def __init__(self, fsmon=False, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() self.haltables = [ ("object store", self._shutdown_object_store), ("database connection", self._shutdown_model), ] self._register_singleton(BasicSharedApp, self) if not log.handlers: # Paste didn't handle it, so we need a temporary basic log # configured. The handler added here gets dumped and replaced with # an appropriately configured logger in configure_logging below. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) log.debug("python path is: %s", ", ".join(sys.path)) = 'galaxy' self.is_webapp = False self.new_installation = False # Read config file and check for errors self.config: Any = self._register_singleton( config.Configuration, config.Configuration(**kwargs)) self.config.check() self._configure_object_store(fsmon=True) config_file = kwargs.get('global_conf', {}).get('__file__', None) if config_file: log.debug('Using "galaxy.ini" config file: %s', config_file) self._configure_models( check_migrate_databases=self.config.check_migrate_databases, config_file=config_file) # Security helper self._configure_security() self._register_singleton(IdEncodingHelper, self._register_singleton(SharedModelMapping, self.model) self._register_singleton(GalaxyModelMapping, self.model) self._register_singleton(galaxy_scoped_session, self.model.context) self._register_singleton(install_model_scoped_session, self.install_model.context)
def __init__( self, **kwargs ): # Read config file and check for errors self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs ) self.config.check() config.configure_logging( self.config ) # Connect up the object model if self.config.database_connection: self.model = galaxy.model.mapping.init( self.config.file_path, self.config.database_connection, create_tables = True ) else: self.model = galaxy.model.mapping.init( self.config.file_path, "sqlite://%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database, create_tables = True ) # Initialize the tools self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( self.config.tool_config, self.config.tool_path ) # Start the job queue self.job_queue = jobs.JobQueue( self.config.job_queue_workers, self ) self.heartbeat = None # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available if self.config.use_heartbeat: from galaxy import heartbeat if heartbeat.Heartbeat: self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat() self.heartbeat.start()
def main(ini_file): global logger # Initializing logger logger = init_logger(logging) conf_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({'here': os.getcwd()})'Reading galaxy.ini') ini_config = dict() for key, value in conf_parser.items("app:main"): ini_config[key] = value ini_config = config.Configuration(**ini_config)'Reading ajax config file from galaxy.ini') #ajax_config_file = ini_config.get("ajax_dynamic_options_config_file", None) ajax_config_file = ini_config.get( "ajax_dynamic_options_config_file", "/galaxy-central/scripts/tools/ajax_dynamic_options.conf.yaml") if not ajax_config_file: raise ValueError("Need to specify ajax configuration in universe_wsgi") in_handle = open(ajax_config_file) ajax_config = yaml.load(in_handle) in_handle.close() db_con = ini_config.database_connection if not db_con: #db_con = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % ini_config.database db_con = "postgresql://*****:*****@localhost:5432/galaxy" app = SimpleApp(db_con, ini_config.file_path) top_level_type = create_default_requests(app, ajax_config["user"]) update_existing_user(app, ajax_config["user"], "User Registration Form")
def testapi(): host_url = 'http://localhost:8080' new_path = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "lib")] new_path.extend(sys.path[1:]) # remove scripts/ from the path sys.path = new_path from galaxy import config aconfig = config.Configuration() M_A_K = aconfig.master_api_key tooldeps = aconfig.tool_dependency_dir gi = GalaxyInstance(url=host_url, key=M_A_K)
def get_sa_session(ini_file): conf_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({'here': os.getcwd()}) kwds = dict() for key, value in conf_parser.items("app:main"): kwds[key] = value ini_config = config.Configuration(**kwds) db_con = ini_config.database_connection if not db_con: db_con = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % ini_config.database model = galaxy.model.mapping.init(ini_config.file_path, db_con, engine_options={}, create_tables=False) return model.context.current, ini_config
