Пример #1
def run():
    Constantly creates new virtual machines.


    logger = logging.getLogger("galah.sheep.producer")

	# Initialize the correct producer based on the selected virtual suite.
    virtual_suite = get_virtual_suite(config["VIRTUAL_SUITE"])
    producer = virtual_suite.Producer(logger)

    logger.info("Producer is starting")

    # Loop until the program is shutting down
    while not universal.exiting:
Пример #2
def run():
    Constantly creates new virtual machines.

    logger = logging.getLogger("galah.sheep.producer")

    # Initialize the correct producer based on the selected virtual suite.
    virtual_suite = get_virtual_suite(config["VIRTUAL_SUITE"])
    producer = virtual_suite.Producer(logger)

    logger.info("Producer is starting")

    # Loop until the program is shutting down
    while not universal.exiting:
Пример #3
config = load_config("sheep")

# Set up logging
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("galah.sheep")

import zmq
import galah.sheep.utility.universal as universal
universal.context = zmq.Context()

import Queue
universal.orphaned_results = Queue.Queue()

# Initialize the correct consumer based on the selected virtual suite.
from galah.sheep.utility.suitehelpers import get_virtual_suite
virtual_suite = get_virtual_suite(config["VIRTUAL_SUITE"])

# Start the maintainer (who will start up the other threads)
import galah.sheep.components as components
maintainer = threading.Thread(target = components.maintainer.run,
                              args = (config["NCONSUMERS"], ),
                              name = "maintainer")

# Wait until we receive a SIGINT (a hook was added by universal.py that changes
# exiting to True when a SIGINT is received)
from galah.sheep.utility.exithelpers import exitGracefully
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exitGracefully)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exitGracefully)
Пример #4
config = load_config("sheep")

# Set up logging
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("galah.sheep")

import zmq
import galah.sheep.utility.universal as universal
universal.context = zmq.Context()

import Queue
universal.orphaned_results = Queue.Queue()

# Initialize the correct consumer based on the selected virtual suite.
from galah.sheep.utility.suitehelpers import get_virtual_suite
virtual_suite = get_virtual_suite(config["VIRTUAL_SUITE"])

# Start the maintainer (who will start up the other threads)
import galah.sheep.components as components
maintainer = threading.Thread(target=components.maintainer.run,
                              args=(config["NCONSUMERS"], ),

# Wait until we receive a SIGINT (a hook was added by universal.py that changes
# exiting to True when a SIGINT is received)
from galah.sheep.utility.exithelpers import exitGracefully
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exitGracefully)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exitGracefully)
Пример #5
def _run():
    logger = logging.getLogger("galah.sheep.%s" % threading.currentThread().name)
    logger.info("Consumer starting.")

    # Initialize the correct consumer suite.
    virtual_suite = get_virtual_suite(config["VIRTUAL_SUITE"])
    consumer = virtual_suite.Consumer(logger)

    # Set up the socket to send/receive messages to/from the shepherd
    shepherd = universal.context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
    shepherd.linger = 0

    # Loop until the program is shutting down
    while not universal.exiting:
        # Prepare a VM and make sure we're completely prepared to handle a test
        # request before asking the shepherd for one.
        logger.info("Waiting for virtual machine to become available...")
        machine_id = consumer.prepare_machine()

        def bleet():
            shepherd.send_json(FlockMessage("bleet", "").to_dict())

            # Figure out when we should send the next bleet
            return (
                datetime.datetime.now() + config["shepherd/BLEET_TIMEOUT"] / 2

        # Send the intitial bleet so that the shepherd knows we're available
        logger.info("Ready for test request. Sending initial bleet.")
        next_bleet_time = bleet()

        # Set to True whenever the shepherd bloots. Set to False everytime we
        # bleet. If this variable is still False by the time it's time to bleet
        # again we know we've lost the shepherd.
        shepherd_blooted = False

        # Process traffic from shepherd.
        while True:
                message = exithelpers.recv_json(
                    timeout = max(
                        1, # 1 millisecond (0 would imply infinite timeout)
                        (next_bleet_time - datetime.datetime.now()).seconds
                            * 1000

                message = FlockMessage(message["type"], message["body"])
            except exithelpers.Timeout:
                if not shepherd_blooted:
                    raise universal.ShepherdLost()

                logger.debug("Sending bleet.")
                next_bleet_time = bleet()
                shepherd_blooted = False


            if message.type == "bloot":
                logger.debug("Got bloot.")
                shepherd_blooted = True

            elif message.type == "identify":
                    "Received request to identify. Sending environment."

