Пример #1
class JobHandlerStopQueue(object):
    A queue for jobs which need to be terminated prematurely.
    STOP_SIGNAL = object()

    def __init__(self, app, dispatcher):
        self.app = app
        self.dispatcher = dispatcher

        self.sa_session = app.model.context

        # Keep track of the pid that started the job manager, only it
        # has valid threads
        self.parent_pid = os.getpid()
        # Contains new jobs. Note this is not used if track_jobs_in_database is True
        self.queue = Queue()

        # Contains jobs that are waiting (only use from monitor thread)
        self.waiting = []

        # Helper for interruptable sleep
        self.sleeper = Sleeper()
        self.running = True
        self.monitor_thread = threading.Thread(
            name="JobHandlerStopQueue.monitor_thread", target=self.monitor)
        log.info("job handler stop queue started")

    def monitor(self):
        Continually iterate the waiting jobs, stop any that are found.
        # HACK: Delay until after forking, we need a way to do post fork notification!!!
        while self.running:
                log.exception("Exception in monitor_step")
            # Sleep

    def monitor_step(self):
        Called repeatedly by `monitor` to stop jobs.
        # Pull all new jobs from the queue at once
        jobs_to_check = []
        if self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            # Clear the session so we get fresh states for job and all datasets
            # Fetch all new jobs
            newly_deleted_jobs = self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).enable_eagerloads( False ) \
                                     .filter( ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.DELETED_NEW ) \
                                              & ( model.Job.handler == self.app.config.server_name ) ).all()
            for job in newly_deleted_jobs:
                jobs_to_check.append((job, job.stderr))
        # Also pull from the queue (in the case of Administrative stopped jobs)
            while 1:
                message = self.queue.get_nowait()
                if message is self.STOP_SIGNAL:
                # Unpack the message
                job_id, error_msg = message
                # Get the job object and append to watch queue
                    (self.sa_session.query(model.Job).get(job_id), error_msg))
        except Empty:
        for job, error_msg in jobs_to_check:
            if error_msg is not None:
                job.state = job.states.ERROR
                job.info = error_msg
                job.state = job.states.DELETED
            if job.job_runner_name is not None:
                # tell the dispatcher to stop the job

    def put(self, job_id, error_msg=None):
        self.queue.put((job_id, error_msg))

    def shutdown(self):
        """Attempts to gracefully shut down the worker thread"""
        if self.parent_pid != os.getpid():
            # We're not the real job queue, do nothing
            log.info("sending stop signal to worker thread")
            self.running = False
            if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            log.info("job handler stop queue stopped")
Пример #2
class JobHandlerStopQueue( object ):
    A queue for jobs which need to be terminated prematurely.
    STOP_SIGNAL = object()
    def __init__( self, app, dispatcher ):
        self.app = app
        self.dispatcher = dispatcher

        self.sa_session = app.model.context

        # Keep track of the pid that started the job manager, only it
        # has valid threads
        self.parent_pid = os.getpid()
        # Contains new jobs. Note this is not used if track_jobs_in_database is True
        self.queue = Queue()

        # Contains jobs that are waiting (only use from monitor thread)
        self.waiting = []

        # Helper for interruptable sleep
        self.sleeper = Sleeper()
        self.running = True
        self.monitor_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.monitor )
        log.info( "job handler stop queue started" )

    def monitor( self ):
        Continually iterate the waiting jobs, stop any that are found.
        # HACK: Delay until after forking, we need a way to do post fork notification!!!
        time.sleep( 10 )
        while self.running:
                log.exception( "Exception in monitor_step" )
            # Sleep
            self.sleeper.sleep( 1 )