def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not log.handlers: # Paste didn't handle it, so we need a temporary basic log # configured. The handler added here gets dumped and replaced with # an appropriately configured logger in configure_logging below. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) log.debug("python path is: %s", ", ".join(sys.path)) = 'galaxy' self.startup_timer = ExecutionTimer() self.new_installation = False # Read config file and check for errors self.config = config.Configuration(**kwargs) self.config.check() config.configure_logging(self.config) self.configure_fluent_log() # A lot of postfork initialization depends on the server name, ensure it is set immediately after forking before other postfork functions self.application_stack = application_stack_instance(app=self) self.application_stack.register_postfork_function( self.application_stack.set_postfork_server_name, self) self.config.reload_sanitize_whitelist( explicit='sanitize_whitelist_file' in kwargs) self.amqp_internal_connection_obj = galaxy.queues.connection_from_config( self.config) # control_worker *can* be initialized with a queue, but here we don't # want to and we'll allow postfork to bind and start it. self.control_worker = GalaxyQueueWorker(self) self._configure_tool_shed_registry() self._configure_object_store(fsmon=True) # Setup the database engine and ORM config_file = kwargs.get('global_conf', {}).get('__file__', None) if config_file: log.debug('Using "galaxy.ini" config file: %s', config_file) check_migrate_tools = self.config.check_migrate_tools self._configure_models( check_migrate_databases=self.config.check_migrate_databases, check_migrate_tools=check_migrate_tools, config_file=config_file) # Manage installed tool shed repositories. self.installed_repository_manager = installed_repository_manager.InstalledRepositoryManager( self) self._configure_datatypes_registry(self.installed_repository_manager) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry(self.datatypes_registry) # Security helper self._configure_security() # Tag handler self.tag_handler = GalaxyTagHandler(self.model.context) self.dataset_collections_service = DatasetCollectionManager(self) self.history_manager = HistoryManager(self) self.dependency_resolvers_view = DependencyResolversView(self) self.test_data_resolver = test_data.TestDataResolver( file_dirs=self.config.tool_test_data_directories) self.library_folder_manager = FolderManager() self.library_manager = LibraryManager() self.dynamic_tool_manager = DynamicToolManager(self) # Tool Data Tables self._configure_tool_data_tables(from_shed_config=False) # Load dbkey / genome build manager self._configure_genome_builds(data_table_name="__dbkeys__", load_old_style=True) # Genomes self.genomes = Genomes(self) # Data providers registry. self.data_provider_registry = DataProviderRegistry() # Initialize job metrics manager, needs to be in place before # config so per-destination modifications can be made. self.job_metrics = job_metrics.JobMetrics( self.config.job_metrics_config_file, app=self) # Initialize error report plugins. self.error_reports = ErrorReports(self.config.error_report_file, app=self) # Initialize the job management configuration self.job_config = jobs.JobConfiguration(self) # Setup a Tool Cache self.tool_cache = ToolCache() self.tool_shed_repository_cache = ToolShedRepositoryCache(self) # Watch various config files for immediate reload self.watchers = ConfigWatchers(self) self._configure_toolbox() # Load Data Manager self.data_managers = DataManagers(self) # Load the update repository manager. self.update_repository_manager = update_repository_manager.UpdateRepositoryManager( self) # Load proprietary datatype converters and display applications. self.installed_repository_manager.load_proprietary_converters_and_display_applications( ) # Load datatype display applications defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_display_applications(self) # Load datatype converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters(self.toolbox) # Load external metadata tool self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool(self.toolbox) # Load history import/export tools. load_lib_tools(self.toolbox) # visualizations registry: associates resources with visualizations, controls how to render self.visualizations_registry = VisualizationsRegistry( self, directories_setting=self.config.visualization_plugins_directory, template_cache_dir=self.config.template_cache) # Tours registry self.tour_registry = ToursRegistry(self.config.tour_config_dir) # Webhooks registry self.webhooks_registry = WebhooksRegistry(self.config.webhooks_dirs) # Load security policy. self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent self.host_security_agent = model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions) # Load quota management. if self.config.enable_quotas: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.QuotaAgent(self.model) else: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent(self.model) # Heartbeat for thread profiling self.heartbeat = None from galaxy import auth self.auth_manager = auth.AuthManager(self) # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available (wait until # postfork if using uWSGI) if self.config.use_heartbeat: if heartbeat.Heartbeat: self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat( self.config, period=self.config.heartbeat_interval, fname=self.config.heartbeat_log) self.heartbeat.daemon = True self.application_stack.register_postfork_function( self.heartbeat.start) if self.config.enable_oidc: from galaxy.authnz import managers self.authnz_manager = managers.AuthnzManager( self, self.config.oidc_config, self.config.oidc_backends_config) self.sentry_client = None if self.config.sentry_dsn: def postfork_sentry_client(): import raven self.sentry_client = raven.Client( self.config.sentry_dsn, transport=raven.transport.HTTPTransport) self.application_stack.register_postfork_function( postfork_sentry_client) # Transfer manager client if self.config.get_bool('enable_beta_job_managers', False): from import transfer_manager self.transfer_manager = transfer_manager.TransferManager(self) # Start the job manager from import manager self.job_manager = manager.JobManager(self) self.application_stack.register_postfork_function( self.job_manager.start) self.proxy_manager = ProxyManager(self.config) from galaxy.workflow import scheduling_manager # Must be initialized after job_config. self.workflow_scheduling_manager = scheduling_manager.WorkflowSchedulingManager( self) # Must be initialized after any component that might make use of stack messaging is configured. Alternatively if # it becomes more commonly needed we could create a prefork function registration method like we do with # postfork functions. self.application_stack.init_late_prefork() self.containers = {} if self.config.enable_beta_containers_interface: self.containers = build_container_interfaces( self.config.containers_config_file, containers_conf=self.config.containers_conf) # Configure handling of signals handlers = {} if self.heartbeat: handlers[signal.SIGUSR1] = self.heartbeat.dump_signal_handler self._configure_signal_handlers(handlers) self.database_heartbeat = DatabaseHeartbeat( application_stack=self.application_stack) self.application_stack.register_postfork_function( self.database_heartbeat.start) # Start web stack message handling self.application_stack.register_postfork_function( self.application_stack.start) self.model.engine.dispose() # Inject url_for for components to more easily optionally depend # on url_for. self.url_for = url_for self.server_starttime = int(time.time()) # used for cachebusting"Galaxy app startup finished %s" % self.startup_timer)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join(sys.path) = 'galaxy' self.new_installation = False # Read config file and check for errors self.config = config.Configuration(**kwargs) self.config.check() config.configure_logging(self.config) self.configure_fluent_log() self._amqp_internal_connection_obj = galaxy.queues.connection_from_config( self.config) self._configure_tool_shed_registry() self._configure_object_store(fsmon=True) # Setup the database engine and ORM config_file = kwargs.get('global_conf', {}).get('__file__', None) if config_file: log.debug('Using "galaxy.ini" config file: %s', config_file) check_migrate_tools = self.config.check_migrate_tools self._configure_models(check_migrate_databases=True, check_migrate_tools=check_migrate_tools, config_file=config_file) # Manage installed tool shed repositories. from tool_shed.galaxy_install import installed_repository_manager self.installed_repository_manager = installed_repository_manager.InstalledRepositoryManager( self) self._configure_datatypes_registry(self.installed_repository_manager) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry(self.datatypes_registry) # Security helper self._configure_security() # Tag handler self.tag_handler = GalaxyTagManager(self) # Dataset Collection Plugins self.dataset_collections_service = DatasetCollectionManager(self) # Tool Data Tables self._configure_tool_data_tables(from_shed_config=False) # Load dbkey / genome build manager self._configure_genome_builds(data_table_name="__dbkeys__", load_old_style=True) # Genomes self.genomes = Genomes(self) # Data providers registry. self.data_provider_registry = DataProviderRegistry() # Initialize job metrics manager, needs to be in place before # config so per-destination modifications can be made. self.job_metrics = job_metrics.JobMetrics( self.config.job_metrics_config_file, app=self) # Initialize the job management configuration self.job_config = jobs.JobConfiguration(self) self._configure_toolbox() # Load Data Manager self.data_managers = DataManagers(self) # Load the update repository manager. self.update_repository_manager = update_repository_manager.UpdateRepositoryManager( self) # Load proprietary datatype converters and display applications. self.installed_repository_manager.load_proprietary_converters_and_display_applications( ) # Load datatype display applications defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_display_applications(self) # Load datatype converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters(self.toolbox) # Load external metadata tool self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool(self.toolbox) # Load history import/export tools. load_history_imp_exp_tools(self.toolbox) # visualizations registry: associates resources with visualizations, controls how to render self.visualizations_registry = VisualizationsRegistry( self, directories_setting=self.config.visualization_plugins_directory, template_cache_dir=self.config.template_cache) # Load security