Theme'), _('You tried to delete the currently active theme. ' 'Please switch to a different theme first.'), transient_for=self) return def _remove_theme(): app.css_config.remove_theme(theme) store.remove(iter_) first = store.get_iter_first() if first is None: self._remove_theme_button.set_sensitive(False) self._add_option_button.set_sensitive(False) self._clear_options() buttons = { Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL: DialogButton('Keep Theme'), Gtk.ResponseType.OK: DialogButton('Delete', _remove_theme, ButtonAction.DESTRUCTIVE), } NewConfirmationDialog('Delete Theme', 'Do you want to permanently delete this theme?', buttons, transient_for=self)
def on_ok(account, contact, file_props, file_path): if os.path.exists(file_path): app.config.set('last_save_dir', os.path.dirname(file_path)) # check if we have write permissions if not os.access(file_path, os.W_OK): file_name = GLib.markup_escape_text( os.path.basename(file_path)) ErrorDialog( _('Cannot overwrite existing file "%s"' % file_name), _('A file with this name already exists and you do not ' 'have permission to overwrite it.')) return stat = os.stat(file_path) dl_size = stat.st_size file_size = file_props.size dl_finished = dl_size >= file_size def on_response(response): if response < 0: return elif response == 100: file_props.offset = dl_size self._start_receive(file_path, account, contact, file_props) dialog = FTOverwriteConfirmationDialog( _('This file already exists'), _('What do you want to do?'), propose_resume=not dl_finished, on_response=on_response) dialog.set_destroy_with_parent(True) return else: dirname = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK) and != 'nt': # read-only bit is used to mark special folder under # windows, not to mark that a folder is read-only. # See ticket #3587 ErrorDialog(_('Directory "%s" is not writable') % \ dirname, _('You do not have permission to create files ' 'in this directory.')) return self._start_receive(file_path, account, contact, file_props)
def show_stopped(self, jid, file_props, error_msg=''): if file_props.type_ == 'r': file_name = os.path.basename(file_props.file_name) else: file_name = sectext = '\t' + _('Filename: %s') % GLib.markup_escape_text(file_name) sectext += '\n\t' + _('Recipient: %s') % jid if error_msg: sectext += '\n\t' + _('Error message: %s') % error_msg ErrorDialog(_('File transfer stopped'), sectext) self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
def on_send(self, *args): if app.connections[self.account].connected <= 1: # if offline or connecting ErrorDialog( _('Connection not available'), _('Please make sure you are connected with "%s".') % self.account) return buffer_ = self.input.get_buffer() begin_iter, end_iter = buffer_.get_bounds() stanza = buffer_.get_text(begin_iter, end_iter, True) if stanza: try: node = nbxmpp.Protocol(node=stanza) if node.getNamespace() == UNDECLARED: node.setNamespace(nbxmpp.NS_CLIENT) except Exception as error: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid Node'), str(error)) return app.connections[self.account].connection.send(node) buffer_.set_text('')
def on_BDAY_entry_focus_out_event(self, widget, event): txt = widget.get_text() if not txt: return try: time.strptime(txt, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: if not widget.is_focus(): pritext = _('Wrong date format') ErrorDialog(pritext, _('Format of the date must be YYYY-MM-DD'), transient_for=self) GLib.idle_add(lambda: widget.grab_focus()) return True
def save_account(self, login, server, savepass, password, anonymous=False): if self.account in app.connections: ErrorDialog(_('Account name is in use'), _('You already have an account using this name.')) return con = connection.Connection(self.account) con.password = password config = self.get_config(login, server, savepass, password, anonymous) if not self.modify: con.new_account(self.account, config) return app.connections[self.account] = con self.create_vars(config)
def on_new_privacy_list_button_clicked(self, widget): name = self.new_privacy_list_entry.get_text() if not name: ErrorDialog( _('Invalid List Name'), _('You must enter a name to create a privacy list.'), transient_for=self.window) return key_name = 'privacy_list_%s' % name if key_name in app.interface.instances[self.account]: app.interface.instances[self.account][key_name].window.present() else: app.interface.instances[self.account][key_name] = \ PrivacyListWindow(self.account, name, 'NEW') self.new_privacy_list_entry.set_text('')
def on_ok(file_path): if os.path.exists(file_path): # check if we have write permissions if not os.access(file_path, os.W_OK): file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) ErrorDialog(_('Cannot overwrite existing file "%s"') % \ file_name, _('A file with this name already exists and you ' 'do not have permission to overwrite it.')) return dialog2 = FTOverwriteConfirmationDialog( _('This file already exists'), _('What do you want to do?'), propose_resume=False, on_response=(on_continue, file_path)) dialog2.set_destroy_with_parent(True) else: dirname = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK): ErrorDialog(_('Directory "%s" is not writable') % \ dirname, _('You do not have permission to create files in ' 'this directory.')) return on_continue(0, file_path)