    def monitor_step( self ):
        Called repeatedly by `monitor` to stop jobs.
        # Pull all new jobs from the queue at once
        jobs_to_check = []
        if self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            # Clear the session so we get fresh states for job and all datasets
            # Fetch all new jobs
            newly_deleted_jobs = self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).enable_eagerloads( False ) \
                                     .filter( ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.DELETED_NEW ) \
                                              & ( model.Job.handler == self.app.config.server_name ) ).all()
            for job in newly_deleted_jobs:
                jobs_to_check.append( ( job, None ) )
        # Also pull from the queue (in the case of Administrative stopped jobs)
            while 1:
                message = self.queue.get_nowait()
                if message is self.STOP_SIGNAL:
                # Unpack the message
                job_id, error_msg = message
                # Get the job object and append to watch queue
                jobs_to_check.append( ( self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).get( job_id ), error_msg ) )
        except Empty:
        for job, error_msg in jobs_to_check:
            if error_msg is not None:
                job.state = job.states.ERROR
                job.info = error_msg
                job.state = job.states.DELETED
            self.sa_session.add( job )
            if job.job_runner_name is not None:
                # tell the dispatcher to stop the job
                self.dispatcher.stop( job )

    def put( self, job_id, error_msg=None ):
        self.queue.put( ( job_id, error_msg ) )

    def shutdown( self ):
        """Attempts to gracefully shut down the worker thread"""
        if self.parent_pid != os.getpid():
            # We're not the real job queue, do nothing
            log.info( "sending stop signal to worker thread" )
            self.running = False
            if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
                self.queue.put( self.STOP_SIGNAL )
            log.info( "job handler stop queue stopped" )
Пример #3
class JobManagerStopQueue( object ):
    A queue for jobs which need to be terminated prematurely.
    STOP_SIGNAL = object()
    def __init__( self, app, job_handler ):
        self.app = app
        self.job_handler = job_handler

        self.sa_session = app.model.context

        # Keep track of the pid that started the job manager, only it
        # has valid threads
        self.parent_pid = os.getpid()
        # Contains new jobs. Note this is not used if track_jobs_in_database is True
        self.queue = Queue()

        # Contains jobs that are waiting (only use from monitor thread)
        self.waiting = []

        # Helper for interruptable sleep
        self.sleeper = Sleeper()
        self.running = True
        self.monitor_thread = threading.Thread( name="JobManagerStopQueue.monitor_thread", target=self.monitor )
        self.monitor_thread.setDaemon( True )
        log.info( "job manager stop queue started" )

    def monitor( self ):
        Continually iterate the waiting jobs, stop any that are found.
        # HACK: Delay until after forking, we need a way to do post fork notification!!!
        time.sleep( 10 )
        while self.running:
                log.exception( "Exception in monitor_step" )
            # Sleep
            self.sleeper.sleep( 1 )

    def monitor_step( self ):
        Called repeatedly by `monitor` to stop jobs.
        jobs_to_check = []
        # Pull from the queue even if tracking in the database (in the case of Administrative stopped jobs)
            while 1:
                message = self.queue.get_nowait()
                if message is self.STOP_SIGNAL:
                # Unpack the message
                job_id, error_msg = message
                # Get the job object and append to watch queue
                jobs_to_check.append( ( self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).get( job_id ), error_msg ) )
        except Empty:

        # If tracking in the database, the handler will pick up the stop itself.  Otherwise, notify the handler.
        for job, error_msg in jobs_to_check:
            self.job_handler.job_stop_queue.put( job.id, error_msg )

    def put( self, job_id, error_msg=None ):
        self.queue.put( ( job_id, error_msg ) )

    def shutdown( self ):
        """Attempts to gracefully shut down the worker thread"""
        if self.parent_pid != os.getpid():
            # We're not the real job queue, do nothing
            log.info( "sending stop signal to worker thread" )
            self.running = False
            if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
                self.queue.put( self.STOP_SIGNAL )
            log.info( "job manager stop queue stopped" )
Пример #4
class DistributedObjectStore(ObjectStore):
    ObjectStore that defers to a list of backends, for getting objects the
    first store where the object exists is used, objects are created in a
    store selected randomly, but with weighting.
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(DistributedObjectStore, self).__init__()
        self.distributed_config = config.distributed_object_store_config_file
        assert self.distributed_config is not None, "distributed object store ('object_store = distributed') " \
                                                    "requires a config file, please set one in " \
        self.backends = {}
        self.weighted_backend_ids = []
        self.original_weighted_backend_ids = []
        self.max_percent_full = {}
        self.global_max_percent_full = 0.0