policy. self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent self.host_security_agent = model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions) # Load quota management. if self.config.enable_quotas: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.QuotaAgent(self.model) else: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent(self.model) # Heartbeat for thread profiling self.heartbeat = None # Container for OpenID authentication routines if self.config.enable_openid: from galaxy.web.framework import openid_manager self.openid_manager = openid_manager.OpenIDManager( self.config.openid_consumer_cache_path) self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders.from_file( self.config.openid_config_file) else: self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders() # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available if self.config.use_heartbeat: from galaxy.util import heartbeat if heartbeat.Heartbeat: self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat( fname=self.config.heartbeat_log) self.heartbeat.daemon = True self.heartbeat.start() # Transfer manager client if self.config.get_bool('enable_beta_job_managers', False): from import transfer_manager self.transfer_manager = transfer_manager.TransferManager(self) # Start the job manager from import manager self.job_manager = manager.JobManager(self) self.job_manager.start() # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue self.proxy_manager = ProxyManager(self.config) # Initialize the external service types self.external_service_types = external_service_types.ExternalServiceTypesCollection( self.config.external_service_type_config_file, self.config.external_service_type_path, self) from galaxy.workflow import scheduling_manager # Must be initialized after job_config. self.workflow_scheduling_manager = scheduling_manager.WorkflowSchedulingManager( self) self.model.engine.dispose() self.server_starttime = int(time.time()) # used for cachebusting
def __init__( self, **kwargs ): print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path ) self.new_installation = False # Read config file and check for errors self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs ) self.config.check() config.configure_logging( self.config ) # Determine the database url if self.config.database_connection: db_url = self.config.database_connection else: db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version. # If this # is a new installation, we'll restrict the tool migration messaging. from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database create_or_verify_database( db_url, kwargs.get( 'global_conf', {} ).get( '__file__', None ), self.config.database_engine_options, app=self ) # Alert the Galaxy admin to tools that have been moved from the distribution to the tool shed. from galaxy.tool_shed.migrate.check import verify_tools verify_tools( self, db_url, kwargs.get( 'global_conf', {} ).get( '__file__', None ), self.config.database_engine_options ) # Object store manager self.object_store = build_object_store_from_config(self.config) # Setup the database engine and ORM from galaxy.model import mapping self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path, db_url, self.config.database_engine_options, database_query_profiling_proxy = self.config.database_query_profiling_proxy, object_store = self.object_store ) # Set up the tool sheds registry if os.path.isfile( self.config.tool_sheds_config ): self.tool_shed_registry = galaxy.tool_shed.tool_shed_registry.Registry( self.config.root, self.config.tool_sheds_config ) else: self.tool_shed_registry = None # Manage installed tool shed repositories. self.installed_repository_manager = galaxy.tool_shed.InstalledRepositoryManager( self ) # Create an empty datatypes registry. self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry() # Load proprietary datatypes defined in datatypes_conf.xml files in all installed tool shed repositories. We # load proprietary datatypes before datatypes in the distribution because Galaxy's default sniffers include some # generic sniffers (eg text,xml) which catch anything, so it's impossible for proprietary sniffers to be used. # However, if there is a conflict (2 datatypes with the same extension) between a proprietary datatype and a datatype # in the Galaxy distribution, the datatype in the Galaxy distribution will take precedence. If there is a conflict # between 2 proprietary datatypes, the datatype from the repository that was installed earliest will take precedence. # This will also load proprietary datatype converters and display applications. self.installed_repository_manager.load_proprietary_datatypes() # Load the data types in the Galaxy distribution, which are defined in self.config.datatypes_config. self.datatypes_registry.load_datatypes( self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config ) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( self.datatypes_registry ) # Security helper = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret=self.config.id_secret ) # Tag handler