def on_nick_entry_changed(self, widget): if self.ignore_events: return (model, iter_) = self.selection.get_selected() if iter_: nick = self.nick_entry.get_text() try: nick = helpers.parse_resource(nick) except helpers.InvalidFormat: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid nickname'), _('Character not allowed'), transient_for=self.window) self.nick_entry.set_text(model[iter_][6]) return True model[iter_][6] = nick
def show_dialog(self, parent): secret_keys = app.connections[self.account].ask_gpg_secrete_keys() secret_keys[_('None')] = _('None') if not secret_keys: ErrorDialog(_('Failed to get secret keys'), _('There is no OpenPGP secret key available.'), transient_for=parent) return dialog = dialogs.ChooseGPGKeyDialog(_('OpenPGP Key Selection'), _('Choose your OpenPGP key'), secret_keys, self.on_key_selected, transient_for=parent) dialog.window.connect('destroy', self.on_destroy)
def __init__(self): pixs = [] for size in (16, 32, 48, 64, 128): pix = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_pixmap('org.gajim.Gajim', size) if pix: pixs.append(pix) if pixs: # set the icon to all windows Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_list(pixs) log_db_path = configpaths.get('LOG_DB') if not os.path.exists(log_db_path): ErrorDialog(_('Cannot find history logs database'), '%s does not exist.' % log_db_path) sys.exit() xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_gtk_builder('history_manager.ui') self.window = xml.get_object('history_manager_window') self.jids_listview = xml.get_object('jids_listview') self.logs_listview = xml.get_object('logs_listview') self.search_results_listview = xml.get_object('search_results_listview') self.search_entry = xml.get_object('search_entry') self.logs_scrolledwindow = xml.get_object('logs_scrolledwindow') self.search_results_scrolledwindow = xml.get_object( 'search_results_scrolledwindow') self.welcome_vbox = xml.get_object('welcome_vbox') self.jids_already_in = [] # holds jids that we already have in DB self.AT_LEAST_ONE_DELETION_DONE = False self.con = sqlite3.connect( log_db_path, timeout=20.0, isolation_level='IMMEDIATE') self.con.execute("PRAGMA secure_delete=1") self.cur = self.con.cursor() self._init_jids_listview() self._init_logs_listview() self._init_search_results_listview() self._fill_jids_listview() self.search_entry.grab_focus() self.window.show_all() xml.connect_signals(self)
def _change_date(self, widget): # Get day selected in calendar y, m, d = self.calendar.get_date() py_m = python_month(m) _date = datetime.datetime(y, py_m, d) if widget is self.button_first_day: gtk_m = gtk_month(self.first_day.month) self.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, self.first_day.year) self.calendar.select_day( return elif widget is self.button_last_day: gtk_m = gtk_month(self.last_day.month) self.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, self.last_day.year) self.calendar.select_day( return elif widget is self.button_previous_day: end_date = self.first_day timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1) if end_date >= _date: return elif widget is self.button_next_day: end_date = self.last_day timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) if end_date <= _date: return # Iterate through days until log entry found or # supplied end_date (first_log / last_log) reached logs = None while logs is None: _date = _date + timedelta if _date == end_date: break try: logs = app.logger.get_date_has_logs(self.account, self.jid, _date) except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError as e: ErrorDialog(_('Disk Error'), str(e)) return gtk_m = gtk_month(_date.month) self.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, _date.year) self.calendar.select_day(
def on_ok(path_to_file): sha = app.interface.save_avatar(path_to_file, publish=True) if sha is None: ErrorDialog(_('Could not load image'), transient_for=self) return scale = self.get_scale_factor() surface = app.interface.get_avatar(sha, AvatarSize.VCARD, scale) button = self.xml.get_object('PHOTO_button') image = self.xml.get_object('PHOTO_image') image.set_from_surface(surface) text_button = self.xml.get_object('NOPHOTO_button') text_button.hide() self.avatar_sha = sha publish = app.interface.get_avatar(sha, publish=True) self.avatar_encoded = base64.b64encode(publish).decode('utf-8') self.avatar_mime_type = 'image/png'