        if self.global_max_percent_full or filter(lambda x: x is not None, self.max_percent_full.values()):
            self.sleeper = Sleeper()
            self.filesystem_monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__filesystem_monitor)
            log.info("Filesystem space monitor started")

    def __parse_distributed_config(self, config):
        tree = util.parse_xml(self.distributed_config)
        root = tree.getroot()
        log.debug('Loading backends for distributed object store from %s' % self.distributed_config)
        self.global_max_percent_full = float(root.get('maxpctfull', 0))
        for elem in [ e for e in root if e.tag == 'backend' ]:
            id = elem.get('id')
            weight = int(elem.get('weight', 1))
            maxpctfull = float(elem.get('maxpctfull', 0))
            if elem.get('type', 'disk'):
                path = None
                extra_dirs = {}
                for sub in elem:
                    if sub.tag == 'files_dir':
                        path = sub.get('path')
                    elif sub.tag == 'extra_dir':
                        type = sub.get('type')
                        extra_dirs[type] = sub.get('path')
                self.backends[id] = DiskObjectStore(config, file_path=path, extra_dirs=extra_dirs)
                self.max_percent_full[id] = maxpctfull
                log.debug("Loaded disk backend '%s' with weight %s and file_path: %s" % (id, weight, path))
                if extra_dirs:
                    log.debug("    Extra directories:")
                    for type, dir in extra_dirs.items():
                        log.debug("        %s: %s" % (type, dir))
            for i in range(0, weight):
                # The simplest way to do weighting: add backend ids to a
                # sequence the number of times equalling weight, then randomly
                # choose a backend from that sequence at creation
        self.original_weighted_backend_ids = self.weighted_backend_ids

    def __filesystem_monitor(self):
        while self.running:
            new_weighted_backend_ids = self.original_weighted_backend_ids
            for id, backend in self.backends.items():
                maxpct = self.max_percent_full[id] or self.global_max_percent_full
                pct = backend.get_store_usage_percent()
                if pct > maxpct:
                    new_weighted_backend_ids = filter(lambda x: x != id, new_weighted_backend_ids)
            self.weighted_backend_ids = new_weighted_backend_ids
            self.sleeper.sleep(120) # Test free space every 2 minutes

    def shutdown(self):
        super(DistributedObjectStore, self).shutdown()

    def exists(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('exists', obj, False, False, **kwargs)

    def file_ready(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('file_ready', obj, False, False, **kwargs)

    def create(self, obj, **kwargs):
        create() is the only method in which obj.object_store_id may be None
        if obj.object_store_id is None or not self.exists(obj, **kwargs):
            if obj.object_store_id is None or obj.object_store_id not in self.weighted_backend_ids:
                    obj.object_store_id = random.choice(self.weighted_backend_ids)
                except IndexError:
                    raise ObjectInvalid()
                object_session( obj ).add( obj )
                object_session( obj ).flush()
                log.debug("Selected backend '%s' for creation of %s %s" % (obj.object_store_id, obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id))
                log.debug("Using preferred backend '%s' for creation of %s %s" % (obj.object_store_id, obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id))
            self.backends[obj.object_store_id].create(obj, **kwargs)

    def empty(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('empty', obj, True, False, **kwargs)

    def size(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('size', obj, 0, False, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('delete', obj, False, False, **kwargs)

    def get_data(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('get_data', obj, ObjectNotFound, True, **kwargs)

    def get_filename(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('get_filename', obj, ObjectNotFound, True, **kwargs)