self.tag_handler = GalaxyTagHandler() # Tool data tables self.tool_data_tables = self.config.tool_data_table_config_path ) # Initialize the tools, making sure the list of tool configs includes the reserved migrated_tools_conf.xml file. tool_configs = self.config.tool_configs if self.config.migrated_tools_config not in tool_configs: tool_configs.append( self.config.migrated_tools_config ) self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( tool_configs, self.config.tool_path, self ) # Search support for tools self.toolbox_search = self.toolbox ) # If enabled, poll respective tool sheds to see if updates are available for any installed tool shed repositories. if self.config.get_bool( 'enable_tool_shed_check', False ): from tool_shed import update_manager self.update_manager = update_manager.UpdateManager( self ) # Load datatype display applications defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_display_applications() # Load datatype converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters( self.toolbox ) # Load external metadata tool self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool( self.toolbox ) # Load history import/export tools. load_history_imp_exp_tools( self.toolbox ) # Load genome indexer tool. load_genome_index_tools( self.toolbox ) # Load security policy. self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent self.host_security_agent = model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions ) # Load quota management. if self.config.enable_quotas: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.QuotaAgent( self.model ) else: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent( self.model ) # Heartbeat and memdump for thread / heap profiling self.heartbeat = None self.memdump = None self.memory_usage = None # Container for OpenID authentication routines if self.config.enable_openid: from galaxy.web.framework import openid_manager self.openid_manager = openid_manager.OpenIDManager( self.config.openid_consumer_cache_path ) self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders.from_file( self.config.openid_config ) else: self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders() # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available if self.config.use_heartbeat: from galaxy.util import heartbeat if heartbeat.Heartbeat: self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat( fname=self.config.heartbeat_log ) self.heartbeat.start() # Enable the memdump signal catcher if configured and available if self.config.use_memdump: from galaxy.util import memdump if memdump.Memdump: self.memdump = memdump.Memdump() # Transfer manager client if self.config.get_bool( 'enable_beta_job_managers', False ): from jobs import transfer_manager self.transfer_manager = transfer_manager.TransferManager( self ) # Start the job manager from jobs import manager self.job_manager = manager.JobManager( self ) # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue # Initialize the external service types self.external_service_types = external_service_types.ExternalServiceTypesCollection( self.config.external_service_type_config_file, self.config.external_service_type_path, self )
def __main__(): file_path = sys.argv.pop(1) tool_job_working_directory = tmp_dir = sys.argv.pop( 1) #this is also the job_working_directory now galaxy.model.Dataset.file_path = file_path galaxy.datatypes.metadata.MetadataTempFile.tmp_dir = tmp_dir config_root = sys.argv.pop(1) config_file_name = sys.argv.pop(1) if not os.path.isabs(config_file_name): config_file_name = os.path.join(config_root, config_file_name) # Set up reference to object store # First, read in the main config file for Galaxy; this is required because # the object store configuration is stored there conf_dict = load_app_properties(ini_file=config_file_name) # config object is required by ObjectStore class so create it now universe_config = config.Configuration(**conf_dict) universe_config.ensure_tempdir() object_store = build_object_store_from_config(universe_config) galaxy.model.Dataset.object_store = object_store # Set up datatypes registry datatypes_config = sys.argv.pop(1) datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry() datatypes_registry.load_datatypes(root_dir=config_root, config=datatypes_config) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry(datatypes_registry) job_metadata = sys.argv.pop(1) existing_job_metadata_dict = {} new_job_metadata_dict = {} if job_metadata != "None" and os.path.exists(job_metadata): for line in open(job_metadata, 'r'): try: line = stringify_dictionary_keys(json.loads(line)) if line['type'] == 'dataset': existing_job_metadata_dict[line['dataset_id']] = line elif line['type'] == 'new_primary_dataset': new_job_metadata_dict[line['filename']] = line except: continue for filenames in sys.argv[1:]: fields = filenames.split(',') filename_in = fields.pop(0) filename_kwds = fields.pop(0) filename_out = fields.pop(0) filename_results_code = fields.pop(0) dataset_filename_override = fields.pop(0) # Need to be careful with the way that these parameters are populated