Пример #1
    def _get_band_objects(self):
        """Get a list of effective PSF-convolved galsim images w/ their
        offsets in the image.

        all_band_objs : list of lists
            A list of lists of objects in each band.
        positions : list of galsim.PositionD
            A list of galsim positions for each object.
        all_band_obj = []
        positions = []

        nobj = self._get_nobj()

        if self.gal_grid is not None:
            self._gal_grid_ind = 0

        gal_kws = self.gal_kws or {}
        if 'min_dist' in gal_kws:
            LOGGER.debug('using min dist: %f', gal_kws['min_dist'])
            others = []

        for i in range(nobj):
            # unsheared offset from center of image
            if 'min_dist' in gal_kws:
                if i == 0:
                    dx, dy = self._get_dxdy()
                    dx, dy = self._get_dxdy(others=np.array(others),
                others.append([dx, dy])
                dx, dy = self._get_dxdy()

            # get the galaxy
            if self.gal_type == 'exp':
                gals = self._get_gal_exp()
            elif self.gal_type == 'ground_galsim_parametric':
                gals = self._get_gal_ground_galsim_parametric()
            elif self.gal_type == 'wldeblend':
                gals = self._get_gal_wldeblend()
                raise ValueError('gal_type "%s" not valid!' % self.gal_type)

            # compute the final image position
            if self.shear_scene:
                sdx, sdy = np.dot(self.shear_mat, np.array([dx, dy]))
                sdx = dx
                sdy = dy

            pos = galsim.PositionD(x=sdx / self.scale + self.im_cen,
                                   y=sdy / self.scale + self.im_cen)

            # get the PSF info
            _, _psf_wcs, _, _psfs, _ = self._render_psf_image(x=pos.x, y=pos.y)

            # shear, shift, and then convolve the galaxy
            _obj = []
            for gal, _psf in zip(gals, _psfs):
                gal = gal.shear(g1=self.g1, g2=self.g2)
                gal = galsim.Convolve(gal, _psf)


        return all_band_obj, positions
Пример #2
    def setupImage(self, input_obj, config, base, logger=None):
        """Set up the PowerSpectrum input object's gridded values based on the
        size of the image and the grid spacing.

        @param input_obj    The PowerSpectrum object to use
        @param config       The configuration dict for 'power_spectrum'
        @param base         The base configuration dict.
        @param logger       If given, a logger object to log progress.
        logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
        # Attach the logger to the input_obj so we can use it when evaluating values.
        input_obj.logger = logger

        if 'grid_spacing' in config:
            grid_spacing = galsim.config.ParseValue(config, 'grid_spacing',
                                                    base, float)[0]
        elif 'grid_xsize' in base and 'grid_ysize' in base:
            # Then we have a tiled image.  Can use the tile spacing as the grid spacing.
            grid_size = min(base['grid_xsize'], base['grid_ysize'])
            # This size is in pixels, so we need to convert to arcsec using the pixel scale.
            # Note: we use the (max) pixel scale at the image center.  This isn't
            # necessarily optimal, but it seems like the best choice for a non-trivial WCS.
            scale = base['wcs'].maxLinearScale(base['image_center'])
            grid_spacing = grid_size * scale
            raise galsim.GalSimConfigError(
                "power_spectrum.grid_spacing required for non-tiled images")

        if 'ngrid' in config:
            ngrid = galsim.config.ParseValue(config, 'ngrid', base, float)[0]
        elif 'grid_xsize' in base and base['grid_xsize'] == base['grid_ysize']:
            # PowerSpectrum can only do a square FFT, so make it the larger of the two n's.
            nx_grid = int(math.ceil(base['image_xsize'] / base['grid_xsize']))
            ny_grid = int(math.ceil(base['image_ysize'] / base['grid_ysize']))
            ngrid = max(nx_grid, ny_grid) + 1
            # Normally that's good, but if tiles aren't square, need to drop through to the
            # second option.
            image_size = max(base['image_xsize'], base['image_ysize'])
            scale = base['wcs'].maxLinearScale(base['image_center'])
            ngrid = int(math.ceil(image_size * scale / grid_spacing)) + 1

        if 'interpolant' in config:
            interpolant = galsim.config.ParseValue(config, 'interpolant', base,
            interpolant = None

        if 'variance' in config:
            variance = galsim.config.ParseValue(config, 'variance', base,
            variance = None

        if 'center' in config:
            center = galsim.config.stamp.ParseWorldPos(config, 'center', base,
        elif base['wcs'].isCelestial():
            center = galsim.PositionD(0, 0)
            center = base['wcs'].toWorld(base['image_center'])

        if 'index' in config:
            index = galsim.config.ParseValue(config, 'index', base, int)[0]
            current_index = config.get('current_setup_index', None)
            if index == current_index:
                logger.info('image %d: power spectrum grid is already current',
                            base.get('image_num', 0))
            config['current_setup_index'] = index

        rng = galsim.config.GetRNG(config, base, logger, 'PowerSpectrum')

        # We don't care about the output here.  This just builds the grid, which we'll
        # access for each object using its position.
            'image %d: PowerSpectrum buildGrid(grid_spacing=%s, ngrid=%s, center=%s, '
            'interpolant=%s, variance=%s)', base.get('image_num', 0),
            grid_spacing, ngrid, center, interpolant, variance)

        # Make sure this process gives consistent results regardless of the number of processes
        # being used.
        if not isinstance(input_obj, galsim.PowerSpectrum) and rng is not None:
            # Then input_obj is really a proxy, which means the rng was pickled, so we need to
            # discard the same number of random calls from the one in the config dict.
Пример #3
 def as_galsim_position(self):
     return galsim.PositionD(
Пример #4
def test_psf():
    """Test the two kinds of PSF files we have in DES.
    data_dir = 'des_data'
    psfex_file = "DECam_00154912_12_psfcat.psf"
    fitpsf_file = "DECam_00154912_12_fitpsf.fits"
    wcs_file = "DECam_00154912_12_header.fits"

    wcs = galsim.FitsWCS(wcs_file, dir=data_dir)

    # We don't require that the files in example_data_dir have been downloaded.  If they
    # haven't, then we just directly set the comparison values that we want here.
    example_data_dir = '../examples/des/des_data'
    cat_file = "DECam_00154912_12_cat.fits"
    image_file = "DECam_00154912_12.fits.fz"

        cat = galsim.Catalog(cat_file, hdu=2, dir=example_data_dir)
        size = numpy.array(
            [cat.getFloat(i, 'FLUX_RADIUS') for i in range(cat.nobjects)])
        mag = numpy.array(
            [cat.getFloat(i, 'MAG_AUTO') for i in range(cat.nobjects)])
        flags = numpy.array(
            [cat.getInt(i, 'FLAGS') for i in range(cat.nobjects)])
        index = numpy.array(range(cat.nobjects))
        xvals = numpy.array(
            [cat.getFloat(i, 'X_IMAGE') for i in range(cat.nobjects)])
        yvals = numpy.array(
            [cat.getFloat(i, 'Y_IMAGE') for i in range(cat.nobjects)])

        # Pick bright small objects as probable stars
        mask = (flags
                == 0) & (mag < 14) & (mag > 13) & (size > 2) & (size < 2.5)
        idx = numpy.argsort(size[mask])

        # This choice of a star is fairly isolated from neighbors, isn't too near an edge or a tape
        # bump, and doesn't have any noticeable image artifacts in its vicinity.
        x = xvals[mask][idx][27]
        y = yvals[mask][idx][27]
        print('Using x,y = ', x, y)
        image_pos = galsim.PositionD(x, y)
        print('size, mag = ', size[mask][idx][27], mag[mask][idx][27])

        data = galsim.fits.read(image_file, dir=example_data_dir)
        b = galsim.BoundsI(int(x) - 15, int(x) + 16, int(y) - 15, int(y) + 16)
        data_stamp = data[b]

        header = galsim.fits.FitsHeader(image_file, dir=example_data_dir)
        sky_level = header['SKYBRITE']
        data_stamp -= sky_level

        raw_meas = data_stamp.FindAdaptiveMom()
        print('raw_meas = ', raw_meas)
        ref_size = raw_meas.moments_sigma
        ref_shape = raw_meas.observed_shape
        print('ref size: ', ref_size)
        print('ref shape: ', ref_shape)

    except IOError:
        x, y = 1195.64074707, 1276.63427734
        image_pos = galsim.PositionD(x, y)
        b = galsim.BoundsI(int(x) - 15, int(x) + 16, int(y) - 15, int(y) + 16)
        ref_size = 1.80668628216
        ref_shape = galsim.Shear(g1=0.022104322221, g2=-0.130925191715)

    # First the PSFEx model using the wcs_file to get the model is sky coordinates.
    psfex = galsim.des.DES_PSFEx(psfex_file, wcs_file, dir=data_dir)
    psf = psfex.getPSF(image_pos)

    # The getLocalWCS function should return a local WCS
    assert psfex.getLocalWCS(image_pos).isLocal()

    # Draw the postage stamp image
    # Note: the PSF already includes the pixel response, so draw with method 'no_pixel'.
    stamp = psf.drawImage(wcs=wcs.local(image_pos),
    print('wcs = ', wcs.local(image_pos))
    meas = stamp.FindAdaptiveMom()
    print('meas = ', meas)
    print('pixel scale = ', stamp.wcs.minLinearScale(image_pos=image_pos))
    print('cf sizes: ', ref_size, meas.moments_sigma)
    print('cf shapes: ', ref_shape, meas.observed_shape)
    # The agreement for a single star is not great of course, not even 2 decimals.
    # Divide by 2 to get agreement at 2 dp.
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(meas.moments_sigma / 2,
                                      ref_size / 2,
                                      err_msg="PSFEx size doesn't match")
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(meas.observed_shape.g1 / 2,
                                      ref_shape.g1 / 2,
                                      err_msg="PSFEx shape.g1 doesn't match")
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(meas.observed_shape.g2 / 2,
                                      ref_shape.g2 / 2,
                                      err_msg="PSFEx shape.g2 doesn't match")

    # Repeat without the wcs_file argument, so the model is in chip coordinates.
    # Also check the functionality where the file is already open.
    with pyfits.open(os.path.join(data_dir, psfex_file)) as hdu_list:
        psfex = galsim.des.DES_PSFEx(hdu_list[1])
    psf = psfex.getPSF(image_pos)

    # In this case, the getLocalWCS function won't return anything useful.
    assert psfex.getLocalWCS(image_pos) is None

    # Draw the postage stamp image.  This time in image coords, so pixel_scale = 1.0.
    stamp = psf.drawImage(bounds=b, scale=1.0, method='no_pixel')
    meas = stamp.FindAdaptiveMom()
        meas.moments_sigma / 2,
        ref_size / 2,
        err_msg="no-wcs PSFEx size doesn't match")
        meas.observed_shape.g1 / 2,
        ref_shape.g1 / 2,
        err_msg="no-wcs PSFEx shape.g1 doesn't match")
        meas.observed_shape.g2 / 2,
        ref_shape.g2 / 2,
        err_msg="no-wcs PSFEx shape.g2 doesn't match")

    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        # file_name must be a string.
        galsim.des.DES_PSFEx(psf, wcs=wcs_file, dir=data_dir)
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimError):
        # Cannot provide both image_file_name and wcs
    with assert_raises((IOError, OSError)):
        # This one doesn't exist.
        galsim.des.DES_PSFEx('nonexistant.psf', wcs=wcs_file, dir=data_dir)
    with assert_raises(OSError):
        # This one exists, but has invalid header parameters.
        galsim.des.DES_PSFEx('invalid_psfcat.psf', wcs=wcs_file, dir=data_dir)

    # Now the shapelet PSF model.  This model is already in sky coordinates, so no wcs_file needed.
    fitpsf = galsim.des.DES_Shapelet(os.path.join(data_dir, fitpsf_file))
    psf = fitpsf.getPSF(image_pos)

    # Draw the postage stamp image
    # Again, the PSF already includes the pixel response.
    stamp = psf.drawImage(wcs=wcs.local(image_pos),
    meas = stamp.FindAdaptiveMom()
        meas.moments_sigma / 2,
        ref_size / 2,
        err_msg="Shapelet PSF size doesn't match")
        meas.observed_shape.g1 / 2,
        ref_shape.g1 / 2,
        err_msg="Shapelet PSF shape.g1 doesn't match")
        meas.observed_shape.g2 / 2,
        ref_shape.g2 / 2,
        err_msg="Shapelet PSF shape.g2 doesn't match")

    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimBoundsError):
        fitpsf.getPSF(image_pos=galsim.PositionD(4000, 5000))
Пример #5
def main():

    # Using very low accuracy GSParams here for speed
    gsparams = galsim.GSParams(

    # Note - we actually use an interpolated image instead; just putting this in
    # so you can run the code without needing that file
    psf_prof = galsim.OpticalPSF(
        lam=725,  # nm
        diam=1.2,  # m

    pixel_scale = 0.02
    convolved_image = galsim.Image(256, 256, scale=pixel_scale)
    convolved_image.setCenter(0, 0)

    # Do this once here to get the right kimage size/shape and wrap size.
    gal_prof = galsim.Sersic(n=4, half_light_radius=0.3, gsparams=gsparams)
    convolved_prof = galsim.Convolve(gal_prof, psf_prof, gsparams=gsparams)

    psf_kimage, wrap_size = convolved_prof.drawFFT_makeKImage(convolved_image)

    # Draw the PSF onto the kimage.

    # Use the same size/shape for the galaxy part.
    gal_kimage = psf_kimage.copy()
    convolved_image2 = convolved_image.copy()

    for _i in range(1000):

        gal_prof = galsim.Sersic(n=4, half_light_radius=0.3, gsparams=gsparams)

        # Account for the fact that this is an even sized image.  The drawFFT function will
        # draw the profile centered on the nominal (integer) center pixel, which (since this is
        # an even-sized image) actuall +0.5,+0.5 from the true center.
        gal_prof_cen = gal_prof._shift(
            galsim.PositionD(-0.5 * pixel_scale, -0.5 * pixel_scale))

        # Draw just the galaxy profile in k-space

        # Multiply by the (constant) PSF kimage
        gal_kimage.array[:, :] *= psf_kimage.array

        # Finish the draw process

        if False:
            # Check that we get the same thing as the normal draw procedure
            convolved_prof = galsim.Convolve(gal_prof,
            # Using no pixel method here since we plan to use a PSF profile
            # which already includes the pixel response
            convolved_prof.drawImage(convolved_image2, method='no_pixel')
            max_diff = np.max(
                np.abs(convolved_image.array - convolved_image2.array))
            print('max diff = ', max_diff)
            assert (max_diff < 1.e-8)
Пример #6
def test_wfirst_psfs():
    """Test the WFIRST PSF routines for reasonable behavior.
    # The WFIRST PSF routines can take a long time under some circumstances.  For example, storing
    # images for interpolation can be expensive, particularly when using the full pupil plane
    # functionality.  To speed up our calculations, we will limit the unit tests to certain
    # situations:
    # - fully chromatic PSFs without interpolation and without loading the pupil plane image.  But
    #   then we just want to play with the objects in a fast way (e.g., evaluating at one
    #   wavelength, not integrating over a bandpass).
    # - fully chromatic PSFs with interpolation, but only interpolating between two wavelengths.
    # - achromatic PSFs without loading the pupil plane image.