    def update_from_file(self, obj, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('create', False):
            self.create(obj, **kwargs)
            kwargs['create'] = False
        return self.__call_method('update_from_file', obj, ObjectNotFound, True, **kwargs)

    def get_object_url(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('get_object_url', obj, None, False, **kwargs)

    def __call_method(self, method, obj, default, default_is_exception, **kwargs):
        object_store_id = self.__get_store_id_for(obj, **kwargs)
        if object_store_id is not None:
            return self.backends[object_store_id].__getattribute__(method)(obj, **kwargs)
        if default_is_exception:
            raise default()
            return default

    def __get_store_id_for(self, obj, **kwargs):
        if obj.object_store_id is not None and obj.object_store_id in self.backends:
            return obj.object_store_id
            # if this instance has been switched from a non-distributed to a
            # distributed object store, or if the object's store id is invalid,
            # try to locate the object
            log.warning('The backend object store ID (%s) for %s object with ID %s is invalid' % (obj.object_store_id, obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id))
            for id, store in self.backends.items():
                if store.exists(obj, **kwargs):
                    log.warning('%s object with ID %s found in backend object store with ID %s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id, id))
                    obj.object_store_id = id
                    object_session( obj ).add( obj )
                    object_session( obj ).flush()
                    return id
        return None
Пример #5
class JobManagerQueue( object ):
    Job manager, waits for jobs to be runnable and then dispatches to a
    STOP_SIGNAL = object()
    def __init__( self, app, job_handler ):
        self.app = app
        self.job_handler = job_handler # the (singular) handler if we are passing jobs in memory

        self.sa_session = app.model.context
        self.job_lock = False
        # Keep track of the pid that started the job manager, only it
        # has valid threads
        self.parent_pid = os.getpid()
        # Contains new jobs. Note this is not used if track_jobs_in_database is True
        self.queue = Queue()
        # Helper for interruptable sleep
        self.sleeper = Sleeper()
        self.running = True
        self.monitor_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.__monitor )
        # Recover jobs at startup
        # Start the queue
        log.info( "job manager queue started" )

    def __check_jobs_at_startup( self ):
        Checks all jobs that are in the 'new', 'queued' or 'running' state in
        the database and requeues or cleans up as necessary.  Only run as the
        job manager starts.
        for job in self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).enable_eagerloads( False ) \
                                  .filter( ( ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW ) \
                                             | ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.RUNNING ) \
                                             | ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED ) ) \
                                           & ( model.Job.handler == None ) ):
            if job.tool_id not in self.app.toolbox.tools_by_id:
                log.warning( "(%s) Tool '%s' removed from tool config, unable to recover job" % ( job.id, job.tool_id ) )
                JobWrapper( job, self ).fail( 'This tool was disabled before the job completed.  Please contact your Galaxy administrator.' )
                job.handler = self.__get_handler( job ) # handler's recovery method will take it from here
                log.info( "(%d) Job in '%s' state had no handler at job manager startup, assigned '%s' handler" % ( job.id, job.state, job.handler ) )
        if self.sa_session.dirty:

    def __monitor( self ):
        Continually iterate the waiting jobs and dispatch to a handler
        # HACK: Delay until after forking, we need a way to do post fork notification!!!
        time.sleep( 10 )
        while self.running:
                log.exception( "Exception in monitor_step" )
            # Sleep
            self.sleeper.sleep( 1 )

    def __monitor_step( self ):
        Called repeatedly by `monitor` to process waiting jobs. Gets any new
        jobs (either from the database or from its own queue), then assigns a
        # Do nothing if the queue is locked
        if self.job_lock:
            log.info( 'Job queue is administratively locked, sleeping...' )
            time.sleep( 10 )
        # Pull all new jobs from the queue at once
        jobs_to_check = []
        if self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            # Clear the session so we get fresh states for job and all datasets
            # Fetch all new jobs
            jobs_to_check = self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).enable_eagerloads( False ) \
                                .filter( ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW ) \
                                         & ( model.Job.handler == None ) ).all()
            # Get job objects and append to watch queue for any which were
            # previously waiting
                while 1:
                    message = self.queue.get_nowait()
                    if message is self.STOP_SIGNAL:
                    # Unpack the message
                    job_id, tool_id = message
                    # Get the job object and append to watch queue
                    jobs_to_check.append( self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).get( job_id ) )
            except Empty:

        for job in jobs_to_check:
            job.handler = self.__get_handler( job )
            log.debug( "(%s) Job assigned to handler '%s'" % ( job.id, job.handler ) )
            self.sa_session.add( job )

        # If tracking in the database, handlers will pick up the job now

        time.sleep( 5 )

        # This only does something in the case that there is only one handler and it is this Galaxy process
        for job in jobs_to_check:
            self.job_handler.job_queue.put( job.id, job.tool_id )

    def __get_handler( self, job ):
            params = None
            if job.params:
                params = from_json_string( job.params )
            return self.app.toolbox.tools_by_id.get( job.tool_id, None ).get_job_handler( params )
            log.exception( "(%s) Caught exception attempting to get tool-specific job handler for tool '%s', selecting at random from available handlers instead:" % ( job.id, job.tool_id ) )
            return random.choice( self.app.config.job_handlers )

    def put( self, job_id, tool ):
        """Add a job to the queue (by job identifier)"""
        if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            self.queue.put( ( job_id, tool.id ) )

    def shutdown( self ):
        """Attempts to gracefully shut down the worker thread"""
        if self.parent_pid != os.getpid():
            # We're not the real job queue, do nothing
            log.info( "sending stop signal to worker thread" )
            self.running = False
            if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
                self.queue.put( self.STOP_SIGNAL )
            log.info( "job manager queue stopped" )
Пример #6
class JobManagerQueue(object):
    Job manager, waits for jobs to be runnable and then dispatches to a
    STOP_SIGNAL = object()

    def __init__(self, app, job_handler):
        self.app = app
        self.job_handler = job_handler  # the (singular) handler if we are passing jobs in memory

        self.sa_session = app.model.context
        self.job_lock = False
        # Keep track of the pid that started the job manager, only it
        # has valid threads
        self.parent_pid = os.getpid()
        # Contains new jobs. Note this is not used if track_jobs_in_database is True
        self.queue = Queue()
        # Helper for interruptable sleep
        self.sleeper = Sleeper()
        self.running = True
        self.monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__monitor)
        # Recover jobs at startup
        # Start the queue
        log.info("job manager queue started")

    def __check_jobs_at_startup(self):
        Checks all jobs that are in the 'new', 'queued' or 'running' state in
        the database and requeues or cleans up as necessary.  Only run as the
        job manager starts.
        for job in self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).enable_eagerloads( False ) \
                                  .filter( ( ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW ) \
                                             | ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.RUNNING ) \
                                             | ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED ) ) \
                                           & ( model.Job.handler == None ) ):
            if job.tool_id not in self.app.toolbox.tools_by_id:
                    "(%s) Tool '%s' removed from tool config, unable to recover job"
                    % (job.id, job.tool_id))
                JobWrapper(job, self).fail(
                    'This tool was disabled before the job completed.  Please contact your Galaxy administrator.'
                job.handler = self.__get_handler(
                    job)  # handler's recovery method will take it from here
                    "(%d) Job in '%s' state had no handler at job manager startup, assigned '%s' handler"
                    % (job.id, job.state, job.handler))
        if self.sa_session.dirty:

    def __monitor(self):
        Continually iterate the waiting jobs and dispatch to a handler
        # HACK: Delay until after forking, we need a way to do post fork notification!!!
        while self.running:
                log.exception("Exception in monitor_step")
            # Sleep