from the filename splitting, # because if a job is running when the server is updated, any existing external metadata command-lines #will not have info about the newly added override_metadata file if fields: override_metadata = fields.pop(0) else: override_metadata = None set_meta_kwds = stringify_dictionary_keys( json.load(open(filename_kwds)) ) # load kwds; need to ensure our keywords are not unicode try: dataset = cPickle.load(open(filename_in)) # load DatasetInstance if dataset_filename_override: dataset.dataset.external_filename = dataset_filename_override files_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(tool_job_working_directory, "dataset_%s_files" % ( dataset.dataset.external_extra_files_path = files_path if in existing_job_metadata_dict: dataset.extension = existing_job_metadata_dict[].get('ext', dataset.extension) # Metadata FileParameter types may not be writable on a cluster node, and are therefore temporarily substituted with MetadataTempFiles if override_metadata: override_metadata = json.load(open(override_metadata)) for metadata_name, metadata_file_override in override_metadata: if galaxy.datatypes.metadata.MetadataTempFile.is_JSONified_value( metadata_file_override): metadata_file_override = galaxy.datatypes.metadata.MetadataTempFile.from_JSON( metadata_file_override) setattr(dataset.metadata, metadata_name, metadata_file_override) file_dict = existing_job_metadata_dict.get(, {}) set_meta_with_tool_provided(dataset, file_dict, set_meta_kwds) dataset.metadata.to_JSON_dict( filename_out) # write out results of set_meta json.dump((True, 'Metadata has been set successfully'), open(filename_results_code, 'wb+')) # setting metadata has succeeded except Exception, e: json.dump((False, str(e)), open(filename_results_code, 'wb+')) # setting metadata has failed somehow
def __init__( self, **kwargs ): print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path ) # Read config file and check for errors self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs ) self.config.check() config.configure_logging( self.config ) # Set up datatypes registry self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry( self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config ) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( self.datatypes_registry ) # Determine the database url if self.config.database_connection: db_url = self.config.database_connection else: db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database create_or_verify_database( db_url, self.config.database_engine_options ) # Setup the database engine and ORM from galaxy.model import mapping self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path, db_url, self.config.database_engine_options ) # Security helper = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret=self.config.id_secret ) # Initialize the tools self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( self.config.tool_config, self.config.tool_path, self ) # Load datatype converters self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters( self.toolbox ) #load external metadata tool self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool( self.toolbox ) # Load datatype indexers self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_indexers( self.toolbox ) #Load security policy self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent self.host_security_agent = model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions ) # Heartbeat and memdump for thread / heap profiling self.heartbeat = None self.memdump = None self.memory_usage = None # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available if self.config.use_heartbeat: from galaxy.util import heartbeat if heartbeat.Heartbeat: self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat() self.heartbeat.start() # Enable the memdump signal catcher if configured and available if self.config.use_memdump: from galaxy.util import memdump if memdump.Memdump: self.memdump = memdump.Memdump() # Enable memory_usage logging if configured if self.config.log_memory_usage: from galaxy.util import memory_usage self.memory_usage = memory_usage # Start the job queue self.job_manager = jobs.JobManager( self ) # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue # Start the cloud manager self.cloud_manager = cloud.CloudManager( self )