    # Providing a wavelength returns achromatic PSFs
    psf_5 = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=5, bandpass='******', wavelength=1950.)
    assert isinstance(psf_5, galsim.GSObject)
    # Make sure we do the case where we add aberrations
    psf_5_ab = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=5, bandpass='******', wavelength=1950.,
    # Check that we get the same answer if we specify the center of the focal plane.
    psf_5_tmp = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=5, bandpass='******', wavelength=1950.,
    assert psf_5==psf_5_tmp

    # Check that if we specify a particular wavelength, the PSF that is drawn is the same as if we
    # had gotten chromatic PSFs and then used evaluateAtWavelength.  Note that this nominally seems
    # like a test of the chromatic functionality, but there are ways that getPSF() could mess up
    # inputs such that there is a disagreement.  That's why this unit test belongs here.
    use_sca = 5
    all_bp = galsim.wfirst.getBandpasses()
    zbp = all_bp['Z087']
    use_lam = zbp.effective_wavelength
    psf_chrom = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, None, approximate_struts=True)
    psf_achrom = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, None, approximate_struts=True,
    psf_achrom2 = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, 'Z087', approximate_struts=True,
    # First, we can draw the achromatic PSF.
    im_achrom = psf_achrom.drawImage(scale=galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale)
    im_achrom2 = im_achrom.copy()
    im_achrom2 = psf_achrom2.drawImage(image=im_achrom2, scale=galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale)
    im_chrom = im_achrom.copy()
    obj_chrom = psf_chrom.evaluateAtWavelength(use_lam)
    im_chrom = obj_chrom.drawImage(image=im_chrom, scale=galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale)
    # Normalization should probably not be right.
    im_chrom *= im_achrom.array.sum()/im_chrom.array.sum()
    # But otherwise these images should agree *extremely* well.
        im_chrom.array, im_achrom.array, decimal=8,
        err_msg='PSF at a given wavelength and chromatic one evaluated at that wavelength disagree.')
        im_achrom.array, im_achrom2.array, decimal=8,
        err_msg='Two PSFs at a given wavelength specified in different ways disagree.')

    # Make a very limited check that interpolation works: just 2 wavelengths, 1 SCA.
    # use the blue and red limits for Z087:
    blue_limit = all_bp['Z087'].blue_limit
    red_limit = all_bp['Z087'].red_limit
    n_waves = 3
    psf_int = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******',
                                   approximate_struts=True, n_waves=n_waves)
    # Check that evaluation at a single wavelength is consistent with previous results.
    im_int = im_achrom.copy()
    obj_int = psf_int.evaluateAtWavelength(use_lam)
    im_int = obj_int.drawImage(image=im_int, scale=galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale)
    # These images should agree well, but not perfectly.  One of them comes from drawing an image
    # from an object directly, whereas the other comes from drawing an image of that object, making
    # it into an InterpolatedImage, then re-drawing it.  Different accuracies are used for those
    # intermediate steps than would be used when drawing directly, so that can give rise to some
    # disagreement.  Check for agreement at the level of 2e-3 (requiring 1e-3 gives rise to failure
    # in 2 pixels!).
    diff_im = 0.5*(im_int.array-im_achrom.array)
        diff_im, np.zeros_like(diff_im), decimal=3,
        err_msg='PSF at a given wavelength and interpolated chromatic one evaluated at that '
        'wavelength disagree.')

    # Check some invalid inputs.
    # Note, this is a total cheat for getting test coverage of the high_accuracy branches
    # in getPSF.  The actual test of this functionality comes below, but it is only run for
    # __name__==__main__ runs (i.e. run_all_tests).
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******', n_waves=2,
                             approximate_struts=True, high_accuracy=True,
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass=None, n_waves=2,
                             approximate_struts=True, high_accuracy=True,
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******',
                             approximate_struts=False, high_accuracy=True,
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******', n_waves=2,
                             approximate_struts=True, high_accuracy=False,
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******', n_waves=2,
                             approximate_struts=False, high_accuracy=False,
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******', n_waves=2,
                             approximate_struts=False, high_accuracy=False,
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass='******', n_waves=2,
                             approximate_struts=False, high_accuracy=True,
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.wfirst.getPSF(SCA=use_sca, bandpass=3, approximate_struts=True)

    # Make sure we can instantiate a PSF with bandpass='******'/'long' and get an equivalent object
    # when we're not using interpolation.
    use_sca = 3
    bp_type = 'long'
    bp = galsim.wfirst.longwave_bands[0]
    psf1 = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, bp)
    psf2 = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, 'long')
    assert psf1==psf2

    # Test the construction of PSFs with high_accuracy and/or not approximate_struts
    # But only if we're running from the command line.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        for kwargs in [
            { 'approximate_struts':True, 'high_accuracy':False },  # This is a repeat of the above
            { 'approximate_struts':True, 'high_accuracy':True },   # These three are all new.
            { 'approximate_struts':False, 'high_accuracy':False },
            # This last test works, but it takes ~10 min to run.  So even in the slow tests,
            # this is a bit too extreme.
            #{ 'approximate_struts':False, 'high_accuracy':True, }

            psf = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, 'Y106', **kwargs)
            psf_achrom = galsim.wfirst.getPSF(use_sca, 'Y106', wavelength=use_lam, **kwargs)
            psf_chrom = psf.evaluateAtWavelength(use_lam)
            im_achrom = psf_achrom.drawImage(scale=galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale)
            im_chrom = psf_chrom.drawImage(image=im_achrom.copy())
            print("chrom, achrom fluxes = ", im_chrom.array.sum(), im_achrom.array.sum())
            im_chrom *= im_achrom.array.sum()/im_chrom.array.sum()
            print("max diff = ",np.max(np.abs(im_chrom.array - im_achrom.array)))
                im_chrom.array, im_achrom.array, decimal=8,
                err_msg='getPSF with %s has discrepency for chrom/achrom'%kwargs)

    # Check for exceptions if we:
    # (1) Include optional aberrations in an unacceptable form.
    # (2) Invalid SCA numbers.
    # (3) Invalid kwarg combination.
    assert_raises(ValueError, galsim.wfirst.getPSF, 3, None, extra_aberrations=[0.03, -0.06])
    assert_raises(ValueError, galsim.wfirst.getPSF, 30, None)
    assert_raises(ValueError, galsim.wfirst.getPSF, 0, None)
    assert_raises(ValueError, galsim.wfirst.getPSF, 3, 'short', n_waves=10)
Пример #7
def test_meds_config():
    Create a meds file from a config and compare with a manual creation.
    # Some parameters:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        nobj = 5
        n_per_obj = 8
        nobj = 2
        n_per_obj = 3
    file_name = 'output/test_meds.fits'
    stamp_size = 64
    pixel_scale = 0.26
    seed = 5757231
    g1 = -0.17
    g2 = 0.23

    # generate offsets that depend on the object num so can be easily reproduced
    # for testing below
    offset_x = '$ np.sin(999.*(@obj_num+1))'
    offset_y = '$ np.sin(998.*(@obj_num+1))'

    def get_offset(obj_num):
        return galsim.PositionD(np.sin(999. * (obj_num + 1)),
                                np.sin(998. * (obj_num + 1)))

    # The config dict to write some images to a MEDS file
    config = {
        'gal': {
            'type': 'Sersic',
            'n': 1.3,
            'half_light_radius': {
                'type': 'Sequence',
                'first': 0.7,
                'step': 0.1,
                'repeat': n_per_obj
            'shear': {
                'type': 'G1G2',
                'g1': g1,
                'g2': g2
        'psf': {
            'type': 'Moffat',
            'beta': 2.9,
            'fwhm': 0.7
        'image': {
            'pixel_scale': pixel_scale,
            'size': stamp_size,
            'random_seed': seed
        'output': {
            'type': 'MEDS',
            'nobjects': nobj,
            'nstamps_per_object': n_per_obj,
            'file_name': file_name

    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger('test_meds_config')
    galsim.config.BuildFile(galsim.config.CopyConfig(config), logger=logger)

    # Add in badpix and offset so we run both with and without options.
    config = galsim.config.CleanConfig(config)
    config['image']['offset'] = {'type': 'XY', 'x': offset_x, 'y': offset_y}
    config['output']['badpix'] = {}
    # These three are just added for coverage really.
    config['output']['weight'] = {}
    config['output']['psf'] = {}
    config['output']['meds_get_offset'] = {}
    galsim.config.BuildFile(galsim.config.CopyConfig(config), logger=logger)

    # Scattered image is invalid with MEDS output
    config = galsim.config.CleanConfig(config)
    config['image'] = {
        'type': 'Scattered',
        'nobjects': 20,
        'pixel_scale': pixel_scale,
        'size': stamp_size,
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimConfigError):

    # Now repeat, making a separate file for each
    config = galsim.config.CleanConfig(config)
    config['gal']['half_light_radius'] = {
        'type': 'Sequence',
        'first': 0.7,
        'step': 0.1,
        'index_key': 'file_num'
    config['output'] = {
        'type': 'Fits',
        'nfiles': nobj,
        'weight': {
            'hdu': 1
        'badpix': {
            'hdu': 2
        'psf': {
            'hdu': 3
        'dir': 'output',
        'file_name': {
            'type': 'NumberedFile',
            'root': 'test_meds'
    config['image'] = {
        'type': 'Tiled',
        'nx_tiles': 1,
        'ny_tiles': n_per_obj,
        'pixel_scale': pixel_scale,
        'offset': {
            'type': 'XY',
            'x': offset_x,
            'y': offset_y
        'stamp_size': stamp_size,
        'random_seed': seed
    galsim.config.Process(galsim.config.CopyConfig(config), logger=logger)

        import meds
        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
            'Failed to import either meds or fitsio.  Unable to do tests of meds file.'

        m = meds.MEDS(file_name)
    except AttributeError:
            'Seems to be the wrong meds package.  Unable to do tests of meds file.'

    assert m.size == nobj

    # Test that the images made as meds mosaics match the ones written to the separate fits files.
    cat = m.get_cat()
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        ref_file = os.path.join('output', 'test_meds%d.fits' % iobj)
        ref_im = galsim.fits.read(ref_file)

        meds_im_array = m.get_mosaic(iobj)

        # Just for reference.  If you get an error, you can open this file with ds9.
        alt_meds_file = os.path.join('output', 'test_alt_meds%d.fits' % iobj)
        alt_meds_im = galsim.Image(meds_im_array)

            err_msg="config MEDS has wrong im for object %d" % iobj)

        meds_wt_array = m.get_mosaic(iobj, type='weight')
        ref_wt_im = galsim.fits.read(ref_file, hdu=1)
            err_msg="config MEDS has wrong wt for object %d" % iobj)

        meds_seg_array = m.get_mosaic(iobj, type='seg')
        ref_seg_im = galsim.fits.read(ref_file, hdu=2)
        ref_seg_im = 1 - ref_seg_im  # The seg mag is 1 where badpix == 0
            err_msg="config MEDS has wrong seg for object %d" % iobj)

        meds_psf_array = numpy.concatenate(
            [m.get_psf(iobj, icut) for icut in range(n_per_obj)], axis=0)
        ref_psf_im = galsim.fits.read(ref_file, hdu=3)
            err_msg="config MEDS has wrong psf for object %d" % iobj)

    # Check that the various positions and sizes are set correctly.
    info = m.get_image_info()
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        n_cut = cat['ncutout'][iobj]
        for icut in range(n_cut):

            # This should be stamp_size
            box_size = cat['box_size'][iobj]
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(box_size, stamp_size)

            # cutout_row and cutout_col are the "zero-offset"
            # position of the object in the stamp. In this convention, the center
            # of the first pixel is at (0,0), call this meds_center.
            # This means cutout_row/col should be the same as meds_center + offset
            offset = get_offset(iobj * n_cut + icut)
            meds_center = galsim.PositionD((box_size - 1.) / 2.,
                                           (box_size - 1.) / 2.)
            cutout_row = cat['cutout_row'][iobj][icut]
            cutout_col = cat['cutout_col'][iobj][icut]
            print('cutout_row, cutout_col = ', cutout_col, cutout_row)
                                              (meds_center + offset).x)
                                              (meds_center + offset).y)

            # The col0 and row0 here should be the same.
            wcs_meds = m.get_jacobian(iobj, icut)
                                              (meds_center + offset).x)
                                              (meds_center + offset).y)

            # The centroid should be (roughly) at the nominal center + offset
            img = m.get_cutout(iobj, icut, type='image')
            x, y = numpy.meshgrid(range(img.shape[1]), range(img.shape[0]))
            itot = numpy.sum(img)
            ix = numpy.sum(x * img)
            iy = numpy.sum(y * img)
            print('centroid = ', ix / itot, iy / itot)

            print('center + offset = ', meds_center + offset)
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ix / itot,
                                              (meds_center + offset).x,
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(iy / itot,
                                              (meds_center + offset).y,

            # The orig positions are irrelevant and should be 0.
            orig_row = cat['orig_row'][iobj][icut]
            orig_col = cat['orig_col'][iobj][icut]
            orig_start_row = cat['orig_start_row'][iobj][icut]
            orig_start_col = cat['orig_start_col'][iobj][icut]
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig_col, 0.)
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig_row, 0.)
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig_start_col, 0.)
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig_start_row, 0.)

