Пример #1
def test_ne():
    """Test base.py GSObjects for not-equals."""
    # Define some universal gsps
    gsp = galsim.GSParams(maxk_threshold=1.1e-3, folding_threshold=5.1e-3)

    # Pixel.  Params include scale, flux, gsparams.
    # gsparams.
    # The following should all test unequal:
    gals = [galsim.Pixel(scale=1.0),
            galsim.Pixel(scale=1.0, flux=1.1),
            galsim.Pixel(scale=1.0, gsparams=gsp)]

    # Box.  Params include width, height, flux, gsparams.
    # gsparams.
    # The following should all test unequal:
    gals = [galsim.Box(width=1.0, height=1.0),
            galsim.Box(width=1.1, height=1.0),
            galsim.Box(width=1.0, height=1.1),
            galsim.Box(width=1.0, height=1.0, flux=1.1),
            galsim.Box(width=1.0, height=1.0, gsparams=gsp)]

    # TopHat.  Params include radius, flux, gsparams.
    # gsparams.
    # The following should all test unequal:
    gals = [galsim.TopHat(radius=1.0),
            galsim.TopHat(radius=1.0, flux=1.1),
            galsim.TopHat(radius=1.0, gsparams=gsp)]
Пример #2
def test_box_shoot():
    """Test Box with photon shooting.  Particularly the flux of the final image.
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(1234)
    obj = galsim.Box(width=1.3, height=2.4, flux=1.e4)
    im = galsim.Image(100,100, scale=1)
    added_flux, photons = obj.drawPhot(im, poisson_flux=False, rng=rng)
    print('obj.flux = ',obj.flux)
    print('added_flux = ',added_flux)
    print('photon fluxes = ',photons.flux.min(),'..',photons.flux.max())
    print('image flux = ',im.array.sum())
    assert np.isclose(added_flux, obj.flux)
    assert np.isclose(im.array.sum(), obj.flux)

    obj = galsim.Pixel(scale=9.3, flux=1.e4)
    added_flux, photons = obj.drawPhot(im, poisson_flux=False, rng=rng)
    print('obj.flux = ',obj.flux)
    print('added_flux = ',added_flux)
    print('photon fluxes = ',photons.flux.min(),'..',photons.flux.max())
    print('image flux = ',im.array.sum())
    assert np.isclose(added_flux, obj.flux)
    assert np.isclose(im.array.sum(), obj.flux)

    obj = galsim.TopHat(radius=4.7, flux=1.e4)
    added_flux, photons = obj.drawPhot(im, poisson_flux=False, rng=rng)
    print('obj.flux = ',obj.flux)
    print('added_flux = ',added_flux)
    print('photon fluxes = ',photons.flux.min(),'..',photons.flux.max())
    print('image flux = ',im.array.sum())
    assert np.isclose(added_flux, obj.flux)
    assert np.isclose(im.array.sum(), obj.flux)
Пример #3
def test_pixel():
    """Test various ways to build a Pixel
    config = {
        'gal1' : { 'type' : 'Pixel' , 'scale' : 2 },
        'gal2' : { 'type' : 'Pixel' , 'scale' : 1.7, 'flux' : 100 },
        'gal3' : { 'type' : 'Box' , 'width' : 2, 'height' : 2.1, 'flux' : 1.e6,
                   'ellip' : { 'type' : 'QBeta' , 'q' : 0.6, 'beta' : 0.39 * galsim.radians }
        'gal4' : { 'type' : 'Box' , 'width' : 1, 'height' : 1.2, 'flux' : 50,
                   'dilate' : 3, 'ellip' : galsim.Shear(e1=0.3),
                   'rotate' : 12 * galsim.degrees,
                   'magnify' : 1.03, 'shear' : galsim.Shear(g1=0.03, g2=-0.05),
                   'shift' : { 'type' : 'XY', 'x' : 0.7, 'y' : -1.2 }

    gal1a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'gal1')[0]
    gal1b = galsim.Pixel(scale = 2)
    gsobject_compare(gal1a, gal1b)

    gal2a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'gal2')[0]
    gal2b = galsim.Pixel(scale = 1.7, flux = 100)
    gsobject_compare(gal2a, gal2b)