def __main__(): file_path = sys.argv.pop( 1 ) tmp_dir = sys.argv.pop( 1 ) galaxy.model.Dataset.file_path = file_path galaxy.datatypes.metadata.MetadataTempFile.tmp_dir = tmp_dir config_root = sys.argv.pop( 1 ) config_file_name = sys.argv.pop( 1 ) if not os.path.isabs( config_file_name ): config_file_name = os.path.join( config_root, config_file_name ) # Set up reference to object store # First, read in the main config file for Galaxy; this is required because # the object store configuration is stored there conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf_dict = {} for section in conf.sections(): for option in conf.options(section): try: conf_dict[option] = conf.get(section, option) except ConfigParser.InterpolationMissingOptionError: # Because this is not called from Paste Script, %(here)s variable # is not initialized in the config file so skip those fields - # just need not to use any such fields for the object store conf... log.debug("Did not load option %s from %s" % (option, config_file_name)) # config object is required by ObjectStore class so create it now universe_config = config.Configuration(**conf_dict) object_store = build_object_store_from_config(universe_config) galaxy.model.Dataset.object_store = object_store # Set up datatypes registry datatypes_config = sys.argv.pop( 1 ) datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry() datatypes_registry.load_datatypes( root_dir=config_root, config=datatypes_config ) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( datatypes_registry ) job_metadata = sys.argv.pop( 1 ) ext_override = dict() if job_metadata != "None" and os.path.exists( job_metadata ): for line in open( job_metadata, 'r' ): try: line = stringify_dictionary_keys( from_json_string( line ) ) assert line['type'] == 'dataset' ext_override[line['dataset_id']] = line['ext'] except: continue for filenames in sys.argv[1:]: fields = filenames.split( ',' ) filename_in = fields.pop( 0 ) filename_kwds = fields.pop( 0 ) filename_out = fields.pop( 0 ) filename_results_code = fields.pop( 0 ) dataset_filename_override = fields.pop( 0 ) #Need to be careful with the way that these parameters are populated from the filename splitting, #because if a job is running when the server is updated, any existing external metadata command-lines #will not have info about the newly added override_metadata file if fields: override_metadata = fields.pop( 0 ) else: override_metadata = None try: dataset = cPickle.load( open( filename_in ) ) #load DatasetInstance if dataset_filename_override: dataset.dataset.external_filename = dataset_filename_override if ext_override.get(, None ): dataset.extension = ext_override[ ] #Metadata FileParameter types may not be writable on a cluster node, and are therefore temporarily substituted with MetadataTempFiles if override_metadata: override_metadata = simplejson.load( open( override_metadata ) ) for metadata_name, metadata_file_override in override_metadata: if galaxy.datatypes.metadata.MetadataTempFile.is_JSONified_value( metadata_file_override ): metadata_file_override = galaxy.datatypes.metadata.MetadataTempFile.from_JSON( metadata_file_override ) setattr( dataset.metadata, metadata_name, metadata_file_override ) kwds = stringify_dictionary_keys( simplejson.load( open( filename_kwds ) ) )#load kwds; need to ensure our keywords are not unicode dataset.datatype.set_meta( dataset, **kwds ) dataset.metadata.to_JSON_dict( filename_out ) # write out results of set_meta simplejson.dump( ( True, 'Metadata has been set successfully' ), open( filename_results_code, 'wb+' ) ) #setting metadata has succeeded except Exception, e: simplejson.dump( ( False, str( e ) ), open( filename_results_code, 'wb+' ) ) #setting metadata has failed somehow
galaxy.model.tool_shed_install.ToolDependency).all(): dependency_paths.append(tool_dependency.installation_directory(app)) return dependency_paths if __name__ == '__main__': description = 'Clean out or list the contents any tool dependency directory under the provided' description += 'tool dependency path. Remove any non-empty directories found if the ' description += '--delete command line argument is provided.' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( '--basepath', dest='basepath', required=True, action='store', metavar='name', help='The base path where tool dependencies are installed.') parser.add_argument('--dburi', dest='dburi', required=True, action='store', metavar='dburi', help='The database URI to connect to.') args = parser.parse_args() database_connection = args.dburi config_dict = dict(database_connection=database_connection, tool_dependency_dir=args.basepath) config = galaxy_config.Configuration(**config_dict) app = CleanUpDependencyApplication(config) sys.exit(main(args, app))
def __init__( self, **kwargs ): if not log.handlers: # Paste didn't handle it, so we need a temporary basic log # configured. The handler added here gets dumped and replaced with # an appropriately configured logger in configure_logging below. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) log.debug( "python path is: %s", ", ".join( sys.path ) ) = 'galaxy' self.new_installation = False # Read config file and check for errors self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs ) self.config.check() config.configure_logging( self.config ) self.configure_fluent_log() self.config.reload_sanitize_whitelist(explicit='sanitize_whitelist_file' in kwargs) self.amqp_internal_connection_obj = galaxy.queues.connection_from_config(self.config) # control_worker *can* be initialized with a queue, but here we don't # want to and we'll allow postfork to bind and start it. self.control_worker = GalaxyQueueWorker(self) self._configure_tool_shed_registry() self._configure_object_store( fsmon=True ) # Setup the database engine and ORM config_file = kwargs.get( 