            # This should be also be 0.
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(info['position_offset'], 0.)
Пример #8
def test_newdes():
    # This is a DES Y6 PSF file made by Robert Gruendl using python 2, so
    # check that this also works correctly.
        import pixmappy
    except ImportError:
        print('pixmappy not installed.  Skipping test_newdes()')
    # Also make sure pixmappy is recent enough to work.
    if 'exposure_file' not in pixmappy.GalSimWCS._opt_params:
        print('pixmappy not recent enough version.  Skipping test_newdes()')
    import copy

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        logger = piff.config.setup_logger(verbose=2)
        logger = piff.config.setup_logger(log_file='output/test_newdes.log')

    fname = os.path.join('input', 'D00232418_i_c19_r5006p01_piff-model.fits')
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # This file was written with GalSim 2.1, and now raises a deprecation warning for 2.2.
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", galsim.GalSimDeprecationWarning)
        psf = piff.PSF.read(fname, logger=logger)

    print('psf.wcs = ', psf.wcs[0])
    print('(0,0) -> ', psf.wcs[0].toWorld(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)))
    print(psf.wcs[0].toWorld(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)).ra / galsim.degrees,
          psf.wcs[0].toWorld(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)).dec / galsim.degrees)
    assert np.isclose(
        psf.wcs[0].toWorld(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)).ra / galsim.degrees,
    assert np.isclose(
        psf.wcs[0].toWorld(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)).dec / galsim.degrees,
    print('local at 0,0 = ', psf.wcs[0].local(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)))
    print('area at 0,0 = ', psf.wcs[0].pixelArea(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)),
          ' = %f**2' % (psf.wcs[0].pixelArea(galsim.PositionD(0, 0))**0.5))
    assert np.isclose(psf.wcs[0].pixelArea(galsim.PositionD(0, 0)),
    image = psf.draw(x=103.3, y=592.0, logger=logger)
    print('image shape = ', image.array.shape)
    print('image near center = ', image.array[23:26, 23:26])
    print('image sum = ', image.array.sum())
    assert np.isclose(image.array.sum(), 1.0, rtol=1.e-2)
    # The center values should be at least close to the following:
    regression_array = np.array([[0.03305565, 0.04500969, 0.0395154],
                                 [0.03765249, 0.05419811, 0.04867231],
                                 [0.02734579, 0.0418797, 0.03928504]])
    # Note: the centering mechanics have changed since this regression was set up to make the
    # nominal PSF center closer to the image center.  So the second slice changed from
    # 23:26 -> 22:25.
    np.testing.assert_allclose(image.array[23:26, 22:25],

    # Also check that it is picklable.
    psf2 = copy.deepcopy(psf)
    image2 = psf2.draw(x=103.3, y=592.0)
    np.testing.assert_equal(image2.array, image.array)
Пример #9
def test_table2d_GSInterp():
    def f(x_, y_):
        return 2 * y_ * y_ + 3 * x_ * x_ + 4 * x_ * y_ - np.cos(x_)

    x = np.linspace(0.1, 3.3, 25)
    y = np.linspace(0.2, 10.4, 75)
    yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y,
                         x)  # Note the ordering of both input and output here!

    interpolants = ['lanczos3', 'lanczos3F', 'lanczos7', 'sinc', 'quintic']

    for interpolant in interpolants:
        z = f(xx, yy)
        tab2d = galsim.LookupTable2D(x, y, z, interpolant=interpolant)
        # Make sure precomputed-hash gets covered

        # Use InterpolatedImage to validate
        wcs = galsim.JacobianWCS(
            (max(x) - min(x)) / (len(x) - 1),
            (max(y) - min(y)) / (len(y) - 1),
        img = galsim.Image(z.T, wcs=wcs)
        ii = galsim.InterpolatedImage(
            offset=(galsim.PositionD(img.xmin, img.ymin) - img.true_center),
            calculate_stepk=False).shift(min(x), min(y))

        # Check single value functionality.
        x1, y1 = 2.3, 3.2
        np.testing.assert_allclose(tab2d(x1, y1),
                                   ii.xValue(x1, y1),

        # Check vectorized output
        newx = np.linspace(0.2, 3.1, 15)
        newy = np.linspace(0.3, 10.1, 25)
        newyy, newxx = np.meshgrid(newy, newx)
            tab2d(newxx, newyy).ravel(),
                ii.xValue(x_, y_)
                for x_, y_ in zip(newxx.ravel(), newyy.ravel())
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tab2d(newxx, newyy),
                                             tab2d(newx, newy, grid=True))

        # Check that edge_mode='wrap' works
        tab2d = galsim.LookupTable2D(x, y, z, edge_mode='wrap')

        ref_dfdx, ref_dfdy = tab2d.gradient(newxx, newyy)
        test_dfdx, test_dfdy = tab2d.gradient(newxx + 3 * tab2d.xperiod, newyy)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdx, test_dfdx)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdy, test_dfdy)

        test_dfdx, test_dfdy = tab2d.gradient(newxx,
                                              newyy + 13 * tab2d.yperiod)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdx, test_dfdx)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdy, test_dfdy)

        test_dfdx, test_dfdy = tab2d.gradient(newx,
                                              newy + 13 * tab2d.yperiod,
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdx, test_dfdx)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdy, test_dfdy)

        # Test mix of inside and outside original boundary
        test_dfdx, test_dfdy = tab2d.gradient(
            np.dstack([newxx, newxx + 3 * tab2d.xperiod]),
            np.dstack([newyy, newyy]))

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdx, test_dfdx[:, :, 0])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdy, test_dfdy[:, :, 0])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdx, test_dfdx[:, :, 1])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_dfdy, test_dfdy[:, :, 1])
Пример #10
def test_parallel():
    # Run the same test as test_single, but using nproc
    wcs1 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.26, 0.05, -0.08, -0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(-5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    wcs2 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.25, -0.02, 0.01, 0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    field_center = galsim.CelestialCoord(0 * galsim.degrees,
                                         -25 * galsim.degrees)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        nstars = 20  # per ccd
        nstars = 6  # per ccd
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    ra1, dec1 = wcs1.toWorld(x, y, units='rad')
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(ra1, dec1, projection='gnomonic')
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v

    data1 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im1 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs1, x, y, e1, e2, s)

    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    ra2, dec2 = wcs2.toWorld(x, y, units='rad')
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(ra1, dec1, projection='gnomonic')
    # Same functions of u,v, but using the positions on chip 2
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v

    data2 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im2 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs2, x, y, e1, e2, s)

    ra12 = np.concatenate([ra1, ra2])
    dec12 = np.concatenate([dec1, dec2])
    data12 = np.array(list(zip(ra12, dec12)),
                      dtype=[('ra', float), ('dec', float)])
    fitsio.write('output/test_parallel.fits', data12, clobber=True)

    # im3 is blank.  Will give errors trying to measure PSF from it.
    im3 = galsim.Image(2048, 2048, wcs=wcs2)

    psf_file = os.path.join('output', 'test_single.fits')
    config = {
        'input': {
            # A third way to input these same file names.  Use GalSim config values and
            # explicitly specify the number of images to read
            'nimages': 2,
            'image_file_name': {
                'type': 'FormattedStr',
                'format': '%s/test_parallel_im%d.fits',
                'items': ['output', '$image_num+1'],
            'cat_file_name': 'output/test_parallel.fits',
            'chipnum': '$image_num+1',
            'ra_col': 'ra',
            'dec_col': 'dec',
            'ra_units': 'rad',
            'dec_units': 'rad',
            'nproc': -1,
        'psf': {
            'type': 'SingleChip',
            'model': {
                'type': 'Moffat',
                'beta': 2.5,
            'interp': {
                'type': 'Polynomial',
                'order': 2,
            'nproc': 2,
        'output': {
            'file_name': psf_file,
    with CaptureLog(level=2) as cl:
        piff.piffify(config, logger=cl.logger)
    psf = piff.read(psf_file)

    for chipnum, data, wcs in [(1, data1, wcs1), (2, data2, wcs2)]:
        for k in range(nstars):
            x = data['x'][k]
            y = data['y'][k]
            e1 = data['e1'][k]
            e2 = data['e2'][k]
            s = data['s'][k]
            image_pos = galsim.PositionD(x, y)
            star = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x,
            star = psf.drawStar(star)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(star.fit.params, [s, e1, e2],

    # Finally, check that the logger properly captures the subprocess logs
    with CaptureLog(level=2) as cl:
        psf = piff.process(config, cl.logger)
    #print('with nproc=2, log = ',cl.output)
    assert "Processing catalog 1" in cl.output
    assert "Processing catalog 2" in cl.output
    assert "Building solution for chip 1" in cl.output
    assert "Building solution for chip 2" in cl.output

    # Check that errors in the solution get properly reported.
    config['input']['nimages'] = 3
    with CaptureLog(level=2) as cl:
        psf = piff.process(config, cl.logger)
    assert "Removed 6 stars in initialize" in cl.output
    assert "No stars.  Cannot find PSF model." in cl.output
    assert "Solutions failed for chipnums: [3]" in cl.output

    # Check that errors in the multiprocessing input get properly reported.
    config['input']['ra_col'] = 'invalid'
    with CaptureLog(level=2) as cl:
        with np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError):
            psf = piff.process(config, cl.logger)
    assert "ra_col = invalid is not a column" in cl.output

    # With nproc=1, the error is raised directly.
    config['input']['nproc'] = 1
    config['verbose'] = 0
    with np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError):
        psf = piff.process(config)

    # But just the input error.  Not the one in fitting.
    config['psf']['nproc'] = 1
    config['input']['ra_col'] = 'ra'
    config['verbose'] = 1
    with CaptureLog(level=1) as cl:
        psf = piff.process(config, logger=cl.logger)
    assert "No stars.  Cannot find PSF model." in cl.output
    assert "Ignoring this failure and continuing on." in cl.output
Пример #11
def test_focal():
    """This test uses 2 input files and two catalogs, but does the interpolation over the
    whole field of view.
    # Give them different wcs's.
    # The centers should be separated by ~0.25 arcsec/pixel * 2048 pixels / cos(dec) = 565 arcsec
    # The actual separation of 10 arcmin gives a bit of a gap between the chips.
    wcs1 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.26, 0.05, -0.08, -0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(-5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    wcs2 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.25, -0.02, 0.01, 0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    field_center = galsim.CelestialCoord(0 * galsim.degrees,
                                         -25 * galsim.degrees)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        nstars = 20  # per ccd
        nstars = 3  # per ccd
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(*wcs1._radec(x.copy(), y.copy()),
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v

    data1 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(data1['x'], x)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(data1['y'], y)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(data1['e1'], e1)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(data1['e2'], e2)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(data1['s'], s)
    im1 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs1, x, y, e1, e2, s)
    fitsio.write('output/test_focal_cat1.fits', data1, clobber=True)

    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(*wcs2._radec(x.copy(), y.copy()),
    # Same functions of u,v, but using the positions on chip 2
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v

    data2 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im2 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs2, x, y, e1, e2, s)
    fitsio.write('output/test_focal_cat2.fits', data2, clobber=True)

    # Try to fit with the right model (Moffat) and interpolant (2nd order polyomial)
    # Should work very well, since no noise.
    config = {
        'input': {
            'image_file_name': 'output/test_focal_im?.fits',
            'cat_file_name': 'output/test_focal_cat?.fits',
            'x_col': 'x',
            'y_col': 'y',
            'ra': 0.,
            'dec': -25.,
        'psf': {
            'type': 'Simple',
            'model': {
                'type': 'Moffat',
                'beta': 2.5
            'interp': {
                'type': 'Polynomial',
                'order': 2
    if __name__ != '__main__':
        config['verbose'] = 0
    psf = piff.process(config)

    for data, wcs in [(data1, wcs1), (data2, wcs2)]:
        for k in range(nstars):
            x = data['x'][k]
            y = data['y'][k]
            e1 = data['e1'][k]
            e2 = data['e2'][k]
            s = data['s'][k]
            #print('k,x,y = ',k,x,y)
            #print('  true s,e1,e2 = ',s,e1,e2)
            image_pos = galsim.PositionD(x, y)
            star = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x,
            star = psf.drawStar(star)
            #print('  fitted s,e1,e2 = ',star.fit.params)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(star.fit.params, [s, e1, e2],
Пример #12
def test_single():
    """Same as test_focal, but using the SingleCCD PSF type, which does a separate fit on each CCD.
    wcs1 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.26, 0.05, -0.08, -0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(-5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    wcs2 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.25, -0.02, 0.01, 0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    field_center = galsim.CelestialCoord(0 * galsim.degrees,
                                         -25 * galsim.degrees)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        nstars = 20  # per ccd
        logger = piff.config.setup_logger(verbose=2)
        nstars = 6  # per ccd
        logger = piff.config.setup_logger(log_file='output/test_single.log')
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    ra1, dec1 = wcs1.toWorld(x, y, units='rad')
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(ra1, dec1, projection='gnomonic')
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v

    data1 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im1 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs1, x, y, e1, e2, s)
    fitsio.write('output/test_single_cat1.fits', data1, clobber=True)

    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    ra2, dec2 = wcs2.toWorld(x, y, units='rad')
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(ra1, dec1, projection='gnomonic')
    # Same functions of u,v, but using the positions on chip 2
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v

    data2 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im2 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs2, x, y, e1, e2, s)
    fitsio.write('output/test_single_cat2.fits', data2, clobber=True)

    ra12 = np.concatenate([ra1, ra2])
    dec12 = np.concatenate([dec1, dec2])
    data12 = np.array(list(zip(ra12, dec12)),
                      dtype=[('ra', float), ('dec', float)])
    fitsio.write('output/test_single_cat12.fits', data12, clobber=True)