    # The config stuff emits a warning about the rectangular pixel.
    # We suppress that here, since we're doing it on purpose.
    import warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        gal3a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'gal3')[0]
        gal3b = galsim.Box(width = 2, height = 2.1, flux = 1.e6)
        gal3b = gal3b.shear(q = 0.6, beta = 0.39 * galsim.radians)
        # Drawing sheared Pixel without convolution doesn't work, so we need to
        # do the extra convolution by a Gaussian here
        gsobject_compare(gal3a, gal3b, conv=galsim.Gaussian(0.1))

        gal4a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'gal4')[0]
        gal4b = galsim.Box(width = 1, height = 1.2, flux = 50)
        gal4b = gal4b.dilate(3).shear(e1 = 0.3).rotate(12 * galsim.degrees).magnify(1.03)
        gal4b = gal4b.shear(g1 = 0.03, g2 = -0.05).shift(dx = 0.7, dy = -1.2)
        gsobject_compare(gal4a, gal4b, conv=galsim.Gaussian(0.1))
Пример #4
def test_flip():
    """Test several ways to flip a profile
    # The Shapelet profile has the advantage of being fast and not circularly symmetric, so
    # it is a good test of the actual code for doing the flips (in SBTransform).
    # But since the bug Rachel reported in #645 was actually in SBInterpolatedImage
    # (one calculation implicitly assumed dx > 0), it seems worthwhile to run through all the
    # classes to make sure we hit everything with negative steps for dx and dy.
    prof_list = [
        galsim.Shapelet(sigma=0.17, order=2,
                        bvec=[1.7, 0.01,0.03, 0.29, 0.33, -0.18]),
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        image_dir = './real_comparison_images'
        catalog_file = 'test_catalog.fits'
        rgc = galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog(catalog_file, dir=image_dir)
        # Some of these are slow, so only do the Shapelet test as part of the normal unit tests.
        prof_list += [
            galsim.Airy(lam_over_diam=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Airy(lam_over_diam=0.17, obscuration=0.2, flux=1.7),
            # Box gets rendered with real-space convolution.  The default accuracy isn't quite
            # enough to get the flip to match at 6 decimal places.
            galsim.Box(0.17, 0.23, flux=1.7,
            # Without being convolved by anything with a reasonable k cutoff, this needs
            # a very large fft.
            galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=0.17, flux=1.7),
            # I don't really understand why this needs a lower maxk_threshold to work, but
            # without it, the k-space tests fail.
            galsim.Exponential(scale_radius=0.17, flux=1.7,
            galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Kolmogorov(fwhm=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Moffat(beta=2.5, fwhm=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Moffat(beta=2.5, fwhm=0.17, flux=1.7, trunc=0.82),
            galsim.OpticalPSF(lam_over_diam=0.17, obscuration=0.2, nstruts=6,
                              coma1=0.2, coma2=0.5, defocus=-0.1, flux=1.7),
            # Like with Box, we need to increase the real-space convolution accuracy.
            # This time lowering both relerr and abserr.
            galsim.Pixel(0.23, flux=1.7,
            # Note: RealGalaxy should not be rendered directly because of the deconvolution.
            # Here we convolve it by a Gaussian that is slightly larger than the original PSF.
            galsim.Convolve([ galsim.RealGalaxy(rgc, index=0, flux=1.7),  # "Real" RealGalaxy
                              galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.08) ]),
            galsim.Convolve([ galsim.RealGalaxy(rgc, index=1, flux=1.7),  # "Fake" RealGalaxy
                              galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.08) ]),             # (cf. test_real.py)
            galsim.Spergel(nu=-0.19, half_light_radius=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Spergel(nu=0., half_light_radius=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Spergel(nu=0.8, half_light_radius=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Sersic(n=2.3, half_light_radius=0.17, flux=1.7),
            galsim.Sersic(n=2.3, half_light_radius=0.17, flux=1.7, trunc=0.82),
            # The shifts here caught a bug in how SBTransform handled the recentering.
            # Two of the shifts (0.125 and 0.375) lead back to 0.0 happening on an integer
            # index, which now works correctly.
            galsim.Sum([ galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.17, flux=1.7).shift(-0.2,0.125),
                         galsim.Exponential(scale_radius=0.23, flux=3.1).shift(0.375,0.23)]),
            galsim.TopHat(0.23, flux=1.7),
            # Box and Pixel use real-space convolution.  Convolve with a Gaussian to get fft.
            galsim.Convolve([ galsim.Box(0.17, 0.23, flux=1.7).shift(-0.2,0.1),
                              galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.09) ]),
            galsim.Convolve([ galsim.TopHat(0.17, flux=1.7).shift(-0.275,0.125),
                              galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.09) ]),
            # Test something really crazy with several layers worth of transformations
                    galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.17, flux=1.7).shear(g1=0.1,g2=0.2).shift(2,3),
                    galsim.Kolmogorov(fwhm=0.33, flux=3.9).transform(0.31,0.19,-0.23,0.33) * 88.,
                    galsim.Box(0.11, 0.44, flux=4).rotate(33 * galsim.degrees) / 1.9
                (galsim.AutoCorrelate(galsim.Box(0.2, 0.3)) * 11).shift(3,2).shift(2,-3) * 0.31

