Пример #1
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.auth import account_type_required
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from flask import abort, render_template, get_flashed_messages, request
from galah.db.models import Assignment, Submission, TestResult, User
from galah.base.pretty import pretty_time
from galah.web.util import create_time_element, GalahWebAdapter
import datetime
import logging

# Load Galah's configuration
from galah.base.config import load_config
config = load_config("web")

logger = GalahWebAdapter(logging.getLogger("galah.web.views.view_assignment"))

# Custom filter to output submission timestamp in ISO format
def isoformat(datetime):
    import re
    # Date String is close enough, just replace three trailing zeroes with Z
    datestring = datetime.isoformat()
    return re.sub(r"000$", "Z", datestring)

app.jinja_env.filters['isoformat'] = isoformat

@account_type_required(("student", "teacher", "teaching_assistant"))
Пример #2
from galah.web.auth import account_type_required
from galah.db.models import Assignment, Submission, Archive
from galah.base.filemagic import zipdir
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from flask import send_file, abort
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.util import GalahWebAdapter
import os.path
import subprocess
import tempfile
import datetime
import logging
import sys

logger = \

@account_type_required(("student", "teacher", "teaching_assistant"))
def download_submission(assignment_id, submission_id):
    # Figure out which assignment the user asked for.
        assignment_id = ObjectId(assignment_id)
        assignment = Assignment.objects.get(id = assignment_id)
    except (InvalidId, Assignment.DoesNotExist) as e:
        logger.info("Could not retrieve assignment: %s.", str(e))


    # Figure out which submission the user is trying to download
Пример #3
from flask import Response, request
import flask
from galah.web import app, oauth_enabled
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.api.commands import api_calls, UserError
from galah.base.crypto.passcrypt import check_seal, deserialize_seal
from galah.db.models import User
from flask.ext.login import login_user
from galah.web.auth import FlaskUser
from galah.web.util import GalahWebAdapter
import requests
import logging

logger = GalahWebAdapter(logging.getLogger("galah.web.views.api"))

def get_many(dictionary, *args):
    return dict((i, dictionary.get(i)) for i in args)

@app.route("/api/login", methods=["POST"])
def api_login():
    def success(the_user):

        return Response(response="Successfully logged in.",
                        headers={"X-CallSuccess": "True"})

    def failure():
        return Response(response="Incorrect email or password.",
                        headers={"X-CallSuccess": "False"})
Пример #4
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from flask import abort, request, flash, redirect, url_for
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.db.models import Submission, Assignment, TestResult
from galah.shepherd.api import send_test_request
from galah.web.util import is_url_on_site, GalahWebAdapter
import datetime
import logging

# Load Galah's configuration
from galah.base.config import load_config
config = load_config("shepherd")

logger = \

@account_type_required(("student", "teacher", "teaching_assistant"))
def resubmit_submission(assignment_id, submission_id):
    # Figure out which assignment the submission belongs to.
        assignment_id = ObjectId(assignment_id)
        assignment = Assignment.objects.get(id = assignment_id)
    except (InvalidId, Assignment.DoesNotExist) as e:
        logger.info("Could not retrieve assignment: %s", str(e))


    # Figure out where we should redirect the user to once we're done.
    redirect_to = request.args.get("next") or request.referrer
Пример #5
from galah.web import app
from galah.web.auth import account_type_required
from galah.db.models import Assignment, Submission, Archive
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from flask import send_file, abort
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.util import GalahWebAdapter
import os.path
import subprocess
import tempfile
import datetime
import logging
import sys

logger = \

@account_type_required(("student", "teacher"))
def download_submission(assignment_id, submission_id):
    # Figure out which assignment the user asked for.
        assignment_id = ObjectId(assignment_id)
        assignment = Assignment.objects.get(id = assignment_id)
    except (InvalidId, Assignment.DoesNotExist) as e:
        logger.info("Could not retrieve assignment: %s.", str(e))

    # Figure out which submission the user is trying to download
Пример #6
from galah.web.auth import account_type_required
from galah.db.models import Assignment, Submission, Archive
from galah.base.filemagic import zipdir
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from flask import send_file, abort
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.util import GalahWebAdapter
import os.path
import subprocess
import tempfile
import datetime
import logging
import sys

logger = \

@account_type_required(("student", "teacher", "teaching_assistant"))
def download_submission(assignment_id, submission_id):
    # Figure out which assignment the user asked for.
        assignment_id = ObjectId(assignment_id)
        assignment = Assignment.objects.get(id=assignment_id)
    except (InvalidId, Assignment.DoesNotExist) as e:
        logger.info("Could not retrieve assignment: %s.", str(e))


    # Figure out which submission the user is trying to download
Пример #7
from galah.web import app
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.auth import account_type_required
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from galah.db.models import Class, Assignment, Submission
from flask import render_template, request, abort
import datetime
from mongoengine import Q
from galah.web.util import create_time_element, GalahWebAdapter
import logging

logger = \

@account_type_required(("student", "teacher", "teaching_assistant"))
def browse_assignments():
    # Grab all the current user's classes
    classes = Class.objects(id__in=current_user.classes).only("name")

    # Get the current time so we don't have to do it over and over again.
    now = datetime.datetime.today()

    if "show_all" in request.args:
        assignments = list(
                & (Q(hide_until=None) | Q(hide_until__lt=now))).only(
                    "name", "due", "due_cutoff", "for_class"))
Пример #8
from galah.web import app
from flask.ext.login import current_user
from galah.web.auth import FlaskUser
from flask import (
    redirect, url_for, request, abort, current_app, send_file, Response
from galah.db.models import Archive
from bson.objectid import ObjectId, InvalidId
from galah.web.util import GalahWebAdapter
import logging

logger = GalahWebAdapter(logging.getLogger("galah.web.views.get_archive"))

def get_archive(archive_id):
    archive = None
        archive = Archive.objects.get(
            id = ObjectId(archive_id),
            archive_type = "assignment_package"
    except InvalidId:
        logger.info("Invalid ID requested.")

    except Archive.DoesNotExist:

    # If we can't find the archive return a 404 error.
    if archive is None:
        logger.info("Could not find archive with given ID.")
Пример #9
from galah.web.auth import account_type_required
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from flask import abort, render_template, get_flashed_messages, request
from galah.db.models import Assignment, Submission, TestResult, User
from galah.base.pretty import pretty_time
from galah.web.util import create_time_element, GalahWebAdapter
import datetime
import logging

# Load Galah's configuration
from galah.base.config import load_config

config = load_config("web")

logger = GalahWebAdapter(logging.getLogger("galah.web.views.view_snapshot"))

# Custom filter to output submission timestamp in ISO format
def isoformat(datetime):
    import re
    # Date String is close enough, just replace three trailing zeroes with Z
    datestring = datetime.isoformat()
    return re.sub(r"000$", "Z", datestring)

app.jinja_env.filters['isoformat'] = isoformat

@account_type_required(("teacher", "teaching_assistant"))