    # Try to fit with the right model (Moffat) and interpolant (2nd order polyomial)
    # Should work very well, since no noise.
    config = {
        'input': {
            # A third way to input these same file names.  Use GalSim config values and
            # explicitly specify the number of images to read
            'nimages': 2,
            'image_file_name': {
                'type': 'FormattedStr',
                'format': '%s/test_single_im%d.fits',
                'items': ['output', '$image_num+1']
            'cat_file_name': {
                'type': 'FormattedStr',
                'format': '%s/test_single_cat%d.fits',
                'items': ['output', '$image_num+1']
            # Use chipnum = 1,2 rather than the default 0,1.
            'chipnum': '$image_num+1',
            'x_col': 'x',
            'y_col': 'y',
            'ra': 0.,
            'dec': -25.,
        'psf': {
            'type': 'SingleChip',
            'model': {
                'type': 'Moffat',
                'beta': 2.5
            'interp': {
                'type': 'Polynomial',
                'order': 2
    if __name__ != '__main__':
        config['verbose'] = 0
    with CaptureLog(level=2) as cl:
        psf = piff.process(config, cl.logger)
    #print('without nproc, log = ',cl.output)
    assert "Building solution for chip 1" in cl.output
    assert "Building solution for chip 2" in cl.output

    for chipnum, data, wcs in [(1, data1, wcs1), (2, data2, wcs2)]:
        for k in range(nstars):
            x = data['x'][k]
            y = data['y'][k]
            e1 = data['e1'][k]
            e2 = data['e2'][k]
            s = data['s'][k]
            #print('k,x,y = ',k,x,y)
            #print('  true s,e1,e2 = ',s,e1,e2)
            image_pos = galsim.PositionD(x, y)
            star = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x,
            star = psf.drawStar(star)
            #print('  fitted s,e1,e2 = ',star.fit.params)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(star.fit.params, [s, e1, e2],

    # Chipnum is required as a property to use SingleCCDPSF
    star1 = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x,
    with np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError):
    star2 = piff.Star(star1.data,
                      star.fit)  # If has a fit, it hits a different error
    with np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError):
Пример #13
def test_wrongwcs():
    """Same as test_focal, but the images are written out with the wrong wcs.
    wcs1 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.26, 0.05, -0.08, -0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(-5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    wcs2 = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.25, -0.02, 0.01, 0.24,
                               galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(5 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    wrong_wcs = galsim.TanWCS(
        galsim.AffineTransform(0.25, 0, 0, 0.25, galsim.PositionD(1024, 1024)),
        galsim.CelestialCoord(0 * galsim.arcmin, -25 * galsim.degrees))
    field_center = galsim.CelestialCoord(0 * galsim.degrees,
                                         -25 * galsim.degrees)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        nstars = 20  # per ccd
        nstars = 3  # per ccd
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(*wcs1._radec(x.copy(), y.copy()),
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v
    data1 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im1 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs1, x, y, e1, e2, s)

    x = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    y = rng.random_sample(nstars) * 2000 + 24
    u, v = field_center.project_rad(*wcs2._radec(x.copy(), y.copy()),
    # Same functions of u,v, but using the positions on chip 2
    e1 = 0.02 + 2.e-5 * u - 3.e-9 * u**2 + 2.e-9 * v**2
    e2 = -0.04 - 3.e-5 * v + 1.e-9 * u * v + 3.e-9 * v**2
    s = 0.3 + 8.e-9 * (u**2 + v**2) - 1.e-9 * u * v
    data2 = np.array(list(zip(x, y, e1, e2, s)),
                     dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('e1', float),
                            ('e2', float), ('s', float)])
    im2 = drawImage(2048, 2048, wcs2, x, y, e1, e2, s)

    # Put in the wrong wcs before writing them to files.
    im1.wcs = im2.wcs = wrong_wcs
    fitsio.write('output/test_wrongwcs_cat1.fits', data1, clobber=True)
    fitsio.write('output/test_wrongwcs_cat2.fits', data2, clobber=True)

    config = {
        'modules': ['custom_wcs'],
        'input': {
            'dir': 'output',
            # Normally more convenient to use a glob string, but an explicit list is also allowed.
            ['test_wrongwcs_im1.fits', 'test_wrongwcs_im2.fits'],
            ['test_wrongwcs_cat1.fits', 'test_wrongwcs_cat2.fits'],
            'x_col': 'x',
            'y_col': 'y',
            'ra': 0.,
            'dec': -25.,
            # But here tell Piff the correct WCS to use.  This uses a custom WCS builder,
            # mostly so we can test the 'modules' option.  In practice, you might use a
            # galsim_extra Pixmappy WCS class.  Or maybe an LSST DM WCS.
            'wcs': {
                'type': 'Custom'
        'psf': {
            'type': 'Simple',
            'model': {
                'type': 'Moffat',
                'beta': 2.5
            'interp': {
                'type': 'Polynomial',
                'order': 2
    if __name__ != '__main__':
        config['verbose'] = 0
    psf = piff.process(config)

    for data, wcs in [(data1, wcs1), (data2, wcs2)]:
        for k in range(nstars):
            x = data['x'][k]
            y = data['y'][k]
            e1 = data['e1'][k]
            e2 = data['e2'][k]
            s = data['s'][k]
            #print('k,x,y = ',k,x,y)
            #print('  true s,e1,e2 = ',s,e1,e2)
            image_pos = galsim.PositionD(x, y)
            star = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x,
            star = psf.drawStar(star)
            #print('  fitted s,e1,e2 = ',star.fit.params)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(star.fit.params, [s, e1, e2],
Пример #14
def Transform(obj,
              jac=(1., 0., 0., 1.),
              offset=galsim.PositionD(0., 0.),
    """A function for transforming either a GSObject or ChromaticObject.

    This function will inspect its input argument to decide if a Transformation object or a
    ChromaticTransformation object is required to represent the resulting transformed object.

    Note: the name of the flux_ratio parameter is technically wrong here if the jacobian has a
    non-unit determinant, since that would also scale the flux.  The flux_ratio parameter actually
    only refers to an overall amplitude ratio for the surface brightness profile.  The total
    flux scaling is actually |det(jac)| * flux_ratio.

    @param obj              The object to be transformed.
    @param jac              A list or tuple ( dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy ) describing the Jacobian
                            of the transformation. [default: (1,0,0,1)]
    @param offset           A galsim.PositionD giving the offset by which to shift the profile.
    @param flux_ratio       A factor by which to multiply the surface brightness of the object.
                            (Technically, not necessarily the flux.  See above.) [default: 1]
    @param gsparams         An optional GSParams argument.  See the docstring for GSParams for
                            details. [default: None]

    @returns a Transformation or ChromaticTransformation instance as appropriate.
    if not (isinstance(obj, galsim.GSObject)
            or isinstance(obj, galsim.ChromaticObject)):
        raise TypeError(
            "Argument to Transform must be either a GSObject or a ChromaticObject."

    elif (hasattr(jac, '__call__') or hasattr(offset, '__call__')
          or hasattr(flux_ratio, '__call__')
          or isinstance(obj, galsim.ChromaticObject)):

        # Sometimes for Chromatic compound types, it is more efficient to apply the
        # transformation to the components rather than the whole.  In particular, this can
        # help preserve separability in many cases.

        # Don't transform ChromaticSum object, better to just transform the arguments.
        if isinstance(obj, galsim.ChromaticSum) or isinstance(obj, galsim.Sum):
            return galsim.ChromaticSum([
                Transform(o, jac, offset, flux_ratio, gsparams)
                for o in obj.objlist

        # If we are just flux scaling, then a Convolution can do that to the first element.
        # NB. Even better, if the flux scaling is chromatic, would be to find a component
        # that is already non-separable.  But we don't bother trying to do that currently.
        elif (isinstance(
                obj, galsim.ChromaticConvolution
                or isinstance(obj, galsim.Convolution))
              and np.array_equal(np.asarray(jac).ravel(), (1, 0, 0, 1))
              and offset == galsim.PositionD(0., 0.)):
            first = Transform(obj.objlist[0],
            return galsim.ChromaticConvolution([first] +
                                               [o for o in obj.objlist[1:]])

            return galsim.ChromaticTransformation(obj, jac, offset, flux_ratio,
        return Transformation(obj, jac, offset, flux_ratio, gsparams)
Пример #15
def test_wfirst_wcs():
    """Test the WFIRST WCS routines against the one produced by code from Chris Hirata.
    # The standard against which we will compare is the output of some software provided by Chris
    # Hirata.  The files used here were generated by Rachel on her Macbook using the script in
    # wfirst_files/, with sky positions randomly selected and then stored as part of the
    # comparison.  We read in a list of FPA center positions and other RA/dec positions, the
    # position angle for the observation, and the SCA those other positions land on (if any).  Then
    # we compare that with the GalSim routines for finding SCAs.
    import datetime
    date = datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 12)
    test_data_file = os.path.join('wfirst_files','chris_comparison.txt')
    test_data = np.loadtxt(test_data_file).transpose()

    ra_cen = test_data[0,:]
    dec_cen = test_data[1,:]
    ra = test_data[2,:]
    dec = test_data[3,:]
    pa = test_data[4,:]
    chris_sca = test_data[5,:]
    if __name__ != "__main__":
        i_start = 4
        n_test = 3  # None of these 3 fail, so the nfail test is ok.
        i_start = 0
        n_test = len(ra_cen)

    n_fail = 0
    for i_test in range(i_start, i_start+n_test):
        print('i_test = ',i_test)
        # Make the WCS for this test.
        world_pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra_cen[i_test]*galsim.degrees,
        gs_wcs_dict = galsim.wfirst.getWCS(PA=pa[i_test]*galsim.radians,
            len(gs_wcs_dict), galsim.wfirst.n_sca,
            err_msg='WCS dict has wrong length: %d vs. %d'%(len(gs_wcs_dict),

        found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(
        if found_sca is None: found_sca=0
        if found_sca != chris_sca[i_test]:
            n_fail += 1
            print('Failed to find SCA: ',found_sca, chris_sca[i_test])

        # Just cycle through the SCAs for the next bits.
        sca_test = i_test % 18 + 1
        gs_wcs = gs_wcs_dict[sca_test]

        # Check center position:
        im_cent_pos = galsim.PositionD(galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2., galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2)
        gs_cent_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_cent_pos)

        # Check pixel area
        pix_area = gs_wcs.pixelArea(image_pos=im_cent_pos)
        print('pix_area = ',pix_area)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(pix_area, 0.012, atol=0.001)

        if i_test == 0:
            # For just one of our tests cases, we'll do some additional tests.  These will target
            # the findSCA() functionality.  First, check that the center is found in that SCA.
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, gs_cent_pos)
            np.testing.assert_equal(found_sca, sca_test,
                                    err_msg='Did not find SCA center position to be on that SCA!')

            # Then, we go to a place that should be off the side by a tiny bit, and check that it is
            # NOT on an SCA if we exclude borders, but IS on the SCA if we include borders.
            im_off_edge_pos = galsim.PositionD(-2., galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2.)
            world_off_edge_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_off_edge_pos)
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, world_off_edge_pos)
            assert found_sca is None
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, world_off_edge_pos, include_border=True)
            np.testing.assert_equal(found_sca, sca_test,
                                    err_msg='Did not find slightly off-edge position on the SCA'
                                    ' when including borders!')

        if i_test < 5:
            # Also make sure that for a given SCA, we find positions on it that should be on it,
            # without/with inclusion of borders.  Just do this test a limited number of times.
            for sca_ind in range(1,19):
                sca_edge_test = sca_ind
                tmp_wcs = gs_wcs_dict[sca_edge_test]
                im_test_pos = galsim.PositionD(10.0, galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2)
                tmp_pos = tmp_wcs.toWorld(im_test_pos)
                found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, tmp_pos, include_border=False)
                assert found_sca==sca_edge_test
                found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, tmp_pos, include_border=True)
                assert found_sca==sca_edge_test
                im_test_pos = galsim.PositionD(galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2, galsim.wfirst.n_pix+3)
                tmp_pos = tmp_wcs.toWorld(im_test_pos)
                found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, tmp_pos, include_border=False)
                assert found_sca==None
                found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, tmp_pos, include_border=True)
                assert found_sca==sca_edge_test

                # And check that we can go from the center of that SCA and reverse-engineer the
                # position of the center of the FPA.
                im_test_pos = galsim.PositionD(galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2, galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2)
                test_sca_pos = tmp_wcs.toWorld(im_test_pos)
                test_fpa_pos = galsim.wfirst.convertCenter(test_sca_pos, int(sca_edge_test),
                                                           date=date, PA_is_FPA=True)
                # Also test that convertCenter checks inputs appropriately.
                with assert_raises(TypeError):
                    galsim.wfirst.convertCenter(test_sca_pos, 3.5)
                with assert_raises(TypeError):
                        test_sca_pos, int(sca_edge_test), PA=pa[i_test]*galsim.radians,
                        date=date, PA_is_FPA=True, tol=1.0)

                delta_arcsec = test_fpa_pos.distanceTo(world_pos) / galsim.arcsec
                assert delta_arcsec<0.5, "could not round-trip from FPA to SCA to FPA center"

    # There were few-arcsec offsets in our WCS, so allow some fraction of failures.
    print('n_fail = ',n_fail)
    assert n_fail < 0.2*n_test, 'Failed in SCA-matching against reference: %d %d'%(n_fail,n_test)

    # Check whether we're allowed to look at certain positions on certain dates.
    # Let's choose RA=90 degrees, dec=10 degrees.
    # We know that it's best to look about 90 degrees from the Sun.  So on the vernal and autumnal
    # equinox, this should be a great place to look, but not midway in between.  We'll use
    # approximate dates for these.
    pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(90.*galsim.degrees, 10.*galsim.degrees)
    import datetime
    assert galsim.wfirst.allowedPos(pos, datetime.date(2025,3,20))
    assert galsim.wfirst.allowedPos(pos, datetime.date(2025,9,20))
    assert not galsim.wfirst.allowedPos(pos, datetime.date(2025,6,20))
    assert galsim.wfirst.bestPA(pos, datetime.date(2025,6,20)) is None