def check_valid_bookmark(self): """ Check if all necessary fields are entered correctly """ (model, iter_) = self.selection.get_selected() if not model.iter_parent(iter_): # Account data can't be changed return server = self.server_entry.get_text() room = self.room_entry.get_text() if server == '' or room == '': ErrorDialog( _('This bookmark has invalid data'), _('Please be sure to fill out server and room fields ' 'or remove this bookmark.')) return False return True
def _nec_gateway_prompt_received(self, obj): if self.adding_jid: jid, transport, type_ = self.adding_jid if obj.stanza.getError(): ErrorDialog( _('Error while adding transport contact'), _('This error occured while adding a contact for transport ' '%(transport)s:\n\n%(error)s') % { 'transport': transport, 'error': obj.stanza.getErrorMsg() }) return if obj.prompt_jid: self._add_jid(obj.prompt_jid, type_) else: jid = jid.replace('@', '%') + '@' + transport self._add_jid(jid, type_) elif obj.jid in self.gateway_prompt: if obj.desc: self.gateway_prompt[obj.jid]['desc'] = obj.desc if obj.prompt: self.gateway_prompt[obj.jid]['prompt'] = obj.prompt
def _disco_info_received(self, from_, identities, features, data, node): if nbxmpp.NS_MUC not in features: ErrorDialog(_('Wrong server'), _('%s is not a groupchat server') % from_, transient_for=self) return jid = str(from_) if jid in app.interface.instances[self.account]['disco']: app.interface.instances[self.account]['disco'][jid].window.\ present() else: try: # Object will add itself to the window dict from gajim.disco import ServiceDiscoveryWindow ServiceDiscoveryWindow(self.account, jid, initial_identities=[{ 'category': 'conference', 'type': 'text' }]) except GajimGeneralException: pass
def on_forward_button_clicked(self, widget): cur_page = self.notebook.get_current_page() if cur_page == 0: widget = self.xml.get_object('use_existing_account_radiobutton') if widget.get_active(): self.modify = True self.notebook.set_current_page(1) else: self.modify = False self.notebook.set_current_page(2) self.back_button.set_sensitive(True) return elif cur_page == 1: # We are adding an existing account anonymous = self.xml.get_object('anonymous_checkbutton1').\ get_active() username = self.xml.get_object('username_entry').get_text().strip() if not username and not anonymous: pritext = _('Invalid username') sectext = _( 'You must provide a username to configure this account.') ErrorDialog(pritext, sectext) return server = self.xml.get_object('server_comboboxtext_entry').\ get_text().strip() savepass = self.xml.get_object('save_password_checkbutton').\ get_active() password = self.xml.get_object('password_entry').get_text() if anonymous: jid = '' else: jid = username + '@' jid += server # check if jid is conform to RFC and stringprep it try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat as s: pritext = _('Invalid JID') ErrorDialog(pritext, str(s)) return self.account = server i = 1 while self.account in app.config.get_per('accounts'): self.account = server + str(i) i += 1 username, server = app.get_name_and_server_from_jid(jid) if self.xml.get_object('anonymous_checkbutton1').get_active(): self.save_account('', server, False, '', anonymous=True) else: self.save_account(username, server, savepass, password) self.show_finish_page() elif cur_page == 2: # We are creating a new account server = self.xml.get_object('server_comboboxtext_entry1').\ get_text() if not server: ErrorDialog( _('Invalid server'), _('Please provide a server on which you want to register.') ) return self.account = server i = 1 while self.account in app.config.get_per('accounts'): self.account = server + str(i) i += 1 config = self.get_config('', server, '', '') # Get advanced options proxies_combobox = self.xml.get_object('proxies_combobox') active = proxies_combobox.get_active() proxy = proxies_combobox.get_model()[active][0] if proxy == _('None'): proxy = '' config['proxy'] = proxy config['use_custom_host'] = self.xml.get_object( 'custom_host_port_checkbutton').get_active() custom_port = self.xml.get_object('custom_port_entry').get_text() try: custom_port = int(custom_port) except Exception: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid entry'), _('Custom port must be a port number.')) return config['custom_port'] = custom_port config['custom_host'] = self.xml.get_object( 'custom_host_entry').get_text() if self.xml.get_object('anonymous_checkbutton2').get_active(): self.modify = True self.save_account('', server, False, '', anonymous=True) self.show_finish_page() else: self.notebook.set_current_page(5) # show creating page self.back_button.hide() self.forward_button.hide() self.update_progressbar_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add( 100, self.update_progressbar) # Get form from serveur con = connection.Connection(self.account) app.connections[self.account] = con con.new_account(self.account, config) elif cur_page == 3: checked = self.xml.get_object('ssl_checkbutton').get_active() if checked: hostname = app.connections[ self.account].new_account_info['hostname'] # Check if cert is already in file certs = '' my_ca_certs = configpaths.get('MY_CACERTS') if os.path.isfile(my_ca_certs): with