    s = galsim.Shear(g1=0.11, g2=-0.21)
    s1 = galsim.Shear(g1=0.11, g2=0.21)  # Appropriate for the flips around x and y axes
    s2 = galsim.Shear(g1=-0.11, g2=-0.21)  # Appropriate for the flip around x=y

    # Also use shears with just a g1 to get dx != dy, but dxy, dyx = 0.
    q = galsim.Shear(g1=0.11, g2=0.)
    q1 = galsim.Shear(g1=0.11, g2=0.)  # Appropriate for the flips around x and y axes
    q2 = galsim.Shear(g1=-0.11, g2=0.)  # Appropriate for the flip around x=y

    decimal=6  # Oddly, these aren't as precise as I would have expected.
               # Even when we only go to this many digits of accuracy, the Exponential needed
               # a lower than default value for maxk_threshold.
    im = galsim.ImageD(16,16, scale=0.05)

    for prof in prof_list:
        print('prof = ',prof)

        # Not all profiles are expected to have a max_sb value close to the maximum pixel value,
        # so mark the ones where we don't want to require this to be true.
        close_maxsb = True
        name = str(prof)
        if ('DeVauc' in name or 'Sersic' in name or 'Spergel' in name or
            'Optical' in name or 'shift' in name):
            close_maxsb = False

        # Make sure we hit all 4 fill functions.
        # image_x uses fillXValue with izero, jzero
        # image_x1 uses fillXValue with izero, jzero, and unequal dx,dy
        # image_x2 uses fillXValue with dxy, dyx
        # image_k uses fillKValue with izero, jzero
        # image_k1 uses fillKValue with izero, jzero, and unequal dx,dy
        # image_k2 uses fillKValue with dxy, dyx
        image_x = prof.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
        image_x1 = prof.shear(q).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
        image_x2 = prof.shear(s).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
        image_k = prof.drawImage(image=im.copy())
        image_k1 = prof.shear(q).drawImage(image=im.copy())
        image_k2 = prof.shear(s).drawImage(image=im.copy())

        if close_maxsb:
                    image_x.array.max(), prof.max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image_x1.array.max(), prof.shear(q).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image_x2.array.max(), prof.shear(s).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")