    # Finally make sure it does something reasonable for the observatory position angle.
    # When the sun is at (0,0), and we look at (90,0), then +Z points towards the Sun and +Y points
    # North, giving a PA of 0 degrees.
    pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(90.*galsim.degrees, 0.*galsim.degrees)
    test_date = datetime.datetime(2025,3,20,9,2)
    pa = galsim.wfirst.bestPA(pos, test_date)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(pa.rad, 0., decimal=3)
    # Now make it look at the same RA as the sun but quite different declination.  It wants +Z
    # pointing North toward Sun, so we'll get a -90 degree angle for the PA.
    pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(0.*galsim.degrees, -70.*galsim.degrees)
    pa = galsim.wfirst.bestPA(pos, test_date)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(pa.rad, -np.pi/2, decimal=3)

    sun_pos= galsim.CelestialCoord(0*galsim.degrees, 0*galsim.degrees)
    sun_pa = galsim.wfirst.bestPA(sun_pos, test_date)
    assert sun_pa is None

    with assert_raises(TypeError):
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimError):
        galsim.wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=sun_pos, date=test_date)
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=pos, PA=33.)
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimRangeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=pos, SCAs=[-1,1])
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimRangeError):
        galsim.wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=pos, SCAs=[1,23])

    # Check the rather bizarre convention that LONPOLE is always 180 EXCEPT (!!) when
    # observing directly at the south pole.  Apparently, this convention comes from the WFIRST
    # project office's use of the LONPOLE keyword.  So we keep it, even though it's stupid.
    # cf. https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim/pull/651#discussion-diff-26277673
    assert gs_wcs_dict[1].header['LONPOLE'] == 180.
    south_pole = galsim.CelestialCoord(0*galsim.degrees, -90*galsim.degrees)
    wcs = galsim.wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=south_pole, SCAs=1)
    assert wcs[1].header['LONPOLE'] == 0

    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.findSCA(wcs_dict=None, world_pos=pos)
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.wfirst.findSCA(wcs_dict=wcs, world_pos=galsim.PositionD(300,400))
Пример #16
def test_wfirst_wcs():
    """Test the WFIRST WCS routines against those from software provided by WFIRST project office.
    # The standard against which we will compare is the output of some software provided by Jeff
    # Kruk.  The files used here were generated by Rachel on her Macbook using the script in
    # wfirst_files/make_standards.sh, and none of the parameters below can be changed without
    # modifying and rerunning that script.  We use 4 sky positions and rotation angles (2 defined
    # using the focal plane array, 2 using the observatory coordinates), and in each case, use a
    # different SCA for our tests.  We will simply read in the stored WCS and generate new ones, and
    # check that they have the right value of SCA center and pixel scale at the center, and that if
    # we offset by 500 pixels in some direction that gives the same sky position in each case.
    ra_test = [127., 307.4, -61.52, 0.0]
    dec_test = [-70., 50., 22.7, 0.0]
    pa_test = [160., 79., 23.4, -3.1]
    sca_test = [2, 13, 7, 18]
    import datetime
    ve = datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 20, 9, 2, 0)
    date_test = [ve, ve, ve, datetime.date(2025, 6, 20)]
    pa_is_fpa_test = [True, False, True, False]

    dist_arcsec = []
    dist_2_arcsec = []
    pix_area_ratio = []
    for i_test in range(len(ra_test)):
        # Make the WCS for this test.
        world_pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra_test[i_test] * galsim.degrees,
                                          dec_test[i_test] * galsim.degrees)
        if i_test == 0:
            # Just for this case, we want to get the WCS for all SCAs.  This will enable some
            # additional tests that we don't do for the other test case.
            gs_wcs_dict = galsim.wfirst.getWCS(
                PA=pa_test[i_test] * galsim.degrees,
                err_msg='WCS dict has wrong length: %d vs. %d' %
                (len(gs_wcs_dict), galsim.wfirst.n_sca))
            # Use the SCAs keyword to just get the WCS for the SCA that we want.
            gs_wcs_dict = galsim.wfirst.getWCS(
                PA=pa_test[i_test] * galsim.degrees,
                err_msg='WCS dict has wrong length: %d vs. %d' %
                (len(gs_wcs_dict), 1))

        # Read in reference.
        test_file = 'test%d_sca_%02d.fits' % (i_test + 1, sca_test[i_test])
        ref_wcs = galsim.FitsWCS(os.path.join('wfirst_files', test_file))

        gs_wcs = gs_wcs_dict[sca_test[i_test]]

        # Check center position:
        im_cent_pos = galsim.PositionD(galsim.wfirst.n_pix / 2.,
                                       galsim.wfirst.n_pix / 2)
        ref_cent_pos = ref_wcs.toWorld(im_cent_pos)
        gs_cent_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_cent_pos)
            ref_cent_pos.distanceTo(gs_cent_pos) / galsim.arcsec)

        # Check pixel area
        rat = ref_wcs.pixelArea(image_pos=im_cent_pos) / gs_wcs.pixelArea(
        pix_area_ratio.append(rat - 1.)

        # Check another position, just in case rotations are messed up.
        im_other_pos = galsim.PositionD(im_cent_pos.x + 500.,
                                        im_cent_pos.y - 200.)
        ref_other_pos = ref_wcs.toWorld(im_other_pos)
        gs_other_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_other_pos)
            ref_other_pos.distanceTo(gs_other_pos) / galsim.arcsec)

        if i_test == 0:
            # For just one of our tests cases, we'll do some additional tests.  These will target
            # the findSCA() functionality.  First, we'll choose an SCA and check that its center is
            # found to be in that SCA.
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, gs_cent_pos)
                err_msg='Did not find SCA center position to be on that SCA!')

            # Then, we go to a place that should be off the side by a tiny bit, and check that it is
            # NOT on an SCA if we exclude borders, but IS on the SCA if we include borders.
            im_off_edge_pos = galsim.PositionD(-2., galsim.wfirst.n_pix / 2.)
            world_off_edge_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_off_edge_pos)
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, world_off_edge_pos)
            assert found_sca is None
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict,
                err_msg='Did not find slightly off-edge position on the SCA'
                ' when including borders!')

        np.ones(len(ra_test)) * galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale / 100,
        'For at least one WCS, center offset from reference was > 0.01(pixel scale).'
        np.ones(len(ra_test)) * galsim.wfirst.pixel_scale / 100,
        'For at least one WCS, other offset from reference was > 0.01(pixel scale).'
        np.ones(len(ra_test)) * 0.0001,
        'For at least one WCS, pixel areas differ from reference by >0.01%.')

    # Check whether we're allowed to look at certain positions on certain dates.
    # Let's choose RA=90 degrees, dec=10 degrees.
    # We know that it's best to look about 90 degrees from the Sun.  So on the vernal and autumnal
    # equinox, this should be a great place to look, but not midway in between.  We'll use
    # approximate dates for these.
    pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(90. * galsim.degrees, 10. * galsim.degrees)
    import datetime
    assert galsim.wfirst.allowedPos(pos, datetime.date(2025, 3, 20))
    assert galsim.wfirst.allowedPos(pos, datetime.date(2025, 9, 20))
    assert not galsim.wfirst.allowedPos(pos, datetime.date(2025, 6, 20))

    # Finally make sure it does something reasonable for the observatory position angle.
    # When the sun is at (0,0), and we look at (90,0), then +Z points towards the Sun and +Y points
    # North, giving a PA of 0 degrees.
    pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(90. * galsim.degrees, 0. * galsim.degrees)
    test_date = datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 20, 9, 2)
    pa = galsim.wfirst.bestPA(pos, test_date)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(pa.rad(), 0., decimal=3)
    # Now make it look at the same RA as the sun but quite different declination.  It wants +Z
    # pointing North toward Sun, so we'll get a -90 degree angle for the PA.
    pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(0. * galsim.degrees, -70. * galsim.degrees)
    pa = galsim.wfirst.bestPA(pos, test_date)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(pa.rad(), -np.pi / 2, decimal=3)
Пример #17
def skip_wfirst_wcs():
    """Test the WFIRST WCS routines against ones provided by the WFIRST project office.
    # This test is out of date and is not run, but since it was a useful test, the code is kept here
    # as a reminder to reinstate it if/when we get an updated version of the WCS software from the
    # WFIRST project office for cycle 7+.  Everything below this comment is the original code from
    # GalSim v1.4.
    # The standard against which we will compare is the output of some software provided by Jeff
    # Kruk.  The files used here were generated by Rachel on her Macbook using the script in
    # wfirst_files/make_standards.sh, and none of the parameters below can be changed without
    # modifying and rerunning that script.  We use 4 sky positions and rotation angles (2 defined
    # using the focal plane array, 2 using the observatory coordinates), and in each case, use a
    # different SCA for our tests.  We will simply read in the stored WCS and generate new ones, and
    # check that they have the right value of SCA center and pixel scale at the center, and that if
    # we offset by 500 pixels in some direction that gives the same sky position in each case.
    ra_test = [127., 307.4, -61.52, 0.0]
    dec_test = [-70., 50., 22.7, 0.0]
    pa_test = [160., 79., 23.4, -3.1]
    sca_test = [2, 13, 7, 18]
    import datetime
    ve = datetime.datetime(2025,3,20,9,2,0)
    date_test = [ve, ve, ve, datetime.date(2025,6,20)]
    pa_is_fpa_test = [True, False, True, False]

    dist_arcsec = []
    dist_2_arcsec = []
    pix_area_ratio = []
    for i_test in range(len(ra_test)):
         # Make the WCS for this test.
        world_pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra_test[i_test]*galsim.degrees,
        if i_test == 0:
            # Just for this case, we want to get the WCS for all SCAs.  This will enable some
            # additional tests that we don't do for the other test case.
            gs_wcs_dict = galsim.wfirst.getWCS(PA=pa_test[i_test]*galsim.degrees,
                len(gs_wcs_dict), galsim.wfirst.n_sca,
                err_msg='WCS dict has wrong length: %d vs. %d'%(len(gs_wcs_dict),
            # Use the SCAs keyword to just get the WCS for the SCA that we want.
            gs_wcs_dict = galsim.wfirst.getWCS(PA=pa_test[i_test]*galsim.degrees,
                len(gs_wcs_dict), 1,
                err_msg='WCS dict has wrong length: %d vs. %d'%(len(gs_wcs_dict), 1))

        # Read in reference.
        test_file = 'test%d_sca_%02d.fits'%(i_test+1, sca_test[i_test])
        ref_wcs = galsim.FitsWCS(os.path.join('wfirst_files',test_file))

        gs_wcs = gs_wcs_dict[sca_test[i_test]]

        # Check center position:
        im_cent_pos = galsim.PositionD(galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2., galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2)
        ref_cent_pos = ref_wcs.toWorld(im_cent_pos)
        gs_cent_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_cent_pos)
        dist_arcsec.append(ref_cent_pos.distanceTo(gs_cent_pos) / galsim.arcsec)

        # Check pixel area
        rat = ref_wcs.pixelArea(image_pos=im_cent_pos)/gs_wcs.pixelArea(image_pos=im_cent_pos)

        # Check another position, just in case rotations are messed up.
        im_other_pos = galsim.PositionD(im_cent_pos.x+500., im_cent_pos.y-200.)
        ref_other_pos = ref_wcs.toWorld(im_other_pos)
        gs_other_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_other_pos)
        dist_2_arcsec.append(ref_other_pos.distanceTo(gs_other_pos) / galsim.arcsec)

        if i_test == 0:
            # For just one of our tests cases, we'll do some additional tests.  These will target
            # the findSCA() functionality.  First, we'll choose an SCA and check that its center is
            # found to be in that SCA.
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, gs_cent_pos)
            np.testing.assert_equal(found_sca, sca_test[i_test],
                                    err_msg='Did not find SCA center position to be on that SCA!')

            # Then, we go to a place that should be off the side by a tiny bit, and check that it is
            # NOT on an SCA if we exclude borders, but IS on the SCA if we include borders.
            im_off_edge_pos = galsim.PositionD(-2., galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2.)
            world_off_edge_pos = gs_wcs.toWorld(im_off_edge_pos)
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, world_off_edge_pos)
            assert found_sca is None
            found_sca = galsim.wfirst.findSCA(gs_wcs_dict, world_off_edge_pos, include_border=True)
            np.testing.assert_equal(found_sca, sca_test[i_test],
                                    err_msg='Did not find slightly off-edge position on the SCA'
                                    ' when including borders!')

        err_msg='For at least one WCS, center offset from reference was > 0.01(pixel scale).')
        err_msg='For at least one WCS, other offset from reference was > 0.01(pixel scale).')
        err_msg='For at least one WCS, pixel areas differ from reference by >0.01%.')
Пример #18
def convertCenter(world_pos, SCA, PA=None, date=None, PA_is_FPA=False, tol=0.5*galsim.arcsec):
    This is a simple helper routine that takes an input position `world_pos` that is meant to
    correspond to the position of the center of an SCA, and tells where the center of the focal
    plane array should be.  The goal is to provide a position that can be used as an input to
    getWCS(), which wants the center of the focal plane array.

    The results of the calculation are deterministic if given a fixed position angle (PA).  If it's
    not given one, it will try to determine the best one for this location and date, like getWCS()

    Because of distortions varying across the focal plane, this routine has to iteratively correct
    its initial result based on empirical tests.  The `tol` kwarg can be used to adjust how careful
    it will be, but it always does at least one iteration.