    def __monitor_step(self):
        Called repeatedly by `monitor` to process waiting jobs. Gets any new
        jobs (either from the database or from its own queue), then assigns a
        # Do nothing if the queue is locked
        if self.job_lock:
            log.info('Job queue is administratively locked, sleeping...')
        # Pull all new jobs from the queue at once
        jobs_to_check = []
        if self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            # Clear the session so we get fresh states for job and all datasets
            # Fetch all new jobs
            jobs_to_check = self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).enable_eagerloads( False ) \
                                .filter( ( model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW ) \
                                         & ( model.Job.handler == None ) ).all()
            # Get job objects and append to watch queue for any which were
            # previously waiting
                while 1:
                    message = self.queue.get_nowait()
                    if message is self.STOP_SIGNAL:
                    # Unpack the message
                    job_id, tool_id = message
                    # Get the job object and append to watch queue
            except Empty:

        for job in jobs_to_check:
            job.handler = self.__get_handler(job)
            log.debug("(%s) Job assigned to handler '%s'" %
                      (job.id, job.handler))

        # If tracking in the database, handlers will pick up the job now


        # This only does something in the case that there is only one handler and it is this Galaxy process
        for job in jobs_to_check:
            self.job_handler.job_queue.put(job.id, job.tool_id)

    def __get_handler(self, job):
            params = None
            if job.params:
                params = from_json_string(job.params)
            return self.app.toolbox.tools_by_id.get(
                job.tool_id, None).get_job_handler(params)
                "(%s) Caught exception attempting to get tool-specific job handler for tool '%s', selecting at random from available handlers instead:"
                % (job.id, job.tool_id))
            return random.choice(self.app.config.job_handlers)

    def put(self, job_id, tool):
        """Add a job to the queue (by job identifier)"""
        if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            self.queue.put((job_id, tool.id))

    def shutdown(self):
        """Attempts to gracefully shut down the worker thread"""
        if self.parent_pid != os.getpid():
            # We're not the real job queue, do nothing
            log.info("sending stop signal to worker thread")
            self.running = False
            if not self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database:
            log.info("job manager queue stopped")
Пример #7
class DistributedObjectStore(ObjectStore):
    ObjectStore that defers to a list of backends, for getting objects the
    first store where the object exists is used, objects are created in a
    store selected randomly, but with weighting.

    def __init__(self, config, fsmon=False):
        super(DistributedObjectStore, self).__init__()
        self.distributed_config = config.distributed_object_store_config_file
        assert self.distributed_config is not None, "distributed object store ('object_store = distributed') " \
                                                    "requires a config file, please set one in " \
        self.backends = {}
        self.weighted_backend_ids = []
        self.original_weighted_backend_ids = []
        self.max_percent_full = {}
        self.global_max_percent_full = 0.0



        self.sleeper = None
        if fsmon and ( self.global_max_percent_full or filter( lambda x: x != 0.0, self.max_percent_full.values() ) ):
            self.sleeper = Sleeper()
            self.filesystem_monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__filesystem_monitor)
            self.filesystem_monitor_thread.setDaemon( True )
            log.info("Filesystem space monitor started")

    def __parse_distributed_config(self, config):
        tree = util.parse_xml(self.distributed_config)
        root = tree.getroot()
        log.debug('Loading backends for distributed object store from %s' % self.distributed_config)
        self.global_max_percent_full = float(root.get('maxpctfull', 0))
        for elem in [ e for e in root if e.tag == 'backend' ]:
            id = elem.get('id')
            weight = int(elem.get('weight', 1))
            maxpctfull = float(elem.get('maxpctfull', 0))
            if elem.get('type', 'disk'):
                path = None
                extra_dirs = {}
                for sub in elem:
                    if sub.tag == 'files_dir':
                        path = sub.get('path')
                    elif sub.tag == 'extra_dir':
                        type = sub.get('type')
                        extra_dirs[type] = sub.get('path')
                self.backends[id] = DiskObjectStore(config, file_path=path, extra_dirs=extra_dirs)
                self.max_percent_full[id] = maxpctfull
                log.debug("Loaded disk backend '%s' with weight %s and file_path: %s" % (id, weight, path))
                if extra_dirs:
                    log.debug("    Extra directories:")
                    for type, dir in extra_dirs.items():
                        log.debug("        %s: %s" % (type, dir))
            for i in range(0, weight):
                # The simplest way to do weighting: add backend ids to a
                # sequence the number of times equalling weight, then randomly
                # choose a backend from that sequence at creation
        self.original_weighted_backend_ids = self.weighted_backend_ids