        # Flip around y axis (i.e. x -> -x)
        flip1 = prof.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1)
        image2_x = flip1.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x.array, image2_x.array[:,::-1], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around y-axis failed x test")
        image2_x1 = flip1.shear(q1).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x1.array, image2_x1.array[:,::-1], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around y-axis failed x1 test")
        image2_x2 = flip1.shear(s1).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x2.array, image2_x2.array[:,::-1], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around y-axis failed x2 test")
        image2_k = flip1.drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k.array, image2_k.array[:,::-1], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around y-axis failed k test")
        image2_k1 = flip1.shear(q1).drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k1.array, image2_k1.array[:,::-1], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around y-axis failed k1 test")
        image2_k2 = flip1.shear(s1).drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k2.array, image2_k2.array[:,::-1], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around y-axis failed k2 test")

        if close_maxsb:
                    image2_x.array.max(), flip1.max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image2_x1.array.max(), flip1.shear(q).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image2_x2.array.max(), flip1.shear(s).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")

        # Flip around x axis (i.e. y -> -y)
        flip2 = prof.transform(1, 0, 0, -1)
        image2_x = flip2.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x.array, image2_x.array[::-1,:], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x-axis failed x test")
        image2_x1 = flip2.shear(q1).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x1.array, image2_x1.array[::-1,:], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x-axis failed x1 test")
        image2_x2 = flip2.shear(s1).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x2.array, image2_x2.array[::-1,:], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x-axis failed x2 test")
        image2_k = flip2.drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k.array, image2_k.array[::-1,:], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x-axis failed k test")
        image2_k1 = flip2.shear(q1).drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k1.array, image2_k1.array[::-1,:], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x-axis failed k1 test")
        image2_k2 = flip2.shear(s1).drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k2.array, image2_k2.array[::-1,:], decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x-axis failed k2 test")

        if close_maxsb:
                    image2_x.array.max(), flip2.max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image2_x1.array.max(), flip2.shear(q).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image2_x2.array.max(), flip2.shear(s).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")

        # Flip around x=y (i.e. y -> x, x -> y)
        flip3 = prof.transform(0, 1, 1, 0)
        image2_x = flip3.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x.array, np.transpose(image2_x.array), decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x=y failed x test")
        image2_x1 = flip3.shear(q2).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x1.array, np.transpose(image2_x1.array), decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x=y failed x1 test")
        image2_x2 = flip3.shear(s2).drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel')
            image_x2.array, np.transpose(image2_x2.array), decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x=y failed x2 test")
        image2_k = flip3.drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k.array, np.transpose(image2_k.array), decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x=y failed k test")
        image2_k1 = flip3.shear(q2).drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k1.array, np.transpose(image2_k1.array), decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x=y failed k1 test")
        image2_k2 = flip3.shear(s2).drawImage(image=im.copy())
            image_k2.array, np.transpose(image2_k2.array), decimal=decimal,
            err_msg="Flipping image around x=y failed k2 test")

        if close_maxsb:
                    image2_x.array.max(), flip3.max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image2_x1.array.max(), flip3.shear(q).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")
                    image2_x2.array.max(), flip3.shear(s).max_sb*im.scale**2, rtol=0.2,
                    err_msg="max_sb did not match maximum pixel value")

        do_pickle(prof, lambda x: x.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel'))
        do_pickle(flip1, lambda x: x.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel'))
        do_pickle(flip2, lambda x: x.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel'))
        do_pickle(flip3, lambda x: x.drawImage(image=im.copy(), method='no_pixel'))
Пример #5
def test_box():
    """Test the generation of a specific box profile against a known result.
    savedImg = galsim.fits.read(os.path.join(imgdir, "box_1.fits"))
    myImg = galsim.ImageF(savedImg.bounds, scale=0.2)
    test_flux = 1.8

    pixel = galsim.Pixel(scale=1, flux=1)
    pixel.drawImage(myImg, method="sb", use_true_center=False)
            myImg.array, savedImg.array, 5,
            err_msg="Using GSObject Pixel disagrees with expected result")
            pixel.scale, 1,
            err_msg="Pixel scale returned wrong value")