    To fully understand all possible inputs and outputs to this routine, users may wish to consult
    the diagram on the GalSim wiki,

    @param world_pos A galsim.CelestialCoord indicating the position to observe at the center of the
                     given SCA.  Note that if the given position is not observable on
                     the given date, then the routine will raise an exception.
    @param SCA       A single number giving the SCA for which the center should be located at
    @param PA        galsim.Angle representing the position angle of the observatory +Y axis, unless
                     `PA_is_FPA=True`, in which case it's the position angle of the FPA.  For users
                     to do not care about this, then leaving this as None will result in the routine
                     using the supplied `date` and `world_pos` to select the optimal orientation for
                     the observatory.  Note that if a user supplies a `PA` value, the routine does
                     not check whether this orientation is actually allowed.  [default: None]
    @param date      The date of the observation, as a python datetime object.  If None, then the
                     vernal equinox in 2025 will be used.  [default: None]
    @param PA_is_FPA If True, then the position angle that was provided was the PA of the focal
                     plane array, not the observatory. [default: False]
    @param tol       Tolerance for errors due to distortions, as a galsim.Angle. 
                     [default: 0.5*galsim.arcsec]
    @returns a CelestialCoord object indicating the center of the focal plane array.
    if not isinstance(SCA, int):
        raise TypeError("Must pass in an int corresponding to the SCA")
    if not isinstance(tol, galsim.Angle):
        raise TypeError("tol must be a galsim.Angle")
    use_SCA = SCA
    # Parse inputs appropriately.
    _, _, pa_fpa, _ = _parse_WCS_inputs(world_pos, PA, date, PA_is_FPA, [SCA])

    # Now pretend world_pos was the FPA center and we want to find the location of this SCA:
    _, u, v = _get_sca_center_pos(use_SCA, world_pos, pa_fpa)
    # The (u, v) values give an offset, and we can invert this.
    fpa_cent = world_pos.deproject(-u, -v, projection='gnomonic')
    # This is only approximately correct, especially for detectors that are far from the center of
    # the FPA, because of distortions etc.  We can do an iterative correction.
    # For the default value of 'tol', typically just 1-2 iterations are needed.
    shift_val = 1000.0 # arcsec
    while shift_val > tol/galsim.arcsec:
        test_wcs = getWCS(fpa_cent, PA, date, use_SCA, PA_is_FPA)[use_SCA]
        im_cent_pos = galsim.PositionD(galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2, galsim.wfirst.n_pix/2)
        test_sca_pos = test_wcs.toWorld(im_cent_pos)
        delta_ra = np.cos(world_pos.dec)*(world_pos.ra-test_sca_pos.ra)
        delta_dec = world_pos.dec-test_sca_pos.dec
        shift_val = np.abs(world_pos.distanceTo(test_sca_pos)/galsim.arcsec)
        fpa_cent = galsim.CelestialCoord(fpa_cent.ra + delta_ra, fpa_cent.dec + delta_dec)

    return fpa_cent
Пример #19
def test_meds():
    Create two objects, each with three exposures. Save them to a MEDS file.
    Load the MEDS file. Compare the created objects with the one read by MEDS.
    # initialise empty MultiExposureObject list
    objlist = []

    # we will be using 2 objects for testing, each with 3 cutouts
    n_obj_test = 2
    n_cut_test = 3

    # set the image size
    box_size = 32

    # first obj
    img11 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=111)
    img12 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=112)
    img13 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=113)
    seg11 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=121)
    seg12 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=122)
    seg13 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=123)
    wth11 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=131)
    wth12 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=132)
    wth13 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=133)
    psf11 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=141)
    psf12 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=142)
    psf13 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=143)
    dudx = 11.1
    dudy = 11.2
    dvdx = 11.3
    dvdy = 11.4
    x0 = 11.5
    y0 = 11.6
    wcs11 = galsim.AffineTransform(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy,
                                   galsim.PositionD(x0, y0))
    dudx = 12.1
    dudy = 12.2
    dvdx = 12.3
    dvdy = 12.4
    wcs12 = galsim.JacobianWCS(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy)
    wcs13 = galsim.PixelScale(13)

    # create lists
    images = [img11, img12, img13]
    weight = [wth11, wth12, wth13]
    seg = [seg11, seg12, seg13]
    psf = [psf11, psf12, psf13]
    wcs = [wcs11, wcs12, wcs13]

    # create object
    obj1 = galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=images,

    # second obj
    img21 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=211)
    img22 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=212)
    img23 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=213)
    seg21 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=221)
    seg22 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=222)
    seg23 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=223)
    wth21 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=231)
    wth22 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=332)
    wth23 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=333)
    psf21 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=241)
    psf22 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=342)
    psf23 = galsim.Image(box_size, box_size, init_value=343)

    dudx = 21.1
    dudy = 21.2
    dvdx = 21.3
    dvdy = 21.4
    x0 = 21.5
    y0 = 21.6
    wcs21 = galsim.AffineTransform(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy,
                                   galsim.PositionD(x0, y0))
    dudx = 22.1
    dudy = 22.2
    dvdx = 22.3
    dvdy = 22.4
    wcs22 = galsim.JacobianWCS(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy)
    wcs23 = galsim.PixelScale(23)

    # create lists
    images = [img21, img22, img23]
    weight = [wth21, wth22, wth23]
    seg = [seg21, seg22, seg23]
    psf = [psf21, psf22, psf23]
    wcs = [wcs21, wcs22, wcs23]

    # create object
    # This time put the wcs in the image and get it there.
    img21.wcs = wcs21
    img22.wcs = wcs22
    img23.wcs = wcs23
    obj2 = galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=images,

    obj3 = galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=images, id=3)

    # create an object list
    objlist = [obj1, obj2]

    # save objects to MEDS file
    filename_meds = 'output/test_meds.fits'
    galsim.des.WriteMEDS(objlist, filename_meds, clobber=True)

    bad1 = galsim.Image(32, 48, init_value=0)
    bad2 = galsim.Image(35, 35, init_value=0)
    bad3 = galsim.Image(48, 48, init_value=0)

    with assert_raises(TypeError):
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=[img11, bad3])
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=images, weight=wth11)
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=images, weight=[])
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=[img11], weight=[bad3])
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=[img11], psf=[bad1])
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=[img11], psf=[bad2])
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=[img11, img12],
                                       psf=[bad2, psf12])
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=images, wcs=wcs11)
    celestial_wcs = galsim.FitsWCS("DECam_00154912_12_header.fits",
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimValueError):
        galsim.des.MultiExposureObject(images=[img11], wcs=[celestial_wcs])

    # Check the one with no psf, weight, etc.
    filename_meds2 = 'output/test_meds_image_only.fits'
    galsim.des.WriteMEDS([obj3], filename_meds2, clobber=True)

    # Note that while there are no tests prior to this, the above still checks for
    # syntax errors in the meds creation software, so it's still worth running as part
    # of the normal unit tests.
    # But for the rest of the tests, we'll use the meds module to make sure our code
    # stays in sync with any changes there.
        import meds
        # Meds will import this, so check for this too.
        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
            'Failed to import either meds or fitsio.  Unable to do tests of meds file.'

    # Run meds module's validate function
    except AttributeError:
            'Seems to be the wrong meds package.  Unable to do tests of meds file.'

    m = meds.MEDS(filename_meds)

    # Check the image_info extension:
    ref_info = meds.util.get_image_info_dtype(1)
    info = m.get_image_info()
    print('info = ', info)
    for name, dt in ref_info:
        dt = numpy.dtype(dt)
        print(name, dt, info.dtype[name], dt.char, info.dtype[name].char)
        assert name in info.dtype.names, "column %s not present in image_info extension" % name
        # I think S and U for this purpose are equivalent.
        # But I'm finding S in the reference, and U in info.
        c = info.dtype[name].char
        c = 'S' if c == 'U' else c
        assert dt.char == c, "column %s is the wrong type" % name

    # Check the basic structure of the object_data extension
    cat = m.get_cat()
    ref_data = meds.util.get_meds_output_dtype(1)
    for tup in ref_data:
        # Some of these tuples have 3 items, not 2.  The last two are the full dtype tuple.
        name = tup[0]
        if len(tup) == 2:
            dt = tup[1]
            dt = tup[1:]
        dt = numpy.dtype(dt)
        print(name, dt, cat.dtype[name], dt.char, cat.dtype[name].char)
        assert name in cat.dtype.names, "column %s not present in object_data extension" % name
        assert dt.char == cat.dtype[
            name].char, "column %s is the wrong type" % name

    # Check that we have the right number of objects.
    n_obj = len(cat)
    print('number of objects is %d' % n_obj)
                               err_msg="MEDS file has wrong number of objects")

    # loop over objects and exposures - test get_cutout
    for iobj in range(n_obj):

        # check ID is correct
            iobj + 1,
            err_msg="MEDS file has wrong id for object %d" % iobj)

        # get number of cutouts and check if it's right
        n_cut = cat['ncutout'][iobj]
            err_msg="MEDS file has wrong ncutout for object %d" % iobj)

        # loop over cutouts
        for icut in range(n_cut):

            # get the images etc to compare with originals
            img = m.get_cutout(iobj, icut, type='image')
            wth = m.get_cutout(iobj, icut, type='weight')
            seg = m.get_cutout(iobj, icut, type='seg')
            psf = m.get_psf(iobj, icut)
            wcs_meds = m.get_jacobian(iobj, icut)
            # Note: col == x, row == y.
            wcs_array_meds = numpy.array([
                wcs_meds['dudcol'], wcs_meds['dudrow'], wcs_meds['dvdcol'],
                wcs_meds['dvdrow'], wcs_meds['col0'], wcs_meds['row0']

            # compare
                err_msg="MEDS cutout has wrong img for object %d" % iobj)
                err_msg="MEDS cutout has wrong wth for object %d" % iobj)
                err_msg="MEDS cutout has wrong seg for object %d" % iobj)
                err_msg="MEDS cutout has wrong psf for object %d" % iobj)
            wcs_orig = objlist[iobj].wcs[icut]
            wcs_array_orig = numpy.array([
                wcs_orig.dudx, wcs_orig.dudy, wcs_orig.dvdx, wcs_orig.dvdy,
                wcs_orig.origin.x, wcs_orig.origin.y
                err_msg="MEDS cutout has wrong wcs for object %d" % iobj)

        # get the mosaic to compare with originals
        img = m.get_mosaic(iobj, type='image')
        wth = m.get_mosaic(iobj, type='weight')
        seg = m.get_mosaic(iobj, type='seg')
        # There is currently no get_mosaic option for the psfs.
        #psf = m.get_mosaic( iobj, type='psf')
        psf = numpy.concatenate(
            [m.get_psf(iobj, icut) for icut in range(n_cut)], axis=0)

        # get the concatenated images - create the true mosaic
        true_mosaic_img = numpy.concatenate(
            [x.array for x in objlist[iobj].images], axis=0)
        true_mosaic_wth = numpy.concatenate(
            [x.array for x in objlist[iobj].weight], axis=0)
        true_mosaic_seg = numpy.concatenate(
            [x.array for x in objlist[iobj].seg], axis=0)
        true_mosaic_psf = numpy.concatenate(
            [x.array for x in objlist[iobj].psf], axis=0)

        # compare
            err_msg="MEDS mosaic has wrong img for object %d" % iobj)
            err_msg="MEDS mosaic has wrong wth for object %d" % iobj)
            err_msg="MEDS mosaic has wrong seg for object %d" % iobj)
            err_msg="MEDS mosaic has wrong psf for object %d" % iobj)
Пример #20
def main(argv):
    Make images using variable PSF and shear:
      - The main image is 10 x 10 postage stamps.
      - Each postage stamp is 48 x 48 pixels.
      - The second HDU has the corresponding PSF image.
      - Applied shear is from a power spectrum P(k) ~ k^1.8.
      - Galaxies are real galaxies oriented in a ring test of 20 each.
      - The PSF is Gaussian with FWHM, ellipticity and position angle functions of (x,y)
      - Noise is Poisson using a nominal sky value of 1.e6.
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
    logger = logging.getLogger("demo10")

    # Define some parameters we'll use below.
    # Normally these would be read in from some parameter file.

    n_tiles = 10                    # number of tiles in each direction.
    stamp_size = 48                 # pixels

    pixel_scale = 0.44              # arcsec / pixel
    sky_level = 1.e6                # ADU / arcsec^2

    # The random seed is used for both the power spectrum realization and the random properties 
    # of the galaxies.
    random_seed = 3339201           

    # Make output directory if not already present.
    if not os.path.isdir('output'):

    file_name = os.path.join('output','power_spectrum.fits')

    # These will be created for each object below.  The values we'll use will be functions
    # of (x,y) relative to the center of the image.  (r = sqrt(x^2+y^2))
    # psf_fwhm = 0.9 + 0.5 * (r/100)^2  -- arcsec
    # psf_e = 0.4 * (r/100)^1.5         -- large value at the edge, so visible by eye.
    # psf_beta = atan2(y/x) + pi/2      -- tangential pattern

    gal_signal_to_noise = 100       # Great08 "LowNoise" run
    gal_dilation = 3                # Make the galaxies a bit larger than their original size.

    logger.info('Starting demo script 10')
    # Read in galaxy catalog
    cat_file_name = 'real_galaxy_catalog_example.fits'
    # This script is designed to be run from the examples directory so dir is a relative path.  
    # But the '../examples/' part lets bin/demo10 also be run from the bin directory.
    dir = '../examples/data'
    real_galaxy_catalog = galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog(cat_file_name, dir=dir)
    logger.info('Read in %d real galaxies from catalog', real_galaxy_catalog.nobjects)

    # List of IDs to use.  We select 5 particularly irregular galaxies for this demo. 
    # Then we'll choose randomly from this list.
    id_list = [ 106416, 106731, 108402, 116045, 116448 ]

    # Make the 5 galaxies we're going to use here rather than remake them each time.
    # This means the Fourier transforms of the real galaxy images don't need to be recalculated 
    # each time, so it's a bit more efficient.
    gal_list = [ galsim.RealGalaxy(real_galaxy_catalog, id=id) for id in id_list ]

    # Make the galaxies a bit larger than their original observed size.
    for gal in gal_list:

    # Setup the PowerSpectrum object we'll be using:
    ps = galsim.PowerSpectrum(lambda k : k**1.8)
    # The argument here is "e_power_function" which defines the E-mode power to use.