'global_conf', {} ).get( '__file__', None ) if config_file: log.debug( 'Using "galaxy.ini" config file: %s', config_file ) check_migrate_tools = self.config.check_migrate_tools self._configure_models( check_migrate_databases=True, check_migrate_tools=check_migrate_tools, config_file=config_file ) # Manage installed tool shed repositories. from tool_shed.galaxy_install import installed_repository_manager self.installed_repository_manager = installed_repository_manager.InstalledRepositoryManager( self ) self._configure_datatypes_registry( self.installed_repository_manager ) galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( self.datatypes_registry ) # Security helper self._configure_security() # Tag handler self.tag_handler = GalaxyTagManager( self ) # Dataset Collection Plugins self.dataset_collections_service = DatasetCollectionManager(self) # Tool Data Tables self._configure_tool_data_tables( from_shed_config=False ) # Load dbkey / genome build manager self._configure_genome_builds( data_table_name="__dbkeys__", load_old_style=True ) # Genomes self.genomes = Genomes( self ) # Data providers registry. self.data_provider_registry = DataProviderRegistry() # Initialize job metrics manager, needs to be in place before # config so per-destination modifications can be made. self.job_metrics = job_metrics.JobMetrics( self.config.job_metrics_config_file, app=self ) # Initialize the job management configuration self.job_config = jobs.JobConfiguration(self) self._configure_toolbox() # Load Data Manager self.data_managers = DataManagers( self ) # Load the update repository manager. self.update_repository_manager = update_repository_manager.UpdateRepositoryManager( self ) # Load proprietary datatype converters and display applications. self.installed_repository_manager.load_proprietary_converters_and_display_applications() # Load datatype display applications defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_display_applications( self ) # Load datatype converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters( self.toolbox ) # Load external metadata tool self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool( self.toolbox ) # Load history import/export tools. load_lib_tools( self.toolbox ) # visualizations registry: associates resources with visualizations, controls how to render self.visualizations_registry = VisualizationsRegistry( self, directories_setting=self.config.visualization_plugins_directory, template_cache_dir=self.config.template_cache ) # Tours registry self.tour_registry = ToursRegistry(self.config.tour_config_dir) # Load security policy. self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent self.host_security_agent = model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions ) # Load quota management. if self.config.enable_quotas: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.QuotaAgent( self.model ) else: self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent( self.model ) # Heartbeat for thread profiling self.heartbeat = None # Container for OpenID authentication routines if self.config.enable_openid: from galaxy.web.framework import openid_manager self.openid_manager = openid_manager.OpenIDManager( self.config.openid_consumer_cache_path ) self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders.from_file( self.config.openid_config_file ) else: self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders() from galaxy import auth self.auth_manager = auth.AuthManager( self ) # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available (wait until # postfork if using uWSGI) if self.config.use_heartbeat: if heartbeat.Heartbeat: self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat( self.config, period=self.config.heartbeat_interval, fname=self.config.heartbeat_log ) self.heartbeat.daemon = True @postfork def _start(): self.heartbeat.start() if not config.process_is_uwsgi: _start() if self.config.sentry_dsn: import raven self.sentry_client = raven.Client(self.config.sentry_dsn) else: self.sentry_client = None # Transfer manager client if self.config.get_bool( 'enable_beta_job_managers', False ): from import transfer_manager self.transfer_manager = transfer_manager.TransferManager( self ) # Start the job manager from import manager self.job_manager = manager.JobManager( self ) self.job_manager.start() # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue self.proxy_manager = ProxyManager( self.config ) # Initialize the external service types self.external_service_types = external_service_types.ExternalServiceTypesCollection( self.config.external_service_type_config_file, self.config.external_service_type_path, self ) from galaxy.workflow import scheduling_manager # Must be initialized after job_config. self.workflow_scheduling_manager = scheduling_manager.WorkflowSchedulingManager( self ) # Configure handling of signals handlers = {} if self.heartbeat: handlers[signal.SIGUSR1] = self.heartbeat.dump_signal_handler self._configure_signal_handlers( handlers ) self.model.engine.dispose() self.server_starttime = int(time.time()) # used for cachebusting