open(my_ca_certs) as f: certs = if self.ssl_cert in certs: ErrorDialog( _('Certificate Already in File'), _('This certificate is already in file %s, so it\'s ' 'not added again.') % my_ca_certs) else: with open(my_ca_certs, 'a') as f: f.write(hostname + '\n') f.write(self.ssl_cert + '\n\n') app.connections[self.account].new_account_info[ 'ssl_fingerprint_sha1'] = self.ssl_fingerprint_sha1 app.connections[self.account].new_account_info[ 'ssl_fingerprint_sha256'] = self.ssl_fingerprint_sha256 self.notebook.set_current_page(4) # show fom page elif cur_page == 4: if self.is_form: form = self.data_form_widget.data_form else: form = self.data_form_widget.get_infos() app.connections[self.account].send_new_account_infos( form, self.is_form) self.xml.get_object('form_vbox').remove(self.data_form_widget) self.xml.get_object('progressbar_label').set_markup( '<b>Account is being created</b>\n\nPlease wait…') self.notebook.set_current_page(5) # show creating page self.back_button.hide() self.forward_button.hide() self.update_progressbar_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add( 100, self.update_progressbar)
def _add_jid(self, jid, type_): # check if jid is conform to RFC and stringprep it try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat as s: pritext = _('Invalid User ID') ErrorDialog(pritext, str(s)) return # No resource in jid if jid.find('/') >= 0: pritext = _('Invalid User ID') ErrorDialog(pritext, _('The user ID must not contain a resource.')) return if jid == app.get_jid_from_account(self.account): pritext = _('Invalid User ID') ErrorDialog(pritext, _('You cannot add yourself to your roster.')) return if not app.account_is_connected(self.account): ErrorDialog(_('Account Offline'), _('Your account must be online to add new contacts.')) return nickname = self.nickname_entry.get_text() or '' # get value of account combobox, if account was not specified if not self.account: model = self.account_combobox.get_model() index = self.account_combobox.get_active() self.account = model[index][1] # Check if jid is already in roster if jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(self.account): c = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, jid) if _('Not in Roster') not in c.groups and c.sub in ('both', 'to'): ErrorDialog( _('Contact already in roster'), _('This contact is already listed in your roster.')) return if type_ == 'jabber': message_buffer = self.message_textview.get_buffer() start_iter = message_buffer.get_start_iter() end_iter = message_buffer.get_end_iter() message = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, True) if self.save_message_checkbutton.get_active(): msg = helpers.to_one_line(message) app.config.set_per('accounts', self.account, 'subscription_request_msg', msg) else: message = '' group = self.group_comboboxentry.get_child().get_text() groups = [] if group: groups = [group] auto_auth = self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.get_active() app.interface.roster.req_sub(self, jid, message, self.account, groups=groups, nickname=nickname, auto_auth=auto_auth) self.destroy()
def _on_join_clicked(self, *args): account = self.account_combo.get_active_id() nickname = self.nick_entry.get_text() invisible_show = app.SHOW_LIST.index('invisible') if app.connections[account].connected == invisible_show: app.interface.raise_dialog('join-while-invisible') return server = self.server_combo.get_active_text() room = self.room_entry.get_text() if room == '': ErrorDialog(_('Invalid Room'), _('Please choose a room'), transient_for=self) return self.room_jid = '%s@%s' % (room, server) self.room_jid = self.room_jid.lower() if app.in_groupchat(account, self.room_jid): # If we already in the groupchat, join_gc_room will bring # it to front app.interface.join_gc_room(account, self.room_jid, nickname, '') self.destroy() return if nickname == '': ErrorDialog(_('Invalid Nickname'), _('Please choose a nickname'), transient_for=self) return try: helpers.parse_resource(nickname) except helpers.InvalidFormat as error: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid Nickname'), str(error), transient_for=self) return try: helpers.parse_jid(self.room_jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat as error: ErrorDialog(_('Invalid JID'), str(error), transient_for=self) return if not app.account_is_connected(account): ErrorDialog( _('You are not connected to the server'), _('You can not join a group chat unless you are connected.'), transient_for=self) return password = self.password_entry.get_text() self._add_bookmark(account, nickname, password) app.add_recent_groupchat(account, self.room_jid, nickname) if self.automatic: app.automatic_rooms[self.account][self.room_jid] = self.automatic app.interface.join_gc_room(account, self.room_jid, nickname, password) self.destroy()
def _disco_info_error(self, from_, error): ErrorDialog(_('Wrong server'), _('%s is not a groupchat server') % from_, transient_for=self)