    # There is also a b_power_function if you want to include any B-mode power:
    #     ps = galsim.PowerSpectrum(e_power_function, b_power_function)

    # You may even omit the e_power_function argument and have a pure B-mode power spectrum.
    #     ps = galsim.PowerSpectrum(b_power_function = b_power_function)

    # All the random number generator classes derive from BaseDeviate.
    # When we construct another kind of deviate class from any other
    # kind of deviate class, the two share the same underlying random number
    # generator.  Sometimes it can be clearer to just construct a BaseDeviate
    # explicitly and then construct anything else you need from that.
    # Note: A BaseDeviate cannot be used to generate any values.  It can
    # only be used in the constructor for other kinds of deviates.
    # The seeds for the objects are random_seed..random_seed+nobj-1 (which comes later), 
    # so use the next one.
    nobj = n_tiles * n_tiles
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed+nobj)

    # Now have the PowerSpectrum object build a grid of shear values for us to use.
    grid_g1, grid_g2 = ps.buildGrid(grid_spacing=stamp_size*pixel_scale, ngrid=n_tiles, rng=rng)

    # Setup the images:
    gal_image = galsim.ImageF(stamp_size * n_tiles , stamp_size * n_tiles)
    psf_image = galsim.ImageF(stamp_size * n_tiles , stamp_size * n_tiles)

    im_center = gal_image.bounds.trueCenter()

    # We will place the tiles in a random order.  To do this, we make two lists for the 
    # ix and iy values.  Then we apply a random permutation to the lists (in tandem).
    ix_list = []
    iy_list = []
    for ix in range(n_tiles):
        for iy in range(n_tiles):
    # This next function will use the given random number generator, rng, and use it to
    # randomly permute any number of lists.  All lists will have the same random permutation
    # applied.
    galsim.random.permute(rng, ix_list, iy_list)

    # Build each postage stamp:
    for k in range(nobj):
        # The usual random number generator using a different seed for each galaxy.
        rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed+k)

        # Determine the bounds for this stamp and its center position.
        ix = ix_list[k]
        iy = iy_list[k]
        b = galsim.BoundsI(ix*stamp_size+1 , (ix+1)*stamp_size, 
                           iy*stamp_size+1 , (iy+1)*stamp_size)
        sub_gal_image = gal_image[b]
        sub_psf_image = psf_image[b]

        pos = b.trueCenter() - im_center
        pos = galsim.PositionD(pos.x * pixel_scale , pos.y * pixel_scale)
        # The image comes out as about 211 arcsec across, so we define our variable
        # parameters in terms of (r/100 arcsec), so roughly the scale size of the image.
        r = math.sqrt(pos.x**2 + pos.y**2) / 100
        psf_fwhm = 0.9 + 0.5 * r**2   # arcsec
        psf_e = 0.4 * r**1.5
        psf_beta = (math.atan2(pos.y,pos.x) + math.pi/2) * galsim.radians

        # Define the PSF profile
        psf = galsim.Gaussian(fwhm=psf_fwhm)
        psf.applyShear(e=psf_e, beta=psf_beta)

        # Define the pixel
        pix = galsim.Pixel(pixel_scale)

        # Define the galaxy profile:

        # For this demo, we are doing a ring test where the same galaxy profile is drawn at many
        # orientations stepped uniformly in angle, making a ring in e1-e2 space.
        # We're drawing each profile at 20 different orientations and then skipping to the
        # next galaxy in the list.  So theta steps by 1/20 * 360 degrees:
        theta = k/20. * 360. * galsim.degrees

        # The index needs to increment every 20 objects so we use k/20 using integer math.
        index = k / 20
        gal = gal_list[index]

        # This makes a new copy so we're not changing the object in the gal_list.
        gal = gal.createRotated(theta)

        # Apply the shear from the power spectrum.  We should either turn the gridded shears
        # grid_g1[iy, ix] and grid_g2[iy, ix] into gridded reduced shears using a utility called
        # galsim.lensing.theoryToObserved, or use ps.getShear() which by default gets the reduced
        # shear.  ps.getShear() is also more flexible because it can get the shear at positions that
        # are not on the original grid, as long as they are contained within the bounds of the full
        # grid. So in this example we'll use ps.getShear().
        alt_g1,alt_g2 = ps.getShear(pos)
        gal.applyShear(g1=alt_g1, g2=alt_g2)

        # Apply half-pixel shift in a random direction.
        shift_r = pixel_scale * 0.5
        ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(rng)
        theta = ud() * 2. * math.pi
        dx = shift_r * math.cos(theta)
        dy = shift_r * math.sin(theta)

        # Make the final image, convolving with psf and pix
        final = galsim.Convolve([psf,pix,gal])

        # Draw the image

        # Now add noise to get our desired S/N
        # See demo5.py for more info about how this works.
        sky_level_pixel = sky_level * pixel_scale**2
        noise = galsim.PoissonNoise(rng, sky_level=sky_level_pixel)
        sub_gal_image.addNoiseSNR(noise, gal_signal_to_noise)

        # Draw the PSF image:
        # We use real space convolution to avoid some of the 
        # artifacts that can show up with Fourier convolution.
        # The level of the artifacts is quite low, but when drawing with
        # no noise, they are apparent with ds9's zscale viewing.
        final_psf = galsim.Convolve([psf,pix], real_space=True)

        # For the PSF image, we also shift the PSF by the same amount.

        # No noise on PSF images.  Just draw it as is.

        logger.info('Galaxy (%d,%d): position relative to center = %s', ix,iy,str(pos))

    logger.info('Done making images of postage stamps')

    # Now write the images to disk.
    images = [ gal_image , psf_image ]
    galsim.fits.writeMulti(images, file_name)
    logger.info('Wrote image to %r',file_name) 
Пример #21
 def get_offset(obj_num):
     return galsim.PositionD(np.sin(999. * (obj_num + 1)),
                             np.sin(998. * (obj_num + 1)))
Пример #22
def test_interleaveImages():
    import time
    t1 = time.time()

    # 1a) With galsim Gaussian
    g = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7, flux=1000.)
    gal = galsim.Convolve([g, galsim.Pixel(1.0)])
    im_list = []
    offset_list = []
    n = 2
    for j in xrange(n):
        for i in xrange(n):
            im = galsim.Image(16 * n, 16 * n)
            offset = galsim.PositionD(-(i + 0.5) / n + 0.5,
                                      -(j + 0.5) / n + 0.5)

    scale = im.scale

    # Input to N as an int
    img = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(im_list, n, offsets=offset_list)
    im = galsim.Image(16 * n * n, 16 * n * n)
    g = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7, flux=1000. * n * n)
    gal = galsim.Convolve([g, galsim.Pixel(1.0)])
                  offset=galsim.PositionD(0.0, 0.0),
                  scale=1. * scale / n)
        err_msg="Interleaved Gaussian images do not match")

    assert im.wcs == img.wcs

    # 1b) With im_list and offsets permuted
    offset_list = []
    # An elegant way of generating the default offsets
    DX = np.arange(0.0, -1.0, -1.0 / n)
    DX -= DX.mean()
    DY = DX
    for dy in DY:
        for dx in DX:
            offset = galsim.PositionD(dx, dy)

    np.random.seed(42)  # for generating the same random permutation everytime
    rand_idx = np.random.permutation(len(offset_list))
    im_list_randperm = [im_list[idx] for idx in rand_idx]
    offset_list_randperm = [offset_list[idx] for idx in rand_idx]
    # Input to N as a tuple
    img_randperm = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(
        im_list_randperm, (n, n), offsets=offset_list_randperm)

        err_msg="Interleaved images do not match when 'offsets' is supplied")
    assert img_randperm.scale == img.scale

    # 1c) Catching errors in offsets
    offset_list = []
    im_list = []
    n = 5
    # Generate approximate offsets
    DX = np.array([-0.67, -0.33, 0., 0.33, 0.67])
    DY = DX
    for dy in DY:
        for dx in DX:
            offset = galsim.PositionD(dx, dy)
            im = galsim.Image(16, 16)
            gal.drawImage(image=im, offset=offset, method='no_pixel')

        N = (n, n)
        np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError, galsim.utilities.interleaveImages,
                                 im_list, N, offset_list)
    except ImportError:
        print "The assert_raises tests require nose"

    offset_list = []
    im_list = []
    n = 5
    DX = np.arange(0., 1., 1. / n)
    DY = DX
    for dy in DY:
        for dx in DX:
            offset = galsim.PositionD(dx, dy)
            im = galsim.Image(16, 16)
            gal.drawImage(image=im, offset=offset, method='no_pixel')

        N = (n, n)
        np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError, galsim.utilities.interleaveImages,
                                 im_list, N, offset_list)
    except ImportError:
        print "The assert_raises tests require nose"

    # 2a) Increase resolution along one direction - square to rectangular images
    n = 2
    g = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7, flux=100.)
    gal1 = g.shear(g=1. * (n**2 - 1) / (n**2 + 1), beta=0.0 * galsim.radians)
    im_list = []
    offset_list = []

    # Generating offsets in a natural way
    DY = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / (n * n))
    DY -= DY.mean()
    for dy in DY:
        im = galsim.Image(16, 16)
        offset = galsim.PositionD(0.0, dy)
        gal1.drawImage(im, offset=offset, method='no_pixel', scale=2.0)

    img = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(im_list,
                                            N=[1, n**2],
    im = galsim.Image(16, 16 * n * n)
    # The interleaved image has the total flux averaged out since `add_flux = False'
    gal = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7 * n, flux=100.)
    gal.drawImage(image=im, method='no_pixel', scale=2.0)

        err_msg="Sheared gaussian not interleaved correctly")
    assert img.wcs == galsim.JacobianWCS(2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2. / (n**2))

    # 2b) Increase resolution along one direction - rectangular to square images
    n = 2
    g = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7, flux=100.)
    gal2 = g.shear(g=1. * (n**2 - 1) / (n**2 + 1), beta=90. * galsim.degrees)
    im_list = []
    offset_list = []

    # Generating offsets in a natural way
    DX = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / n**2)
    DX -= DX.mean()
    for dx in DX:
        offset = galsim.PositionD(dx, 0.0)
        im = galsim.Image(16, 16 * n * n)
        gal2.drawImage(im, offset=offset, method='no_pixel', scale=3.0)

    img = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(im_list,
                                            N=np.array([n**2, 1]),
    im = galsim.Image(16 * n * n, 16 * n * n)
    gal = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7, flux=100. * n * n)
    scale = im_list[0].scale
    gal.drawImage(image=im, scale=1. * scale / n, method='no_pixel')

        err_msg="Sheared gaussian not interleaved correctly")
    assert img.wcs == galsim.JacobianWCS(1. * scale / n**2, 0.0, 0.0, scale)

    # 3) Check compatability with deInterleaveImage
    n = 3
    g = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=3.7, flux=100.)
    gal = g.shear(
        g=0.2, beta=0. * galsim.degrees
    )  # break symmetry to detect possible bugs in deInterleaveImage
    im_list = []
    offset_list = []

    # Generating offsets in the order they would be returned by deInterleaveImage, for convenience
    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(n):
            im = galsim.Image(16 * n, 16 * n)
            offset = galsim.PositionD(-(i + 0.5) / n + 0.5,
                                      -(j + 0.5) / n + 0.5)
            im.setOrigin(3, 3)  # for non-trivial bounds

    img = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(im_list, N=n, offsets=offset_list)
    im_list_1, offset_list_1 = galsim.utilities.deInterleaveImage(img, N=n)

    for k in xrange(n**2):
        assert offset_list_1[k] == offset_list[k]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(im_list_1[k].array, im_list[k].array)
        assert im_list_1[k].wcs == im_list[k].wcs

        assert im_list[k].origin() == img.origin()
        assert im_list[k].bounds == im_list_1[k].bounds

    # Checking for non-default flux option
    img = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(im_list,
    im_list_2, offset_list_2 = galsim.utilities.deInterleaveImage(
        img, N=n, conserve_flux=True)

    for k in xrange(n**2):
        assert offset_list_2[k] == offset_list[k]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(im_list_2[k].array, im_list[k].array)
        assert im_list_2[k].wcs == im_list[k].wcs

    t2 = time.time()
    print 'time for %s = %.2f' % (funcname(), t2 - t1)
Пример #23
def test_psf_config():
    """Test building the two PSF types using the config layer.
    data_dir = 'des_data'
    psfex_file = "DECam_00154912_12_psfcat.psf"
    fitpsf_file = "DECam_00154912_12_fitpsf.fits"
    wcs_file = "DECam_00154912_12_header.fits"

    image_pos = galsim.PositionD(123.45, 543.21)

    config = {
        'input': {
            'des_shapelet': {
                'dir': data_dir,
                'file_name': fitpsf_file
            'des_psfex': [
                    'dir': data_dir,
                    'file_name': psfex_file
                    'dir': data_dir,
                    'file_name': psfex_file,
                    'image_file_name': wcs_file
        'psf1': {
            'type': 'DES_Shapelet'
        'psf2': {
            'type': 'DES_PSFEx',
            'num': 0
        'psf3': {
            'type': 'DES_PSFEx',
            'num': 1
        'psf4': {
            'type': 'DES_Shapelet',
            'image_pos': galsim.PositionD(567, 789),
            'flux': 179,
            'gsparams': {
                'folding_threshold': 1.e-4
        'psf5': {
            'type': 'DES_PSFEx',
            'image_pos': galsim.PositionD(789, 567),
            'flux': 388,
            'gsparams': {
                'folding_threshold': 1.e-4
        'bad1': {
            'type': 'DES_Shapelet',
            'image_pos': galsim.PositionD(5670, 789)

        # This would normally be set by the config processing.  Set it manually here.
        'image_pos': image_pos,


    psf1a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf1')[0]
    fitpsf = galsim.des.DES_Shapelet(fitpsf_file, dir=data_dir)
    psf1b = fitpsf.getPSF(image_pos)
    gsobject_compare(psf1a, psf1b)

    psf2a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf2')[0]
    psfex0 = galsim.des.DES_PSFEx(psfex_file, dir=data_dir)
    psf2b = psfex0.getPSF(image_pos)
    gsobject_compare(psf2a, psf2b)

    psf3a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf3')[0]
    psfex1 = galsim.des.DES_PSFEx(psfex_file, wcs_file, dir=data_dir)
    psf3b = psfex1.getPSF(image_pos)
    gsobject_compare(psf3a, psf3b)

    gsparams = galsim.GSParams(folding_threshold=1.e-4)
    psf4a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf4')[0]
    psf4b = fitpsf.getPSF(galsim.PositionD(567, 789),
    gsobject_compare(psf4a, psf4b)

    # Insert a wcs for thes last one.
    config['wcs'] = galsim.FitsWCS(os.path.join(data_dir, wcs_file))
    config = galsim.config.CleanConfig(config)
    psfex2 = galsim.des.DES_PSFEx(psfex_file, dir=data_dir, wcs=config['wcs'])
    psf5a = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf5')[0]
    psf5b = psfex2.getPSF(galsim.PositionD(789, 567),
    gsobject_compare(psf5a, psf5b)

    del config['image_pos']
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimConfigError):
        galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf1')[0]
    with assert_raises(galsim.GalSimConfigError):
        galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'psf2')[0]
    with assert_raises(galsim.config.gsobject.SkipThisObject):
        galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'bad1')[0]
Пример #24
cpus = comm.Get_size()