    # Check with default_params
    pixel = galsim.Pixel(scale=1, flux=1, gsparams=default_params)
    pixel.drawImage(myImg, method="sb", use_true_center=False)
            myImg.array, savedImg.array, 5,
            err_msg="Using GSObject Pixel with default_params disagrees with expected result")
    pixel = galsim.Pixel(scale=1, flux=1, gsparams=galsim.GSParams())
    pixel.drawImage(myImg, method="sb", use_true_center=False)
            myImg.array, savedImg.array, 5,
            err_msg="Using GSObject Pixel with GSParams() disagrees with expected result")

    # Use non-unity values.
    pixel = galsim.Pixel(flux=1.7, scale=2.3)

    # Test photon shooting.

    # Check picklability
    do_pickle(pixel, lambda x: x.drawImage(method='no_pixel'))

    # Check that non-square Box profiles work correctly
    scale = 0.2939  # Use a strange scale here to make sure that the centers of the pixels
                    # never fall on the box edge, otherwise it gets a bit weird to know what
                    # the correct SB value is for that pixel.
    im = galsim.ImageF(16,16, scale=scale)
    gsp = galsim.GSParams(maximum_fft_size = 30000)
    for (width,height) in [ (3,2), (1.7, 2.7), (2.2222, 3.1415) ]:
        box = galsim.Box(width=width, height=height, flux=test_flux, gsparams=gsp)
        check_basic(box, "Box with width,height = %f,%f"%(width,height))
        do_shoot(box,im,"Box with width,height = %f,%f"%(width,height))
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            # These are slow because they require a pretty huge fft.
            # So only do them if running as main.
            do_kvalue(box,im,"Box with width,height = %f,%f"%(width,height))
        cen = galsim.PositionD(0, 0)
        np.testing.assert_equal(box.centroid, cen)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.kValue(cen), (1+0j) * test_flux)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.flux, test_flux)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.xValue(cen), box.max_sb)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.xValue(width/2.-0.001, height/2.-0.001), box.max_sb)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.xValue(width/2.-0.001, height/2.+0.001), 0.)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.xValue(width/2.+0.001, height/2.-0.001), 0.)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.xValue(width/2.+0.001, height/2.+0.001), 0.)
                box.width, width,
                err_msg="Box width returned wrong value")
                box.height, height,
                err_msg="Box height returned wrong value")

    # Check picklability
    do_pickle(box, lambda x: x.drawImage(method='no_pixel'))

    # Check sheared boxes the same way
    box = galsim.Box(width=3, height=2, flux=test_flux, gsparams=gsp)
    box = box.shear(galsim.Shear(g1=0.2, g2=-0.3))
    check_basic(box, "Sheared Box", approx_maxsb=True)
    do_shoot(box,im, "Sheared Box")
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        do_kvalue(box,im, "Sheared Box")
        do_pickle(box, lambda x: x.drawImage(method='no_pixel'))
    cen = galsim.PositionD(0, 0)
    np.testing.assert_equal(box.centroid, cen)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.kValue(cen), (1+0j) * test_flux)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.flux, test_flux)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(box.xValue(cen), box.max_sb)

    # This is also a profile that may be convolved using real space convolution, so test that.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        conv = galsim.Convolve(box, galsim.Pixel(scale=scale), real_space=True)
        check_basic(conv, "Sheared Box convolved with pixel in real space",
                    approx_maxsb=True, scale=0.2)
        do_kvalue(conv,im, "Sheared Box convolved with pixel in real space")
        do_pickle(conv, lambda x: x.xValue(0.123,-0.456))