                # identify is a valid response to a bleet.
                shepherd_blooted = True

                identification = FlockMessage(
                    type = "environment",
                    body = universal.environment


            elif message.type == "request":
                # Received test request from the shepherd
                logger.info("Test request received, running tests.")
                logger.debug("Test request: %s", str(message))
                result = consumer.run_test(machine_id, message.body)

                # Check to see if the test harness crashed/somehow testing was
                # unable to be done.
                if result is None:
                    result = {
                        "failed": True

                # Add in the submission id to the result that we send back
                result["id"] = str(message.body["submission"]["id"])

                logger.info("Testing completed, sending results to shepherd.")
                logger.debug("Raw test results: %s", str(result))
                shepherd.send_json(FlockMessage("result", result).to_dict())

                # Wait for the shepherd to acknowledge the result. Ignore any
                # messages that we get from the shepherd besides an acknowledge.
                deadline = \
                    datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 30)
                while True:
                        confirmation = exithelpers.recv_json(
                            timeout = max(
                                1, # 1 millisecond (0 would imply infinite timeout)
                                (deadline - datetime.datetime.now()).seconds
                                    * 1000

                        confirmation = FlockMessage(
                            confirmation["type"], confirmation["body"]
                    except exithelpers.Timeout:
                        raise universal.ShepherdLost(result = result)

                    logger.debug("Received message: %s", str(confirmation))

                    if confirmation.type == "bloot" and \
                            confirmation.body == result["id"]:
                        shepherd_blooted = True

Пример #6
def _run():
    logger = logging.getLogger("galah.sheep.%s" %
    logger.info("Consumer starting.")

    # Initialize the correct consumer suite.
    virtual_suite = get_virtual_suite(config["VIRTUAL_SUITE"])
    consumer = virtual_suite.Consumer(logger)

    # Set up the socket to send/receive messages to/from the shepherd
    shepherd = universal.context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
    shepherd.linger = 0

    # Loop until the program is shutting down
    while not universal.exiting:
        # Prepare a VM and make sure we're completely prepared to handle a test
        # request before asking the shepherd for one.
        logger.info("Waiting for virtual machine to become available...")
        machine_id = consumer.prepare_machine()

        def bleet():
            shepherd.send_json(FlockMessage("bleet", "").to_dict())

            # Figure out when we should send the next bleet
            return (datetime.datetime.now() +
                    config["shepherd/BLEET_TIMEOUT"] / 2)

        # Send the intitial bleet so that the shepherd knows we're available
        logger.info("Ready for test request. Sending initial bleet.")
        next_bleet_time = bleet()

        # Set to True whenever the shepherd bloots. Set to False everytime we
        # bleet. If this variable is still False by the time it's time to bleet
        # again we know we've lost the shepherd.
        shepherd_blooted = False

        # Process traffic from shepherd.
        while True:
                message = exithelpers.recv_json(
                        1,  # 1 millisecond (0 would imply infinite timeout)
                        (next_bleet_time - datetime.datetime.now()).seconds *

                message = FlockMessage(message["type"], message["body"])
            except exithelpers.Timeout:
                if not shepherd_blooted:
                    raise universal.ShepherdLost()

                logger.debug("Sending bleet.")
                next_bleet_time = bleet()
                shepherd_blooted = False


            if message.type == "bloot":
                logger.debug("Got bloot.")
                shepherd_blooted = True

            elif message.type == "identify":
                    "Received request to identify. Sending environment.")

                # identify is a valid response to a bleet.
                shepherd_blooted = True

                identification = FlockMessage(type="environment",


            elif message.type == "request":
                # Received test request from the shepherd
                logger.info("Test request received, running tests.")
                logger.debug("Test request: %s", str(message))
                result = consumer.run_test(machine_id, message.body)

                # Check to see if the test harness crashed/somehow testing was
                # unable to be done.
                if result is None:
                    result = {"failed": True}

                # Add in the submission id to the result that we send back
                result["id"] = str(message.body["submission"]["id"])

                logger.info("Testing completed, sending results to shepherd.")
                logger.debug("Raw test results: %s", str(result))
                shepherd.send_json(FlockMessage("result", result).to_dict())

                # Wait for the shepherd to acknowledge the result. Ignore any
                # messages that we get from the shepherd besides an acknowledge.
                deadline = \
                    datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 30)
                while True:
                        confirmation = exithelpers.recv_json(
                                1,  # 1 millisecond (0 would imply infinite timeout)
                                (deadline - datetime.datetime.now()).seconds *

                        confirmation = FlockMessage(confirmation["type"],
                    except exithelpers.Timeout:
                        raise universal.ShepherdLost(result=result)

                    logger.debug("Received message: %s", str(confirmation))

                    if confirmation.type == "bloot" and \
                            confirmation.body == result["id"]:
                        shepherd_blooted = True