# cosmology
omega_m0 = 0.31
omega_lam0 = 1 - omega_m0
h = 0.6735
H_0 = 100 * h

cosmos = FlatLambdaCDM(H_0, Om0=omega_m0)

# Halo parameters
Mass = 3*10 ** 13  # M_sun/h
conc = 6  # concentration
len_z = 0.2  # redshift
halo_position = galsim.PositionD(0, 0)  # arcsec
com_dist_len = cosmos.comoving_distance(len_z).value * h  # Mpc/h
print("Lens plane at z = %.2f, %.5f Mpc/h" % (len_z, com_dist_len))

# lens profile
CF = hk_gglensing_tool.Cosmos_flat(omega_m0, 100*h)
CF.NFW_profile_galsim((0,0), Mass, conc, len_z)

param_path = "/home/hklee/work/Galaxy_Galaxy_lensing_test/cata/background/continue_source_z_9/params"
separation_bin_num = 1
Rmin, Rmax = 0.05, 0.07  # Mpc/h

separation_bin = hk_tool_box.set_bin_log(Rmin, Rmax, separation_bin_num + 1)

result = numpy.zeros((6, separation_bin_num))
Пример #25
def test_shapelet_fit():
    """Test fitting a Shapelet decomposition of an image
    for method, norm in [('no_pixel', 'f'), ('sb', 'sb')]:
        # We fit a shapelet approximation of a distorted Moffat profile:
        flux = 20
        psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3.4, half_light_radius=1.2, flux=flux)
        psf = psf.shear(g1=0.11, g2=0.07).shift(0.03, 0.04)
        scale = 0.2
        pixel = galsim.Pixel(scale)
        conv = galsim.Convolve([psf, pixel])
        im1 = conv.drawImage(scale=scale, method=method)

        sigma = 1.2  # Match half-light-radius as a decent first approximation.
        shapelet = galsim.FitShapelet(sigma, 10, im1, normalization=norm)
        #print('fitted shapelet coefficients = ',shapelet.bvec)

        # Check flux
        print('flux = ', shapelet.getFlux(), '  cf. ', flux)
            shapelet.getFlux() / flux,
            err_msg="Fitted shapelet has the wrong flux")

        # Test centroid
        print('centroid = ', shapelet.centroid(), '  cf. ', conv.centroid())
            err_msg="Fitted shapelet has the wrong centroid (x)")
            err_msg="Fitted shapelet has the wrong centroid (y)")

        # Test drawing image from shapelet
        im2 = im1.copy()
        shapelet.drawImage(im2, method=method)
        # Check that images are close to the same:
        print('norm(diff) = ', np.sum((im1.array - im2.array)**2))
        print('norm(im) = ', np.sum(im1.array**2))
        print('max(diff) = ', np.max(np.abs(im1.array - im2.array)))
        print('max(im) = ', np.max(np.abs(im1.array)))
        peak_scale = np.max(np.abs(
            im1.array)) * 3  # Check agreement to within 3% of peak value.
            im2.array / peak_scale,
            im1.array / peak_scale,
            err_msg="Shapelet version not a good match to original")

        # Remeasure -- should now be very close to the same.
        shapelet2 = galsim.FitShapelet(sigma, 10, im2, normalization=norm)
            err_msg="Second fitted shapelet has the wrong sigma")
            err_msg="Second fitted shapelet has the wrong order")
            err_msg="Second fitted shapelet coefficients do not match original"

        # Test drawing off center
        im2 = im1.copy()
        offset = galsim.PositionD(0.3, 1.4)
        shapelet.drawImage(im2, method=method, offset=offset)
        shapelet2 = galsim.FitShapelet(sigma,
                                       center=im2.trueCenter() + offset)
            err_msg="Second fitted shapelet has the wrong sigma")
            err_msg="Second fitted shapelet has the wrong order")
            err_msg="Second fitted shapelet coefficients do not match original"
Пример #26
def measurement_function_NL(profile,

    print "    "
    print "n: ", n
    print "beta: ", beta

    #### Calculate moments without effect
    image = profile.drawImage(image=galsim.Image(base_size, base_size),
                              scale=pixel_scale / n,
    #print  np.amax(image.array), np.sum(image.array)
    if not noise == None:
        read_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(sigma=noise / (n**2))
    results = image.FindAdaptiveMom(hsmparams=new_params, precision=1e-7)
    ref_e1 = results.observed_shape.e1
    ref_e2 = results.observed_shape.e2
    ref_s = results.moments_sigma

    print "ref_e1, ref_e2, ref_s", ref_e1, ref_e2, ref_s

    ## Interleave the profiles
    im_list = []
    offsets_list = []
    #create list of images to interleave-no effect
    for j in xrange(n):
        for i in xrange(n):
            im = galsim.Image(base_size, base_size)
            offset = galsim.PositionD(-(i + 0.5) / n + 0.5,
                                      -(j + 0.5) / n + 0.5)
            print "Offset: ", offset
            if type == 'bf':
                #cd = PowerLawCD(5, 5.e-7, 5.e-7, 1.5e-7, 1.5e-7, 2.5e-7, 2.5e-7, 1.3)
                cd = BaseCDModel(aL, aR, aB, aT)
                im = cd.applyForward(im)
            elif type == 'nl':
                im.applyNonlinearity(f, beta)
                print "wrong type: 'bf' or 'nl' "

    image = galsim.utilities.interleaveImages(im_list=im_list,
                                              N=(n, n),
    print "Image shape, after interleave: ", image.array.shape
    if not noise == None:
        read_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(sigma=noise)
    results = image.FindAdaptiveMom(hsmparams=new_params)
    e1_inter_vec.append(results.observed_shape.e1 - ref_e1)
    e2_inter_vec.append(results.observed_shape.e2 - ref_e2)
    size_inter_vec.append((results.moments_sigma - ref_s) / ref_s)
Пример #27
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

# Just some temporary testing stuff
if __name__ == "__main__":

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import galsim

    IMSIZE = 40

    # First make a noise field with an even number of elements
    enoise = galsim.ImageViewD(np.random.randn(IMSIZE, IMSIZE))
    encf = galsim.correlatednoise.CorrFunc(enoise)
    print encf.SBProfile.xValue(galsim.PositionD(0, 0))

    # Then make a noise field with an odd number of elements
    onoise = galsim.ImageViewD(np.random.randn(IMSIZE + 1, IMSIZE + 1))
    oncf = galsim.correlatednoise.CorrFunc(onoise)
    print oncf.SBProfile.xValue(galsim.PositionD(0, 0))

    testim = galsim.ImageD(10, 10)
    cv = encf.SBProfile.getCovarianceMatrix(testim.view(), dx=1.)
    #plt.pcolor(cv.array); plt.colorbar()

    # Construct an image with noise correlated in the y direction
    ynoise = galsim.ImageViewD(enoise.array[:, :] +
                               np.roll(enoise.array, 1, axis=0))
Пример #28
def test_scattered():
    """Test aspects of building an Scattered image
    import copy
    import time
    t1 = time.time()

    # Name some variables to make it easier to be sure they are the same value in the config dict
    # as when we build the image manually.
    size = 48
    stamp_size = 20
    scale = 0.45
    flux = 17
    sigma = 0.7
    x1 = 23.1
    y1 = 27.3
    x2 = 13.4
    y2 = 31.9
    x3 = 39.8
    y3 = 19.7

    # This part of the config will be the same for all tests
    base_config = {'gal': {'type': 'Gaussian', 'sigma': sigma, 'flux': flux}}

    # Check that the stamps are centered at the correct location for both odd and even stamp size.
    base_config['image'] = {
        'type': 'Scattered',
        'size': size,
        'pixel_scale': scale,
        'stamp_size': stamp_size,
        'image_pos': {
            'type': 'XY',
            'x': x1,
            'y': y1
        'nobjects': 1
    for convention in [0, 1]:
        for test_stamp_size in [stamp_size, stamp_size + 1]:
            # Deep copy to make sure we don't have any "current_val" caches present.
            config = copy.deepcopy(base_config)
            config['image']['stamp_size'] = test_stamp_size
            config['image']['index_convention'] = convention

            image, _, _, _ = galsim.config.BuildImage(config)
            np.testing.assert_equal(image.getXMin(), convention)
            np.testing.assert_equal(image.getYMin(), convention)

            xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(
                np.arange(size) + image.getXMin(),
                np.arange(size) + image.getYMin())
            obs_flux = np.sum(image.array)
            cenx = np.sum(xgrid * image.array) / flux
            ceny = np.sum(ygrid * image.array) / flux
            ixx = np.sum((xgrid - cenx)**2 * image.array) / flux
            ixy = np.sum((xgrid - cenx) * (ygrid - ceny) * image.array) / flux
            iyy = np.sum((ygrid - ceny)**2 * image.array) / flux
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(obs_flux / flux, 1, decimal=3)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cenx, x1, decimal=3)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ceny, y1, decimal=3)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ixx / (sigma / scale)**2,
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ixy, 0., decimal=3)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(iyy / (sigma / scale)**2,

    # Check that stamp_xsize, stamp_ysize, image_pos use the object count, rather than the
    # image count.
    config = copy.deepcopy(base_config)
    config['image'] = {
        'type': 'Scattered',
        'size': size,
        'pixel_scale': scale,
        'stamp_xsize': {
            'type': 'Sequence',
            'first': stamp_size
        'stamp_ysize': {
            'type': 'Sequence',
            'first': stamp_size
        'image_pos': {
            'items': [
                galsim.PositionD(x1, y1),
                galsim.PositionD(x2, y2),
                galsim.PositionD(x3, y3)
        'nobjects': 3

    image, _, _, _ = galsim.config.BuildImage(config)

    image2 = galsim.ImageF(size, size, scale=scale)
    gal = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=sigma, flux=flux)
    pix = galsim.Pixel(scale)
    conv = galsim.Convolve([pix, gal])

    for (i, x, y) in [(0, x1, y1), (1, x2, y2), (2, x3, y3)]:
        stamp = galsim.ImageF(stamp_size + i, stamp_size + i, scale=scale)
        if (stamp_size + i) % 2 == 0:
            x += 0.5
            y += 0.5
        ix = int(np.floor(x + 0.5))
        iy = int(np.floor(y + 0.5))
        stamp.setCenter(ix, iy)
        dx = x - ix
        dy = y - iy
        conv2 = conv.createShifted(dx * scale, dy * scale)
        b = image2.bounds & stamp.bounds
        image2[b] += stamp[b]

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(image.array, image2.array)

    t2 = time.time()
    print 'time for %s = %.2f' % (funcname(), t2 - t1)
Пример #29
def objects_to_galsim(img,
    Convert the HSC objects into GalSim model image.
        import galsim
    except ImportError:
        raise Exception("# Please install GalSim first!")

    # Shape of the image
    img_shape = img.shape

    # Empty image
    img_empty = np.zeros(img_shape)

    # This is the "canvas" of the model
    img_model = galsim.ImageF(img_shape[1], img_shape[0])

    # The "true" center of the image is allowed to be halfway between two pixels, as is the
    # case for even-sized images.  full_image.center is an integer position,
    # which would be 1/2 pixel up and to the right of the true center in this case.
    img_center = img_model.true_center

    # Pass the WCS from the header of the image to GalSim
    # img_wcs = galsim.AstropyWCS(wcs=cutout_wcs)

    # Pass the PSF image to GalSim
    if psf_model is not None:
        psf_obj = galsim.InterpolatedImage(galsim.image.Image(psf_model),
        psf_obj = None

    # Go through the list of objects, there appears to be no other way than a for loop

    for ii, obj in enumerate(objects):
        # Position of the image
        img_position = galsim.PositionD(obj['x'], obj['y'])

        # Get the offset of the object on the canvas
        obj_offset = galsim.PositionD(img_position.x - img_center.x + 1.,
                                      img_position.y - img_center.y + 1.)

        # Seperate the type of the object
        if obj[extended] < 0.5:
            if np.isfinite(obj[psf_mag]) & (obj[psf_mag] > 0):
                # Generate a star
                psf_flux = abmag_to_image(obj[psf_mag])
                psf = psf_obj.withFlux(psf_flux)
                # Add it to the empty image
                img_empty += psf.drawImage(img_model, offset=obj_offset).array
                print("# Cannot generate star {} with magnitude {}".format(
                    ii, obj[psf_mag]))
            if (np.isfinite(obj[exp_mag]) & (obj[exp_mag] > 0)
                    & np.isfinite(obj[dev_mag]) & (obj[dev_mag] > 0)
                    & np.isfinite(obj[gal_mag]) & (obj[gal_mag] > 0)):
                    # The exponential component
                    flux_exp = abmag_to_image(obj[exp_mag])
                    shape_exp = galsim.Shear(
                        beta=obj['cmodel_exp_ellipse_theta'] * galsim.degrees)
                    comp_exp = galsim.Exponential(
                    comp_exp = comp_exp.shear(shape_exp)

                    # The De Vacouleurs component
                    flux_dev = abmag_to_image(obj[dev_mag])
                    shape_dev = galsim.Shear(
                        beta=obj['cmodel_dev_ellipse_theta'] * galsim.degrees)
                    comp_dev = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(
                        trunc=(6.0 * obj['cmodel_dev_ellipse_r']))
                    comp_dev = comp_dev.shear(shape_dev)

                    # Combine the two component
                    cmodel = galsim.Add([comp_exp, comp_dev])
                    if psf_obj is not None:
                        # Convolution with PSF
                        cmodel = galsim.Convolve([cmodel, psf_obj])

                    # Add it to the empty image
                    img_empty += cmodel.drawImage(img_model,
                except Exception:
                        "# Cannot generate galaxy {} with magnitude {}".format(
                            ii, obj[gal_mag]))
                print("# Problematic galaxy {} with magnitude {}".format(
                    ii, obj[gal_mag]))

    return img_empty
Пример #30
 def _get_local_jacobian(self, *, x, y):
     return self.wcs.jacobian(image_pos=galsim.PositionD(x=x + 1, y=y + 1))