    def __filesystem_monitor(self):
        while self.running:
            new_weighted_backend_ids = self.original_weighted_backend_ids
            for id, backend in self.backends.items():
                maxpct = self.max_percent_full[id] or self.global_max_percent_full
                pct = backend.get_store_usage_percent()
                if pct > maxpct:
                    new_weighted_backend_ids = filter(lambda x: x != id, new_weighted_backend_ids)
            self.weighted_backend_ids = new_weighted_backend_ids
            self.sleeper.sleep(120) # Test free space every 2 minutes

    def shutdown(self):
        super(DistributedObjectStore, self).shutdown()
        if self.sleeper is not None:

    def exists(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('exists', obj, False, False, **kwargs)

    def file_ready(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('file_ready', obj, False, False, **kwargs)

    def create(self, obj, **kwargs):
        create() is the only method in which obj.object_store_id may be None
        if obj.object_store_id is None or not self.exists(obj, **kwargs):
            if obj.object_store_id is None or obj.object_store_id not in self.weighted_backend_ids:
                    obj.object_store_id = random.choice(self.weighted_backend_ids)
                except IndexError:
                    raise ObjectInvalid( 'objectstore.create, could not generate obj.object_store_id: %s, kwargs: %s'
                        %( str( obj ), str( kwargs ) ) )
                object_session( obj ).add( obj )
                object_session( obj ).flush()
                log.debug("Selected backend '%s' for creation of %s %s" % (obj.object_store_id, obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id))
                log.debug("Using preferred backend '%s' for creation of %s %s" % (obj.object_store_id, obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id))
            self.backends[obj.object_store_id].create(obj, **kwargs)

    def empty(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('empty', obj, True, False, **kwargs)

    def size(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('size', obj, 0, False, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('delete', obj, False, False, **kwargs)

    def get_data(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('get_data', obj, ObjectNotFound, True, **kwargs)

    def get_filename(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('get_filename', obj, ObjectNotFound, True, **kwargs)

    def update_from_file(self, obj, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('create', False):
            self.create(obj, **kwargs)
            kwargs['create'] = False
        return self.__call_method('update_from_file', obj, ObjectNotFound, True, **kwargs)

    def get_object_url(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.__call_method('get_object_url', obj, None, False, **kwargs)

    def __call_method(self, method, obj, default, default_is_exception, **kwargs):
        object_store_id = self.__get_store_id_for(obj, **kwargs)
        if object_store_id is not None:
            return self.backends[object_store_id].__getattribute__(method)(obj, **kwargs)
        if default_is_exception:
            raise default( 'objectstore, __call_method failed: %s on %s, kwargs: %s'
                %( method, str( obj ), str( kwargs ) ) )
            return default

    def __get_store_id_for(self, obj, **kwargs):
        if obj.object_store_id is not None and obj.object_store_id in self.backends:
            return obj.object_store_id
            # if this instance has been switched from a non-distributed to a
            # distributed object store, or if the object's store id is invalid,
            # try to locate the object
            log.warning('The backend object store ID (%s) for %s object with ID %s is invalid' % (obj.object_store_id, obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id))
            for id, store in self.backends.items():
                if store.exists(obj, **kwargs):
                    log.warning('%s object with ID %s found in backend object store with ID %s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.id, id))
                    obj.object_store_id = id
                    object_session( obj ).add( obj )
                    object_session( obj ).flush()
                    return id
        return None